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Jurnal Internasional
Jurnal Internasional
Cite this article as: Etz CD, Weigang E, Hartert M, Lonn L, Mestres CA, Di Bartolomeo R et al. Contemporary spinal cord protection during thoracic and
thoracoabdominal aortic surgery and endovascular aortic repair: a position paper of the vascular domain of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic
Surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2015;47:943–57.
thoracoabdominal aortic surgery and endovascular aortic repair:
a position paper of the vascular domain of the European Association
for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery†
Christian D. Etza,‡, Ernst Weigangb,‡, Marc Hartertc, Lars Lonnd, Carlos A. Mestrese,f, Roberto Di Bartolomeog,
* Corresponding author. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, University Heart Center Freiburg — Bad Krozingen, Hugstetterstrasse 55, 79106 Freiburg, Germany.
Tel: +49-761-27028180; fax: +49-761-27025500; e-mail: martin.czerny@uniklinik-freiburg.de (M. Czerny).
Received 1 September 2014; received in revised form 14 January 2015; accepted 29 January 2015
Ischaemic spinal cord injury (SCI) remains the Achilles heel of open and endovascular descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal repair.
Neurological outcomes have improved coincidentially with the introduction of neuroprotective measures. However, SCI ( paraplegia and
paraparesis) remains the most devastating complication. The aim of this position paper is to provide physicians with broad information
regarding spinal cord blood supply, to share strategies for shortening intraprocedural spinal cord ischaemia and to increase spinal cord tol-
erance to transitory ischaemia through detection of ischaemia and augmentation of spinal cord blood perfusion. This study is meant to
support physicians caring for patients in need of any kind of thoracic or thoracoabdominal aortic repair in decision-making algorithms in
order to understand, prevent or reverse ischaemic SCI. Information has been extracted from focused publications available in the PubMed
database, which are cohort studies, experimental research reports, case reports, reviews, short series and meta-analyses. Individual chap-
ters of this position paper were assigned and after delivery harmonized by Christian D. Etz, Ernst Weigang and Martin Czerny. Consequently,
further writing assignments were distributed within the group and delivered in August 2014. The final version was submitted to the EJCTS for
review in September 2014.
Keywords: Spinal cord injury • Surgery • TEVAR • Thoracic aorta • Thoracoabdominal aorta
BACKGROUND ischaemic spinal cord injury (SCI) remains the most devastating
complication after repair by any modality. In 1993, Svensson
Over half a century after the first successful surgery for aneur- described the risk of SCI after open surgery according to the
ysms of the descending thoracic aorta (DTA) and thoracoabdom- ‘Crawford classification’—15% of Type I, 31% of Type II, 7% of
inal aorta (TAAA) by Etheredge (in 1955) and De Bakey (in 1956), Type III and 4% of Type IV aneurysm patients suffered post-
operative SCI. In the past two decades, the neurological
† outcome of open DTA/TAAA repair has improved coincidentally
Presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-
Thoracic Surgery, Milan, Italy, 11–15 October 2014. with the introduction of several neuroprotective adjuncts and by
The first two authors contributed equally to this work. cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage [1–9]. In spite of numerous
© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.
944 C.D. Etz et al. / European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
strategies designed to reduce the risk of SCI, its occurrence is (with less robust collateralization when compared with the thor-
relevant [1, 3, 4, 10–15] (Tables 1 and 2). acic region where intercostal arteries (ICAs) provide instant back-
Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) offers a less- up flow originating, e.g. from both internal mammary arteries),
invasive approach diminishing the magnitude of repair-associated (iii) extended aortic cross-clamp times during open repair—
injury by avoiding thoracotomy and aortic cross-clamping, minim- particularly when adding prolonged (normothermic, or only mild-
izing perioperative end-organ ischaemia and the insult to the re- to-moderate hypothermic) distal circulatory arrest to segmental
spiratory system, but is still associated with a significant risk of SCI. inflow compromise [19–21], while deep hypothermic circulatory
In 2007, Coselli presented the largest series of open TAAAs so arrest (DHCA) and distal aortic perfusion might be protective
far of 2286 patients reflecting a significant improvement in spinal [19, 22–27] and (iv) perioperative hypotension [e.g. after weaning
cord protection with 3.3% for Type I, 6.3% for Type II, 2.6% for from CBP [28], or during the early postoperative period (e. g. during
Type III and 1.4% for Type IV TAAAs—the current benchmark for temporary atrial fibrillation) [29, 30]]—presenting a widely underesti-
endovascular repair. SCI is an individual disaster with a profound mated risk factor responsible for a significant number of cases of
impact on early mortality, longevity and healthcare cost, and postoperative ischaemic injury resulting in delayed-onset SCI: up to
eventually a significant socioeconomic issue [16, 17]. Conrad et al. 83% of all patients developing SCI after open repair and 87% of
[18] stratified SCI after open and endovascular DTA/TAAA repair cases after endovascular repair, respectively [19, 29, 31–35].
cross-clamping (or with large-bore sheaths in place during pro- Electrophysiological assessment is helpful in detection of ischae-
longed endovascular procedures) leaving the hypogastric arteries mia in the monitored neural tracts, the use somatosensory evoked
not being perfused and the collateral network thus being deprived potentials (SSEPs) or motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and has
of its major distal inflow source. Accordingly, the major risk factors been studied extensively in thoracoabdominal aortic surgery and
for ischaemic SCI during TAA/A repair are the following: (i) the TEVAR. Additionally, these methods might be able to detect situa-
extent of aortic graft replacement or endovascular coverage (i.e. the tions of marginal blood flow resulting in neuronal dysfunction
complexity of the repair), (ii) the presence of acute aortic dissection (i) at a time when the neurons are still salvageable and the insult is
—particularly, with extensive, acute SA malperfusion due to the for- potentially reversible and (ii) allowing for guidance of therapeuti-
mation of a false lumen and (iii) the degree of urgency (i.e. limited cal interventions to relieve acute ischaemia.
time for proper planning, no option for staging or perioperative
haemodynamic instability). The risk may vary in the range 4–7%
after TEVAR for DTA, 2–28% after elective descending aortic surgery SPINAL CORD BLOOD SUPPLY
and up to 40% after emergency repair of extensive TAAAs (Table 3).
The impact of prior distal aortic operations—i.e. abdominal Arterial blood supply to the spinal cord is provided by the anterior
aortic aneurysm repair—on SCI risk after reoperative surgery for spinal artery (ASA) arising cranially from both vertebral arteries to
Endovascular (TEVAR)
Greenberg et al. [32] 2008 352 1 10 19 5 3 Occluded Yesa None
Perfusion, temperature and the anaesthesiological perioperative management for open repair varied significantly among reference centres, e.g. Sundt et al.: DHCA at 18°C; Schepens et al.: moderate hypothermia at
32°C, DHCA only if proximal clamping is impossible; Zoli et al.: full cardiopulmonary bypass, partial cardiopulmonary bypass, left heart bypass and DHCA.
SCI: spinal cord injury; TEVAR: thoracic endovascular aortic repair; DTA: descending thoracic aorta; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; MEP: motor evoked potential; SSEP: somatosensory evoked potential; DHCA: deep
hypothermic circulatory arrest.
‘At the discretion of the treating physician’.
DTA patients treated for degenerative pathology excluding ruptures.
Not reported.
Intraoperative epidural cooling (EC) to 25–27°C until reperfusion of the lower extremities.
Singularly operated in DHCA, SA reimplant, no CSF drain (!).
Selective perfusion (balloon catheters) to the coeliac and superior mesenteric arteries, renals intermittently with 4°C crystalloid, left heart bypass in 40%, 60% ‘clamp-and-sew’ 32–34°C.
The Gore TAG non-randomized multicentre trial: significantly higher incidence of symptomatic aneurysms (38 vs 21%, P = 0.007) in the surgical control group, historically and retrospectively acquired; surgeons
performing the open procedures were from various surgical backgrounds; there was a variable volume of thoracic aortic surgery performed in each contributing centre, and a variable use of spinal cord protection
techniques. For example, in the open repair group 75% of the paraplegic patients died in hospital.
Delayed paraplegia secondary to persistent hypotension; the comparison is not representative as patient characteristics are not uniform, e.g. urgent/emergent procedures—see original data for details.
C.D. Etz et al. / European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 947
Table 4: Mechanisms of spinal cord ischaemia in open repair and during thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR)
Insult Effect
Open repair
(Prolonged) aortic cross-clamping Acute loss of direct (SAs) and indirect (collateral network) cord perfusion
Decrease in mean arterial pressure (e.g. due to anaesthesia and Insufficient spinal cord perfusion pressure (resulting in acute, generalized malperfusion of
extracorporeal circulation) the cord)
Increase in CSF pressure Counteracts spinal cord perfusion pressure triggering a ‘spinal compartment syndrome’
Loss of critical SAs Acute loss of direct spinal cord perfusion
Insufficient distal perfusion pressure (on pump/no pulsatility) Inadequate distal inflow to the collateral network
Arterial steal phenomenon via patent SAs after opening the Reduced SCPP ! oedema of the spinal cord
aneurysm sac
Reperfusion injury after cross-clamping Spinal cord oedema (beginning a ‘vicious cycle’)
Postoperative thrombosis of the spinal cord-supplying vessels May be responsible for delayed paraplegia (e.g. after TEVAR)
Figure 1: Spinal cord blood flow and perfusion pressure during thoracic aortic occlusion. The changes (arrows) represent the response to aortic cross-clamping per se.
: increase; : decrease; ICP: intracranial pressure.
what was thought to be the Artery of Adamkiewicz using magnetic arteries in the spinal canal, perivertebral tissues and paraspinal
resonance angiography [72–75]. muscles that receives input from the subclavian, internal thoracic,
Within the spinal canal, there is an axial network of small arteries lumbar and hypogastric arteries (Figs 2B and C and 3). These small
that connect with each other as well as with major arteries that arteries are connected with each other and with the ASA and PSA
supply the spinal cord [37]. Blood supply to the spinal cord is even providing blood flow to the spinal cord. This network can increase
more complex and pathologically modified in patients with aortic blood flow from one source when another is impaired. Conversely,
diseases. In almost 25% of these patients, most SAs are occluded a steal effect can occur—spinal cord blood flow can be reduced if
and spinal cord integrity is maintained by an extensive collateral an alternative lower resistance pathway becomes patent elsewhere
network in which lumbar arteries and the pelvic circulation are re- in the circulation. The concept of collateral circulation is most prob-
sponsible for main blood supply. Reimplantation of SAs increases ably the reason why the maintenance of high arterial blood pres-
aortic cross-clamp time and possibly aggravates intraoperative sure and cardiac index may reduce SCI in TAAA surgery.
spinal cord hypoperfusion due to blood loss via back bleeding. Reimplantation of significant patent SAs has been associated
Probably, a substantial percentage of reimplanted SAs occlude with decreased rates of SCI [43]. However, if a particular branch is
early. Alternative surgical techniques for reimplantation include small or occluded, a great deal of time may be spent without
latero-lateral aortic patch reimplantation or the use of small-calibre benefit—possibly even causing harm to the spinal cord increasing
(≤5 mm) bypass conduits such as vein grafts or vascular prostheses. the risk of intraoperative SCI. Intercostal reimplantation (IRP) may
The alternative paradigm suggests—in addition to the radicular jeopardize spinal cord blood flow by back bleeding. Even after
arteries—that the spinal cord also has a complex collateral circula- successful revascularization of a dominant SA, symptomatic SCI
tion. It is hypothesized that there is also an axial network of small may be observed. On the contrary, IRP may jeopardize spinal cord
948 C.D. Etz et al. / European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
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Figure 2: (A) Blood supply to the spinal cord. Schematic drawing of the spinal cord with indications of areas supplied by the posterior and the anterior spinal arteries.
Radicular arteries are variable in location. The inflow to spinal arteries is divided into three main supply zones ASA: anterior spinal artery; PSA: posterior spinal artery;
PICA: posterior inferior cerebellar artery; SA: segmental arteries; ICA: intercostal arteries; LA: lumbar arteries. (B) Anatomy of the collateral network from experimental
casts, sagittal (B0 1) and dorsal (B0 2) views. Macroscopic appearance of the pair of dorsal segmental vessels at L1. The dorsal process is removed. In B0 1, the X designates
the paraspinous muscular vasculature providing extensive longitudinal arterioarteriolar connections in B0 1 and B0 2; the triangle indicates iliopsoas muscle; the double
arrow indicates anterior spinal artery [reprinted from Etz et al. [37] Copyright (2011) with permission from Elsevier]. (C) Relationship of the ASA and the repetitive epi-
dural arcades in a Yorkshire pig model. V indicates the epidural venous plexus. Anterior to the extensive venous plexus, four arteriolar branches (yellow arrows) con-
tribute to one circular epidural arcade. This pattern is repeated at the level of each vertebral segment. These vascular structures connect segments side to side as well
as longitudinally. Green arrows depict the anterior radiculomedullary artery, which connects directly with the anterior spinal artery [reprinted from Etz et al. [37]
Copyright (2011) with permission from Elsevier].
ischaemia, manifesting neuronal dysfunction and injury within Additionally, delayed postoperative rewarming might have a positive
5 min after the cessation of blood flow. When incomplete ischae- effect on ischaemia tolerance of the spinal cord and therefore is part
mia is produced, SCI generally does not occur with an aortic of the postoperative protocol at some institutions. However, there is
cross-clamping time of less than 15 min. As the cross-clamp time not yet enough clinical evidence or prospective randomized studies to
is prolonged, the risk of SCI gradually increases. It is important to proof this concept.
note that the risk of SCI is closely related to the body core tem- The protective effect of hypothermia is thought to be primarily
perature during lower body circulatory arrest, initiated by placing a consequence of the decreased metabolic demands associated
the cross-clamp: Kamiya et al. [79] found a 6-fold increase in the with reduced spinal cord oxygen consumption. However, hypo-
incidence of SCI in their subgroup analysis of patients undergoing thermia may also protect the cell by stabilizing membranes and
prolonged distal circulatory arrest at only moderate hypothermia. attenuating the inflammatory and excitotoxic responses to ischae-
Experimentally, the safe period of distal arrest has been shown to be mia during reperfusion. Further protection of the spinal cord
widely overestimated and irreversible SCI at 28°C occurs earlier than tissue has been attempted with regional spinal cord hypothermia
expected [80]. The only intervention in humans that has consistently (epidural cooling) [70]. However, besides contamination issues, re-
proved to be effective in protecting the central nervous system from sponsive hyperperfusion and consecutive development of oedema
ischaemia during the absence of blood flow is hypothermia [81–83]. are feared by some after cooling is ended.
950 C.D. Etz et al. / European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
In addition to lowering oxygen consumption, the risk of intra- cross-clamp, depending on distal aortic perfusion via LHB or
operative spinal cord ischaemia may be avoided or minimized by extracorporeal circulation with an oxygenator and (iii) from the
improving oxygen delivery via an increase of SCPP. Demand side central venous and CSF pressure. During proximal aortic cross-
interventions prolong ischaemic tolerance by decreasing the need clamping, the MAP inceases considerably and needs pharmaco-
of oxygen (barbiturates and hypothermia), while reducing the logical correction to control left ventricular afterload. The elevated
levels of neurotoxins released during ischaemia and/or their dele- cerebral blood pressure during proximal aortic cross-clamping
terious effects (naloxone and hypothermia). The spinal cord may may result in an overproduction of CSF and an elevation of CSF
be directly protected against neuronal injury at the cellular level pressure. Elevated CSF pressure further reduces the SCPP. If CSF
by reducing hyperaemic and inflammatory responses (hypother- pressure exceeds both ASA and PSA pressure, the spinal cord
mia, steroids and free radical scavengers). Supply side interven- blood flow ceases and oxygen supply is interrupted—the spinal
tions increase spinal cord blood supply and tissue oxygen delivery cord is suffering ischaemia. Full or partial recovery from delayed
by maximizing collateral blood flow to the spinal cord, reducing postoperative SCI after open or endovascular repair has been
spinal fluid pressure, increasing arterial blood pressure and the reported and emphasizes the effectiveness of acute interventions
cardiac index during and after the repair, preventing steal and to improve spinal cord perfusion, if applied instantly. Postoperative
guaranteeing sufficient oxygenation during aortic cross-clamping. events such as hypotension due, for instance, to haemorrhage or
The observation that similar reductions in SCI can be achieved by increased CSF pressure may also increase the risk of SCI after open
combining different therapies basically reflects the complexity of and endovascular repair. Therefore, maintaining adequate spinal
spinal cord blood supply and neuronal injury. cord perfusion by increasing arterial pressure and augmenting
cardiac output, together with preventing hypotension, lowering CSF
pressure and reducing central venous pressure (CVP), is important
for the prevention of spinal cord ischaemia.
STRATEGIES TO AUGMENT SPINAL CORD CSF production rises during ischaemia, causing an increased CSF
PERFUSION pressure soon after cross-clamping. To minimize spinal cord ischae-
mia, CSF drainage is used to maintain a low CSF pressure while im-
As previously elaborated on, spinal cord perfusion during aortic proving net perfusion pressure. The physiological basis for lumbar
surgery depends on (i) the ASA flow from radicular vessels arising CSF drainage is given by the SCPP being a direct function of the
above the proximal cross-clamp and supplied by proximal aortic MAP minus lumbar CSF pressure (or alternatively central venous
pressure, (ii) from vessels arising from the aorta below the distal pressure). Therefore, an increased CSF pressure decreases the
C.D. Etz et al. / European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 951
SCPP. Draining CSF has the potential to increase the SCPP by in blood pressure during and early after the procedure. Equally, an
decreasing the CSF pressure. Experiences during open surgical intensive care unit that is familiar with all aspects of postoperative
DTA/TAAA repair have shown that this intervention has a positive care after TAA/A repair is very important to provide maximal
effect on neurological outcome. In general, introduction of a CSF haemodynamic stability. Many patients with late onset SCI have a
catheter is performed preoperatively, but can also be performed documented period of instability prior to symptoms.
postoperatively when neurological symptoms develop. It is highly Spinal cord perfusion can be surgically augmented by reattach-
advisable to insert a CSF drain in all patients undergoing TAA/A ment of SAs into the vascular graft if the surgeon respects the ana-
surgery or thoracoabdominal EVAR and measure CSF pressure for tomical paradigm that direct segmental blood flow is the most
at least 48 h postoperatively. If CSF pressure was allowed to rise important intervention to reduce the risk of SCI. Large SAs with
postoperatively in combination with a period of blood pressure little or no back bleeding may be particularly important for spinal
instability, late onset SCI due to spinal cord oedema may occur. cord perfusion. Alternatively, occlusion or oversewing of strong
CSF should be drained into a sealed reservoir to achieve a CSF back bleeding SAs has been advocated to improve spinal cord
pressure of 10 mmHg; some institutions alternatively aim for the perfusion by preventing an arterial steal effect and shortening
preoperative ‘opening pressure’ immediately after CSF catheter intraoperative ischaemic time [3]. As most reports combine IRP
placement as an individual baseline pressure of the patient. CSF with other strategies, it is hard to determine how much reattach-
enable complete exclusion of the aneurysm or to allow for a spinal cord may cause a selective motor deficit with intact sensa-
better proximal landing zone, subclavian arterial flow should be tion. In this situation, SSEP monitoring may fail to detect spinal
preserved by prior transposition of the subclavian artery onto the cord ischaemia. This anatomical picture is likely an oversimplifica-
left common carotid artery. Another approach to preserve left tion, because SSEPs from the lower extremity are thought to
subclavian artery flow in TEVAR is to perform a left carotid to sub- include a contribution from the spinocerebellar pathways that are
clavian bypass graft with ligation or coil embolization of the prox- located deeper in the spinal cord. Since the latter contribution is
imal left subclavian artery stump. Maintaining blood flow in the vascularized by the ASA, it is possible that the SSEP may respond
left subclavian artery is important for spinal cord perfusion as its to selective anterior ischaemia by the effect on this component of
branches supply the ASA. Meanwhile, there is substantial evidence the pathway. Alternatively, anterior ischaemia may steal blood
available supporting routine preservation of the left subclavian from the posterior perfusion, leading to SSEP changes. As SSEPs
artery [84, 85]. are primarily a white substance pathway in the spinal cord and
largely devoid of synaptic connections, they may react less sensi-
tively than MEP pathways that include synapses. However, SSEPs
recorded in the spinal cord are known to be sensitive to hypoten-
STRATEGIES TO DETECT SPINAL CORD sion and have been used to gauge deliberate hypotension during
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Figure 4: Left upper panel: physiological somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs). Right upper panel: pathophysiological SSEPs. Left lower panel: physiological motor
evoked potentials (MEPs). Right lower panel: pathophysiological MEPs.
research has to validate this method experimentally and clinically to of large-bore sheaths placed in the iliac arteries during the proced-
define its role in relation to IOM to detect spinal cord ischaemia [86]. ure) and negative effects on spinal cord perfusion associated with
Finally, another eventual limitation used as an argument by open TAAA surgery. Distal aortic perfusion remains uninterrupted,
some is that the method of IOM is complex and renders the pro- guaranteeing a continuous blood flow to the spinal cord and ex-
cedure even more cumbersome due to the equipment required cluding a steal effect via SAs after opening the aneurysm. Delayed
in the operation theatre and the contribution of a neurophysiolo- paraplegia may occur due to (micro) embolism caused by athero-
gist during the entire procedure [87]. Not all institutions are able sclerotic debris or blood clots flushed into the spinal cord vascula-
to provide such an environment. ture after being mobilized from the aneurysm sac during partial
and/or temporary perfusion which may occur in type II endoleaks.
Reperfusion injury after open surgical aortic replacement can
TEVAR—SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS occur when cytotoxic metabolites formed during cross-clamping
reach the reimplanted SAs. Considering avoidance of SCI after
TEVAR has made us rethink the pathophysiology of spinal cord is- TEVAR, it must be remembered that the extent of repair is of im-
chaemia. Coverage of the thoracic aorta without revascularization portance to determine the risk of SCI. The reduced risk of SCI in
of SAs feeding the spinal cord was expected to produce higher TEVAR compared with open TAAA surgery is multifactorial. If a
rates of spinal cord ischaemia than actually observed. TEVAR may series contain patients with a shorter length of covered aorta, they
be performed with CSF drainage. Other adjuncts believed to be will inevitably show lower rates of spinal cord ischaemia. Likewise,
necessary in avoiding spinal ischaemia such as revascularization of when a dissected aorta is stented, retrograde perfusion of the false
important intercostal branches cannot be employed and, still, the lumen via communications in the membrane maintains SA blood
rates of SCI are low thereby supporting the collateral network supply. This is clearly not a phenomenon that occurs after surgical
concept (and the strategy of SA sacrifice in open TAA/A repair). repair and complete exclusion of the lesion.
TEVAR has less influence on the patient’s perfusion physiology, However, the issue of SCI still remains with TEVAR because of (i)
ensures cardiovascular stability and offers shorter or no organ is- the inability to revascularize covered SAs, (ii) a period of hypoten-
chaemic periods as aortic cross-clamping is not necessary during sion for TEVAR deployment, (iii) the persistence of the risk of em-
TEVAR, thereby avoiding distal hypotension (except for the duration bolization from aortic atheromatous lesions and (iv) the possibility
954 C.D. Etz et al. / European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
of compromise of distal perfusion due to large-bore sheaths used Dong et al. reported a 5.4% SCI rate in a series of 56 TAA/A opera-
for stent-graft introduction during the procedure. Consequently, tions utilizing MEP and SSEP monitoring with a reimplantation ap-
SCI remains the most devastating complication also after TEVAR. proach. The majority of studies that sought to prevent ischaemia
Independent proven risk factors for the development of delayed- by reimplantating SAs with particular focus on the area between
onset SCI are (i) perioperative MAP of less than 70 mmHg, (ii) CSF T7 and L2 anticipated that SCI is the consequence of hypoperfu-
drainage complications, (iii) previous abdominal aortic aneurysm sion after sacrifice [10, 69]. Several studies have attempted to dem-
repair (if the hypogastric arteries have been compromised), (iv) sig- onstrate the arguable superiority of this approach. In contrast, in
nificant preoperative renal insufficiency, (v) left subclavian artery 1994 and 1996, SCI rates as low as 3% in DTA/TAAA repair without
coverage without revascularization and (vi) the use of three or more SA reimplantation were described both in a series of 110 by Acher
stent-grafts (reflecting the lengths of the covered segments as well as et al. [97], and in 95 consecutive patients by Griepp et al. [ 99].
the lengths of the procedural time). However, others have shown In 2004, Ohtsubo et al. proposed the selective perfusion of the
that the impact of simultaneous closure of two independent arterial Artery of Adamkiewicz to prevent intraoperative spinal cord is-
spinal-cord supplying vascular territories (in particular in combin- chaemia [100]. Furukawa et al. in their most recent contribution
ation with intraoperative hypotension) is the most important risk proposed a sophisticated, integrated intraoperative approach: se-
factor for symptomatic SCI irrespective of the covered length or pre- lective intraoperative perfusion of the identified artery to prevent
most devastating individual tragedy and significant healthcare realized and formulated. Future research will further provide us
issue. with knowledge on the aetiology, prevention, detection and treat-
Clinical experience supports the efficacy of MAP augmentation ment of SCI.
and CSF drainage for the treatment of delayed-onset SCI caused
by spinal cord ischaemia when applied immediately after appear- Conflict of interest: none declared.
ance of neurological symptoms in patients undergoing open
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