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03 SDMX ML Messages Test

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SDMX self-learning package

SDMX-ML Messages

SDMX self-learning package Self test No. 3

Produced by Eurostat, Directorate B: Statistical Methodologies and Tools

Unit B-5: Statistical Information Technologies
Last update of content February 2010
Version 1.0
SDMX self-learning package Self test No. 3

1 Self-test: SDMX-ML Messages

1) What is the value added of the actual SDMX version 2.0?

a) The support for Metadata Structure Definitions (MSD).
b) The support for Metadata Messages.
c) The support for the interaction with an SDMX Registry / Repository service.
d) All of the above.

2) Which scenario has not driven the SDMX design process?

a) Database exchange, update, and revision.
b) Standard interactions with registry services.
c) Exchange of cross-sectional data.
d) Data confidentiality facilities.
e) The classical use of XML and other uses of typical XML tools.

3) What are the specificities of the SDMX Schema design?

a) XML namespaces are used as ‘modules’.
b) Namespaces specific to the DSD or MSD can be owned by both SDMX and other
maintenance agencies.
c) All of the above.

4) Is each SDMX namespace module a single instance of the W3C XML Schema
Language’s schema element, associated with its own XML namespace?
a) Yes.
b) No.

5) A Generic Data Message:

a) is designed to convey data in a form independent of a data structure definition
b) is for the exchange of large data sets.
c) is for querying a SDMX registry.
d) all of the above.

6) A Compact Data Message is independent of the DSD:

a) True.
b) False.

7) A utility Data Message:

a) Allows enhanced validation.
b) Depends on the DSD.
c) Is a type of SDMX-ML message.
d) All of the above.

8) Which assertion is wrong?

a) A Cross-Sectional Data Message may be used for exchange of more than one
observation type.
b) A Cross-Sectional Data Message is intended in case the statistical data consist of
multiple observations at a single point in time.
c) A Cross-Sectional Data Message is linked to several DSDs.

SDMX self-learning package Self test No. 3

9) The message defining a DSD and/or referenced artefacts is:

a) The Generic message.
b) The Structure definition message.
c) The Query message.

10) The structure definition message has a structure mainly defined according to schemes in
XSD format provided by the SDMX standard. This is:
a) True.
b) False.

11) The Query message:

a) Serves to convey a query to web service databases.
b) May query both data and structural metadata.
c) Never contain data or data structures.
d) All of the above.

12) The standard SDMX schema SDMXGenericData.xsd :

a) Provides a generic format for data in a time-series representation that doesn’t depend
on any DSD.
b) Contains the code lists the XML parser can use to validate SDMX-ML data files in
Generic format.
c) All of the above.

13) A generic XML parser can be used to validate a data file against the compact structural
definition scheme. This is:
a) True.
b) False.

14) The utility validation scheme is derived:

a) From the corresponding DSD.
b) Only from the other standard SDMX schemes.
c) From the Compact validation scheme.

15) Why is the deriving of one SDMX-ML message from another possible? (several
a) Since the SDMX-ML messages use standard XML.
b) Since all the messages are built on the underlying consistent SDMX Information
c) Since no restrictions apply for each SDMX-ML format.

16) Which messages are required for general exchange of SDMX-ML Generic data sets?
(several possibilities):
a) SDMXMessage.xsd.
b) SDMXGenericData.xsd.
c) SDMXCommon.xsd.
d) SDMXStructure.xsd.

SDMX self-learning package Self test No. 3

17) What statement is wrong?

a) For all DSD-specific schemas (Compact, Utility, and Cross-Sectional), the
information on allowed datatypes are represented with a standard set of datatypes from
the W3C XML Schema.
b) SDMX provides transformation files (XSL/XSLT) for automatic creation of structure-
specific schemas by SDMX-tools.
c) For all DSD-specific schemas, the SDMX standard provides a namespace to be used
as the extension base for DSD schemas of that type.
d) None of the above.

18) Unlike any other SDMX-ML data format, the DSD-specific CompactData format can
express a set of observation values without having to provide a time for each of them.
This is:
a) True.
b) False.

19) In a SDMX-ML cross-sectional schema, key values and attribute values may be attached
to more than one level. This is:
a) True.
b) False.

20) A Metadata-structure-specific schema:

a) Uses a specific namespace: SDMXMetadatReport.xsd.
b) Includes SDMXCommon.xsd namespace.
c) All of the above.

SDMX self-learning package Self test No. 3

2 Answers

Question 1: d).
Question 2: d).
Question 3: c).
Question 4: a).
Question 5: a).
Question 6: b).
Question 7: d).
Question 8: c).
Question 9: b).
Question 10: a).
Question 11: d).
Question 12: a).
Question 13: a).
Question 14: a).
Question 15: a) and b).
Question 16: b) and d).
Question 17: d).
Question 18: a).
Question 19: a).
Question 20: c).


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