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Educ 2 w/ FS 2: Facilitating Learning


TOPIC 1.3 : Declarative, Procedural and Functional Knowledge


PRE-TEST: (Content – 5; Organization of ideas – 3; Grammar – 2)

Explain the quotation of Confucius written in the Introduction of this topic

in significance to facilitating learning.
“Knowledge without practice is useless. Practice without knowledge is

Gaining knowledge is a constant process and useful every single day. Problems in life which
can be solved with the power of knowledge. Knowledge sharpens our skills like reasoning and
problem-solving. A strong base of knowledge helps our brains function more smoothly and effectively.
We become smarter with the power of knowledge and solve problems more easily.
Knowledge can last for a lifetime and it impacts our growth which influences everything in our
life from relationships to work. Knowledge is important for personal growth and development. We can
gain knowledge on everything that we find interesting. It makes us wise enough to independently make
our decisions in life. But it is important to adopt a positive mindset to become a constant learner only
then it helps us progress and achieve our goals. We could not accomplish much in life without

Activity 1. I Know It!

There are ways or strategies by which student can improve the quality of
knowledge they have developed and acquired. Can you suggest one strategy or one
method (apart from those mentioned in this chapter) to improve the quality of the
knowledge that you have acquired? Use the space provided below. (Content – 5;
Organization of ideas – 3; Grammar – 2)

 Practice

Studying is meant to enable you to apply your learned knowledge to real life situations, so if you
want to learn how to study effectively, focus on practice. The best way to study is by practicing with
realistic examples and questions. As one TED article points out, “Practice is the repetition of an action
with the goal of improvement, and it helps us perform with more ease, speed, and confidence”.
For example, if you have a job interview coming up, how will you prepare for it? You’ll likely
study types of questions typically asked in interviews. The most effective next step would be finding
a friend to do a mock-interview with you. One article points out that “a mock interview helps you learn
how to answer difficult questions, develop interview strategies, improve your communication skills,
and reduce your stress before an actual job interview.
Placing yourself in these kinds of practice testing situations will help you recreate the emotions
you’ll likely feel in the actual situation, so you won’t be taken off guard when the time comes.
SELF-EVALUATION: (Content – 5; Organization of ideas – 3; Grammar – 2)

From the topic on Declarative, Procedural and Functional Knowledge, I

learned that …

In order to build skills, it is important that we know the different types of knowledge that exist
in education. Procedural knowledge is the information that is needed to accomplish certain tasks and
participate in certain activities is consider to be procedural knowledge. In education, this is often
generalized as a group of specific strategies and skills. On the other hand, conceptual knowledge is
When knowledge is based on concepts that drive factual pieces of information from the world around
us, it is called conceptual knowledge and focuses on regrouping big understandings and corresponding
relationships among them. It highlights connections between the concepts themselves. This type of
knowledge can only be acquired through purposeful and reflective learning.
In order to progress through the levels of integrations in the curriculum, teachers must become
proficient in articulating learning objectives based on conceptual knowledge, as well as being explicit
in their teaching of the procedural knowledge.

Understanding the different types of knowledge in education is the first step in this process.


Identify if the knowledge is declarative, procedural or functional.

PROCEDURAL 1. Putting together the parts of a microscope earlier demonstrated by the

FUNCTIONAL 2. Reciting a poem earlier memorized.
DECLARATIVE 3. Naming the parts of a flower correctly as read from a science book.
DECLARATIVE 4. Reciting the table of multiplication.
PROCEDURAL 5. Knowing how to ride a bicycle.
PROCEDURAL6. Knowing how to drive.
PROCEDURAL 7. Applying first-aid procedure to a person who drowned.
FUNCTIONAL 8. The teacher gave different types of rewards to his students who scored
PROCEDURAL 9. Knowing how to bake a chocolate cake.
FUNCTIONAL 10. With knowledge of simple machines, Mario was able to move a load in a
cylindrical container.

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