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Falling Scales Chapter Two - SAS - CoD

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Hope is a pleasant acquaintance,

but an unsafe friend.

— Thomas Chandler Haliburton

An adventure for the World of Darkness

using the Storytelling Adventure System
Written by Monica Valentinelli Developed by Chuck Wendig © 2012 CCP hf. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the
Layout by Mike Chaney purposes of reviews, and one printed copy which may be reproduced for personal use only. World of Darkness, Storytelling Adventure System,
Art: Brian Leblanc, Sam Araya, Chris Shy, Juan Calle, Jim and Storytelling System are registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters
and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book contains mature
DiBartolo, Jim Pavelec, Durwin Talon, Travis Ingram, Cathy content. Reader discretion is advised.
Wilkins, Mike Gaydos, Miguel Coimbra, & Vince Locke
The supernatural aren’t the only scary beings that lurk in the World of Dark-
They’ve found one: a powerful politician who believes society should open their
eyes to the truth, that the supernatural takes many forms and the only way to defend
society is to wage all-out war.
ness. Sometimes, the horror originates from those who work for, control, or expose This is the final installment in Falling Scales, a two-part chronicle. While
them for what they are: unnatural, powerful creatures that lurk in the shadows these stories are meant to build on one another, they are also written so as to be
and prey upon the living. For centuries, those terrors have existed just outside our useful and playable on their own. The only book necessary to run Falling Scales
understanding. The public may know or even suspect creatures of the night exist, Part II is the World of Darkness Rulebook. If your troupe wishes to play through
but millions have managed to go on with our lives, focusing on the mundane, the this story using characters from one of the other World of Darkness games (or
safe. We’ve passed off the truth as a child’s fairy tale or the ramblings of crazed even a mix of several!), information for doing so is provided.
lunatics. We’ve ignored the reality in order to survive.
Thanks to the actions of the passionate few, we can no longer pretend the super-
natural does not exist. Summary of Falling Scales
Now, perfectly ordinary people question what they see, what they hear, what In part one of Falling Scales, the characters be-
they feel. They’re confused, lost, and lonely. They’ve turned toward their leaders came aware of the Unmasked, a cult that researches
to help them find a way out of the darkness, but they need a shepherd, a guide and investigates the paranormal. The leader of the
who is not afraid. cult, Anna Christopher, sought to indoctrinate
the group after their encounter with Maricel

trying to kill her. Maybe another has been on-the-run ever since. The location of
where these scenes occur doesn’t matter as much as how it affects them. This is a
About the Storyteller’s opportunity to remind the players how dangerous knowledge of the
supernatural can be. Use that and the scenes leading up to Falling Scales Part II
Storytelling Adventure System will serve as a powerful experience for the players to draw on.
If this is your first Storytelling Adventure System Instead of rewarding a large number of points to bring characters up to speed,
(SAS) product, you’ve chosen a fine place to start. Storytellers should work backward and figure out how many dots the players will
To keep this story kit lean and focused, though, require to be a part of this scenario. Once Storytellers figure out all that’s required,
we haven’t included a lot of the core premises and narrate scenes and reward players two to four dots for each. Some of these scenes
Storyteller suggestions that are at the heart of the may be found in the Aftermath of Falling Scales Part I. Experienced Storytellers
SAS. Whether you’re a new Storyteller or an old will note that this an accelerated assignment of experience points, but the Aftermath
hand, be sure to read the free SAS Guide, found serves several purposes and these short scenes are a great way to set the mood for
at the SAS website: Part II and place the characters in Washington D.C.
Characters don’t have to be infected in order to participate in Falling Scales Part
www.white-wolf.com/sas II. However, the memetic infection has evolved and it’s become more prominent in
Here are some of the features available in the overall conspiracy. Now, the virus can be administered artificially and, when it
Falling Scales: mutates, the memetic infection can be spread by touch or blood. Storytellers should
reference the section on Virology and, if necessary, introduce shorter Aftermath scenes
• Interactive links. Clicking on anything in blue will to either infect the characters or advance it to a different stage prior to the story’s

take you directly to the section referenced, or to an debut to help characters get more out of this scenario.
appropriate character sheet or prop. It may also take The motives of the Cult of the Unmasked are revealed through the whims
you to an external website that could be useful. of Vice President Evans, a former Senator from Colorado who believes that the
• Scenes. Clicking on a scene name in the scene only way to protect American citizens is to expose the supernatural for what they
flowchart or the page number in the scene card are – terrorists. To do that, he has worked to cultivate a following to protect and
will take you to the full write-up of the scene. support him in his surprise bid for the presidency. Only then will he be able to
do what needs to be done.
• Bookmarks. This PDF is fully bookmarked, so At first glance, Vice President Evans appears to be benevolent in his motives.
you can jump to major sections at any time when Several of his allies flock to his no-nonsense approach and don’t realize that join-
the file is open. ing his side will require engaging in cult-like activities. Politicians, regardless of
what they believe, support the Vice President simply because their constituents
do. Evans knows this and uses their help to pick up right where the Unmasked
left off in a more subtle, but still effective, way by leveraging the power of his
Lazaro, a vampire (but non-Kindred) creature called an Aswang who tried political office.
to kill them. Now Vice President Evans has teamed up with White Heart Pharmaceuticals to
The characters survived the encounter with Lazaro and the cult, but did not achieve his lofty goals by forcing the American public to open their eyes to the truth.
escape unscathed. Their minds were affected by a mental virus that is slowing This company has donated millions of flu vaccines that contain the mimetic infection.
changing them from the inside out. To distract his opponents, Evans has fabricated rumors of assassination attempts, missing
senators, and has even gone so far as to frame the characters for murder.
It’s up to the characters to stop the Vice President of the United States from
Treatment for Part II infecting millions of people in his bid for the presidency.
Four, long months have passed since the fall of the cult. While the characters
have moved on with their lives, the group is reunited in Washington D.C.
To determine what the characters have been doing for the past few months, Themes: Faith and Trust
focus on how the memetic infection and their experience with the Cult of the In Falling Scales Part I, the characters were forced to deal with the supernatu-
Unmasked has impacted their personal and professional lives. Maybe a character ral and a group of mortals attempting to control and catalog it. They no longer
is overly paranoid about being watched. Maybe one of them swears someone is have any doubt – monsters are real. The only problem is: the word “monster”

has more than one definition. Life in the World of Darkness is not like a fairy
tale where the ending is black-and-white. Not everyone lives happily ever after
when the big, bad wolf dies – especially if an even bigger wolf or a mob of unruly
villagers threatens to take its place.
How does a citizen know if the evil lurking on the corner is mortal or some-
thing else entirely? Is the definition of human based on biology or something
else? Are all supernatural beings damned and have to be eliminated? Or, does
the real monster lurk within every human heart, too?
These are some of the questions the characters will face in Falling Scales Part
II when they are compelled to question not only what they see, but what they
believe about themselves and each other. The themes in this story will work for
characters who balance instinct with investigation, who trust the other members
of the group, and who’ll throw conventional wisdom out the window. The group
who spends too much time relying on stereotypes, old adages, and what they’ve
been taught will send this story spiraling down into darkness and tragedy. It’s up
to you as a Storyteller to reward or punish the characters accordingly.
Falling Scales II

Mood: Hall of Mirrors

The characters discovered that the supernatural is real in Falling Scales Part
I, a certainty they could not forget no matter how hard they tried. By the end of for doing so. Additionally, under each scene, we’ve included any special considerations
the story, the group came to grips with the fact that they will never be the same or rules that might be required.
again. Note, too, that the memetic infection has different effects on non-mortal char-
Even though the characters have moved on with their lives, Falling Scales acters. These effects are noted under the Memetic Infection heading, below.
Part II builds upon their knowledge by challenging their notions of good and evil.
Not every situation in the World of Darkness is clear cut and not all supernatural Vampire: The Requiem
entities are out to slaughter mortals. Sometimes, a creature is forced to attack,
Introducing Kindred into Falling Scales Part II will be fairly easy, given that
aid mortals, or even ask for help. Other times, humans are the true villain who’ll
the fundraiser is a masked ball which will allow them to hide their true appearance.
stop at nothing to threaten the lives of millions for power and glory.
What will be difficult, however, are the political and more sinister aspects of the
The characters will quickly realize the monsters they’ve encountered in Fall-
story. How will Kindred society react to a potential threat to the Masquerade?
ing Scales Part I may not be any different (or worse) than their mortal enemies.
What would a Prince do if he found out Kindred were being dissected for study?
In Falling Scales Part II, they will have to wrestle with their conscience to decide
Since this story focuses on a broader scale, coteries will have to leverage their
whose side they are really on: the terrifying creatures that creep in the shadows
allies carefully and figure out who they trust – or they may wind up imprisoned
or the humans who want to expose them for what they are.
or on a laboratory table.
Coming to grips with the supernatural is terrifying enough. Painting inhuman
The main issue here is balancing the concerns of Masquerade protection
beings with a broad brush is downright dangerous. Sometimes, it’s the humans you
with the imposing threat against Kindred society. It will be a challenge for Kindred
should worry about and not just the monsters who creep in the shadows.
to guard their interests if White Heart Pharmaceuticals peers into their personal
backgrounds and figures out who they are. If that happens, White Heart may shed
Across the World of Darkness its façade and target the coterie for capture and experimentation. Additionally,
the Vice President has convinced certain members of the U.S. military that any
This story is meant for mortal characters, with no (or very little) supernatural supernatural creatures – including ghosts, spirits, or mortals with gifts – are a threat
influence. However, if you wish to play through Falling Scales Part II with characters to security. A patriotic general would have no problem targeting the coterie if she
that have already received supernatural templates, it’s by no means impossible. It just believed they were evil and had to be destroyed to protect the innocent.
requires a bit more work on your part. Below are some suggestions and considerations

Werewolf: The Forsaken The danger for Prometheans here is not the monster hiding under the bed,
it’s the throngs of infected mortals who will grab their pitchforks and run them
It will be difficult for werewolves to deal with the more subtle aspects of
out of town. This realization may drive the Created mad as they feel to safety or
Falling Scales Part II. Since the majority of the scenes take place in high profile
try to find a way to minimize the pain.
areas of Washington D.C., werewolves may have to stifle their primal urges to
talk to a senator or charm an aide until they can find a worthy adversary to fight.
Werewolves may not understand why they have to infiltrate a fundraiser and sweet Changeling: The Lost
talk guests for information – especially if they don’t care about the assassination The Vice President’s preachings to retain the purity and safety of all Ameri-
attempts revealed in the first scene. cans will likely strike different chords depending upon the changeling. Since Evans
To make the situation more frightening, drop rumors of werewolves being is a charming man who truly wants to protect humanity, the group may support
kidnapped or toss the characters in jail for a confrontation with Abraham Church’s and even further the Vice President’s goals for a time. What happens when the
spirit. Facilitate a situation where the werewolves may be forced to publicly Change characters realize they are also a target?
to deal with Church, a U.S. senator, or a trigger-happy cop. Emphasis the dangers Many scenes offer strong potential for internal conflict as each character
of what might happen if the police suspected they existed or if a believer saw comes to grips with how they feel about themselves, their country, and the su-
them “change into a demon.” pernatural. Additionally, it’s possible that some Changelings will seek to protect
the Vice President or help spread the memetic infection because they believe that
Mage: The Awakening the world of the supernatural should be exposed.
Falling Scales II

Changelings who help White Heart Pharmaceuticals or work with the FBI
Mages in Falling Scales Part II will have few problems with this story provided
may breeze through the story until the very end. Let them. Then sit back and
the Storyteller deepens the mystery and the threat here. Due to the widespread na-
watch as the characters realize the horrors they’ve committed by doing so.

ture of White Heart Pharmaceuticals, mages who discover that the Vice President
is to blame may wind up the target of the FBI or the CIA. Again, the cult here
is not as secretive as the Unmasked introduced in Falling Scales Part I because Hunter: The Vigil
the Vice President wants his beliefs to spread. How believers view mages will de- Similar to Falling Scales Part I, since hunters are human the story should
pend upon the characters. Some may think the mages are witches and warlocks work as written. However, Conspiracies and Compacts, like The Cheiron Group,
who worship Satan. Others may think they are avatars or miracle workers doing will fit in perfectly with Falling Scales Part II and intensify the scope of the threat.
God’s work and may even go so far as to pray to them or ask them for help. Even Savvy characters may soon realize that even with the vast resources at their disposal
those attitudes may change over the course of the adventure as the Vice President there are some agencies, like the U.S. Pentagon, that has more power and reach
continues to preach about a threat to national security on American soil and than they could ever hope to have. It’ll be up to the characters to either work with
increases the presence of Homeland Security on every street corner. them or against them. Either way, hunters have a lot more to lose – especially if
Since the memetic infection released in Falling Scales Part II appears in an the military thinks they’re a threat, too.
accelerated state, that aspect of this story will create a number of innocent victims The office of the Vice Presidency is the Compact here, with White Heart
and potential threats. Mages can use their appropriate Paths of Magic to minimize Pharmaceuticals acting as the larger force behind it. Leverage character motiva-
the damage and dampen public awareness. Unlike in Falling Scales Part I, the tions in this story to deepen the interpersonal conflict since not every hunter
spread of the infection is entirely random and can be used as cut scenes during wants to deal with the supernatural in the same way.
crucial moments.
Geist: The Sin-Eaters
Promethean: The Created Combined, the spiritual and ghostly elements of this story make this a
The Created may have a hard time with the social scenes in Falling Scales good thematic story for Sin-Eaters, even if Abraham Church isn’t that much of
Part II and may feel like they’re out of their element. Many Prometheans may be a physical threat for them. Here, Sin-Eaters are more at risk if and when their
attracted to the beautiful services and pomp and circumstance of the D.C. area. true nature is recognized by the masses. Crowds of mortals pose a bigger threat
Since the occult aspect of White Heart Pharmaceuticals is not well-publicized, than one man with shamanic powers.
the Created may be drawn to unlocking that mystery and avoiding the watchful Storytellers may want to focus on the spread of the memetic infection and
gaze of the Vice President. Believers who recognize Prometheans for what they the Vice President’s patriotic, pro-humanity zeal. How will Sin-Eaters react when
are will flee in terror or worse – attack them where they stand or call the police an innocent “recognizes” what they are? What will they do when they are captured
and Homeland Security. for study? Will they be forced to confront and possibly kill the Vice President?
Or will believers try to heal them and set the spirit free?
Supernatural Tolerance White Heart Pharmaceuticals runs a distribution center in Washington D.C.
that supplies several states with medicine, vaccines, and drugs. The city’s 3,800
Some of the systems in this story refer to “Supernatural Tolerance.” This
foot underground railway, which hasn’t served passengers since 1908, was recently
is the trait that measures the strength of a character’s otherworldly knowledge,
purchased by White Heart for the sum of 300 million dollars.
energy or potency, and though it goes by different titles in the various games (and
A bizarre mosaic seal is cemented into the freight tunnels beneath Virginia
means different things), the trait is often added to contested resistance rolls. A
Avenue. The five symbols depicted in the seal are ancient: a virgin stag, a great
character’s Supernatural Tolerance trait is Blood Potency, Primal Urge, Gnosis,
eye, a pyramid, a gold sun with bright rays, and a winged serpent. The careful
Azoth, Wyrd or Psyche.
observer will notice that these symbols are ever present throughout White Heart’s
organization. They are hidden in paintings, watermarked on stationery, and tat-
Terminology tooed on those who work for the home office.
Throughout Falling Scales, we refer to non-supernatural characters (which in- To the general public and the majority of its employees, White Heart
cludes the hunters of Hunter: The Vigil) as “mortals.” Strictly speaking, werewolves, Pharmaceuticals looks, smells, and feels like a genuine corporation. The reality,

Backstory and Set-Up

changelings and mages are mortal, but the word “mortals” makes for smoother reading however, is so unbelievable those who have found the truth have been called
than “non-supernatural human being.” Likewise, we use the term “supernatural char- “crazy” or worse – wiped completely from recent memory. Spies and traitors are
acter” to refer to vampires, werewolves, mages, Prometheans, changelings, Sin-Eaters not only killed: the memories of everyone around them are altered and their
and ghouls. Again, hunters don’t fall under this umbrella. digital identities are erased.
Founded in the late 80s, White Heart Pharmaceuticals specializes in the
Falling Scales II

protection, representation, and cooperation with an ancient cabal of supernatu-

Backstory and Set-up
For those Storytellers who are starting fresh with Falling Scales, keep in
ral creatures. Employees like St. John who are aware of the supernatural entities
behind-the-scenes know full well that they cannot ever hope to win or save hu-
man society from these beings. Those who try will wind up a midnight snack or
mind that recent events have fueled the present. It’s a good idea to revisit the
forced to breed with one of the creatures. The company is, for lack of a better
characters’ first brush with the supernatural or the Unmasked first introduced
explanation, a sophisticated “errand boy” for the foulest and most ancient group
in Falling Scales Part I to deepen the mood. This may also mean that certain
of creatures ever to have walked the earth.
scenes, like Downtown or Dig Deeper, may take more time to complete as the
The company isn’t without its fair share of conspiracies, however, for recent
players realize what they’ve been swept up in.
audits have revealed massive donations to Vice President Evans’s political cam-
Abraham Church originally appeared in Falling Scales Part I and is familiar
paigns and hundreds of accounts linked to questionable religious organizations
with the group. Storytellers are encouraged to keep a summary on hand of how
and cults around the globe. Despite of the rules of office, Evans is a primary
the group’s relationship ended with Christopher from the previous session when
shareholder, an illegal act that would topple his Vice Presidency if it was ever
he is introduced.
revealed to the American public.
Many of the employees do not have direct contact with those who run
the show. Rumors, secrets, and conspiracy theories run amuck in a corporate
Backstory environment where confidence is easily replaced by fear. Most of the workers at
The cult of the Unmasked, led by Anna Christopher, was dismantled almost their main base of operations sign life-long contracts and are often hypnotized or
four months ago during the events of Falling Scales Part I. Both Abraham Church brainwashed through more sinister means. Other personnel, like those who run
and Anna Christopher are dead by the time Falling Scales Part II begins. the freight operation in D.C., are on a need-to-know basis, but even part-time
drivers sign a non-disclosure/non-compete agreement.
White Heart Pharmaceuticals Evidence of the occult exists only under the scrutiny of someone who hunts
White Heart’s corporate history is spotless, employees are treated well, and for it. At every location – whether it’s a distribution center or not – the build-
its drugs have survived the scrutiny of the scientific community. Its lobbyists and ings are decorated with ancient hieroglyphs and life-like statues embedded into
highly-educated personnel, represented by the exceptionally charming Christian St. the walls.
John, are mortals with real political agendas and verifiable identities. Headquar- Most employees are blissfully unaware that they have been distribut-
tered in Hong Kong, much of its political focus is to reduce tariffs and increase ing the memetic infection to the general public for the past few months.
the size and efficiency of its U.S.-based distribution centers located along the However, none of the White Heart Pharmaceutical employees have the
Eastern and Western seaboards. infection themselves.

can be drawn in the middle of it. Many supernatural beings are afraid of the
Set-up Pentagon though they’re not sure why.
By the time Falling Scales Part II begins, characters should have had a brush • The Washington Monument is a phallic, four-sided structure built by Freema-
with the supernatural. While the group does not have to be infected, it’s important sons to worship Ra, the Egyptian Sun God. Believers speculate the Monument
the characters know (or strongly suspect) that the supernatural exists. acts as a giant, supernatural beacon that is charged whenever the sun touches
Prior to the opening scene, the characters should be together in an open, one of its sides.
public space somewhere in Washington D.C. Strong possibilities for locations
may include parking lots, alleyways, bars, parks, piers, etc. • The White House is situated at the nexus of five occult symbols: an inverted
Here are some reasons why the group should meet: pentagram, a Knights Templar cross, a freemason’s square and compass, an owl
dedicated to the Egyptian Goddess Isis, and a hexagram. Visitors to the White
• The characters are having a reunion. The group separated after the end of House report sightings of ghosts, cryptic messages that appear and disappear
Falling Scales Part I and each character has moved on with their life. They’ve in its walls, and supernatural beings. Rumors circulate that the President is
decided to hang out and enjoy themselves on better terms. Maybe they’re

Backstory and Set-Up

aware the supernatural exists and, since the days of George Washington, the
throwing darts at a pub. Maybe they’re dancing at a night club. Give them the highest office in the land enforces a treaty with the community to prevent an
chance to catch up and corroborate their experiences. all-out war.
• The characters must help someone in need. The characters have received a • Dozens of Egyptian gods, goddesses, and symbols are represented throughout
strange phone call from someone they know and they’re obligated to assist. A
Falling Scales II

Washington D.C. Isis graces the top of the Capitol building. Osiris can be
brother has just been in a car accident and has been haunted by ghosts ever spotted as Mars, his Roman guise, at the building’s entrance. 16th Street is a
since. A grandmother’s house mysteriously burns down. A missing roommate corridor of light, also known as the Aten-Ra, which marks the sun at its apex
has just shown up after being lost for weeks. When the characters are in transit, in the sky above. Many people believe that Washington D.C. was founded and
a woman bars them from going any further. If they investigate the phone call built to recreate the spiritual principles of Ancient Egypt.
further, they’ll learn the call originated from the Pentagon.
• Many occult symbols and hidden messages can be found on U.S. currency – in-
• A reformed member of the Unmasked asks to meet the characters. Whether cluding the Great Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye on the back of the dollar bill.
the group is together or not, each character receives a message from someone It is said that as long as these symbols exist, the treaty will remain intact.
who’s desperate. Maybe this cultist believes the group is in danger. Maybe they’re
trying to blackmail the characters, claiming they have evidence of the havoc These occult elements will help draw out the World of Darkness in this
they’ve wrecked. Maybe they are holding their loved ones hostage. When the scenario and give players something atmospheric to focus on when they research
characters show up, they find a dying woman. during slower moments of this scenario.
While D.C. is not as physically large or as populated as other major cities
like New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, it is the beating heart of the nation. The
The City of Washington D.C. world of the supernatural has not turned a blind eye to D.C.’s powerful influence
on the mortal world. As such, many entities lurk around to ensure their interests,
Designed by French Freemason Pierre Charles L’Enfant, surveyor Andrew
sometimes on a national or even global level, are protected.
Ellicott, and astronomer Benjamin Banneker, Washington D.C. is a city steeped
in American politics, conspiracy theories, and the occult. From the pentacle-
shaped Pentagon to the influence of Freemasonry, the area teems with mysteries
both real and imagined.
In Falling Scales Part II, many of the scenes take place in iconic areas of
Washington D.C. Quick internet searches will yield a lot of information to help
flush out details in this capitol city and inspire you in your game.
Conspiracy theories pinpoint the architecture and placement of several
landmarks. Falling Scales Part II leverages popular assumptions like:
• The Pentagon is one of the most powerful occult symbols found in America.
Not only is this structure shaped like a pentagram, another invisible pentagram

New Elements
Falling Scales Part II uses material from the World of Darkness Rulebook,
to detect lies or hostile intent (though,
as always, it’s not nearly as clear-cut as
television shows make it out to be). But,
World of Darkness Antagonists, and World of Darkness: Second Sight. However, again, in the World of Darkness, things
the only book required to run Falling Scales Part II is the World of Darkness are a little different.
Rulebook. Abraham Church takes the form of a Skinrider that exists as a spirit Vampires instinctively shy away from
of vengeance. Mara Williams is a New Age shaman captured by the U.S. military bright lights and reflective surfaces. Were-
for torture and experimentation. The Thief is a mysterious supernatural creature wolves touch their packmates without
who directly benefits from the spread of the memetic virus. thinking about it, and sniff the air much
All character stats for both supernatural and non-supernatural beings are more often than human beings. Mages
included in The Cast below. stare into space or lose focus multiple times
per minute (sometimes casting spells, other
times distracted by the sheer amount of in-
Virology formation they can perceive). Prometheans’
Storytellers should note that the memetic infection first introduced in Falling expressions are often completely wrong,
Scales Part I may appear in multiple ways for Part II. Characters who contracted since they aren’t human and do not have
the human reflexes necessary for true micro-
Falling Scales II

the infection in Part I should be immune to supernatural alteration and are ready
to spread the virus. New characters and NPCs who are infected through the vaccine expressions. Changelings’ expressions vary,
will experience the effects in an accelerated state. Should they contract the memetic but usually have to do with kith: a Snowskin
infection from the players, the virus will develop naturally. closes her hands slowly (to break the ice on
The four stages revealed in Falling Scales Part I will help Storytellers understand her knuckles), while a Tunnelgrub moves
how to narrate the infection for new characters and NPCs. The next evolution of the around corners headfirst. Sin-Eaters glance
virus focuses on how the infection is spread through natural means. over their shoulders, into corners, or into
empty rooms as though they expect to see
someone there (and often they do — ei-
Memetic Infection ther a ghost or the geists that share their
The infection is designed to biologically implant belief in the supernatural by minds). Any supernatural being displays
playing on the human brain’s tendency to look for patterns and recognizable shapes. these sorts of tells, but most people have
This is a tendency that human beings evolved to help them survive — a shadow that no way to know what they are seeing. At
looks like a threat elicits a response from the brain as though the threat were real, best, a mortal observer might simply feel
even if it isn’t. A false positive (shadow perceived as threat) won’t be fatal, but a false that a given person is “weird” in some way,
negative (threat perceived as shadow) might be. It is this tendency that makes people and even then they only tend to notice in
in the real world hear voices in static and imagine they are ghosts or see patterns in obvious cases (low-Humanity vampires,
burnt toast and imagine they are messages from God. Prometheans, etc.).
In the World of Darkness, this evolution takes on an interesting twist, be- Falling Scales Part I revealed that the
cause the paranormal actually is real. The human brain still has the same tenden- memetic infection boosts the subject’s ability
cies — if anything, people in the World of Darkness are probably more prone to to detect these “supernatural expressions”
seeing human figures in shadows or flickers of movement in empty rooms. The and that it developed over four stages. Anna
memetic infection is an idea that lodges in that area of the brain and then begins Christopher might have had this aptitude
to adapt it. As the infection progresses, the infected character becomes able to naturally, but her ability to spread it to others
subconsciously recognize supernatural beings through normally imperceptible marks it as something other than a savant-
“tells.” These tells are, again, reminiscent of something already present in the like talent. In fact, characters will soon learn
human social experience: microexpressions. Microexpressions are involuntary and from the events in Falling Scales Part II that
almost imperceptible changes in affect and facial expression that correlate to emo- Christopher’s virus had mutated once she
tion or reaction. It is possible that, by recognizing microexpressions, an observer reached the fourth stage.

For Falling Scales Part II, characters should have the mutated form of the Vaccination
memetic infection, which kicks in after stage four, when the story begins.
White Heart Pharmaceuticals aims to spread the infection to the general
In stage one, the characters gains limited ability to recognize supernatural
public through the administration of a free flu vaccine. Funded by person (or
beings. Note, though, that unless he has seen unequivocal evidence that the
persons) unknown, White Heart either has access to the source of the drug or
paranormal exists, this ability manifests as a simple distrust of (or fascination
they know how to chemically recreate its effects. Thanks to the not-so-subtle urges
with) certain people. The character often tries to assign commonality between
of the Vice President, the company views the vaccine as a way to reveal the truth
people that trigger this response, even if none exists. Again, people are adept
so the general public can arm themselves against the supernatural.
at finding or making up patterns, and so if a stage-one infected tends to see
The only problem is: anyone who takes the vaccine in Falling Scales Part
such characters in a particular neighborhood, he’ll probably assume it’s the
II contracts the memetic infection in an accelerated state. Contracting the more
neighborhood, and not the people, that cause the reaction. Strange, though
potent version of the infection causes a terrifying side effect – hallucinations
not necessarily unpleasant, dreams often accompany this stage, but no other
both real and imagined – as the human brain processes through stage one and
side effects present themselves.
stage two at the same time.
The infection progresses to stage two when the character encounters
the paranormal in an unambiguous context. Hearing EVP or seeing a table
move during a séance doesn’t count — but seeing a werewolf change shape
or a mage call up fire from her hands certainly does. At this point, the char-
acter gains the ability to recognize certainly types of supernatural creatures, Once the infection reaches stage four, the virus mutates. Humans can now
Falling Scales II

but only the ones that she has some direct experience with. That is, if the easily spread the virus through touch or through the exchange of bodily fluids.

New Elements
character has seen a werewolf shapeshift, she becomes able to recognize Supernatural creatures can only spread the virus through the transfer of blood.
werewolves even if they do not employ their powers or otherwise makes Unlike other viruses, the spread of the infection will be known to the host or point-
themselves known. The character cannot, at this stage, detect supernatural of-origin. Each time the host touches an uninfected body, they will become temporarily
beings that she has not explicitly identified, but she can add them to her blind for a short period of time. The number of seconds they are unable to see is based
“library” if she does so. on their Willpower rating at the moment they physically contacted a new host. Characters
The ability to recognize the supernatural comes with a price, however, that are already blind will be unable to speak for the same duration.
for altering the average person’s senses forces them to question what they see, Storytellers will want to take this terrifying side effect into account when narrating
what they hear, and what they know. Hallucinations are a common side effect the spread of the infection for the first time. A few seconds of blindness (or speechless-
at this stage. ness) may have a devastating effect on characters fighting for their lives.
When the character has had contact with multiple forms of the arcane The infection does not distinguish between human or supernatural. As such,
or has had direct, interactive experience with such a being (being bitten this effect happens regardless of the host’s biological makeup.
by a werewolf, fed on or Dominated by a vampire, undergone a memory Regardless of how deeply the characters investigate, they will not be able
alteration spell), the infection progresses to stage three. In this stage, not to stop spreading the virus. That information will be revealed in a later part
only is the character’s brain seeing the patterns that mark other beings as of Falling Scales.
otherworldly, but the infection is altering her soul so that their powers
don’t affect her as strongly. She is, in essence, developing antibodies. She Merit: Memetic Infection
has no conscious control over this effect, however, and the resistance is low Prerequisite: Non-supernatural, exposure to the infection
enough that a powerful supernatural being might not notice it. However, The character has contracted memetic infection. The player does not need
the character can also instinctively recognize when a supernatural effect to spend experience points to increase this Merit. Rather, it increases under the
is used on her directly, and develops the ability to feel such effects used conditions discussed above (which game systems for these increases are listed
in her proximity. below as appropriate).
The final fourth stage of the infection renders the character immune from
• The character develops a limited form of the Unseen Sense Merit (p. 109
supernatural alteration. While a supernatural being can kill her, she cannot be
of the World of Darkness Rulebook). Instead of being limited to one
Embraced, Awakened or otherwise changed into something other than a mortal.
form of supernatural contact, it works on anything otherworldly in nature.
Her soul is so firmly protected that no form of magic can remove it, which renders
However, it manifests simply as fascination or dislike of the target in ques-
her immune to some forms of magic or Numina.
tion. The character doesn’t feel cold chills or anything overtly frightening
or uncomfortable; the sensation is wholly internal. The player rolls Wits +

Composure. If the being is using a power or effect meant to his its strange
pedigree, apply this penalty to the roll.
The infection progress to stage two when the character sees unequivocal
proof of the supernatural.
•• At this stage, the character develops the Unseen Sense Merit, focused on
whatever type of being triggered the infection’s progression. Unlike the
normal version of this Merit, however, the character can add other beings
to her storehouse of knowledge by being exposed to them.
Example: Lucy contracts the memetic infection, and witnesses a werewolf chang-
ing shape. This propels her into stage two, and she effectively has the Unseen Sense
Merit (Werewolves). Some time later, she sees a vampire feed on a helpless drunk,
and then race away at speeds almost too fast for the eyes to follow. The infection
now allows her to detect werewolves and vampires.
The infection progresses to stage three when a supernatural being uses a
power on the character.
Falling Scales II

••• The player adds two dice to all resistance rolls and passive resistance to
supernatural powers. For instance, resisting an application of Dominate

New Elements
might require a Resolve roll; the infection bestows a +2 bonus to this roll.
A Dominance Gift might have the werewolf’s player subtract the target’s
Composure; against a character with this infection, the werewolf’s player
subtracts the target’s Composure +2. In addition, the character can instinc-
tively tell when a supernatural being is using a power on her, even if the
being is do so while hiding or otherwise invisible. If the being uses a power Memetic Infection for the Supernatural
in the character’s proximity, the player can make a Wits + Composure roll Supernatural beings are not immune to the infection, but it takes root in
to detect it. Success indicates that the character knows that a power is being their souls in different ways. The infection does not progress in stages for such
used, but the character can only identify the source if the being using the beings. Instead, when such a being is exposed, the player rolls to resist infection
power is present and visible. with a penalty equal to the infected character’s stage. The dice pool used to resist
Also at this stage, the character can recognize supernatural beings, no infection varies depending on the character, and is listed below.
matter what the type, with a Wits + Composure roll. In effect, she has the Supernatural characters that have contracted the infection will automatically
Unseen Sense Merit for any type of being. However, she can only recognize spread the virus through blood contact. As such, vampires and werewolves will
such beings when she can see them. Ghosts and other invisible creatures do likely transmit the infection more often than sin-eaters or prometheans.
not attract her attention. While all supernatural beings will suffer from temporary blindness when the in-
Every week of game time after progressing to stage three, the character’s fection is spread, they can resist the effects by making a successful Willpower test.
player rolls Intelligence + Resolve, keeping track of successes. When the player
accumulates 30 successes, the character has progressed to stage four.
A vampire is more than a dead human. Some piece of the soul remains — it’s
•••• At this stage, the character’s soul has rooted itself in place so firmly that it what allows a vampire to masquerade as a mortal. This also means that as Humanity
cannot be altered by any magical or otherworldly effect. This renders the fades, this shred of the soul becomes weaker until (at Humanity 0) it gutters out
character wholly resistant to the Embrace (if this is attempted, the character entirely. If the vampire contracts the memetic infection, though, the disease goes
simply dies, which is probably small comfort), Awakening and the First to work on bolstering that soul and keeping it from degrading further. This enables
Change. If the character is kidnapped by the Gentry (which normally results the vampire to hold on to her Humanity more easily (+2 to all degeneration rolls),
in the character becoming a changeling), the unfortunate infected is, in all but at the expense of her otherworldly powers. All Discipline rolls suffer a -2 dice
probability, killed in the Hedge as the Thorns cut her flesh rather than her pool modifier. In addition, the vampire gains the benefits of stage two infection.
soul. The character also does not leave a ghost upon death. Vampire characters resist infection with Intelligence + Resolve.

Werewolves masked the changeling’s true nature from the Wyrd for a split second — but this is
A werewolf’s soul is promised to Mother Luna. The infection strengthens enough to make the Contract fail. If the roll succeeds, the Contract can be enacted
the human part of the Uratha, at the expense of the wolf. The player applies normally. If the changeling fulfills the catch for the Contract, this rule does not ap-
a +2 modifier to rolls to resist Death Rage, but suffers a -2 modifier on all ply, and the player can also spend an additional point of Glamour on the Contract
rolls made in Gauru, Urshul and Urhan form. This restriction is lifted if the to obviate the need for the roll (greasing the wheels, as it were). Changelings also
character actually enters Death Rage (as the human mind goes away entirely). gain the benefits of stage two infection.
In addition, the character gains the benefit of stage two infection. Changelings resist infection with Wits + Wyrd.
Werewolf characters resist infection with Harmony.
Mages Hunters are human beings, and so they deal with the memetic infection as
Mages’ souls have a connection to one of the Supernal Realms. Unfortunately, described above.
the memetic infection sees this connection as something to be eroded and cured,
meaning that a mage that contracts the infection finds magic much harder to Sin-Eaters
perform. All spells that an infected mage wishes to cast incur a -2 penalty. If the The Bound have already died, and their souls joined with a quasi-ghost
spell is normally covert in aspect, the player may choose to obviate the penalty and called a geist. The infection, of course, attempts to separate them, and this wreaks
cast the spell as vulgar. The infection does, however, confer the normal benefits havoc on the character’s Synergy. All rolls to avoid losing Synergy are made at a -2
of stage three (resistance to supernatural manipulation), and adds two dice to the modifier. However, it also insulates the Sin-Eater’s soul and mind against further
Falling Scales II

mage’s use of Unseen Senses (see p. 110 of Mage: The Awakening). intrusion. Sin-Eaters gain the benefit of stage three infection, above.

New Elements
Mage characters resist infection with Intelligence + Resolve.
Origins of the Infection
Prometheans In Falling Scales Part II, the characters will learn that the infection may be
Prometheans do not have souls. Instead, the Divine Fire burns within them, reproduced and inserted into medical vaccines. The biological elements of the
animating them and providing the drive to become human. Should the Created memetic infection will escape scrutiny under a microscope. However, forced repli-
manage to complete the Pilgrimage, the Divine Fire blazes bright, catalyzing the cation causes the uninfected to experience multiple stages of it all at once. In this
alchemical working that turns lead (the Promethean pseudo-life) into gold (a truly case, anyone who receives a free flu vaccine from White Heart Pharmaceuticals
human soul). The infection, however, doesn’t recognize any of this, and starts will be subject to stage one and stage two at the same time when it is triggered.
trying to normalize the Promethean as much as possible. The problem is that if Characters will eventually trace a connection between the infection, the
the Divine Fire goes out, the Promethean is nothing but dead meat. assassination attempts, and several clues scattered throughout Washington D.C.
The player must roll Resolve + Azoth every morning. Failure indicates that By piecing the evidence together, they will locate a hidden warehouse owned by
the characters suffers a point of aggravated damage. This damage can be healed White Heart Pharmaceuticals and uncover a large, Egyptian mosaic. When this
normally, but the character needs to be careful, lest such injuries pile up. The fragile seal is broken, anyone who artificially contracted the infection through a
good news is that if the character makes progress toward become human, the vaccination or shot will automatically be healed – or will they? Though they won’t
infection tries to speed up the process. The character gets +1 Vitriol from every experience the effects of the memetic infection any longer, the then-dormant virus
successful milestone. will continue to linger on in their bodies. If they continue to hunt and peck for
Promethean characters resist infection with Stamina + Azoth. clues, they will come face-to-face with the source of the memetic infection who is
more than a little unhappy that they’ve cut off his food supply.
Regardless of what transpires, the knowledge the characters gain – that the
Changelings still have their souls, just not all of them. The Thorns shred the
supernatural is real and humans created the virus – cannot be unlearned. That
soul while the changeling is being dragged into Faerie, and the holes, as it were, fill
part of the infection will have long-term consequences.
with Glamour. What returns from the Hedge is, therefore, not entirely human, and
the infection isn’t quite sure what to do with that. In game terms, as with vampires,
the infection helps changelings maintain a normal outlook. Rolls to avoid losing
Clarity receive a +2 modifier. Unfortunately, the infection fights the portions of
the changeling’s “soul” that enable magic, meaning that occasionally the Wyrd
reads the changeling as a normal human. Every time an infected changeling enacts
a Contract, roll a chance die. On a dramatic failure, the infection has successfully

The Cast low senators, and rumors
about his true aims in
office. Thrice-divorced, it
is said that Evans is getting
Vice President Robert Evans ready to make a move in the
Quotes: “Our forefathers should have stuck to their guns.” next election because if he
“How does it feel to betray my President? Ask me when I win the election.” waits much longer – he and
“Trust me, you do want to know what’s out there.” his allies will be too old to
Virtue: Prudence. Evans recognizes that a treaty between the supernatural make an impact.
and humankind might have been smart when this country was first founded, but Before he was sworn
doesn’t see why it’s necessary now. He believes that supernatural beings aren’t in as Vice President, Evans
human and should either be destroyed, harnessed, or forced to do the U.S. was not aware that the su-
government’s bidding. Evans has convinced himself that he selflessly desires the pernatural existed. It wasn’tt
office of the Presidency because it is in the best interests of theAmerican people until he was pulled into a
to get a straight answer from the government at all times. secret room at the Pentagon n
The only way voters will pick him over a younger and more attractive leader that the truth was revealed..
After confiding in long-timee
Falling Scales II

is if the general public trusts his experience and his ability to protect them. By
exposing the supernatural, Evans believes that voters will side with him when he friend and supporter Chris- s-
publicly outs President Martin as a traitor. tian St. John, Evans now w
Vice: Envy. The only reason why Evans agreed to be President Martin’s believes it is his duty as an n
American to reveal the truth h
sidekick is because no one else would have given him the opportunity. Privately,
Evans has been extraordinarily critical of the President’s decisions to focus more about the supernatural. In n Vice President
on foreign policies than domestic. These claims were not unfounded for the young his mind, anything that isn’t
human are the real terrorists
Robert Evans
president has yet to take a stand and caves to public pressure at the drop of a hat.
Thanks to Evans, several members of Congress and officials at the Pentagon agree and St. John is a true patriotot
that President Martin’s public show of weakness is a threat to National Security, because he is doing what he
when the opposite may be true. can to stop the supernatural from taking over.
Background: The Vice President has served many terms in political office. Description: Vice President Robert Evans is a sloppy, blunt politician in his
Robert Evans first entered the political fray in his 40s when he ran for Colorado early 60s who professes himself to be a true American. A know-it-all, Evans has
State senator. Although he ran as an Independent, his common sense platform constantly sought long-term solutions to almost every problem – whether it was
appealed to state residents who wanted a practical politician. warranted or not. While in office, the Vice President’s persistent honesty and
Then Senator Evans’s ability to focus on lasting policies has earned him a constant string of opinions has rubbed many people the wrong way. Precious
great deal of accolades. While other senators were courted by lobbyists from the few have found him refreshing and these allies, mainly aging generals and select
tech sector in the 90s, Evans targeted several pharmaceutical and green energy politicians, are starting to believe he is the right man to hold the office of the
businesses – including White Heart Pharmaceuticals – to set up shop in Colorado. Presidency.
These efforts, combined with the grateful campaign contributions from these Storytelling Hints: The Vice President’s brutal honesty masks his patience
same companies, earned him his reelection and the nickname “Honest Bob.” and quiet intelligence. Those who forget that Evans is a long-term strategic thinker
While other states were floundering in the wake of the dotcom bust, Colorado will wind up targeted by one of his schemes. Evans is not aware that White Heart
flourished, and people took note. Pharmaceuticals is double-crossing him; he truly believes that Christian St. John
Evans was suggested for the office of the Vice President by Gina Rodriguez, is on his side and wants to make sure the American public sees the truth. Al-
a political consultant working on President Martin’s campaign. Thomas Martin, though he doesn’t have a lot of physical prowess, Evans is supported by several
a young candidate from Mississippi, did not have the experience to get elected high-ranking members of the military and can, with little to no effort, alert the
on his own. Senator Evans had the reputation and expertise he needed to build FBI, CIA, or Homeland Security of a possible threat that should be investigated
a strong campaign for the presidency. or wiped out. A dangerous adversary but a loyal friend, Evans would probably
Although Evans has had a successful political career, his personal life has be devastated if he learned he was helping an even greater evil root itself in the
been fraught with several publicized arguments, jealous accusations about his fel- people he claims to love and protect.

Name: Robert Evans Background: A grad-
Concept: Vice President uate from Har vard Law
Virtue: Prudence School, Christian St. John
Vice: Envy comes from a wealthy fam-
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 4, Wits 2, Resolve 3 ily with a proud heritage
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2 and prominent status. Even
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 3 people who have not met St.
Mental Skills: Academics 3, Computer 3, Occult 2, Politics 3, John personally know of his
Persuasion 3 father, William, who sits on
Physical Skills: Athletics (Running) 3, Brawl 2, Drive 3, Firearms 2, the Supreme Court.
Larceny 1, Stealth 2 Most of St. John’s
Social Skills: Empathy 2, Intimidation 2, Socialize 3, Subterfuge personal history is easily
(Body Language) 3 accessible online, with the
Merits: Allies 4, Contacts (Political, Military) 3, Fame 3, Resources 2, exception of a two-year
Status (Vice President) 4 sabbatical he took after
Health: 8 he received his bachelor’s
degree. His graduation gift
Falling Scales II

Willpower: 9
Morality: 4 was an all expenses paid
Size: 5 tour around the world
Speed: 10 with his aunt, a world-
Defense: 6 renowed photographer
Initiative: 7 named Dr. Marjorie Mer-
Armor: riweather. Together, they St. John
Weapons/Attacks: toured the seven ancient
Type Damage Dice Pool wonders and focused on
Pistol 2L 6L archaeological sites, like
the Egyptian pyramids, in several countries. Strangely, St. John claims to have no
record of the trip and claims he had a “religious experience.” No pictures, journals,
Christian St. John or video was taken during the excursion. In fact, the only thing he brought back
Quotes: “Machiavelli was right.” with him was an elaborate set of tattoos and strange Egyptian hieroglyphs that
“If you can’t beat them, might as well serve them.” decorate his entire back.
“Save millions by condemning thousands? What choice did I have?” A star pupil, White Heart Pharmaceuticals hired St. John right out of law
Virtue: Justice. Christian St. John knows that what he’s doing is not in school and has proven to be a dedicated employee. Rumors circulate why this
the best interests of the general public, but he’ll do it anyway because he’s handsome corporate attorney refuses to marry or enter into any long-term relation-
helping his friend, Vice President Robert Evans, get into office. St. John may ship. Some say he’s addicted to drugs; others believe he’s afraid he’ll be subjected
be a coward, but he’s never known Evans to back away from a fight. When he to the legendary family curse.
finally tells him the truth, he hopes Evans will have enough power to take his For centuries, every first-born son has been struck down by tragedy on their
family head on and give them what they deserve – before it’s too late. fortieth birthday. His uncle, Peter, who was born two years before his dad, mysteri-
Vice: Sloth. Why fight the inevitable? Eventually, everyone will die. Someone ously disappeared many years ago while flying over the Cayman Islands. Some say
bigger and more powerful will always come along. Better to befriend someone Christian, William’s first-born and favorite child, will be next. While his family has
like the Vice President or let his Dad take over than take matters into his own never told him the truth, deep down St. John believes that these family members
hands. When he was younger, St. John had no idea the supernatural existed but are sacrificed to Set in exchange for dark secrets and prophecies.
now that he does? How can he refuse to work with them? He knows what they Description: Christian St. John is a well-dressed, charming attorney in
did to his family. his early 30s who recognizes a good thing when he sees one. As the North
American liaison for White Hart Pharmaceuticals, he knows how to play to

people’s hopes, dreams, and desires. A smooth-talker with a hard edge, St.
John is more akin to a popular politician than a legal expert. With untold Abe Church
assets and celebrities at his beck and call, St. John will flash dollar signs to Quotes: “It’s your fault, your fault, your fault!”
placate his enemies and will actively seek out naysayers to win them over. “I’m watching you.”
Never in the same place twice, it’s hard to pin St. John down. Most people “HELP OR DIE.”
can’t recall spending more than an hour or two with the man who hates Virtue: Justice. The cult of the Unmasked has been destroyed and Abe is
being caught on camera. convinced it was the group’s fault. Worse, Abe cannot find his beloved leader
Storytelling Hints: Beneath his charming surface, Christian St. John is and he’ll do whatever he can to figure out what happened to her. In life, he was
a puppet for a great evil in the guise of a corporation and the source of the a prudent man who never acted rashly. In death, Abe has nothing to lose.
memetic infection. He will do anything he can to keep people’s attention Vice: Wrath. The Unmasked weren’t just a group of mindless followers.
focused on all the good White Heart Pharmaceuticals is doing or his powerful Many of the cult’s members were Abe’s friends and extended family. He will do
friends like Vice President Evans. Even though St. John is not aware of his whatever he can to punish those responsible for destroying all that he loved.
company’s long-term goals or how the memetic infection was engineered, he Background: Abraham Church is a Skinrider who will attempt to possess
knows full well what happens to people who betray their masters and that his unsuspecting mortals close to the characters in order to betray and eventually
company brought something even more dangerous to Washington D.C. murder them. Unbeknownst to the players, the events in Falling Scales Part I
Usually, he will not take “no” for an answer but, if cornered, he will ended messily for Church. The cult in disarray, he turned to Christopher in his
run away as far and as fast as he can and let somebody else do his dirty work greatest hour in need to reaffirm his faith in their lofty goals. Anna, like the
Falling Scales II

for him. government branch he worked for, left him to die in order to deal with a bigger
Name: Christopher St. John threat – the characters.
Concept: Corporate Attorney Abraham Church was a former soldier who felt betrayed by the secret government
Virtue: Charity branch he worked for. After thee death of his
Vice: Sloth team of supernatural hunters,
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Resolve 3 Abraham faked his death for
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 a second time and headed
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 3, Composure 2 for Denver. Once there, he
Mental Skills: Academics 2, Computer 2, Occult 4, Politics 3, couldn’t shake his desire to
Persuasion 5 expose the supernatural for
Physical Skills: Athletics (Martial Arts) 3, Brawl 2, Drive 3, what they were and wound up
Firearms 2, Larceny 1, Stealth 2 working for Anna Christopher
Social Skills: Empathy 2, Intimidation 3, Persuasion 4, Socialize 3, as her bodyguard. A fervent
Subterfuge (Body Language) 2 supporter of the Unmasked,
Merits: Allies 5, Contacts (Police, Political, Medical, Occult) 5, Church quickly became one
Resources 4, Status (Corporate Attorney) 2, Striking Looks 3 of the cult’s best trainers until
Health: 8 his demise.
Willpower: 7 Church blames the group
Morality: 3 for his death and the destruc--
Size: 5 tion of the Unmasked. Hiss
Speed: 10 twisted desire for revenge hass
Defense: 4 transformed his humanity intoo
Initiative: 7 a harbinger of death. Church h
Armor: doesn’t remember how he died. d.
Weapons/Attacks: Whether it was at the character’ss
Type Damage Dice Pool hands or not, his soul has been n
Pistol 2L 6L ripped from his body and he is
single-minded in his thirst foror Abe Church

Description: Abe relies on his human instincts as a soldier to spy on the
group. At first, he is invisible and cannot be detected. Upon closer examination, Mara Williams
certain details come to light. A pair of rats with milky-white eyes creeps nearby. Quotes: “The eyes reveal what our minds cannot.”
A thin wisp of smoke settles into the pudgy body of a prison guard. Once the “Most spirits aren’t bad, they’re just misunderstood.”
Skinrider possesses a human, the characters will only be able to tell its true identity “My gift can help people. Come on, Kheph. Let’s ease this guy’s pain.”
if they’ve progressed to Stage Two of the memetic infection. If not, they will still Virtue: Faith. Mara claims that her ability to communicate with the spirit world is
notice something is off; the guard’s skin is pallid or his eyes have rolled back in a gift from the gods. She is a true believer who freely admits that while not every ghost
his head. Conversation with this spirit will be stilted. Abe may fixate on a cruel is benign, it is her responsibility to translate their pain into a beautiful message to share
word or mundane phrase until he gets his way. with the living. So far, her experience communing with spirits like Kheph has been
Storytelling Hints: Abe Church’s spirit is only a passing resemblance to his pleasant. These memories strengthen her faith even when it is tested.
former human self. His character in Falling Scales Part II will be more of a gut Vice: Gluttony. Unlike other shamans, Mara drowns herself in the spirit
punch if the players took down the cult (or even killed him) in Falling Scales Part world and has become addicted to it. It’s hard for her to live in the real world;
I. However, it is not necessary for the characters to be familiar with Abraham she’s terrible with money and relies on the generosity of others. She will often
Church as he once was. Here, the finer details of the cultist’s death aren’t as drop into a trance in broad daylight or in the middle of a conversation.
important as the moral dilemmas and the horror he introduces as an avenging Background: Mara Williams is a young, twenty-something college dropout
spirit. To keep the focus on the present, make Church’s attacks personal. He from Michigan who relies on luck and a spirit guide she calls “Kheph.” She
taunts the group and singles out their insecurities and their pressing fears. He believes Kheph is her guardian angel and managed to learn enough Coptic, the
Falling Scales II

knows things about the memetic infection and holds that information hostage. spoken form of the Egyptian language, to communicate with him.
He pinpoints cracks in the relationship between characters and exposes them The people in her hometown have been acting strange and she thinks it has some-
when they’re at their most vulnerable. thing to do with an upcoming ng
To move the plot forward, help the group see that their actions have a cause astrological event. What Mara ra
and an effect on the story. What happens when the characters realize they are the doesn’t know, is that White Heart rt
reason Abe exists? If the Skinrider’s vengeance is misplaced, will the group clear Pharmaceuticals distributed the he
their name or try to rid themselves of the ghost? flu vaccine to pharmacies around d
the country.
Name: Abe Church When Mara contacted d
Concept: Vengeful Skinrider Kheph, he told her she had d
Virtue: Justice been chosen to witness an n
Vice: Wrath “Awakening in the Eastern cityy
Attributes: Power 5, Finesse 4, Resistance 5 where the great eye is made.””
Willpower: 10 While Kheph was light on n
Morality: 5 specific details, he did telll
Defense: 5 her it had something to doo
Speed: 19 (species factor 10) with the panicked spirits and d
Size: 5 residents who have been con-
Corpus: 10 tacting her recently. Familiar
Essence: 20 with Kheph’s cryptic clues,
Numina: Compulsion (dice pool 9), Possession (dice pool 9), Mara figured out that he
Ghost Speech (dice pool 9), and Terrify (dice pool 9) meant she had to take a trip
Notes: Skinriders are typically rare evil spirits. In this case, to Washington D.C.
Church’s vengeance is what forced his ghost to manifest as pos- Recently, Mara hitched
sessing spirit. Close proximity to the characters is encouraged. For a ride to the nation’s capital
more information on ghosts and how to deal with them read pp. and has been relying on the
208 - 216 of the World of Darkness Rulebook. kindness of others to wait Mara Williams
for a sign. Unfortunately for

Mara, her strange tendency to talk to Kheph in the middle of the street in a foreign
language has turned her into a target to be captured and studied. The Thief
After narrowly escaping a kidnapping attempt, Mara fears for her life and Quotes: “Those who know of me, run. Those who don’t will start running.”
relies on Kheph to help her find someone who will protect her. “Do not stand between me and my prey.”
Description: Mara is a beautiful, young woman with a heart of gold. Although “I have hunted between the shadows, I have absorbed, and I am made strong.”
she is truly gifted, she is naïve about why Kheph chose to communicate with her. Background: The Thief is a seemingly ageless creature that has had no begin-
She tends to stop in the middle of a sentence as if she is listening to an invisible ning nor end. Shrouded in rumors, this morally-lacking entity has feasted on the
presence and will sometimes forget how she ended up where she was. internal organs of the supernatural for thousands of years. The mere whisper of
Kheph is an Egyptian spirit whose mission is to ensure that the ignorant populace his whereabouts will cause even the most powerful supernatural beings to feel
is awakened for the return of his masters and mistresses. While he pretends to care for icy dread. But who is he? And are there more like him?
Mara, his true goal is to ensure that nothing will stop the infection from spreading. It has been many years since The Thief was created and his memory has not
Kheph will allow Mara’s capture to occur because he’s exempt from harm. survived the ravages of time. He barely remembers the age of the Pharaohs and
At first, Kheph is not aware of all the other entities – like the Thief – who their desperate, magical workings. If he was pressed to recall a specific detail, he
are benefiting from the infection. If the spirit is wise to the Thief’s existence, he would utter the name “Unas.” This pharaoh was a fierce, cannibalistic savage
will panic and scream. Even though Kheph can’t be touched by the hunter – he’s from the Fifth Dynasty whose hymns still sing of his ability to absorb magic by
fully aware of what he is and the danger he poses to his masters. eating the dead. Though the Thief himself is no longer aware of his own origin,
Storytelling Hints: A gentle soul with a curious nature, Mara seeks out the those who are skilled enough to patch together shredded myths with fact may
Falling Scales II

good in everyone and is appalled by violence. She will react poorly to experimen- suspect that this strange creature may be Unas himself, cursed by Anubis for his
tation and may shut down if she is forced to reveal how she communicates with atrocities.
her beloved spirit world. The Thief has other ideas about where he came from, however, and suspects
Name: Mara Williams that he is not the only one of
Concept: New Age Guru his kind. His early memories
Virtue: Faith are not of Egypt, even though
Vice: Gluttony he speaks the language fluently,
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 3 but of Europe and the hunt
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4 for a white stag. The Thief has
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 3, Composure 3 always followed what he labels
Mental Skills: Academics 3, Computer 3, Medicine 3, Occult 3, Science 2 as “the herd.” When he is
Physical Skills: Athletics 4, Larceny 2, Weaponry 2 hungry and desperate, he will
Social Skills: Expression 4, Intimidation 2, Persuasion 3 gravitate toward large, super-
Merits: See Spirits 3, Communion 5, Languages (English 3, Coptic/ natural communities and feast
Egyptian 2), Allies 2 on whomever he can capture.
Health: 9 When he is satiated, however,
Willpower: 7 he will be more selective in
Morality: 5 his tactics and his prey. To
Size: 5 this hunter, there is nothing
Speed: 10 more important than the act
Defense: 3 of feeding and the power it
Initiative: 6 brings.
Armor: A thirst for power is what
Notes: The shaman character type is pulled from World of first drew the Thief to White
Darkness: Second Sight. Storytellers do not need this book to Heart Pharmaceuticals. A few
understand Mara’s character, but if they want to learn more about years ago he was lured into a
shamans they can refer to pp. 91-93. business partnership by St.
John’s aunt, Dr. Marjorie The Thief
Merriweather. It was she who

promised the Thief the opportunity to grow strong, to wreak havoc of his own Morality: N/A
choosing on the supernatural community he preyed upon. The only price he had Size: 5
to pay was a vial of his blood so the company could use modern-day methods to Speed: 13
lure supernatural beings out into the open. Defense: 3
After many trial-and-errors, the memetic infection was perfected and a sinister Initiative: 9
arrangement was forged provided the Thief remained within the company’s reach. Supernatural Powers
Confined within the D.C. city limits, the Thief has been hunting and feeding off Absorption: If The Thief feasts on the internal, fresh organs of
of exposed supernatural beings for about two to three months. a supernatural being, he will absorb a limited number of its traits.
As long as the memetic infection continues to spread, the Thief has vowed The number of organs consumed is equal to one less the creature’s
not to turn against his former partner. Stamina rating; the window for eating these organs is up to one
Description: For several weeks (if not months), the Thief fed off of whatever minute after death. The Thief will gain one Attribute for every organ
supernatural victims White Heart Pharmaceuticals has provided him until he ingested, according to what the being’s highest ratings are. For
regained a more palpatable appearance. Returned to his former glory, the seven example, if a vampire has Wits 9 and Manipulation 8, The Thief will
foot tall Thief looks like an average mortal. Now, the only way the characters gain a permanent dot in each provided he consumes its heart and
will be able to tell who (or what) the Thief is would be to use their deductive liver within the recommend timeframe.
reasoning based on evidence and myth. Any tests conducted on the Thief will Chameleon: A well-fed Thief will resemble that of a human
falsely reveal he is human.
Falling Scales II

provided he has doubled his original Attribute points. The physical

Storytelling Hints: The Thief directly benefits from the existence and spread aspects of the Thief will smooth out and appear less monstrous
of the mimetic virus. As such, his loyalties lie with whoever will continue to manu- the closer he gets to his consumption of a fourteenth organ. Until
facture it, spread it, and allow him to feed on supernatural beings. His steady diet that occurs, The Thief will suffer a -2 penalty on all Presence and
of supernatural sweetmeats has brought the Thief extraordinary power. Not only Manipulation rolls. In Falling Scales Part II, The Thief has already
can he ally with whomever he chooses on a whim, he is able to quickly turn the consumed the appropriate number to look human, so the penalty
tables on supernatural characters who engage him and hunt them down, too. does not apply, and this power is in full effect.
Fortunately, the Thief almost always leaves a trail behind and is not invulner- Immunity: The Thief is immune to magic and all forms of super-
able. Drunk on power, he no longer hides the remnants of his meals and exposes natural detection. Any attempts to identify The Thief will falsely
half-eaten corpses out for all the world to see. Use the Thief’s arrogance and reveal he is human. Character enhancements, in the form of super-
sloppiness as a way to open up his weaknesses and further adventures. natural power or Discipline, will fail. For example, vampires will not
be able to drain his Vitae and, if they want to damage him, can only
Name: The Thief
use their fangs. However, if a character is savvy enough to target
Concept: Hunter
The Thief and use these powers on him, they will succeed.
Virtue: N/A
Notes: The Thief is a being that is neither mortal nor fully super-
Vice: N/A
natural. Steeped in myth and rumor, no one knows if the Thief is
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 8, Wits 7, Resolve 9
“a” being or a group of them. Here, the Thief has ties to Ancient
Physical Attributes: Strength 9, Dexterity 5, Stamina 6
Egypt and it’s this connection that has drawn him to White Heart
Social Attributes: Presence 5, Manipulation 6, Composure 8
Pharmaceuticals and Washington D.C. Should Mara Williams survive
Mental Skills: Occult 5, Investigation 2, Medicine 2
or encounter the Thief, her “spirit guide” Kheph will react violently
Physical Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Firearms 1, Stealth 3, Survival 3,
and demand the Thief’s destruction.
Larceny 2, Weaponry 2
This type of antagonist will leave a trail of breadcrumbs for the
Social Skills: Intimidation 3, Persuasion 5, Animal Ken 1,
players to follow. When they’re stuck, use the Thief’s appetite to
Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3
propel the story. However, there is plenty of meat in this adventure
Merits: Fast Reflexes 2, Fleet of Foot 1, Iron Stamina 2, Danger
to save the antagonist up until the very end or not, if the story
Sense 2, Languages (Ancient Egyptian 3, English 2), Unseen Sense 3
demands it, introduce the Thief at all.
(while not mortal, the Thief is able to use this Merit without penalty.)
For more information on the Thief and how to deal with this unique
Health: 20
creature, read pp. 124 - 126 of World of Darkness: Antagonists.
Willpower: 8

FLOWCHART Breadcrumbs
Mental •• Physical •• Social ••••

The characters uncover several rumors at an extravagant fundraising gala for
Vice President Evans hosted by his friend, Christian St. John, a corporate attorney

for White Heart Pharmaceuticals. Toward the end of the evening, they learn that
an assassination attempt has been made on the Vice President’s life.

Horse-drawn carriages drive up to a modern building. Couples exit black compartments
and hide from flashing cameras. Women dressed in black silk adjust their skirts as they stroll
Falling Scales II

JAILBREAK SHINING STAR along a promenade to the museum. Men wearing tri-corner hats, wigs, and silk stockings pose
for pictures. Inside, attendants dressed in colonial costumes await members of Washington’s

elite to serve them cider, wine, and whiskey. A pair of drummers and a flutist play cheerful,
patriotic melodies for guests who will stop to listen.
Storyteller Goals
Washington D.C. is buzzing with rumors that Vice President Bob Evans will
announce his bid for the presidency. This time, the stories are true. Tonight, his
longtime friend Christian St. John has organized a theatrical fundraiser to kick off his
BENEATH campaign. The guest list is a veritable who’s who of very important people in politics,
entertainment, sports, and academics. Characters who attend this extravagant, masked

ball will recognize celebrities on sight or by simply talking to them.

The American colonial theme of this event is a mockery of the period. The event,
which primarily takes place in the Smithsonian Art museum, encourages younger at-

THE SEAL tendees to bob for apples, watch Betsy Ross sew a star on the flag, and play games. Adults
are given flasks of whiskey, fine breads and cheeses, and have the option of purchasing
handmade pottery, or view the exclusive “Death Mask” exhibit.
The Death Mask exhibit is a series of photographs, paintings, and actual
forms taken of the dead with a few spirit photographs thrown in for good mea-
sure. White Heart Pharmaceuticals rented out the wing for this evening’s main
SHADOW event. At seven o’clock in the evening, the Vice President will announce is bid
GUISE for presidency of the United States.
Unlike other fundraisers, this particular event is not open to the press.
Members of the paparazzi may shoot photos and interview guests outside, but
they are not allowed in the museum itself and won’t be until the Vice President
is ready to make his speech.
Guests are encouraged to ditch their phones and other pieces of technology for
AFTERMATH the evening and wear masks or costumes to hide their true identity. Combined, the

mood within the confines of the museum is one of curiosity and amusement in spite Scouring the Rumor Mill
of the atmospheric decorations that honor the founding fathers and the Freemasons
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Socialize
who built and planned Washington D.C. Certain symbols “pop” out of the décor: a
Action: Instant
winged serpent, a great eye, a rising sun, a pyramid, and a white stag.
Hindrances: Drunk (-1), character is Supernatural (-2), character isn’t in
Christian St. John is present at this event although the characters may not
costume (-4)
recognize him in his costume. He has donned a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles
Help: Character has the Allies merit (+3)
and a powdered wig for the occasion. Several high-ranking politicians and generals,
including members of Congress and the Pentagon, are also in attendance. Roll Results
Goals should focus on the social aspects of this event and the information the Dramatic Failure: The character angers guests and makes a spectacle of
characters can glean from consorting with the guests. The group should feel like herself wherever she goes. She has been unable to find anything of value.
they’re in over their head but, for whatever reason, the theme of the fundraiser Failure: During the course of the evening’s events, the character was able to
has had a profound and positive effect on the guests – people are willing to talk find out some information but has also been under the watchful eye of Christian
to whomever will listen. This scene is a good opportunity to provide some ambi- St. John.
ance, introduce clues, and increase tension. Success: The characters aren’t the life of the party, but they haven’t been
The characters may learn from the other guests that: able to embarrass themselves either. They’ve been able to pick up that many of
• A congresswoman from Missouri was found unconscious at the base of the guests were skeptical about White Heart Pharmaceuticals true motives and
Falling Scales II

the Washington Monument with no memory of how she got there. have been able to substantiate a few rumors.
Exceptional Success: The characters glean all of the juicy tidbits from the
• The Vice President and Christian St. John were seen arguing before
evening’s conversation. They even got the name of a few local doctors who’ve

the event.
inspected patients with severe symptoms (that sound ominously like the memetic
• The Pentagon has temporarily shut its doors to civilians for reasons infection) after receiving a shot from the drug company. Combined, they’re able
unknown. to put together a comprehensive roster of the evening’s attendees and realize
• No one knows where the D.C. office of White Heart Pharmaceuticals who’s in attendance (and who’s not). They will also hear about the assassination
is located. attempt well before the Vice President makes his speech.
• Children have fallen seriously ill after getting the flu shot.
Supernatural Characters
Any supernatural who’s in attendance will act surprised if the group recog- The theme and nature of the event will make it easy for the supernatural to
nizes them, but will attempt to pull them aside to ask what they know about White be seen out in public provided they attend in costume. Supernaturals detected
Heart Pharmaceuticals or a woman named Mara Williams. These occurrences by St. John will not be attacked or revealed to the other guests, but they will be
will be non-combative and are at the storyteller’s discretion. asked to leave immediately. If pressed, St. John will tell them that it’s in their
At the stroke of seven p.m., Vice President Robert Evans will stand at a best interests to keep a low profile.
simple podium and speak to the crowd. White Heart Pharmaceuticals has just
donated two hundred million dollars to the Vice President’s presidential election
campaign. Evans will then tell the crowd about a recent assassination attempt
on a congresswoman’s life and how he will stop at nothing to find out who is
threatening him, too. He will offer a sizable reward for anyone who’s willing to By the end of this scene, the characters should decide which lead to follow
come forward with information to catch the culprit responsible for hurting the up on. There are several paths they can take:
congresswoman. • If the characters want to figure out what’s happening at the Pentagon,
The announcement should be short and fuel speculation. Shortly afterward, go to Dig Deeper.
St. John will ask guests to leave a small donation on their way out. • If they decide to investigate White Heart Pharmaceuticals, Christian St.
John, or the flu vaccine, go to Dig Deeper.
Character Goals • Characters who want to check out the scene of the congresswoman’s
accident should go to The Monument.
Infiltrate the fundraiser. Learn what the Vice President’s big announcement
is. Listen to rumors.

The Monument
Mental •• Physical •• Social ••

This scene reveals that the Cult of the Unmasked has not been destroyed, it has
evolved. Worse, the government might be somehow involved with the cultists, too.
A woman, fearing for her life, runs to the group for safety. She gives them a cryptic
message and begs them to help. Before they have a chance to assist her, a black bag
is thrown over her head and she’s shoved into the back of a vehicle.

A total stranger runs headfirst into your arms. Tears stream down her bloody face.
Falling Scales II

Her clothes are ripped and she’s shaking uncontrollably. Gripping your jacket, she tries to

The Monument
pull herself up. “Help me. The soldiers are coming.” Why now? Why this woman? “Why
did I tell them about Knepf? They lied to me.” You thought you had all the answers, but
now you’re not sure. You’re about to ask her who the soldiers are, but you don’t have
the chance — several military vehicles have surrounded the area. Now what are you going
to do?

Storyteller Goals
Let the characters get comfortable with their investigation before diving in
to this intense moment. Describe the Washington Monument and how it honors As the woman is taken away, describe witnesses around the grassy area and
George Washington. Mention how it was built to resemble an Egyptian obelisk, the path that stretches from the Monument to the Lincoln Memorial: the home-
its tie to Freemasonry, and its careful positioning to face the four cardinal direc- less, drug addicts, club goers, teenage kids, tourists, etc. Make it seem like the
tions. Talk about how it lights up like a beacon when the sun hits it. No matter passersby are perfectly fine with what just happened. Increase the dramatic ten-
how hard they look, though, the tourist attraction has already been scoured sion by depicting setting details. Sirens can be heard screaming in the distance.
thoroughly for evidence. A mysterious shadow crosses the moon. A cloudy mist forms over the Lincoln
As they get ready to leave, a young stranger will make a beeline for the Memorial Reflecting Pool. A witness makes the sign of the cross. Someone else
characters and will anxiously divulge details about her plight. She will say the is texting on their cell phone.
words “Awakening” and “flu vaccine” repeatedly and will also babble excitedly Meanwhile, a soldier drags a dead body out of the vehicle and leaves it by the
about the effects of the memetic infection. As soon as she reveals her name is side of the monument. Police will already be on their way to apprehend a cabal
Mara Williams, the characters will hear tires screech as they are surrounded by of murderers on the loose that fits the group’s description.
members of the U.S. military and an ominous, unmarked black limousine with The Storyteller’s main goal for this scene is evoke the feeling that the as-
tinted windows. sassination attempts are real and the characters are being targeted as a potential
Should Mara try to run or the characters attempt to help her, the soldiers threat. The group does not have to be present for all the events in the scene. They
will take her down with a tranquilizer dart. For whatever reason, the soldiers will will quickly learn that a warrant is out for their arrest.
show no interest in the group – provided they do not try to fight back and none Characters who acquired the memetic infection from the Unmasked will likely
of the characters are supernatural. realize they are still lurking about. Use the woman’s kidnapping as a catalyst to quickly

propel them into the conspiracy. Are the characters now being watched by the FBI? Characters who use their supernatural abilities may encounter a random
Who was the man (or woman) in the dark limousine? What is the Awakening? What member of the crowd who’s in the throes of the memetic infection.
is so dangerous about a flu vaccine? Who would want to kill the Vice President?
Several witnesses at the scene will corroborate the soldier’s story when the
police arrive. What will the group do? Will they run? They cannot simply abandon Consequences
the body and run off into the night. Regardless of how it happens, the characters Characters who succumb to anxiety, paranoia or fear will wind up as suspects
are either arrested, taken in for questioning, or have to fill out paperwork. Their in the woman’s murder until the time of her death can be determined. Those who
actions as a group will determine how the police treat them. remain calm and use their social skills will emerge in control and escape Beneath.
With several witnesses on hand during a tense situation this would be a good Regardless of how the characters act, move quickly from this scene to Downtown
opportunity to introduce how the virus has mutated in order to spread. where the characters will encounter Christian St. John and a familiar foe.

Character Goals
Realize that they are being framed. Weigh reactions against social conse-
quences caused by real tragedy and betrayal.
Falling Scales II

Escape Undetected
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Persuasion vs. the Crowd’s Presence + Intimida-
tion + 4 (11 dice)
Action: Instant and contested
Hindrances: Character has recognizable characteristics (+2)
Help: Character is athletic (-3)

Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The characters will immediately be cornered, arrested by
police, and hailed to jail.
Failure: The Storyteller rolls more successes than the player. A warrant has
been put out for the group’s arrest and witnesses will lead the police straight to
Success: The player rolls as many or more successes than the Storyteller. Wit-
nesses will come forward to help the characters when the cops arrive. If pressed,
they’ll say the body was at the Monument before the group showed up. They will
make no mention of the kidnapping. Characters will be able to tell their side of
the story to police and will not be arrested on sight.
Exceptional Success: The player scores more successes than the Storyteller
and rolls an exceptional success. Characters will be able to narrate the end of the
scene and determine their own course of action when they arrive at the station.

Supernatural Characters
Supernatural characters are used to covering up dead bodies even when wit-
nesses are around. For these characters, increase the volume of the witnesses and
speed up the appearance of the authorities. They may be able to convince one
or two bystanders that they were only trying to help. They may also persuade the
police to let them go. If that’s the case, reveal to the characters that Christian St.
John is anxious to speak with them down at the station.

Mental •• Physical •• Social ••

The characters are down at the police station and have a strange conversation
with Christian St. John, a corporate attorney working for White Heart Phar-
maceuticals. If they refuse his help, they will fend off an attack from Abraham
Church, a Skinrider bent on avenging not only his death, but the death of Anna
Christopher and his fellow cultists. They will also be arrested for a murder they
did not commit.

Falling Scales II

“So, what’s it going to be? I’ve got a dead woman on my hands and no suspects.” The
burly police officer glances from you to a well-dressed man and back to you again. “Are you
sure you’re telling me everything? What’s this I hear about a black limousine and soldiers,
anyway? Are you one of those conspiracy nuts?”

Storyteller Goals
The primary goal for this scene is to give the characters the opportunity to
join St. John and the Vice President and get on White Heart Pharmaceuticals’ The attorney’s real motive is to recruit them to his cause. At first, he will
payroll. Make it known that their decision shouldn’t be taken lightly. tell them the story of how every President, since George Washington himself,
This scene may also be re-introduced if the characters run afoul of the law. has agreed to enforce a treaty between the supernatural and American people.
Each time they get arrested, St. John will try to help them even if they refused in Then he will tell the characters that it’s the Vice President’s belief that this puts
the past. Leverage arrests if they press one too many buttons in Dig Deeper. society in greater danger because they will be unable to defend themselves from
St. John should be introduced in a manner befitting how the characters are the coming darkness. People have to know that supernatural beings exist and
treated by the police. Maybe the group are deemed dangerous suspects and he White Heart Pharmaceuticals is the only company who can remove the blinders
spends time with them in a jail cell. Maybe the police offer the characters a pri- from people’s eyes. If pressed, St. John will confirm that an even greater threat is
vate meeting with their lawyer. What’s important here is that the players make a on the horizon and the Vice President is the only man who can stop it.
decision they can live with. Will they side with the charming attorney? Will they The smooth-talking attorney will do and say whatever he can to convince
believe that the President is a traitor to the American people? Or will they take them he is a benefactor and he’s on their side. What’s more? He can prove it by
matters into their own hands to stop the Awakening? arranging a visit to the Pentagon. If the characters agree to his help, they’ll be
Christian St. John is good-looking and witty. He seems like he genuinely released from jail with no questions asked and transported to the Pentagon. If
wants to help the characters clear their names both with the police and with the they refuse? The police will attempt to arrest them for murder.
cult. St. John is aware of their situation and will willingly answer any question When the characters are alone, they will encounter a familiar foe. Abraham
they have about the woman and her association with the Unmasked. When (and Church is a loose, ghostly representation of the man he once was. His spirit of
if) he’s pressed about his relationship with the Vice President, St. John will be vengeance manifests as wisps of smoke that settled into unsuspecting bodies. He’ll
reluctant to discuss the details but will verify that the assassination attempt was a take over whatever he can to “spy” on the characters in jail – rats, cockroaches,
ruse to ferret out his enemies. He will then quickly change the subject and focus weak-minded guards. Church’s spirit wants to avenge the death of Christopher
on what he can offer the group. and his fellow cultists by killing the characters. He does not care if they weren’t
directly responsible. They are the target of his vengeance.

The spirit will communicate with them in unnatural and terrifying ways. A Dice Pool: Intelligence or Manipulation + Persuasion or Streetwise vs. St.
guard will stab himself. Another prisoner will lick a dirty wall. Time is a big factor John’s Resolve + Subterfuge
when dealing with Church. Calm moments may cause the characters to question Action: Instant and contested.
not only the timing of his appearance, but why he’s shown up at the prison and Hindrances: Characters are crude or hostile (-1 to -5), Characters are su-
not at a cemetery. Balance action with mystery to help the characters realize they pernatural (-2)
are the cause of the manifestation and Church won’t be stopped until his anchor Help: Characters accept help from St. John (+2), characters reveal they’re
is destroyed. Something at the prison serves as his anchor and that object is in infected (+3)
Christian St. John’s possession. Maybe St. John wore a women’s watch during
their meeting. Maybe he stashed Church’s knife into his coat pocket. That anchor Roll Results
also serves as a direct tie to Falling Scales Part I. Use it. If the characters destroy Dramatic Failure: The jig is up. St. John realizes what the group is
that physical object, Church will disappear. The only problem is: they’ll have to after and he’ll continue his efforts to frame the group for murder. He’ll
go through St. John to get it. also inform the Vice President that the characters are a threat to national
Here are some possible scenarios to explore at the station with ideas for security. Feeling cocky, he’ll flaunt the anchor in their face and tell them
introducing St. John and Church: they’ll be dead soon.
The characters are stuck in jail. The police aren’t buying whatever story they’ve Failure: St. John lies to the group and tells them that he has no idea
given them, but it’s too late in the day to deal with them now. They’ve been what they’re talking about. He’ll rescind his offer to help and will make
tossed in a cell and have to wait until morning. Before they do, the cops bring sure the local police runs a background check on them.
Falling Scales II

along a visitor. It’s St. John, and he has a proposition for them. Something’s not Success: The corporate attorney will advise the group to visit the
right, though. Church’s spirit hovers nearby and tries to attract their attention. Pentagon but will warn them not to receive a free flu shot. That will tell
When St. John leaves, the group come face-to-face with Church, who attacks them everything they need to know about their organization.
them mercilessly. Exceptional Success: St. John sees something in the characters that he

The characters have to fill out paperwork. The characters were simply in the hasn’t felt in a long time. Believing he can trust them, he hems and haws that
wrong place at the wrong time when the murder occurred. All they have to do he’s not sure why he signed up with White Heart Pharmaceuticals – especially
is fill out some witness paperwork and talk to their attorney, Christian St. John, since the company used to be associated with the Cult of the Unmasked.
before they leave. Better to have died a coward than live in the Vice President’s shadow. He
The characters are being interrogated. The cops are treating the group as “hostile.” confesses he was the reason why Church appeared, but he has no choice but
They’ve been locked in a room for several hours without any way to call someone. A to return the anchor to an anxious general back at the Pentagon.
detective enters the room. His eyes are milky-white. It’s Church and he is struggling
to take control of the guard’s body. Enter St. John to the rescue. Resist Terror
At the end of this scene, the group should decide how they feel about what Dice Pool: Wits + Composure vs. Abe Church’s Terrify (Dice Pool 9)
the Vice President is trying to do. Either they work with the Vice President to Action: Instant
spread the memetic infection or they will decide to take him down along with Hindrances: Anchor (-1 to -5 depending upon proximity), Prison (-2)
White Heart Pharmaceuticals. Help: Knowledge of the supernatural (+2), character is religious (+1 to +3)
Church will accidentally set the group free in Jailbreak. St. John may take
them into temporary custody or hand them over to the Pentagon. If the char- Roll Results
acters take their destinies into their own hands, this scene may be extended as Dramatic Failure: The characters have been frightened into a state of inactiv-
they deal with the police. ity. The group will freeze in place and suffer a -2 penalty to their next act.
Failure: The characters are painfully aware that Abraham Church has pos-
sessed a body. They can hear every rough, grating word he says.
Character Goals Success: The characters notice a strange voice and a slight discoloration in
Clear their names. Listen to the offer presented to them and make a decision. the body Abe Church possesses.
Exceptional Success: The characters are blind to Abe Church’s desperate
Detect Lies attempts to affect them.
Characters who don’t trust St. John can verify whether or not he’s telling
them the truth.

Supernatural Characters
St. John will not recognize that the characters are supernatural, but he will Jailbreak
try to figure out if they are. Abraham will be aware of what strengths and weak-
nesses the group has. While his actions may be erratic and malevolent, he’ll hit Mental •• Physical ••• Social •
where it hurts the most.
Savvy characters will leverage their connections to the police or try to escape
sooner rather than later. It is possible that the characters won’t encounter St. Overview
John or Church. In these instances, make sure the group receives a message. The characters break out of prison while fending off an attack from
Maybe a courier drops off a telegram. Maybe an unmarked limousine blocks Abe Church.
their path. Maybe they all get a text message at the same time on their phones.
The Vice President has requested a meeting with the characters at the Pentagon
later that night. Description
No bullets can harm him. No blade can puncture him. No whispered prayers will
Consequences stop him.

The characters may side with St. John and, if the conversation goes well,
Falling Scales II

they’ll leave with him to meet the Vice President at the Pentagon. Accepting his
help will automatically erase all charges but the characters will not be allowed to
Storyteller Goals
The characters have identified that the Vice President is the true threat and
walk free until after their visit.
they have to discover the source of the memetic infection before it’s too late.
The group who deals with the Skinrider will be forced to figure out how
Before they can investigate, they have to escape from prison. Fortunately (or
to get rid of it. If they can’t determine what its anchor is, the characters will be

unfortunately) for them, Church’s spirit is relentless and his constant attacks
repeatedly attacked by Church at random moments until they do.
provide them with an opportunity to flee.
Regardless, the end result of this scene is that the characters will either fall
This is a dangerous, intense scene that may end in blood. There will, regard-
deeper into the conspiracy or they will be framed for murder.
less of whether or not the group kills anyone, be consequences to the events that
happen here.
The security level of the prison is minimal. Balance reactions from other
people in the station as they become exposed to the supernatural. Following
Church means that the police will become wise to the horror that ghosts are real
and any one of them can be possessed. Will they attack one of their own? What
happens if the guard is killed and Abe “jumps” bodies to someone else?
In his intense desire to murder the characters, Church will leave chaos and
destruction in his wake. When Abe attacks in the station, he’ll terrify anyone
else he comes into contact with. Guards will be distracted. Prisoners will beg to
be set free. Church will flip a switch to get access to the cell where the characters
are kept. Unable to think rationally, he’ll react to violence by cutting the power
or fending off his attackers.
The scene’s pace is extremely quick and characters will have to look for the
opportunity to free themselves. Sympathetic prisoners will show them the way
out if they’re unable to find a path through the chaos. Characters may drop into
the sewers, grab a waiting taxi, or run away on foot.
If the characters are uncomfortable escaping from prison and do what they
can to help the police and destroy Church, all charges will be dropped and they
will be released immediately. Church is a persistent spirit and will continue to
wreak havoc if the characters are recaptured until his anchor is destroyed. He
may, however, bide his time if he faces one too many attackers.

Sneaking Out of Prison
Dice Pool: Wits + Stealth
Action: Instant
Hindrances: Characters are recognized (-1 to -5)
Help: Freed prisoners (+3), Other fights/brawls (+2), Ally (St. John) (+2)

Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The characters remain locked in their cell and the guards
are aware they’re trying to get out.
Failure: One of the clerks at the admissions desk spots the characters and
points them out.
Success: The characters quickly escape.
Exceptional Success: The characters manage to avoid detection in the ensu-
ing chaos and pick up their belongings on the way out.

Supernatural Characters
Falling Scales II

Characters with supernatural abilities should balance the benefits and

drawbacks of using their talents in this scene. Church is the true antagonist here
who will draw attention and (possibly) a police officer’s fire, but that doesn’t
mean other violence won’t occur when prisoners run free and innocent victims
stand in their way.

Revealing the truth about the supernatural may conflict with character back-
grounds and goals. While the characters may escape unscathed, their respective
communities will likely hold them responsible for cleaning up after their mess.

The characters are free to investigate White Heart Pharmaceuticals and
Iff the situation gets too
too messy,
messsy, introduce
introduce St.
St. John
o n who’ll usher the characters figure out how Vice President Evans is spreading the vaccine. Depending upon
out the front door underr his his protection
protection as their
theeir attorney.
orneey. how the characters escaped from prison, they could be wanted fugitives or free-
If they’re running from the cops, characters must avoid arrest and are now
Character Goals considered hostile. Clearing their names with local police won’t be enough to
Leave prison without being seriously harmed. Characters who leave with avoid suspicion, however. They may be free, but they’ll quickly realize somebody
St. John will be escorted to the Pentagon in Shining Star. If the group strikes else – FBI, CIA, Homeland Security – is watching them.
out on their own, they’ll find another clue when they Dig Deeper either for the
first or second time.

If combat occurs, use the combat system in the World of Darkness Rulebook.
Review the section on the effects of the memetic infection to see what might
happen if Church attempts to possess one of the group.

Dig Deeper by White Heart Pharmaceuticals, but
the organization was quickly cleared of
any wrongdoing.
Mental ••• Physical •• Social ••• • Clinics and Hospitals. White Heart
Pharmaceuticals is not unknown
in the medical community. Many
Overview doctors and pharmacists have dis-
The characters investigate White Heart Pharmaceuticals, its connection to tributed their free vaccines and flu shots.
the office of the Vice President, and the assassination attempt on the congress- Opinions of the company will be mixed
woman’s life. and more than a few witnesses will
recall bizarre circumstances when
inspecting patients after they’ve
Description been inoculated.
You’ve been clicking around on the web for a while and you think you’ve found • Paint the town. Using their investigative
something. Just when one answer pops into view, another question plagues your mind. You skills, the group might leverage the allies
know you should stop browsing but you just can’t help yourself. The edges of your vision and contacts on their character sheet or
Falling Scales II

begin to blur and your jaw goes slack. By the time you realize what’s happening, hours contact people they met in Breadcrumbs.
have slipped past you as you get caught up in conspiracy theories, rumors, and reports of If they do, they’ll get names of patriotic
missing persons. You’d love to quit searching, but the deeper you dig the more you want supporters who they can interview while
to keep looking. they’re out and about town. These interviews
may be with tourists, senators, members of
the press, etc. They’ll glean mostly positive
Storyteller Goals information about the Vice President and
will be given a voucher for a free seminar
The goal for this scene is to help characters get to the heart of the conspiracy
and facilitate the understanding of its depth and breadth. To do that, provide and complementary flu shot. When asked
opportunities for the characters to compare and contrast White Heart Phar- what they think about the President, they
maceuticals against their personal knowledge of the Unmasked or like-minded will nod and smile but not say much else.
organizations • Occult Bookstores. Several symbols
Some suggestions for the group’s research efforts are: were introduced in Breadcrumbs and
• National library. Information-gathering that takes place at a public facility have been narrated through the story
may take the form of internet searches and the like. Data will be easy to find thus far. Characters who turn to the
regarding White Heart Pharmaceuticals and its fundraising activities for Vice occult bookstores for answers will
President Evans. St. John’s personal history will be sparse online with the find that there’s nothing weird about a
exception of a large number of recent interviews. Random searches of White “White Heart,” but there is something
Heart Pharmaceuticals will reveal press releases about their generous donation very ominous about a “White Heart”
of a flu vaccine to be distributed nationwide. Any further examination will which is also known as a stag. The sym-
result in 404 error pages. bol means “Death.” The origins of the
pyramid, the Great Eye, and the obelisk
• Police station. Depending upon how the group’s experience with the police went, will be traced back to Ancient Egypt.
they may decide to head down to the station and ask for assistance. If they do, Since these symbols are fairly common
the characters won’t find any criminal records on file for the Vice President or most bookstores will have a broad
for St. John. According to the police, both of them are clean. Recently, there range of information on their origins
have been some strange incidents where people have claimed they were poisoned and how they are incorporated into
Washington D.C.’s architecture.

• Campaign Committee. Vice President Evans has a campaign committee that holds
several events to prepare for the upcoming election. These meetings take place Supernatural Characters
in church rectories, community cafeterias, expensive restaurants, the halls of Supernatural entities may find other, more subtle ways of garnering infor-
congress, and even residential homes. Lately, the focus has been on encouraging mation about the conspiracy. Details obtained from questionable sources will
donations to ensure the Vice President will get on the ballot. However, a few reveal the widespread panic that is bubbling up to the surface. Fingers will point
of his staff are thinking about leaving his side to help the President with his to the Vice President as the leader of the Unmasked, not Anna Christopher as
campaign. When prompted for more information, they will become suspicious the characters once believed, and that St. John has no choice but to help. Either
of the group’s motives and will quickly end the discussion. he supports the Vice President in his bid for presidency or he’ll wind up dead
This scene can last as long or as short as the characters need it to and can like so many others.
be introduced multiple times to yield different clues to advance the story. Le- Though the mortals are frightening enough by themselves, there is an
verage storytelling elements, rather than multiple rolls of the dice, to build the undercurrent of dread that courses through Washington D.C. As the events of
atmosphere of the conspiracy. Characters don’t have to know all of these pieces Falling Scales Part II progress, supernatural beings will learn that something else
of information; they just need a nugget to advance to the next scene. lurks in the city – something that’s forcing many creatures to flee for their lives.
Through interviews with witnesses, scouting out locations, and researching
different books, the characters may learn that:
• White Heart is a synonym for an occult symbol that means “death” Consequences
Falling Scales II

Since this scene is to pinpoint certain details and give the characters a new
• Vice President Evans hails from Colorado, the same state where the characters
clue to focus on in the story, the time spent on this scene is entirely up to them.
encountered the Cult of the Unmasked
The key piece of information they should glean is that White Heart Pharmaceu-
• Corpses have been found scattered throughout Washington D.C. and certain

Dig Deeper
ticals is more than just a drug company and the Vice President, regardless of how
bodies were missing their internal organs innocent he may claim to be, is tied directly to the Cult of the Unmasked.
• Evans has been divorced multiple times and one of his wives is named Donna
• Some dead bodies have been confiscated by the U.S. Pentagon, but not all of
• The congresswoman has been vocally accusing Evans of campaign finance
• White Heart Pharmaceuticals and Washington D.C. both have ties to Ancient
• The congresswoman has been vocally accusing Evans of campaign finance
• Public opinion of Evans is spotless and “too perfect”
• The flu vaccine was first developed by White Heart Pharmaceuticals almost
four years ago
• St. John’s father, who sits on the Supreme Court, is now married to Donna

Character Goals
Learn more about White Heart Pharmaceuticals, the congresswoman’s as-
sassination attempt, Vice President Evans, and the flu vaccine.

Shining Star increasingly agitated as he watches the doctors cut into Williams time and
time again. While the Vice President is going on and on about his love of
America and his dead daughter, Anna Christopher, St. John will pull out
Mental ••• Physical •• Social ••• a man’s ring and shoot the characters a knowing wink. This ring will allow
Abraham Church to manifest in the room and he will attack mercilessly and
try to possess someone in the room.
Overview This abruptly ends the Vice President’s speech and puts the Pentagon
into a lockdown state. Soldiers will whisk the Vice President to safety.
The characters meet with the Vice President in the Pentagon and witness At some point during the ensuing chaos, Williams will commit suicide by
his true plan. St. John reveals he is not as supportive of the Vice President’s goals stabbing herself with a surgical knife. She will cry one last word. “Knepf.”
as he pretends to be.
Survive Attack
Description Dice Pool: Resolve + Composure vs. Abe Church’s Power + Finesse (Dice
Pool 9)
A young woman lies naked on a steel table. Scientists dressed in hazmat suits hover
Action: Instant
over her while soldiers stand guard at the door. A surgeon points to his left and a nurse brings
Hindrances: Spirit has possessed a body (Spend Essence) (-1)
him a set of surgical tools. The woman’s eyes roll back into her head and frantic words pour
Falling Scales II

Help: Character is religious (+1)

from her lips to anyone who can understand her. The message is ancient and undecipherable,
but there is no mistaking her cry for help nor the fear that mars her pretty face.

Shining Star
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The character will do whatever Abe Church commands
them to do.
Storyteller Goals Failure: The character is aware that the spirit is giving them a command
The Vice President has brought the characters to the Pentagon to witness and will carry out its task in the least harmful manner. For example, if Church
what his real plan is in order to recruit them to his side. Maybe he invited tells one of the characters to kill themselves, the character will stab themselves
them. Maybe they were kidnapped. Maybe they were brought in for a tour. in the leg.
Regardless of the method, Evans is aware that they had something to do with Success: The character understands what Church is saying and brushes off
the death of his daughter and believes that they must be powerful to take the order.
down the Cult of the Unmasked. Exceptional Success: The character is deaf to Abe Church’s desperate at-
Upon arriving in the Pentagon the group is escorted by soldiers to an tempts and recognizes that St. John’s ring is his anchor.
observation room. There, the Vice President tells them that it was unfor-
tunate they had to encounter the memetic infection the way that they did.
He believes that all supernatural beings are potential terrorists and must be Character Goals
stopped before they take down the government and topple human society. Maintain composure in spite of being thrown into a nasty situation. Survive
During his speech, a naked woman on a table is wheeled into view. Characters the attack from the vengeful spirit and identify the anchor.
who were at The Monument will recognize her as Mara Williams, the woman who
begged for their help. A team of doctors and nurses enter the room to begin a live
dissection and series of experimentations. The Vice President is calm throughout Supernatural Characters
the grisly sight and explains to the group that even people that seem innocent Characters with supernatural powers may want to find any excuse to leave as
threaten the purity and goodness of humanity. Still, he is a practical leader who soon as possible. That doesn’t mean, however, that they can simply kill the Vice
realizes that something can be gained from studying the supernatural. Those President and leave the building. After all, this is the Pentagon. This is a good
scientific insights can help the U.S. military create weapons to wield weapons of opportunity for these characters to assuage the fears of their respective societies.
biological warfare to wipe them out. Amplify the fact that the Vice President is the second-most powerful man in
Christian St. John will arrive toward the end of the Vice President’s the nation and could be a valuable asset – regardless of what information the
speech and will be welcomed. It will soon become clear to the characters characters have already gleaned from him.
that St. John doesn’t necessarily agree with his approach. He will become

Mental ••• Physical •• Social •••

The characters are on the run and drop beneath the streets to escape.

Nowhere to go but down, down, down.

Storyteller Goals
Falling Scales II

The Storyteller’s goal for this scene is to advance the story by revealing the
location of White Heart Pharmaceuticals. The Virginia Avenue tunnels, owned
and operated by the drug company, are accessible via access points in several
locations visible to the naked eye. Since they haven’t been used to transport
passengers in well over a hundred years, the route is perfect for fugitives.
Characters may have learned about the route from another prisoner

in Jailbreak, may have stumbled upon it by pure, dumb luck, or may have
The Vice President will seek to make amends for the attack if they do not figured out the location through their research. Once in the tunnel, they will
wince when they watch the live dissection. Evans is testing the characters to find immediately spot an unoccupied van with a mysterious seal on its side. This
out if they have what it takes to be a part of his inner circle. Confronting St. John seal has the same motif depicted throughout the story. A saying is inscribed
in the Pentagon will have any number of outcomes that will resonate beyond the on its side in English: That Which Comes Out of Thy Mouth is Thrown Back
next scene. Characters may want to flee the Pentagon and find a place to hide, Against Thyself. Any further inspections will reveal a shipping manifest. The
may run out the door with Christian St. John, or may be desperate to find new destination will be blacked out but the point of origin will show where the
ways to stop the Vice President. main warehouse for White Heart Pharmaceuticals is. The entrance is located
underground at the end of the tunnel.
When the characters leave the van, they will be attacked by Abra-
ham Church provided he is still alive. He is persistent and wants the
characters dead.
By now characters may notice that Abraham Church’s spirit is less effec-
tive the more actions he takes. Pissing off the ghost will only weaken it further.
They may also suspect his anchor, a ring worn by St. John, is nearby.

Keep Talking
The characters attempt to drain Church’s power by making him angry.
Dice Pool: Resolve + Composure vs. Abe Church’s Power + Finesse (Dice
Pool 9)
Action: Instant and Extended until Essence runs out or is greatly diminished.
Hindrances: Character has occult knowledge (-2), Character is religious (-2)
Help: Character is angry or afraid (+2), Old Tunnel (+1)

Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The character is terrified and no longer wishes to carry on.
Failure: The character has angered the ghost and his attacks are more
The Seal
Success: The character realizes that Church is growing weaker and has spot- Mental ••• Physical •• Social ••
ted his anchor.
Exceptional Success: The character locates his anchor and manages to
destroy it.
The group uncovers a seal that may be tied to the memetic infection and
destroys it.
Character Goals
Leave the tunnels unscathed and uncover the hidden entrance to White
Heart Pharmaceuticals.
Broken tiles and damp earth decorate the underground entrance to White Heart
Pharmaceuticals. Just inside the door, the air reeks of ozone. A man sits at a tiny
Supernatural Characters reception desk, whispering nervously into his cell phone. The walls surrounding him are
covered with computer monitors that sit idle, waiting. Suddenly, the screens blaze with
Falling Scales II

Characters with supernatural abilities may rush through this scene and the disturbing images. Winged serpents eat their young. Otherworldly masters whip and
assailants. Anyone with a high occult rating will piece together that the saying torture scores of humans into submission. Pregnant women give birth to blue-skinned
on the van may be Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian or Persian in origin. The babies with horns.
meaning of the statement is clouded, however, but the phrase, coupled with the
symbols, clearly reflects that a larger supernatural entity is at work. At the back of the warehouse, a pool of fresh water lies waiting. Upon closer inspection, the

The Seal
pool camouflages an ancient seal, its glyphs pulse and vibrate with an angry, red light.

Consequences Storyteller Goals

If Abe wins, the characters will be bound, gagged, and transported to White
Heart Pharmaceuticals office to face Christian St. John. If the characters win, By the end of this scene, there should be no question that St. John and Evans
they are free to explore the tunnel and break into the office when they’re better are both mindless lackeys compared to what awaits the characters.
equipped. At first, the atmosphere should be terrorizing, tangible, and visual. When
the characters walk in, St. John will not bother resisting them or put up a fight.
His attitude will be casual and he’ll gladly tell the characters where the seal is.
He recognizes that attacking innocent civilians with psychic powers is not a good
solution to figure out how to protect U.S. citizens.
St. John’s goal is to delay the characters just long enough so his employees
can move the source of the vaccine to a safer location. While he does not fully
agree with the Vice President, he will defer to whoever is more powerful. St. John
will try to bribe the group if they become wise to his goals by supplying them with
damning evidence about the Vice President’s past or by betraying White Heart
Pharmaceuticals. In his mind, the group has to be stronger than Evans if they’ve
survived this far. If they can fend off the Vice President, they can save him from
his own family, too.
Once they get past St. John and the computers, they will discover a medita-
tion pool. At the bottom of the water lies a seal with ancient hieroglyphs carved
into its surface. St. John will try to distract them from the pool and, in exchange
for their cooperation, give them damning evidence that would crush the Vice
President’s hopes for the presidency.

This scene will offer the characters a clue about the source of the memetic
infection. Make it easy for them to realize that there’s something else going on.
They don’t necessarily have to know it’s the Thief’s blood that provided White
Heart Pharmaceuticals with the biological matter they needed to produce the
infection in order to heal the population. Here, they have the chance to be an
unlikely group of heroes and restore a part of the world back to normal.
Once the seal is destroyed, the effects of the virus (by way of injection within
the city limits) will diminish and fade to nothing within hours. The virus will
then lie dormant and undetectable. Anyone who was infected through a shot
will feel a slight pinch when the seal cracks. A black ichor will drain from their
nose, eyes, and ears.

Character Goals
Demolish the seal. Obtain damning evidence to ruin White Heart Pharma-
ceuticals, the Vice President, or both of them.
Falling Scales II

Supernatural Characters
Supernatural characters will have an easier time destroying the seal provided
they use their powers to affect the seal directly. The more magic they try to use
to uncover the seal’s secrets, the faster it will crumble. Stronger characters can

The Seal
attempt to lift it out of the water and shatter it against the ground, but they are
The man-made seal itself is an enigma. Pictures and other recording devices only able to do so without the use of their preternatural powers.
will not work on it.it.
t AAny
nyy attempts
ptss ma
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automatically fade from the viewer’s sight. Talking about the specifics will cause
the speaker’s tongue to go numb. Characters will be able to mention certain Consequences
components: a winged serpent, a rising sun, a white Heart or stag. Magic used When this scene has been resolved progress to Shadow Guise or, if the
on the seal will be ineffective. characters ignore the Thief entirely, go to Aftermath.
Anyone with an Occult rating of 4 or above will realize that the seal is outside
human and supernatural understanding. Whatever the seal is, the characters won’t
be able to determine its origin.
To break the seal, the characters must dive into the pool and touch it. When
they do so, the seal will start to crack. Every time they do, a new mark will appear
at random on their bodies and they will become temporarily blind.
When the seal is finally broken, St. John will appear as if he’s waking up from
a fog and the characters’ sight will be restored. Any marks that have appeared
on the characters are permanent; they resemble a serpent’s eye. If questioned
further, there will be significant gaps in St. John’s memory and he may not even
recognize the characters. He will, however, make fearful comments about how
they are being watched.
Simple perception tests will reveal that something else is in the room with
them – and it’s either afraid of them or it’s waiting to pounce. This new entity
is the Thief. He will not attack the group until he’s had a chance to assess how
much of a threat they are. If the characters are supernatural, he will target them
for their organs without hesitation.

Shadow Guise The group’s best chance of surviving an encounter with the Thief would
be to work together. By using good teamwork, the Thief will either be seriously
harmed or he will lose interest in them as prey and spend all his energy trying
Mental •• Physical •• Social •• to escape.

Overview Character Goals

Leave White Heart Pharmaceuticals unscathed.
Destroying the source of the memetic infection forces a terrifying foe to
emerge from the shadows.
Supernatural Characters
Supernatural characters will likely find themselves fighting – or running – for
Description their lives. Their goal is to ensure they will not be followed.
No time to rest; nowhere to run. The Thief is loose and he’s ready to have fun.
Storyteller Goals When this scene has been resolved, go directly to Aftermath.
Falling Scales II

Bloated with newfound strength, the Thief has yet to worry about the long-term

Shadow Guise
ramifications of the now-dormant virus and the destruction of White Heart Phar-
maceuticals. He does not necessarily have to feed and this has affected his short-term
goals. Here, the Thief is curious, arrogant, playful, proud. On the one hand, he wants
to know who dared to end his pact and make his prey harder to hunt. On the other,
he will admit he’s grown bored and wants a new game to play.
With the help of one company, he’s gone from lurking in the shadows to
feasting like a pharaoh. He assumes the group – provided they are mortal – will
make him an attractive offer in exchange for their lives. Supernatural characters
are a different story entirely because the Thief enjoys feeding on them.
However, the Thief has no intention of allowing anyone in the room to live
without getting something in return.
The Thief won’t expect a physical attack because he’s grown accustomed to
everyone treating him with fear and reverence – including St. John. That doesn’t
mean, however, he’s that vulnerable or stupid. He will respond mercilessly to
any physical attack and, if pressed, kill whomever he views to be the weakest
and work his way around the room toward the exit. Although he’s powerful,
he’s much more dangerous when he has the chance to hunt down and murder
unsuspecting prey.
The use of magic and its ineffectiveness will help the characters understand
that the Thief has something to do with the seal and the memetic infection.
While the Thief may be open to interpretation, remind the characters
that he has been hunting down and eating the supernatural for hundreds and
thousands of years. If he flees, the Thief may hunt down each character when
they least expect it.
Remember, too, this being now registers as human so kidnapping or torturing
him may result in real-world consequences if they can’t get rid of the body.

Infection Similar to Falling Scales Part I,
nothing in this story marks the charac-
ter’s new abilities as an infection — un-
Mental •• Physical •• Social •• less they notice these powers spreading
from one character to the next. In
fact, White Heart Pharmaceuticals is
Overview administering the memetic infection
freely as if it’s a cure. As the stories in
Characters contract the “memetic infection.” This scene can happen any time. this series continue and the infection
changes form, however, the nature of
it should become very clear.
She walks towards you, and you feel the tips of your fingers start to twitch. It’s some-
thing in the way she moves, how she turns sideways when she reaches a doorway. And then, Character Goals
as she looks at you, you see the odd pattern in her eyes — her eyes don’t look natural. Just Discover new abilities. Determine
for a minute, you feel like you’ve seen through a mask…. how to minimize the effects and calm
Falling Scales II

the newly infected.

Storyteller Goals Recognizing “Tells”
In Falling Scales Part I, this scene was introduced anytime the characters en-
Dice Pool: Wits + Composure vs.
counter the supernatural after they have met with someone who is already infected.
creature’s Manipulation + Subterfuge*
They encounter a supernatural being — maybe not one that is any kind of threat
Action: Instant and contested
— and discover that they can see things that they previously could not.
Hindrances: Drunk (-1), Morality
The progression of the infection was described earlier. When running this
4 or less (-1)
scene, it’s important to give the players descriptions of what their characters see
Help: Specialty in Microexpres-
and feel, rather than suddenly imparting knowledge. Think about what kinds of
sions (+1), Morality 8 or more (+1)
subtle movements and expressions a given creature might exhibit (using the sugges-
tions on p. 7 as a jumping off point) and present the character’s new perspective Roll Results
in those terms. As the character comes into contact with other beings and the Dramatic Failure: The character
infection progresses, the player can learn to draw conclusions based on the data sees disturbing expressions in almost
he has. But in this scene, the dramatic moment is the first moment when the everyone around her. The character
character looks at a supernatural being and knows that something is wrong. suffers a -1 penalty to all Social actions
Although the characters will probably already have the infection at the start until she sleeps, at which point she can
of Falling Scales Part II, this scene can be introduced when the group witnesses attempt this action again.
other characters receiving a free flu vaccine from White Heart Pharmaceuticals. Failure: The character cannot dis-
The drug company’s version of the infection is from an unknown source. The cern the expressions of a given creature;
effects here will compound. Victims will experience stage one and stage two at the the creature appears human.
same time and will react accordingly. They may hallucinate, panic, run through Success: The character notices
a crowded building, attempt to commit suicide, etc. the expressions of the creature, and
This version is highly stable and evolved from its previous state. The only they remain mostly consistent for that
difference between this incarnation of the infection and the previous one is the type of creature. How specific the ex-
evidence left behind from the point of contact. A permanent and visible bruise will pressions are depends on the creature
mar mortal victims where they received the shot for several weeks. To characters in question — as mentioned on p. 7,
that have progressed to stage 3 of the memetic infection, they will quickly realize changelings are much more varied than
that the mark is supernatural and it may be sentient. Supernatural characters will vampires in how they present.
not experience any bruises.

Exceptional Success: The character gains considerable insight into the crea- will have to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of exposing their true nature to a
ture. The Storyteller should give the character some useful piece of information panicking mortal in order to investigate further.
about the type of creature (“he seems to avoid using silverware; he treats it almost
like it’s hot”) or the particular being (“he keeps staring at the cat, but walked
through the kitchen to avoid it”) that she is observing. Consequences
*Note that vampire characters cannot have more dice in this pool than they Since this scene can happen at any time (or even multiple times) during the
have dots in Humanity. story, progression from it depends on where the Storyteller chooses to put it.

Identifying Other Infected

Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medical or Investigation
Action: Instant
Hindrances: Victim is panicking (-2), Character is supernatural (-1), Victim’s
skin is not exposed (-2)
Help: Character has the memetic infection (+3), Character has helped
another infected (+2)
Falling Scales II

Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The victim doesn’t want to have anything to do with the
character. If the character is supernatural, the affected may start attacking, make
a scene, or run away.
Failure: The character cannot tell if anything’s wrong with the victim and

Infect ion
can’t spot any suspicious marks.
Success: The character notices the expressions of the creature, and they
remain mostly consistent for that type of creature. How specific the expressions
are depends on the creature in question — as mentioned on p. 7, changelings are
much more varied than vampires in how they present. Characters that have had
experience with the memetic infection will spot certain details on other infected
easier than characters that have not.
Exceptional Success: The character gains considerable insight into the crea-
ture. The Storyteller should give the character some useful piece of information
about the type of creature (“he seems to avoid using silverware; he treats it almost
like it’s hot”) or the particular being (“he keeps staring at the cat, but walked
through the kitchen to avoid it”) that she is observing.
Characters who are attempting to determine whether or not another character
is infected will not only confirm their suspicions, but will learn facts that lead
them to the source of where and how they got it.

Supernatural Characters
Supernatural beings suffer the infection differently than mortals, meaning
that this scene might have some more severe impact. Take your time with such
characters, let them realize that while they might be able to learn more about the
beings around them, they are also paying a price.
However, supernatural characters are at risk in Falling Scales Part II when
they encounter a mortal who’s been infected for the first time. These groups

Mutation Aftermath
Following the events of Falling Scales Part II, the characters will have suc-
Mental ••• Physical • Social ••• cessfully damaged White Heart Pharmaceuticals and will have gained knowledge
of the infection’s source. Combined, these pieces of information may have re-
percussions and could result in further consequences. Supernatural characters
Overview may have pissed off their respective communities and have to make amends or
be killed where they stand. Mortals may have a standing warrant out for their
Characters with the memetic infection who have progressed to stage four will, arrest or be listed as a domestic terrorist. Some entities, like the Thief, may try
at some point, realize that the virus has mutated. They are now able to spread the to kill the group because they stopped the infection from spreading and forced
disease through touch or blood. This scene can happen any time. it into dormancy.
Through sheer force of will, the characters have not only managed to rescue
thousands of innocent citizens and unsuspecting supernaturals, they’ve also
Description crippled the figurehead and/or the plans of a high-profile corporation with ties
Desperate to spend time with the woman you love, you run straight to your lover’s to the White House. While the characters may have tied up the events from Fall-
arms to take comfort in her soft touch. Your bodies collide in a moment of passion and ing Scales Part II in a neat, little bow, lingering doubts and questions remain.
immediately your vision fades to black. You fumble around in darkness while your lover
Falling Scales II

How did White Heart Pharmaceuticals manufacture the vaccine from the Thief’s
tries to calm you down. Seconds later you can see again. She asks you what happened. Was blood? What triggered the Vice President’s interest in the infection? What’s the
it a fluke? You believe everything will be all right until it happens again... and again... connection between St. John and Evans? What is the true origin of the mysterious
and again... Until you realize that something inside of you has taken over your vision to symbols and the seal? Did the Vice President overstep his authority and convince

infect everyone around you. the Pentagon to capture and torture supernatural beings?
More importantly, what does the President know and how will he react?
The knowledge the characters have learned (and the truth they suspect) is a danger
Storyteller Goals to themselves and everyone around them. They’ve shredded illusions and replaced it with
Fear. Uncertainty. Confusion. While character will only be blind for a few cold, hard facts. This alone has a profound and long-lasting effect on everyone they’ve
seconds at a time, the virus now has a very real and very terrifying effect. The encountered. By breaking the seal, anyone who was injected with the memetic infection
new host will not experience any side effects and will suffer through the same will feel the effects wither and fade but their memories remain intact.
four stages as the original character did. Blind characters will lose the ability to For John Q. Public, the World of Darkness just got a little darker, and a lot
speak for the same duration. scarier.
Characters may touch other infected individuals with no ill effects. However,
even that will eventually take its toll as they try to remember who they can touch Experience
and who they can’t. Experience points are handed out after each chapter according to the sug-
The storyteller’s goal is to create an atmosphere of dread. While the infec- gestions in the World of Darkness Rulebook, pp. 216-217. After the story is over,
tion may be beneficial for some, a sinister entity (or entities) is responsible for award additional points based on the mysteries the characters uncover:
its creation.
• The characters discredit Christian St. John without killing anyone or they
convince him to turn the Vice President in (+1 point)
Character Goals • The characters are not deemed responsible for the female victim’s death (+1
Do not touch anyone. A mutated virus will automatically spread to a new point)
character through human touch or the transfer of blood. Gloves will act as a • The characters destroy the seal without killing a single mortal (+1 point)
barrier but may draw attention – especially in warmer climates or when heavy
clothing is not appropriate. • The characters survive the encounter with The Thief (+1 point)
Mechanically, the characters are powerless to stop the spread of the virus • The characters abolish Abe Church’s spirit (+1 point)
and must concentrate, instead, on how to avoid human contact or suffer the
• The characters learn Vice President Evans is Anna Christopher’s father (+1

SCENE: Breadcrumbs PHYSICAL •• SCENE: Downtown PHYSICAL ••


Character is drunk (-1) Character has the Allies merit (+3) Characters are crude Characters accept help f
or hostile (-1 to -5) rom St. John (+2)
Character is not in costume (-4)
Characters are supernatural (-2) Characters reveal
Character is supernatural (-2) they’re infected (+3)
Anchor (-1 to -5 depending upon
proximity) Knowledge of the supernatural (+2)

Prison (-2) Character is religious (+1 to +3)

STs Introduce the conspiracy. STs Introduce Christian St. John and offer characters a deal.
Attack characters.
Meet St. John and find out what he’s up to.
PCs Uncover information and rumors. PCs
Confront Abe Church and survive deadly attack. Pick a side




Character has recognizable Character is athletic (-3)) Characters are recognized (-1 to -5) Freed prisoners (+3)
characteristics (+2
Other fights/brawls (+2)

Ally (St. John) (+2)

STs Frame the characters for murder. STs Allow characters to free themselves from prison.

Discover truth behind assassination attempt.

PCs Help Mara Williams.
PCs Escape from prison. Don’t kill anyone or become badly injured.
Discover Church’s anchor.


None None Character has occult knowledge (-2) Character is angry or afraid (+2)

Character is religious (-2) Old Tunnel (+1)

STs Provide opportunities to investigate conspiracy. STs Scare the characters underground and
show them the way to the drug company.

Keep Abe Church angry and drain his power.
Follow up on leads and avoid getting arrested.
Find the underground entrance to White Heart Pharmaceuticals.





Spirit has possessed a body Character is religious (+1) None None
(Spend Essence) (-1)

Reveal heart of conspiracy, Church’s
anchor, and the possibility for double-cross Introduce the possibility of a larger threat.

PCs Maintain composure. Survive attack and leave Pentagon. PCs Break the seal and heal the innocent infected by
White Heart Pharmaceuticals. Obtain evidence.
SCENE: Shadow Guise PHYSICAL ••• SCENE: Mutation PHYSICAL •


Character destroyed Ally (St. John) (+2) None None
the Seal (-3)

Character is supernatural (-2

STs Bring characters face-to-face with a creature that doesn’t

STs Spread the mimetic infection
and introduce a terrifying side effect.
fit anything they’ve seen before in the World of Darkness.

Don’t touch (or exchange blood)
Escape unharmed and deal with the consequences.
with anyone who is not infected.



Recognizing Tells - Drunk (-1) Recognizing Tells -
Specialty in Microexpressions (+1)
Morality 4 or less (-1)
Morality 8 or more (+1)
Identifying Other Infected
- Victim is panicking (-2) Identifying Other Infected - Character
has the memetic infection (+3)
Character is supernatural (-1)
Character has helped another infected (+2)
Victim’s skin is not exposed (-2)

Reveal the memetic infection or
highlight who else has been infected.

Discover new abilities. Help other infected calm down
and deal with the new knowledge.

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