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Bingo - Tori

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Activity Title: Bingo

2. Sources:
5 ways BINGO can help BOOST senior health. (2019, July 17). Retrieved April 05,

2021, from https://abovebeyondhc.com/about-us/community-service/5-ways-bingo-can-





Admin, V. (2020, February 20). Benefits of playing bingo for the elderly. Retrieved April

05, 2021, from https://www.commonwisecare.com/benefits-of-playing-bingo-for-the-


Younger/early-onset alzheimer's. (n.d.). Retrieved April 06, 2021, from


3. Equipment needed:
Bingo card, bingo chips, bingo balls and cage/machine/person to generate and state
4. Activity Description –
• First, the individuals playing the game will be given a bingo board and chips.
• After all of the supplies have been given out, the leader will explain the rules.
• If there is a free space on the bingo board, everyone can put a bingo chip on that
• The caller, the person who reads the numbers, will state a number to the group.
• If you have the number that was said, you take one of the chips in front of you
and put it on that number spot on the bingo board.
• The game continues on with the caller saying numbers and individuals who have
those numbers marking the spot on their board.
• The first person to get a straight line of chips across the board (one for each letter
of BINGO) wins the game.
5. Primary social interaction pattern(s) (activity analysis)
The primary social interaction pattern that is being displayed in this activity is aggregate
interaction. Bingo is considered aggregate interaction because each individual has their
own board and is not interacting with one another, just waiting for the numbers to be
called out and putting the necessary chips on their board.
6. Adaptation:
Using bingo boards with enlarged numbers and letters could be a beneficial adaptation
for individuals with dementia. This could be beneficial because if individuals are having
problems reading the things on the board, larger fonts may help the individual follow
along easier. Another adaptation that may be helpful would be doing the game within a
smaller group. This could be beneficial because everyone will have less distractions, feel
more relaxed and feel less agitation towards others.
The surprising benefits of Bingo. (2017, April 26). Retrieved April 05, 2021, from

Participant: 75-year-old woman diagnosed with early onset dementia.

Early onset dementia is when an individual develops dementia in their 40s and 50s.
People who have early onset dementia can be in any stage of dementia. It is hard for
doctors to determine an accurate diagnosis for early onset dementia because Alzheimer's
does not normally affect young individuals. Dementia affects each individual very
differently so each person's symptoms will vary. Individuals who are diagnosed with
early onset dementia could be in early, middle or late stages of dementia. About 200,000
individuals in the United States are diagnosed with early onset dementia. There is no
known cause of early onset dementia at such an early age, but researchers have found rare
genes that could be the cause of Alzheimer's within families. If it is caused by one of
these genes, it is called "familial Alzheimer's disease and generations of that family could
be affected.

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