First Aid Risk Assessment PDF
First Aid Risk Assessment PDF
First Aid Risk Assessment PDF
You should regularly review your first aid arrangements in consultation with your workers to
ensure they remain adequate and effective.
Check that the people who have responsibilities under your first aid procedures are
familiar with them.
If the way work is performed is changed, or new work practices introduced, review first
aid against a risk assessment to ensure the arrangements are still adequate.
Organise a mock first aid emergency to check that first aid is effective. Check that kits
and first aid rooms are accessible and suit the hazards that are unique to your workplace.
If an incident has occurred that required first aid, evaluate the effectiveness of the first
aid that was provided and make changes if necessary.
If new information is obtained about a previously unidentified hazard, review the first aid
measures you have put in place.
The following questions can assist you to review first aid and assess whether improvement
is needed:
Do the first aid kits and modules suit the hazards at your workplace?
Do first aiders have the skills and competencies required of them and are their
skills up-to-date?
Is there easy access for emergency services, such as parking for an ambulance?
First aiders First aid kits & procedures First aid facilities
How many first What kits/modules are needed and Is a first aid room
aiders are needed? where should they be located? or health centre
What competencies Is other first aid equipment needed?
do they require?
Who is responsible for maintaining
What training do the kits?
they need?
What procedures are needed
for my workplace?
Step 4
Review first aid to ensure effectiveness
This assessment of first aid requirements is included as an example only. It does not reflect the consultative processes
that must occur or detail the assessment of each identified hazard.
Number of floors 2
The number and composition of the workers and other persons at the workplace
Shifts 3
3 x falls
Incidents not resulting in injury Incident where a trolley carrying disinfectants overturned
Nature of the work being carried out and the nature of the hazards at the workplace
Do safety data sheets and labels specify a first aid response? Yes – seek medical assistance if chemicals
are inhaled or ingested
Number of first aiders needed 9 – minimum 3 per shift (1 for office and 2 for the plant)
Training and competencies Applied First Aid: providing competencies to recognise and respond
for first aiders to common life-threatening injuries or illnesses using cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) and other first aid procedures, and provide
appropriate first aid for a range of injuries and illnesses.
Number and location of kits 5 kits: one on the office floor and four on the factory floor
Contents of first aid kits and Standard workplace kit, with burns module and eye module