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Egg Hunt

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E gg Hunt

A Savage Worlds One Sheet for Saga of the Goblin Horde

Rabbits, Rabbits, one, two, three, An exiled beastfolk huntress has contacted the tribe,
Will you come and play with me? offering information about her former band and the
Goblins, Goblins, four, five, six, treasure they recently stole – a clutch of dragon eggs!
Chop those beastfolk into bits! In this adventure the players take on the role of the
Dragons, Dragons, seven, eight, nine, goblin gang bosses, as they seek to retrieve the dragon
All your eggs shall soon be mine! eggs. The story begins with the characters vigorously
pumping the beastfolk huntress for information.
Although humans are the greatest threat to the goblin
way of life, they are not the only danger faced by the
tribes. Nomadic bands of feral beastfolk wander the Bunny Boiler
land, looting and pillaging freely, and these savages It is said that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,
have little respect for the territory of others. Conflicts and this is a lesson the beastfolk leader is about to
between goblins and beastfolk are not uncommon, yet learn the hard way. After being cast out by her mate,
sometimes the savages can prove useful... Ostaria Luckyfoot has decided to take revenge against
her former lover and his band of hunters by telling a
tribe of goblins about their secret hideout.
As the players are ordered by the chief to steal the
eggs, they must also interrogate Luckyfoot personally.
Resolve this as a Social Conflict, one player takes the
lead each round, the others assisting with Cooperative
Rolls. Players may roll Persuasion or Intimidation,
and the margin of success determines how much
information they obtain for the next scene:
0: Ostaria describes the location of the hideout, but
fails to mention the guards. The players receive a –4
penalty to their Quick Combat rolls next scene.
1-2: She mentions the approximate location of the
guards. The Quick Combat rolls will be made at –2.
3-4: She describes where most of the guards are
located. The Quick Combat rolls will be made at +0.
5+: Ostaria describes exactly where each of the
guards are located. The Quick Combat rolls will be
made at +2, and each player receives a Benny.

Down the Rabbit Hole

After three days travel, the goblins reach the beastfolk
hideout, in a network of natural caves. They must now
fight past the guards using the Quick Combat rules.
Each boss has a number of gang members, but these
Egg Hunt version 4 © 2016-2017 Richard Woolcock.
minions don’t make their own skill rolls. Instead, any
Permission is granted to print this document for personal use. boss suffering wounds may transfer them to his gang:
Electronic distribution of this document is strictly forbidden.
One gang member dies for each wound transferred,
Page background and goblin head by Lord Zsezse Works. and any remaining wounds may be Soaked as normal.
Rabbit archer illustration by Brett Neufeld. Reward: As described in the Quick Combat rules.
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available
from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com.
Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are
copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with
permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to
the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
Hare Today Gone Tomorrow A Tough Egg to Crack
After overcoming the guards, the characters have the The surviving goblins have successfully managed to
opportunity to search the hideout for the dragon eggs. evade most of the beastfolk, reaching Shadowglade
Each player makes a Notice roll, and discovers one egg Forest on the south border of their territory. However
for each success and raise on their roll. a handful of the more tenacious beastfolk have refused
Anyone who fails the Notice roll will still be inside to give up, chasing the goblins deep into the forest and
the hideout when the rest of the beastfolk return from cutting off their escape route. There is no choice but
their hunting trip. The goblin still finds one egg, even to turn and fight.
though she failed, but begins the next scene Shaken. Resolve this scene as a regular combat encounter.
Reward: Any character who manages to find two or There are four hareborn hunters per player, as well as
more eggs earns a Benny. their towering leader, Rojer, Ostaria’s former mate.
After killing the last of the beastfolk, the surviving
Run Rabbit Run goblins can return to their camp with the dragon eggs,
and savor their hard-earned victory.
The beastfolk band arrives back at their hideout, just The chieftain congratulates the gang bosses on a job
in time to witness the goblins leaving with the dragon well done, holding a celebratory dinner in their honor,
eggs. The goblins are heavily outnumbered, and their and there will be more than enough dragon omelette
only realistic chance is to make a run for it. for everyone. This promises to be a Spring Equinox
Resolve this scene as a standard five-round Chase, celebration the tribe will never forget!
but don’t roll for the goblin gang members, only for Of course dragon eggs are a truly fine delicacy, and
the players and the beastfolk. Split the beastfolk into sooner or later the chief will decide to send the gangs
two groups; each player can only be attacked by one out hunting for more. But that Can of Wyrms is an
member of each group each round, and only if the adventure for another day...
beastfolk have the advantage over them.
Round 1: The goblins charge through the forest,
ducking and weaving between the trees, with the
angry beastfolk in hot pursuit.
Round 2: The goblins scramble down the side of a Enemy Combatants
steep gorge, trying to maintain their footing while Listed here are the foes the players will face.
avoiding a hail of arrows. Players may roll Climbing
instead of Agility if they wish, and doing so grants Hareborn Hunters
them a +2 bonus to their maneuvering trait roll. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength
Round 3: The goblins must make their way over a d6, Vigor d8
swiftly flowing river, either by clambering across Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6,
overhanging tree branches, or by swimming through Survival d6, Tracking d6
the churning water. The players may roll Swimming Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
instead of Agility if they wish: this grants them a +1 Gear: Dagger (Str+d4), bow (Range 12/24/48; 2d6)
bonus to the maneuvering trait roll, but on a failure Special Abilities
they either suffer a level of Fatigue, or one of their • Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for dim and dark
gang members is washed away (player’s choice). lighting.
Round 4: The rapidly tiring goblins clamber up the
other side of the gorge, ducking behind boulders to
avoid falling arrows. The maneuvering trait rolls this A Rojer
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
round use Vigor instead of Agility, but players may d8, Vigor d10
choose to make an unmodified Climbing roll instead Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d6, Shooting d10, Stealth
if they prefer. Anyone who fails the trait roll either d6, Survival d6, Tracking d6
suffers a level of Fatigue, or loses one of their gang Charisma: –2; Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 8
members to a stray arrow (player’s choice). Hindrances: Arrogant, Mean
Round 5: Reaching the top of gorge, the goblins Edges: Acrobat, Brawny, Level Headed, Marksman,
must rush for the safety of the forest. Everyone rolls Quick Draw
Vigor for their maneuvering trait rolls, failure results Gear: Dagger (Str+d4), bow (Range 12/24/48; 2d6)
in either a level of Fatigue, or a gang member falling Special Abilities
back into the gorge (player’s choice). • Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for dim and dark
Reward: Each player earns a Benny for surviving. lighting.

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