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Social Media Style Guide

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Social Media

Style Guide

Table of Contents
Social Media Guidelines

01 About Good Light PR

02 Colors
03 Brand Voice & Writing Style
04 Social Media Platforms
- Facebook
- Instagram
- Twitter
- LinkedIn
- Blog
05 Purpose and Audience
01. About
Good Light PR
This project was created by Natalia Bosch,
Taylor Jenkins, and Melany Sanchez in
fulfillment for their communications course
CS456 at Boyce College. None of these
projects are meant to reflect the views of
the school and this should be stated in all of
the platforms provided.

Good Light PR is a research group that

provides resources and best practices
related to Public Relations. Our goal is to
help small business and individuals improve
their PR tactics.

02. Colors & Identification

#132610 #8BA055 #A69576 #FFF6EE #BEDACD #05090B

Our Color Palette
We want to portray that Public Relations is all about point of
view, or the light in which things are presented. All colors
have the same general guidelines, ie. dark with light. However
we admit that creativity and design may grow so we are open
to using the colors outside their limitations. This however
should be run-by the team before being posted.
The Dark & Light Green:
These are our main colors! We want them to show up
in all postings. The dark can be a background color but
the light is best left for lettering.
The Cream & Brown:
These are our main supporting colors. They are meant
to help the greens stand out! Use them as a
background or lettering depending on the post.
The Blue & Charcoal:
These are meant purely as accent colors that can be
found throughout. We love lettering in charcoal and
any fun design in blue! SPRING 2021
03. Brand Voice & Writing Style
The brand tone should be helpful and We can be informal, but still remain classy. This
enthusiastic. We are trying to reach a means we must avoid sass and sarcasm in our
following with tips and tricks for PR, so our social media and blog posts and especially when
main priority is to be helpful. directly communicating with our followers. we
want to be conversational. This is about people
We should be optimistic and confident in the and as such we want to engage.
content we produce. We are the thought
leaders in this field, so we can present our We can use jargon in our posts. There will often
information confidently. We should stay be instances when we need to use jargon to
positive and encourage our followers to be explain technical concepts and practices in PR,
the best PR representatives they can! but if we do so, we must define our terms first.

We can use information punctuation like "--" and "&." It is

fine to be expressive in the use of punctuation marks such
as exclamation points! We always use an Oxford comma.

04. Social Media Platforms
Content is King and Platform is Queen
Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn Blog
Facebook page name -- Instagram username -- Twitter handle -- (Provided Linkedin account -- Our blog name/ website --
(Provided when created) (Provided when created) when created) (Provided when created) (Provided when created)

These are our general hashtags that are a good starting point for social media posts:
#GoodLight #GoodLightPR #PublicRelations #PRBestPractices #PRTrends
We can also come up with specific hashtags for certain campaigns and platforms as needed
For our Facebook posts, we can use pictures or quotes. Our
pictures should be edited to fit the muted tones like our colors.
Quotes should be posted as a .jpg with the background as one
of our colors and the font should be Old Standard.

Captions should be succinct and not more than 1-2 paragraphs.

Aim for 5 sentences or less, but sometimes, depending on the
content, this is not possible.

Hashtags: #GoodLight #GoodLightPR #PublicRelations

#PRBestPractices #PRTrends
For our Instagram posts we want them to be very bright and engaging. We
want to use images and fun captions to captivate an audience. The pictures
should be edited to fit our muted tones and the font should be old standard if
available. If not available something resembling the style is appropriate.

Quotes are also part of our postings and those must be posted as a .jpg with our
colors as background. Patterns are welcome as long as they follow the color
scheme and are not overwhelming for the post.

Captions should be about a 2-3 sentences length since it is trendy to go long.

Hashtags: #GoodLight #GoodLightPR #PublicRelations

#PRBestPractices #PRTrends
For our Twitter posts, we can use plain text or designed quotes.
Tweets should be kept simple, under 200 characters. Designed quotes
should be posted as a .jpg with the background as one of our colors
and the font should be Old Standard.

If including a link to the website, do not just paste the URL. Use a
Twitter Card with a photo or the logo so it is more visually appealing.

If using a quote from another expert or organization, tag that person

or org if they have Twitter!

Hashtags: #GoodLight #GoodLightPR #PublicRelations

#PRBestPractices #PRTrends
For our LinkedIn posts, we can use design quotes or plain text. Design
quotes should be posted as a .jpg with the background as one of our
colors and the font should be Old Standard. Plain text should be kept
under 400 characters.

We encourage the use of cards with pictures or the logo for blog posts.
Pictures should be edited to fit the muted tones like our company colors.

Hyperlink if quoting or referencing another organization when

recommending content.

Hashtags: #GoodLight #GoodLightPR #PublicRelations

#PRBestPractices #PRTrends
Muted tone, that still
highlights the picture. and
goes with the brand color.
this can be achieved by a Now that your eyes are
open, make the sun
vivd warm or dramatic warm
jealous with your
filter on macs. burning passion to start
the day. Make the sun
jealous or stay in bed.

This quote has our colors as

background was was typed in Old
The Blog The brand tone should be helpful and
Our goal for the blog is to give people an enthusiastic. We should be optimistic and
informative resource in the area of PR. confident in the content we produce. We are
We want it to be around 800 - 1000 words. the thought leaders in this field, so we can
Because it is a blog it should have resources present our information confidently. We
but there is no specific amount required. should stay positive and encourage our
We do not want to have hashtags or emojis followers to be the best PR representatives
being used in the blog. they can!
The blog is to be formal or elegant. We Pictures are always welcome and we
want to be taken seriously and for our encourage for there to either be a few or a
information to be looked at as credible.
big one within our post. so long as they are
-- This can be achieved through brand
relevant we encourage our team to use
maintenance and writing style.
visual aids in the blog.
It will be written by the team of the
For grammar and other writing rules refer
company and signed off as such.
to the Brand Voice and Writing Stye page.
05. Purpose and Audience
The intended audience for all off these platforms are Public Relations people 18 and up
who want to learn some tips and tricks of PR as well as connecting with other PR
specialists. It will be geared specifically toward PR directors of SME's (small and
medium-sized enterprises).

Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn Blog

Practical words, promote blog, Engaging, fun; Shoutouts, about Research and
quotes, and tips/tip of the fun facts, quotes, people/companies Resource
Behind the scenes day answer followers' and the work oriented
questions. they’re doing
Goodlightpr @goodlightpr @goodlightpr1 Goodlightpr ghtpr.weebly.
This style guide is to be followed at all times while producing
content for Good Light PR and its social media platforms. If you
have any questions, please reach out to the marketing team:
Taylor Jenkins: tjenkins@goodlightpr.org
Natalia Bosch: nbosch@goodlightpr.org
Melany Sanchez: msanchez@goodlightpr.org

123 Main St.
Louisville, KY 40202

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