Fulbari - 6 Kavre: Cash Flow Statement
Fulbari - 6 Kavre: Cash Flow Statement
Fulbari - 6 Kavre: Cash Flow Statement
Fulbari -6 Kavre
Projection Projection
A Cash Flow from Operational Activity
1 Profit( Loss ) 1,104,151.70 960,041.47
Increase and Decrease in Payables
Write Off
Interest Expenditure
1,104,151.70 960,041.47
sh Flow Statement
r ended 207X, Ashadh End
2076-077 (Nrs) 2075-076 (Nrs) 2075-076 (9 2074-075 (Nrs)
Months) (Nrs)
Projection Projection Provisional (Audited)
(1,300,000.00) 3,679,455.89 10,279,455.89 (3,929,455.89)
Projection Projection
Source of Fund
Capital & Liabilities
1 Capital & Reserve
a. Capital 1 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00
18,571,428.57 13,000,000.00
Bhakundebensi Oil Store Pvt Ltd
Fulbari -6 Kavre
Income Statement
For the period from 2074 Shrawan, 01 to 207X Ashadh, 31
Particulars Schedule 2078-079 (Nrs) 2077-078 (Nrs) 2076-077 (Nrs) 2075-076 (Nrs) 2075-076 (9 Months) 2074-075 (Nrs) 2073-074
Less, Administrative Expenses 13 2,365,000.00 2,253,100.00 2,146,700.00 2,345,299.00 1,985,436.00 586,325.24 695,461.01
Less, Interest Expenditure 12 1,910,587.50 1,927,800.00 1,945,012.50 1,516,667.00 1,516,667.00 1,493,994.43 1,318,994.43
Less, Depreciation on Fixed Assets 3 371,110.23 412,344.70 458,160.78 509,067.53 381,800.65 391,772.96 285,788.66
Profit After Tax/ Net Profit 1,104,151.70 960,041.47 798,545.04 657,667.69 414,844.57 (883,484.93) (2,161,545.10)
Tax Paid for Earlier Yr.
Balance of Profit for the Year
Profit ( Loss ) Upto Previous Year (4,549,779.25) (5,509,820.72) (6,308,365.76) (6,966,033.46) (6,966,033.46) (6,082,548.52) (3,921,003.42)
Profit ( Loss ) Balance for Appropriation
a.Balance of Profit (Loss ) Transferred to Balance Sheet - (3,445,627.55) (4,549,779.25) (5,509,820.72) (6,308,365.76) (6,551,188.89) (6,966,033.46) (6,082,548.52)
Bhakundebensi Oil Store Pvt Ltd
Fulbari - 6 Kavre
Capital Account
Paid up Share Capital
1,000 Shares @ Rs. 100/- each share 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Additional Capital 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00
Total 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00
Bank Loan
St charterd Bank HP 2,350,000.00 2,400,000.00 2,450,000.00
HP Loan 1,450,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,550,000.00
OD Loan 12,850,000.00 12,900,000.00 12,950,000.00
Total 16,650,000.00 16,800,000.00 16,950,000.00
Details of Income
Bank Interest
Bank Interest 1,910,587.50 1,927,800.00 1,945,012.50
Total 1,910,587.50 1,927,800.00 1,945,012.50
debensi Oil Store Pvt Ltd
Fulbari - 6 Kavre
Schedule No. : 2
Schedule No. :3
Schedule No. :5
Schedule No. : 6
Schedule No. : 7
- - 15,825.86 25,876.25
- - 4,790.39 109,507.60
- - 13,443.69 15,511.20
- - 50,298.91 13,680.91
- - 22,946.00
- - 2,772.76
54,981.25 16,929.29 110,077.61 164,575.96
Schedule No. : 8
Schedule No. : 9
debensi Oil Store Pvt Ltd
Fulbari - 6 Kavre
950,000.00 875,000.00 3,634,818.40 1,587,000.00
Schedule No. : 10
Schedule No. : 11
177,039,834.20 128,954,875.65 181,760,579.90 145,118,427.00
260,000.00 155,123.00 250,000.00
177,299,834.20 129,109,998.65 182,010,579.90 145,118,427.00
Schedule No. : 12
Schedule No. : 13
Schedule No. : 14
Schedule : 13
Significant Accounting Policies
1 The Company Information:
This company has been established under the Company Act'2063. The registered office of the company
and the principle place of business is located at Bhakundebensi Kavre, .
2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
The significant accounting policies applied in the preparation & presentation of the financial statements
of the Company are stated herein below
3 Statement of Compliance:
Financial statements has been prepared in accordance with Nepal Accounting Standards (NSA) except
as otherwise stated; generally accepted accounting principles and presentation requirement of the
company Act, 2063. Financial statement has been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting.
4 Basis of preparation
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention. The financial
statements are expressed in Nepalese Rupees.
3 Property, Plant and Equipment (Fixed Assets )/Depreciation:
Fixed assets have been shown under historical cost concept less depreciation. Historical cost includes
all the expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition of the assets. The depreciation of fixed
assets has been calculated under reducing balance method as per the rates prescribed by Income Tax
4 Going Concern:
The financial statement is prepared on the assumption that the company is a going concern.
Schedule : 14
Notes to Accounts
4 Unbooked Cash Sale Of the year Rs 8310153 .00 has been only adjusted after
the closing of Ficsalyear and Stateed in 2075 shrawan VAT Statement.
5 Previous year figure have been regrouped and reclassified whereever necessary to
to confirm to current year presentation .
6 Calculation error of previous year on sales and purchase of previous Statementhas been been
adjusted accordingly as requested toTax office.
Purchse Detail 075-076
Month Ltr Petrol Ltr Diesel Taxable Tax Total
Sharwan 28,000.00 120,000.00 12,364,887.64 1,607,435.39 13,972,323.03
Bhadra 33,000.00 124,000.00 13,304,079.01 1,729,530.27 15,033,609.28
Ashwin 40,000.00 135,000.00 15,483,619.52 2,012,870.54 17,496,490.06
Kartik 27,000.00 105,000.00 11,635,968.18 1,512,675.86 13,148,644.04
Manshir 21,000.00 136,937.00 13,719,325.73 1,783,512.34 15,502,838.07
Poush 18,000.00 162,000.00 15,006,090.45 1,950,791.76 16,956,882.21
Magh 24,000.00 149,810.00 14,428,552.40 1,875,711.81 16,304,264.21
Falgun 21,000.00 166,666.00 15,743,215.75 2,046,618.05 17,789,833.80
Chaitra 24,000.00 165,831.00 15,953,535.23 2,073,959.58 18,027,494.81
Total 236,000.00 1,265,244.00 127,639,273.91 16,593,105.61 144,232,379.52
Baishak 15,782,141.55 2,051,678.40 17,833,819.95
Jest 15,757,141.55 2,048,428.40 17,805,569.95
Ashar 15,807,141.55 2,054,928.40 17,862,069.95
Total 47,346,424.64 6,155,035.20 53,501,459.84
G-Total 174,985,698.55 22,748,140.81 341,966,218.88
Sales Detail 075-076
Month Ltr Petrol Ltr Diesel Taxable Tax (VAT)
Sharwan 33,509.01 117,396.00 13,081,763.39 1,700,629.24
Bhadra 30,665.37 120,618.80 13,459,902.84 1,749,787.37
Ashwin 37,464.71 127,679.10 15,361,638.17 1,997,012.96
Kartik 28,222.00 96,563.30 11,621,612.56 1,510,809.63
Manshir 793.26 159,418.30 14,393,200.62 1,871,116.08
Poush 1,367.22 175,654.50 15,317,130.74 1,991,227.00
Magh 15,306.75 150,982.70 14,460,023.85 1,879,803.10
Falgun 32,852.00 128,274.70 14,394,540.37 1,871,290.25
Chaitra 42,914.23 145,908.10 16,865,063.11 2,192,458.20
Total 223,094.55 1,222,495.50 128,954,875.65 16,764,133.83
Baishak 15,828,319.52 2,057,681.54
Jestha 16,028,319.52 2,083,681.54
Ashar 16,228,319.52 2,109,681.54
Total 48,084,958.55 6,251,044.61
G-Total 177,039,834.20 23,015,178.45
Financial Analysis
Sole Banking Relation
Balance Sheet Analysis
A/C HEAD FYE 2074/75 FYE 2075/76 FYE 2076/77 FYE 2077/78
Audited Projected Projected Projected
Cash (at Bank and in Hand) 110,078 90,647 48,612 24,145
Marketable Securities
Account Receivables 5,998,982 9,600,000 9,500,000 9,700,000
Account Receivables - Intra Group -
Stocks 4,935,360 8,100,000 8,421,000 8,547,000
Advances/Deposits 1,333,935 2,437,000 2,162,000 2,287,000
Other Current Assets - - - -
Total Current Assets 12,378,355 20,227,647 20,131,612 20,558,145
Land - - - -
Leasehold Improvements
Plant & Machinery 4,668,279 7,159,212 6,701,051 6,288,706
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment - - - -
Vehicles - - - -
Net Fixed Assets 4,668,279 7,159,212 6,701,051 6,288,706
Advances (to trade unrelated parties) - - - -
Books and Others - - - -
Trade Investments - - - -
Goodwill - - - -
Deferred Expenses - - - -
Other Long Term Assets - - - -
Due to bank (OD+TR+DL+STL) 13,000,000 13,000,000 12,950,000 12,900,000
Due to bank (Current Portion of L.T.
Loan )
Sundry Creditors 3,634,818 950,000 1,000,000 1,200,000
Bills Payable
Provison for tax 24,420 245,225 292,484 346,631
Advance Received/Deposits - - - -
Other Current Liabilities - - - -
Total Current Liabilities 16,659,238 14,195,225 14,242,484 14,446,631
Working Capital (CA-CL) 8,719,116 19,032,422 18,839,128 19,011,514
Net Assets (WC+ Total Long Term
Assets) (A) 387,396 13,191,634 12,590,179 12,400,221
Net Assets Financed By
Paid up Capital 1,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000
Preference Capital
Profit & Loss Account
Reserves/Surplus/Retained Earnings (6,966,033) (6,308,366) (5,509,821) (4,549,779)
Equity Finance -5,966,033 691,634 1,490,179 2,450,221
Intangibles (preliminary expenses) - - - -
Intangibles (others) - - - -
Total Intangibles - - - -
Net Worth -5,966,033 691,634 1,490,179 2,450,221
Directors'/Partners'/Proprietor's loans 4,720,544 8,400,000 7,100,000 6,050,000
Owners' Total Fund Employed -1,245,489 9,091,634 8,590,179 8,500,221
Long Term Loan 1,632,885 4,100,000 4,000,000 3,900,000
Other Long Term Liabilities - - - -
Total Capital Employed =Owner's Total
Fund Employed+Long Term Liabilities
(B) 387,396 13,191,634 12,590,179 12,400,221
A=B 0 0 0 0
Profit & Loss Account
A/C HEAD FYE 2074/75 FYE 2075/76 FYE 2076/77 FYE 2077/78
Sales/ Revenue ### ### ### ###
COGS 180,421,972 172,051,910 177,805,400 181,566,700
Selling & Distribution expenses
Gross Trading Profit 1,338,608 4,987,924 5,344,600 5,593,300
Adminstration expenses 586,325 2,345,299 2,146,700 2,253,100
Depreciation 391,773 509,068 458,161 412,345
PBIT 360,509 2,133,557 2,739,739 2,927,855
Other Income 250,000 260,000 270,000 280,000
Interest Expense 1,493,994 1,516,667 1,945,013 1,927,800
PBT (883,485) 876,890 1,064,727 1,280,055
Bonus/Provision for Bonus - - - -
Tax/Provision for Tax - 219,223 266,182 320,014
Net Profit After Tax (883,485) 657,668 798,545 960,041
Withdrawals - dividend / others - - - -
Tax paid of previous year - - - -
Net Profit Transferred to Balance
Sheet (883,485) 657,668 798,545 960,041
Cumulative Net profit transferred to
B/S (Retained Earnings) (6,966,033) (6,308,366) (5,509,821) (4,549,779)
Bank Debt : Equity Ratio (Net Worth) (2.45) 24.72 11.37 6.86
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (1.48) (0.27) 7.99 9.60
Interest coverage ratio 0.24 1.41 1.41 1.52
Return on Capital Employed -228.06% 4.99% 6.34% 7.74%
Return on Equity/Net Worth 14.81% 95.09% 53.59% 39.18%
Gross Profit Margin 0.74% 2.82% 2.92% 2.99%
Net Profit Margin -0.49% 0.37% 0.44% 0.51%
Prepared by Reviewed by
Name Name
Designation Designation
Signature Signature