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April 30, 2021 Strathmore Times

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APRIL 30, 2021

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Pages 8+9
2021 a go
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Strathmore and area residents can dig out

their cowboy boots and hats, as plans are un-
Agriculture 2021 derway for a full Strathmore Stampede this year.
The event will be held July 30 to Aug 2 at the
COVID-19 Update Strathmore ag grounds.
in Strathmore & At first the Strathmore and District Agricultur-
Wheatland County al Society was planning a smaller event, based
(as of April 27, 2021) on ongoing health restrictions, explained Ryan
Schmidt, the ag society’s CEO and general man-
817 Cases ager. But that changed when Deena Hinshaw,
152 Active | 647 Recovered Alberta’s chief medical officer of health, provid-
18 Deaths ed a letter to rodeo organizers communicating
restrictions on attendance should be lifted by
Wheatland the end of July.
LIQUOR DISCOUNTER “That allowed us to shift from thinking how
small of an event we could do, to planning
for the best-case scenario, and adjusting that
Check out the if needed,” said Schmidt. “We recognize that if

back page for this

things change on the COVID front, we will need
to adjust, but we’re planning for everything we
normally have.”
Week’s Specials! The ag society is planning an eventful
Strathmore Stampede at maximum capacity, in-
602 Westmount Road, Strathmore cluding grandstands, chuckwagon racing, pro-
(Beside 7-11 on Highway 1) | 403-934-5551
fessional rodeo, running with the bulls, trade
shows, midway and fairgrounds. In this scenar-
io, there would be 5,000 attendees per event,
for around 40,000 total, throughout the long
weekend. Schmidt also hinted the ag society is
planning some “entertainment surprises” to be
announced later.
The news brings relief to the organization,
which had to cancel last year’s Strathmore
Stampede. This resulted in around 50 per cent
revenue declines for the organization, staff
cuts, and reduced operations and maintenance
spending. Government programs, like the Can-
ada Emergency Wage Subsidy, allowed some
Look on Page 4 for staff to be retained, but it was still a struggle,
Town of Strathmore said Schmidt.
Municipal Notices “We had layoffs (and) we had budget crunch-
Contact Us Today! es, and cancelling events was a lot of work,”
he said. Pitching In
403.934.5589 But it is also positive news for Strathmore’s Strathmore Councillor Jason Montgomery with his three children, Pyper (l-r), 7, Parker, 5, and
info@strathmoretimes.com local economy, to which the event contributes Pierson, 4, all participated in this year’s Pitch-In Week, an event to pick up garbage around
about $4 million per year. town.
www. StrathmoreTimes.com Continued on Page 4
Sean Feagan Photo


Looking is FREE 587-316-2000 the-reps.ca

Page 2 • Strathmore TIMES • April 30, 2021 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

April 30, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3

Rural Supporting
residents youth mental
frustrated Michelle Ryan (l), Wheatland
Youth Network community co-

by postal
ordinator, receives a $1,750
cheque from Emma Moore (r),
who coordinated fundraising
efforts throughout town to sup-

port youth mental health initia-
Photo Courtesy of Emma Moore

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Strathmore’s fire protection improves
Some rural residents are facing chal- SEAN FEAGAN planning, fire prevention) and water to 2.
lenges because of Canada Post’s move Local Journalism Initiative Reporter supply (e.g., mains, hydrants, capaci- The fire department also uses the re-
to change mailing addresses to match ties). Using these variables, the report port to provide a measure of risks and
resident’s “blue sign” physical address- According to a report by an indepen- gives two ratings: the first is the public gaps in protection the town can work
es, known as civic addressing. dent auditor, the Town of Strathmore’s fire protection classification (PFPC), a to close, explained Owel. The town’s
Canada Post is implementing the fire protection has improved, which numerical grading system scale rang- fire department assessment considered
change this spring, which is affect- could decrease insurance rates for resi- ing from one (lowest protection) to 10 19 areas. The area where the depart-
ing 1,415 addresses within Wheatland dents and business owners. (most protection), used by commercial ment lost most of its score was its total
County. But some rural residents say Bas Owel, the town’s acting fire chief, insurers. This rating applies to multi- fire force available.
they have been adversely affected by said the recent fire underwriters sur- family residential, commercial, indus- Currently, the department’s six full-
the implementation of the program. vey showed properties in Strathmore trial and institutional developments. time members are split into two pla-
David Hill, a Wheatland County resi- are better protected than before. The In Strathmore, for hydrant-protected toons, each supplemented by an
dent, said he received less than four report is completed every five years to areas within five kilometres of a fire on-call member, providing response
weeks’ notice of the change, and that evaluate fire service operations and ca- station, the PFPC rating improved from 12-hours daily (6 am to 6 pm), seven
the notice itself was a difficult-to-read pabilities. seven to four, compared to the previ- days a week.
photocopy. He said the change in his The ratings in the report are used ous report. The rest of the time, Strathmore re-
mailing address will cost him money, by the insurance industry to set poli- “That is a drastic improvement for lies on its force of volunteer firefight-
as he had just purchased $420 worth of cies for commercial, industrial and that rating, so that’s good for the resi- ers. This can affect muster time be-
printed invoices as well as a $175 order residential properties in communities. dents of the community and it’s good cause when on a call, volunteers must
for bank cheques, both that show his Given the improvement in the ratings for the fire department,” said Owel. get to the fire hall, get dressed and take
now old mailing address. this year, Strathmore property owners The other rating is the five-point the equipment to the scene.
“To their credit, they (Canada Post) could see a decrease in insurance pre- dwelling protection grade (DPG), Owel said the town could get a bet-
said they will continue to forward any miums related to fire protection, noted which applies to the protection of ter rating by expanding staffing.
mail addressed to your old box for Owel. small buildings, including single-family “We can get better ratings if we have
the following year,” said Hill. “But that The survey assesses community risks and semi-detached homes. For homes a full-time complement within the hall,”
really doesn’t help me when I run a (e.g., construction layout, occupancies), protected by hydrants within eight he said. “If we were to have 24-hour
business and I have just spent a whole the fire department (e.g., operations, kilometres by road of the fire station, coverage, (then) conceivably your rat-
bunch of money on addressed prod- staffing), fire safety controls (e.g., pre- Strathmore’s grade improved from ‘3A’ ings would get better because of that.”
As part of the implementation, postal
boxes have also been moved for some
Tasty fresh and frozen
residents. Ukrainian food, just like you
The location of Hill’s new post box is would find in
less convenient and less safe, he said.
“My issue is I never go by these new Baba’s kitchen!
boxes because they’re a mile away
from where I live in the wrong di-
rection from where I travel,” he said.
“They are on a major road where there
are no turnarounds, so I have to do a
U-turn to reach them.”
The change also reduces privacy, RESTAURANT OPEN
said Ernie Goebel, another Wheatland 3 to 8 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday
County resident affected by the mailing Noon to 8 p.m. Friday & Saturday
change. for Patio Dining, Take Out and Delivery
“If anybody picks up our mail, they
can immediately figure out exactly
where we live,” he said.
Goebel says he had issues with Can-
ada Post making deliveries correctly in Option 1
the past. But now he worries that the 10 piece assorted dessert platter - $14.99
extra step of matching his address to 20 piece assorted dessert platter - $29.99
his post box could result in more er- Option 2 - $19.99
rors. Chocolate shoe filled with
“I think that makes it more difficult chocolate covered fruit and chocolates
for whoever is delivering,” he said. Option 3 - $34.99
8” Cheesecake. Choice of raspberry and white
chocolate, strawberry, rolo, peanut butter cup,
blueberry or cherry.
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bob.sheddy@century21.ca Free delivery within Strathmore on either
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123 2nd Ave, on Facebook for all our SPECIALS!
Strathmore, AB
135 3rd Ave, Strathmore
403-902-9963 or 403-870-6343
to book events, make reservations, or for more info.
Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • April 30, 2021 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Paid leave available for COVID-19 vaccination

SEAN FEAGAN by offering working Albertans access to paid, job-protected The government is encouraging em-
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter leaves to get each COVID-19 vaccine. The idea was proposed ployers and employees to work togeth-
for Alberta by opposition leader Rachel Notley on April 20, er on scheduling appointments, to
Albertans are now entitled to a paid three-hour leave from after B.C. and Saskatchewan implemented a similar law. minimize impacts on each party, noted
work in order to receive COVID-19 vaccinations, after a new According to Copping, every Albertan is now entitled to Copping.
bill was passed in the provincial legislature. three-hours of paid, job-protected leave for each required Getting more people immunized
On April 21, Bill 71, the Employment Standards (COVID dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. means the province is moving closer
Vaccination Leave) Amendment Act was passed, just a day “As with other leaves, Albertans cannot be fired or disci- to reopening its economy, he added. “It
after it was first proposed.
Jason Copping, the province’s minister of labour and immi-
gration, said the new law will reduce barriers to vaccination
Pass the Salt
plined by their employer for taking this leave,” he said.
All employees are eligible regardless of job status, full- or
part-time status, and length of employment.
makes it easier for Albertans to get vac-
cines, taking us one step closer to the
end of this pandemic.”
NEW THINGS healing miracles. At one point,
Throughout the biblical ordered his disciples to get
Finding the right landscaping and lawn care pro can
save you time, money story, God calls the people in the boat and they would all
to ‘new things. Back when cross over to the other side of
A beautiful lawn can be both appealing and
environmentally friendly, but it can take a lot of the Israelites were slaves the lake. A terrible storm blew
work and be a tricky project to do yourself.
Caring for a yard under the best of
in Egypt, their masters were in and threatened to swamp
circumstances can still be challenging; extended making life exceedingly the boat. Jesus slept. The
periods of extreme weather, dull lawnmower
blades, bugs, pests, and heavy foot traffic can difficult. The Egyptians feared disciples woke him, pleading,
all lead to a lawn that needs extra care.
their numbers, so increased “Save us! We are going to
Lawn care generally falls into three categories:
landscaping, lawn maintenance, and sprinkler
the work quota’s and began a drown!” Jesus reprimanded
systems. Before selecting a business, evaluate program of eliminating infant them for not trusting in God’s
your needs. Some businesses specialize in one
area, while others offer a variety of services. males. The Israelites prayed to provision. God had called
God, and God put into motion them to follow, to leave the life
The BBB offers the following tips when considering hiring a lawn care professional:
Ask for a lawn inspection. Services that quote a price without seeing your lawn cannot be
their means of escape. They they had been living, and they Spinning in the sun
sure what your lawn might need. Businesses will sometimes charge you to discuss specific landed in the desert and spent needed to trust, even when the
landscaping ideas to protect themselves against clients who want to get their ideas and
the next 40 years wandering going was rough. Barbara Smail leads a spin class outside the
implement them themselves. If you contract with the business, they will often credit you
back for the initial fee. Bank Athletic Club in Strathmore. With COVID-19
in foreign lands. Were they Everyone’s life, the world over,
Have a clear scope of work before asking for estimates. This includes defining the area to restrictions ramped up again, gyms are starting
be worked on and what you want done. When getting bids, don't compare apples with happy? Change is difficult. has changed, some more than innovative approaches to continue delivering ser-
oranges. Make sure that each business has included the same services. Also, be sure that
each business breaks the cost down in the same way (per visit, month, year, etc...). Some thought it would be Unit D, by the
others. I am challenged vices.
better to remain slaves with a changes, as202 Canal
are all Court,
of us. What Sean Feagan Photo
Ask for references and pictures of other jobs they installed or maintained. If possible, visit
these locations to get a first-hand view of the quality of their work. Ask the references
about their experiences before, during and after the work was done. roof over their head, but that gives me hope? Trusting
Strathmore, ABthat

Get specifics on prices and be clear on what services are included. Are you paying for a was not to be. God was with God will provide as I learn this
specific project or ongoing maintenance? Do you pay by the mow or by the month? Many
businesses allow you to pay after each treatment and may offer a discount if you pay the them—visibly in a cloud by new ‘way of living’. Today, I
annual cost up front. What happens if it rains the day someone is supposed to come mow
your lawn? Does mowing include edging? Who bags and disposes of the clippings and day and a pillar of fire by night. 403.934.6044
was given a glimpse of hope

that lifted myprowatersystems
other refuse? Find out what happens if you have a problem between contracts. Will the
service calls be free or is there a charge? If you are maintaining the landscaping yourself, They were never alone. Over spirits. This
ask for detailed instructions and be prepared to follow them.
time, they learned to trust God, morning, a flock of Canada
Check to see if the lawn care provider needs a license to work in your area. In particular,
they may need a license to apply pesticides. Does the business provide liability and as God provided everything geese flew over –a sure sign

tickets on
workman's compensation insurance to protect you in the event of an accident on the job?
Ask for a certificate of insurance from the business's insurance agent. they needed in their new ‘way of Spring. Thank you, God, for
For more information visit BBB.org of living’. providing!!
When Jesus’ was inSofteners,
the thick Iron Filters
sale May 1
*Trademark(s) of the International Association of Better Business Bureaus used under license.

& Drinking WaterPamela

of his ministry, people were Rev. Systems
crowding around, seeking Strathmore United Church
Thought for
the Week Continued from Page 1
50 Maplewood Drive • 403-934-2225 COVENANT CHURCH
It is likely some public health meas-
You will never Senior Pastor: Rev. Les Fischer 245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore • 403-934-2424 ures will still be in place, even if the
Youth Pastor: Rev. Kyle Lomenda Pastor: Heidi Wiebe ag society can now sell as many tickets
feel confident All services and gatherings are Weekly online services available as they want, explained Schmidt. While
cancelled until further notice. www.hope-community.ca
in doing www.strathmorefullgospel.com
it is not yet clear what those measures
BOW RIVER ALLIANCE CHURCH will be, they could include mandatory
something 105 Main St. Carseland masking or requiring spacing of seats
403-991-6143 (which would reduce capacity).
until you have ADVENTIST CHURCH
Pastor: Kevin Enns
Meeting in the Lutheran Church Tickets are being sold with all sce-
done it. 112 Lakeside Blvd. 1-888-506-1066 ext. 101
Broadcasting services on
narios in mind. If the event is cancelled
Pastor: Donald Wright because of COVID-19, every ticket will
Services held every Saturday church Facebook page.
Sabbath School: 10 AM www.bowriveralliance.com be fully refunded. If occupancy is re-
Worship Service: 11 AM duced, then the first tickets sold would
www.strathmoreadventist.ca SACRED HEART CATHOLIC be those honoured and the rest would
donald816@hotmail.com Holy Cross Collegiate School Gym
709B - 2nd Street, Strathmore be refunded, he explained.
403-934-2641 The ag society is also communicat-
RCCG PECULIAR PEOPLE ASSEMBLY Pastor: Fr. Tomy Manjaly ing with all contractors, should events
(1 PET. 2:9)
Masses: be smaller or different. “Everybody has
322 A 2nd Avenue, Strathmore
Saturday 5 pm | Sunday 9 am & 11 am to be on the same page that we might
Pastor: Sunday Adeola need to be able to adjust together,” he
Will be offering online services ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS ANGLICAN said.
until further notice. 103 - 227 3rd Ave. • 587-727-0649
Tickets for the 2021 Strathmore
strathmoreanglican@gmail.com Stampede will go on sale on May 1 at
Rev. Malcolm Kern
STRATHMORE UNITED Sunday worship online at strathmorestampede.com. All season
Wheatland Trail & 3rd Avenue facebook.com/strathmoreanglican ticket holders will be called to renew
403-934-3025 “Becoming fully alive in Jesus Christ” their seats.
Rev. Pamela Scott
In-person services and gatherings are LORD OF ALL (NALC) LUTHERAN
cancelled until further notice. 112 Lakeside Blvd. • 403-934-2374 Residential
Online services available at
Pastor: Dawn Nelson
All worship services and gatherings are
The office will be open part time. closed until further notice. Award Winning
The office will be open part time.
HARVEST HEALING CENTRE CHURCH Join us in Praising our Lord, Jesus Christ!
102 Canal Gardens
403-901-0893 / 403-880-3171 STRATHMORE ALLIANCE
Pastor: Elizabeth Karp 325 1 Ave • 403-934-3543
Pastor: Dave Mackie Corner of 1 Ave & Wheatland Trail
Worship Sundays 10:30 am Lead Pastor: Mike Wiebe
Youth Tuesdays 7 pm Associate Pastor: John Duerksen Alisa Wurz
Sundays 10 am
Come Join us for a spirit-filled time (403) 934-7903

of worship Joine in person or online
www.strathmorealliance.com alisawurz@

Visit my Website to find your
The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints DREAM HOME @
60 Maplewood Drive | Bishop Justin Hansen | jbhansen2@gmail.com
403-983-2746 | LDS.org | Worship Service Sundays 10 a.m. www.alisawurz.com

CALL 403-934-5589
April 30, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5

County councillor not

seeking reelection
SEAN FEAGAN attention for commenting on some issues, includ-
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter ing COVID-19 restrictions and a proposed Alberta
independence referendum.
Jason Wilson, the Division 1 councillor for “You can like it, or you can hate it, but people
Wheatland County, will not be seeking reelection know where I stand – not a lot of politicians are
in the fall. like that,” he said.
Instead, Wilson will be entering a three-year But instead of focusing on single issues, Wilson
business program at Technological University said he mostly looks to the big picture.
Dublin in Ireland. “The majority of council really is looking at in-
“I’ll be moving quite a ways away,” he said. vesting into infrastructure and attracting new busi-
Wilson visited Ireland before the 2017 Alberta nesses in the county; we are all very focused on
municipal elections and became enamoured with the same goals,” he said. “I’m just happy we’ve cut
the country. the budget where we could to find efficiencies,
“I just really enjoy the people, and that’s where and we put the financial future of the county and
my family is from,” he said. its residents in a more stable position.”
As the youngest member of Wheatland County’s Besides acting as a councillor, Wilson wore an-
council, Wilson, 24, said making an impact was other hat during his term, as chair of the county’s
difficult at times. agricultural service board.
“You definitely do get overlooked sometimes, “As a producer, I was happy to sit on that board
just because you don’t have that experience,” he – sometimes agriculture really lacks the next gen-
said. “I don’t pretend to know more than some- eration’s views on the industry,” he said.
body who has been there for 30 years, like Coun- Wilson is thankful for the support of his con-
cillor (Ben) Armstrong, who I’ve really enjoyed stituents and from other Wheatland councillors.
working with and learned a lot from.” While his term is ending in the fall, this might only
Wilson stressed that youth should not stop any- be a pause in his political career.
one from entering politics, as networking and “Over the next few years, I really want to fo-
learning from veteran leaders from across Alberta cus on broadening my education, but I also don’t
was a “huge opportunity. Not a lot of young peo- want to rule anything out,” he said, in response to
ple experience that, because they just don’t throw whether he would return to politics someday. “I
their hat in the ring,” he noted. don’t think I could ever be completely out of poli-
Being young did not stop him from speaking tics, because I feel the need to express the unpop-
his mind, however. Wilson received national media ular opinions a lot of people think but don’t say.”

FCSS provides grants

to local groups
SEAN FEAGAN provides in-home support and information refer-
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter rals related to child development, parenting, fam-
ily support and community resources.
A total of $59,000 will be doled out to seven A $5,700 grant to Golden Hills School Division
community groups in Strathmore as the recipients will support its Family School Community Re-
of Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) source Counselling Program, which provides sup-
2021 grants. port to 2,850 children and their families across
The grants align with Strathmore town council’s eight schools through counselling, coordination
strategic plan of addressing community and so- with other agencies and referrals. This program
cial issues via partnerships and collaboration, and helps with at-home or at-school difficulties to help
supporting inclusivity and diversity, said Catherine family, child and school relationships.
Walsh, the town’s community and social develop- The Strathmore Municipal Library is receiving
ment manager. two grants, including $3,500 for its Visiting Library
Growing Family Societies is receiving $34,100 Service, which provides materials and connections
for Growing Opportunities, an in-home visitation to those experiencing social isolation and trans-
program providing support to individuals dur- portation barriers; and $700 for its Intergenera-
ing their pregnancy. The funding was established tional Pen Pal Project, which aims to connect com-
through a memorandum of understanding devel- munity members to fight isolation.
oped between the society and the town that will A $3,000 grant was awarded to Junior Achieve-
see funding continue through to 2023. ment Southern Alberta to provide free financial
The Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society is receiving literacy, work readiness and entrepreneurship
$4,500 to support its Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Dis- education to students in grades four to 12 across
orders (FASD) Prevention and Awareness Program, southern Alberta. Over 1,100 classrooms across
designed to promote alcohol and drug-free preg- southern Alberta are expected to use the program.
nancies. The program focuses on public awareness Rural Calgary East Postpartum Support Group is
and safe discussions to provide the community receiving $3,000 to help mothers identify and cope
understanding of FASD causes and strategies for with post-natal depression or anxiety. Through
prevention. this program, a nine-week series is provided to
Accredited Support to the Community is receiv- help mothers connect to other mothers within a
ing $4,500 for its Healthy Families program, which supportive environment and work toward positive
provides free and voluntary home visitations for mental health.

families with children up to age six. The group

STRATHMORE Thinking of selling your home?

Mario Prusina Publisher
Janet Kanters Editor
Kristina Bezic Financial Manager Now is a great time!
Sean Feagan Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager Rose Hamrlik Advertising Jody Schneider Production THE MARKET IS HOT!
Contributors: Doug Taylor, Laureen F. Guenther
Call me for your
125 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 • 403.934.5589 FREE home evaluation
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny,
Gleichen, Hussar, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 10,910 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
Tammy Lambert - Realtor
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Local Journalism Initiative. tammylrealestate@gmail.com
Page 6 • Strathmore TIMES • April 30, 2021 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Physical Physical
Distancing Distancing

6 feet 2 meters

Town of Strathmore Community Page

Call for Volunteers!
Regular Council Meeting: May 5 at 7:00pm We’re looking for a few good people to join our Council committees. This is your
chance to have a positive impact in your community by volunteering for a Council
Committee. You can help contribute to Council’s decision-making processes.
For Local COVID-19 Information: We have spaces open on the United Way Committee and the Sustainability
Committee. To apply visit our website at Strathmore.ca/volunteering
Summer Camps - Check them out!
Construction Season has Started in Strathmore! Sign up for our online mailing list to be the first to
For all your upcoming spring and summer projects, please ensure that all safety know about registration information.
procedures are being followed and that all relevant permits have been applied
for. Did you know that permit application fees are doubled for projects which Strathmore.ca/Camps
commence without permits? Our Development Services team can help answer
any questions about the permit process. Please contact our team by phone
403-934-3133 or by email development@strathmore.ca

Do You Own a Restaurant?

The Town of Strathmore has launched Temporary Outdoor Patio Permits to Fire Advisory
support our local businesses as they navigate the Government of Albrta's A fire advisory is in effect for the Town of Strathmore due to the unusually dry and
new COVID restrictions. This project makes it easier and faster for existing warm conditions this spring.
restaurants to open a temporary outdoor patio this summer.
Check out our website and fill out a free application to obtain seasonal approval This advisory means that no permits will be issued for burns or fireworks. Fires in
for an outdoor patio. Strathmore.ca/patio-permits/ BBQs and approved fire pits are still allowed as long as they are supervised and
a source of extinguishment is close by (ie. garden hose).

Did You Order a Good Food Box?

If you ordered a Good Food Box remember that pick up is May 7, at the
Strathmore Ag Grounds. For more info., call Town of Strathmore, Family and
Notice of Contract Renewal Community Support Services (FCSS) at 403-934-9090.
Notice of application for approval to renew the natural gas franchise agreement Strathmore.ca/GoodFoodBox/
between the Town of Strathmore and ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd.
Application Summary:
The Alberta Utilities Commission expects to receive an application from ATCO Gas
and Pipelines Ltd. to renew its franchise agreement with the Town of Strathmore,
following the submission deadline indicated below.
The franchise agreement will continue to allow ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. the
exclusive right to deliver natural gas to the residents of the Town of Strathmore for
15 years effective June 1, 2021.
The monthly franchise fee percentage will remain the same at 35 per cent effective
June 1, 2021. Including linear property taxes, the franchise fee for an average
residential customer is forecast to remain at $16.45 per month. An average
residential customer uses about 115 gigajoules per year.
You may send your objections, concerns about, or support for the application in Public Notice: Road Closures
writing to the Town of Strathmore or ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd.
on or before May 6, 2021 at: Town of Strathmore, Jim Simpson, address; April 28-30
1 Parklane Drive, phone; 403-934-3133; email: infrastructure@strathmore.ca Location: George Freeman Trail/RR 251 will be closed South of Highway 1
ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd., Dianne Barker, Administrative Assistant; email:
dianne.barker@atco.com Borea Construction will be completing road upgrades to prepare for construction
of the Strathmore Solar Farm.
Any submissions received, unless you request otherwise, will be part of the
application submitted and will become part of the public record.
For more information on franchises or to receive a copy of the franchise agreement May 7
please contact either the Town of Strathmore or ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. at the Location: Brent Blvd, North lane, directly in front of the Strathmore Hospital
addresses listed above. The Strathmore Hospital is hosting a Drive Thru Volunteer Appreciation Day
For More Information: which requires the closure.
For more information about the AUC or its approval process associated with
franchise applications, please contact the AUC directly at 780 427 4903 or at 4th Annual Hike for Hospice
This year the Hospice Society is hosting a virtual hike to keep everyone safe.
The Alberta Utilities Commission is an independent, quasi-judicial regulatory body Walk, run, or hike any time between May 1-10. Do it in your own community or in
responsible for making decisions about utility-related applications. a place special to your heart. Invite your friends, bring along family members, or
even hike with your furry friends. They hope to raise $20,000 during this hike to
Issued on April 22, 2021 support building a hospice in our area! Register online by visiting their website
Alberta Utilities Commission, Douglas A. Larder, QC, General Counsel at www.wheatlandhospice.ca.

PO Box 2280, 1 Parklane Dr., Strathmore AB, T1P 1K2 . 403 934 3133 . For News Updates Visit Strathmore.ca
April 30, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7

Safe transport from Strathmore

Hospital to Siksika
Library curbside SEAN FEAGAN
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Campaign Fund through Strathmore Family and
Community Support Services (FCSS). The fund-

pickup getting easier

ing will be matched by Siksika Nation Chief and
Siksika Nation members who are brought to Council, which will consider the item at a future
Strathmore for medical treatment will now have a meeting.
safe way home. The agreement follows a similar arrangement
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter A problem for some people living in Siksika Na- established earlier this month, in which the Strath-
tion is they are brought to the Strathmore Hos- more RCMP will transport Nation members re-
The Strathmore Municipal Library is offering a new app pital via ambulance, but once discharged, lack a leased from police custody to Siksika Nation Shel-
to make its curbside pick-up services more convenient for way home. To address this issue, a new policy has ter in inclement weather or if there are special
patrons and staff alike, while the facility remains closed to been developed to provide them a safe transporta- concerns about their safety.
the public. tion option to return to Siksika. The overall program is still in development. The
The library uses “TRACpac,” a mobile application available The policy, developed by the Town of Strath- town is seeking a taxi service that can provide
on both Apple (iOS) and Android devices. allowing users more and Siksika Nation, provides transport for support for wheelchairs or people experiencing
to check out e-books and audiobooks and search for items, Nation members between the Strathmore Hospital other disabilities.
among other features. and Siksika Shelter, explained Catherine Walsh, The program will be reviewed quarterly. Provid-
Now, a new feature of this app makes the curbside pick- the town’s community and social development ing transportation to other locations in Siksika,
up system easier. Patrons are notified when items are ready, manager. given its large size, could be assessed during one
then they can click individual items they want using a new Strathmore town council approved $1,500 in of these reviews, according to Strathmore town
button in the app: “click and collect.” support of this initiative from the Smile Cookie Councillor Denise Peterson.
When they are ready to visit the library, they can select a
button in the app that says, “I’m on my way,” which notifies
library staff to prepare the order. Once at the library, the app
Starting, running a home business
allows them to notify staff they are there and ready for the
pick-up, and even includes a spot for a vehicle description now easier in town
so staff know where to deliver the order. SEAN FEAGAN in an R3-zoned residence. In response, Montgom-
Previously, patrons needed to call the library once they Local Journalism Initiative Reporter ery led a motion for the town to draft an amend-
arrived and request their reserved pick-up materials. This ment to the land use bylaw to include home occu-
could result in some waiting, as library staff would have Operating a home business is now an option pations as discretionary use in R3 districts, which
to collect and check-out materials, explained Rachel Dick for more town residents, after Strathmore town town council passed unanimously.
Hughes, Strathmore library director. council modified the town’s land use bylaw to al- All home occupations will still need to be ap-
“If we had somebody coming to pick up 15 or 20 items, low home occupations in high-density residential proved by the town’s development department. As
we would have to check them out individually once they ar- districts. such, the change will allow the town to be more
rived, which could take some time,” she said. Previously, home occupations were allowed “surgical” on its approach to approval or disap-
The app makes the process simpler for the librarians as as a discretionary use (meaning they require ap- proval of business permits, rather than a “one-
well, said Dick Hughes. The app gives library staff more no- proval from the town’s development department) size-fits-all, blanket approach,” said Montgomery.
tice when people are coming to the library. Staff see when in small- and medium-density residential districts “I think that this will improve the economy of
there is someone on the way and can pull the requested only. This meant residents of high-density residen- Strathmore, as more people will be able to initiate
items. Once they get the notification the patron has arrived, tial (R3) districts, which include apartment build- a business or service, without the high overhead
they check the items out and bring them out to them. ings, could not apply to operate a home business. and startup costs related to leasing commercial
The result is a smoother process for both patrons and li- Strathmore town Councillor Jason Montgomery space,” he said. “As we move increasingly towards
brary staff. was contacted by a resident in January, who want- business models that are operating remotely and
“It definitely speeds everything up,” she said. “It makes it ed to start a minor aesthetics service, but could often digitally-based, we need to be adapting with
a lot easier – it should be quite streamlined for everybody.” not get approval from the town because they live those changes as a government organization.”

Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • April 30, 2021 Ó AGRICULTURE 2021 Ï www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Celebrating our Before introducing

AG Community! animals to a new
pasture, farmers
are encouraged to
check for evidence
A Salute to the of discarded or
Hands that abandoned batter-
Feed Us

Janet Kanters

Prevent lead poisoning

on pastures
JANET KANTERS toxicity must be safely buried to prevent lead tox-
Times Editor icity in wildlife.”
He added that most cases of lead exposure and
At this time of year, when livestock are giving poisoning in cattle that have been reported to the
birth, the need to ensure safety for young animals office of the chief provincial veterinarian have oc-
is important. curred in cattle grazing on pasture. “Lead expo-
In particular, before introducing animals to a sure or poisoning, along with other toxins, must
MICHELIN AND FIRESTONE AG TIRES new pasture, farmers are encouraged to check for be reported to the office of the chief provincial
evidence of discarded or abandoned batteries. veterinarian. It is important to reduce the risk of
CUSTOM WHEELS “Discarded batteries that have gone through contamination of pasture and farmland with lead
BATTERIES several freeze-thaw cycles and no longer have in- and to be diligent about keeping an eye out for
FULL MECHANICAL SERVICE tact cases are the most dangerous,” said Dr. Joe any signs of buried batteries or other sources of
Kendall, veterinary toxicologist with Alberta Agri- lead.”
24/7 ROAD SERVICE culture and Forestry. “The lead plates are exposed Abandoned and discarded batteries are usu-
and easily accessible by the animals.” ally found around abandoned vehicles and farm
B 403-901-0100 • F 403-901-0109 After Hours 888-525-8473 He said young calves are particularly attracted machinery, old dumps and disposal sites, home-
Email lori_ducharme-hawkins@kaltire.com to the taste of lead and will actively seek it out. steads, outbuildings and along fence lines.
921B Wheatland Trail, Strathmore “Cattle that have consumed toxic levels of lead If the batteries have broken open, it is important
will exhibit seizures and sudden death. They to do a thorough job cleaning up not only the lead
may appear blind and wander aimlessly. Cattle plates but also the soil around the battery.
that have consumed smaller amounts of lead will Used lead acid batteries should be safely dis-
appear normal, but the lead levels in the body posed at collection stations across the province.
will make the meat and milk unsafe for human Go to Recycling Council of Alberta (recyclesearch.
consumption until the lead has been eliminated,” com/profile/recyclinghotline) to find the nearest
noted Kendall. “Animals that have died from lead location to dispose of spent lead acid batteries.

Come Discover Your Options

Box 2372, 105 - 900 Pine Road, Strathmore, AB

403-934-3542 | www.wid.net
Ó AGRICULTURE 2021 Ï April 30, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9

Be aware of fire risks in rural settings across the country that allow citizens sleeves maintenance activities and lon-
JANET KANTERS yards on their farms or acreages,” says
Times Editor Laura Stewart, FireSmart specialist with to live with and manage the impacts ger-term planning are included.”
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. of wildfire. It is a shared responsibility Keep the roof clean and clear of com-
The provincial government is encour- “Some outdoor maintenance activi- between community members, commu- bustible debris, such as leaves, twigs
aging rural residents to understand ties can be done in the early spring to nity leaders, forest companies, industry and branches. Upgrade roof to a Class
wildfire risk, especially in this very dry help protect your home from the dam- and government. A ignition resistant roofing material,
spring season. ages of wildfire, as we see the wildfire Stewart maintained that when it such as clay tile, concrete tile, metal
“With the change in seasons, many danger rise dramatically in late April comes to their property, homeown- and asphalt shingles.
Albertans have spring cleaning on their and May.” ers need to take ownership and ac- Examine siding for locations where
minds and are starting to clean up their FireSmart is a series of programs tion to protect their homes. She said embers could accumulate or hide. In-
that include understanding risk, and spect vents and openings often to en-

Alberta’s rat patrol

suggested residents walk around their sure they are in good repair and com-
property to identify wildfire risks. Start bustible debris is removed. Stucco,
with the first 1.5 metres (about five brick, fibre cement boards/panels and
feet) around the entire home and any poured concrete siding all offer supe-

takes care of business attachments, such as decks.

“What combustible fuels are you
keeping closest to your home? You
want to keep a special eye out for
rior fire resistance. Consider upgrading
to a non-combustible siding material.
Metal products are recommended for
vents and vent flashing. Install non-
Times Editor
things like dry leaves, grass and twigs, combustible material for all vents and
firewood piles, construction materials screen with three millimetre screening
Alberta is extremely fortunate not to and patio furniture,” she said. “When- or fire-rated vents.
have rats in the province. This situation ever possible, you want to move these Remove combustible debris and veg-
is not by chance, but by design. Since items at least 10 metres from the home etation on, around and under decks
1950, Alberta has had a program to or safely store them in a garage or and other attached structures. Select
keep rats out of the province. shed.” fire-rated composite decking material
Now, recent improvements to Alber- Embers ignite more than half of for the deck and cover the underside of
ta’s Rat Control program has resulted homes damaged or destroyed by wild- the deck with non-combustible sheath-
in maintaining the province’s rat-free fire. Research has shown that structural ing, such as fibre cement board or met-
status. modifications, like fire-resistant build- al screening.
“Increased lines of communication ing materials, can reduce the risk of Keep gutters and eaves clean and
and advanced technology mean better wildfire damage up to 40 per cent. If clear of combustible debris, such as
response times to reported rat sightings making structural modifications and leaves, twigs and branches. Upgrade
and improvements in keeping Alberta moving those combustible fuels farther to a boxed-in or soffited eave design
rat free,” said Karen Wickerson, rat and away from a home, wildfire risk can be that is non-combustible. Upgrade gut-
pest program specialist at Alberta Ag- reduced by up to 75 per cent. ters and downspouts to non-combusti-
riculture and Forestry. “Along with the There are also some “simple actions ble materials, such as galvanized steel,
rat control team, we have made some that homeowners can take to address copper or aluminum. A metal drip edge
enhancements to Alberta’s rat control four key areas of the home,” added should be in place as part of the roof
program.” Stewart. “Both immediate, roll-up-your- assembly.
A dedicated email address (rats@gov. ewan border, or by stowing away on
ab.ca) to report rat sightings and a live
cam are two tools the team has added
planes, trains and automobiles. All rat
sightings are investigated thoroughly.
Saluting our local producers!
to a program. The rat control team is working to-
“With the new email address, special- wards broader use of the live cam in
ists are more likely to receive an im- their work. Its increased use will pro-
mediate visual along with location in- vide long term benefits as the live cam
formation and the team’s response time can be moved to places where rats
is much better,” noted Wickerson. “The are suspected or known, providing in-
email has been well received and may creased flexibility.
be one of the main factors responsible “The live cam allows us to watch, trap
for doubling the number of rat sight- and bait areas to see the rodents’ pat-
ings reported last year. Luckily, the in- terns, in terms of movement and what
crease in sightings does not mean there is working well for getting rid of them,”
is an increase in rat presence or infesta- said Wickerson. “If we can use live
tions.” cams at more sites, our understanding
Many people know Alberta is rat free of their patterns becomes even greater,
and are eager to report sightings, but and we can continue to make improve-
with limited exposure to rats in the ments to the bait and traps we use.”
province, many Albertans do not know As the team collects more data on
what rats actually look like. About rats found in Alberta, mapping out
half of the reported sightings last year where they are found and recording
turned out to be muskrats. their specific species, it is expected to
Rats enter the province by overland lead to further advances in rat control
migration along the Alberta/Saskatch- for the province.

Register for
Open Farm Days
JANET KANTERS deries, craft breweries, stables, petting
Times Editor zoos, along with honey, fruit, vegetable,
grain and u-pick farms.
Registration is now open for farms Since 2013, Open Farm Days has Size: T -4.75 x 6.5 Pub XXX
and ranches to be part of the 2021 edi- seen nearly 134,000 person visits, in- Color: 4/color
tion of Open Farm Days. jecting close to $1 million into the rural
On Aug. 14 and 15, host farms will economy through on-farm sales. Since
open their gates to share their agri- its launch, 711 Alberta farms have been Proudly Serving Southern Alberta for Over 30 Years!
R435-22992-1_BetterEngineering.indd 2 11/14/11 1:04 PM
cultural experiences with their urban enjoyed by the public.
neighbours and to help them under- For 2021, farms that want to show-
stand where their food comes from.
In 2020, more than 77 host farms
case craft beverages from local brew-
ers and distillers at an artisan market or
were part of Open Farm Days, and 24 with their event can explore new per- Strathmore 403-934-9690
culinary events helped connect urban mits or licence options with AGLC.
and rural Albertans. Host farms have in- Host farms can participate either day Lethbridge 403-328-0013
cluded traditional farms, livestock (bi-
son, cattle, alpaca, sheep, llama, goat,
or both days, and educational materi-
als about hosting are available. The
Taber 403-223-8622
poultry) farms and ranches, organic deadline for host registration is May 31, Choteau, MT 403-466-2242
operations, corn mazes, wineries, mea- 2021.

R435-22992-1_BetterEngineering.indd 2 11/14/11 1:04 PM

Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • April 30, 2021 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Upcoming Meetings In adherence with Alberta Health Services’

Until further notice, Council and committee meetings will be held recommendations, front office staff will limit the number
via teleconference, including: of visitors in the front lobby of the administration office to
May 4: Council Meeting upkeep the health and safety of everyone in the building.
May 11: MPC Meeting Office hours will remain the same, Monday to Friday,
May 18: Council Meeting from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., with the exception of statutory
holidays. The Public Works and ASB shops will remain
To join the call, dial 403-917-1764 and enter the PIN 47001 when closed to the public for the foreseeable future.
prompted. Agenda packages can be found on our website.

COVID-19 Wheatland County is in a full FIRE BAN

HELP SLOW THE SPREAD effective April 1, 2021.
Here’s how you can help slow the spread of COVID-19: This ban represents an extreme fire risk. Permit burning
☑ Avoid touching your face ☑ Cover coughs and sneezes in the County is banned. All outstanding permits are
☑ Self isolate if feeling sick ☑ Practice physical distancing suspended until further notice.
☑ Properly wash hands often ☑ Disinfect frequently touched
items and surfaces
Visit our website for a full list of what activities are
Latest updates at alberta.ca/COVID19 prohibited: https://wheatlandcounty.ca/firebans/

Public Hearings Lending Bylaw 2021-12 – Notice to the Public

Wheatland County Council will consider the following applications for Public SECTION 265 - THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT
Hearing on the meeting date as indicated below. For more information, visit
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of Wheatland County, in the
These public hearings can be accessed electronically by dialing in to 403-917-1764 Province of Alberta, has given first reading to Lending Bylaw
and when prompted, entering the PIN 47001. No. 2021-12 which will, upon final passage and approval,
Public hearings begin at 9 a.m. and proceed until all applications have been heard: authorize the proper officers of Wheatland County to lend
monies, interest free, to Wheatland Regional Corporation
Date: May 4, 2021 at 9 a.m. (WRC) from the County’s unrestricted surplus account for cost
Bylaw: 2021-03 Road Closure overruns on the south truck fill station project in the amount
Legal Description: NE 7 and SE 18-27-21-4 of $49,367.42. The revenue generated from the truck fill
Applicant: Hunter Wallace Surveys station will be used to pay back the entire principal owing on
Proposal: to close a portion
the loan. In the event the loan is not repaid within five (5) years,
of undeveloped original Road the County shall invoice the remaining amount owed to WRC,
allowance lying between NE 7 & SE secured with future water purchased or services provided to
18-27-21-4. The proposed area of Wheatland County.
road closure would be transferred
to the adjacent owner and
consolidated with their lands lying NOW THEREFORE NOTICE is hereby given by the Council of
adjacent to the area of closure. Wheatland County that, unless a petition of the electors for a
vote on Bylaw No. 2021-12 known as the Lending Bylaw – WRC
Date: May 18, 2021 at 9 a.m. South Fill Station Project Cost Overrun is demanded, as provided
for by the terms of Section 231 of the Municipal Government
Bylaw: 2021-11
Act, Council may pass the said Lending Bylaw. All persons
Legal Description: SW-17-24-25-W4M
interested are hereby notified and are required to govern
Proposal: The purpose of this bylaw is to repeal Bylaw themselves accordingly.
2012-56 otherwise known as the Litt Family Area
Structure Plan.
Dated at Wheatland County, in the Province of Alberta, April
20, 2021.

Wheatland County, per: Brian Henderson, Chief Administrative


Date: May 18, 2021 at 9 a.m.

Bylaw: 2021-10 Wheatland County is Now Accepting
Legal Description: Lands within 0.8 km (1 mile) of the Applications for Dust Control
municipal boundary with Rocky View County
Proposal: To adopt the Rocky View County and Calcium Chloride
Wheatland County Intermunicipal Development Plan,
which aims to minimize land use and development Deadlines: - May 7, 2021, for late-May application*
conflicts, provide opportunities for collaboration and (orders received after May 7th will be
communication, and allow for the resolution of any completed in June)
conflicts that may arise.
- June 11, 2021 for late-June application*

More information regarding the public hearing process can be found Deadline: - Order Deadline is July 9, 2021
on our website at wheatlandcounty.ca/publicnotices.
(Oiling begins late-July)
Comments may be forwarded in writing to Wheatland County or made in person at the above meetings.
The application files may be reviewed during regular office hours – Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. *Applications of dust control are weather permitting.
Any comments provided will become part of the public record in accordance with Section 40 (1) of the
Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection Privacy Act. Any personal information on submissions
made regarding applications is collected under the authority of the FOIP Act Section 33 (c) and subsequent Prices, application forms, and additional information
versions. can be found at https://wheatlandcounty.ca/documents/
Address: 242006 Range Rd 243, Wheatland County, AB T1P 2C4 Phone: 403-934-3321 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
April 30, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 11

considers Put a
land use Spring
bylaw revision in your
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Wheatland County council is looking

step! Strathmore RCMP are reminding
residents to Lock-It or Lost-It
following several thefts
from vehicles.
to amend the county’s land use bylaw Studios, One Bedroom
to change how applications for solar - Locking your vehicle doors is a
and wind developments are handled. & One Bedroom + Den quick and simple way to help
Under the current land use bylaw, a prevent this crime.
specific land use district (energy dis- Suites available!
- Hide loose change inside the
trict) exists for wind and solar develop-
vehicle where it can’t easily be seen
ments. If these developments are pro-
posed in other land use districts, the and take all items of any value with
applicant must first apply for the lands you when leaving your car.
to be redesignated to this district; they - Never leave your vehicle
then need to apply to the county for a running unattended.
development permit.
However, this arrangement is atypi- Strathmore RCMP ask residents to
cal from other places in Alberta, ex- help do their part by ensuring their
plained Graham Allison, Wheatland property is properly locked.
County planner.
“A lot of other municipalities don’t
require that land use (step), they only 1-800-222-TIPS
have that development permit pro-
cess,” he said. (1-800-222-8477)
Problems with this process arose
recently when county council consid-
ered approval for a proposed solar de-
velopment – the East Strathmore Solar
Project – in the county. At the time, the CALL FOR DETAILS 403-285-5080 | 285030 LUTHER ROSE BLVD. N.E., CALGARY, AB | verveseniorliving.com
project had already received approval
from the Alberta Utilities Commission 403-934-5552
(AUC), the provincial regulator.
Despite opposition by landowners
www. StrathmoreTimes.com 120 - 2nd Avenue, Strathmore

near the development, county council

decided to support the land redesig- YOUR WEEKLY
nation. This is because under Section
619 of the Municipal Government Act,
AUC decisions prevail over municipal Proposed Bylaw 04-2021 Gord Morck Pharmacist
Capsule Comments
documents and decisions. If council
Pursuant to the Municipal Government Act (MGA), The Village of Standard has passed
had opposed the project, the propo- Nova Scotia is the first jurisdiction in
1st reading to By-law 04-2021, as a text amendment to Land Use Bylaw 02-2012 with the
nents would have been able to success- North American to institute a “presumed
purpose of regulating the use and development of land and buildings in the Village.
fully appeal council’s decision, and this consent” pon the subject of organ donation.
would have resulted in legal costs. This means that you are assumed to be an
A public hearing for bylaw No. 04-2021; will be held by virtual meeting at the Village of
Another complexity under the cur- organ donor unless you inform otherwise.
Standard main office, at 120 Elsinore Ave, Standard Alberta on May 19, 2021 commencing
rent rules is that when the county con- There is such a long waiting list for many
at 7:00pm. Council will hear from any person claiming to be affected by the proposed
siders a land redesignation application, bylaws. organs and this new program will hope-
it holds a public hearing; but under fully shorten the wait for many needing a
provincial law, issues already decided 1. In Part 2, subsection 2.3 Definitions, changing Building Height definition as follows, life-saving transplant.
on by the AUC may not be addressed. a. Height of Building: means the vertical distance between the existing or Vaccine hesitancy has been a problem for
“That leads to confusion, as well as proposed finished grade and the highest point of a building, including a roof many years. Some people, either from mis-
redundancy, as adjacent landowners and excluding: stairway entrance, elevator shaft., a ventilating fan , a skylight, a information or a reluctance based on family
are confused where their input should steeple, a chimney, a smoke stack, a fire wall or parapet, a flagpole, or similar history, simply don’t want to be vaccinated.
go,” said Allison. devices not structurally essential to the building. It is very important for healthcare workers
In response to this situation, coun- 2. In Part 7, subsection 7.3 Height of Building, changing 7.3.1 as follows, to be vaccinated. One hospital in Houston,
ty council moved to propose changes a. The base from which to measure the height of a building shall be average Texas offered a bonus of $500 to everyone
to the land use bylaw to avoid such a elevation of the finished ground level to the highest point on a structure. working in the hospital who got vaccinat-
bind in the future. In response, county
ed against COVID. Compliance was very
administration recommended the “en- 3. In Part 8, subsection 8.6.6 Maximum Limits, Height of Buildings to as follows, high.
ergy district” be removed from the land a. 16.4ft (5m), unless otherwise approved for a specific use that requires a greater
use bylaw altogether, a plan which was Canker sores (also called aphthous ul-
height at the discretion of the MPC. cers) affect the mucus membrane areas of
supported unanimously by council. 4. This Bylaw shall come into effect on the date of final passage thereof.
Under this plan, the county’s agricul- the mouth. They can be quite painful and
tural and industrial land use districts unsightly. Recently, a link between these
In light of COVID-19, in order to protect the health safety and well being of the public and sores and vitamin B-12 deficiency was
will also be amended, to include wind our employees, the Village of Standard is providing two methods for participation:
and solar developments as discretion- noted. People who suffer from many can-
ary uses. kers might want to try a B-12 supplement
1. Call In. If you wish to call in and make a presentation please call (1-587-328-1099 (1000mcg daily) for a few months. It just
This change would eliminate the re- enter #625641) on May 19, 2021 commencing at 7:00pm.
quirement of redesignation for a wind might work.
or solar development, and would ad- Want a recipe for a good, healthy break-
2. Written. Participation in the public hearing portion of the meeting can be done
dress the overlap between the AUC fast smoothie to start your day well?
through written submissions via email cao@villageofstandard.ca . Written
hearing process and the county’s hear- Submissions must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. May 14, 2021. Submissions will be read Blend 1 banana, 1 cup fresh spinach, 1/2
ing process. The amendments will be out by staff and must be able to be read within the five minute time limit. cup each of zucchini and parsley, 1/4 cup
brought back to county council for a Submissions may also be e-mailed, mailed or dropped off at the Village of Standard of rolled oats and 1/2 cup of low fat milk or
vote later. ffice in advance of the Public Hearing. substitute. Add other fruits for more fibre.
Once the change is made, Wheatland
Hours: M-W: 9-6 pm • Th-F: 9-8 pm
County council can still be involved in You will not be able to participate verbally or in person submissions. Sat: 9-6 pm • Sun & Holidays: 11-5 pm
the approval process by settings regu-
Strathmore 132 - 2nd Ave.
lations the AUC can consider, partici- The text amendment to Land Use Bylaw 02-2012 can be reviewed via cao@villageofstan-
pating in the AUC hearing process, and Strathmore
dard.ca and copies may be picked up Monday through Friday at the Village of Standard
addressing matters not considered by Ph: 403-934-3122
Office at 120 Elsinore Ave, Standard Alberta, from 9:00- 4:00 pm.
the AUC at the county’s development
Get the latest new products, special savings,
permit stage. The AUC contacts coun- Yvette April, Chief Administrative Officer contests and more sent directly to your
ty administrations about projects in Publication dates April 30th, & May 7th, 2021 email. Sign up today for the
Value Drug Mart E-letter.
Wheatland County.
Page 12 • Strathmore TIMES • April 30, 2021 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Coaching career expands for former Strathmore native

SEAN FEAGAN Being a professional figure skat- spending the last four years as skating where everybody starts,” he said.
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter er with a hockey background has af- director with the Vegas Golden Knights The difference between the two set-
forded Goodwin a unique array of ex- organization. tings will be finding new staff and
Chad Goodwin, a skating coach ori- perience and perspectives as a “I started at the beginning working with new groups of coach-
ginally from Strathmore, is embarking skating coach. Incorporating when the Golden Knights were es, he said. “I am excited for this new
on a new journey as the skating direc- figure skating techniques into just getting off the ground,” he challenge of finding the type of team I
tor of the new Seattle Kraken NHL or- hockey coaching helps players said. “To be able to work with a can put together to help with each pro-
ganization. better learn fundamentals, he startup franchise was a special gram.”
As a professional figure skater, Good- explained. thing – and lots of work.” Goodwin toured Seattle’s new three-
win is a four-time Canadian national “On the hockey side, it’s so Now he gets to do it again. sheet ice rink, Kraken Training Centre,
competitor and three-time sectional fast-paced I think sometimes Goodwin will take a similar in February, which is part of the mas-
champion. But he also played min- those skills get rushed,” he said. approach starting the skating ter plan redevelopment of Northgate,
or hockey in Strathmore until he was “So, to be able to know how to program in Seattle, a big part of an area of Seattle. The programs there,
around 11 years old, an experience still take the time and teach it in a fun way which is developing and providing its including Learn to Skate, NHL Learn
providing him insights today. is good for the sport.” Learn to Skate program. to Play, recreational and competitive
“Knowing and understanding the Goodwin has almost 10 years’ ex- “We will be looking to make that a programs, are scheduled to start in fall
game is very helpful,” he said. perience as a skating coach, including really fun program to be part of – that’s 2021. “It’s going to be amazing,” he said.

Reinhardt signs with Ottawa Senators know what had happened for a few
minutes,” he said.
SEAN FEAGAN don Wheat Kings. During his 2019-20 After the draft, Reinhard signed an
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter season with the Wheat Kings, he played amateur tryout contract with the Belle-
in 56 games, scoring 31 goals and 24 ville Senators, Ottawa’s American Hock-
An Alberta hockey player with ties assists, as the team achieved a 35-22 re- ey League (AHL) farm team. The team
to Strathmore has signed a three-year cord (but playoffs were cancelled). is a humble group, despite several play-
contract with the Ottawa Senators, after The road to the NHL has been a long ers having NHL experience, while the
playing in the AHL this year. one for Reinhardt, as he was passed coaching step has been instrumental in
Cole Reinhardt, a 21-year-old power over in the 2018 and 2019 NHL drafts, furthering his development, he said.
forward with the Belleville Senators, which he said was “disheartening.” But Reinhardt describes his role on the
is from Irricana, but he played for the in 2020, he remained hopeful he would team as an “energy guy” while playing
Strathmore CFR Bisons triple-A U18 be drafted, despite understanding older power forward. With the Belleville Sen- Cole Reinhardt, a hockey player with ties to
team during the 2015-16 season. After players are selected less often. ators, he has played in 23 games and Strathmore, signed a three-year contract with the
signing a three-year, entry-level deal During the draft, Reinhardt was has scored four goals and five assists. Ottawa Senators after playing this year with the
with the Ottawa Senators on April 16, cleaning corrals at his home, while The Ottawa Senators have been “ex- Belleville Senators in the AHL.
Reinhardt is looking to earn a spot on intermittently keeping an eye on team ceedingly happy” with Reinhardt’s play Photo Courtesy of Cole Reinhardt
an NHL roster. selections. That is when his phone this season, said Pierre Dorion, Ottawa
Senators general manager. “For some- But Reinhardt’s greatest asset is his
“Everything feels surreal, because I’ve started “blowing up” with messages be-
one who was just recently drafted, he’s ability to take and learn from criticism,
been working towards this my whole ing made in reaction to his selection by
already showcased a great combination added Klemmensen. “The thing I re-
life and it finally happened,” he said. the Ottawa Senators in the sixth round
of strength and speed in addition to ex- member about Cole the most and what
After his stint with the Bisons, Rein- of the draft (181st overall).
cellent hockey sense, which is likely his has really helped him, is when you told
hardt played four years with the Bran- “My phone froze, and I didn’t even
best attribute.” him something or tried to correct some-
With AHL playoffs cancelled this year thing, he didn’t pout. He just went to
due to COVID-19, Reinhardt said his work.”
stint on the team has been “like getting The Belleville Senators season will
an exhibition year to learn the league, wrap up sometime in May. After that,
without having to burn a contract year.” Reinhardt will be returning to Alberta,
Reinhardt has been successful be- to train in Calgary. Then, he will join
cause he has always been a great shoot- the Ottawa Senators training camp
er and does not shy away from contact, sometime in the early fall.
said Keith Klemmensen, a Strathmore “By signing this contract, I’m getting
hockey coach, who coached Reinhardt a foot in the door in the NHL,” he said.
in peewee hockey. “He hit the big guys “Now, I’ll be getting ready to take the
as hard as he hit the little guys,” he said. next step and work to stay there.”



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April 30, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 13

Coal exploration halted

on Category 2 lands DURING,
Diane Jean Corlee
LEELA SHARON AHEER sultation process, email energy.coalpo- gave to ourselves to help manage the It is with deep sadness that we an-
Chestermere-Strathmore MLA licy@gov.ab.ca. early stages of the pandemic. If passed, nounce the passing of Diane Jean
Last November, the federal govern- Bill 66 would make updates to exist- Corlee During in Strathmore on Friday,
I wanted to discuss the recent update ment brought forward proposed chang- ing legislation that include removing April 16th, 2021 at the age of 64 after a brief battle
on the coal policy engagement and the es to the AgriStability program. These unnecessary government powers to or- with cancer.
Diane was predeceased by her mother Doris and
suspension of all coal exploration in changes include removing the reference der mandatory vaccinations; removing father Raymond. She is lovingly remembered by her
Category 2 lands. margin limit and increasing the com- all sections in the Act that authorize a husband Rick; her children Derrick (Seccora), Sarah,
An independent coal policy commit- pensation rate from 70 per cent to 80 minister to modify legislation by order; and Amber; as well as her six beloved grandchildren
tee was appointed to ensure that Alber- per cent. However, these changes do establishing clear checks and balances Samantha, Krystian, Annabelle, Mathew, Travis, and
tans develop a current coal policy that not address the significant issues with- on government authorities; requir- Ethan. She is survived by her stepmother Gillian; her
is for Albertans. We have been working in AgriStability and are focused solely ing orders that apply to the public or 2 brothers Richard and Michael (Jenny); and sisters
with companies to halt all coal explora- on the short-term. While negotiations groups be published online; and requir- Linda (Jim), Rayanna, and Elaine (Hal); as well as the
tion projects in Category 2 lands, effec- are ongoing, all three Prairie provinces ing a periodic review of the Act every many sisters who came into her life and became part
of her family. She will be fondly remembered by her
tive immediately. This decision is based have formally requested that the next 10 years.
nieces and nephews and their families.
on input from Albertans, the initial sur- federal-provincial-territorial meeting be As conservatives, my colleagues and I Originally from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Diane moved
vey results and a recommendation from scheduled as soon as possible. At this have a deep respect for individual rights, to Alberta in her 20s, where she pursued her passion
the coal policy committee. meeting, ministers will continue to ne- freedoms and the ability of Albertans to of becoming a nurse. She genuinely loved her job and
The minister of energy has contacted gotiate and vote on the agreed-upon make their personal choices regarding was dedicated to helping people both at work and in
all companies currently conducting coal changes to the program. their health. We know that the decision her personal life. The kindness in her heart allowed
exploration on Category 2 lands and In Alberta, AgriStability has seen de- to get vaccinated should be made by her to touch many people. She always led the charge
directed them to halt these activities clining enrollment over the last five individuals and families, not the gov- to help people in need and gave her all in support of
until public engagement is completed years, with only 21 percent of produc- ernment. Although we’re encouraging
She was a fun-loving person who loved to laugh, sing
this fall and the results of the consulta- ers enrolled. In comparison, crop insur- all Albertans to get their vaccinations poorly, enjoyed the occasional Baileys, and she never
tions are released. Coal companies have ance, as the most successful business when they’re able, my colleagues and I met a dark chocolate that she did not like. In the past
indicated they recognize the need for risk management program (BRM), con- will never support mandatory vaccina- few years, she was able to travel with her sisters,
government to conduct public engage- tinues to see high enrolment rates of tions. With Bill 66, we ensure that our but didn’t get to the trains part of the Planes, Trains,
ment on the province’s approach to coal approximately 72 per cent. That is why government and future governments and Automobiles. She loved reading books and sip-
development and have been supportive the minister of agriculture and forestry will be bound by legislation preventing ping Tetley’s Earl Gray tea, and only Tetley’s Earl Gray.
of the process. The process is focused has proposed a new, margin-based in- the vaccination of any Albertan against She was a cool Nanny who made every amusement
on how the province manages coal re- park ride fun and loved playing poker with her grand-
surance program that will be timely, re- their will. We will continue fighting the
sources and development. liable and equitable for all producers. COVID-19 pandemic with a plan that A private celebration of life will be held at a later date.
Albertans are encouraged to share all Finally, I would like to chat about Bill balances the urgent need to protect Please feel free to take a shot of Bailey’s in her hon-
their thoughts related to coal develop- 66, Public Health Amendment Act. Of- lives while upholding the individual our. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to a
ment. And to be clear, no one will be ten governments give themselves new rights that Albertans rightfully cherish. charity of your choosing.
restricted from sharing their concerns powers during extraordinary events like As always, we love to hear from you. To send condolences, please visit Diane’s obituary at
about environmental issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Very rarely (Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect www.wheatlandfuneralhome.ca
coal development to inform the minis- do you see the government give those for Chestermere-Strathmore, Minister of
ter regarding a current coal policy. For powers up when they no longer need Status of Women and Minister of Cul-
further inputs on coal policy or the con- them. We are removing the powers we ture and Multiculturalism)
Page 14 • Strathmore TIMES • April 30, 2021
Obituary WHITE SPRUCE TREES. 5’ average $50. Installation ONLY $19.
Includes: hole augered. Wurzel Dip enzyme injection, bark
GREENE, George Ernest (Pete) mulch application, staking. Minimum order 20. One-time fuel
charge: $125-150. Crystal Springs. 403-820-0961. Quality
George Ernest (Pete) Greene: June 24, 1930 to April 17, 2021 of Calgary and Strathmore, beloved guaranteed.
Dad of Lawrence Greene, Florence Borgens (Rick), Catherine Greene (Jim), Patricia Fitz-Patrick THANK YOU Our well-established accounting practice
(Ross), Mary-Frances Borgens (David), Theresa Greene. Also surviving are grandchildren Renee
(Todd), Matthew (Marie), Stephanie (Myles), Pierce, Brett, Rio and Remy and great-grandchildren
Jayde, Logan, Summer and Kayson, as well surviving nieces and nephew. Pete was predeceased
Crowfoot located in Strathmore, 25 minutes east of
Calgary, is seeking the right candidate to fill a
by his wife, Patricia Mae (Patsy) Greene (McDonald) in 2011 and his granddaughter, Catlin Renee 4H Multi-club full-time Typist/Legal position.
The successful candidate will bring a high
Greene in 2010. Pete was born in Calgary, Alberta to Charles Henry Greene and Florence Price Greene.
Pete followed his brother Zeppy’s footsteps through the ranks of minor hockey in the Calgary Buffalo league would like to degree of professionalism into the workplace
drawing the offer of a college scholarship from the Chicago Blackhawks. But to lessen the burden on the love and must have the ability to excel in a
of his life Patsy, he stayed in Calgary and played at the senior level for the CPR Beavers, where Pete and Zeppy everyone who contributed to our fast-paced environment.
quickly became known as the Big Six League pucksters. He continued to play hockey on a recreational team in food drive April 10, 2021. Some of the duties and responsibilities:
Strathmore, Alberta until he was 86 years old. Pete not only loved hockey but loved playing golf.
• Proof, edit, collate all Financial Statement
When Pete and Patsy retired to Strathmore, he became a marshall at the Strathmore Golf Club, as well as playing All of the generous donations packages
in a league at the club. His final medal was a silver medal for golfing during the 2017 Alberta Senior Summer
supported the Wheatland • Book appointments with clients
Games at the age of 87.
• Electronically file corporate tax returns
Pete and Patsy met June 10, 1948 at St. Mary’s graduation breakfast and were married October 6, 1951 at St. County Food Bank. • Maintain flow of files and ensure filing
Ann’s Church in Calgary. His tireless love and devotion to his family were evident in his final moments. Everyone
deadlines are met
who knew him, held him in the highest regard and loved him dearly. We love you Daddy and miss you very much.
Until we will we see you again.
HELP WANTED • Prepare T5 Information returns and collate
• Complete Share redemption documentation
• Update Corporate Profile sheets
AUTOMOTIVE • Complete annual resolutions


• Complete and file annual returns
• Complete GST Registrations
Skills and qualifications:
Good knowledge of • High school diploma and 5 years of relevant
Anton Nickolas Koosey of Dalroy, Alberta passed away peacefully April 12, 2021 at the age of 92 experience
years. Anton was born on April 27, 1928 in Calgary. Anton’s passion was farming. This was evident automotive required • Strong computer skills with MS Office
while he was attending Western Senior High School in Calgary, when he made his lifelong com- • CORES Level 1, CORES Level 2 would be an
mitment to agriculture and pursued his goal of his own farm. In his earlier years he found himself Call 403-934-9969 or email asset but is not required
working the farms with his parents and brothers. He was occasionally sided tracked by his interests in snowmobil- • Detail oriented
ing, hunting, and community activities. In the later years he spent his time enjoying his land and wildlife while still ryancoautopro@gmail.com • Ability to work independently
being involved on the farm. He is survived by his brother Adolph (Pat) and many nieces and nephews, grand and • Positive attitude/team player and the desire
great-grand nieces and nephews. Anton will be deeply missed by all. Interment was held at the Rocky View Garden to provide excellent customer service
of Peace Cemetery, Calgary on April 27, 2021. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, a celebration of life will be held at a EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Gregory, Harriman & Associates LLP offers
later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to S.T.A.R.S. Ambulance or the Kidney Foundation.
PART-TIME CONTRACT a fantastic work environment led by a group
Heartland Funeral Services Ltd., Olds entrusted with arrangements. 403-507-8610 Condolences may be made or
viewed at www.heartlandfuneralservices.com Diversity Coordinator and of 28 employees. We offer fair compensation
relevant to experience as well as a generous
Engagement Coordinator Group Benefit plan including flex benefits.
The Town of Claresholm is hiring 2 (two) We also offer the ability to work remotely.
30-hour/week positions on a 24-month contract, Find out more about us by visiting our website
under the supervision of the Economic www.gh-a.com, Facebook or Instagram.
TENDERS FOR SALE Interested, qualified candidates should submit
Development Officer.
their resumes by email to lmurray@gh-a.com
Please visit Career Opportunities at
by May 7, 2021.

Located in Wheatland County, 3 miles NE of Strathmore, this section

of fully-irrigated land provides fertile, productive crop land, hay land, ANGUS Apply by May 4, 2021 at 4 p.m. Economic Development

and pasture land.

Offered for tender as one package is:
BULLS Youth Development Coordinator Student
• 5-25-24-W4; Heifer and
• Four separately titled 1/4 sections for a total of 518.96 acres; cow bulls The Wheatland Youth Network (WYN) is developing an Integrated Youth Service for
youth and young adults age 11-24 in Strathmore and Wheatland County. Our Integrated
• Fully fenced; $3,000 and up
• Permanent irrigation rights, including a dugout; Youth Service focuses on connecting young people with mental health and wellness
• Pivots and wheel-moves that make this section fully irrigated; and Call or text support within their community. The Youth Development Coordinator Student would
• Two surface rights agreements. 403-540-0856 require a flexible schedule that may include evenings and occasional weekend hours
to facilitate programming and community wellness events. Successful candidates will
Subject to the rights of the existing tenants to farm and remove GET YOUR MESSAGE SEEN demonstrate an ability to accomplish the wide variety of tasks such as, but not limited
crops for the 2021 harvest year. ACROSS Alberta. The Blan-
ket Classifieds or Value Ads
For further details, email Dawn Mitzner at dawn.mitzner@telus.net. reach over 600,000 Alberta • Provide mental health resource and service linkage for youth and young adults
readers weekly. Two options through the Stepped Care Model Framework.
Sealed written bids must be accompanied by a 10% deposit in the starting at $269 or $995 to • Plan and facilitation of local mental health awareness and wellness events.
from of a bank draft payable to get your message out! Busi- Book facilities and dates for events; prepare advertising; purchase products;
ness changes, hiring, items
Lynn Woods Law Office and received no later than 2:00 pm on June development of a community calendar of events for youth.
for sale, cancellations, ten-
15, 2021. Possession date is August 9, 2021. Tenders subject to ders, etc. People are increas- • Assist with developing a marketing/communications plan promoting public
financing approval will not be considered. Deposits of unsuccessful ingly staying home and rely awareness of the WYN through Facebook, Instagram and YouTube videos.
tenders will be returned. The highest or any tender not necessarily on their local newspapers for • Provide support through a team approach to the WYN Community Coordinator,
accepted. information. KEEP people in
Youth Subcommittee, the Parent/Caregiver Subcommittee, and the community
the loop with our 90 Weekly
Tender agreements may be acquired from and returned to: Community Newspapers. resource asset mapping initiative.
Lynn Woods Law Office Call THIS NEWSPAPER now • Assist in developing positive relationships with community organizations and
Box 2335 or  email classifieds@awna. other sectors through activities such as partner development, public engagement,
com  for details. 1-800- connections between public and private sectors.
#101, 318-3rd Ave., Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3 282-6903, 780-434-8746
Phone (403) 934-6333 Fax (403) 934-6355 X225. www.awna.com.
lynn@strathmorelaw.ca Skills Required:
TENDERS • Strong communication skills; public speaking and knowledge of community
resources an asset; competent computer skills.
• Organized and efficient; self starter who requires minimal supervision.
• A valid driver’s license and dependable transportation is required.
• Post secondary full time enrollment in the fall; related fields such as
mental health, addictions, social work, nursing, and/or human services.
• A Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, or person on whom refugee protection
has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and legally
entitled to work in Alberta.
• May 25 to August 20, 2021, subject to grant funding; 30 hours/week; salary range
$17 - $19/hour based on experience and education, no benefits.

Application deadline is Tuesday, May 11, 2021, with resumes emailed to:
May Rostecki-Budzey, WYN Co-Chair 403-324-9174
e-mail: may.rostecki-budzey@crpcn.ca
c/o Calgary Rural Primary Care Network
Bay H 510 Highway 1 Strathmore, AB T1P 1M6

Thank you for applying. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
April 30, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 15


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1-778-257-8647 Box 1 Site 22 RR 2, Strathmore AB, T1P 1K5
Ram Seeds 403-634-1643
Bonded since 1967 Bonded since 1967
Email: mmdrill@mmdrilling.ca
Page 16 • Strathmore TIMES • April 30, 2021 www.StrathmoreTimes.com


602 Westmount Road, Strathmore (beside Petro Canada) | 403-934-5551



$ 99
750 ml 6 $ 99
750 ml 6 6
$ 99 Assorted
750 ml
$ 99
8 10
$ 99



750 ml
750 ml 750 ml 750 ml 750 ml
750 ml

$ 99 12
$ 99 14
$ 99 12
$ 99 $ 9923 27
$ 99

750 ml 750 ml
1.14L 1.14L


$ 99 39 49
$ 99 $ 99
18 26
$ 99 $ 99
18 26
$ 99 $ 99 26
$ 99


750 ml 750 ml 750 ml
$ 99
$ 99
12 $ 99 23 12
$ 99 23 24
$ 99 27

24 $ 99 28 24
$ 99 12
$ 99 20 12
$ 99 20
$ 99 20
While quantities last. We reserve the right to limit quantities, prices exclude GST & deposit. Pictures might not be exactly as shown. Flyer Prices effective Apr 29-May 5

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