OIW-EX 1000 Oil in Water Monitors: Spectrometer Handbook Version: EX-002
OIW-EX 1000 Oil in Water Monitors: Spectrometer Handbook Version: EX-002
OIW-EX 1000 Oil in Water Monitors: Spectrometer Handbook Version: EX-002
OIW-EX 1000
Oil in Water Monitors
Spectrometer Handbook
Document code: OIW-HBO-0005
Version: EX-002
Document History
1. Version A Draft..........First draft – separated from
installation and User Handbook 1st May 2007
2. Version B Draft..........Updated to reflect change to support the
v2 Spectrometer 3rd April 2009
3. Version C ...................Preface page updated 12th June 2009
4. Version 1....................First Release after Review 29th June 2009
5. Version 2....................Updated in-line with Version 4 of the
OIW software 19th Jan 2010
This handbook is part of a library of handbooks that cover the full operation of the OIW-EX
Series of products. The table below indicates the handbooks available. Please ensure that you
have read all handbooks required for your job function.
Note: please ensure you have the latest version of these documents – password protected
copies of the documents together with a table of the latest revisions are available on-line at:
The passwords may be obtained directly from Advanced Sensors Ltd.
Handbooks Descriptions
Code Handbook Description OIW EX Model
0001 Installation Hardware related details required for the physical
installation of the OIW-EX Series of units. 9 9 9
0002 User An overview of the operation of the OIW-EX Series of
products and details how to configure the unit. 9 9 9 9
0003 Data Logging Information on how to access and examine the data log
and system log files. 9 9 9 9
0004 Remote How to control the OIW-EX Series of units remotely.
9 9 9 9
0005 Spectrometer Operation of the spectrometer and associated
Spectrometer files. 9 9 9
0006 Wireless Set up and use of the handheld wireless controller.
0007 Flush Valve Operation of the OIW-EX Series of units when a Flush
Valve is fitted. O O O
0008 Dual Flow Operation of the OIW-EX Series of units when used in
a Dual Flow Mode. O O O
0009 Microscopy Operation of the OIW-EX Series of units with
Microscopy files. 9
0010 Hart Operation of the OIW-EX Series of units with
supporting Hart. O O O O
0011 In-Line Probe Operation of the OIW-EX Series of units with an
In-Line Probe. 9
0012 In-Line Probe Installation of the OIW-EX Series of units with an
In-Line Probe. 9
9 = Required O = Optional
Table of Contents
1 OIW-EX 1000 - Spectrometer Handbook............................................................. 6
1.1 Introduction....................................................................................................6
1.2 Modes of Operation .......................................................................................6
1.3 Health & Safety..............................................................................................6
3 Using SpAn......................................................................................................... 24
3.1 Starting SpAn...............................................................................................24
3.2 Loading a spectrum log File ........................................................................25
3.3 Auto Scaling.................................................................................................28
3.4 Identifying Points on the Graph...................................................................29
3.5 Saving/Loading Spectral Data File Sets ......................................................29
3.6 Printing.........................................................................................................31
Caution – an instruction that draws attention to the risk of damage to the product,
process or surroundings.
NOTE: although Warning hazards are related to potential personal injury, and
Caution hazards are associated with material damage, it must be understood that
operation of damaged equipment could lead to personal injury or death. All
Warning and Caution hazards must be complied with.
This manual relates to the functionality of the OIW-EX Series unit at software release v4 and
CAUTION: This manual describes the operation and use of the spectrometer
features only NOT the installation. Ensure that the unit has been correctly installed
in line with the Installation Handbook prior to use.
NOTE: although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution
hazards are associated with material damage, it must be understood that operation of
damaged equipment could lead to personal injury or death. Therefore all Warning
and Caution hazards must be complied with.
2 Spectrometer Overview
The OIW-EX Series fitted with a Spectrometer enhances the functionality of the standard unit
by incorporating an optical spectrum analyser unit which allows for enhanced analyses of the
produced water in the sample chamber.
The following OIW-EX Series models all have Spectrometer fitted as standard:
• OIW-EX1000,
• OIW-EX1000P and
• OIW-EX4000.
Advanced Sensors software suite includes SpAn. The SpAn software tool simplifies the
analysis of multiple optical scans.
As with all data logs generated by the OIW-EX Series of products the spectrum analyser files
are created in generates industry standard .csv file format allowing the user the flexibility to
analyse the data in a tool of their choosing.
The following sections will detail the operation of the spectrum analyser unit and will provide
details on how to use the SpAn software – details will also be provided on the file format
should the use wish to analyse the data with alternative tools.
The following OIW-EX Series models all have Spectrometer fitted as standard1:
• OIW-EX1000,
• OIW-EX1000P and
• OIW-EX4000.
The following sections will detail the operation of the spectrum analyser unit and will provide
details on how to use the SpAn software – details will also be provided on the file format
should the use wish to analyse the data with alternative tools.
Though out the rest of this Handbook the term OIW-EX1000 is used; but this also covers all OIW-EX Series
with a Spectrometer fitted; i.e. OIW-EX1000, OIW-EX1000P and OIW-EX4000.
Clicking the “Spectra” button, see Figure 3c, when the oil ppm level is displayed, will display
the Spectra screen on view, see Figure 3d.
Clicking the “Hide” button, see Figure 3d, when Spectra view is displayed will display the oil
ppm level, see Figure 3c.
Clicking the button, see Figure 3e, when Spectra view is displayed will display the oil
ppm level and the Spectra, see Figure 3f.
Clicking the button, see Figure 3f, when the oil ppm level and Spectra are displayed will
display just the oil ppm level, see Figure 3c.
The spectrum analyser can take a reading based on any one of three conditions:
• The OIW System software periodically requests a reading – based on a user selectable
time period;
• The PPM level rises above the “User Set” trigger level;
• The user manually requests a reading.
Each of these trigger conditions will be discussed in more detail below but the reading cycle
remains the same for each condition.
The user can have any combination of trigger conditions including all conditions at the same
time i.e. the system can be set to trigger a reading every hour and trigger a reading if 100ppm is
exceeded and select a manual reading. Note: only one reading will be taken at a time.
NOTE: if the spectrometer was not detected or if communications between the main
OIW system and the spectrum analyser are lost the Take Spectra button is replaced
with the word Fault.
As with the oil detection system the spectrum analyser requires the laser light as an
illumination source therefore the analyser will not operate when the measurement cycle is in
the stopped position.
Sample 1
Sample 2
Relative Intensity
A new control Sample remaining until standard set will appear; this will be
decremented each time a sample is taken; see Figure 8.
Either leave for scheduled to run or to take a spectrometer standard just click the Take
Spectra button; see Figure 9. Repeat this process until all samples have been taken, see
Figure 11
The spectrum analyser can take a reading based on any one of three conditions:
• The OIW System software periodically requests a reading – based on a user selectable
time period;
• The PPM level rises above the “User Set” trigger level;
• The user manually requests a reading.
Each of these trigger conditions will be discussed in more detail below but the reading cycle
remains the same for each condition.
The user can have any combination of trigger conditions including all conditions at the same
time i.e. the system can be set to trigger a reading every hour and trigger a reading if 100ppm is
exceeded and select a manual reading. Note: only one reading will be taken at a time.
You may change the frequency at which Spectra are taken by using the
“Spectrometer reading taken every” XX “Measurement Cycles” control, Figure 12.
The Level Trigger Value allows any ppm level to be entered in the range 0 to 50000. If a value
of 0 is entered ppm level spectrum readings will not be taken as a value of 0 (zero) disables this
The greater this value, the smoother the data and the higher the signal-to-noise ratio. However,
if the value entered is too high, a loss in spectral resolution results.
The three integration times relate to the different integration time available to avoid clip the
If IT1was set to 600ms, IT2 was set to 300ms and IT3 set to 200ms.
The OIW EX 1000 software would take a Spectra using IT1 and check for Spectral clipping.
If Spectral clipping occurred with IT1 then the OIW EX 1000 software would take a Spectra
using IT2 and check for Spectral clipping.
If Spectral clipping occurred with IT2 the OIW EX 1000 software would take a Spectra using
IT1 = 600ms
IT2 = 300ms
Light Intensity
IT3 = 200ms
Wave length nm
If IT1, IT2 and IT3 are set to the same value then the OIW EX 1000 software does not attempt
to resolve Spectral clipping.
Each spectrum data log has a unique file name as shown in the example below, Figure 23.
3 Using SpAn
SpAn (Spectrum Analyser) is Advanced Sensors software tool used to view the Spec log files.
Note: as mention previously the files can be view with a variety of tools such as NotePad and
analysis can be done in programs like Microsoft’s Excel program.
When the file loads the red button will change to display the filename it has loaded
(Figure 28d) and the data within that file will be displayed in the graph area (Figure 28c).
In addition the Hide buttons option will be enabled (Figure 28e) (prior to loading a file this
option was disabled, as seen above Figure 27), and the next button in line (blue button
(Figure 28f)) will also become enabled.
Once the second (blue) button has been enable the process can be repeated to load a second file
into SpAn – and in turn the third (green) button will be enabled, allowing the user to load a
third file etc. – up to six files can be loaded simultaneously into SpAn for analysis and
comparison. Figure 29 below, shows two spectrum data loaded into SpAn. The colour of each
line on the graph corresponds with the colour of the file name on the Load button.
If the user wishes to see the red line fill the screen then they can hide all larger graph lines by
selecting their Hide button’s – as can be seen in Figure 30 below. Notice how the blue Hide
button has changed to read Unhide to highlight that a graph has been loaded, but has been
Once saved the file set name will be displayed at the bottom of the screen, Figure 32e, where
previously No File Loaded was displayed.
Once a file set has been saved it can be loaded back into SpAn by selecting the FileÎLoad
from the top tool bar, see Figure 33, or by pressing CTRL L. This will bring up standard
windows Open window and will list all file set filenames previous store, as shown below,
Figure 34. Selecting a file set name and clicking on the Open button will re-display the set of
spectrum files previously saved.
3.6 Printing
The SpAn graph area can be output to a printer by selecting the FileÎPrint from the top tool
bar, see Figure 35, or by pressing CTRL P. This will bring up a standard windows print menu
where the user can select the printer and adjust printer options. In addition to this option there
are two other options Print Setup and Print Preview – these are standard windows settings
which allows the user to adjust various aspects of the printout.