ICAO SR 2020 Final Web
ICAO SR 2020 Final Web
ICAO SR 2020 Final Web
Safety Report
2020 Edition
A specialized agency of the United Nations, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was
established in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout
the world.
ICAO promulgates Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) to facilitate harmonized regulations in
aviation safety, security, efficiency and environmental protection on a global basis. Today, ICAO manages
over 12 000 SARPs across the 19 Annexes and five Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) to the
Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), many of which are constantly evolving in
tandem with latest developments and innovations. ICAO serves as the primary forum for co-operation in
all fields of civil aviation among its 193 Member States.
Improving the safety of the global air transport system is ICAO’s guiding and most fundamental strategic
objective. The Organization works constantly to address and enhance global aviation safety through the
following coordinated activities:
The ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) presents the strategy in support of the prioritization and
continuous improvement of aviation safety. The GASP sets the goals and targets and outlines key safety
enhancement initiatives (SEIs) aimed at improving safety at the international, regional and national levels.
This edition of the Safety Report is structured in alignment with the 2020–2022 edition of GASP and
the new edition of the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP), which provides global strategic guidelines to
drive the evolution of the air navigation system. This report provides a summary of initiatives to improve
aviation safety and provides updates on some safety performance indicators (SPIs), including accidents
that occurred in 2019, and related risk factors. Results of analysis from the 2015–2019 reports are used
as benchmarks for comparison, although it must be noted that numbers presented in this report may not
exactly match earlier editions due to data updates during the intervening period.
This report makes use of information, including air transport and safety-related data and statistics, which is furnished
to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) by third parties. All third party content was obtained from
sources believed to be reliable and was accurately reproduced in the report at the time of printing. However, ICAO
specifically does not make any warranties or representations as to the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of
such information and accepts no liability or responsibility arising from reliance upon or use of the same. The views
expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect individual or collective opinions or official positions of ICAO
Member States.
Note: The ICAO regional aviation safety group (RASG) regions are used in the report and are listed in Appendix 1. This
document focuses primarily on scheduled commercial flights. The scheduled commercial flights data was based on
the Official Airline Guide (OAG) combined with internal ICAO preliminary estimates.
Executive Summary...........................................................................................................................5
2020–2022 edition of the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP).......................................................9
Effective Implementation of State Safety Oversight System................................................................12
Implementation Support for Safety Management................................................................................ 16
ICAO Technical Assistance Activities..................................................................................................22
Safety Recommendations addressed to ICAO....................................................................................23
Accident Statistics and Analysis – Scheduled Commercial Air Transport..............................................24
Overall Safety Performance Indicator – Global Accident Rate...........................................................24
Accident and Fatality Trend............................................................................................................25
Accidents Overview by Occurrence Category..................................................................................26
High-risk Categories of Occurrence................................................................................................27
Regional Accident Statistics...........................................................................................................29
Accidents by RASG Region.............................................................................................................30
GSIE Harmonized Accident Rate.....................................................................................................31
Safety Enhancement Initiatives..........................................................................................................35
Regional cooperation and GASOS...................................................................................................35
The future of aviation Communications, Navigation, Surveillance and Frequency Spectrum................37
Cabin Safety.................................................................................................................................39
Runway Safety – 2019 Success Story............................................................................................ 41
A competency-based approach to dangerous goods training and assessment...................................43
ANC Talks.....................................................................................................................................44
COVID-19 pandemic – The ICAO Council Aviation Recovery Task Force..............................................45
COVID-19 pandemic – CAPSCA and the Public Health Corridor.........................................................49
COVID-19 pandemic – Update on operational safety activities..........................................................51
COVID-19 pandemic – Safety Risk Management...............................................................................53
COVID-19 pandemic – Strategies for UAS.......................................................................................54
COVID-19 pandemic – Aerodrome Operations and Infrastructure......................................................56
Appendix 1......................................................................................................................................57
Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG) Regions..............................................................................57
Appendix 2......................................................................................................................................59
List of Scheduled Commercial Accidents in 2019............................................................................59
CICTT Occurrence Categories........................................................................................................63
Executive Summary
Yearly accident statistics indicate an increase in both the total number of accidents as well as the global
accident rate in 2019. From 2018 to 2019, there was a 16 per cent increase in the total number of
accidents, as reported by States. The global accident rate of 2.9 accidents per million departures also
increased by 12 per cent from the 2018 rate of 2.6 accidents per million departures. The accidents used
for these statistics were reviewed and validated by the ICAO Safety Indicators Study Group (SISG), and
involved scheduled commercial operations of aircraft with a certified maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of
over 5 700 kg as defined in ICAO Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation.
92 88
6 7 50 5 11 6
In 2019, scheduled commercial air transport accidents resulted in 239 fatalities representing a significant
decrease from 514 in 2018. The number of fatal accidents also decreased from 11 in 2018 to six in 2019.
Figure 1 shows the number of fatal accidents by ICAO RASG region.
Fatal Accidents
10 Accident Rate
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
The 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly was convened in Montréal from 24 September to 4 October 2019,
during which it agreed on resolution A40-1: ICAO global planning for safety and air navigation, endorsing
the 2020–2022 edition of Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP, Doc 10004). The Assembly also agreed to
the following safety-related resolutions:
• A40-3: Protection of safety data and safety information collected for maintaining or improving safety
and of flight recorder recordings in normal operations;
• A40-6: Regional cooperation and assistance to resolve safety deficiencies, establishing priorities and
setting measurable targets.
The third High-level Safety Conference (HLSC 2021), which has been tentatively scheduled a year ahead
of the 41st Session of the ICAO Assembly, will provide a forum for technical discussions to formulate a
set of high-level recommendations and decisions on main safety issues as well as selected air navigation
matters. These recommendations will be taken into consideration for the preparation of the Business Plan
and Budget to be presented to the 41st Assembly.
The 2020–2022 edition of the GASP presents a series of goals, targets and indicators to support its
vision, which is to achieve and maintain the aspirational safety goal of zero fatalities in commercial oper-
ations by 2030 and beyond, and its mission, which is to continue to enhance aviation safety performance
internationally by providing a collaborative framework for States, regions and industry.
The purpose of the GASP is to continuously reduce fatalities and the risk of fatalities. To do so, it presents
five high-risk categories of occurrence (HRCs) all States need to address, namely: controlled flight into
terrain (CFIT), loss of control in-flight (LOC-I), runway excursion (RE), runway incursion (RI) and mid-air
collision (MAC). Through the GASP, ICAO provides safety enhancement initiatives (SEIs) to continuously
reduce operational safety risks and implement regional and industry safety risk management activities
to address the HRCs.
ICAO is committed to improving aviation safety and fostering cooperation and communication among
stakeholders. ICAO works closely with established regional entities, such as regional aviation safety
groups (RASGs), regional safety oversight organizations (RSOOs), cooperative development of opera-
tional safety and continuing airworthiness programmes (COSCAPs) and regional accident and incident
investigation organizations (RAIOs), to identify hazards and mitigate regional operational safety risks.
The ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA)
determines States’ capabilities for safety oversight by assessing and monitoring the effective implemen-
tation (EI) of the critical elements (CEs) of a safety oversight system. The global average EI increased
from 67.43 per cent in 2018 to 68.83 percent in 2019, with 46 per cent of States having achieved the
2022 target of 75 per cent EI, as established in the 2020–2022 edition of the GASP. In 2019, ten ICAO
Member States had a total of six Significant Safety Concerns (SSCs) in the areas of Personnel Licensing,
Aircraft Operations and Air Navigation Services. As of December 2019, three State safety programme
implementation assessments (SSPIAs) were conducted for three States.
Toward the end of 2019, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic began gaining momentum and
created a situation that would be very disruptive for the aviation industry. ICAO responded with the timely
development of guidance material, practical checklists and tools to support States in the implementation
of contingency arrangements to reduce the risks of the spread of COVID-19 and to restart the aviation
system from the crisis.
In response to existing and emerging trends, ICAO is working in partnership with the international aviation
community to achieve future safety improvements, with an emphasis on improving safety performance
through standardization, monitoring and implementation. The 2020 edition of the Safety Report, as
usual, provides a high-level summary of ICAO’s achievements to enhance aviation safety in 2019 and
updates key safety performance indicators with reference to the 2015–2019 time period. In addition,
it includes some initiatives to support States for managing safety risks during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The GASP’s aspirational safety goal is to achieve and maintain zero fatalities in commercial operations by
2030 and beyond. This goal is deemed “aspirational” as it represents an ambition of achieving an even
safer aviation system. The year 2030 has been selected as the period for reaching this goal as the traffic
volume is forecasted to double by then. It is also the target year for the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development and the GASP has been aligned with the timelines of this Agenda.
GASP Goals
A series of goals support the aspirational safety goal. These goals also contribute to the achievement
of several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2020–2022 edition of the GASP contains six
goals as shown in Figure 2.
GASP Targets
Each GASP goal contains one or more targets with specific desired outcomes from actions taken by
States, regions and industry to achieve the goal within a set timeframe, as shown in Figure 3.
The high-risk categories of occurrence (HRCs) need to be addressed to mitigate the risk of fatalities. The types
of occurrences deemed global HRCs (previously referred to as “global safety priorities”) were selected
based on actual fatalities, high fatality risk per accident, or the number of accidents and incidents.
The following HRCs, in no particular order, have been identified for the 2020–2022 edition of the GASP:
The GASP also includes the global aviation safety roadmap, which serves as an action plan that
addresses organizational challenges (ORG roadmap) and operational safety risks (OPS roadmap) to assist
the aviation community in achieving its goals through a structured, common frame of reference for all
relevant stakeholders. The ORG roadmap, as shown in Figure 4, is made up of two components, which
focuses on the State safety oversight system and the State safety programme (SSP). The OPS roadmap
focuses on the continuous reduction of operational safety risks, and regional and industry safety risk
management activities to address the HRCs.
Effective Implementation of
State Safety Oversight System
Each ICAO Member State should establish and implement an effective safety oversight system, in order
to address all areas of aviation activities. The Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP)
Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) measures the effective implementation (EI) of a State’s safety
oversight system.
To standardize the conduct of audits under USOAP CMA, ICAO established protocol questions (PQs)
based on safety-related ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) established in the Annexes
to the Chicago Convention, Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) and ICAO guidance material.
Each PQ contributes to assessing the EI of one of the eight critical elements (CEs) in one of the eight
audit areas. The eight CEs are:
The use of standardized PQs ensures transparency, quality, consistency, reliability and fairness in the
conduct and implementation of USOAP CMA activities.
Figure 6 shows that as of 15 March 2020, the average EI for audited States was 68.83 per cent. It was
67.43 per cent for the same period in 2019. 46 per cent of the States have an EI of above 75 per cent – all
States are expected to achieve this (Target 2.1) by 2022. Figure 7 shows a map of all the ICAO Member
States having an overall EI above the target. Six of ICAO’s 193 Member States had not yet received a
USOAP audit.
Global Average
68.8% 46%
States, listed in alphabetical order, with an EI above 75 per cent (as of 15 March 2020)
Examining the results by CE, Chart 4 shows that only CE-1 and CE-2 have achieved the target of 75 per cent.
No audit areas, however, with the exception of AIR, have achieved the target of 75 per cent EI as indicated
in Chart 5. More information about USOAP CMA results can be found in the latest USOAP report, which is
published every three years, on the ICAO website https://www.icao.int/safety/CMAForum/Documents/
71.2 70.1 71.3
59.7 60.2
74.9 74.9
71.8 71.6
Implementation Support
for Safety Management
Safety Management
Implementation website
The Safety Management Implementation (SMI)
website (www.icao.int/SMI) was developed to
complement the fourth edition of the Safety
Management Manual (Doc 9859), which contains
guidance to support Amendment 1 to Annex 19
– Safety Management. The website serves as a
repository for the sharing of practical examples and tools among the aviation community in support of
effective safety management implementation, including those related to safety oversight systems in
support of the No Country Left Behind (NCLB) initiative.
As of 15 March 2020, there are 65 practical examples posted on the website. In 2019, more than 11 700
visitors from 177 Member States and all ICAO Regions visited the website. Practical examples and tools
are being collected and developed on a continuous basis through coordination with relevant expert groups
and once validated by the Safety Management Panel are posted on the SMI website. The goal is to have
practical examples and tools demonstrating each policy, procedure, activity or process mentioned in the
fourth edition of Doc 9859 by 2021.
The second High-level Safety Conference held in Montréal, from 2 to 5 February 2015 (HLSC 2015)
recommended that States use the self-reporting SSP Gap Analysis tool, available on the ICAO integrated
Safety Trends Analysis and Reporting System (iSTARS). The application was updated in 2019 to reflect
Amendment 1 to Annex 19 and the fourth edition of Doc 9859. It now comprises 62 questions, which
cover all the requirements of an SSP and provides project owners the opportunity to develop an imple-
mentation plan to address the gaps identified.
As of 15 March 2020, 135 Member States had created an SSP gap analysis project on iSTARS, with four
States indicating completion of their SSP implementation plan at level 4. Detailed information can be
found in Chart 6.
63 59
0 4
Completed In Progress
Of the 943 USOAP Protocol Questions (PQs), 299 of these are used to assess the foundation of an
effective State safety programme (SSP). They are referred to as “SSP foundation PQs” and are grouped
into subject areas. States should include the resolution of these PQs as part of their SSP implementation
plan. The concept of “SSP foundation” replaces the 60 per cent EI score, previously used in the GASP, as
a threshold to be achieved before starting SSP implementation. Rather than serving as a prerequisite, the
intent is to include these PQs as part of the SSP implementation plan to ensure the SSP will be effective
and sustainable. States are expected to reach 100 per cent for this indicator, eliminating the need to
achieve a prerequisite before even starting their SSP implementation. The full list of SSP foundation PQs
can be found on the SSP Foundation tool, available on iSTARS since 2017. As of 15 March 2020, the
global average EI of SSP Foundation PQs is 73.71 per cent, as shown in Figure 9.
Those PQs are not linked to critical elements (CEs), but to applicable SSP components. They are broken
down into eight areas:
The relationship between USOAP CMA PQs, USOAP SSP Foundation PQs and USOAP SSP-related PQs are
shown in the Figure 10 below.
Figure 10. | Relationship between SSP Foundation PQs and SSP-related PQs
As part of Phase 1, from 2018 through 2020, ICAO is conducting voluntary and non-confidential SSPIAs.
As of December 2019, three SSPIAs were completed under Phase 1 for Finland, Spain and the United
Arab Emirates. The SSPIA final reports, which contain a summary of achievements in SSP implementa-
tion, is available to all ICAO Member States on the USOAP CMA Online Framework (OLF).
In 2020, ICAO will start developing guidance to support the determination of maturity level for each
SSP-related PQ. Phase 2 of the SSPIAs conducted in 2021 and onwards, will use this guidance to support
the determination of maturity levels. This will measure a State’s progress in SSP implementation, quan-
titatively. The assessment tool, including SSP-related PQs and guidance will be published on the OLF at
least six months in advance of the first SSPIA scheduled to be conducted under Phase 2.
The ICAO Safety Information Monitoring System (SIMS) is a web-based safety Output Filter
data and information system comprised of applications that generate indica-
tors to support ICAO Member States in their safety management efforts. SIMS Application
promotes cooperation amongst States and industry to collect and analyse avail-
able information pertinent to the monitoring of safety performance.
SIMS resides on the ICAO secure portal and currently has more than 400 users
from 70 ICAO Member States. The evolution of SIMS continues as ICAO Member Data Store
States are encouraged to join this project. Currently available applications on
SIMS include: Horizontal Flight Efficiency (Airspace Monitoring); Vertical Flight
Data Schema
Efficiency (Approach Monitoring); Runway Safety Event Monitoring; Foreign
Ramp Inspections data sharing; and Occurrences Monitoring. Each application has indicators allowing
States to monitor the safety performance of their State. The Foreign Ramp Inspections data sharing
application, allows safety information sharing within the RASG regions.
For more information about SIMS, visit www.icao.int/safety/sims or send an email to sims@icao.int to
initiate your participation.
In total, over two hundred participants from 130 States attended the SMCBWs, as shown in Figure 11 below.
Furthermore, an updated version of the ICAO Safety Management Online Course was launched early in
2019 and was recommended as a prerequisite for the SMCBWs.
In collaboration with ICAO’s Global Aviation Training Office, and based on the competency-based training
methodology described in the Training Development Guide (Doc 9941), a new ICAO SSP classroom
course was developed and its validation delivery was successfully completed in January 2020. This
course aims to build the participants’ competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) to perform their
tasks. Feedback obtained from the SMCBWs were used to design a mature course that meets the needs
of the aviation community.
To support the selection of the appropriate course, based on the roles related to the implementation
and operation of the SSP, an ICAO SSP course matrix has been developed. More information about ICAO
Safety Management training can be found at https://www.icao.int/training/Pages/Safety-Management-
In 2019, four projects were successfully completed, two were initiated, four are on-going and two are in
the planning stages. Among the completed projects, Uruguay demonstrated a big success by improving
its overall effective implementation (EI) of their safety oversight system by 21 per cent. By the same
token, the Sierra Leone project, implemented
by a third party, was successfully concluded.
Supported by a strong commitment by the
State, a very positive improvement is expected,
which will be verified through the Universal
Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP)
Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) activity
planned in 2021. Two new projects launched in
2019 for the Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation
Authority (ECCAA) and Barbados are well
underway, positive outcomes are anticipated
once the projects are completed. In total,
33 projects have been completed since the
Fund’s establishment. Details about the SAFE Coordinating Global Assistance for
is available at www.icao.int/SAFE. Aviation’s High-priority Safety Targets
Financial support or in-kind resources are If your State or donor organization wishes to
essential to driving continued progress on assist ICAO and the aviation community to
SAFE-funded technical assistance projects have global aviation safety targets – especially in
least developed nations. ICAO coordinates
address serious safety deficiencies in
States in need, please visit the SAFE
become effective vehicles for the enhancement assistance to States for safety project and
programme implementation, supported by
website today or contact ICAO via the details
provided below. No matter how large or how
a global Safety Fund (SAFE) that manages small your intended contribution, it’s never
of State safety oversight systems, including voluntary contributions from donors. too late to make safety your priority.
www.icao.int/safety/scan/Pages/Safety-Fund-SAFE.aspx safefund@icao.int
Safety Recommendations
addressed to ICAO
Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation requires States to investigate accidents and
incidents for the prevention of such occurrences.
One of the outputs of the safety investigation process is a set of Safety Recommendations (SR), which
may be addressed to States (for example, the State of Design of an aircraft) or to ICAO if the investigators
have suggestions for changes to ICAO documents. ICAO will inform the originating body, within 90 days
of receipt of the Safety Recommendation, the actions taken by ICAO, the actions intended to be taken by
ICAO or reasons why no action will be taken by ICAO. Some of the Safety Recommendations addressed
to ICAO are forwarded to relevant expert groups, which may lead to amendments and/or developments of
ICAO documents.
In 2019, ICAO received four Safety Recommendations from four States. These recommendations may be
accessed at https://www.icao.int/safety/airnavigation/AIG/Pages/Safety-Recommendations-addressed-
to-ICAO.aspx. Chart 7 below depicts the number of safety recommendations addressed to ICAO in the
past five years.
Data on departures is collated by ICAO’s Air Transport Bureau and comprises scheduled commercial
operations that involve the transportation of passengers, cargo and mail for remuneration. Estimates
are made where data has not been provided by States, and as new data is provided to ICAO, it will be
incorporated into the database. It is worth noting that this may cause small changes to the calculated
rates from year to year.
Chart 8 below shows the global accident rate trend (per million departures) over the previous five years,
with 2019 having an accident rate of 2.9 accidents per million departures, an increase of 12 per cent
from the previous year.
The number of worldwide accidents and fatal accidents on scheduled commercial flights during the
2015–2019 period are shown in Chart 9.
92 88
7 11
6 5 6
Between the years 2015 to 2019, the trend of the annual number of accidents has increased. The lowest
count recorded was 75 accidents in 2016 and the highest was 114 in 2019. However, the number of fatal
accidents per year significantly decreased from 11 in 2018 to 6 in 2019. Chart 10 shows the number of
fatalities associated with the above-mentioned fatal accidents decreased more than half from 514 in 2018
to 239 in 2019.
ICAO Member States are required to report accidents and serious incidents in accordance with Annex 13
through the ICAO Accident/Incident Data Reporting (ADREP) system. The SISG validates and categorizes
the accidents for commercial operations, including scheduled and non-scheduled, involving aircraft with
MTOW over 5 700 kg using the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST)/ICAO Common Taxonomy Team
(CICTT) taxonomy for occurrence categories.
Chart 11 shows an accidents overview for scheduled commercial operations by CICTT occurrence cate-
gories. The occurrence category of turbulence encounter (TURB) accounted for the most accidents that
caused serious injuries to aircrews or passengers in 2019. All the fatal accidents involved the following
categories: loss of control in-flight (LOC-I); runway excursion (RE); icing (ICE); and system/component fail-
ure or malfunction (non-powerplant) (SCF-NP) as indicated in Chart 12. The occurrence category of SCF-
NP includes the accident of an Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737-8 (MAX) aircraft on 10 March 2019. A similar
accident occurred with a Lion Air Boeing 737-8 (MAX) aircraft on 29 October 2018. The United States
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) participated in the investigation of both above-mentioned
accidents and on 19 September 2019, issued the Safety Recommendation Report “Assumptions Used in
the Safety Assessment Process and the Effects of Multiple Alerts and Indications on Pilot Performance”.
These two accidents resulted in the grounding of the global fleet to the present time.
Detailed information about the CICTT occurrence category can be found in Appendix 2.
3 6
2 2 2
4 1 1 1 1
Based on actual fatalities, high fatality risk per accident or the number of accidents and incidents, as well
as results from the analysis of safety data collected from proactive and reactive sources of information
from ICAO and other non-governmental organizations, ICAO has identified five high-risk categories of
occurrence (HRCs) as global safety priorities in the 2020–2022 edition of the GASP:
ICAO uses these HRCs as a baseline in its safety analysis to achieve a continuous reduction of operational
safety risks (Goal 1) and its linked targets and indicators, as presented in the GASP.
Chart 13 below shows that in 2019, the five HRCs for scheduled commercial air transport operations
represented 29 per cent of all fatalities, 67 per cent of fatal accidents, 16 per cent of the total number
of accidents and 24 per cent of the accidents that destroyed or caused substantial damage to aircraft.
Accidents 67% 33%
HRCs Others
A breakdown of the five HRCs in 2019 and the respective distribution of fatalities, fatal accidents and
accidents are shown in Chart 14 below. Accidents related to runway excursion (RE) accounted for
14.9 per cent of all accidents in 2019, and included half of all fatal accidents with 44 fatalities. There
was one fatal accident related to loss of control in-flight (LOC-I) that represented 16.7 per cent of fatal
accidents with 26 fatalities. There were no accidents related to controlled flight into terrain (CFIT), mid-air
collision (MAC) and runway incursion (RI) in 2019. In addition, there were 80 HRCs of serious incidents
reported by ICAO Member States as required by Annex 13 in 2019.
MAC 0%
RI 0%
RE 50.0%
LOC-I 16.7%
To further analyse the state of aviation safety, the accident data for scheduled commercial air transport
operations is categorized according to RASG region, by State of Occurrence. Tables 1 and 2 below
provide details on the state of aviation safety in different RASG regions for 2019 in the context of global
outcomes. The States included in each RASG region used in this report can be found in Appendix 1.
It is worth noting these statistics are based on ADREP data reported by the State of Occurrence in 2019.
Partly due to the small number of departures, some regions experience a large fluctuation in the accident
rate from year to year. For this reason, these numbers should be considered in relation to the total
number of accidents to gain an overall perspective.
Table 1. | Departures, accidents and fatalities by RASG region based on State of Occurrence
Table 2. | Share of traffic, accidents and fatalities by RASG region based on State of Occurrence
Chart 15 below shows the percentage of accidents and related fatalities for each ICAO RASG region
based on State of Occurrence for scheduled commercial operations in 2019. States included in each
RASG region are listed in Appendix 1.
AFI APAC EUR MID PA International
In 2019, the Asia and Pacific (APAC) and Middle East (MID) Regions did not experience fatal accidents,
and one fatal accident with only one fatality occurred in the Pan American (PA) Region. Three accidents
occurred over international waters in 2019.
In the spirit of promoting aviation safety, the United States, the European Commission, International Air
Transport Association (IATA) and ICAO signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on a Global Safety
Information Exchange (GSIE) on 28 September 2010 during the 37th Session of the ICAO Assembly. The
objective of the GSIE is to identify information that can be exchanged between the parties to enhance risk
reduction activities in the area of aviation safety.
The GSIE developed a harmonized accident rate at the beginning of 2011. This was accomplished through
close cooperation between ICAO and IATA to align accident definitions, criteria and analysis methods used
to calculate the harmonized accident rate, which is considered a key safety indicator for commercial
aviation operations worldwide. The joint analysis includes accidents following the ICAO Annex 13 criteria
for all typical commercial airline operations for scheduled and non-scheduled flights. These accidents
were reviewed and validated by the ICAO Safety Indicators Study Group (SISG).
Starting in 2013, ICAO and IATA have increasingly harmonized the accident analysis process and have
developed a common list of accident categories to facilitate the sharing and integration of safety data
between the two organizations.
A total of 135 accidents were considered as part of the harmonized accident criteria in 2019. These
comprise scheduled and non-scheduled commercial operations, including ferry flights for aircraft with an
MTOW above 5 700 kg. The GSIE harmonized accident rate for the period from 2015 to 2019 is shown in
Chart 16 below. Since 2013, the accident rate has been broken down by operational safety component,
accidents involving damage to aircraft with little or no injury to persons, and accidents with serious or
fatal injuries to persons.
Chart 16. | GSIE harmonized accident rate (accidents per million sectors)
In order to build upon the harmonized accident rate presented in the last five safety reports, ICAO and
IATA worked closely to develop a common taxonomy that would allow for a seamless integration of acci-
dent data between the two organizations. A detailed explanation of the harmonized accident categories
and how they relate to the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST)/ICAO Common Taxonomy Team
(CICTT) occurrence categories can be found in Table 3.
Accidents by Category
Differences between the approaches of the ICAO (CICTT Occurrence Categories) and IATA (Flight-crew
centric Threat and Error Management Model) classification systems required the harmonization of the
accident criteria to be used. The breakdown of accidents by harmonized category is shown below.
45 Accident Categories
CFIT Controlled Flight into Terrain
GS Ground Safety
LOC-I Loss of Control in-Flight
32 MED Injuries to and/or Incapacitation of Persons
27 OD Operational Damage
RS Runway Safety
OTH Other
UNK Unknown
1 5 1
Note: IATA ACTG classified only four accidents as LOC-I, the fifth one could not be assigned an End state
due to insufficient data. ICAO SISG categorized two accidents in the LOC-I arena as one being ICE and the
other one as SCF-NP. IATA ACTG did not categorize any CFIT accidents in 2019. The one CFIT accident that
was assigned by ICAO SISG, IATA ACTG categorized it as Other End State.
A harmonized regional analysis is provided by the ICAO RASG regions based on the State of Occurrence.
The number of accidents and harmonized accident rate by region are shown in the charts below.
3 3 1.3 1.5
Future Development
Both ICAO and IATA continue to work closely together and, through their respective expert groups,
provide greater alignment in their analysis methods and metrics for the future. This ongoing work will be
shared with GSIE participants, States, international organizations and safety stakeholders in the interest
of promoting common, harmonized safety reporting at the global level.
Category Description
Includes all instances where the aircraft was flown into terrain in a controlled manner,
Controlled Flight into Terrain
regardless of the crew’s situational awareness. Does not include undershoots,
overshoots or obstacles on takeoff and landing which are included in Runway Safety.
Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) Loss of control in-flight that is not recovered.
Ground Safety (GS) Includes ramp safety, ground collisions, all ground servicing, pre-flight, engine start/
departure and arrival events. Taxi and towing events are also included.
Damage sustained by the aircraft while operating under its own power. This includes
Operational Damage (OD)
in-flight damage, foreign object debris (FOD) and all system or component failures.
All injuries or incapacitations sustained by anyone coming into direct contact with
any part of the aircraft structure. Includes turbulence-related injuries, injuries to
Injuries to and/or Incapacitation
ground staff coming into contact with the structure, engines or control surfaces
of Persons (MED)
aircraft and on-board injuries or incapacitations and fatalities not related to unlawful
external interference.
Other (OTH) Any event that does not fit into the categories listed above.
Any event whereby the exact cause cannot be reasonably determined through
Unknown (UNK) information or inference, or when there are insufficient facts to make a conclusive
decision regarding classification.
Other (OTH) All other CICTT Occurrence Categories All other IATA End States
To support these regional efforts, ICAO established the RSOO Cooperative Platform (RSOO CP) in 2017 to
facilitate the sharing of experiences and best practices between RSOOs and their interfacing with ICAO.
Further, ICAO established a programme known as the Global Aviation Safety Oversight System (GASOS)
that presents a standardized set of criteria upon which regional organizations can be assessed and
measure their improvement against.
During its 217th Session, the ICAO Council approved GASOS and subsequently the Assembly, at its 40th
Session, adopted Resolution A40-6 — Regional cooperation and assistance to resolve safety deficiencies,
establishing priorities and setting measurable targets. This resolution approved the implementation and
further development of GASOS to help strengthen, assess and support RSOOs, RAIOs and COSCAPs with
the goal of assisting Member States in improving safety oversight, accident and incident investigation,
and safety management functions.
Since the 40th Assembly, ICAO has made significant strides in advancing GASOS and ensuring that
any legal and liability issues are being properly mitigated, including the creation of a template of a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that addresses any outlying liability risks associated with the
implementation of GASOS, as it is currently constituted.
In addition to the MoU, ICAO developed the necessary processes and procedures to successfully launch
the GASOS programme, including the Global Aviation Safety Oversight System Manual (to be published
as Doc 10143) and a quality management system (QMS), which comprises a quality management manu-
al along with the necessary documented processes, procedures and guidance for the proper operation
Furthermore, three GASOS pilot assessments undertaken within the last two years have already proven
to be beneficial. ICAO conducted pilot assessments on three RSOOs in the areas of: generic aspects
(GEN); aircraft operations (OPS); airworthiness of aircraft (AIR); aerodromes and ground aids (AGA); and
air navigation services (ANS). These assessments were based on a robust set of objective criteria, which
consists of a total of 1 093 assessment questions.
To further support regional cooperation, the RSOO CP has been working to strengthen and promote
RSOOs in order for them to better support their States. To further advance these efforts, the RSOO CP
in September 2019 adopted a three-year work programme focused on exchanging information, providing
guidance, coordinating assistance and building partnerships. These initiatives will continue to strengthen
the capacities of RSOOs and actively contribute to ICAO’s global and regional programmes and activities.
The RSOO CP and GASOS, working in parallel, equip ICAO with the necessary tools to better identify where
deficiencies may occur within these organizations. The two programmes allow ICAO and its partners,
where possible, to focus resources through the Aviation Safety Implementation Assistance Partnership
(ASIAP) by coordinating and cooperating on technical assistance activities in order to improve identified
deficiencies, thus strengthening regional cooperation and improving aviation safety around the world in
an efficient and effective manner. Information on GASOS can be found at https://www.icao.int/safety/
Frequency spectrum is a finite and limited resource, managed by the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) through its four yearly World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) process. Availability
of the necessary protected radio frequency spectrum is a critical prerequisite for the safe and efficient
implementation of CNS/air traffic management (ATM) systems. However, as demand for radio spectrum
from non-aviation users keeps growing, aviation faces an ever-increasing competition for the limited
available spectrum, in particular from mobile and broadband wireless access services.
The 13th Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/13), held in Montréal from 9 to 19 October 2018, approved
Recommendation 2.2/1 c), which instructed ICAO to “launch a study, built on a multidisciplinary view of
the C, N and S elements and frequency spectrum, to evolve the required CNS and frequency spectrum
access strategy and systems roadmap in the short, medium and long term, in a performance-based and
service-oriented manner, to ensure that CNS systems remain efficient users of the spectrum resource”.
ICAO has now initiated this work under the Integrated Communication Navigation Surveillance and
Spectrum (ICNSS) and Annex 10 — Aeronautical Telecommunications streamline project.
Unless aviation can continue to prove that the aeronautical CNS systems are spectrum efficient, aviation
will be forced to share the protected aeronautical frequency allocations with non-aeronautical users,
with resulting reduction in quality of service due to interference or may even lose access altogether to
certain frequency bands, critical to the current provision of CNS. Ultimately, this could result in an overall
reduction in the safety and efficiency of the aeronautical system as a whole. A better way forward is to
facilitate a continuing and timely evolution of the aeronautical CNS systems. This will be necessary for
two interrelated reasons, the first, to make more efficient use of the spectrum as per the ITU directive and
the second, to make way for growth in air traffic from traditional airspace users as well as the explosive
growth expected from new entrants such as the drone industry. The ICNSS project was conceived to deal
with these issues.
The ICNSS project will have two streams, the ICNSS Roadmap and the CNS Standards. The roadmap
stream will develop the CNSS roadmap on flexible and continuing technical evolution. The standards
stream will define performance standards versus technical specifications, which will contain means of
compliance. Alongside these streams, candidate frameworks for governance, prioritization and business
cases will be developed.
It is envisaged that the future avionics providing for aeronautical safety CNS and their supporting
ground systems will be built on integrated CNS system elements, facilitating efficient use of the valuable
frequency spectrum resource. Utilizing the state of the art technologies, such as software defined radios,
the avionics and their ground counterparts will have the capability to evolve as technology advances, with
minimum costs to States, air space users and aerospace industry.
Cabin Safety
Cabin safety contributes to the prevention of accidents and incidents, the protection of the aircraft’s
occupants through proactive safety management including hazard identification and safety risk manage-
ment, and the increase of survivability in the event of an emergency situation. The main role of cabin
crew focuses on the evacuation of an aircraft in the event of an accident. This role contributes to the
aspirational safety goal of zero fatalities set forth in the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP, Doc 10004) by
ensuring passenger safety. In addition, cabin crew members also play an important proactive role in man-
aging safety, which can contribute to the prevention of accidents. This role includes, but is not limited to:
b) informing the flight crew of abnormal situations observed in the cabin or relating to the aircraft, such
as pressurization problems, engine anomalies and contamination of critical surfaces; and
c) preventing unlawful interference and managing passenger events that can compromise safety and
security of the flight, such as hijackings.
The ICAO Cabin Safety Group (ICSG) is an international, joint industry-regulatory group composed of
cabin safety experts from civil aviation authorities, airlines, aircraft manufacturers and non-governmental
organizations. The ICSG serves as the expert group, providing advice to ICAO on cabin safety-related
matters and assisting in the development or revision of requirements, guidance material and implementation
support to enhance cabin safety on a global scale. Since the creation of ICAO’s dedicated cabin safety
initiative in 2012, ICAO has developed several guidance materials, including:
• Doc 9481, Emergency Response Guidelines for Incidents Involving Dangerous Goods (updated to
include cabin crew procedures for dealing with Lithium battery fires);
• Cir 340, Guidelines for the Expanded Use of Portable Electronic Devices;
• Doc 10049, Manual on the Approval and Use of Child Restraint Systems (second edition published);
• Cir 344, Guidelines on Education, Training and Reporting Practices Related to Fume Events (which
includes cabin crew-related procedures and training);
• Doc 10062, Manual on the Investigation of Cabin Safety Aspects in Accidents and Incidents (which
focuses on survival factors in investigations);
• Doc 10086, Manual on Information and Instructions for Passenger Safety (including brace positions);
Runway safety (RS) continues to remain aviation’s biggest safety challenge, representing more than
half of accidents reported to ICAO for commercial operations, including scheduled and non-scheduled,
involving aircraft with a certified MTOW over 5 700 kg in 2019 as shown in Chart 17.
Note: Events related to runway safety include the following CICTT occurrence categories: abnormal runway
contact, bird strike, runway excursion, runway incursion, loss of control on ground, ground collision,
ground handling, collision with obstacles, aerodrome and undershoot/overshoot.
Since 2011 the ICAO-led Runway Safety Programme (RSP) has been
collaborating on initiatives to reduce runway safety-related accidents
and incidents worldwide. A key initiative is the Global Runway Safety
Action Plan (GRSAP), which provides recommended actions for all
runway safety stakeholders aimed at reducing the risks related to
runway safety, in particular runway excursions and runway incursions.
ICAO and its RSP partners also continue to support the establishment
of effective airport Runway Safety Teams (RSTs) as a way to improve
runway safety through Runway Safety Go-Team missions. The
Runway Safety Go-Teams are comprised of ICAO and RSP partner
organization experts, which perform multi-disciplinary technical
assistance visits to requesting international airports to assist in
establishing and improving the effectiveness of the airport RST. In
2019 there were eight Go-Team missions completed at airports in
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Botswana, Cameroon, Lebanon, Morocco and Ukraine. In total there have been
40 ICAO Runway Safety Go-Team missions conducted since the launch of this initiative in 2014.
The Global Reporting Format (GRF) for runway surface conditions is another important runway safety-
related initiative. ICAO continues to support States and stakeholders with their preparations for the
4 November 2021 applicability date. In March 2019 a global symposium was hosted in Montréal, with
350 delegates from 48 Member States and seven international organizations attending. This has been
followed-up by a series of focused regional seminars, with eight hosted during 2019. In parallel, training
courses for airport, airline and air traffic control (ATC) staff were under development through ICAO’s
Trainair Plus programme, in cooperation with Airports Council International (ACI), International Air
Transport Association (IATA) and Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), respectively. The
course for airport operations staff was delivered in 2019, and those for flight crew and ATC staff would
be ready in 2020.
A competency-based approach to
dangerous goods training and assessment
The Council approved amendments to the Technical Instructions for
the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284), which
will be incorporated in the 2021–2022 Edition of the Technical In-
structions. The amended provisions support a competency-based
approach to dangerous goods training and assessment based on the
principles provided in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services —
Training (PANS-TRG, Doc 9868). They have been several years in the
making and take into account feedback from States, international or-
ganizations and industry that was provided throughout the process.
While the objective of ensuring personnel are trained to perform their
dangerous goods functions commensurate with their responsibilities
has not changed, the new provisions remove some of the prescrip-
tive requirements of dangerous goods training, which may not always
target specific training needs. The new provisions focus on the intent
of dangerous goods training, which is to ensure personnel are com-
petent to perform any function for which they are responsible prior to
performing them.
New guidance material has been developed to support a competency-based approach to dangerous
goods training and assessment. Since ICAO regions and Member States have differing regulatory,
operational, technical and organizational environments, it does not prescribe a “one-size-fits-all” training
programme. Instead, it provides generic tools to develop dangerous goods training programmes that can
be adapted for specific needs. It is based on the more detailed material provided in the PANS-TRG.
ANC Talks
In January 2020, the newly elected President of the Air Navigation Commission (ANC), Mr. Nabil Naoumi,
launched “ANC Talks”, an open forum where the ANC and aviation stakeholders discuss challenges and
opportunities encountered in the aviation sector. This initiative allows for discussions on implementation
issues, and the talks are structured in such a way that communication is improved and work with aviation
stakeholders is promoted, ultimately enhancing the relationship between ICAO, the aviation industry and
other aviation stakeholders.
The outcome of ANC Talks is made available to the general public. An article summarizing discussions is
published after each meeting on the ICAO Uniting Aviation Blog (https://www.unitingaviation.com). The
President of the ANC also holds separate interview meetings with invited stakeholders, available on the
ICAO TV (https://www.icao.tv).
Below is the list of articles published in the ICAO Uniting Aviation Blog and the associated date of publica-
tion. Interview videos can be accessed through the same link:
From the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, the aviation system has faced ever-growing challenges. Following
the ICAO Council Declaration on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) adopted on 9 March 2020, the
ICAO Council Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) was established. The CART, which is composed of
representatives from States, and international, regional and industry organizations, and supported by
the ICAO Secretariat, was tasked to identify and recommend strategic priorities and policies to address
these challenges and to provide global guidance for a safe, secure and sustainable restart and recovery
of the aviation system.
CART Report
A safe, secure and sustainable restart and recovery of the global aviation sector is best supported by an
internationally harmonized approach based on the following 10 principles outlined in the CART Report:
1. Protect people: harmonized but flexible measures. States and industry need to work
together to put in place harmonized or mutually accepted risk-based measures to protect
passengers, crew and other staff throughout the travel experience.
2. Work as one aviation team and show solidarity. The respective plans of ICAO, States,
international and regional organizations, and the industry should complement and support
each other. While national and regional needs may require different approaches, States should
harmonize responses to the extent possible, in line with ICAO’s Standards, plans and policies.
3. Ensure essential connectivity. States and industry should maintain essential connectivity and
global supply chains, especially to remote regions, isolated islands and other vulnerable States.
4. Actively manage safety-, security- and health-related risks. States and industry should
use data-driven systemic approaches to manage the operational safety-, security-, and health
related risks in the restart and recovery phases, and adapt their measures accordingly.
5. Make aviation public health measures work with aviation safety and security systems.
Health measures must be carefully assessed to avoid negatively impacting aviation safety
and/or security.
6. Strengthen public confidence. States and industry need to work together, harmonizing
practical measures and communicating clearly to ensure passengers are willing to travel again.
7. Distinguish restart from recovery. Restarting the industry and supporting its recovery are
distinct phases which may require different approaches and temporary measures to mitigate
evolving risks.
8. Support financial relief strategies to help the aviation industry. States and financial
institutions, consistent with their mandates, should consider the need to provide direct and/
or indirect support in various proportionate and transparent ways. In doing so, they should
safeguard fair competition and not distort markets or undermine diversity or access.
9. Ensure sustainability. Aviation is the business of connections, and a driver of economic and
social recovery. States and industry should strive to ensure the economic and environmental
sustainability of the aviation sector.
10. Learn lessons to improve resilience. As the world recovers, the lessons learned have to
be used to make the aviation system stronger.
The CART Report also outlines the measures compatible with safety and security requirements to be
taken and the recommendations to follow up at the international, national and local level.
a) Aviation safety-related measures. States may temporarily depart from ICAO Standards
but must do so in a manner that does not compromise safety and security, and which is duly
reported to ICAO. These departures should not be retained beyond the crisis.
b) Aviation public health-related measures. States should establish public health procedures
aligned with the guidance included in the Take-off: Guidance for Air Travel through the
COVID-19 Public Health Crisis. The necessity of these measures should be regularly reviewed.
The measures which are no longer relevant should be discontinued when the need for their
application has ceased to exist.
c) Security- and facilitation-related measures. States should enhance cross-sectoral
coordination by establishing a national air transport facilitation committee or equivalent,
and systematically use the passenger health locator form as a reference. It is States’
responsibility to maintain security across all operations.
d) Economic and financial measures. These should be inclusive, targeted, proportionate,
transparent, temporary and consistent with ICAO’s policies, while striking an appropriate
balance of interests without prejudice to fair competition.
Recommendation 1: During the global COVID-19 outbreak, Member States should continue updating
COVID-19 Contingency Related Differences (CCRDs) in the Electronic Filing of Differences (EFOD) subsystem.
Recommendation 2: Member States should avoid retaining any COVID-19 related alleviation measures
as soon as normal operations are resumed. Differences that remain after the contingency if any should
be filed in the EFOD system.
Recommendation 3: Member States should expedite the development of guidance for safety manage-
ment of new operations or operation change during this crisis.
Recommendation 5: In order to support the fastest possible return to normal aviation operations,
Member States should regularly review the necessity of continuing the application of risk mitigation
measures as the risk of COVID-19 transmission diminishes; and measures which are no longer needed
should be discontinued.
Recommendation 6: Member States that have not done so should immediately establish a National
Air Transport Facilitation Committee (or equivalent) as required by Annex 9 to increase national level
cross-sectoral coordination.
Recommendation 7: Member States should systematically use a Passenger Health Locator Form to
ensure identification and traceability of passengers to help limit the spread of the disease and resurgence
of the pandemic.
Recommendation 8: While temporarily adapting their security-related measures, using the guidance
provided, Member States should strengthen their oversight system to ensure these measures are consis-
tently applied with the objective of protecting aviation against acts of unlawful interference.
Recommendation 9: Member States should take measures to ensure that relevant personnel are
provided training to identify and manage unruly passenger situations related to non-respect of essential
aviation public health and safety measures.
Recommendation 10: Member States should consider appropriate extraordinary emergency measures
to support financial viability and to maintain an adequate level of safe, secure and efficient operations,
which should be inclusive, targeted, proportionate, transparent, temporary and consistent with ICAO’s
policies, while striking an appropriate balance among the respective interests without prejudice to fair
competition and compromising safety, security and environmental performance.
Recommendation 11: Member States should facilitate information-sharing and exchange on their
actions and best practices by contributing to an ICAO database of measures.
The CART recommendations and guidelines are continuously reviewed and updated based on the latest
medical and operational advice, and are intended to harmonize and not replace the COVID-19 recovery
roadmaps currently established by States, regions or industry groups.
Take-off: Guidance for Air Travel through the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis
The CART Take-off guidance includes a section on public health risk mitigation measures, in addition to four
operational modules relating to airport guidelines, aircraft guidelines, crew guidelines and cargo guidelines.
This document provides a framework for addressing the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic on
the global aviation transportation system. The appendix to this document includes mitigations needed to
reduce public health risks to air passengers and aviation workers while strengthening confidence among
the travelling public, the global supply chain and governments. This will assist in accelerating demand for
essential and non-essential air travel impacted by COVID-19.
With help and guidance from the civil aviation stakeholder community, ICAO recommends a phased
approach to enable the safe return to high-volume domestic and international air travel for passengers
and cargo. The approach introduces a core set of measures to form a baseline aviation health safety
protocol to protect air passengers and aviation workers from COVID-19. These measures will enable the
growth of global aviation as it recovers from the current pandemic.
The ICAO Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in
Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) programme, established in 2006 in response to the severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS) crisis, is a voluntary multi-sectoral platform combining resources and expertise from
both aviation and public health sectors to support the preparedness for, and management of, public
health events affecting civil aviation. The CAPSCA network links ICAO, the World Health Organization
(WHO) and other United Nations (UN) entities, international aviation organizations, civil aviation authorities
and public health organizations at global, regional and national levels.
CAPSCA recommends the implementation of a “Public Health Corridor” (PHC) concept to ensure continued
flight operations with minimal restrictions, whilst preventing the spread of infection of COVID-19 through
air travel and protecting the health and safety of crew and passengers. The PHC has been developed
using a risk-based approach, taking into account safety management principles. The key elements of
this strategy are the use of “clean” crew, “clean” aircraft, “clean” airport facilities, “clean” cargo and
transporting “clean” passengers. “Clean” in this context refers to implementing measures to ensure as
far as possible a “COVID-19 free” status.
Given the absence of a vaccine and definitive treatment, and the limitations on testing and resources,
the risk of contracting COVID-19 when travelling by air cannot be completely eliminated, however, the
risk to crew and passengers can be mitigated significantly by implementing various layers of measures.
CAPSCA guidance material and supporting activities will be adjusted periodically based on new scientific
developments to ensure that the implemented measures mitigate risk as far as possible.
CAPSCA and the PHC are mechanisms for implementing the ICAO Council Aviation Recovery Task
Force (CART) guidance material relating to general public health measures as well as the specific
recommendations specified in the airport, aircraft, crew and cargo modules. Assistance is provided at
global, regional and national levels to support States and industry for the restart and recovery of the
aviation system.
• Developing guidance material, including Electronic Bulletins supporting the CART and contributing
to WHO guidance material development.
• Sharing guidance material, including ICAO guidance material and information, WHO and other
public health guidance material and publication of CAPSCA members’ best-practices papers and
other associated guidance material on the CAPSCA website.
• Tools development and review, including online surveys, forms to ensure uniform implementation
of guidance material, review of the CAPSCA assistance visit checklist, data-driven applications and
analysis of information shared by Member States.
• Capacity-building and training, including the current CAPSCA on-line training package to develop
capacity to conduct CAPSCA assessment visits, training through regional CAPSCA meetings which is
currently being conducted on-line and through webinars and supporting WHO regional training activities.
• Providing subject matter advice on an ad-hoc basis upon request to support States in their
activities and the implementation of guidelines.
• CAPSCA assistance visits assessing preparedness and response plans, conducting a gap analysis,
assess implementation of the International Health Regulations and ICAO health-related SARPs,
providing recommendations for improvement.
• Developing templates and procedures to facilitate the implementation of the PHC.
The PHC expands on CAPSCA activities and focuses on implementation activities, including:
The initial priority of States’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic has included ensuring that international
operations, albeit in limited capacity, can continue unhindered. Due to restrictions with access to training
and medical facilities, States are offering operators alleviations from medical and training requirements
that have resulted in the need to record temporary differences. A method to allow States to file temporary
differences to Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), as well as the provision of clear informa-
tion on what differences they are prepared to accept from other States, has become essential to allow
operations to continue.
Article 38 – Departures from international standards and procedures, which requires States to
notify ICAO of any differences to the SARPs that arise;
Article 39 – Endorsement of certificates and licenses, which states that any aircraft or person
that does not satisfy in full applicable Standards or conditions shall have endorsed on or
attached to relevant certificate or license a complete enumeration of the details or particulars
in respect of which the aircraft or person does not satisfy such requirements or conditions; and
Article 40 – Validity of endorsed certificates and licenses, which provides that no aircraft or
personnel having certificates or licenses so endorsed shall participate in international navigation,
except with the permission of the State or States whose territory is entered.
ICAO carried out a thorough review of all Annexes and identified a set of SARPs that included explicit
references to renewal periods or recency requirements. To support States in filing and accessing the
required information, the COVID-19 Contingency Related Differences (CCRD) (available at www.icao.int/
safety/COVID-19OPS/Pages/ccrd.aspx), a sub system of the Electronic Filing of Differences (EFOD)
system, has been developed to allow States to file temporary differences to SARPs and to publish the
differences they are prepared to accept from other States. The system ensures continued operations
in compliance with Articles 38, 39 and 40 of the Convention. On 3 April 2020, ICAO issued State letter
AN 11/55-20/50 informing States of the establishment of the CCRD and requested that information be
provided to facilitate continuance of international air transport while respecting the requirements of the
Convention. To date, a total of 181 States have provided information in the CCRD, an unprecedented
number of responses; this has supported the continued operations of aircraft.
Additional SARPs have since been subsequently identified and included in the CCRD tool. Although these
SARPs do not explicitly have limitations contained in the text, they have been considered to be of sufficient
importance for States to review and document their differences. An example of such is the requirement
in Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft for the continued validity of the approval for approved maintenance
organizations. This does not specify the means to demonstrate continued validity; many States, however,
require a biannual on-site inspection, which has not been possible to comply with.
Developing guidance
To support civil aviation authorities (CAAs) in the decision-making process for the issuance of alleviations,
ICAO has developed a number of “Quick Reference Guides” (QRG) describing State and industry best
practices on a variety of subjects. These guides have been designed to be published quickly and updated
as often as required, depending on the circumstances. Maximum use has been made of ICAO expert
groups (panels, task forces, study groups, etc.), although the time-sensitive nature of the work requires
that the usual process of review, comment and publication have been expedited.
Guidance has also been developed on conducting risk assessments to support the State alleviations,
including the publication of the first edition of the ICAO Handbook for CAAs on the Management of
Aviation Safety Risks related to COVID-19 (Doc 10144). To complement the content of the Handbook,
ICAO is collecting and sharing examples and tools through a dedicated page created under the Safety
Management Implementation (SMI) website (www.icao.int/SMI-COVID19SRM).
Additional information has been provided to States and industry via a series of webinars, based on the
QRG subject areas, which allow for more detailed explanations of the issues involved and facilitate ques-
tion and answer sessions responding to specific areas of interest to participants.
States and operators also needed to be able to plan for the lifting of COVID-19 related extensions and
exemptions, and anticipate the needs as a result of deferred certificate validity renewals backing up.
In line with safety management principles, ICAO has developed the monitoring and planning tool (MPT)
to support States and organizations in their planning activities related to the aftermath of COVID-19
alleviation measures.
The primary context of the tool is the management of the likely backlog due to reduced activities during
the COVID-19 crisis. The tool also helps States visualize the alleviations granted and establish a dialogue
with operators to better anticipate the demand of services.
Implementation packages
On 17 July 2020, ICAO issued Electronic Bulletin 2020/40 informing States of the availability of imple-
mentation packages (iPacks) to support States in their response, recovery and resilience efforts following
the COIVD-19 outbreak. The iPack contents include standardized guidance material, training, workshops,
tools and subject matter expert support which aim to facilitate and guide the implementation of the
applicable ICAO provisions by State entities. iPacks on aviation safety risk management and aerodromes
restart are two such examples.
ICAO has developed the Handbook for CAAs on the Management of Aviation Safety Risks related to
COVID-19 (Doc 10144). The terminology is aligned with ICAO Doc 9859 and can be applied by States at
any level of SSP implementation.
The guidance outlines important aspects for CAAs to consider at different stages of the pandemic. It
discusses the assessment and prioritization of risks based on collection and analysis of data, application
of safety management principles to support risk-based decision-making, and management and monitoring
of CAA approvals in light of the flexibility needed across the aviation system to continue safe operations.
It also introduces concepts such as the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle as shown in Figure 12.
The successful management of the pandemic requires the assessment and management of risks that
extend beyond the boundaries of managing aviation safety risks as defined in Annex 19. To that end,
integrated risk management tools are being considered to support States, taking into account different
risk domains, including safety, security, environment and financial.
Figure 12. | PDCA cycle for managing aviation safety risks during COVID-19
Once the pandemic is over, CAAs should capitalize on their efforts to apply lessons learned during the
COVID-19 pandemic to continue building on their SSP implementation, making further progress towards
addressing contingency planning and improving the effectiveness of their safety management functions.
The Handbook is available at no cost and can be downloaded at www.icao.int/COVID-19-SRM. Webinars
and online training were developed to support the application of this content.
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented circumstances to the world that require ongoing diligence and
resources. The global spread commands innovative solutions and among those solutions, unmanned
aircraft systems (UAS) can play a vital role.
A delivery logistics company is using UAS to transport COVID-19 samples in urban areas of Ghana and
Rwanda, and transporting an expanded mix of products to meet health facilities’ critical needs as de-
mand surges. The protocols were formalized identifying the precise movement of each COVID-19 sample.
Allocation of specific UA was made for transporting to and from the health facilities as well as required
procedures for sanitizing the UA and the flight operations environment. Personnel received training on
proper sample packaging, marking and use of proper protective equipment according to WHO recom-
Transport Canada is presently evaluating multiple prospective operation types submitted by Canadian UA
operators. The various operation types involve transporting biological samples and medicines to isolated
communities; delivery of essential goods and medicines to indigenous communities; or transporting
supplies to food banks. Canada has asked the fundamental question as to how it can best adapt its
current transportation model to accommodate the many distribution needs efficiently and effectively.
As Transport Canada evaluates its UA transportation options, it does so with the consideration of less
congested skies, which is another result from the current health crisis.
States throughout the world have acquired experience with UAS operations that are similar in nature to
one another. Testing corridors have been established and trial delivery operations have ensued. In some
States, training is underway on different types of UA, health applications and collecting and processing
data. All of these activities from personal protective equipment (PPE) delivery to mapping data that will
help model the spread of a virus are invaluable for the current pandemic and especially effective during
future health events, with refined coordination and preparation.
ICAO brought together experts from several States, United Nations System agencies and non-govern-
mental organizations to assist in producing guidance material for emergency response. ICAO has pub-
lished Humanitarian Aid and Emergency Response guidance for UAS and has developed UAS model
regulations. ICAO is currently working on a cohesive UAS roadmap to assist States with implementation of
these provisions. The need to harmonize UAS regulations amongst Member States for operations across
borders and within regions is a key consideration.
The COVID-19 pandemic is teaching all of us about the degree to which coordination and preparation is
necessary to respond to this and future outbreaks. ICAO’s U-AID webpage provides guidance material to
assist States in preparing for emergency response events insuring a holistic approach. Under supporting
material, government ministries, agencies and local entities with whom coordination is vital are provided
as well as mission planning samples, carriage of dangerous goods information and establishing methods
for societal communications. The link to ICAO’s Humanitarian Guidance and Emergency Response material
can be found at: https://www.icao.int/safety/UA/UAID/.
An important aspect of adequate crisis planning is training. Training in advance of a crisis is paramount.
Knowledge and skill of UA flight operations; how to handle, package, label and record medical samples
for transport; and how to properly collect, process and assess data collected by UA are all areas that
require training in preparation for an emergency response.
The ICAO guidance can be used for the COVID-19 pandemic or any other natural or manmade emergency
situation. The key is to be prepared. Review of the model regulations and guidance material which provide
foundational information for States will assist personnel in the necessary preparation. These materials
will be updated over time, as knowledge and experience expand. For specific questions or concerns on
emergency preparedness by UAS, please contact us at RPAS@icao.int.
Aerodromes are a unique ecosystem in the aviation industry where interaction takes place among
passengers, with staff and with other authorities in a common space. With the rapid spread of COVID-19,
aerodromes were forced to shut down or operate with reduced capacity. In this context, it is important
for States to be prepared to cope with various challenges during these unprecedented times.
ICAO published, on its COVID-19 website, guidance for States concerning issues pertaining to issuance/
renewal of aerodrome certificates, need for stakeholder engagement before closing aerodromes and a
sample safety checklist for resuming aerodrome operations.
Aerodrome Certification
Aerodrome certification is an effective tool to ensure safe and efficient aerodrome operations. During the
COVID-19 pandemic, States were advised of the options to provide interim aerodrome certificates or extend
the validity of aerodrome certificates, where required for a defined period based on established guidelines.
Aerodrome Closures
Uncoordinated aerodrome closures will affect the aviation industry especially for aircraft in a state of
emergency, operations related to humanitarian aid, medical and relief flights, and alternate aerodromes
for en-route operations. States were advised to coordinate with the public health authorities, aircraft
operators, ANSPs, aerodrome operators, etc., to address the needs and concerns of all the stakeholders,
before initiating any action to close an aerodrome.
Resuming aerodrome operations after a full or partial aerodrome closure involves extensive preparatory
checks to ensure safety and efficiency. To this end, States were provided with a sample checklist
to facilitate a quick recovery for aerodromes by checking key elements in areas such as aerodrome
infrastructure, aerodrome operations, certification and compliance, and coordination and collaboration.
Appendix 1
Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG) Regions
The assignment of States or areas to specific groupings is for statistical convenience and does not imply
any assumption regarding political or other affiliation of States or territories by ICAO.
Bahrain Iran (Islamic Republic of) Lebanon Qatar Syrian Arab Republic
Egypt Jordan Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Iraq Kuwait Oman Sudan Yemen
RASG-PA (35)
Appendix 2
List of Scheduled Commercial Accidents in 2019
Local Date Model State of Occurrence RASG Region Fatalities Category
2019-01-03 Embraer ERJ190-100 United States PA CABIN
2019-03-19 Fokker 28 MK100 Iran (Islamic Republic of) MID SCF-NP, ARC
Local Date Model State of Occurrence RASG Region Fatalities Category
2019-03-27 Boeing 737-700 United States PA BIRD
Local Date Model State of Occurrence RASG Region Fatalities Category
2019-07-23 Boeing 737-300 Nigeria AFI ARC
Local Date Model State of Occurrence RASG Region Fatalities Category
2019-11-21 Boeing 737-800 Ukraine EUR RE
ADRM Aerodrome
EVAC Evacuation
ICE Icing
OTHR Other
RE Runway excursion
USOS Undershoot/overshoot
WILD Wildlife
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Email: info@icao.int