Do Japanese Candlestick Patterns Help Identify Profitable Trading Opportunities? An Analysis On Selected Forex Markets
Do Japanese Candlestick Patterns Help Identify Profitable Trading Opportunities? An Analysis On Selected Forex Markets
Do Japanese Candlestick Patterns Help Identify Profitable Trading Opportunities? An Analysis On Selected Forex Markets
هل تساعد نماذج الشموع اليابانية على إيجاد فرص تداول مربحة؟
تحليل ألسواق عمالت أجنبية مختارة
Aisha Ahmed Ameen
Faculty of Business
Dissertation Supervisor
Dr. Elango Rengasamy
January, 2013
ID: 100068
Japanese candlestick charts were first introduced to the Western world in 1989
by Steve Nison. No one in the West got to know about the Japanese technical
analysis before the first edition of his textbook, and no charting packages
included them either prior to the first edition. Japanese candlestick patterns have
become very popular since then. Japanese candlestick patterns are technical
trading rules that are used to predict price directions based on the relationship
between opening, high, low and closing prices. Currently many market
participants are implementing Japanese candle patterns as part of their robust
trading systems. This research examines the profitability of four bullish and four
bearish Japanese candlestick reversal patterns in seven foreign exchange
currencies which represent both advanced and emerging foreign currency
markets. These currencies include AUD/USD, USD/CAD, EUR/USD, GBP/USD,
USD/INR, USD/JPY and USD/ZAR. The sample covers a 12-year span of 3,129
observations. The statistical z score test is used to test the statistical significance
of the returns at 5% level for seven holding periods. The RSI is used with three
candle patterns to further filter the results. The findings show strong evidence of
some profitable candlestick reversal patterns in foreign currency markets.
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I take this opportunity to thank all the people who have helped me understand
and obtain the necessary information to conduct and complete this research.
Table of Contents
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Chapter 1
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Foreign exchange markets have been the main target for most of the market
participants to internationally trade, invest and hedge foreign currency risk exposure.
The uniqueness of this kind of financial market is mainly due to its high liquidity,
leverage, and geographical and time zone coverage. According to an article published
by Bloomberg and based on information released by the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) in September 2012, foreign currency trading may have reached $5
trillion a day, exceeding the highest level reached prior the collapse of Lehman Brothers
in 2008. Though trading fell to approximately $4.7 trillion a day in October, 2012, and
likely to fall further, it is still remains the number-one financial market for all market
participants. (Worrachate and Goodman, 2012) check
The global financial market place has evolved significantly during the last decade.
Investment and hedging strategies have changed accordingly. Market participants have
been exploring different strategies that would enable them to generate maximum
returns with minimum risk. Investment fund managers and risk managers, for example,
consult fundamental analysis, value investing strategy, technical analysis and any other
possible tool they could add to their trading-strategies portfolio.
There are various tools that market participants use in foreign exchange markets,
especially for spot foreign currency trading. This is mainly because a large portion of
investment activity in the foreign exchange market is conducted through spot trading.
The spot foreign exchange market has been closely examined to look for profitable
opportunities and find the best investment and trading strategies. Both fundamental
analysis and technical analysis have been used to predict price movements though they
differ significantly. Fundamental analysts study the cause of the price movements,
whereas technical analysts examine the effect (Murphy, 1999). Recently, many
investment managers and individual traders integrate fundamental and technical
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analysis in their investing and trading strategies, which has been found very rewarding.
They use fundamental analysis for long-term investment strategies, and use technical
analysis for short-term trading activities. According to a survey conducted by Taylor and
Allen (1992), 90 per cent of foreign exchange traders in London use price charts as
technical trading rules for short-term trading.
Though technical analysis is used widely, some academicians and market followers still
believe that returns are not predictable and that technical analysis cannot be used to
forecast prices. Although there is a challenge of turning technical analysis into a
science, a lot of studies have been conducted to examine the profitability of technical
trading rules statistically in financial markets. Considering the information above, this
research attempts to examine the profitability of using technical trading rules to predict
price movements of selected foreign currencies. These technical rules are called
Japanese candlestick patterns that were originally used by Munehisa Homma who
made a fortune from trading them in the rice market in 1700s (Nison, 2001). Details of
different Japanese candlestick trading patterns are discussed later in the research. The
next sections include the rational of the research, the research problems, the objectives
of the research, and the null hypotheses, followed the limitations of the research.
Foreign exchange markets are one of the main targets for most of the market
participants as they are considered the largest financial markets in the world. Market
participants who access foreign exchange market include traders, fund managers,
pension fund managers, banks, corporate and other financial institutions. Foreign
exchange markets do not only provide trading and investment opportunities, but they
also offer risk managers great opportunities to trade as hedging activities that would
enable them to mitigate the foreign exchange risk exposure resulting from uncertainty in
high price volatility. This research is important because it can serve different financial
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institutions and traders for investment and hedging decision making, and academicians
who are looking for tested trading results.
This research is also important because it examines major foreign exchange currencies
that represent advanced and emerging economies which provide different trading
opportunities especially after the recent financial meltdown that started in 2007.
Emerging markets have become one of the main targets for investors as they have
showed potential for high returns when compared with other advanced economies.
Despite the fact that emerging markets may still present a high risk of political
uncertainly, local infrastructure issues and illiquidity, they still provide good opportunities
for outside investors. Emerging markets have been experiencing faster economic
growth, measured by their GDP, though still partially impacted by the slow global
economic growth resulted from the Euro Zone debt crisis and the US fiscal cliff fears.
The foreign exchange currencies include five advanced market currencies and two
emerging market currencies against the US dollar: the Australian dollar, the British
pound, the Canadian dollar, the Euro, the Japanese yen, the South African rand and
Indian rupee, respectively. There are four main reasons to select these currencies: 1)
they are highly liquid; 2) they are considered trade, commodity and hedging currencies;
3) they reflect both advanced and emerging foreign markets; 4) they represent different
economies and geographical regions and 5) the data period used in the analysis is long
and very recent. All these factors together make this research interesting and attractive.
researches find that financial markets, including foreign exchange markets, are efficient,
and that technical trading rules cannot be used to forecast future price movements,
supporting the weak form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH).
On the other hand, other empirical studies reject the concept of the first form of the
EMH and find that technical trading rules can be profitable indeed. These findings of
successful trading rules have been documented empirically using different sample data
of different financial markets, across different time periods and in different regions. The
findings show that some financial markets have been found informationally inefficient.
The foreign exchange market efficiency has also been examined, and strong evidence
of profitable technical trading rules, has been found.
To test the weak form of the EMH and examine the predictive power of technical trading
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rules of selected Japanese candle reversal patterns in foreign currencies, the following
null hypotheses are tested:
1. H0: All Japanese candlestick reversal patterns cannot be used to forecast foreign
currency price movements.
Ha: Japanese candlestick reversal patterns can be used to forecast
foreign currency price movement.
There are two main limitations encountered while working on the methodology. The first
one is the inability to include USD/CNY in the sample as an emerging market foreign
currency; this is due to the missing data of high and low rates from the beginning of the
sample period till the end of August, 2005, downloaded from Thomson Reuters. This
currency has received a lot of attention recently and many market participants have
shown interest in it through diversifying their portfolios; emerging markets have shown
promising profitable opportunities especially after the last financial crisis, Euro Zone
debt issue and the US fiscal cliff threat. However, since this research addresses
emerging market foreign currencies as well, USD/ZAR is selected as a replacement for
the Chinese Yuan. Many financial institutions, especially airlines and logistics firms have
profits or repatriation in USD/ZAR, adding another reason to include it in the sample.
The second limitation is the lack of solid knowledge in programming to transform the
subjectivity of different variations of Japanese candlestick patterns into an objective
software or model that would both identify the patterns and test them statistically. This
limitation is partially addressed through using excel formulas and statistical tests and
find the identified ones on real charts to ensure the patterns are properly reflected.
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The rest of the research paper is organized as follows: Chapter two introduces the
Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) in its three forms; Chapter three discusses the
difference between fundamental analysis and technical analysis as well as subjective
technical analysis versus objective technical analysis; Chapter four includes an
explanation of terms and concepts and a survey of literature reviews, followed by a
summary of reviews, comments and criticism; Chapter five introduces the technical
trading rules of the Japanese candlestick patterns and the Relative Strength Index
(RSI); Chapter six explains the methodology that includes the sample data and the
analytical tools used to test the null hypotheses; Chapter seven includes the discussion
of the study analysis; Chapter eight summarizes the findings and recommendations and
finally Chapter nine includes the conclusion, followed by bibliography and appendices.
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Chapter 2
Efficient Market
Hypothesis (EMH)
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Markets with prices that consistently and fully reflect available information are called
efficient. This is the building block of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) that was
brought up by Fama and was further developed by him in 1970. Fama (1970) divides
the EMH into three forms of market efficiencies, depending on relevant information that
stock prices adjust to. These subsets include the weak form, the semi-strong form and
the strong form.
The weak form states that future prices cannot be predicted by examining historical
prices and used to generate excess returns. Therefore, investment strategies and
decisions cannot be made based on technical analysis. This means that security prices
do not have any particular pattern and future price movements are subject to
information that is not part of price series. Thus, security prices follow a random walk
rather than particular historical patterns, and that market participants cannot profit from
market inefficiencies.
The semi-strong form discusses the ability of stock prices to adjust efficiently to
information that is available to the public, such as different announcements of annual
profits and stock splits. It states that stock prices adjust to available new information to
the public very fast and objectively. Thus, market participants cannot earn excess
returns through trading that kind of information. This form states that both fundamental
analysis and technical analysis cannot be used to beat the market and make superior
Finally, the strong form of the EMH is concerned with certain individuals or groups that
might have monopolistic access to such private information. This form implies that stock
prices represent both public and private information. Thus, market participants will not
be able to use any kind of information to generate excess returns.
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In brief, the EMH implies that the reaction of market participants is random. Thus,
market prices cannot be exploited to consistently generate any excess returns,
particularly when accounting for the transaction costs of spreads and commissions.
Market participants can be wrong, but the markets are always right.
Mixed empirical evidence exists in the literature that either support or reject the EMH.
Although the EMH is supported by some academicians and market participants, it has
also been disputed by many investors and researchers both empirically and
theoretically. One of the important studies in the literature is the research conducted by
Lo and Mackinlay (1989) on the Random Walk Theory. They examine the theory using
weekly stock returns for the period from 1962 and 1985. The results strongly reject the
Random Walk model for the whole sample.
The EMH has started to lose some weight. Interestingly, even leading proponents of the
theory have started to divert in their belief in the validity of the random walk concept.
Burton Malkiel, a famous American economist and the author of “A Random Walk Down
Wall Street”, who has been a big supportive of the EMH, has recently pointed out that
some emerging markets like China, particularly Shanghai and Shenzhen financial
markets, have been found inefficient. (Malkiel, Mei and Yang, 2006)
Some EMH proponents still argue that luck is the main reason behind some successful
traders. However, being the most successful investor of the 20th century ranked among
the world's wealthiest people, Warren Buffett argued against them and stated that the
number of the large part of successful investors among the best money managers just
dispute the argument above. Warren Buffet is among other super-investors who have
managed to beat index funds many times. More than twenty seven years ago, Buffet
mentioned that there were nine investors who invested in different firms; they had made
more profits than what index funds did. They were able to beat the market by a big
margin and performed very well even when the market was not attractive. (Buffett,
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The latest finical crisis that started in 2007 has also renewed the criticism of the EMH.
Jeremy Grantham, one of the highly respected financial strategists and investors, stated
that the EMH is responsible for the current financial crisis. He said that the belief in the
model has made financial leaders underestimate the dangerous implications of asset
bubbles, such as the dot-com and housing bubbles, as stock prices were not irrational
after all. He was quoted that NASDAQ would correct 75 per cent which does not exist in
an efficient market as this would indicate that growing shares have turned more
valuable. (Nocera, 2009)
The EMH has become controversial as evidence of substantial and lasting inefficiencies
are observed, opening the door to direct and indirect criticism of all the three forms. The
history of many financial markets records various cases with fund and other investments
mangers showing outstanding performance and being able to beat the market
consistently. Though the weak form states stock price movements are random or
trendless, given unchanged fundamental information, many researchers have found
evidence that stock markets and other financial markets do trend. They have also found
that there is an existence of a correlation between trending and length of the time frame,
collecting another evidence to reject the weak form of the hypothesis. Other studies
have revealed that market participants can make abnormal returns by trading stock
dividend and other announcements including major economic indicators and central
banks interventions in the foreign exchange markets. Moreover, there are different
financial anomalies that have been found in the markets and have enabled market
investors to generate excess returns. These findings clearly reject the second form of
the EMH. Similarly, the last form of the EMH can be easily challenged; one can argue
that the excess return made through insider trading is a good example that simply
disputes the strong form of the EMH.
The key debate about making abnormal returns and beating the market “consistently”
by the proponents of the EMH will always be challenged by the strategies that result in
making excess returns from trading technical trading rules, dividend announcement and
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financial anomalies and executing insider trading. EMH proponents do not only have to
justify how the above can simply reject the three forms of the EMH, but also explain the
rational of such asset bubbles and their subsequent collapse. This research addresses
the weak form of the EMH and examines the predictive power of selected Japanese
candle reversal patterns as technical trading rules.
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Chapter 3
Fundamental Analysis (FA)
Vs Technical Analysis (TA)
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Fundamental analysis and technical analysis are the two main approaches used by
funds and other finance managers to analyse a security value and monitor risk and
return tradeoffs while managing portfolios. There has always been a debate on which
approach is superior to the other one and whether they substitute or complement each
Fundamental analysts focus on security market price and its true values. In order to
invest in a stock or any other financial security, fundamental analysts study the
economic factors of supply and demand, which affect the price directions. In particular,
they assess all the factors that can affect the security market price in order to determine
the intrinsic value of that security (Murphy, 1999). Fundamentalists look at the book
value and examine financial statements and use price-to-book ratio. Earnings are
another key factor that reflects the income power of a stock, using the price-earnings
ratio. These two ratios are important for many fundamentalists because they show the
deviation of the shares from asset backing of the security. The second ratio of price to
earnings shows the deviation of the shares from the earning power of the stock
(Raymond, 12). So, if the intrinsic value is below the market price, this means that the
security is overpriced and should be liquidated. However, if the intrinsic value is above
the market the price, it means that the security is underpriced and it should be added to
the portfolio.
On the other hand, technical analysts believe that fundamental factors of securities are
discounted and accounted for in the market price itself. Technical analysts study the
market action as they believe that prices move in trends and that history patterns in
financial markets repeat themselves. They forecast future market prices through
examining short-, intermediate- and long-term trend directions, price patterns, technical
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oscillators, time cycles, inter-market analysis and other technical tools (Murphy, 1999).
As for the fundamental analysis, the technical analysis has also attracted a lot of
investors, practitioners and academicians. The recognition of historical price
movements to forecast future directions goes back to a number of editorials written by
Charles Dow published between 1900 and 1902 in Wall Street Journal. These
publications have encouraged further research and revisit of existing literature to assess
the profitability of technical analysis and test the validity of the EMH.
Nowadays, technical analysis is widely used by many big institutional investors and
other market participants, in their trading and investing strategies. The power of
mathematics of artificial intelligence as well as price pattern identification software has
been growing so drastically (Raymond, 2012). The globalization and the integration of
different financial markets worldwide along with the advanced technology have enabled
technical analysts to adjust their trading strategies very rapidly when there are major
movements. These speedy tools are not available for the fundamentalists.
One could argue against each analysis performance. Many big fund managers are
fundamentalists, such as Warren Buffet, John Templeton, Peter Lynch and Liu Yang.
They follow value investing and fundamental analysis in their investment decisions.
Warren Buffett avoided IT shares prior the IT bubble at the time investors were laughing
at him. At that time, he acknowledged he should get a “D” grade for his portfolio
performance. Another credit that goes for the value investing approach is when John
Templeton went for short positions on IT IPO when other traders were celebrating their
big returns. In these cases, both fundamental and value investing analysis won at the
end. However, a lot of fundamental analysts were caught by surprise in the sudden
collapse in some stock markets. In 2011, Hong Kong stock market collapsed when the
market PE was not expensive at all at that time. That is one of the situations when the
fundamentalists fell in the value trap (Raymond, 2012). This brings the importance of
technical analysis in spotting trend changes and potential reversals well ahead.
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A lot of studies have been conducted to examine the ability of fundamental and
technical analyses to assist funds and risk mangers to make correct decisions.
Evidence of the profitability of technical analysis is explored in details in the literature
review section. Other studies have gone further by examining the ability of integrating
both analyses to optimize and further fine-tune investment and risk management
strategies. Bettman, Sault and Welch (2006) propose an equity valuation model which
integrates both analysis. Their sample includes US listed firms from January, 1983 to
December, 2002. The results confirm that each analysis performs well when applied
separately. However, the authors find that the integration of fundamental and technical
analysis produces superior results. Thus, the finding confirms the nature of both
analyses as complements rather than substitutes. Cooper (2011) also provides a simple
framework that integrates both technical and fundamental analyses. His paper is
expository in nature and explains the concepts without any mathematical evidence. It
addresses the challenges of integrating technical and fundamental analyses in an
optimum manner. It opens the door for practitioners and academicians to use the ideas
in their testing models and explore the integration of both analyses in the future.
The literature shows evidence of a growing success of using technical and fundamental
analyses as complements in the trading strategy and investment decisions. In fact, both
analyses forecasting the market attempt to resolve the same issue of determining future
price directions. The fundamental analyst examines the cause of the market direction,
whereas the technical analyst studies the effect. At the start of major market moves,
usually fundamental analysts are not able to explain what the market tends to do. This
is the market stage when the two approaches fail to agree with each other. However, at
some stage later, the two approaches do come back into sync, but not early enough for
the trader to react. Another explanation for the discrepancies between the two is that
market price movements tend to lead fundamentals. Since the known fundamentals
have already been accounted for in the market, prices are currently responding to
unfamiliar fundamentals. History records that some of the major bull and bear markets
have started with little or zero perceived change in the fundamentals. At the time these
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changes became familiar, the fresh trend is already in place. With the passage of time,
technical analysts can develop growing confidence in their price chart signals and they
become among the minority who can spot a change in trend directions. They know at
some stage that the reasons for that trend reversal will become known to others.
Last but not least, if a trader has a choice between the two approaches, the choice
would logically be the technical analysis. By default, technical analysis includes the
fundamentals. If the fundamentals are accounted for in the market price, it makes less
sense to study those fundamentals. In other words, chart analysis has become a
shortcut of fundamental or value investing analysis. Given the explanation above, it
makes sense that one would depend on technical analysis in trading or investment
decisions. It is doubtful that anyone can depend solely on fundamentals, ignoring the
timing advantage of the technical analysis (Murphy, 1999). The explored literature in the
literature review chapter represents different studies that examine the predictive power
of using technical analysis in financial markets, with a focus on foreign currency
Technical analysis is further divided into subjective technical analysis and objective
technical analysis, introduced in the next section.
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Technical analysis can be classified into two categories: subjective and objective
technical analysis (TA). Subjective TA refers to methods and patterns of analysis that
cannot be clearly defined. This leads to the conclusion that technical analysts are open
to personal views and interpretations when they use their technical trading rules. This
means that it is possible for different analysts using the same method of same data
sets, to have different findings. Thus, subjective trading rules cannot be tested and they
are exempted from empirical examinations. Examples of subjective TA can include
Gann Lines, trend channels, price chart patterns and divergences. (Aronson, 2007)
On the other hand, objective TA is clearly defined. When an objective trading rule is
applied on a market data set, its signals are very clear and there is no room for
ambiguity. This helps simulating technical methods on different historical data and
identifying their performance level accuracy. In other words, it allows back testing. Thus,
any objective method can be repeatable; it enables technical analysts and
academicians to re-test previous findings of profitable technical trading rules and
perhaps refute current statistical evidence. Examples of objective TA include moving
average crosses. . (Aronson, 2007)
In a nutshell, one can distinguish between subjective and objective TA through using
the programmability criterion; that is, a method is considered objective only if it can be
implemented in a computer programme that can generate clear market positions. Any
other technical trading methods that cannot be programmed become subjective by
default. Subjective TA can be eliminated either through a shift into objective methods or
rejection. (Aronson, 2007)
Aronson (2007) classifies TA into four main categories: 1) subjective TA, 2) objective TA
with unidentified statistical significance, 3) objective TA that does not have statistical
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It has been very challenging not only to move TA to a science, which is transforming
subjective TA into objective TA, but also to convince analysts who have been very
proud of their technical trading rules, of the importance of the statistical significance
tests and results. A good example in the literature that attempts to transform subjective
TA into objective TA is done by Chang and Osler (1999). They objectify the price
pattern of head and shoulders after facing a lot of problems. Among the main challenge
faced is setting up the pattern parameters as in reality the pattern does depart from the
ideal one. The authors decide to define objective rules that could discriminate valid from
invalid head-and-shoulder patterns. These objective rules include percentage filters
known as an Alexander filter, similar to a zigzag indicator that can identify peaks and
troughs. They further develop innovative approaches that could qualify the pattern, such
as vertical and horizontal symmetry and the time taken to form the pattern. (Aronson,
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There are a lot of valid attempts that have been observed in the literature. The literature
review section provides various studies that attempt to test different trading rules
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Chapter 4
Literature Review
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This chapter is divided into two main parts: explanations of terms and concepts found
later in the literature reviews and a survey of literature reviews.
Data mining is the process of searching for patterns, models and predictive rules
in large data. (Aronson, 2007)
Japanese candlestick patterns are formations that are derived from open, high,
low and close prices; they can be of one-day or more that have reversal and
continuation predictive power.
NOVA is a statistical test that tests the difference in mean returns between
multiple groups.
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Over the past three decades, researchers have provided good evidence that the foreign
exchange markets are inefficient, disputing the Random Walk Theory and the EMH.
There is trustworthy evidence that simple technical rules or a combination or trading
rules applied by a wide range of market participants, have proven to have predictive
power of security prices. Thus, the reality that simple trading rules generate abnormal
large returns in financial markets indicates a serious challenge to the traditional market
hypotheses. To test the predictive power of technical analysis over different time frames
and data samples, researchers have examined various financial markets of stocks,
foreign exchange, bonds and commodities. Some findings show strong evidence of
profitable technical trading rules, whereas others show poor or no evidence.
This section explores different studies that examine the profitability of various technical
trading rules in different financial markets. More attention is given to the technical
trading strategies of Japanese candlestick patterns and samples covering foreign
currency markets where possible. The literature reviews focus primarily on the
outcomes of applying technical analysis and its predictive value of future price
movements. The literature survey is divided into four main streams: the first part covers
the studies done in the stock and foreign exchange markets that show evidence of
profitable technical trading rules; the second part covers the researches that use
technical analysis in presence of central bank interventions. The third part reviews
studies that apply Japanese candlestick trading rules. The fourth part includes the
studies that find poor or no evidence of profitable technical trading rules. Questionnaire
surveys on the application of technical analysis in trading decisions are also included in
the literature. Each part reviews the literature chronologically from the oldest to the most
recent ones to reflect the development that has been made since early 1980s.
Examining the profitability of technical analysis in financial markets has started very
early. Longworth (1981) uses CAD/USD spot and forward rates from July 1970 to
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October 1976. He finds that forward rates can be predicted using spot reference rates,
concluding that markets are inefficient.
Brock, Lakonishok and LeBaron (1992) examine two simple, common trading rules:
moving averages and range breakouts in the DJIA, from 1897 to 1986. Having applied a
standard statistical analysis of the bootstrap method, the results reveal strong evidence
of the technical trading strategies applied. The buy signals are found to constantly
produce higher returns than sell signals. Also, the returns following buy signals are less
volatile compared with the returns generated by sell signals.
Levich and Thomas (1994) examine the impact of technical trading strategies in the
foreign exchange market by using futures contracts of a 15-year time span. Their data
sample covers the years from 1976 to 1990. After applying bootstrap methodology, and
a statistical approach, thousands of new exchange rate series are randomly generated;
each tested series’ profitability is examined using a technical analysis approach. The
empirical results of profit significance in both original series and randomly generated
series are compared. The findings reveal that technical trading systems are significantly
profitable. Although some profits declined during the five years of 1986-90, on an
average, the profiles are found still positive and significant in some periods. Thus, these
results provide evidence of profitability and statistical evidence of how technical trading
systems are profitable in the foreign exchange market.
Gencay (1997) also finds strong evidence of profitable simple technical trading rules in
daily Dow Jones Industrial Average Index. Having examined linear and nonlinear
predictability of stock market return using historical buy and sell signals of the moving
average rules, the result shows evidence of nonlinear predictability in the US stock
markets, supporting the results found by Brock, Lakonishok and LeBaron (1992).
Osler (2000) examines the technical trading rules of support and resistance levels
provided by six foreign exchange trading companies. The data sample covers the
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period from 1996 to 1998. The statistical test of the bootstrap technique is used. The
results show that signals are very successful in forecasting trend interruptions or
reversals. The findings also show that some companies are more accurate in
indentifying turning points in exchange rate trends. Overall, the prediction in USD/JPY
and GBP/USD rates are more accurate than the prediction in DM/USD. Also, it is found
that the predictive power of the support-resistance levels tend to last five working days
at least once the levels are published to the public.
Osker (2003) examines clustering of foreign currency stop-loss orders as well as take-
profit orders as they are considered main orders when placing trading orders. His data
covers 9,655 orders with a total of more than $55 billion, from August 1, 1999, to April
11, 2000. His sample covers three foreign currencies: USD/JPY, EUR/USD and
GBP/USD. He uses the crowded orders to provide an explanation for two common
predictions of technical analysis. First, trends are likely to reverse directions at support
and resistance areas. Second, trends are likely to move faster after prices penetrate
such levels. He finds that take-profit orders gather at round numbers, explaining the first
profit forecasting, whereas stop-loss orders concentrate heavily just after round
numbers; this explains the reason behind the second forecasting. These findings are
obtained based on the closing rates of both orders placed at the famous dealing bank of
National Westminster. The order clustering phenomenon is due to different common
reasons; round numbers are easy to remember and to place orders at as they are the
first to come to anyone’s mind. The final results show that technical trading rules can be
profitable for market participants.
Omrane and Oppens (2004) use other technical trading strategies. They examine the
presence of price chart patterns in intra-day EUR//USD, using both close and high-low
prices. They search for 12 chart patterns and study them, based on the two criteria of
profitability and predictability. Using the statistical methodology of Monte Carlo
simulation to calculate results’ statistical significance, the authors find evidence of chart
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patterns in the foreign exchange market. The results reveal that more than 50 per cent
of the charts that are identified, has high predictability.
Similarly, Shik and Chong (2007) also find technical trading rules profitable in foreign
exchange markets. They apply moving averages and Relative Strength Index (RSI)
using daily rates of six foreign currencies. They find that the profitability of using moving
averages is obvious even though currencies belong to various economic areas.
In their paper, Lento and Gradojevic (2007) examine the profitability of technical trading
rules by assessing their ability to outperform the trading strategy of buy and hold. The
sample covers S&P/TSX 300 Index, NASDAQ Composite Index, Dow Jones Industrial
Average Index and CAD/USD spot exchange rate, from May 1995 to December 1994.
The trading strategies include moving average cross rules, Bollinger Bands, filter rules
and breakout rules of trading ranges. After accounting for the transaction costs, excess
returns are generated by moving average cross-over rules and trading range break-out
rules for the S&P/TSX 300 Index, NASDAQ Composite Index and the CAD/USD spot
exchange rate. Filter rules also earn excess returns when applied on the CAD/USD spot
exchange rate. The bootstrap methodology is used to determine the statistical
significance of the results. The profitability of the technical trading rules is further
enhanced with a combined signal approach. The results show that a combined single
strategy does outperform the buy-and-hold trading strategy even after accounting for
transaction costs.
Park and Scott (2007), re-visit the historical testing measures of the profitability of
technical analysis in the empirical literature; both early (1960–1987) and modern (1988–
2004). Early studies show that technical trading rules are profitable in foreign exchange
markets and futures markets only, but not in the stock markets. Modern studies,
however, reveal that technical trading rules constantly generate economic profits in
different markets. It is worth to mention that although strong evidence of the profitability
of technical analysis is found in early studies, many empirical researches faced a lot of
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problems in their tests, such as data snooping, selection of trading strategies and
estimation of transaction cost. Early studies are characterized with different limitations in
their tests, application of very few trading strategies, ignorance of trading rules risk and
statistical significance of returns, absence of parameter optimization, out-of-sample
verification and less attention to data snooping problems. On the other hand, modern
studies show an overall improvement; earlier limitations encountered in the early
studies, have been reduced; the number of trading rules used for testing has been
increased; risk of trading strategies has been given high attention; both conventional
statistical tests and sophisticated bootstrap methods have been applied with an
emphasis on trading rule optimization as well as out-of-sample verification. Also, other
empirical factors, such as order flows clustering, interventions of central banks and
unstable market inefficiencies have been introduced as an explanation of technical
trading returns. Final results of the study reveal that out of total modern studies of 95,
56 studies find technical analysis profitable in trading; 20 show negative results and 19
find mixed results.
Though difficult to explain how technical trading strategies of price patterns might be
profitable, Friesen, Weller and Dunham (2007) provide a modal that shows evidence of
how such price pattern trading rules can be profitable in the US stock markets. The data
covers a six-year period from January 1999 to December 2005. The researchers
highlight the significance of confirmation bias. Traders who obtain data and trade on
that information are likely to bias their reading of subsequent information towards the
direction of their initial view. This generates autocorrelations and price patterns that can
forecast future prices like the head-and-shoulders and double-top price patterns. Also,
the researchers find that their model can predict positive autocorrelation with sequential
price. The prediction is tested and the results are found statistically and economically
Stephen (2008) examines the profitability of using technical models of moving averages
and momentum that add up to 1024 technical trading rules in DM/USD. He finds that all
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the trading rules are profitable. The profitability is mainly because of the exploitation of
exchange rate trends; the result stay valid even with sub-periods trading and declining
profit during late 1980s. The results of the best 25 performing models in-the-sample
period from 1973 to 1999 are almost as good as those generated in the out-of-sample
period of 2000-2004 in the majority of the cases. It is worth to mention that the risk of
making losses when applying each of these models is almost zero, adding another plus
to the profitability of technical analysis in trading foreign exchange currencies.
Researchers keep exploring various trading rules scientifically. Cekirdekci and Iliev
(2010) test different set ups as well as exit strategies for trading opening range
breakouts of 30-minute time frame. The research examines a technical trading system
using and back tests of around 250 stocks from various industry sectors, from April
2005 to April 2010. The initial tested set ups include buy and sell filters, inside bar,
simple and exponential moving averages, a volume indicator, per cent trailing exist,
overbought and oversold areas of Relative Strength Index and ATR Ratchet. The
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results show that, when combining buy and sell signals with other indicators, such as
the volume indicator, the opening range is a powerful model; it generates significant
returns when traded with the correct stock.
Similarly, Holmberg, Lönnbark and Lundström (2012) test the profitability of the trading
strategy of the “Open Range Breakout (ORB), but in the US crude oil futures prices from
March , 1983 to January, 2011. The ORB is a trading rule that signals entry and exit
rules once the price moves beyond predefined boundaries. Using the joint distribution of
low, high, open and close prices over a period of time, the researchers find that their
ORB trading rule significantly generates high returns.
There are other researchers who also examine the impact of central bank intervention
on the predictability of trading rules in foreign exchange markets. LeBaron (1998)
reviews some evidence that shows predictive value over future foreign exchange prices.
He analyses the profitability of simple trading rules in relation with central bank activity,
using intervention information from the Fed. His forecasts are assessed over one day
and one week periods. His sample uses weekly and daily foreign exchange rates of
Deusche mark (DM) and Japanese yen (JP) from January 1979 to December 1992. The
interest rate series used is one week Euro rates. The trading rules compare the current
price with a moving average of historical prices. He finds that the predictability of
exchange rates diminishes during the periods when the Fed is inactive. This leads to
the conclusion that there is a positive correlation between the Fed intervention in the
market and the profitability of the trading rules used to predict foreign exchange rates.
Using a genetic programming for the Duetuche mark, Japanese yen, British pound and
Swiss franc, and US official intervention, Neely and Weller (2000) show that
interventions could be considered as trading signals themselves. They use simple
moving averages as trading rules covering a sample from 1975 through 1998. In fact,
they don’t support earlier observations that find intervention activities lead to profit in the
foreign exchange markets. Their findings rather show that the profitability of technical
trading rules is a result of strong and constant trends in exchange rates, which
intervention is intended to turn around.
Moreover, analyzing daily exchange rates of USD/DEM as well as daily USD and DEM
overnight Euro rates, from January 1979 to July 1994, Saacke (2002) provides further
evidence of the unusual profitability of applying technical trading strategies on days
when the Fed and Bundesbank interventions take place. The central banks are found to
gain returns when they intervene in foreign exchange markets and with the usefulness
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of technical analysis. Intervention returns and trading rule profitability are evaluated
during horizons and post interventions. Exchange rates are found to react in the
opposite direction of central banks’ intentions in the short term, but in line with their
targets in the long term. The researchers find that the trading rules of using moving
averages are considerably profitable on the days when the central banks interfere. The
findings also reveal that trading rules returns are still high on days in which interventions
did not take place or on preceding days. This means that central banks’ interventions
are not the only cause of trading rule returns. Shik and Chong (2007) also find out that
the technical rules correlate positively with the interventions of the central banks.
There is little attention given to the Japanese candlestick patterns in the literature even
though they were widely used in rice trading activities in Japan, and have been found
very powerful when combined with other technical trading rules (Nison, 2003). Recent
studies on the Japanese candle patterns are found. Goo, Chen and Chang (2007)
examine the profitability of Japanese candlestick patterns using daily data. Their sample
includes 25 shares that are partially listed in Taiwan Top 50 Tracker Fund and Taiwan
Mid-Cap 100 Tracker Fund, for 12 years from 1997 to 2006, and with 2,580
observations for each stock. The main objective of the study is to indentify profitable
candle patterns as well as profitable holding periods that would generate abnormal
returns for investors. They use six bullish single-line patterns and seven bullish candle
pasterns for ten holding periods using a stop-loss strategy as well. The first group
includes the long white candle, the white Marubozu, the closing white Marubozu, the
opening white Marubozu, the dragon doji and the paper umbrella; the second group
includes the hammer, the bullish engulfing, the piercing lines, the bullish harami, the
three inside up, the three outside up and the tweezers bottom. The t test is used to
statistically test the profitability of the patterns; NOVA and Duncan’s various range tests
are also applied to compare the profitability of the patterns across the ten holding
periods. In general, the results show that there is evidence of some profitable candle
patterns at different holding periods. The researchers find that the bullish reversal
patterns are the most profitable patterns and that the profitability of various candle
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patterns depends on the holding periods. Another finding is that the long holding
periods are appropriate for the two candle categories with few exceptions. The results
also show that the -5% stop-loss strategy does improve the performance of the
candlestick trading rules.
Lana, Zhanga and Xiongb (2011) develops a model that visualizes Japanese
candlestick patterns in Chinese stock markets. The model transforms the prices of
open, close, high and low into “fuzzy” candle charts. The sample includes selected
stocks listed in four markets:” SSE A Share, SSE B Share, Shenzhen A share and
Shenzhen B share” from January 2000 to December 2010. The results show that the
model is able to identify the reversal patterns and that it can be used to indentify early
stock reversal signals through “symptoms sequence”. The researchers will further
enhance the model with additional fuzzy variables to reflect candlestick lines, such as
the position of body and shadows to fine-tune the prediction results.
In addition to the previous studies, Haibin, Zhao and Wang (2012) examine the
performance of the Japanese candlestick patterns in predicting equity returns using
both in-sample and out-of-the-sample forecasts. Monthly data of main global financial
markets are used; these markets include “FTSE100, DAX, CAC40 in Europe;
NIKKEI225 (NK), HangSeng (HS) and Strait Times (ST) in Asia”. Also, monthly data of
Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P500) is collected to find out if the candle patterns have
reached the US markets as well. The researchers find that the Japanese candlestick
patterns do have predictive power in both in-sample and out-of-sample forecasts. In all
the cases, the Japanese trading rules are found superior to the simple buy-and-hold.
Also, it is found that there is important information that spreads out from the US stock
market to the other financial markets
Lu, Shiu and Liu (2012) investigate the profitability of candle patterns that are composed
of two lines through buying on bullish (bearish) patterns and holding the trades till
bearish (bullish) patterns take place. Their sample includes daily prices of stocks listed
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in the Taiwan Top 50 Tracker Fund from 29 October 2002 to end of 2008. The
researchers study three bearish reversal patterns and three bullish reversal patterns.
These are the bearish engulfing, the harami, the dark-cloud cover, the piercing lines, the
bullish engulfing and the bullish harami, respectively. The bootstrap methodology is
used. The results show that the three bullish patterns are found generally more
profitable than the beaish patterns. The returns of the three bullish patterns are found
statistically significant in the Taiwan stock market.
On the other hand, some researches find conflicting results or even variations within
results that are not in line with the findings above. The results vary from lacking of
evidence of the profitability to declining profits when simple trading rules are applied.
Levich and Thomas (1993) note weak evidence that the profitability of their rules
declines in their final subsample period, 1986 to 1990. Lee and Mathur (1996) apply
moving averages and channel trading systems on ten currency pairs in foreign
exchange spot market. Their sample includes “AUD/JPY, GBP/JPY, CAD/JPY,
trading systems are not profitable.
LeBaron (2002) finds that the abnormal returns resulting from applying a 150-day
moving average, from June 1973 to August 2002, decrease during the 1990s. His
sample covers the British pound, German mark and Japanese yen. He assumes that
data snooping or economic issues could be the main reason for earlier positive results.
Applying simple moving average trading rules on longer time periods, Olson (2004) also
finds different results on the profitability of the moving average trading rules. He re-
customizes moving average rules in a five-year period from 1971 to 1995. He then tests
the trading rule in 5-year out-of-sample period. He finds that trading rule returns decline
over time after 1970s, to approximately zero by the 1990s. This suggests that the
inefficiencies of markets that are reported in earlier studies might have been temporary.
Furthermore, Lento and Gradojevic( 2007) find that individual trading rules do not
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generate any profits above the buy-and-hold strategy when the technical rules are
applied in the DJIA.
Pukthuanthong-Le and Thomas (2008) re-assess the ability of technical trading rules to
statistically and economically generate significant returns. Their data covers liquid
currency futures from 1975 to 2006. The results show that the profitability of trend
following decline for the major currencies of British pound, Japanese yen, German mark
/Euro, Canadian dollar, Swiss franc and Australian dollar. Moreover, the researchers
find that the related cross exchange rates of the major currencies also decline in the mid
of 1990s.
Marshall, Young and Rose (2005) study the candle patterns in actively traded stocks
listed in the DJIA. The sample includes data from 1992 to 2002; the starting year is
selected to make sure that market participants had basic background of the different
Japanese candle trading rules and they already started using them at that time in their
trading strategies. The sample includes 28 candle patterns that fall under four main
categories: bullish single lines, bullish reversal patterns, bearish single lines and bearish
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reversal patterns. To test the results, they use the bootstrap methodology to generate
random prices of open, high, low and close. Contrary to the researchers’ expectations,
the final results show no evidence of profitable candle patterns in DJIA, thus, supporting
the weak form of the EMH.
Moreover, Young and Marshall (2007) test the predictive power of the Japanese
candlesticks in the US stock market, particularly the DJIA Index, from 1992 to 2002. The
authors use the t test and the bootstrapping methodology to test the results statistically.
The Japanese candle patterns are technical trading rules that have been used in Japan
for centuries. The use of these candle patterns has been growing among market
participants all over the world because they used to be successful with the rice trading
in Japan. The authors use 28 candle patterns that vary from one- to three-candle
patterns. These patterns include the long white, the white the Marubozu, the hammer,
the bullish harami, the three outside up, the gravestone doji, the shooting star, the dark-
cloud cover and the tweezers top. The findings show that candle trading rules are
statistically not profitable. None of the single and multiple candlestick patterns, bullish or
bearish, give timing signals. The authors recommend to use candlestick trading rules in
combination with other market timing tools.
The section below summarizes the different findings in the literature above along with
comments and criticism.
From the previous literature, the studies have reported mixed results about the success
of technical trading in foreign exchange and stock markets. Abnormal returns are
observed in many studies, while other studies report less success of technical trading
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Longworth (1981) uses CAD/USD spot and forward rates and finds that forward rates
can be predicted using spot rates, concluding that markets are not efficient. Brock,
Lakonishok and LeBaron (1992) examine moving averages and range breakouts and
find that buy signals constantly produce higher returns than sell signals. Levich and
Thomas (1994) find technical trading rules are significantly profitable on contracts of 15-
year currency futures. Later on, Gencay (1997) also find strong evidence of profitable
simple technical trading rules in daily DJIA, supporting the previous results. Osler
(2000) finds the technical trading rules of support and resistance levels are powerful
predictive indicators. Clustering of foreign currency stop-loss orders and take-profit
orders in major foreign currencies are clear indicators of profitable technical trading
rules (Osker, 2003). Omrane and Oppens (2004) find evidence of profitable chart
patterns that are tested statistically.
More recent studies also provide strong evidence of profitable simple moving average
trading rules. Shik and Chong (2007) find the profitable simple moving average rules
when moving averages and Relative Strength Index (RSI) are applied on six foreign
currencies. Lento and Gradojevic (2007) further enhance technical trading rules through
a combined signal approach. The results show that the strategy does outperform the
buy-and-hold trading strategy. Park and Scott (2007) re-visit the historical testing
measures of the profitability of technical analysis in the empirical literature and find the
majority of the studies find technical analysis profitable. Similar to the results found by
Omrane and Oppens (2004) in the foreign exchange market, Friesen, Weller and
Dunham (2007) provide a modal that shows evidence of how price pattern trading rules
can be profitable in the US stock markets.
Moreover, Stephen (2008) finds moving averages and momentum in German Mark
profitable. Results of Krishnan and Menon (2009) reveal that all currencies, technical
indicators and time frames play significant roles in generating profits in foreign
exchange spot markets. Cekirdekci and Iliev (2010) find trading opening range
breakouts, when combining buy and sell signals and other indicators, a powerful model.
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This is in line with the results found by the earlier researchers (Lento and Gradojevic,
2007; Krishnan and Menon, 2009). In very recent studies, Holmberg, Lönnbark and
Lundström (2012) find “Open Range Breakout (ORB), in the US crude oil futures prices,
significantly generates high returns.
Other studies, both old and modern, examine the central banks’ interventions along with
trading strategies in the foreign exchange markets. The researchers find that simple
trading rules are considerably profitable on the days when the central banks interfere.
Silber (1994) is among the first researchers who find evidence that technical rules can
be valuable in markets where governments are found big players. LeBaron (1998)
reviews some evidence of profitable simple trading rules in presence of the Feb central
bank activity. He finds that the predictability of exchange rates diminishes during the
periods when the Fed is inactive. This leads to the conclusion that there is a positive
correlation between the Fed intervention and the profitability of the technical trading
rules. Neely and Weller (2000) show that interventions could be considered as trading
signals themselves. Moreover, Saacke (2002) provides further evidence of the unusual
profitability of applying technical trading strategies on days when the Fed and
Bundesbank interventions take place. Shik and Chong (2007) also find that the
technical rules correlate positively with the interventions of the central banks.
Evidence of profitable Japanese candle patterns is also found in the literature. Goo,
Chen and Chang (2007) find evidence of some profitable candle patterns at different
holding periods with bullish reversal patterns as the most profitable patterns The model
developed by Lana, Zhanga and Xiongb (2011) also show that it is able to identify the
reversal patterns and that it can be used to indentify early stock reversal signals through
“symptoms sequence”. Haibin, Zhao and Wang (2012) find in all the cases, the
Japanese trading rules are found superior to the simple buy-and-hold. Lu, Shiu and Liu
(2012) find evidence of three profitable bullish patterns in the Taiwan stock market.
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On the other hand, some researches find conflicting results or even variations within
results that are not in line with the findings above. The results vary from lacking
evidence of profitable technical trading rules to declining profits when simple trading
rules are applied. Levich and Thomas (1993) note weak evidence in their final
subsample period, 1986 to 1990. Lee and Mathur (1996) apply moving averages and
channel trading systems on ten foreign currencies, and find both trading systems are
not profitable. LeBaron (2002) finds that abnormal returns resulting from applying a 150-
day moving average decrease during the 1990s. Olson (2004) also finds different
results on the profitability of the moving average trading rules. He finds that trading rule
returns decline over time after 1970s, to approximately zero by the 1990s. Moreover,
Lento and Gradojevic( 2007) find that individual trading rules do not generate any profits
above the buy-and-hold strategy in the DJIA. In more recent studies, Pukthuanthong-Le
and Thomas (2008) find that the profitability of trend following decline in major
Evidence of profitable Japanese candle patterns is also found poor. Brashears and
Elam (1993) find indefinite evidence of predictive power for the Japanese candle
patterns in cotton futures markets. Marshall, Young and Rose (2005) find no evidence
of profitable candle patterns in DJIA. Similarly, Young and Marshall (2007) find no
evidence Japanese candle patterns in the DJIA
Though the majority of the findings in the literature supports the profitability of technical
analysis in foreign exchange markets as well as other financial markets, the weak
evidence found in some studies need to be examined closely.
In order to support or reject the theory of the Random Walk and Efficient Market
Hypothesis, the debate on the mixed results can be objectively made. The weak
evidence of profitable trading rules found by some researchers since 1980s (Brashears
and Elam, 1993; Levich and Thomas, 1993; Lee and Mathur, 1996; LeBaron, 2002;
Olson, 2004; Marshall, Young and Rose, 2005; Lento and Gradojevic, 2007 and Young
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and Marshall (2007) is opposed by strong evidence found by others using large
samples and targeting different markets in different regions (Longworth, 1981; Brock,
Lakonishok and LeBaron, 1992; Gencay, 1997; Osler, 2000; Saacke, 2002; Osker,
2003; Goo, Chen and Chang, 2007; Shik and Chong, 2007; Lento and Gradojevic, 2007;
Park and Scott, 2007; Stephen, 2008; Cekirdekci and Iliev, 2010; Lana, Zhanga and
Xiongb, 2011; Haibin, Zhao and Wang, 2012; Lönnbark and Lundström, 2012 and Lu,
Shiu and Liu, 2012)
Most of the trading rules tested in the literature are very simple, such as moving
averages and range breakouts. Moving averages can be easily modeled and tested;
however, it is a lagging indicator and generates false signals when used in range
trading trends or periods. Also, the poor evidence of profitable candle trading rules
could be due to the samples taken for the periods prior 2000 in which the knowledge of
these trading rules might not be as solid as during 2000s and onwards. The
inconsistency in using statistical tests and the issue of data snooping may lead to
conflicts in results. These are some of the factors that could explain the weak evidence
in the literature. The strong evidence and the conclusion of inefficient markets in other
studies, are challenged by the methodologies and standard statistical analysis used to
examine the profitability of technical analysis. The different bubbles and major bullish
trends that usually lead to excess price volatility periods and the ignorance of good
testing procedures that address data snooping and other issues could be some of the
main reasons the findings are positively biased. This is supported by the findings found
by Park and Scott (2007). Most empirical researches are subject to various issues in
their testing processes, such as data snooping, different selections of trading rules, in-
and out-of-sample data, search technologies and difficulties in estimating risk and
transaction costs.
researchers above. Intervention activities are similar to other major economic data that
affect exchange rates and alert traders to take positions once prices are close to
support and resistance levels. However, technical analysis is known for discounting all
the known and unknown information.
Regarding the application of trading rules, financial markets are too complex to be
predicted by a single trading rule. A trading system that is a combination of different
trading rules is found to work better that a single technical tool. It is always
recommended to use a combination of good technical indicators as filters in which the
majority will agree on clear signals. The findings about the Japanese candlestick
patterns are just a simple message that single technical tools fail most of the time. They
should rather be used in combination with other powerful technical tools that can best
work during the underlying trend.
After consulting the mixed results, it is very important to consider important key factors
that would have a high impact on the overall research findings in regard to the
profitability of technical trading rules in financial markets. The reasons for the existence
of these abnormal returns or weak evidence may not be easy to interpret and justify.
However, there are certain obvious factors that play major roles in reaching final results
of any study, that need a careful examination and testing. These factors include 1) the
possibility of changing trading rules using different time frames in line with the major
underlying trend; 2) the consistency of profitable trading rules; 3) the liquidity of the
financial markets as it would be more incentive for market participants to trade away
inefficiencies; 3) the bullish and the bearish cycles of the markets; 4) the efficiency of
trading systems that are made of powerful technical trading indicators, suitable to the
underlying market trends; 5) clear understanding of the trading rules of lagging and
leading indicators; 6) understating different objectives of major players including
activities of central banks’ interventions; 7) the usage of sophisticated non-linear
models; 8) the usage of good statistical testing procedures, addressing data snooping
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and transactions costs and 9) the importance of having good parameters in place that
would turn technical analysis into a science.
This research contributes to the literature by testing the predictive power of the
Japanese candlestick reversal patterns in the foreign currency market. The findings are
compared to all the findings of profitable technical trading rules in general and to the
results pertaining to the studies conducted on Japanese candlestick patterns.
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Chapter 5
Introduction to Technical
Trading Rules
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The technical trading rules of the Japanese candlesticks are very popular. The
Japanese have applied this charting along with its technical rules for centuries. Its
popularity arises from its method to display security data for chart analysis and the use
of certain candlestick combinations that reflect the psychology of the market
participants. The data of the Japanese candlesticks uses the same data of standard bar
charts: open, high, low and close. However, the visual effect of the candlestick charts
provide a much better picture of the market that is easily displayed, interpreted and
analyzed. The price actions look like candles with wicks or shadows. That is the reason
why they are called candlesticks. In its simplest form, a white body means that the close
is higher than the open, whereas the black body means the close is lower than the high.
There are different shapes for the Japanese candlesticks. They also come in different
combinations based on the relationship between open, high, low and close prices.
There are various patterns of Japanese candlesticks; a Japanese candlestick pattern
may consist of one candlestick or a combination of two or more, but never more than
five. Most of the patterns can be used to warn of reversal levels in the markets. These
patterns can be bearish, bullish or continuation. Generally, reversal patterns of bullish
implications have their inverse patterns which have bearish meaning. The third category
includes a few patterns that fall under continuation patterns. Similar to the reversal
patterns, continuation patterns have bullish patterns and their opposite bearish patterns
in relation to the previous trend that takes place prior to the consolidation phase.
Examples of bullish patterns that warn a reversal of the trend from a downtrend to an
uptrend includes the piercing lines, the morning star, the bullish Doji Star, the bullish
engulfing, the hammer, the bullish harami and the kicking patterns. Examples of bearish
patterns that warn a trend reversal from an uptrend to a downtrend includes the dark-
cloud cover, the evening star, the hanging man, the bearish engulfing, the shooting star,
the abandoned baby and the bearish harami. The continuation patterns include the
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rising and the falling three methods, the separating lines, the downside gap three
methods and the three-line strike (Murphy, 1999). Appendix 1 shows the different
Japanese candlestick patterns. Moreover, the Japanese candlestick patterns can be
used jointly with other western technical tools, such as oscillators and other technical
indicators, which can create a powerful synergy of techniques.
Below is a brief description of each of the eight Japanese candlestick reversal patterns
used in the analysis. These patterns follow the descriptions provided by Nison (2001).
The description of the candle patterns are followed by an explanation of the common
technical indicator of the Relative Strength Index (RSI) that is used along with three
candle patterns as a filter.
Four bullish and four bearish candle patterns are used in the analysis of this research.
The bullish patterns include the bullish engulfing, the piercing lines, the bullish hammer
and the bullish doji star, whereas the bearish patterns include the bearish engulfing, the
dark-cloud cover, the hanging man and the shooting star. The following order of the
patterns’ descriptions is based on the similarity and the inverse relationship of the
patterns for easy understanding. A snap shot of each candle pattern that are indentified
in the analysis, using excel formulas discussed under methodology, is provided.
The bullish engulfing pattern is a major reversal signal that consists of two real bodies of
opposite colours. The market is in a downtrend; then a long white candle closes higher
and engulfs the previous black candle. This shows that the bulls have taken over from
the bears and that the buying pressure becomes stronger than the selling pressure. The
bearish engulfing pattern is just the opposite. The market is in an uptrend; then the last
white candle is wrapped by a black long body, signaling a top reversal. This means that
the selling pressure has overwhelmed the buying pressure. There are three criteria for
the engulfing pattern: 1) the market should be clearly in an uptrend or downtrend, even
if it is a short-term trend; 2) there are two candlesticks that form the pattern in which the
second body must wrap the previous real body and 3) the colour of the second real
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body should be the opposite of the first real body colour (Nison, 2001). Figures (1) and
(2) show the two patterns that are identified in USD/INR and EUR/USD pair currencies.
The piercing lines are a two-day bullish pattern that signals a bottom reversal after a
downtrend. The first candlestick is a black body and the second day is a long white
body. The second day opens with a downside gap, below the low of the previous day
and closes higher and above the mid-point of the first black body. The greater the
penetration of the white bodies into the previous black body, the greater the chance for
bottom reversal. An ideal pattern requires a second day penetration of more than 50%
of the prior black real body. The psychology behind this pattern is that the market is in a
downtrend reflected in the first bearish black body. On the next day, the market opens
lower with a gap reflecting more bearish sentiment. Suddenly the bulls take over and
manage to close the market not only at previous close but higher into the previous body
mid-point or even slightly higher. The bears will have their second thoughts about their
short positions. The longs will see that the new lows could not hold and probably it is
time to go for long positions. There are four main factors that indentify the importance
of the piercing lines: 1) the degree of the second day penetration within the first black
body, the greater the penetration degree, the greater the likelihood for a bottom
reversal; 2) the second day opens below a main support level but fails and closes
higher, with bears being unable to control the market and 3) heavy volume on the
opening of the second day, an initial selling off is followed by buying blow offs (Nison,
2001). Figure (3) represents the piercing lines pattern that is identified in AUD/USD pair
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The dark-cloud cover is the opposite formation of the piercing lines pattern. It is a two-
day bearish pattern that signals a top reversal after an uptrend. The first day is a long
white real body. The second day opens above the high of the previous day but closes
near the low of the day within the previous day white body. The greater degree of
penetration into the previous day body, the more likely a top reversal will take place.
Some technical analysts require more than 50% penetration of the second day close to
the previous white real body. The psychology behind this pattern is that the bulls are in
full control when the second day open with an upside gap; however, the bulls lose
control and no continuation of the rally takes place. Then the market closes near the
close and the bulls will have a second thought about their long positions. Similar to the
piercing lines pattern, there are important factors that intensify the significance of the
dark-cloud cover pattern, but in the opposite direction (Nison, 2001). Figure (4)
represents the pattern that is identified in EUR/USD pair currency.
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The hammer is the third bullish candlestick pattern; it is a one-day pattern. The body of
the hammer can be white or black, but it is more bullish if the body is white because it
closes at the high. The hammer has a long lower shadow and closes near the high of
the session. The psychology behind this pattern is that the market sells off sharply
during the session but then bounces back at the close near to the small body’s high.
The hammer may have no upper shadow or a very small one enforcing bullish
implications. This clearly shows that the bears have lost control and they are now
having second thoughts. The main characteristic of the bullish hammer is that the lower
shadow should be at least twice or three times the height of the body (Nison, 2001).
Figure (5) represents the bullish hammer pattern that is identified in GBP/USD pair
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Figure (5): The bullish hammer pattern in GBP/USD with the RSI filter
The hanging man looks like a hammer; however, it forms after an uptrend rather than a
decline. Since the long lower shadow has a bullish implication, it is best to wait for a
bearish confirmation with this pattern. A lower opening below the body of the hanging
man on the second day and a lower close will be a good confirmation of a top reversal.
The psychology behind this is that when the market closes on the next day below the
body of the hanging man, the bulls who bought on the open or close of the hanging man
day will be left hanging with a bad position, and are now more nervous for potential big
losses. Thus, they may decide to cut their losses and liquidate, adding more selling
pressure. The key factors for a reversal hanging man pattern are a preceding uptrend
and a next day close below the hanging man close (Nison, 2001). Figure (6) represents
the pattern that is identified in USD/JPY pair currency.
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Figure (6): The hanging man pattern in USD/JPY with the RSI filter
The fourth and the last bearish candle pattern used in the sample analysis is the
shooting star. It is a one-day pattern with a small real body and a long upper shadow.
The small body can be white or black. This pattern looks like a shooting star with its tail
glowing in the sky. An ideal shooting star day opens with an upside gap, but this gap is
not always important. This pattern indicates that the market is rejecting a higher high. A
close on the next day below the shooting star close can give a good confirmation of
potential top reversal (Nison, 2001). Figure (7) represents the pattern that is identified in
USD/CAD pair currency.
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Figure (7): The shooting star pattern in USD/CAD with RSI filter
The fourth and the last bullish pattern in the analysis is the doji star. A star is usually a
small real body, white or black, that gaps away from the prior real body. If the star is a
doji rather than a small real body, it is named a doji star or a doji line that warns a near
reversal. Doji candlesticks can have shadows of different lengths. The doji candlestick
used in the analysis is a one-day pattern in which the open price and the close price are
equal. The star or doji star can be part of other reversal patterns, such as the morning
star, the evening and the harami. Doji candlesticks can have shadows of different
lengths. Generally, the doji lines show indecision between the market participants. The
likelihood of a reversal with a formation of a doji increases if 1) the following
candlesticks confirm a potential reversal; 2) the market is in overbought or oversold
situations and 3) the market doesn’t form doji so often (Nison, 2001). There are different
versions of doji candlesticks, such as long legged doji, gravestone doji and dragonfly
doji. The doji that is used in the analysis has equal open and close prices regardless the
shadows length, and signal for bottom reversal (Nison, 2001). Figure (8) represents the
doji star pattern that is identified in USD/ZAR pair currency.
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The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is considered one of the most popular technical
indicators used actively by traders. It basically measures the internal strength of a
security. It focuses on price momentum, specifically the changes in closing prices. It
ranges between zero and a hundred. It usually tops and bottoms above and below 70
and 30 readings, respectively. These are overbought and oversold conditions (Colby,
2003). A crossing above 30 indicates a buying signal, whereas a crossing below 70
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indicates a selling signal. Divergences between the price action and the indicator
movements also provide warning signals of potential bottom and top reversals. In
addition to the signals of the oversold-overbought condition, the crosses signals of the
midpoint are also used by many traders. Since oscillators are best used in non-trending
markets and there is a risk of misusing the indicator, the 50 reading is used as a
midpoint value to divide the horizontal range into two halves. The 50 midpoint is also
used as buy and sell signals. The time span used is 14 days by default and it will be
used in the analysis. The RSI formula is also introduced later in the methodology
section. Figures (5-7) show the three patterns that are identified using the excel formula
and the RSI filter.
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Chapter 6
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Chapter 6: Methodology
This research attempts to re-examine the weak form of the EMH through the application
of Japanese candlestick price patterns, as technical trading rules, in foreign exchange
markets. It tests two null hypotheses that assume 1) all the Japanese candlestick
reversal patterns cannot be used to predict returns in foreign exchange markets, and
that 2) foreign exchange markets are efficient. The two alternative hypotheses state that
1) Japanese candlestick reversal patterns can be used to predict market movements,
and that 2) foreign exchange markets are inefficient. The one-tailed z score test is used
to test the hypotheses at 5% level of significance. The following sections include the
sample data and the analytical tools used in the analysis, followed by a discussion of
data analysis and a summary of findings and recommendations.
The sample data includes seven foreign currencies from both advanced and emerging
financial markets. These currencies include the Australian dollar (AUD/USD), British
pound (GBP/USD), Canadian dollar (USD/CAD), Euro dollar (EUR/USD), Japanese yen
(USD/JPY), Indian rupee (USD/INR) and South African rand (ZAR). The sample covers
a 12-year span, which is from 1st January 2001 to 31st December 2012. These
currencies reflect good financial environment to test the technical trading rules of the
Japanese candlestick patterns in which most of market participants and academicians
are interested in. All the data analysis uses daily OHLC bid rates: open (O), high (H),
low (L) and close (C), obtained from the financial data provider, Thomas Reuters. The
total observations in the sample are 3,129.
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This section explains the technical trading and statistical tools used in the analysis to
test the proposed null hypotheses. It discusses the Japanese candle patterns used,
challenges faced, filters applied, holding periods to calculate returns (losses), followed
by statistical tests to help deciding whether to reject or accept the null hypothesis.
There are eight Japanese candlestick reversal patterns used in the analysis: four bullish
patterns and four bearish patterns. The eight candle patterns are tested for each of the
seven foreign currencies.
The bullish patterns include the hammer, the piercing lines, the doji star and the bullish
engulfing, whereas the bearish patterns include the hanging man, the dark-cloud cover,
the shooting star and bearish engulfing. The reason of selecting these patterns is that
they are very popular and most of them are considered major reversal patterns. Another
reason is the ability to transform these candlestick patterns and practice them in a
scientific manner through using excel formulas that can describe and indentify the
patterns, and enable back testing.
The main challenge encountered in this research is the application a scientific method
that would address the subjectivity of using the Japanese candlestick patterns as
technical trading rules. Moving technical analysis to a science through transforming
subjective candle patterns into objectively defined testable patterns has always been a
challenge. There are not so many mathematical definitions of the Japanese
candlesticks in the literature. Some of the excel formulas that are used in the analysis
are obtained from other resources. These formulas are further amended to address the
subjectivity of different variations of the candle patterns used in the analysis, which are
in line with Nison’s (2001). The excel formulas (3), (4) and (7), mentioned later in this
section, are obtained from a paper written by Fadhel (2010) with an amendment made
to formula (7) to differentiate the shooting star pattern that shows at tops from the
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inverted hammer pattern that shows at bottoms; an additional condition of a next day
lower close is added. This is in line with Nison’s (2001). Formulas (5) and (6) are
obtained from Tech Excel Charts and Programming Blog posted by BxCapricorn (2009);
an additional condition of a lower close and a higher close on the next day is also added
to differentiate the hanging man pattern and the hammer, respectively, from other
similar patterns that show in opposite directions. These are also in line with Nison’s
Formulas (1) to (8) describe the eight Japanese candlestick patterns: the bullish
engulfing, the bearish engulfing, the piecing lines, the dark-cloud cover, the hammer,
the hanging man, the shooting star and the bullish doji, against (1), (2), (3), (4), (5),
(6), (7) and (8), respectively. Using IF and AND excel functions, the following
formulas represent four columns: Column A represents Date, Column B represents
Open, Column C represents High, Column D represents Low and Column E
represents Close. The formulas start on line or row 5 that represents today; line 4
represents yesterday, line 3 represents the day before yesterday and line 6
represents tomorrow. Number one refers to the patterns identified by the formulas.
=IF(AND((B4>E4),(E5>B5),(E5>B4),(E4>B5),((E5-B5)>(B4-E4)),(C5>C4), (1)
=IF(AND((E4>B4),(B5>E5),((B5-E5)>(E4-B4)),(E4<B5),(B4>E5)),1,"") (2)
=IF(AND((E4<B4),(((E4+B4)/2)<=E5),(B5<E5),(B5<E5),(E5<B4),(B5<D4), (3)
((E5-B5)/(0.001+ (C5-D5))>0.6)),1,"")
=IF(AND(E4>B4,B5>C4,B5>E5,B4<B5,E4>E5,E4<B5,B4<E5, (4)
=IF(AND((C4-D4)>(3*(B4-E4)),((E4-D4)/(0.001+C4-D4)>0.6), (5)
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=IF(AND((C4-D4)>=(2*(ABS(B4-E4))),((E4-D4)/(0.001+C4-D4)>=0.75), (6)
=IF(AND(B4<D4+(0.5*(C4-D4)),E4<(D4+0.5*(C4-D4)),OR(B4<D4+0.9* (7)
=IF(B4=E4,1 (8)
Furthermore, the 14-day Relative Strength Index (RSI) is used to distinguish the three
similar patterns that appear at different turning points; these similar patterns include the
bullish hammer, the hanging man and the shooting star. In addition to the signals of the
oversold-overbought condition, the crosses of the midpoint signals are also used by
many traders. Since oscillators are best used in non-trending markets and there is a risk
of misusing the indicator, the 50 reading is used as a midpoint value to divide the
horizontal range into two halves. The 50 midpoint is used as buy and sell signals. For
example, crossing 50 to the upside is considered a buying signal, whereas crossing 50
to the downside is considered a selling signal. The 50 midpoint crosses concept is used
with the three candle patterns as a filter to distinguish them. If the hanging man and the
shooting start patterns form above 50, it is assumed that there is a high possibility that
the trend will reverse from up to down. Similarly, if the bullish hammer pattern forms
below the 50 reading, there is a high possibility that the current trend will reverse from
down to up. In other words, a reading above 50 indicates potential for a bearish
reversal, and a reading below 50 indicates potential for a bullish reversal.
Having used the RSI filter for the three candle patterns, the results are considered only
if the average returns are statistically significant at 5% level for at least five consecutive
holding periods. Formula (9) shows how the RSI is calculated as provided by Cably
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RSI = 100 −
(1 + 𝑅𝑆) (9)
RS = the ratio of the exponentially smoothed moving average for n-period gains, divided
by the absolute value of the exponentially smoothed moving average for n-period
After identifying the eight bullish and bearish candle patterns and filtering them through
using the RSI overbought and oversold conditions, the returns are computed for seven
holding periods: one day, two days, three days, four days, five days, seven days and
ten days. For the bullish patterns, the returns represent the difference between the open
price, following the pattern day, and close price of the seven holding periods as in
formula (10). For the bearish patterns, the returns represent the difference between the
open price, following the pattern day, and close price of the seven holding periods as in
formula (11). The returns for the holding periods that fall beyond the 31 December 2012
are excluded.
R = (C, C , C , C , C , C , C )− O (10)
𝑖 𝑡 𝑡+2 𝑡+3 𝑡+4 𝑡+5 𝑡+7 𝑡+10 𝑡
Ri= the return of the seven holding periods
Ct = day 1 close, following the pattern day
Ct+1 = day 2 close
Ct+2 = day 3 close
Ct+3 = day 4 close
Ct+4 = day 5 close
Ct+6 = day 7 close
Ct+9 = day 10 close
Ot = day 1 open
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R = O − (C , C , C , C , C , C , C ) (11)
𝑖 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡+2 𝑡+3 𝑡+4 𝑡+5 𝑡+7 𝑡+10
Ri= the return of the seven holding periods
Ot = day 1 open, following the pattern day
Ct = day 1 close
Ct+1 = day 2 close
Ct+2 = day 3 close
Ct+3 = day 4 close
Ct+4 = day 5 close
Ct+6 = day 7 close
Ct+9 = day 10 close
Having identified the patterns and computed the returns for the seven holding periods,
and following the methodology used by Ramond and Leuthold (1982) and Anderson
(2003), the one-tailed z score test is used for each holding period of the pattern. The
two null hypotheses are tested at 5% level of significance that is 95% confidence level.
Also, the same methodology including the holding periods follows Fadhel’s (2010),
supervised by Anderson (2010), the same author above. Formula (12) represents the z
score statistical test that accounts for the gross profit variance from each trade as well
as the number of total trades. It allows a comparison of results from various trading
rules and time periods. To arrive to the final results using the z score test, the number of
times the candle pattern is identified (n) in the formula below, has to be above 30. This
formula that considers all the factors above does also provide a method to assess the
weak form efficiency of the price series used in the sample analysis. (Peterson and
Leuthold, 1982)
X − 𝑋0 (12)
X = actual Mean Gross Profits (MGP) from a given strategy
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Unlike securities trading, the foreign exchange trading has no guaranteed return or
dividend payment. Therefore, the equilibrium expected return is considered zero.
Trading foreign exchange currencies is similar to trading futures contracts; it is a two-
party zero sum game, where a price change causes one party to profit and the other
party to lose. Thus, since foreign exchange trading is a zero-sum game, zero is
considered the rational benchmark as expected mean gross profits. Moreover, the
selection for gross profits instead of the net is due to the absence of a standard
transaction cost as commissions differ significantly depending on time as well as trader
and firm types. Readers can deduct suitable commission charges to have some value
for mean net returns. These adjustments should not impact the variance of profits.
(Peterson and Leuthold, 1982)
The p-value is calculated to also help decide whether the pattern identified is due to
chance or its probability of being formed by chance is really too small. To calculate the
p-value using the z test statistic, excel formula (13) is used. If the value is equal or
below the significance level of 0.05, this means that the probability of the pattern was
formed by chance is very small, at 95% level of confidence and the null hypothesis will
be rejected. However, if the p-value is above the 0.05 significance level, it means that
the probability the pattern was created by chance is high and the null hypothesis will be
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Figures (9-12) show the number of times the four bullish and the four bearish candle
patterns appear in the final results. Figures (10) and (12) show the number of times the
bullish hammer, the bearish hanging man and shooting star patterns appear after using
the RSI filter.
Figure (9): A comparison of the number of times the four bullish candle patterns appear
in the seven foreign currencies
Figure (10): A comparison of the number of times the four bullish candle patterns
appear in the seven foreign currencies after using the RSI filter
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Figure (11): A comparison of the number of times the four bearish candle patterns
appear in the seven foreign currencies
Figure (12): A comparison of the number of times the four bearish candle patterns in the
seven foreign currencies after using the RSI filter
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Chapter 7
Discussion of Study
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After examining the bullish patterns in AUD/USD currency pair, it is found that the
bullish hammer pattern is identified 77 times at less than 5% level of significance for all
the holding periods. When the results are filtered using the RSI, the pattern is identified
40 times in which all are significant at 5% level except of the seven-day holding period.
The bullish doji star is identified 28 times throughout the sample at 5% significance
level. The bullish engulfing pattern is found less profitable, which is not statistically
significant either. The piercing lines pattern appears very rare as it shows only 7 times.
Similar to the bullish engulfing result, the average returns of this pattern are found
statistically insignificant. Shifting to the bearish patterns, the hanging man performs best
compared with the other three patterns. The pattern is indentified 89 times in which the
average returns are significant at 5% level of significance. When filtered by the RSI that
is more than 50, the pattern appears 57 times with average returns that are statistically
significant. Although the shooting star pattern is identified 148 times, the average
returns are found statistically insignificant. However, when filtered for the RSI, the
average returns are found statistically significant for the one-day, two-day, three-day
and seven-day holding periods. The bearish engulfing and the dark-cloud cover are
identified 70 times and four times, respectively and their average returns are found
insignificant. Appendix 2 includes the descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern
analysis for AUD/USD.
The analysis of USD/CAD shows poor evidence of profitable bullish candle patterns.
The bullish hammer appears 58 times with significant average returns at 5% level;
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however, when filtered using the RSI, the pattern appears only 25 times and the
average returns are found significant only for the one-day and three-day holding
periods. The bullish engulfing pattern appears 35 times throughout the sample with
significant average returns only for the one-day and two-day holding periods. The
bullish doji star pattern appears 19 times and is found statistically insignificant. The
piercing lines pattern appears only eight times and the average returns are found
significant only for the one-day, two-day and ten-day holding periods at 0.00%, 0.03%
and 0.04% level of significance, respectively. This result will not be considered because
the number of times the patterns appears, which should be considered in z score
formula, is less than 30. On the other hand, the bearish hanging man and the shooting
star patterns show strong evidence of profitability at 5% level of significance even after
being filtered with the RSI. The hanging man pattern is identified 79 times; the shooting
star pattern is identified 240 times. After being filtered with the RSI reading that is above
50, the hanging man and the shooting star patterns appear 44 times and 108 times,
respectively. The dark-cloud cover is identified only twice with statistically insignificant
average returns. The bullish engulfing pattern is identified 35 times and the average
returns are considered significant only for the one-day and two-day holding periods.
Appendix 3 includes the descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern analysis for
In EUR/USD, only the bullish pattern of the hanging man shows average returns that
are statistically and consistently significant at 5% level of significance. This result also
repeats when filtered with the RSI. The pattern is identified 64 times and when filtered, it
shows 34 times. The presence of the piercing lines pattern is very poor; even though
the average returns of the two-day holding period is statistically significant, 0.00%, the
pattern is identified only 7 times out of 3129 observations. This result is also not
considered. The average returns of the bullish doji star and the bullish engulfing
patterns are statistically insignificant. They show 15 times and 49 times, respectively.
On the other hand, the average returns of the handing man and the shooting star
patterns are statistically significant; they are identified 106 times and 181 times,
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respectively. Nevertheless, when filtered for the RSI reading, the average return of the
ten-day holding period of the hanging man is found 0.07% that is statistically
insignificant at 5% level. Also, the average returns of the three-day, four-day and five-
day holding periods for the shooting star pattern are found insignificant: 0.08%, 0.09%
and 0.08%, respectively. The dark-cloud and the bearish engulfing patterns are found
very poor. Although the bearish engulfing pattern appears 156 times, the average
returns are found statistically insignificant. The dark-cloud cover pattern is identified only
seven times. Appendix 4 includes the descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern
analysis for EUR/USD.
In GBP/USD, only the average returns of the bullish hammer pattern are found
statistically and consistently significant at 5% level even after filtering for the RSI. The
pattern is identified 97 times before applying the RSI filter and 37 times after using the
filter. The other three bullish patterns are found statistically insignificant. The piercing
lines, the bullish doji star and the bullish engulfing patterns appear 7 times, 17 times
and 48 times, respectively. On the other hand, the average returns of the hanging man
and the shooting star patterns are found statistically significant at 5% level. They show
99 times and 197 times, respectively; however, when filtered for the RSI, the average
returns of the hanging man pattern are found statistically insignificant for the seven-day
and the ten-day holding periods, 0.09% and 0.26, respectively. The existence of the
dark-cloud cover pattern is found very poor as it is identified only once. The bearish
engulfing pattern is identified 131 times and its average returns are also found
insignificant. Appendix 5 includes the descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern
analysis for GBP/USD.
In the first emerging foreign currency of USD/INR, the average returns of the bullish
hammer and the bullish engulfing patterns are found statistically significant at 5% level.
The patterns are identified 40 times and 65 times, respectively. However, when filtering
the bullish hammer using the RSI reading, the average returns are found significant only
for the one-day and the ten-day holding periods, 0.00% and 0.03%, respectively. The
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piercing lines pattern appears 33 times but its average returns are found statistically
insignificant. The bullish doji star pattern appears 133 times and only the three-day
average returns are found significant, 0.02%, lacking consistency in results. On the
other hand, the existence of the bearish patterns in USD/INR is found very poor. The
average returns of the hanging man pattern are found statistically significant for only the
four-day, five-day and ten-day holding periods; and when filtered by the RSI, only the
average returns of the one-day and two-day holding periods are found significant. The
pattern is identified 69 times before the RSI filter and 39 times after applying the filter.
The average returns of the shooting star and the bearish engulfing patterns are found
insignificant. The shooting star pattern shows 549 times before the RSI filter and 244
times after using the filter; the bearish engulfing pattern is identified 55 times. Even
though the average returns of the dark-cloud cover pattern are found significant for all
the holding periods except the one-day period, this result should not be considered as
the pattern is identified only twice. Finally, the bearish engulfing pattern is identified 131
times and its average returns are also found insignificant. Appendix 6 includes the
descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern analysis for USD/INR.
The USD/JPY currency pair lacks evidence of most of the bullish candle reversal
patterns. Only the average returns of the bullish hammer pattern are found statistically
significant for the first five holding periods, and the first four holding periods after
allowing for the RSI filter. The pattern is identified 120 times before the RSI filter and 62
times after applying the filter. The average returns of the bullish doji star and the bullish
engulfing patterns are found insignificant for all the seven holding periods; they are
identified 25 times and 45 times, respectively. Similar to the previous results, the
average returns of the piercing lines pattern are found insignificant except for the two-
day holding period, 0.01%. This result is not considered either as the pattern is
identified only four times. Moving to the bearish candle reversal patterns, the average
returns of both the hanging man and the shooting star patterns are found statistically
and consistently significant at 5% level even after allowing for the RSI filter. The
hanging man appears 155 times before the filter and 82 times after the filter; the
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shooting star pattern appears 190 times before the filter and 75 times after the filter. The
average returns of the dark-cloud cover are found insignificant; the pattern is identified
only 4 times. The average returns of the bullish engulfing pattern are found statistically
significant only for the four-day holding period, lacking consistency in the overall result.
Appendix 7 includes the descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern analysis for
Having examined the second emerging market foreign currency and the last foreign
currency in the sample, USD/ZAR is found to experience no bullish reversal candlestick
patterns. None of the average returns of the four candle patterns are found statistically
significant at 5% level. The bullish hammer pattern is identified 85 times before the RSI
filter and 41 times after the filter; the bullish doji star and the bullish engulfing patterns
appear 17 times and 26 times, respectively. The piecing lines pattern does not appear
at all. However, there is some evidence of bearish candle patterns in USD/ZAR. The
average returns of the shooting star pattern are found consistently and statistically
significant at 5% level for all the holding periods before and after the RSI filter. The
pattern appears 282 times before the filter and 129 times after the filter. The average
returns of the hanging man pattern are found statistically significant for the first five
holding periods before and after the filter. The average returns of the dark-cloud cover
pattern are found significant only for the three-day and four-day holding periods; the
pattern appears only twice. Thus, due to the low frequency of pattern and the lack of
consistency, the pattern results are not considered. Appendix 8 includes the descriptive
statistics of the eight candle pattern analysis for USD/ZAR.
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Chapter 8
Findings and
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After analyzing the results in detail, this chapter summarizes the major results into two
areas: 1) general findings in term of frequency of pattern appearance, holding periods,
significance levels and bullish and bearish trends; and 2) specific findings that are
pertaining to each currency pair. The consistency of statistical significant returns at 5%
level for all the holding periods is considered. However, for the three patterns of the
shooting star, the hanging man and the bullish hammer, both pre- and post-RSI filter
results are considered statistically significant based on one conservative condition; the
average returns should be statistically significant at 5% level for at least five consecutive
holding periods in a row in both data; before and after the RSI filter that is above 50
reading for the bearish two candle patterns, and below 50 reading for the bullish candle
pattern. Another condition that needs to be satisfied when considering the findings is the
number of observations along with the 5% level of significance. According to Peterson
and Leuthold (1982), the number of times the candle pattern is identified should be
above 30 in the z score statistic.
Having had more 65% bullish data during the study sample, and among the four bullish
candlestick reversal patterns, the bullish hammer pattern is found the strongest one in
term of frequency and statistical significant average returns at 5% level. The maximum
number of times the pattern appears is 97. AUD/USD can be traded using this pattern
for the first six holding periods; EUR/USD and GBP/USD can be traded for all the seven
holding periods; USD/JPY can be traded for the first five holding periods. The bullish
engulfing pattern is found statistically significant only in USD/INR. The research also
finds that there is no evidence of the piercing lines and bullish engulfing patterns across
all the seven currencies. Two other interesting findings are the very low frequency of the
piercing line pattern across the sample; the number varies from four to eight except for
USD/INR and USD/ZAR; they appear 33 times and zero times, respectively. Another
finding is that both of the emerging market currencies, USD/INR and USD/ZAR, show
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poor evidence of bullish candle patterns even though most of the study sample falls
under bullish cycles; only the average returns of the bullish engulfing pattern in
USD/INR is found statistical significant. These findings reject both of the null
hypotheses that assume all Japanese candlestick patterns cannot be used to forecast
foreign currency prices, and that foreign markets are efficient. Furthermore, the findings
of the profitable Japanese candle patterns are in line with the results found by Goo,
Chen and Chang (2007); Lana, Zhanga and Xiongb (2011); Haibin, Zhao and Wang
(2012); Lu, Shiu and Liu (2012) on the studies that examine the profitability of the
Japanese candle patterns as technical trading rules in particular. These results also
support the evidence found using other profitable technical trading rules in general by
Longworth, 1981; Brock, Lakonishok and LeBaron, 1992; Gencay, 1997;Osler, 2000;
Saacke, 2002; Osker, 2003, 2006; Shik and Chong, 2007; Lento and Gradojevic, 2007;
Park and Scott, 2007; Stephen, 2008; Cekirdekci and Iliev, 2010 and Lönnbark and
Lundström, 2012.
Moving to the general findings of the bearish candle reversal patterns, strong evidence
of the hanging man and the shooting star patterns are found in most of the foreign
currencies, which is statistically significant at 5% level. The highest number of the times
the hanging man and shooting star patterns appear is 155 times and 129 times,
respectively. The pattern of the hanging man that appears in AUD/USD, USD/CAD and
USD/JPY can be traded for all the holding periods, whereas the same pattern can be
traded in EUR/USD, GBP/USD and USD/ZAR for the first six holding periods of
EUR/USD, the first five holding periods of GBP/USD and USD/ZAR, respectively. The
shooting star pattern can be traded in USD/CAD, GBP/EUR, USD/ZAR and USD/JPY
for all the holding periods. The research also finds that the number of times the dark-
cloud cover pattern appears is very low; it is between one and seven in which the
average returns are found statistically insignificant. Similarly, the average returns of the
bearish engulfing pattern are found statistically insignificant even though there is a high
frequency of the pattern that goes up to 181 times. The last interesting finding is that
both of the emerging market currencies show evidence of the hanging man and the
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shooting star patterns with an average return that is statistically and consistently
significant at 5% level. These findings also reject the two null hypotheses. Moreover,
these partial findings that find no evidence of profitability of the other candle patterns,
are in line with the other results in the literature that find no evidence of profitable
candlestick patterns, particularly in the studies done by Brashears and Elam (1993);
Marshall, Young and Rose (2005) and Young and Marshall (2007). As unprofitable
technical trading rules in general, the poor evidence of the candle patterns are also in
line with the other results found by Levich and Thomas (1993); Lee and Mathur (1996);
LeBaron (2002); Olson (2004) and Lento and Gradojevic (2007).
Currency-wise findings are the second part of the research main findings. The bullish
hammer can be traded for the first six holding periods as well as the bearish hanging
man for all the holding periods in AUD/USD. Traders can trade the bearish hanging man
and the shooting star patterns in USD/CAD for all the holding periods. The bullish
hammer pattern, the bearish hanging man pattern can be traded in EUR/USD for the
first six holding periods. GBP/USD can be traded using the bullish hammer, the bearish
hanging man and the shooting star patterns for all the holding periods, the first five
holding periods and all the holding periods, respectively. USD/INR can be traded using
the bullish engulfing pattern. USD/ZAR can be traded using the bearish hanging man
and the shooting start patterns for the first five holding periods and all the holding
periods, respectively. Finally, USD/JPY can be traded using the bullish hammer pattern
for the first five holding periods; it can also be traded using the bearish patterns of the
hanging man and the shooting star for all the holding periods.
After finding strong evidence of some profitable Japanese candle reversal patterns in
foreign exchange markets, this research provides recommendations that are divided
into two main areas. The first one is in reference to trading and investment decisions.
The other area is concerned with future research. Based on the findings above, it is
recommended to trade the Japanese candlestick patterns that are found statistically
significant at 5% level in the respective currencies. This is summarized in the second
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section above that is pertaining to respective currency pairs. For future research, it is
recommended to use more sophisticated algorithm programmes and statistical models
to re-examine the findings of this research not only using daily prices but also intraday
timeframes. Since foreign exchange markets are known for being very complex and
difficult to predict, it is recommended to use other technical trading rules, such as
support-resistance levels and oscillators like the MACD histogram and Commodity
Channel Index (CCI) in combination with the candlestick pattern trading rules. Using
such strong different trading rules in which the majority of the trading signals would
agree will help making the trading system very robust. Moreover, future research is
encouraged to examine the candle reversal patterns in term of bullish and bearish
trends. The beauty of the Japanese candlestick patterns reveals when they are used in
combination with other trading rules. The key concept in using the candlestick charting
system is the comprehensive technical picture of the market.
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Chapter 9
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Chapter 9: Conclusion
After examining the candle patterns in the seven currencies, the research finds
evidence of some profitable of Japanese candle patterns at 5% level of significance.
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Strong evidence of the bullish hammer, the bearish hanging man and the shooting star
patterns in some currencies is found. The research finds that the frequency of pattern
appearance for the piercing lines and the dark-cloud cover patterns are the least among
the eight candle patterns. Also, the results show that the bullish hammer and the
bearish hanging man patterns can be traded in AUD/USD for the first six holding
periods and all the holding periods, respectively. The bearish hanging man and the
shooting star patterns can be traded in USD/CAD for all the seven holding periods. The
bullish hammer and the bearish hanging man patterns can be traded in EUR/USD for all
the holding periods. The bullish hammer, the bearish hanging man and the shooting star
patterns can be traded in GBP/USD, for the all holding periods, the first five trading
periods and all the holding periods, respectively. The bullish engulfing pattern can be
traded in USD/INR for all the holding periods. The bearish hanging man and the
shooting star patterns can be traded in USD/ZAR for all the trading periods. Moreover,
the bullish hammer, the bearish hanging man and the shooting star patterns can be
traded in USD/JPY for the first five holding periods of the hanging man and all the
holding periods of the other two patterns. Thus, these results reject the two null
hypotheses. Furthermore, the findings of the profitable Japanese candle patterns are in
line with the results found by Goo, Chen and Chang (2007); Lana, Zhanga and Xiongb
(2011); Haibin, Zhao and Wang (2012); Lu, Shiu and Liu (2012) on the studies that
examine the profitability of the Japanese candle patterns as technical trading rules in
particular. These results also support the evidence found using other profitable technical
trading rules in general by Longworth, 1981; Brock, Lakonishok and LeBaron, 1992;
Gencay, 1997;Osler, 2000; Saacke, 2002; Osker, 2003, 2006; Shik and Chong, 2007;
Lento and Gradojevic, 2007; Park and Scott, 2007; Stephen, 2008; Cekirdekci and Iliev,
2010 and Lönnbark and Lundström, 2012.
Market participants are recommended to use the above candle patterns in the
respective foreign currency in their trading, investment and hedging decisions. It is also
recommended to use the candle charts along with other trading rules, such as support
and resistance levels and oscillators. For future research, it is recommended to use and
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examine more sophisticated algorithm programmes and statistical models to re-test the
findings of this research using both daily and intraday prices. It is also recommended to
use other technical trading rules, such as support-resistance levels and oscillators, such
as MACD histogram and the CCI in combination with candlestick pattern trading rules.
This is required because foreign exchange markets are very complex; using such strong
different trading rules makes the trading system more powerful. Moreover, future
research is encouraged to examine the candle reversal patterns in term of bullish and
bearish trends. The beauty of the Japanese candlestick patterns reveals when they are
used in a combination with other trading rules. Last but not least, the key concept in
using the candlestick charting system is the comprehensive technical picture of the
market that makes these candlestick trading systems robust.
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Below are the different types of Japanese candle patterns: reversal and continuation
patterns. The number in brackets shows the number of candles required to form the
pattern. (Murphy, 1999)
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Appendix 2: Descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern analysis for AUD/USD:
Average -0.0006 -0.0009 -0.0009 -0.0012 -0.0014 0.0052 0.0038 0.0039 0.0028 0.0022 0.0013 0.0016 0.0023 0.0025
Var 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 0.0002 0.0077 0.0078 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002
n 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 92 92 92 92 92 92 92
sqrt(var/n) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.007 0.007 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002
Shooting Star Z score 0.001 -0.930 -1.157 -0.917 -1.019 -1.179 0.717 0.521 0.002 9.602 4.433 2.319 1.300 1.573 2.015 1.553
P-value* 0.18 0.12 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.24 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.06 0.02 0.06
SD 0.007 0.009 0.012 0.014 0.015 0.087 0.088 0.004 0.006 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.011 0.015
Min -0.025 -0.031 -0.051 -0.064 -0.053 -0.085 -0.062 -0.001 -0.010 -0.013 -0.025 -0.019 -0.018 -0.030
Max 0.029 0.020 0.033 0.050 0.055 1.039 1.039 0.019 0.020 0.051 0.031 0.031 0.036 0.059
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Appendix 3: Descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern analysis for USD/CAD:
Average 0.0056 0.0055 0.0058 0.0057 0.0064 0.0068 0.0069 0.0064 0.0062 0.0059 0.0054 0.0053 0.0065 0.0073
Var 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 0.0002 0.0003 0.0005
n 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 108 108 108 108 108 108 108
sqrt(var/n) 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002
Shooting Star Z score 0.006 17.964 9.992 9.069 7.432 7.383 6.354 5.191 0.006 11.585 6.832 5.480 4.375 4.085 4.026 3.515
P-value* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SD 0.005 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.013 0.016 0.021 0.006 0.009 0.011 0.013 0.014 0.017 0.022
Min -0.002 -0.024 -0.022 -0.024 -0.029 -0.046 -0.109 0.000 -0.008 -0.022 -0.024 -0.029 -0.046 -0.109
Max 0.028 0.059 0.043 0.047 0.050 0.066 0.060 0.028 0.059 0.043 0.046 0.039 0.066 0.056
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Appendix 4: Descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern analysis for EUR/USD:
Average 0.0066 0.0065 0.0138 0.0133 0.0147 0.0221 0.0227 0.0064 0.0054 0.0216 0.0202 0.0218 0.0359 0.0360
Var 0.0000 0.0001 0.0098 0.0099 0.0099 0.0194 0.0197 0.0000 0.0001 0.0201 0.0202 0.0203 0.0398 0.0399
n 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 87 87 87 87 87 87 87
sqrt(var/n) 0.000 0.001 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.010 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.021 0.021
Shooting Star Z score 0.014 14.089 7.642 1.877 1.803 1.981 2.132 2.179 0.021 9.528 4.571 1.422 1.327 1.431 1.678 1.681
P-value* 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.05 0.05
SD 0.006 0.012 0.099 0.099 0.100 0.139 0.140 0.006 0.011 0.142 0.142 0.142 0.199 0.200
Min -0.001 -0.022 -0.041 -0.056 -0.039 -0.036 -0.091 -0.001 -0.022 -0.023 -0.024 -0.027 -0.036 -0.048
Max 0.033 0.052 1.323 1.323 1.323 1.323 1.323 0.033 0.052 1.323 1.323 1.323 1.323 1.323
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Appendix 5: Descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern analysis for GBP/USD:
Average 0.0076 0.0083 0.0079 0.0157 0.0170 0.0178 0.0196 0.0086 0.0100 0.0096 0.0083 0.0102 0.0100 0.0117
Var 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0136 0.0137 0.0138 0.0142 0.0001 0.0003 0.0004 0.0006 0.0009 0.0010 0.0014
n 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 93 93 93 93 93 93 93
sqrt(var/n) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004
Shooting Star Z score 0.013 14.462 8.325 6.124 1.888 2.040 2.118 2.304 0.010 9.759 5.952 4.630 3.246 3.344 3.118 3.013
P-value* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SD 0.007 0.014 0.018 0.116 0.117 0.118 0.119 0.008 0.016 0.020 0.025 0.029 0.031 0.037
Min -0.009 -0.026 -0.048 -0.061 -0.054 -0.065 -0.079 -0.007 -0.026 -0.043 -0.051 -0.054 -0.047 -0.070
Max 0.037 0.093 0.088 1.614 1.614 1.614 1.614 0.037 0.093 0.088 0.097 0.107 0.117 0.151
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Appendix 6: Descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern analysis for USD/INR:
Average -0.0684 -0.0692 -0.0759 -0.0699 -0.0692 -0.0661 -0.0647 -0.0865 -0.1014 -0.1246 -0.1153 -0.1164 -0.1473 -0.1630
Var 7.1804 7.2368 7.2772 7.2878 7.3689 7.4004 7.5017 8.1040 8.1589 8.1685 8.1601 8.2796 8.2566 8.3881
n 549 549 549 549 549 549 549 244 244 244 244 244 244 244
sqrt(var/n) 0.114 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.116 0.116 0.117 0.182 0.183 0.183 0.183 0.184 0.184 0.185
Shooting Star Z score -0.069 -0.598 -0.603 -0.660 -0.607 -0.597 -0.570 -0.554 -0.122 -0.474 -0.554 -0.681 -0.630 -0.632 -0.801 -0.879
P-value* 0.27 0.27 0.25 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.32 0.29 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.21 0.19
SD 2.680 2.690 2.698 2.700 2.715 2.720 2.739 2.847 2.856 2.858 2.857 2.877 2.873 2.896
Min -44.310 -44.390 -44.400 -44.420 -44.490 -44.550 -44.480 -44.310 -44.390 -44.340 -44.100 -44.290 -44.240 -44.420
Max 1.220 2.020 2.080 2.760 2.790 2.320 2.550 1.150 1.470 1.590 2.760 2.790 2.050 2.300
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Appendix 7: Descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern analysis for USD/JPY:
Bearish Holding Holding period Holding period
Descriptive With RSI
Candlestick Periods
Statistics Filter
Patterns Average 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days 7 Days 10 Days 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days 7 Days 10 Days
Average 0.4627 0.4714 0.4714 0.4802 0.4465 0.5732 1.1671 0.3676 0.3777 0.3810 0.4011 0.5360 0.7405 1.7862
Var 0.2363 0.7149 1.3438 1.5472 2.1160 2.8719 48.8549 0.1087 0.4250 1.0271 1.3060 1.8991 2.8927 88.8050
n 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 82 82 82 82 82 82 82
sqrt(var/n) 0.039 0.068 0.093 0.100 0.117 0.136 0.561 0.036 0.072 0.112 0.126 0.152 0.188 1.041
Hanging Man Z score 0.582 11.851 6.941 5.063 4.806 3.822 4.211 2.079 0.656 10.095 5.246 3.404 3.178 3.522 3.942 1.716
P-value* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04
SD 0.486 0.846 1.159 1.244 1.455 1.695 6.990 0.33 0.65 1.01 1.14 1.38 1.70 9.42
Min -0.260 -1.240 -2.580 -3.470 -4.190 -3.010 -3.720 -0.260 -0.750 -2.580 -3.470 -4.190 -3.010 -3.720
Max 3.730 5.210 4.350 5.260 4.710 5.770 84.360 1.220 2.010 3.320 2.990 4.710 5.770 84.360
Average 0.5516 0.5495 0.5417 0.5094 0.5444 0.5442 0.6372 0.5869 0.6464 0.6567 0.6036 0.6421 0.5719 0.7360
Var 0.2540 0.6708 1.1223 1.5253 1.9160 2.9185 3.4308 0.3170 0.9840 1.3320 2.0250 2.4616 2.9482 3.0796
n 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 75 75 75 75 75 75 75
sqrt(var/n) 0.037 0.059 0.077 0.090 0.100 0.124 0.134 0.065 0.115 0.133 0.164 0.181 0.198 0.203
Shooting Star Z score 0.554 15.089 9.247 7.049 5.685 5.421 4.391 4.742 0.635 9.029 5.643 4.928 3.673 3.544 2.884 3.632
P-value* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SD 0.504 0.819 1.059 1.235 1.384 1.708 1.852 0.563 0.992 1.154 1.423 1.569 1.717 1.755
Min -0.130 -1.320 -2.180 -3.600 -4.150 -3.330 -3.760 -0.110 -1.200 -1.470 -3.600 -4.150 -3.300 -3.760
Max 2.680 4.170 4.210 4.790 5.130 5.810 6.580 2.680 4.170 4.210 4.790 4.530 5.810 4.820
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Appendix 8: Descriptive statistics of the eight candle pattern analysis for USD/ZAR:
Average 0.0629 0.0639 0.0647 0.1014 0.1293 0.1668 0.1766 0.0650 0.0596 0.0633 0.0707 0.0639 0.0715 0.0689
Var 0.0029 0.0130 0.0261 0.2831 0.5460 0.8072 0.8148 0.0035 0.0181 0.0321 0.0364 0.0561 0.0624 0.0686
n 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 129 129 129 129 129 129 129
sqrt(var/n) 0.003 0.007 0.010 0.032 0.044 0.054 0.054 0.005 0.012 0.016 0.017 0.021 0.022 0.023
Shooting Star Z score 0.109 19.658 9.415 6.726 3.200 2.939 3.118 3.286 0.066 12.478 5.039 4.010 4.212 3.064 3.252 2.987
P-value* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SD 0.054 0.114 0.161 0.532 0.739 0.898 0.903 0.059 0.134 0.179 0.191 0.237 0.250 0.262
Min -0.040 -0.290 -0.601 -0.610 -1.325 -1.310 -1.175 -0.040 -0.290 -0.395 -0.610 -1.325 -1.310 -1.175
Max 0.363 0.930 1.380 8.521 8.523 8.531 8.531 0.363 0.930 1.380 1.285 1.390 1.480 1.033