Politics and Governance Guide
Politics and Governance Guide
Politics and Governance Guide
- branch of social sciences that: 3. Deals with those relationship among men
a. control people & groups that are subject
b. elect leaders a. to control by the state with relation
c. opinion their voters of men & groups
d. help their citizens to know their b. to the state itself & the relations of
responsibilities in the society
state to the other state
3Public Institution
Political Dynamics
5Political Institution
Four Zones:
1 3
Political Theory Politcal Institution
2 4
Political Dynamics International Relations
1. Political Theory
- deals with the entire body of doctrines
relating to the origin, form, behavior &
purpose of the state
- analyses fundamental political
concepts (e.g. power, democracy &
2. Metaphysical State foundation questions: How should the
- considered as a human institution & individual & the state relate?)
therefore absolute (cannot be changed) - differs from other subfield in political
- considered as a human institution (no science that deals primarily with
longer divide) but almost worshipped as a historical & normative rather than
perfect institution empirical analysis
- began with the ancient greeks, Aristotle & - deals with the definition & fundamental
Plato thought that the state was the concept of political science:
means to develop the highest potential a. state e. equality
of the individual b. government f. justice
- claimed that “Man is by nature a political c. law g. sovereignty
animal” & that the state was established d. liberty
for the greatest good of the greatest
number of citizens 2. Public Law
- regulate the structure & administration
- his political philosophy expounded The of the government
Republic & Laws an attempt to - the conduct of government in its
describe the ideal state in terms of relation with its citizens
theory of justice - the responsibilities of government
- a firm critic of democracy employees & with foreign government
- exerted wide influence on Christianity - must be enforced by some aspect of
& European culture government interference/intrusion
Approaches f. Developmentalism
gives attention to the issues such as:
a. Traditional e. Behaviouralism
b. Philosophical f. Developmentalism i. changes in the form of government &
c. Institutionalism g. Political System military
d. Legalistic ii. expansion of political institution of the
used to explore & explain certain political iii. National investment & development
situation or event iv. development of the rule & regulations
used to explain the conditions of a society in v. distribution of national resources such
a state, international politics & examined the as money, capital goods, industrial
behavior of individual, group or political products & manpower
institution vi. conflicts in society & social problems
b. Philosophical
- emphasized on political ideas,
concepts, doctrine & theories
- important to find the answers for any
issues or problems relating social,
economical & political
→ Aristotle, Hobbes, Karl Marx & Plato
Is Political Science a Science?
c. Institutionalism advocates of the scientific approach argue
- focuses on government institution as follows:
- corruption or misuse of power: - human behavior is complex
legislative, executive & judicial body - behavior patterns/regularities can be
Montesquieu: Theory of Separation of Power discovered & verified through careful,
systematic observations
d. Legalistic - on the basis of these observations & use
- study of political sci to the legal system of statistics & mathematics laws can be
- this approach views political science as formulated on how politics operates
the primary study of constitutions &
legal codes
Political Science Social Science
- this approach as simple as historical
study Deals with the actors, Deals on societies & its
systems of governance, relationship among
e. Behaviouralism theories & thoughts of individuals within those
various Philosophers societies
emphasized on study of these matters:
i. actual behaviour of human in political
ii. role & participation of people or
individual in political, utilized the scientific
study in order that the
iii. process of exploring will be systematically
planned & arranged
when political scientists make a study of - believe that the state evolved from the
family from the clan into bigger or more
state and its political institutions, they
extensive groupings and finally the nation,
depend on history in knowing its origin, its
bound by communities and goals
growth and development, and its institutions
an analysis of the causes and factors that f. Geography
influence the state’s growth and
development makes it necessary for political It is very useful in the study of political
writers to rely on historical facts science, especially those aspects related to
external political problems, frontiers or
branch of knowledge that records &
boundaries, national power, and trade
analyzes past events
relations, which have led to galvanization of
“history has a long-range perspective” regional arrangements or associations
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
g. Philosophy
b. Economics
Political Philosophy has presented to man
by employing economic approach, a
alternative visions of the state.
student of Polsci gains an insight into the
economic conditions of the state The study of political science lacks substance
the social science that studies economic activity without political philosophy infusing certain
to gain an understanding of the processes that values in the political theories
govern the production, distribution &
consumption of goods in a country h. Jurisprudence
4. Sovereignty
2. Territory - power of the state to command &
- includes not only land over which the
enforce obedience its will from people
state exercises control but also the rivers
- the supreme and uncontrollable
& lakes therein certain area of sea
power innate in a State by which that
which borders on its coasts & the air
State is governed
space above them
The National Theory: Sec 1 Art I *Sovereignty & Independence can be used
interchangeably for a state cannot be
The national territory comprises the Philippine
archipelago, with all the islands and waters sovereign if it is not independent
embraced therein, and all other territories over
which the Philippine has Sec 1 Art II: Sovereignty resides in the people
and all government authority emanates from
a. sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its them
b. fluvial and aerial domains, including its Independence
territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the
insular shelves, and other submarine areas.” - when a country is free from external
domination or control from a foreign
Components of Philippine Territory: power
o Terrestrial = Land - synonymous with external sovereign
o Fluvial = Internal waters - the power of a State to manage its
o Aerial domains = Aerospace external affairs without direction or
o Marine = external waters both surface &
inference form another State
Sovereign/Sovereignty o State
- a country’s legitimate government is able - a political concept, legal fiction
to assert its authority & enforce its will on - has perpetual existence as long as its
its people four elements: (1) people, (2) territory,
- the broader term (3) government, (4) sovereignty, are
- with two aspects: intact
a. Internal: freedom of the state to manage - it is possible for a single state to made
its own affairs up of more than one nation
b. External: freedom of the state to direct its United States (US)
foreign affairs “melting pot” of many nations that eventually
combined into “American nation”
State concerning with State
- Present Form of the State
o Nation
- Historical Form
- Ideal Form of the State - an ethnic concept
- a sociological characteristic such as
Ideal State a. common racial origin
b. common language
- the state should act as the “trustee” of
c. common religion
the people
d. common historical experience
- it should hold people power as a trust
e. cultural & social tradition or
for welfare of people
common beliefs & creed
- it should not consider people as
- includes states such as: Egypt, Iraq,
helpless subject, but as co-rulers in its
Saudi, Lebanon, Jordan, etc. belong to
Arab nation
Duties of the State
o Government
- Peace & order
- Political Harmony (Good laws) - the only agency through which the
- Social Justice state expresses its will
- Economic Development - a state cannot exist without a
government, but is possible to have
State Distinguished from Nation a government without a state
- a comprehensive & logically ordered 1. Conservatism
set of beliefs about the nature of - importance of tradition
people, institutions & role of government - gradual social change
- human beings are imperfect & flawed
Political Ideology
- state’s role is to maintain order
- refers to a belief system that explains & - State opening of Parliament
justifies a preferred political order for - conservatives believe in hierarchy, order
society, either existing or proposed, and & tradition
offers a strategy (processes, institutions,
and programs) for its attainment Types of Conservatism:
1 2 3
Traditional One-nation Liberal
Political Ideologies
From the political perspective:
1 7
Conservatism Anarchism (LW) - Politics refers to the desire to maintain or
Liberalism 8Socialist/Socialism(LW)
conserve the existing order
3 9
Classical Liberalism Communism (LW)
4 10
Modern Liberalism Fascism (RW)
Feminism 11
Nazism (RW) a. value the wisdom of the past
b. generally opposed to widespread
a. 1st Wave (191th & 12Post-ideological
2. Liberalism
French Revolution: May 5, 1789 – Nov. 9
- individual freedom
- equality of opportunity
- government by consent American Revolution: 1765 – 1783
- state’s tole is to safeguard freedom of - it was reasoned that if the natural order
individual produced perfection, society should
- has influence a variety of movement operate freely without interference from
concerned with equal rights for all the government
- progressive liberals argued that - marked the height of such thinking:
a. Adam Smith
individual freedom was only possible if
b. David Ricardo
the state intervened to alleviate
c. Jeremy Bentham
problems (e.g. proverly) d. John Stuart Mills
- a philosophy/movement that aims for
the development of individual freedom In Great Britain & United States, the classical
and self-expression liberal theory, including the principles and
representative government, the protection of
- the concept of liberty & freedom civil liberties, and laissez-faire economics, had
and programs of liberalism change been more or less affected by the mid-19th
in different periods century
- often opposed to liberalism is the The growth of industrial society produced
doctrine of conservatism, supports the great inequalities in wealth & power, that lead
maintenance of the status quo many persons especially workers to question
- seeks what is considered to be the liberal creeds
improvement/progress, necessary - the reaction to the failure of liberalism
desires to change the existing order to provide a good life for everyone
arose Marxism & worker’s movement
Types of Liberalism:
1 3
Classical Liberalism Neo-liberalism 4. Modern Liberalism
Progressive Liberalism
1905: liberal government introduced the first Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse (L.T. Hobhouse)
school meals & Thomas Hill Green (T.H. Green)
began to look to the sate to prevent
Nick Clegg: leader of the Liberal Democrat
oppression & advance the welfare of all
Thomas Hobbes: “Leviathan” Liberal thought was soon stating that the
government should be responsible for
John Locke: Father of Liberalism; “Natural providing the minimum conditions necessary
Rights” for decent individual existence
Jeans-Jacques Rousseau: “Social Contract
5. Feminism
- seek to improve the political & social
3. Classical Liberalism economic position of women, since the
- stressed not only human rationality but belief of society & political system are
a. importance of individual property patriarchal
rights - social movements promote women’s
b. natural rights right, interests & issues
c. need for constitutional limitations a. First Wave Feminists (19th & Early 20th Century)
on government
- promoted equal contract & property
d. freedom of individual from any rights for women, opposing ownership of
kind of external restraint married women by their husbands
- drew upon the ideals of the - on late 19th century, they primarily
Enlightenment & doctrines of liberty focused on the right to vote
supported in the American and French - focused on issues of equality &
Rebvolutions discrimination
- aim is for the working class to replace d. sought to convince all parts of the
the bourgeoisie as the ruling class to new German society to subordinate
establish a society without class their person interest for the
divisions, called socialism, as a prelude “common good”
to attempting to achieve the final e. accepting political interest as the
stage of communism main priority of economic
Marxist Theory:
- a specific stage of Historical Development → tended to match the general
that inevitably emerges from the outlook of collectivism or
development of the productive forces that communitarianism rather than
leads to a superabundance of material economic socialism
wealth January 5, 1919
- allowing the distribution based on the needs - Nazi Party’s precursor, Pan-German
& social relations on freely associated nationalist & anti-Semitic German Party
individuals was founded
democracy prescribes a right that is itself totality of government power is divided and
a necessary feature of ideal democracy: distributed by the constitution to the organized
thus every member of the demos: act between the central government and
governments of the individual states or to its
a. a right to communicate with others territorial divisions of which the Federal state
b. a right to have his voted counted composed
equally with the votes of others
c. a right to gather information
d. a right to participate on an equal
footing with other member
e. to exercise control of the agenda
B. Residencia
special court conducted by the incoming
governor general to investigate the
conduct of the outgoing governor-
C. Visitador
royal investigator sent by the King to the
colony to see if the colonial officials are
behaving well (Inspector)
- Municipal Government:
Corrigimiento, Corregidor 4. Family Tree
Family is the unit of society & family life
Governments was improved.
9. Wester Education
Spanish Heritage
University of Sto. Tomas (1611) and
1Catholicism 10Printing, Books, & Newspapers Colegio de Sta. Isabel
2Hospital & Orphanages 11Literature - oldest existing school for girls
3Diet 12Theater
& Dress
Family Tree 13
Music 10. Printing, Books, & Newspapers
5Filipino 14House
Women & Villages A. Dominican Friars: 1593
6New 15Art
calendar & Spanish names B. Doctrina Christiana: 1595,first book printed
7Latin alphabet & Spanish language Science
C. Tomas Pinpin: Prince of Filipino printers
8Preservation Fiestas & Amusements
of Filipino language 17
D. Del Superior Govierno: 1811 newspaper
9Wester 18Spanish
Education Blood
11. Literature
1. Catholicism A. Pasion (1704)
- Spain’s greatest legacy - poetic story about the life & suffering
of Christ
- the Filipinos owe a lasting debt of
- Father Gasper Aquino de Belen
gratitude for making the Philippines
the only Christian nation in Asia B. Awit (heroic poems)
Spanish priests: destroyed the pagan idols C. Corrido (religious, legendary poems)
& practices of early Filipinos - Don Juan Tenioso - La India Elegnate
- Bernardo Carpio - El Negrito Amante
- Ibong Adarna
2. Hospital & Orphanages
- orphans & homeless children did not D. Francisco Balagtas
wander around - “Prince of Tagalog Poets”
- Hospicio de San Jose (1810) & St. - Florante at Laura & Orosman at Zafira
Vincent de Paul (1885)
San Juan de Dios & San Lazaro Hospital
- two of the oldest existing hospitals in Asia
Politics and Governance | 2nd Term
Politics and Governance | 2nd Term • PPT • Module
o Rafael De Izquierdo
17. Fiestas & Amusements
- revived the censorship of the press
Fiestas & religious occasions: - curtailed/reduced all talks of
Santacruzan & Flores De Mayo
political rights & Filipinization of the
Amusements: cock-fighting (sabong), parishes
Manila lottery & horse racing
Cavite Mutiny (1872)
led by Sergeant La Madrid
18. Spanish Blood
Peninsulares: originally came from Spain to o Francisco Saldua
live & work in the Philippines
Bicol ex-soldier bribed to act as a star
Insulares: Spaniards born & bred in the witness of the government against the
Philippines three priests
1 7
William H. Taft Leonard Wood 4. James F. Smith (1906-1909)
2 8
Luke E. Wright Henry L. Stimson a Democrat & catholic, the first conversion of
3 9
Henry C. Ide Dwight P. Davis this rank to belong to this religion
4 10
James F. Smith Theodore Roosevelt Jr. The Philippine Assembly
William Cameron Forbes 11 Frank H. Murphy - inaugurated on Oct. 16, 1907 at the
Francis Burton Harrison Manila Grand Opera House
Sergio Osmena: Speaker of the Assembly
1. William H. Taft (1901-1904) Manuel L. Quezon: majority floor leader
- the policy of “The Philippines for the According to the Terms of Philippine
Bill of 1902: to constitute a sort of a lower
house of the legislative with the Philippine
- stopped the greedy American capitalists
Commission acting in the manner of a
from exploiting natural resources Senate
- helped the enactment of the Philippine
Bill of 1902 by the US Congress
a. Do you approve on the New Constitution?
b. Do you still want a plebiscite to be called
to ratify the New Constitution?