D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 4
Precast speeds
massive motorway
ISSN 1032-7282
Market continues to
Rocla Pipeline
embrace system solutions
Products is a Welcome to this last edition of The Piper our customers of our new invoicing system.
leading supplier for 2004. In this issue we again focus on As part of our ongoing process of improving
of precast the ability of Rocla Pipeline Products to information flow, we have streamlined our
supply system solutions that save time document despatch procedures and I encourage
and money for civil contractors, all customers to request that their Order
solutions for the
developers, local governments and other Acknowledgements, Invoices and Statements
civil construction
authorities. be delivered by email or fax, rather than by post.
You will find a range of applications in these Apart from the efficiency of delivering
pages for Rocla ® products, from residential documents instantly, we hope to save some
SRC PIPES developments to Sydney’s Westlink M7 motorway, trees by cutting back on printing paper and
the largest urban infrastructure project in Australia. envelopes.
CULVERTS As well as our pipeline products - pipes, box On a sombre note, it is my sad duty to
culverts, headwalls and gross pollutant traps, report the death of Jim Carney. It was only in the
the Westlink M7 project also made use of last issue of The Piper that we announced Jim’s
Rocla Duraspun® concrete power poles. Rocla appointment as a sales representative for our
Concrete Poles designs, manufactures and Murray-Riverina branch at Wodonga in Victoria.
supplies a range of pole, building columns and Shortly after taking up his new job, Jim was
piling products including concrete piles for marinas killed in a car accident.
and for our M-Lock® bridge system. Jim was well known and widely respected
PRECAST On the subject of M-Lock® bridges, we are by our customers in the Riverina, having been
BRIDGES pleased to announce the sale of our 100th bridge, our despatch co-ordinator at Wodonga for
to Mudgee Shire in western NSW. The passing several years. He is much missed.
RETAINING of this landmark in August demonstrates the This tragic incident is a timely reminder of
acceptance of the M-Lock® system. the terrible toll taken by road accidents, particularly
Our CleansAll® gross pollutant trap is being on our young people. Please drive carefully
manufactured under licence in Malaysia and we during the holiday period and have a safe, happy
take a look at its amazing success there, where Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
it is setting the standard for water quality at
Malaysia’s new purpose-built administrative centre,
RURAL Putrajaya.
PRODUCTS The ecoRain® rainwater utilisation system
continues to go from strength to strength and
Precast products help speed
massive motorway
Rocla is supplying a range of precast The 40km two-lane dual carriageway
components to Australia’s largest urban M7 motorway is scheduled for completion
infrastructure project, the Westlink M7 in late 2006. Seventeen interchanges along
motorway in Sydney. Rocla products
the motorway will provide access to local
include concrete pipes, box culverts, communities, improving transport options in
headwalls, gross pollutant traps and these areas.
concrete power poles. The motorway will provide safe travel at
Westlink M7 is designed to improve variable speeds up to 110 km/h, with 38
1&2.Rocla® large diameter pipe culverts
transport in western Sydney by providing a underpasses and overpasses to maintain and headwalls provide transverse
drainage on the Westlink M7.
north-south link between the three main local traffic access, as well as a total of 144
3. Rocla CleansAll® gross pollutant
motorways radiating from the city - the M5 in bridges. The shared cycle/pedestrian pathway trap ready for installation on M7
feeder road.
the southwest, the M4 in the west and the is 4 metres wide and follows the motorway
4. Large span Rocla® box culverts on
M2 in the northwest. from Preston to Baulkham Hills, connecting M7 approach road.
1 2
3 4
with the Sydney Cycleway network. Two of transverse drainage culverts along most of
Australia’s leading construction contractors, the M7, as well as smaller diameter pipes
Leighton Contractors and Abigroup Contractors, (375mm to 750mm) for under-road applications
formed a joint venture (Abigroup Leighton Joint on the southern half of the project.
Venture or ALJV) to design and construct the Precast box culverts were also supplied
motorway. Major construction commenced in for approach roads, including large span
mid-2003 at several locations and is now culverts near Hoxton Park airport and smaller
occurring along most of the 40km corridor. box culverts for the cycleway.
Work is also progressing on upgrading a Rocla Water Quality is also supplying
number of existing local roads that will be Rocla CleansAll ® gross pollutant traps for
linked to the motorway. some of the upgraded local roads adjoining
Rocla Pipeline Products is supplying large the M7, as part of the project’s stormwater
diameter pipes (from 825mm to 1800mm) for management plan.
Elevated pathway a walkover ®
Multi-cell headwalls
a Rocla record
Rocla Pipeline Products in Dubbo supplied this multi-cell headwall for a rail siding at Yethra,
560km west of Sydney.
The two headwalls (one on each side of the rail embankment) feature 25 cells with 750mm
diameter pipes. This is the most cells ever manufactured in one headwall by Rocla, and the last
project constructed in western NSW by the Rail Infrastructure Corporation before it was taken over
by Australian Rail Track Corporation.
Quick earth Rocla’s M-Lock
bridge crosses
solution for
has sold its 100th M-Lock®
bridge, to Mudgee Shire in
western NSW. The two-
span structure is Mudgee
Industrial OSD system
with storage to spare
This massive 105,000 litre twin-tank ideal for these installations, as two of them
detention system is one of three similar were located under a carpark and a forklift
installations at a new industrial hardstand, respectively. Rocla® on-site detention
development that will store stormwater systems provide a durable and trafficable
for reuse. solution for industrial and residential develop-
Developer ING is constructing office and ments.
factory facilities on a 16.5-hectare site at Because the tanks are assembled from
Rosehill Industrial Estate in western Sydney. standard components, Rocla ® OSD systems
The total stormwater storage volume of more provide known storage volumes, while the high
than 300,000 litres will be reused for landscape strength and durability of the factory-manufac-
irrigation, as well as being pumped back to tured components provide a permanent asset
plumbing for non-potable uses such as toilet with low whole of life costs.
flushing. The OSD system was designed by
The trafficable 3-metre diameter Rocla ®
consultants Hughes Trueman and installed
steel-reinforced concrete OSD tanks were by John R. Burton Contractors.
PermaTrak steps lightly over
heritage tree roots
Perth’s Robertson Park, a forgotten which could potentially damage the trees. The Town of Vincent’s Technical Services
public space tucked away on the fringe Division was aware of Rocla’s PermaTrak ® precast boardwalk system and sought
of Northbridge, had fallen into neglect assistance from Rocla’s Perth office.
over recent decades. The PermaTrak ® precast boardwalk system proved ideal because the concrete
The Council of the Town of Vincent, components could be lifted into place by a rubber-tyred skid-steer excavator. No
recognising the park’s potential, recently footings or heavy equipment were required, thus minimising impact on the site.
embarked on a major redevelopment to return The system also easily accommodated changes in the vertical alignment.
it to its former glory. One of the key elements As a result, Rocla supplied 18 metres of PermaTrak ® boardwalk, which was
of the redevelopment is the extensive network installed by PCS Precast Concrete Solutions.
of paths that crosses the park diagonally from Craig Wilson, engineering design services manager for the Town of Vincent,
the four corners. said the system enabled a fast, smooth installation. “The PermaTrak system made
The master plan called for the path to a minimal impact on the root systems and provided us with a durable, low
pass between the buttresses of two majestic maintenance, vandal-resistant and termite-proof solution,” he said.
Moreton Bay fig trees, which are only 5 metres
apart. To protect the interlocking root systems,
it was decided that a boardwalk should span
the most sensitive area.
A conventional timber boardwalk was
rejected because the piers would have to be
driven into the ground using heavy equipment,
standards. Rocla’s Malaysian licensee, Water The Rocla® product has more than 50% of the
Engineering Technology (WET) is supplying market in Putrajaya and the quality of the
Rocla CleansAll gross pollutant traps (GPTs)
CleansAll® installations is far superior to the
to this ambitious project. Recently, Rocla’s other installations in the city, according to
Water Quality Manager, Nicole Bartels and Nicole and Steve. This is a testament to both
Product Design Manager, Stephen D. Baker WET and Rocla Water Quality’s commitment to
went to Malaysia to conduct internal training producing and selling the best GPT on the
with WET engineers in open channel design market. WET is now focusing on developing
for GPTs, as well as to audit Rocla CleansAll ®
the market outside Putrajaya.
ecoRain turns stormwater tanks
VIDEOS: New faces at Rocla
Adrian Emer joined Rocla's Wodonga
Latest Releases
M-LOCK® Watch Blayney Council
branch at the end of September as a Sales
Representative. Adrian has many years of sales
build the ultimate Rocla M-Lock® bridge
system - bridge, piles, retaining walls experience in the paint industry with Dulux and
and all.
Solver. His focus is south of the Murray River,
ECORAIN® Collect, filter, store, pump
back - the Rocla ecoRain ® rainwater covering the central north and northeast regions
utilisation system is a complete on-site of Victoria.
Adrian Emer
water supply.
Simon Rourke joined the Perth sales
Available now from your
local Rocla branch. team in August. Simon previously worked for
Road & Traffic Services, providing sales support
for safe roads products such as guide posts and
New Rocla
barriers. He is now providing sales support for
Rocla's local government and sub-division
customers in WA. Simon Rourke
document Lifting the lid on
service Rocla ingenuity
Rocla now offers electronic supply of
sales documents. This service covers Archimedes said: “Give me a place to stand and a long enough lever,
order acknowledgements, invoices and and I will lift the whole world.” In Perth all they wanted to lift was the
statements and hopefully will replace concrete lids on Rocla® gross pollutant traps, while carrying out regular
can either be faxed or emailed The lids are usually lifted using a SwiftLift clutch (for lids fitted with a SwiftLift
depending on customer preference. anchor) or a hand-held tee-piece for lids with a lifting slot. Rocla Sales
The emailed documents will be supplied in Representative, Robin Chappell, thought that the old method was inviting back
Adobe Acrobat portable document format and injury, so he suggested lever devices, which have been dubbed the “Uplifter” and
will include our terms and conditions. These terms the “Downlifter.”
and conditions will also be faxed if that delivery The levers give the operator a two-times mechanical advantage, with the
method is preferred. This service will provide choice of lifting up or pushing down. The Uplifter and the Downlifter have been
customers with a number of benefits, including: designed to fold in half to fit in the boot of a car. They're also available with a set
Speed: Removes the need to handle and post of wheels, useful for shifting lids around on site.
documents. They will be made immediately Now you know why Rocla is known as the “solutions company.”
For further information on products from
Rocla Pipeline Products and Rocla Water Quality •
Glen Innes
Call Rocla on 131 004 •
E-mail your inquiry to solutions
Visit our website
Subscribe to The Piper online by filling out
the registration form on our website •
The contents of this publication are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form
without the prior written consent of Rocla Pty Limited. Product applications described in Adelaide
this publication are to be taken as illustrations only, and are provided without liability on the
part of the company or its employees and agents. ®™ Trademarks of Rocla Pty Limited.
ABN 31 000 032 191. Trading as Rocla Pipeline Products. A member of the Amatek Group.
MassBloc trade mark used under exclusive licence from MassTec Industries Limited
and Fletcher Concrete and Infrastructure Limited. ©Rocla Pty Limited, December 2004. Perth