Modern Architecture, Modern Architecture: A Critical History
Modern Architecture, Modern Architecture: A Critical History
Modern Architecture, Modern Architecture: A Critical History
Grahame Shane
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conventional histories and his voice becomes detailed, and difficult to read. This cacophany
more strident and polemical. Dal Co continues continues into the third part of the book, which
to provide normative chapters, on American brings themes into the post World War II era,
Books state planning in the New Deal, on Modern
Classicism, on the role of the Masters, on Ro-
and terminates with the Tafurian conclusion.
Frampton is conscious of this cacophany, which
mantic Nationalism and Totalitarian regimes, as sometimes makes his text appear like a bad
well as on planning after World War II. But translation, and he writes in the introduction of
Tafuri's voice and polemic predominate, repeat- a "mosaic" of short chapters and how his "inter-
Modern Architecture by Manfredo Tafuri and ing themes from his Architecture and Utopia, pretative stance" had varied according to the
Francesco Dal Co New York: Abrams, 1979. 448 portraying the Werkbund, the Bauhaus, expres- subject under consideration. In the structural-
pp, illus, $37.50. sionism, "rigorism," the influence of cubism, ist approach multiple voices were held within
Modern Architecture: A Critical History by purism and Dada, etc., as so many negative one coordinating, methodological framework
Kenneth Frampton. New York and Toronto: Ox- antitheses to the profession's dilemma. and ultimately constrained by the central mys-
ford University Press, 1980. 324 pp, illus, $9.95 In the search for synthesis, the modernist's tery, the "silence" of Pascale's "Hidden God."
paper. preoccupation with metropolis and mass hous- Frampton moves beyond this framework, while
ing falls into place as another attempt to reenter invoking a silence which is no longer central,
It is curious that there exists no fundamental the productive cycle of buiding. As a result of nor a constraint or obstacle. Perhaps this histo-
text for the study of the history of the modern their social-democratic orgins, the attempts of ry might be considered the first post-structural-
movement in architecture. Much could be said the architects and administrations of Lyons, ist history, a transitional piece leading to a fully
about the attitude of the modernists to history Amsterdam, Vienna and Frankfurt, as well as Post-modern history.
and the low profile of architectural historians in the avant garde in Russia, are seen as reformist, It is more probable that Frampton's ambition
professional schools and pre-professional col- false ideological syntheses. While the postwar was to write the first textbook history of mod-
leges. The modern movement has relied upon avant garde left production in the hands of ern architecture. Tafuris radical polemic might
mindless technocrats and commercial interests, appear to disqualify his work from this role.
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