Ayesha ID
Ayesha ID
Ayesha ID
People of the whole world are not taking this virus seriously as well as Bangladesh at the
beginning. Outside country like Italy, China, America, us do not take this virus seriously because
of that these countries seeing miserable time. Many people from these countries are affected now.
In Bangladesh, people are conscious, but they are not able to sit at home during the lockdown
because they don't have enough money to survive.
There is various thinking between every aspect of people. The first aspect is social class. The very
social people, they break the rules during lockdown for attending social parties. They thought
about social value. The second thing is the people who have a relation to education. That's mean
the students of schools and universities. They believe that life is a valuable thing. So, they are
against the idea of attending school during the lockdown. Thirdly, I think females are more
conscious than males. Men are careful about wearing a mask and sanitizing hand because of this
nature. Fourthly, there are many different ways between every religion to deal with this
coronavirus. Fifthly, age is an essential thing. The diverse thinking between younger and older
people. In the beginning, the older people are not taking this coronavirus issue seriously. On the
other hand, younger people are more conscious about it.
According to coronavirus, the Bangladesh government declares a temporary lockdown for the
safety of her peoples. The government takes many effective ways of reducing coronavirus effects
or recovering the patient who got effected. They serve free tests for coronavirus. They closed all
schools, universities, offices, etc. the police officers are ensuring the government's decision
properly. The government told all people to try to avoid social contact. The people of all countries
should be aware of coronavirus. All people have to maintain some rules like washing hands,
covering the face, covering mouth during a sneeze, avoid social contact, and monitoring a current
health condition. If someone gets sick as soon as possible, he has to inform the nearest hospital.
All above this virus till now has no antidote. So, we can control this virus by consciousness and
staying at home.
“Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that are common among animals. In rare cases, they
are what scientists call zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans,
according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” (Senthilingam, 2020) “A
pandemic is “the worldwide spread of a new disease,” for which people do not have immunity,
that has spread globally at an alarming speed and an alarming level of severity, according to the
WHO. The coronavirus turns into a pandemic. In the past few months, false news and conspiracy
theories about the coronavirus have invaded the internet. We have all seen reports that the virus
was intentionally created for personal gain by Bill Gates, or that medical practitioners from Europe
and North America use the situation to check dangerous vaccines on African populations, or that
the virus does not even exist etc. These all are fake news. No one could prove something. Fake
news can spread in any way. here's some example:
Firstly, some people didn't follow social distancing; also, they are criticizing this idea. When this
idea turned into a government rule, the police stand up and take action against the people who
were not maintaining the law. These people are threatening the police. They spread adverse effects.
Secondly, some people are claiming that viruses do not exist. This statement made some people
uncareful regarding the action they need to take to protect themselves. Thirdly, some people claim
that the virus is not much harmful. For this thought, in recent times, some countries like Italy,
America are in a dangerous position. The coronavirus already spread pandemic. If we are not
careful about this virus, it will be a curse for us too.
Political parties are performing a significant task in government. They 're bringing people together
to understand govt control. To develop policies that favor their interests or support groups, and to
organize and persuade voters to elect their candidates for office. Although heavily involved at the
least level in the operation of the state, political parties are not the govt itself, and thus the
Constitution makes no mention of them. the functions of political parties are:
A Bridge between People and Government: Political parties are major "input" devices that allow
citizens to urge the government to hear their needs. Individuals stand-alone without parties and
ignored by the government. Citizens can have some impact on political decisions by working in
or voting for a celebration. At the very least, parties give people the feeling that they are not entirely
powerless, and this belief helps to maintain the legitimacy of government, one reason even
dictatorships celebrate.
Aggregation of Interests: Melding different interests into the channels of general parties. The
collection of interest is the activity in which group and individual political demands combined into
a policy program. If the best kind of political organization were interest groups, the government
would be chaotic and unstable. Parties tend to manage and settle conflicts of interest by aggregating
interest — pulling their different interests together into a more significant organization.
Integration into Political System: Parties also draw in the form of previously overlooked
government groups. Parties typically invite new groups into their ranks, allowing them a say or
contribution to creating forums for parties. Group leaders feel respected and build a way of
effectiveness and commitment to the program.
Political Socialization: Parties also teach their leaders the way the political game played. Parties
present candidates or elected officials to voters and teach them how to talk in public, attend
meetings, and negotiate, thus increasing their political expertise and creating trust among them for
the party as a whole. Parties are the leadership training grounds, too.
Mobilization of Voter: Parties are mobilizing voters to whip up interest in campaigning for their
candidates and boost turnout. Many citizens would ignore elections without Party advertising.
Organization of the Government: The winning party gets jobs and power from the government,
and shifts its way to politics. The faction that has the most U.S. seats The House or Senate appoints
chamber leaders and committee chairpersons. A new president will nominate some 3,000 people
to executive departments and agencies, enabling the party to implement policies for at least four
years. However, in no system does a celebration control the government ultimately, for bureaucrats
are also quite powerful.
Bangladesh's three main parties include the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and the
Bangladesh Awami League and Jatiya Party. BNP finds its allies among certain Islamist parties
such as Jamaat-e - Islami Bangladesh while the Awami League traditionally aligns with leftist and
secularist parties such as Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal. The Jatiya Party, led by former military ruler
Hossain Mohammad Ershad and his wife Rowshan Ershad, is another significant group. The
rivalry between the Awami League and the BNP has been bitter and punctuated with
demonstrations, abuse, and murder. Student politics in Bangladesh is particularly strong, a legacy
from the liberation movement era. Nearly all parties have highly active student wings, and students
elected to the Parliament.
Within the current government, there are three kinds of party systems viz. Single Party, Multi-
Party, and Two-Party Systems. One party controls the govt in a single-party order. Examples
include North Korea, China, Cuba. Two significant parties rival for government power in a two-
party order. Two-party system examples include: we, U.K. Political parties, operate in these
countries apart from two main rivals, but they usually struggle to gain sufficient votes or seats in
elections. Several smaller, non-majority parties with divergent interests will seek control in
multiparty structure, and governments are generally coalition governments. Examples of such
systems are Germany and Israel. Although India still has a multiparty policy, the Indian party
system generally considered unique. It does not fit into any of the classifications that would usually
categorize the party systems as above.
People in the United States have strong views on everything – just like the rest of the planet. And
there are many parties in the U.S. that reflect the broad selection of American people's political,
cultural, and societal views. But the American voting system requires that only two parties
represent them all. Third parties have trouble getting their candidates onto the ballots. When two
significant parties dominate a country's politics, one party generally holds the bulk in government.
The faction that retains the amount continues to shift over the years, as it does within the U.S. The
two-party system intended to have more excellent stability as the winning party will have the bulk
of Parliament and rule without forming coalitions as in multiparty systems.
The conflict was a time of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and its satellite states
(the Eastern Bloc), and thus us and its allies (the Western Bloc) following World War II. in 1917,
the cold war started. After completing the Yalta Conference between Churchill, Roosevelt, and
Stalin to decide what would happen at the end of the war. There are many types of events.
V E Day: Great Britain and thus us celebrate Victory in Europe Day on May 8, 1945. Cities in
both countries, even in Western Europe as formerly occupied cities, put up flags and banners,
rejoicing in the Nazi military's defeat during war II.
Potsdam Conference: “The Potsdam Conference, held in the vicinity of Berlin from July 17-
August 2, 1945, was the last of the extensive Three meetings during War II. The meeting in
Potsdam formally divided Germany and Austria into four zones. It also agreed that they would
divide Berlin into four zones. The Polish border with Russia decided that Korea should be divided
into Soviet and American zones.” (history.com, 2009)
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: “On Transfiguration, a US B-29 bomber dropped the world's first
deployed atom bomb over Hiroshima, Japan, during War II (1939-45). The blast destroyed 90
percent of the city and killed 80,000 people immediately; tens of thousands more would later die
from exposure to radiation. A second B-29 then dropped another A-bomb on Nagasaki three days
later, killing an estimated 40,000 people. In a radio address on Assumption, Japan's Emperor
Hirohito announced the unconditional surrender of his country in War II, citing the devastating
power of a new and cruelest bomb.” (history.com, Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 2009)
Vietnam Independence: “September 2, 1945, Hours after Japan surrendered to war II, Vietnamese
communist Ho Chi Minh proclaimed Vietnam's independence from France. The U.S. paraphrased
the proclamation in announcing, "All men are born equal: The Creator has granted us inviolable
rights, life, freedom, and happiness! "And a huge crowd gathered on the Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi
cheered. It would be 30 years; however, before Ho's dream of a united, communist Vietnam
became a reality.” (history.com, Vietnam declares its independence from France, 2010)
Marshall Plan: “On June 5, 1947, the Marshall Plan essentially provided aid per capita to the
recipients, with larger amounts given to major industrial powers, such as West Germany, France,
and Great Britain. This was supported by Marshall's and his advisers' assumption that recovery in
these larger nations was essential for the overall recovery of Europe.” (history.com, Marshall Plan,
Berlin Blockade: “The Berlin Blockade was an effort by the Soviet Union in 1948 to restrict the
ability of the U.S., Great Britain, and France to move to their Berlin sectors, which exist within
Russia-occupied East Germany. The simmering tensions between the Soviet Union and its former
World War II allies exploded in the city of Berlin in June 1948 into a full-blown crisis. Alarmed
by the new U.S. policy of providing economic assistance to Germany and other poor European
nations, as well as Western Allies' attempts to implement a common currency into the areas they
controlled in Germany and Berlin, the Soviets blocked all access to the western zones of Berlin by
rail, road, and canal. Some 2.5 million civilians suddenly had no access to food, medicine, fuel,
electricity. The Berlin Blockade, and the Berlin Airlift-shaped Allied response, marked the first
major Cold War conflict.” (history.com, Berlin Blockade, 2010)
Korean war: “The Korean War began on June 25, 1950, when some 75,000 North Korean People's
Army soldiers poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary between North Korea's soviet-backed
Democratic People's Republic and South Korea's pro-Western Republic. This invasion was the
Cold War's first military action. Before the war even started, close to 10,000 North and South
Korean soldiers were killed in battle.” (History.com, 2009)
There were many types of events in the cold war. The Cold War ended in 1991.
“A trade war formally started on Friday morning between the world's two largest economies since
the Trump administration followed through with its threat of placing tariffs on Chinese goods
worth $34 billion, a significant escalation of a conflict that would damage companies and
consumers in both us and China. It predicted that the growth of the trade war from threat to reality
would erupt through global supply chains, raise costs for businesses and consumers. Also, roiling
global stock markets have been volatile in anticipation of a protracted trade struggle between us
and almost everyone else.” (sawnson, 2018) Donald Trump's involve a 25% tariff on Chinese
goods is winning him tons of attention as he weighed a presidential run in 2012. But Trump seems
to be overlooking the results that his policy would likely trigger: a destructive trade war and better
prices, consistent with some experts. "In a trade war, everybody loses. Some may lose more than
others, but everybody loses," said Nicholas Lardy, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for
International Economics, who has been a vocal critic of China's trade and currency policies. Most
economists would accept as accurate with Trump's logic that China is holding down the worth of
its currency to offer its manufacturers a plus when selling goods to the U.S. (Isidore, 2011) Many
things are here which Trump band from China.
1) Bill vs. Law: A bill is a proposed law submitted for deliberation and approval to the legislature
and Law is a system of rules implemented with the help of law enforcement systems. The most
crucial difference to remember is that a bill is a legislative proposal or a law. Unless approved, it
cannot be enacted in Law or put into effect. It ceases to exist if lawmakers decide against it or if
the Executive Office does not approve the proposed Law. If both houses support a bill, and the
executive officer signs it, it becomes enforced by Law as a statute.
2) Majority vs. Absolute Majority: A majority in which the best number of votes cast for any
candidate, issue or item exceeds the second-highest number, but is not a majority. On the other
side, more than half is called the total majority of all rivals combined.
3) Unicameral vs. Bicameral: Bicameral and Unicameral are two kinds of legislatures that
demonstrate some difference between them in terms of their functioning and features. The upper
house of the bicameral parliament is. The unicameral parliament, on the opposite hand, has no
upper house. Unicameral is a very significant difference between the two words.
4) Cadre vs. Non-cadre officer: Frame the critical group of officers and enlisted personnel
needed to identify and train a military replacement force. On the other hand, a non-cadre officer
is a tracking officer for staff.
5) Gazetted vs. Non-Gazetted officer: A Gazetted officer is one whose name is published by the
Govt in the official gazette when he becomes a gazetted officer either by direct appointment or
by promotion, and one who has served under a gazetted officer is a non-gazetted officer.
Part-2 (quiz-2)
In decision analysis, the prisoner's dilemma is a phenomenon in which two people acting in their
own self-interests do not achieve the desired outcome. The typical prisoner's dilemma is set up in
such a way that both parties elect to protect themselves at the other participant 's expense. As a
result, both participants in the decision-making process find themselves in a worse state than if
they had cooperated with each other. One of the most well-known concepts of modern game
theory is the prisoner's dilemma. This game is a phycological game. Now, I am going to explain
the prisoner's dilemma game:
1. There are two accused of a crime. When there is no witness. In that time, the accused get
interrogated. One is A, and the second one is B. A does not know in which room B kept.
In the same way, B does not know about A. the police kept them in separate rooms.
Prisoner B Prisoner B stays silent Prisoner B betrays
(cooperates) (defects)
Prisoner A
Prisoner A stays silent Each serves 1 year Prisoner A: 3 year
(cooperates) Prisoner B: goes free
Prisoner A betrays Prisoner A: goes free Each serves 2 years
(defects) Prisoner B: 3 year
2. Each accused is free to choose either to tell everything nor remain silent.
3. If A confesses and B remains silent, then A goes free, and B goes jail for three years.
4. If B confesses and A remains silent, then B goes free, and A goes jail for three years.
5. If A and B both remain silent, then each serves one-year (1+1) punishment.
6. If A and B both confess, then each server two years (2+2) punishment.
“The Dilemma of the Prisoner teaches many lessons about communicating individuals. A very
prominent lesson concerns standards of rationality, the one I treat and call its lesson. This lesson
reveals profound points regarding the relationship between the standards of rationality for
individuals and their group standards.” (Weirich, 2015)
Separation of power theory is a theory that depends on in separated section between the executive,
legislative, and judicial powers of a government. The government divided by bodies, usually
known as legislative, executive, and legal. Legislative bodies are concerned with creating
executive officers of the law, administering the law and judicial officers, defining the purpose of
the law, and applying it to persons in cases of conflict or failure to comply. The theory these
functions should be performed by different bodies of persons, that each department should be
limited to its sphere of action without interfering with the others, and that within that sphere, it
should be independent is called the theory of the separation of powers. For example, in many
countries, the judiciary can declare the laws that the legislature has made. In many states, the
executive controls the legislature, or the government can remove the executive. That means there
are three organs but in a joint to each other. One controls another. But the writer named
Montesquieu, who has believed in the separation of power theory. He thinks that if the three organs
are connected, then there will be no freedom. The first time Montesquieu scientifically discussed
and explained the separation of power. In his famous book "Spirit of laws" in 1748, he describes
the separation of control, influenced by British law. Montesquieu visited England. He came to
know about separate requirements. England's peoples are happy with their government because of
these different laws.
For example, The U.S. government 's executive, legislative, and judicial branches — are governed
respectively by the President, Congress, and thus the Supreme Court. Every of the U.S.
government's divisions given their roles and responsibilities. This rule is to prevent a private ruler
from being able to regulate all aspects of the state.
Executive Branch:
President heads the U.S. government's executive branch. Among other things, the executive branch
is responsible for completing the instructions given to it by Congress.
Legislative Branch:
The branch is that branch of state that Congress travels. The House makes it of Representatives,
and hence the Senate. The department is empowered to pass bills, declare war and ratify treaties.
Judicial Branch:
The Supreme Court ranks at the top of the U.S. government branch. During a process called
"judicial review," the department reviews whether a law is constitutional or not. It also determines
how Congress meant laws were to interpreted at the time they wrote.
Checks and Balances:
Checks and balances may be a system built into the United States. Constitution, to be restrained
by each branch of the state. It intended to stop any branch usurping an excessive amount of power.
The State branch has a large amount of control over the opposite branches and its abilities.
Civil law may be a collection of statutes specifying and protecting citizens' privacy rights,
including legal remedy that can be pursued during a dispute and covering areas of law such as
contracts, torts, property, and family law. Civil law derives from ancient Rome 's rules that used
principles to establish a code that dictated how legal problems resolved. On the other hand,
Criminal law, the body of law that defines criminal offenses, regulates the apprehension,
prosecution, and trial of suspects, and fixes the penalties and treatment methods applicable to
convicted offenders.
In civil law, the penalty refers to financial compensation even in the event of any loss or injury.
However, the sentence complies with the particular legislation of the nation or state under which
the statute infringed. In general, cases include probation, financial compensation, and some
swear examples that may consist of life imprisonment and the death penalty.
Famous examples of issues falling under the scope of civil law are disputes between two entities,
the effect of divorce, the difference between owner and employer, the conflict between landlord
and tenant, and another related issue. In comparison, typical examples of criminal law violations
include stealing, robbery, abduction, rape, torture, etc.
Part-3 (Quiz-3)
Teaching hospitals
Specialised hospitals
District hospitals
General hospitals
Medical colleges
Upazila Health Complexes
Union Health and Family Welfare Centers
Community clinics
from an entirely successful health system. The public sector of Bangladesh hospitals could not
give enough support to their people. The leading cause is the massive population of Bangladesh.
The number of public hospitals is not enough. Now let's talk about private hospitals, these are very
expensive. These hospitals take a lot of money. Poor or middle-class people could not afford these
expenses. So that many there are lots of people dying for want of proper treatment. But there were
many success stories in the health field of Bangladesh. Bangladesh has already met its MDG target
of reducing the mortality rate of under-five people. Data from the 2011 Sample Vital Registration
System (SVRS) show that the under-five mortality rate in 2011 was 44 per 1,000 live births,
compared with 146 in 1991. The MDG target is also on track to reduce infant mortality rates.
Bangladesh was prosperous in taming many infectious diseases. Given these successes, the health
system in Bangladesh continues to experience many drawbacks. Many of the health system's main
weaknesses include.
In my opinion, coronavirus is till now a fatal disease. Because it directly affected the human
immune system and created shortness of breath. “Coronaviruses are an outsized group of viruses
that are common among animals. In rare cases, they're what scientists call zoonotic, meaning they
will be transmitted from animals to humans, consistent with the US Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.” (Senthilingam, 2020) In the world, coronavirus spread quickly because of the
virus is a touchable virus. In Bangladesh, the virus spread by those who have come from abroad.
In the beginning, Bangladesh confirmed 3 cases that had affected by a coronavirus. Bangladesh's
health system is claiming that there is no shortage of PPE (personal protective equipment). But in
my opinion, some new condition says that there is a massive shortage of medical equipment. The
government of Bangladesh could not provide doctors with safety accurately. The number of
coronaviruses is increasing day by day in Bangladesh.
Till now the number of affected people is more than 2000 per day, and it is increasing day by day.
For the first time, some unscrupulous businessmen increase the rate of masks, hand sanitizers,
medicines, mouth wash, goggles, face shields. The people who already got effected by a
Coronavirus; they need oxygen supply for breathing. But the cylinder of gas is so expensive now.
For example, the gas cylinder rate was 2000taka, but now it is sold by 4000-6000 taka. In hospitals,
there is a shortage of nurses and doctors. In Bangladesh every day, many people are dying by many
other complications. So, they need medical help, but during this situation, doctors and nurses' life
are also at risk. Day by day, many doctors and nurses are also affected by a coronavirus.
There is a shortage of PPE for doctors in hospitals. Some doctors also buy PPE by his own expense.
Some health organizations predict that a coronavirus could affect a total of 2 million people in
Bangladesh. The government of Bangladesh is trying to do best about this condition to solve
problems. They already declare lock-down and marks the red zone. But some people don't
understand this situation. The garments workers are doing protests for opening the garments. Some
political parties are also taking advantage of this situation. They create problems for the
government. There is also a risk of Rohingya refugees. Because there is a small place, in this little
place, millions of people live together. If some people are affected by this virus, then many people
will be changed and die quickly. “The World Health Organization cautioned that panic buying and
hoarding of medical masks and other protective equipment during coronavirus outbreak is causing
shortages that threaten the lives of health care workers." The risk to health care workers round the
world is real without secure supply chains," Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general
of the WHO, said during a statement. "Industry and governments must act swiftly to spice up
supply, ease export constraints, and put in situ measures to prevent speculation and hoarding.
Without first protecting the health workers, we cannot stop COVID-19."” (Golgowski, 2020)
Biswas, A. I. (2014, 11). Health system in Bangladesh: Challenges and opportunities . American Journal of
Health Research, 2, 366-374. doi:10.11648/j.ajhr.20140206.18
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