Dugong 1
Dugong 1
Dugong 1
Journal of Mammalogy, 93(5):1405–1406, 2012 are their morphology, physiology, pathology, parasitology, and
genetics, and even these are touched on extensively in the text
Ó 2012 American Society of Mammalogists
or in the copious online material that supplements 4 of the
Marsh, H., T. J. O’Shea, and J. E. Reynolds III. 2011. chapters. These latter appendixes include a summary of
ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION OF THE SIRENIA: DUGONGS AND pertinent genomic investigations of the Afrotheria, tables of
MANATEES. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United fossil taxa and their distribution, tables of food plants and
Kingdom, 536 pp. Series: Conservation Biology No. 18. ISBN- animals reported eaten by the living species, comments on
978-0-521-88828-8 and ISBN-978-0-521-71643-7, price reproductive anatomy, a history of manatee population
(hardbound), $135.00, (paper) $65.00. modeling, and a table of helminth parasites of sirenians. If
anything important has been left out, I can’t think what it is.
When I 1st began seriously studying mammals, there were
An example of a topic I describe as ‘‘not given detailed
almost no books (as distinct from technical monographs in
way, the reader wouldn’t have to guess at ambiguous shades of information on this group of endangered species. It will stand
gray in too-small graphics. for years to come as the definitive textbook on sirenians.
The final 2 chapters, on Conservation Status and Conser-
vation Opportunities, address these critical subjects thought- —DARYL DOMNING, Department of Anatomy, Howard
fully and in as much detail as is found in the rest of the book. University College of Medicine, 520 W St. NW,
The West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) in Washington, D.C. 20059, USA; e-mail: ddomning@
particular is identified as being at high risk of biological howard.edu.
extinction without fast and effective remedies. The how-to
advice, for environmental protection in general, properly
stresses the necessity of prompt, bold action that prioritizes LITERATURE CITED
the involvement of local communities and stakeholders. To end BERTRAM, G. C. L. 1963. In search of mermaids: the manatees of