Resistance (R), Inductance (L), and Capacitance (C) Circuits
Resistance (R), Inductance (L), and Capacitance (C) Circuits
Resistance (R), Inductance (L), and Capacitance (C) Circuits
b. Wave Diagrams
0 Π/2 3Π/2 2Π
c. Phasor Diagram
That is;
Pave = EmIm / 2 = EI watts (Formula 1)
Example 01/297
An incandescent lamp load, generally considered to be made up
of resistors, takes 4.8 kw from a 120-volt ac source. Calculate
(a) the total current, (b) the instantaneous value of power, (c)
the resistance of the load.
a. Circuit Diagram
e = Emsinwt
i = Im sin(wt - 2/)ח
b. Wave Diagram
i p
ω t
c. Phasor Diagram
90o E
E = iR + L di/dt
e = Em sin wt = L di/dt
By integration;
i = Im sin(wt - 2/)ח
Im = Em/wL ; XL = 2חfL = wL
Pave = 0 for a purely inductive circuit.
Pmax = EI
Example 2 p.299]
An inductance of 0.106 Henry is connected to a 120-volt 60-
cycle source. Calculate (a) the inductive reactance, (b) the
current in the circuit, (c) the average power taken by the
inductor, (d) the maximum power delivered to the inductor or
returned to the source. Write the equations for (e) the current,
and (f) the power.
Energy in an Inductive Circuit:
dW = p dt
a. Circuit Diagram
e = Emsinwt
i = Im sin(wt + 2/)ח
b. Wave Diagram
p i
c. Phasor Diagram
90o E
E = iR + ∫o idt/C
q = CEm sin wt
Im = wCEm ; XL = 2חfL = wL
Pave = 0 for a purely capacitive circuit.
Pmax = EI
Example 4 p.304]
A 127-μf capacitor is connected to a 125-volt 50-cycle source.
Calculate (a) the capacitive reactance, (b) the current in the
circuit, (c) the average power taken by the capacitor, (d) the
maximum power delivered to the capacitor or returned to the source.
Write the equations for (e) the current and (f) the power.
Energy in a capacitive Circuit:
dW = p dt
Circuit Diagram
a. Xeq = XL - XC
b. a. Xeq = XC - XL
Note: “an increase in L or C will result in an over-all increase
in the inductive reactance of such a circuit; a decrease in L or
C will, on the other hand, result in an over-all increase in the
capacitive reactance of a similar circuit.”
Ex. 06 p.306
A series circuit consisting of a 0.0795-henry inductor and a
177-F capacitor is connected to a 120-volt 60-cycle source.
Calculate (a) the equivalent reactance of the circuit, (b) the
circuit current, indicating whether the latter lags or leads.
Ex. 08 p. 306
A series circuit consisting of a 0.0795-henry inductor and a
177-F capacitor is connected to a 120-volt variable frequency
source. At what frequency will the circuit take a lagging current
of 4 amp?