Dr. A. Samy TAG Surgical Approaches - 1
Dr. A. Samy TAG Surgical Approaches - 1
Dr. A. Samy TAG Surgical Approaches - 1
Anterior (Deltopectoral) Anterolateral Lateral (Deltoid Splitting) Posterior
- Proximal humerus #s - Proximal humerus #-dislocations
- Rotator cuff repair
- Long head of í biceps injury - Proximal humerus #s - Glenoid #s/osteotomy
- Repair of í long head of í biceps
Indication - Reconstruction of recurrent dislocations - Rotator cuff repair - Scapular neck #s
- AC joint decompression
- Septic glenohumeral joint - Debridement of í subacromial space - Septic glenohumeral joint
- Anterior shoulder decompression
- Shoulder arthroplasty - Removal loose bodies
- Standard: Supine - Standard: Supine - Standard: Prone
Position - Beach-chair
- Alternative: Beach-chair - Alternative: Beach-chair - Alternative: Lateral, Beach-chair
- 10-15 cm incision following í line of í
deltopectoral groove - Incision is made from í coracoid process - 5 cm incision is made from í tip of í acromion - Incision is made along í scapular spine,
- In obese patients, í incision starts at í along í anterolateral edge of í shoulder. distally in line é í arm extending to í lateral acromial border
coracoid process
- No internervous plane - No internervous plane
Intervals - Between í Deltoid & Pectoralis major - Between í Teres minor & Infraspinatus
- Deltoid split proximally to í axillary n. - Deltoid is split in line é its fibers
- Musculocutaneous n.: renters medial side of
- Axillary n.: It runs transversely across í
biceps muscle 5-8 cm distal to coracoid (stay - Axillary n.: It runs transversely across í - Suprascapular n.: Passes around í base of í
surface of í deltoid muscle 5-7 cm distal to í
lateral) surface of í deltoid muscle 5-7 cm distal to í scapular spine (do not retract infraspinatus
acromion from posterior to anterior
- Cephalic vein acromion from posterior to anterior too vigorously)
Dangers - Cannot extend split further due to risk to
- Axillary n.: at risk é release of subscapularis - Acromial branch of í thoracoacromial artery: - Axillary n.: Runs through í quadrangular
denervation of anterior deltoid, if distal
tendon or é incision of teres major tendon or Runs directly under í deltoid muscle space beneath í teres minor (Stay superior to
extension is needed make a 2nd incision
latissimus dorsi tendon í teres minor)
- Anterior circumflex humeral artery