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Progress Test 8: Grammar

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Progress Test 8

Name: ___________________________________________

1 Choose the correct verb to complete the phrases.

1 When Ellie was younger, she couldn't / wasn't able to stand onions.
2 Which of you could / was able to guess who the criminal was?
3 Grace could / was able to help me on several occasions.
4 Could you / Did you manage to contact Helen last night?
5 Some dogs can / are able to be fed on almost anything.
6 We couldn’t / didn't manage to breathe because of the smoke.
7 You can't / aren't able to get good potatoes any more.
8 Do you think you are able to / can come tomorrow?
9 Jim could / was able to play football better than any of us.
10 Are they able to / Can they be expected to win on Saturday?

Mark __/10

2 Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns (who, which,
whose, where).
1 The man ____who___ spoke to him at the conference was the director.
2 My new dress, ___whose____ my boyfriend hated, cost £100.
3 The woman, ____which___ dog was stolen, was interviewed on TV.
4 The park, ____where___ we often played football, has been redeveloped.
5 This computer, ___which____ has the latest software, cost me a fortune.

Mark __/5

3 Rewrite the following sentences. Use the sentences in brackets to form non-
defining relative clauses.
1 The restaurant on Oxford Road serves excellent food. (I used to work there.)
___The restaurant on Oxford Road where I use to work, serves excellent food. ________
2 Mr and Mrs Brown live next door to us. (Their daughter is a pop star.)
______ Mr. and Mrs. Browns whose daughter is a pop star, live next door to us ________
3 The new block of flats will be finished next week. (It has 25 floors.)
______ The new block of flats which has 25 floors, will be finished next week. _____
4 J.K. Rowling is a millionaire. (She wrote the Harry Potter books.)
_________ J.K. Rowling is a millionaire who wrote the Harry Potter books. ____________
5 My dad’s new car is very fast. (It cost a lot of money.)
___________ My dad’s new car which cost a lot of money is very fast. _______________

Mark __/5

4 Complete the sentences with appropriate words. Write one word in each gap.
1. Studies have shown that many animals in captivity________, such as in zoos or safari parks,
live longer than in the wild.
2. Overhunting has caused the extinction ________ of many animals, for example the giant
kangaroo in Australia or elephant birds in Madagascar.
3. Experts claim that air pollution from cars' and other vehicles ' explore____________
___________ kills more than twice as many people as road accidents.
4. Efforts to save energy at home and choosing an economical car are good ways to reduce
your costs_____ financing______.
5. Governments should invest more in real____________ energy sources, such as solar,
wind and wave power.

Mark __/5

5 Complete the sentences by adding a suitable prefix to the words in bold.

1 I was surprised that Tom's _____ex-wife__________ came to his wedding. wife
______Anti-social_________ behaviour has recently become a problem in cities. social
2. I think all politicians are ______overpaid_________. They do too little for their country for
too much money. pay
3. The survivors of the tornado were _______homeless________ after their homes were
destroyed in the disaster. house
4. You must have ______not hear_________ me. I said I wanted a coffee, not a coke. hear

Mark __/5
6 Read the following text and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Wind energy: yes or no?
Recent political debates and press articles have outlined the positives and negatives of onshore and
offshore wind farms, comparing wind power to other low-carbon energy sources, and fossil fuels. The
question is whether we should continue investing in wind energy production; rely on other renewable
sources, such as solar, wave, tidal or hydroelectric power; or stick to the already overused non-
renewable resources, such as natural gas, shale gas, oil and coal.
Onshore wind energy is generated by wind turbines located on land, whilst offshore energy is
produced by turbines located out at sea, or on bodies of fresh water such as lakes. Both turbine types
generate electricity by using the energy of the moving air. They already play an important role in
generating renewable electricity in the UK, providing over a quarter of the renewable electricity
produced. The government estimates that this production reduces CO 2 emissions by six million tonnes
annually, which amounts to a considerable reduction in greenhouse gas production. Onshore wind
turbines are also one of the most affordable renewable energy sources, costing half as much as
offshore wind farms, and a quarter as much as it costs to install solar panels. Another pro is the fact
that it is slightly cheaper to generate electricity using the wind than a nuclear power station, and, of
course, it does not produce dangerous waste that has to be disposed of. Fossil fuel based energy
sources are cheaper than wind power at the moment, but this is expected to change in years to come,
with technological advances occurring constantly.
The main criticism of wind farms is that they only produce electricity when there is sufficient wind,
and at those times when the wind force is insufficient, fossil fuels have to be used as a backup.
Another problem is the visual impact they have on the landscape. They are spread over large areas of
land compared to other energy sources, for instance nuclear power stations, and a large number of
people find them unsightly, or even noisy if they live nearby. Environmentalists also argue that the
turbines have a negative impact on wildlife, particularly on various bird species, as birds are often
injured when they fly into the turbines. However, the harm caused by wind turbines is minimal
compared to that caused by, for example, toxic waste produced during coal mining or oil drilling.
We need to find the right balance between creating and using more affordable electricity and
protecting our environment. The best option will probably remain a combination of onshore and
offshore wind power, together with other renewable energies and fossil fuel-based energies.

1 Onshore and offshore power production are similar in how much they cost. _F__
2 According to the article, energy from fossil fuels is cheaper than that produced by wind
power. __T_
3 The disadvantage of wind turbines is that they do not supply energy consistently. __T_
4 Environmentally-minded people have objections to wind turbines as they are harmful to
animals. __T_
5 The author of the article is generally against using wind power, as it has many
disadvantages. __F_

Mark __/5

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