Criminal Law Notes For Bar 2021
Criminal Law Notes For Bar 2021
Criminal Law Notes For Bar 2021
Penal laws are binding on all persons who reside or sojourn in the Philippines
whether citizens or not.
This is based on Art. 14 of the New Civil Code, which states that: Penal Laws
and those of public security and safety shall be obligatory upon all those who
live or sojourn in Philippine Territory.
The Philippine is a sovereign state with the obligation and the right of every
government to uphold its laws and maintain order within its domain; and
with the general jurisdiction to punish persons for offenses committed within
its territory, regardless of the nationality of the offender.
Exception can be found also in the Art. 2 of the RPC, which states that
“Except as provided in the treaties and laws of preferential application…”
The law is applicable to all crimes committed within the limits of Philippine
The basis of the characteristic is Art. 2 of the RPC, which states that “….the
provisions of this code shall be enforced not only within the Philippine
Archipelago, including its atmosphere, its interior waters and maritime zone,
but also outside of its jurisdiction, against those who:
1. Should commit an offense while on a Philippine ship or airship;
2. Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note of the Philippine
islands or obligations and securities issued by the Government of the
Philippine Island;
3. Should be liable for acts connected with the introduction into these
islands of the obligations and securities mentioned in the preceding
4. While being public officers or employees, should commit an offense in
the exercise of their functions; or
5. Should commit any of the crimes against the national security and the
law of the nations, defined in Title One of Book Two of this Code.
Outside of these five cases, Philippine courts cannot take jurisdiction over a
crime committed outside the country.
Philippine air or airship – is one that is duly registered in the Philippines and
under Philippine Laws.
If the air or airship is in the high seas where no country has jurisdiction, the
Philippines has jurisdiction.
If it is within the territory of another country, the host country will take
cognizance, but if that foreign country will not take cognizance, the
Philippines can assume jurisdiction.
Philippine warship and the official vessel of the President, wherever they are,
are extensions of the Philippines and its sovereignty.
Art. 4 of the NCC which states that “Laws shall have no retroactive effect,
unless the contrary is provided”.
Art. 21 of the NCC which states that “no felony shall be punishable by any
penalty not prescribed by law prior to its commission”.
Art. 22 of the NCC which states that “penal laws shall have retroactive effect
insofar as they favor the person who is not a habitual criminal”.
Sec. 22, Art. III of the Constitution which states that “no ex post facto law or
bill of attainder shall be enacted”.
Lex prospicit, non respicit - the law looks forward not backward.
The intention of the law is to make carnapping an independent crime
and provide penalties different from those prescribed for qualified theft
or robbery.
Intent to Kill
- if the third person died, intent to kill is conclusively presumed. Hence,
the crime committed against the third person is homicide or murder.
- Intent to kill the third person can be established if the accused is aware
of the possibility of hitting others in the process of killing the target
- See Campanilla Book 1, p. 68.
Complex Crime
- If the crimes committed against the target victim and third person, who
was hit by reason of aberration ictus, were produced by a single act, the
accused is liable for a complex crime.
- The accused is entitled to the benefit of Art. 48 of the RPC, which makes
two or more crimes as a single crime.
Child Abuse
- Is an offence punishable under special law, which cannot be made
components of a complex crime.
Mistake of fact which would relieve an accused of criminal liability has the
following elements:
1. The act done would have been lawful had the facts been as the accused
believed them to be;
2. The intention of the accused was not unlawful; and
3. There was no fault or negligence.
An act may be justified under the mistake of fact doctrine only if:
1. the accused had no time or opportunity to make further inquiry, and
2. if the circumstances pressed him to act immediately.
Note: While Mistake of Fact relieves the accused from criminal liability,
mistakes in the Identity of the Victim (error in personae) or mistake in the
legal consequences of one’s act does not exempt the accused from criminal
This Court has been consistent in holding that “intent to gain or animus
lucrandi is an internal act that is presumed from the unlawful taking by the
offender of the thing subject of asportation. Thus, actual gain is irrelevant as
the important consideration is the intent to gain.
In this case, it is clear from the established facts that it was accused-appellant
who opened the drawer in the masters’ bedroom and took away the cash and
valuables it contained. Therefore, the burden is on the defense to prove that
intent to gain was absent despite accused-appellant’s actual taking of her
employer’s valuables. It is precisely this burden that the defense failed to
There are, however, crimes which although all the elements thereof for its
consummation may have occurred in a single place, yet by reason of the very
nature of the offense committed, the violation of the law is deemed to be
continuing. Of the first class, the crime of estafa or malversation and
abduction may be mentioned; and as belonging to the second class are
the crimes of kidnapping and illegal detention where the deprivation of liberty
is persistent and continuing from one place to another.
Thus, applying the said jurisprudence in your query, a case for kidnapping and
failure to return a minor can be filed in Makati City. Once a complaint is filed,
the necessary deportation proceedings must similarly be filed with the
assistance of the Department of Foreign Affairs since the extradition treaty of
the United States of America and the Philippines states that all requests for
such must be submitted through the diplomatic channel.
It is clear that once the wife consents or condones her husband from an act of
concubinage, such consent or condonation may bar her from pursuing a
criminal complaint for concubinage. Nevertheless, such consent or
condonation should not be taken against the wife for subsequent illicit affairs.
In the same vein, such consent or condonation should not be treated as a “free
pass” for the husband to continue having a concubine or entering into a
subsequent illicit relationship.
Accordingly, we believe that your aunt may institute a criminal complaint for
concubinage against your uncle if she can clearly establish the same. Although
she may have forgiven him and reconciled with him for his prior infidelity,
such cannot be taken as consent for him to continue his illicit affairs.
The elements of Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention under Article 267 of
the Revised Penal Code, as amended, are:
The fact that the kid was not physically restrained of his movement is
immaterial. The prevailing jurisprudence on kidnapping and illegal detention
is that the curtailment of the victim’s liberty need not involve any physical
restraint upon the victim’s person. For kidnapping to exist, it is not necessary
that the offender kept the victim in an enclosure or treated him harshly.
Josie is still liable for kidnapping because she is a private individual who took
the minor without the consent of the parents and brought the kid to her
province. The fact that the kid was not physically restrained, fed or treated
well is inconsequential because the kid was under the control of Josie.
The ability of the offender to freely dispose of the property stolen is not a
constitutive element of the crime of theft. It is immaterial whether the
offender able or unable to freely dispose of the property stolen since the
deprivation from the owner alone has already ensued from such acts of
In other words, the crime of theft was completed from the moment the thief
gained possession of the bath soaps and shampoos and hid them in his jacket.
It is of no moment that you caught him and stopped him from exiting your
store because by then, all the elements of the crime had already been fulfilled.
Although it is axiomatic that no one is liable for acts other than his own, when
two or more persons agree or conspire to commit a crime, each is responsible
for all the acts of the others, done in furtherance of the agreement or
With respect to the crime of robbery, the same principle holds true.
Thus, although your brother allegedly did not consent to the subsequent
killings in the commission of robbery, he nonetheless remains liable to the
resulting felony of robbery with homicide because he expressly agreed to the
commission of the crime and he did not prevent the subsequent killings.
1. Committed by a public officer or employee or a private individual;
2. That the acts must be notoriously offensive to the feelings of the faithful
3. – The said offender performs acts:
a. In a place devoted to religious worship or
b. during the celebration of any religious ceremony.
Any sale or disposition thereafter shall be reported by the owner to the LTO
within three days upon such sale/disposition, by presenting an original copy
and furnishing a machine copy of the notarized Deed of Sale or similar
document evidencing the disposition of the motorcycle, to the LTO office
where the latest Certificate of Registration was issued.
Failure of the owner to register within five (5) days from acquisition of
ownership, or to immediately report its sale or disposition, shall subject the
owner to a penalty of imprisonment of arresto mayor to prision
correccional, as defined under the Revised Penal Code, or a fine of not less
than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) but not more than Fifty thousand
pesos (P50,000.00), or both.
If a motorcycle that is not yet registered with the LTO is used in connection
with an offense punishable under the Revised Penal Code or special penal
laws, the maximum penalty of the relevant offense shall be imposed on the
Nonetheless, the non-registration of the sale to the concerned entity will not
render the transaction invalid.
Child abuse
- refers to the maltreatment, whether habitual or not, of the child which
includes: “Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades or
demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a human being.”
In some cases, specific intent need not be proven when the acts are
intrinsically cruel and excessive.
- The petitioner strangled, severely pinched, and beat an eight-year-old
child, causing her to limp. The Court held that these abusive acts are
intrinsically cruel and excessive as they impair the child’s dignity and
worth as a human being and infringe upon her right to grow up in a safe,
wholesome, and harmonious place. It was also highlighted that these
abusive acts are extreme measures of punishment not commensurate
with the discipline of an eight-year-old child.
Any Filipino citizen who levies war against the Philippines or adheres to her
enemies giving them aid or comfort within the Philippines or elsewhere, shall
be punished by reclusion perpetua to death and shall pay a fine not to exceed
100,000 pesos.
- No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two
witnesses at least to the same overt act or on confession of the accused
in open court.
a. That the offender is a Filipino citizen or a resident alien
b. That there is a war in which the Philippines is involved
c. That the offender either levies war against the government or adheres
to the enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
The elements of estafa under Article 315, par. 1 (b) are as follows:
1. that money, goods, or other personal properties are received by the
offender in trust, or on commission, or for administration, or under any
other obligation involving the duty to make delivery of, or to return, the
2. that there is a misappropriation or conversion of such money or
property by the offender or a denial of the receipt thereof;
3. that the misappropriation or conversion or denial is to the prejudice of
another; and
4. that there is a demand made by the offended party on the offender.
The failure to return upon demand the properties which one has the duty to
return is tantamount to appropriating the same for his own personal use.
The words convert and misappropriate connote the act of using or disposing
of another’s property as if it were one’s own, or of devoting it to a purpose or
use different from that agreed upon. To misappropriate for one’s own use
includes not only conversion to one’s personal advantage, but also every
attempt to dispose of the property of another without right.
Besides, the accused’s death prior to his final conviction by the Court renders
dismissible the criminal cases against him/her. Article 89 (1) of the RPC
provides that criminal liability is totally extinguished by the death of the
Moreover, it could further be argued that the crime has already prescribed
since the falsification of the Deed of Absolute Sale was allegedly committed in
- when the crime was committed with one or more aggravating
Under Art. 2230 of the Civil Code, exemplary damages may be granted if at
least one aggravating circumstance attended the commission of the crime. The
aggravating circumstance for this purpose need not be specifically alleged in
the information, and can be either a qualifying or attendant circumstance.
GR 189081
Principle of Lenity – The rule applies when the court is faced with two
possible interpretations of a penal statute, one that is prejudicial to the
accused and another is favorable to him. The rule calls for the adoption of an
interpretation which is more lenient to the accused.
1. Mens rea. It the mental element of a crime. In crimes by dolo, mens rea
will refer to the requirements of freedom, intelligence and intent while
doing the act or omitting to do the act.
2. Criminal Intent. It means a state of mind which willingly consents to the
act that is done, or free will choice, or volitions in the doing of the act. It
means that the act is voluntary, and that it proceeds from a mind free to
In crimes by Culpa, the mental element of the crime refers to the requirements
of freedom, intelligence, lack of foresight or skill, and the Voluntariness of the
- Setting on fire the infected wounds of a girl to cure her which resulted
to burn injuries. The actions of the accused had not been to cause an evil
but rather intended as a remedy.
- Treatment to a boy to drive out bad spirits. The liability arises from
their reckless imprudence because they ought to know that their actions
would not bring about the cure. They are, therefore, guilty of reckless
imprudence resulting in homicide and not of murder.
What is penalized under Art. 365 is the mental attitude or condition behind
the acts of dangerous recklessness and lack of care or foresight although such
mental attitude might have produced several effects or consequences.
Reckless Imprudence is the crime being punished by Art. 365 and the injuries
resulted from the act of reckless imprudence are essential only for purposes
of determining the appropriate penalty which may be imposed on the accused.
Statutory Rape
- Is committed to a girl below 12 y/o or is demented even if she
consented to the sexual intercourse.
- It is always a crime of statutory rape under the RPC and the offendor
should no longer be held liable under RA 7610.
In case the victim who is 12 y/o or less than 18 y/o and is deemed to be a
child “exploited in prostitution and other sexual abuse” because she AGREED
to indulge in sexual intercourse “for money, profit or any other consideration
or due to coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or group”
- The crime is not rape under the RPC. Instead, the offender will be
penalized under Section 5(b) of RA 7610.
However, if the same victim gave her consent to the sexual intercourse, and
then there is no crime committed.
- BUT if the victim does not give her consent to sexual intercourse, in the
sense that the sexual intercourse was committed through force, threat
or intimidation, the crime is Rape under the RPC.
Third, for an accused to be held responsible to the resulting injury, the felony
must the proximate cause of the resulting injury. Proximate Cause is that
cause, which in natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient
intervening cause, produces the injury, and without which, the result would
not have occurred.
The felony committed is not the proximate cause of the resulting injury when:
a. There is an ACTIVE FORCE that intervened between the felony
committed and the resulting injury, and the active force is a distinct act
or fact absolutely foreign from the felonious act of the accused; or
b. The resulting injury is due to the intentional act of the victim.
Legal Impossibility
- Occurs where the intended acts, even if completed, would not amount to
a crime. Legal impossibility would apply to those circumstances where:
1. The motive, desire, and expectation is to perform an act in violation
of the law;
2. There is intention to perform the physical act;
3. There is performance of the intended physical act; and
4. The consequences resulting from the intended act does not amount
to a crime.
Factual Impossibility
- Occurs when extraneous circumstances unknown to the actor or beyond
his control prevent the consummation of the intended crime.
- Ex. Man puts his hand in the coat pocket of another with the intention to
steal the latter’s wallet and finds the pocket empty.
- If the wound/s sustained by the victim were not fatal or mortal, then the
crime committed is only attempted murder or attempted homicide.
Wheel Conspiracy
- The Wheel conspiracy occurs when there is single person or group (the
HUB) dealing individually with two or more other persons or groups
(the SPOKES). The Spoke typically interacts with the Hub rather than
with another Spoke. In the event that the spoke shares a common
purpose to succeed, there is a single conspiracy. However, in the
instance when each spoke is unconcerned with the success of the other
spokes, there are multiple conspiracies.
Chain Conspiracy
- Chain conspiracy exists when there is successive communication and
cooperation in much the same way as with legitimate business
operations between manufacturer and wholesaler, then wholesaler and
retailer, and the retailer and consumer. This involves individuals linked
together in a vertical chain to achieve a criminal objective.
1. In hazing (up)
2. Article 296 of the RPC provides that any member of a band who is
present at the commission of robbery by the band shall be punished as
principal of any of the assaults committed by the band, unless if be
shown that he attempted to prevent the same.
- There must be actual physical force or actual use of a weapon. It is
present only when the one attacked faces real and immediate threat to
his life. It must be continuous, otherwise, it does not constitute
aggression warranting self-defense.