Android Video Encryption and Sharing: Modules
Android Video Encryption and Sharing: Modules
Android Video Encryption and Sharing: Modules
Registration: The user has to register into the system with his details.
Login: The user has to sign in and will be signed in till he signs out.
Video Details: When clicked on the video, the user will see the video details
with the download option.
Share Access: Only the owner of the video can share the file, withdraw the
shared access or delete the file.
Software Requirements:
Hardware Components:
Processor – i3
Hard Disk – 5 GB
Memory – 1GB RAM
Android Phone with Kitkat and higher
Saves a lot of Memory.
The video goes into 2 way of encryption.
The video access is not only enough, but the key to decrypt them.
The raw encrypted files can’t be accessed or made to original by any
Saved on the server.
Data can be accessed anywhere in the world.
Server has issues, the data cannot be accessed.
Internet is mandatory.
This application can be used where the videos needs to be kept safe and on
cloud yet shared with the users and take its benefits.