Introduction of FNCP 1
Introduction of FNCP 1
Introduction of FNCP 1
Introduction :
proximity with the ailing patient while in the hospital setting or while
a patient with long-term health problem is being cared for at home in
has seen drastic changes in the attitude toward the patients . Nursing no
of illness . The patients as members of the family and the family of the
spouses and children , and to relationships and identity . The nurses who
work in the community setting would need to recognize these factors , and
they would certainly regard the family as partners in care delivery . Due
community care . The nurses are increasingly being taught and trained on
the trend of involving the families in care delivery , and conceptual
to be able to see how her learning and training has been able to meet
and maintenance of well being . Elaborating this further , the nurse in
this environment would play a pivotal role to modify the surroundings of
the patient and improve it further so that the patient is able to
implement self care . Thus , the patient 's illness is no longer an organic
the self-care deficits , actual or potential , and the nurses would be
deficits .