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Fundamentals of 3d Art

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Enduring Idea: Artist create art as a reaction to the real world and

Lesson Title: FUNdamentals of 3D Art

Grade Level: 10th-12th Grade
Subject: 3D Art
Time Allotment: 60 Minutes/3 Classes/2Weeks
1. Rationale: Throughout time, history, culture, and society has remained a
prominent influence on art and the human experience. Through teaching students
the fundamentals of 3D art while also pulling in historical and contemporary
connections, students can place their own artwork into history and begin making
their mark as artists. History informs us on how to make new artistic decisions and
innovate the ways we express ourselves. Through working through a series of
artistic processes, students will be able to understand how they can create work
that responds to the world around them.
2. Lesson Summary: Students will explore with the fundamentals of 3D art by
building a cube, cone or sphere. Taking their form a step further, students
will embellish their form by using design elements inspired by historical and
contemporary African American artists in commemoration to Black History
3. Artist Work:

Aaron Douglas
Jean-Michel Basquiat

Alma Thomas

Nick Cave
Woodrow Nash

4. Key Concepts:
• Artists create 3D Forms that interact with the space around them.
• Artists create artwork that relates to history, culture and society.
• Artists use different techniques to generate ideas form artworks.
• Artists create messages and meaning through using principles and elements of design.

5. Essential Questions:
1. How can I use shape and space to build a 3D form?
2. How does my artwork relate to society and history?
3. How can I plan and create ideas for art projects?
4. How can I use design principles and elements to enhance the meaning behind my

6. Standards:
a) National Visual Arts Standards:

VA:Cr1.2.Ia Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of

present day life using a contemporary practice of art or design.

VA:Cr3.1.Ia Apply relevant criteria from traditional and

contemporary cultural contexts to examine, reflect on, and plan
revisions for works of art and design in progress.

VA:Cn11.1.Ia Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and

history may influence personal responses to art.
7. Interdisciplinary Connections

Mathematics: Students will have the opportunity to build geometric forms

and though using their math skills, they can precisely and with great
craftsmanship, construct a cube, cone, or sphere in space. Students will
measure, create angles, add, and subtract in order to create shapes that when
unified reveals their form.

• Students will be able to build and assemble a form and add design elements and
principles inspired from artist work.
• Students will be able to use their freedom and responsibility when creating.
• Students will be able to recognize how their artwork falls into history.
• Students will be able to generate and plan multiple ideas for art projects.
• Students will be able to understand 3D art and what it is through class discussion and
kahoots to text their preliminary knowledge.
• Students will be able to develop a message they want to share through their artwork.
• Students will develop knowledge about how art expresses and communicates to the
viewer through reflective prompts.



1. What is 3D art? Kahoot and Jamboard Discussion

Formative Assessment:

1. What is the artist trying to say? -Kehinde Wiley

2. Finding Inspiration - Looking at artist work
3. Thumbnails and project planning
4. Journal Prompts
5. Omar Aqil- Jamboard
6. Critique

Summative Assessment:

1. Final Project
2. Rubric


3D Art Daily and Weekly Breakdown

WEEK 1: Getting to Know Each other/Procedures and Expectations

Day 1: 2/4/2021

5 Minutes- Warm Up: I hope you had fun on your snowdays? Comment in the chat what your
favorite thing to do when it snows?


10 Minutes- Teacher Introductions

15 Minutes- Getting to know each other activity! Teacher will provide a link to a google slides
document. Teacher informs students that they will need to create a slide, and post a picture of
themselves or something that represents them. After they post their picture they are to write a
brief description, maybe a sentence or two, introducing them to the class. Go over how to
access the slides, how to create a new slide, and how to insert a picture. Ask students to please
include their name on their slide. After students post on their slide, briefly go over the slideshow.
(Teacher contributes to a slide)

20 Minutes- Teacher addresses the basic expectations for the zoom room and the course.
Topics covered: Procedures and Routines, Lates, Attendance, Contacting Home.


10 Minutes- Using jam board, students are to name one expectation or procedure for the class
as their exit ticket.

WEEK 2 What is 3D Art?

Day 1- 2/8/2021


5 Minutes- Warm Up: Draw a quick doodle of how you are feeling today. Students will have 5
minutes to doodle. At the end of five minutes, ask students to turn on their camera and hold
their doodle up for everyone in the class to see.


15 Minutes- Course recap and share overview documents with students. Make sure you show
students where they can access all of the course information and stepping stone/ milestone

10 Minutes- What is 3D art? Kahoot- Testing preliminary knowledge.

10 Minutes- Provide students with a link to the jam board. Ask students to write down
something they already knew about 3D art and something they found interesting about 3D art.

3D Preliminary Knowledge

3D Kahoot

10 Minutes- Lead students in a demonstration on how to photograph and format their work into
google docs. Inform students that after they create their doc, they will be submitting it into slate.

10 Minutes- Before students leave class, they are to arrange three objects they found around
their house and take photo documentation. Students are to format their photograph onto a
google docs page and submit it to slate.

Day 2: 2/11/2021


10 Minutes- Warm Up- What do you think the artist is trying to say? Comment your thoughts
into the chat. (What is the message behind the artwork?) After students comment their thoughts,
give a brief overview of who Kehinde is and how he contributes to the art world. Explain to
students that they will be drawing inspiration from other artists to finalize their shapes.

Kehinde Wiley


10 Minutes- Teacher instructs students that for this project they will begin adding design
elements. Teacher provides students with a list of artists and reminds them that they will need to
choose one artist to commemorate in their design process. Ask students to look over the artists
list and select one of the artists they are drawn to. (Highlight on the lessons connection to Black
History Month).

Contemporary and Historical Artists

10 Minutes- Teacher uses share screen to introduce thumbnails and explain to students the
task for the day. Use examples of thumbnails and give a definition for students to better
understand it. Explain to students that this is a preliminary exercise to help prepare them for
when they begin creating. Students will be arranging a composition of two cubes and one cone.
Engage students to think about what message their art could share. Ask students to think about
stacking their shapes and placing them on angles to create more dynamic compositions and
creating variation in their sizes. ( How do students want to arrange their shapes once they have
them designed and completed- Remind students that they are thinking ahead to the final stage
of their project.) Their thumbnails should include their shape as well as their design elements
they want to use.

20 Minutes- Students will have the remainder to the class to work on their thumbnails and artist
selection. Ask students to complete 3-5 Thumbnails for project planning. Invite students to try
and finish the thumbnails in a timely manner and speak with the teacher about their ideas.


10 Minutes- After students are brought back together as a class, give students the first journal
prompt. Why did you choose the shape you did?? What do you think is working within your
composition? What meaning is being created? Ask students to upload their thumbnails onto the
google doc that contains their journal prompt and submit their work into slate.

Day 1: 2/18/2021


5 Minutes- Warm Up- What is one interesting fact about yourself? Ask students to chat, use
audio, or video to share their response.


10 Minutes- Students will be placed into break out groups with a partner. A link will be provided
for the jam board that has Omar Aqil’s art work. Students will look at the artwork displayed and
work with their partner to post three comments about what the artist did. Ask students to think
about: What is the artist doing? How are they creating their art? What is important about their
artwork. After break out rooms, highlight for students the definitions of shape,form, organic and

Omar Aqil- Doc

Omar Aqil- Jamboard

10 Minutes- Teacher presents two demonstration videos on how to build a cube and a cone
and a sphere. Teacher provides a link to the document that has templates for a cube and cone
as well as links to the demonstration video.

30 Minutes- Students will have the remainder of the class to work on their templates and begin
adding their designs. Mention to students that if they are working with 2D mediums for their
design, that they should add their designs directly onto their template before assembling. If
students are working with adding 3D elements, recommend that they assemble their shape and
then add their design. Encourage students to get as much done as they can and over the
weeked, they can finalize their projects and submit them to slate. Ask students to turn in their
final photograph of their work on the same doc as their second journal prompt.


10 Minutes- Before students leave the class, give them their second journal prompt to be
turned in with their final. What is the meaning behind your design and composition? How does
your artwork relate to the world around you? Remind students to update their journals and finish
all prompts and upload a picture of their final work. Encourage students to turn in this work as
soon as they can complete it because we will be transitioning into another project during the
next class.

Note: At the beginning of next class, time will be reserved to look at student work before
beginning new material.

1. Teacher research and preparation

• Historical and Contemporary Artists

• Artists Work
• Art terms
• Compile warm ups, jamboards, google slides/docs

2. Instructional Resources:
• Kahoots
• Jamboards/google slides/google docs
• Lesson Overview
• Artist work/videos

3. Student Supplies:

Cardboard, drawing paper, pencils, pens, markers, paint, found objects,

hot glue/tape, poster board.

4. Adaptions/Modifications:
Specific Learning Disabilities:
• Establish and implementing the following of routines in the classroom.
• Give specific sequenced verbal directions that help them set priorities for
completing multitask activities
• Provide students with lecture notes and an outline.
• Use spelling or grammar assisted devices in class and during exam times.
• Allow for frequent breaks.
Intellectual Disabilities:
• Record lectures and demonstrations for students to have a reference in
case the are having difficulties with recalling information.
• Teach one concept at a time and create a task planner to keep the student
on track.
• Provide students with a lesson outline to help with sequencing the stages
in each assignment.
• Provide multiple opportunities to practice skills in a number of different
• Allow student to use assistive technology.
Emotional Disturbance:
• Allow student to take breaks for an allotted to move around.
• Break down the material into smaller sections and use positive
reinforcement for completion of tasks.
• Extend time on assignments.
• Set up goals for social interactions and use seating to encourage these
• Set up rules and expectations with visual stimulus.
• Work with students to determine a set of goal behaviors and provide this
list for the student to refer to. Model and teach these behaviors in the
• Allow students to take breaks to relax when the sensory stimulus get too
• Allow students to have access to fidget objects to hold in their hands
while working.
• Create a schedule for students and map out times to complete activities.
• Allow students to use e-readers to help them read along to the audio.

5. Changes for the future:

1. Students will draw a cube, a cone and a sphere and create the illusion of space on a 2D
2. Students will build a cube, cone and sphere on a small scale and focus on how their
objects are arranged. Focus on composition and creating 3D forms and unifying them.
3. Students will create a wearable mask using either a cube, cone, and sphere and
embellishing it to express their identity. (Connection to the real world and wearing of
masks. What do students want to express about their identity when they have to wear a
RUBRIC: 3D Fundamentals Project

Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Needs Work Needs Help

20-25 19-10 9-5 4-0

Artist Student selected an artist Student Student selected Student did not
Selection for inspiration and selected and an artist and select and artist or
explained thoroughly artist and briefly explain why they are
why they chose that artist explained why inspired by that artist
and what the artist they chose that and what their
message is. artist. message is.

Envisioning Student planned Student planned Student showed Student showed little
visualized and expressed ideas and little planning of to no planning of
ideas/concepts they are concepts the are ideas/concepts. ideas/concepts.
interested in exploring. interested in

Form/ Student successfully Student created Student created a Student did not fully
created a 3D form and a 3D form and 3D form and complete the
Design articulated expressed the briefly mentioned building of their
thoroughly meaning and meaning and the meaning and form the student
connection to history how it connects connection to added little to no
through journal prompts. to history. history. design elements and
did not explain the
meaning or
connection to
Time Student used time in class Student used Student used Student used little to
appropriately to work in class time some class time no class time to
their journals. It is wisely to work to work in their work in their journal.
apparent through their in their journals. Some Minimal to no time
work that substantial time journals. Some time can be seen. can be seen,.
and effort was invested. time was
invested in their

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