AST Chapter 2
AST Chapter 2
AST Chapter 2
CHAPTER 2 (PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION) Case C – C is to purchase ¼ interest from the partnership paying P85,000
• Dissolution – change in relation of the partners of the partners caused by A, Capital 62,500
any partner ceasing to be associated in the carrying on of the business B, Capital 18,750
C, Capital 81,250
▲ Causes of Dissolution
• Admission of New Partner Amount paid 85,000
■ By purchase of interest Less: Capital contribution (81,250)
■ By investment Gain shared by old partners 3,750
• Removal of Old Partner
■ Withdrawal or retirement - The P3,750 is personal gain for A and B and a personal loss of C
■ Death or incapacity
• Incorporation of a partnership
Cap admission before Equity purchased Cap admission after
Total 100% 325,000 100% 325,000 ■ Bonus approach – under this method, the total contributed capital will
be equal to total agreed capital
Case B – C is to purchase ¼ interest from B paying P20,000 - AC of new partner > Contributed capital of new partner = Bonus to new
A, Capital 18,750
- AC of new partner < Contributed capital of new partner = Bonus to old
C, Capital 18,750
B 40% 75,000 (¼ ) (18,750) 30% 56,250 Case A – Capital credit is equal to the amount invested
C ¼ 18,750 10% 18,750 Hogwarts will invest 40,000 for 1/6 interest in the partnership capital and
40% share in profit and loss
Total 100% 325,000 100% 325,000
Cash 40,000
Hogwarts, Capital 40,000
Case B – Capital credit is less than the amount invested (Bonus to old Case A – Total AC = Total CC = No revaluation
partner) Hufflepuff will invest 40,000 for 1/6 interest in the partnership capital and
Hogwarts will invest 40,000 1/8 interest in the partnership capital and 20% share in profit and loss.
profit and loss Cash 40,000
Cash 40,000 Hufflepuff, Capital 40,000
Hogwarts, Capital (240K*1/8) 30,000
Harry, Capital (10K*3/5) 6,000 CC AC Revaluation
Potter, Capital (10K*2/5) 4,000 Gryffindor 125,000 125,000
Slytherin 75,000 75,000
CC AC Bonus
Hufflepuff 40,000 40,000
Harry 120,000 126,000 6,000
Total 240,000 240,000
Potter 80,000 84,000 4,000
Hogwarts 40,000 30,000 (10,000)
Old P/L New P/L
Total 240,000 240,000
Gryffindor 60% 80% * 60* 48%
Slytherin 40% 80% * 40% 32%
Old P/L New P/L
Hufflepuff 20%
Harry 60% 87.5% * 60* 52.5%
Potter 40% 87.5% * 40% 35%
Case B – Total AC > Total CC = Positive revaluation
Hogwarts 12.5% Hufflepuff will invest 60,000 for 20% interest in the partnership capital
and 25% share in profit and loss.
Case C – Capital credit is greater than the amount invested (Bonus to new Other assets 40,000
partner) Gryffindor, Capital 24,000
Hogwarts will invest 40,000 1/5 interest in the partnership capital and Slytherin, Capital 16,000
profit and loss
Cash 40,000 Cash 60,000
Harry, Capital (8K*3/5) 4,800 Hufflepuff, Capital 60,000
Potter, Capital (8K*2/5) 3,200
Hogwarts, Capital (240K*1/5) 48,000
CC AC Revaluation
Gryffindor 125,000 149,000 24,000
CC AC Bonus
Slytherin 75,000 91,000 16,000
Harry 120,000 115,200 (4,800)
Hufflepuff 60,000 60,000
Potter 80,000 76,800 (3,200)
Total 260,000 300,000 40,000
Hogwarts 40,000 48,000 8,000
Total 240,000 240,000
◊ Revaluation approach
Negative revaluation
Excess 50,000
Divide: P/L Baba 40%
Revaluation 125,000