Appendix15B - RE Wall Design Checklist
Appendix15B - RE Wall Design Checklist
Appendix15B - RE Wall Design Checklist
Preapproved Proprietary
Wall/Reinforced Slope Design
and Construction Review Checklist
The review tasks provided herein have been divided up relative to the various aspects of wall and
reinforced slope design and construction. These review tasks have not been specifically divided up
between those tasks typically performed by the geotechnical reviewer and those tasks typically performed
by the structural reviewer. However, to better define the roles and responsibilities of each office,
following each task listed below, either GT (geotechnical designer), ST (structural designer), or both are
identified beside each task as an indicator of which office is primarily responsible for the review of that
Review contract plans, special provisions, applicable Standard Specifications, any contract addendums,
the appendix to WSDOT GDM Chapter 15 for the specific wall system proposed in the shop drawings,
and WSDOT GDM Appendix 15A as preparation for reviewing the shop drawings and supporting
documentation. Also review the applicable AASHTO design specifications and WSDOT GDM
Chapter 15 as needed to be fully familiar with the design requirements. If a HITEC report is available
for the wall system, it should be reviewed as well.
The shop drawings and supporting documentation should be quickly reviewed to determine whether
or not the submittal package is complete. Identify any deficiencies in terms of the completeness of
the submittal package. The shop drawings should contain wall plans for the specific wall system,
elevations, and component details that address all of the specific requirements for the wall as described
in the contract. The supporting documentation should include calculations supporting the design of each
element of the wall (i.e., soil reinforcement density, corrosion design, connection design, facing structural
design, external wall stability, special design around obstructions in the reinforced backfill, etc., and
example hand calculations demonstrating the method used by any computer printouts provided and that
verify the accuracy of the computer output. The contract will describe specifically what is to be included
in the submittal package.
The following geotechnical design and construction issues should be reviewed by the geotechnical
designer (GT) and/or structural designer (ST) when reviewing proprietary wall/reinforced slope designs
(note that until the proprietary wall suppliers have fully converted to LRFD, LFD or working stress design
may be used as an alternative to the LRFD requirements identified below in the checklist – see WSDOT
GDM Chapter 15, Appendix 15-A for additional information on this issue):
1. External stability design
a. Are the structure dimensions, design cross-sections, and any other requirements affecting the
design of the wall assumed by the wall/reinforced slope supplier for the design consistent with the
contract requirements? As a minimum, check wall length, top elevation (both coping and barrier,
if present), finished ground line elevation in front of wall, horizontal curve data, and locations and
size of all obstructions (e.g., utilities, drainage structures, sign foundations, etc.) in the reinforced
backfill, if any are present. (GT, ST)
b. Has the correct, and agreed upon, design procedure been used (i.e., as specified in the WSDOT
GDM, WSDOT LRFD BDM, and AASHTO LRFD Specifications or AASHTO Standard
Specifications), including the correct earth pressures, earth pressure coefficients, and any other
input parameters specified in the contract, both for static and seismic design? (GT)
c. Has appropriate load group for each limit state been selected (in general, for LRFD, Service I
should be used for the service limit state, Strength I should be used for the strength limit state,
unless an owner specified vehicle is to be used, in which case Strength II should also be checked,
and Extreme Event I should be used for the extreme event limit state – seismic design)? (GT, ST)
d. Have the correct load factors been selected, both in terms of magnitude and for those load factors
that have maximum and minimum values, has the right combination of maximum and minimum
values been selected (see WSDOT BDM and the AASHTO LRFD Specifications)? (GT, ST)
e. Has live load been treated correctly regarding magnitude (in general, approximated as 2 ft of soil
surcharge load) and location (over reinforced zone for bearing, behind reinforced zone for sliding
and overturning)? (GT, ST)
f. Has the correct PGA, and kh and kv, been used for seismic design for external stability? (GT)
g. Have the correct resistance factors been selected for each limit state (see AASHTO LRFD
Specifications), and is the wall stable against sliding, overturning (i.e., does it meet maximum
eccentricity requirements)? (GT)
h. Have the correct soil properties been used in the analysis (reinforced zone properties and retained
fill properties)? (GT)
i. Have the required external loads been applied in the analysis (external foundation loads, soil
surcharge loads, etc.)? (GT, ST)
j. Have minimum specified wall widths (i.e., AASHTO LRFD Specifications, WSDOT GDM, and
WSDOT BDM specified minimum reinforcement lengths, and minimum reinforcement lengths
specified to insure overall stability), in addition to those required for external and internal
stability, been met in the final wall/reinforced slope design? (GT, ST)
k. Does the wall embedment meet the minimum embedment criteria specified? (GT)
l. Are the maximum factored bearing stresses less than or equal to the factored bearing resistance
for the structure for all limit states (service, strength, and extreme event)? (GT)
m. Has the computer output been hand checked to verify the accuracy of the computer program
calculations (compare hand calculations to the computer output; also, a spot check calculation by
the reviewer may also be needed if the calculations do not look correct for some reason)?
n. Have all special design requirements specified in the contract that are in addition to the GDM,
BDM, and AASHTO LRFD Specification requirements been implemented in the supplier’s
design? (GT, ST)
o. The following design issues should have already been addressed by geotechnical designer of
record in the development of the contract requirements:
i. Design parameters are appropriate for the site soil/rock conditions (see WSDOT GDM
Chapter 5) (GT)
ii. Wall is stable for overall stability and compound stability (service and extreme event limit
states) (GT)
iii. Settlement is within acceptable limits for the specific wall type(s) allowed by the contract
(service limit state) (GT)
iv. The design for any mitigating measures to provide adequate bearing resistance, overall
stability, compound stability, to address seismic hazards such as liquefaction consistent with
the policies provided in WSDOT GDM Chapter 6 of the GDM, and to keep settlement
within acceptable tolerances for the allowed wall or reinforced slope systems is fully
addressed (service, strength and extreme event limit states) (GT)
v. The design for drainage of the wall, both behind and within the wall, has been completed and
is implemented to insure long-term drainage (GT)
p. Have the specific requirements and plan details relating to external stability specified in the
sections that follow in this Appendix for the specific wall/reinforced slope system been used?
q. Have the design documents and plan details been certified in accordance with this manual?
(GT, ST)
v. Are the soil reinforcement - facing connection design parameters used consistent with the
connection plan details provided? For steel reinforced systems, such details include the shear
resistance of the connection pins or bolts, bolt hole sizes, etc. For geosynthetic reinforced
systems, such details include the type of connection, and since the connection strength is
specific to the reinforcement product (i.e., product material, strength, and type) – facing unit
(i.e., material type and strength, and detailed facing unit geometry) combination, and the
specific type of connector used, including material type and connector geometry, as well as
how it fits with the facing unit. Check to make sure that the reinforcement – facing
connection has been previously approved and that the approved design properties have been
used. (GT, ST)
vi. If a coverage ratio, Rc, of less than 1.0 is used for the reinforcement, and its connection to
the facing, has the facing been checked to see that it is structurally adequate to carry the earth
load between reinforcement connection points without bulging of facing units, facing unit
distress, or overstressing of the connection between the facing and the soil reinforcement?
(GT, ST)
vii. Are the facing material properties used by the wall supplier consistent with what is
required to produce a facing system that has the required design life and that is durable in
light of the environmental conditions anticipated? Have these properties been backed up
with appropriate supporting test data? Is the facing used by the supplier consistent with the
aesthetic requirements for the project? (GT, ST)
i. Check to make sure that the following limit states have been evaluated, and that the wall/
reinforced slope internal stability meets the design requirements:
i. Reinforcement resistance in reinforced backfill (strength and extreme event) (GT)
ii. Reinforcement resistance at connection with facing (strength and extreme event) (GT, ST)
iii. Reinforcement pullout (strength and extreme event) (GT)
iv. If K-Stiffness Method is used, soil failure at the strength limit state (GT)
j. If obstructions such as small structure foundations, culverts, utilities, etc., must be placed within
the reinforced backfill zone (primarily applies to MSE walls and reinforced slopes), has the
design of the reinforcement placement, density and strength, and the facing configuration and
details, to accommodate the obstruction been accomplished in accordance with the WSDOT
GDM, WSDOT BDM, and AASHTO LRFD Specifications? (GT, ST)
k. Has the computer output for internal stability been hand checked to verify the accuracy of the
computer program calculations (compare hand calculations to the computer output; also, a spot
check calculation by the reviewer may also be needed if the calculations do not look correct for
some reason)? (GT)
l. Have the specific requirements, material properties, and plan details relating to internal stability
specified in the sections that follow in this Appendix for the specific wall/reinforced slope system
been used? (GT, ST)
m. Note that for structural wall facings for MSE walls, design of prefabricated modular walls, and
design of other structural wall systems, a structural design and detail review must be conducted
by the structural reviewer (for WSDOT, the Bridge and Structures Office conducts this review in
accordance with the WSDOT BDM and the AASHTO LRFD Specifications). (ST)
i. Compare preapproved wall details to the shop drawing regarding the concrete facing panel
dimensions, concrete cover, rebar size, orientation and location. This also applies to any
other structural elements of the wall (e.g., steel stiffeners for welded wire facings, concrete
components of modular walls whether reinforced or not, etc.). (ST)
distortion, both in the backfill and at the facing connection. Make sure that the facing
connections are properly and uniformly engaged so that uneven loading of the soil reinforcement
at the facing connection is prevented. (region project office)
i. Make sure that facing panels or blocks are properly seated on one another as shown in the wall
details. (region project office)
j. Check to make sure that the correct soil lift thickness is used, and that backfill compaction is
meeting the contract requirements. (region project office)
k. Check to make sure that small hand compactors are being used within 3 ft of the face. Reduced
lift thickness should be used at the face to account for the reduced compaction energy available
from the small hand compactor. The combination of a certain number of passes and reduced lift
thickness to produce the required level of compaction without causing movement or distortion
to the facing elements should be verified at the beginning of wall construction. For MSE walls,
compaction at the face is critical to keeping connection stresses and facing performance problems
to a minimum. Check to make sure that the reinforcement is not connected to the facing until the
soil immediately behind the facing elements is up to the level of the reinforcement after
compaction. Also make sure that soil particles do not spill over on to the top of the facing
elements. (region project office)
l. Make sure that drainage elements are placed properly and connected to the outlet structures, and
at the proper grade to promote drainage. (region project office)
m. Check that the wall face embedment is equal to or greater than the specified embedment. (region
project office)
n. Frequently check to determine if wall face alignment, batter, and uniformity are within
tolerances. Also make sure that acceptable techniques to adjust the wall face batter and
alignment are used. Techniques that could cause stress to the reinforcement/facing connections
or to the facing elements themselves, including shimming methods that create point loads on the
facing elements, should not be used. (region project office)
o. For reinforced slopes, in addition to what is listed above as applicable, check to make sure that
the slope facing material is properly connected to the soil reinforcement. Also check that
secondary reinforcement is properly placed, and that compaction out to the slope surface is
accomplished. (region project office)