Shell Lubricants ck4 and Fa4 Technical Brochure
Shell Lubricants ck4 and Fa4 Technical Brochure
Shell Lubricants ck4 and Fa4 Technical Brochure
Selecting the right oil is critical for The API has completely redesigned Despite this progress, there is a long way
heavy-duty-vehicle owners. There heavy-duty diesel engine oil specifications. to go. Recent regulations, coupled with
Shell has had a leading role in the new customers’ desires to reduce the total cost
are two new categories of heavy-
category development and, through more of ownership, are making fuel economy the
duty diesel engine oil specifications: than 64 million km of real-world testing, most critical driver for engine manufacturers.
both categories will reflect has demonstrated the performance of Advanced technologies and materials, and
improved engine performance and its next-generation, low‑viscosity oil new operating conditions such as higher
one category is specifically intended formulation technology. internal temperatures continue to improve
to deliver fuel economy benefits for engine efficiency.
modern diesel engine technology. But oil and engine technology go hand in
Heavy-duty diesel engine designs have hand. Engine changes place more stress on
evolved substantially over the last 40 years. the oil, which has to lubricate, cool, clean
This evolution has been driven by emission and protect over extended oil-drain intervals.
legislation and customers’ requirements for
efficiency and reliability. There has been The vehicle industry is starting to recognise
significant progress. For example, high- that oil can help to achieve an engine’s
pressure, common-rail injection systems are full potential for fuel economy without
now widely used to improve combustion compromising hardware durability. As engine
efficiency; advances in turbocharger manufacturers create cleaner, more-fuel-
technology have increased specific power efficient diesel engines, they will need a new
output; and exhaust gas recirculation and generation of higher-performing diesel engine
aftertreatment devices, such as diesel oils to protect them.
particulate filters and selective catalytic
reduction, have curbed harmful emissions
of oxides of nitrogen and particulate matter
(i.e., soot).
for diesel-powered commercial transport These oils will have limited backwards
vehicles in 2017 requires significant compatibility because some older engines
CK-4 oils will have improved oxidation
improvements in fuel consumption that will were not designed to operate with lower resistance, shear stability and aeration control,
help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. viscosity grades. and similar viscosity grades to API CJ-4
These fuel consumption improvements products. They are designed to replace oils for
These new engine oil requirements, current technologies and will have a minimum
depend on vehicle class, type and size,
especially for FA-4, are a major change high-temperature, high-shear (HTHS) viscosity
and include specific improvements for
in the industry’s approach to heavy-duty of 3.5 cP.
medium- and heavy-duty engines. This
oil specifications. However, the chemical FA-4 oils will have all the benefits of the
created the need for a new category of
limits used in CJ-4 oils will remain in place CK-4 formulations, but will be formulated to
lubricant specifications, collectively called have a lower HTHS viscosity (2.9–3.2 cP),
for CK-4 and FA-4 oils.3 Oil producers will
Proposed Category 11 (PC-11) during their therefore need expertise in formulating oils which is known to provide a fuel economy
development. The categories have been for the required performance and ensuring
benefit compared with oils having higher
officially named by the API as CK-4 and HTHS viscosities. As lower-viscosity oils can
that they continue to deliver excellent wear form thinner films, designing products for wear
FA-4. These oils will replace the current CJ-4 protection and cleanliness—two factors that protection will be critical for oil formulators.
heavy-duty oils. help to drive down customers’ maintenance
The API will introduce two types of heavy- costs and prolong engine life.
duty diesel oil as part of the new categories:
■ CK-41 oils will replace today’s lubricants
and will be completely backwards
compatible with all current diesel vehicles.
“The CJ-4 standard has lasted well beyond the life of the typical engine category. Some of
the engine tests required to qualify an oil are no longer available or no longer relevant to
next-generation engines.”
The name API CK-4 is the official name for the category, and it follows the naming convention of the API C series. This is the name that was given to the PC-11A development.
The name API FA-4 is the official name for the category and it will align with the future ACEA F category nomenclature for fuel economy oils. The term FA-4 will differentiate them
from API CK-4 oils. This is the name that was given to the PC-11B development.
Chemical limits were introduced with the use of diesel particulate filters to reduce particulate matter.
FIGURE 1a: An engine oil with low shear stability breaks down under high stress.
FIGURE 1b: Superior oils maintain their viscosity even in highly loaded contacts.
FIGURE 3: Engine oil oxidation occurs via a radical chain reaction with oxygen. Antioxidants slow down ageing
by reacting with the radicals to disrupt degradation (red box).
VISCOSITY AND FUEL ECONOMY Switching to a lower viscosity grade SAE oil, FA-4 XXW-30 oils will have HTHS viscosities
FA-4 oils will have lower viscosities for for example, from a 10W-40 to 10W‑30 between 2.9 and 3.2 cP, which will help
enhanced fuel economy. Even small oil, will provide modest fuel economy to enhance fuel efficiency further. Oil
increases in fuel economy can result in benefits. Even within a viscosity grade, companies and engine manufacturers are
significant reductions in fuel consumption differences in HTHS viscosity could affect currently testing these products, which are
and carbon dioxide emissions. For example, fuel economy. The minimum HTHS viscosity designed to provide fuel economy without
every EU truck increasing its fuel economy for current XXW-30 CJ-4 and future CK-4 oils sacrificing engine protection, in a range of
by just 1% would see an annual reduction is 3.5 cP. applications.
of over 4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide
emissions, which is the equivalent of Sets SAE winter viscosity grade: Sets SAE viscosity grade:
removing 23,000 trucks from the road. 0W TO 25W 08 TO 60
This would save fleet and owner operators
combined an estimated $3 million a day.4
EIA –US Energy Information Administration – 2012 On-highway fuel sales. Calculation based on 1% of 36.34 billion gallons of fuel consumed annually at $3.00/gallon.
1,000 1,500
Torque (Nm) 2,000 500 Speed (rpm)
FIGURE 5: The fuel economy benefit of a 10W-30 oil with a FA-4 (2.9-cP) HTHS viscosity compared with
a 15W-40 CJ-4 oil with a 3.9-cP HTHS viscosity in a heavy-duty diesel engine, as measured using a Shell
proprietary driveline test rig.
FIGURE 8: Shell has launched to keep customers up to date with the
development of the new API category.
1 December, 2016
Number of trucks in Germany =
307,000 (source: The International
Shell conducts a live teardown of Shell reaches 64 million real-world Council on Clean Transportation, EU
market statistics); average cost of diesel
an engine from low HTHS viscosity kilometres on low-viscosity FA-4 type in Germany = US$1.325 (source:
oil field trials in front of the media heavy-duty engine oil field trials
It is not enough to evaluate prototype oils
in the laboratory: the real test is how they
work in on- and off-road vehicles in the real
world. Field trials are an integral part of the
Shell engine oil technology development
process. They are extensive programmes run
in collaboration with customers and require
scientific rigour, experience and expertise.
FIGURE 13: The wear rates for iron (top) and aluminum (bottom) were nearly identical for all three oils. In all three
cases, microscopic wear particles show early break-in wear followed by a reduction to a consistent low wear rate.
Oil-drain km
FIGURE 14: The rate of viscosity increase throughout the oil-drain interval is similar for all three oils (shown by the
similar gradient of the lines). Oxidation is a major cause of viscosity increase, which indicates oil ageing.
For example, Shell is sponsoring a PhD
project at Imperial College London, UK, to
further understanding of the mechanisms
behind soot-induced engine wear using
a range of state-of-the-art experimental FIGURE 16: Carbon-black aggregates formed during the combustion process can play a
techniques (Figure 16). Soot produced in significant role in engine wear.