Java The Garden of 00 Sci Dial A
Java The Garden of 00 Sci Dial A
Java The Garden of 00 Sci Dial A
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The Garden of the East
The Garden of the East
Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore
Author of " Jinrikisha Days in Japan
New York
The Century Co.
Copyright, 1897,
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may study there all the tones of living bronze and the
beauties of human patina, and more of repose than of
muscular action, perhaps. Japanese, Chinese, Siamese,
Malays, Javanese, Burmese, Cingalese, Tamils, Sikhs,
Parsees, Lascars, Malabars, Malagasy, and sailor folk
of all coasts, Hindus and heathens of every caste and
thousand Chinese coolies the Chinese, the one Asiatic
who toils with ardor and regularity, whom the tropics
cannot debilitate, and to whom malaria and all germs,
microbes, and bacilli seem but tonic agents.
When the British returned Java, after the Napoleon
scare was Ceylon and the Cape of
over, they retained
Good Hope, and sovereign rights over Sumatra, relin-
quishing this latter suzerainty in 1872, in exchange for
Holland's imaginary rights in Ashantee and the Gold
Coast of Africa. The Dutch then attempted to reduce
the native population of Sumatra to the same estate
as the more pliant people of Java but the wild moun-
spirit, Great Britain did not lose so much when she let
"merely travelers," he
established comradeship by-
saying, "I a traveling man myself— New York
Life." This naturalized American citizen said quite
" We Dutchmen " and " our
" —Amer-
icanisms with a loyal Holland ring.
After the gold, rose, gray, and purple sunset had
shown us such a sky of splendor and sea of glory as
we had but dreamed of above the equator, banks of
dark vapor defined themselves in the south. A thin
young moon hung among the huge yellow stars, that
glowed steadily, with no cold twinkling, in that intense
night sky but before the Southern Cross could rise,
sea and sky and the wonderland before us was all the
dewy freshness of dawn in Eden. It looked very truly
the "gem" and the "pearl of the East," this "Java
Major" of the ancients, and the Djawa of the native
people, which has called forth more extravagant praise
and had more adjectives expended on it than any other
one island in the world. Yet this little continent is
only 666 miles long and from 56 to 135 miles wide, and
on an area of 49,197 square miles (nearly the same as
that of the State of New York) supports a population
of 24,000,000, greater than that of all the other islands
of the Indian Ocean put together. With 1600 miles
are broad and straight, and all the distances are mag-
nificent. The city of Batavia, literally " fair meadows,"
grandiloquently the queen of the East," and without
exaggeration the gridiron of the East," dates from
1621, when the Dutch removed from Bantam, where
quarrels between Portuguese, Javanese, and the East
India Company had been disturbing trade for fifteen
years, and built Fort Jacatra at the mouth of a river
off which a cluster of islands sheltered a fine harbor.
Its position in the midst of swamps was unhealthy, and
the mortality was so appalling as to seem incredible.
Dutch records tell of 87,000 soldiers and sailors dying
in the government hospital between 1714 and 1776,
and of 1,119,375 dying at Batavia between 1730 and
August, 1752— a period of twenty-two years and eight
months. 1 The deadly Java fever occasioning this
seemingly incredible mortality was worst between the
years 1733 and 1738, during which time 2000 of the
Dutch East India Company's servants and free Chris-
tians died annually. Staunton, who visited Batavia
with Lord Macartney's embassy in 1793, called it the
" most
unwholesome place in the universe," and " the
pestilential climate was considered a sufficient defense
against attack from any European power.
The people were long in learning that those who went
to the higher suburbs to sleep, and built houses of the
most open construction to admit of the fullest sweep
of air, were free from the fever of the walled town,
surrounded by swamps, cut by stagnant canals, and
facing a harbor whose mud-banks were exposed at
1 See Sir Stamford Raffles's "History of Java," Appendix A.
beat the Dutch " in Europe ten points to one, and
there is nothing so surprising and amazing, in all
man's proper study of mankind, as this equatorial Hol-
lander transplanted from the cold fens of Europe nor;
equator, when
distinguished citizens and officials can
roam and lounge about hotel courts in pajamas and
bath slippers, and bare-ankled women, clad only in the
native sarong, or skirt, and a white dressing-jacket, go
unconcernedly about their affairs in streets and public
places until afternoon. It is a dishabille beyond all
they must
since, in their capacity as local magistrates,
make conform with the tenets of the
their decisions
is punctilious to a degree. A
formal court surrounds
the governor-general, and is repeated in miniature at
every residency. The pensioned native sovereigns,
princes, and regents maintain all the forms, etiquette,
and barbaric splendor of their old court life, elaborated
but one doubts the tales the more he sees of this hid-
eous beast of Asia. Men and women were wading
knee-deep in paddy-field muck, transplanting the green
rice-shoots from the seed-beds, and picturesque harvest
regia beside
it, with pandanus and red-stemmed Banka
palms crowded in a great sheaf or bouquet on a tiny
islet. When one rides through this green avenue in
the dewyfreshness of the early morning, it seems as
though nature and the tropics could do no more, until
he has penetrated the tunnels of warin gen-trees, the
open avenues of royal palms, the great plantation of
a thousand palms, the grove of tree-fern, and the fran-
gipani thicket, and has reached the knoll commanding
a view of the double summit of Gedeh and Pange-
rango, vaporous blue volcanic heights, from one peak
of which a faint streamer of smoke perpetually floats.
There is a broad lawn at the front of the palace, shaded
with great waringen-, sausage-, and candle-trees, and
trees whose branches are hidden in a mantle of vivid-
leafed bougainvillea vines, with deer wandering and
grouping themselves in as correct park pictures as if
under branches of elm or oak, or beside the conven-
tional ivied trunks of the North.
puted haunts.
All Java is in a way as finished as little Holland
itself, the whole island cultivated from edge to edge
like a and connected throughout its
length with post-roads smooth and perfect as park
drives, all arched with waringen-, kanari-, tamarind-,
or teak-trees. The rank and tangled jungle is invisi-
ble, save by long journeys; and great snakes, wild
tigers, and rhinoceroses are almost unknown now.
One must go to Borneo and the farther islands to
see them, too. All the valleys, plains, and hillsides
are planted in formal rows, hedged, terraced, banked,
drained, and carefully weeded as a flower-bed. The
drives are of endless beauty, whichever way one turns
from Buitenzorg, and we made triumphal progresses
through the kanari- and waringen-lined streets in an
enormous "milord." The equipage measured all of
twenty feet from the tip of the pole to the footman's
perch behind, and with a cracking whip and at a rat-
tling gait we dashed through shady roads, past Dutch
barracks and hospitals, over picturesque bridges, and
through villages where the native children jumped
and clapped their hands with glee as the great Jug-
gernaut vehicle rolled by. We visited the grave of
Raden Saleh, a lonely little pavilion or temple in a
tangle of shrubbery that was once a lovely garden
shaded by tall cocoa-palms and we drove to Batoe
India," or referred to Delhi and Bombay as cities of
India/' the Hollanders looked puzzled.
Ah, when you say you mean Hindustan
or British India "
Certainly that is India, the continent— the greater
" But what,then, do you call this island and all the
possessions of the Netherlands out here ? "
" we
Why, speak of this island as Java. Every one
knows of it, and of Sumatra and Borneo, by their own
The defender of Netherlands India said nothing;
but soon a reference was made to a guest who had
been in official residence at Amboyna.
"Where?" we inquired with keen interest in the
Amboyna. Do you in America not know of Am-
boyna ?
Average Americans must confess if, since early geog-
raphy days, they have not remembered carefully that
one tiny island in the group of Moluccas off the east
end of Java— an island so tiny that even on the school
atlases used in Buitenzorg it is figured the size of a
pea, and on the maps for the rest of the world is but
a nameless dot in the clustered dots of the group that
would better be named the Nutmeg Isles, since the
bulk of the world's supply of that spicy fruit comes
from their shores.
perous now."
HE Buitenzorg passer proper is housed
in a long, tiled pavilion facing an open
common, on which the country folk
5 79
Tons of bananas were heaped high in the passer
each day, the great golden bunches making most
decorative and attractive masses of color, and their
absurd cheapness tempting one to buy and to buy.
The Java pisang, or banana, however, is but a coarse
plantain with a pinkish-yellow, dry pulp, of a pump-
kiny flavor that sadly disappoints the palate. Yet it
. **'*-:
to surpass in flavor all the other fruits of the world."
Crawfurd said that it tasted like "fresh cream and
ing the seeds, the only part eaten, excels the finest
custards which could be prepared by either Ude or
Kitchener." One sees the monster retailed in seg-
ments in every passerthe natives are always munch-
crop. The village head man was paid for the com-
munity three and a half florins for each picul of
island and the low, hot lands along the coast were
Early experiments had been made with the tea-plant
in Java, and the government initiated tea-growing
with great anticipations. Tea-plants and -seeds were
brought by botanists from Japan as early as 1826, and
later from China, together with skilled cultivators and
workmen to instruct the natives. Crown lands were
leased on long terms, and cash advances made during the
firstyears of hill-clearing and planting. The govern-
ment obliged the planters to produce equal quantities
of green and black tea, and four grades or qualities
of each kind; the planters were to repay the govern-
ment's cash advances in tea, to sell the whole crop to
the government and to pay the work-
at a fixed rate,
men fixed wages. Tea-growing was not profitable at
first, as there was difficulty in securing a market in
Europe for the bitter, weedy Java leaf, until, by a
great reduction in the selling-price, its cheapness
gained it The discovery of the
a sale in Germany.
wild Assam tea-plant in India, and the results obtained
by grafting it on the Chinese plant, marked a new
HE an experiment in
culture system, as
government and finance, was
That sage socialist, filisee Reclus, remarks that
" once more it appears that monopoly ends in the ruin
not only of the despoilers, but of the state."
cat that had come all the way from Chicago, only to
have its lakeside appetite tormentedby this Barmecide
feast of rainbow birds.
We were led past flower-beds nodding with strange
past rose-gardens and oleander-hedges, down a
country, America.
A striped cat of the common roof-and-fence variety
was given to one of the village managers, and made
man; a
HE sun fell at six o'clock, and in the
fast-gathering twilight of the tropics the
train shrieked past Tjihondje and Rad-
HE fact is not generally appreciated that
there are ruins of Buddhist and Brah-
manic temples in Middle Java surpass-
ing in extent and magnificence anything
to be seen in Egypt or India. There,
in the heart of the steaming tropics, in that summer
land of the world below the equator, on an island
where volcanoes cluster more thickly and vegetation
is richer than in any other region of the globe, where
ican consul ;
we had other affairs, and were bound for
Boro Boedor. He waved
the United States passports
aside, curtly said they were of no account," examined
the letters of credit with a shade more of interest, and
gave his whole attention to my "Smithsonian pass-
port," or general letter"to all friends of science."
That beautifully written document, with its measured
phrases, many polysyllabic words in capital letters, and
the big gold seal of Saint-Gaudens's designing, worked
a spell and after slowly reading all the commendatory
No, no, no he cried in alarm " you must stay
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No we have our toelatings-kaarten, and we leave
sun,— at the time when, as the Hindus say, only Eng-
lishmen and dogs are abroad,"— reaching at last a
pretty village and the grateful shade of tall kanari-
trees, where the people were lounging at ease at the
close of the morning's busy passer. Every house,
shed, and stall had made use of carved temple stones
for its foundations, and the road was lined with more
such recha — artistic remains from the inexhaustible
storehouse and quarry of the neighboring ruins. Piles
of tempting fruit remained for sale, and brown babies
sprawled content on the warm lap of earth, the tiniest
ones eating the green edge of watermelon-rind with
avidity, and tender mothers cramming cold sweet po-
tato into themouths of infants two and four months
old. There was such an easy, enviable tropical calm
of abundant living and leisure in that Lilliput village
under Brobdingnag trees that I longed to fling away
my "Fergusson," let slip life's one golden, glowing,
scorching opportunity to be informed on ninth-cen-
tury Brahmanic temples, and, putting off all starched
and unnecessary garments of white civilization, join
that lifelong, happy-go-lucky, care-free picnic party
under the kanari-trees of Brambanam but— ;
then gone abroad, and greed for its riches led Khublai
Khan to despatch an armada to its shores ;
but his
Chinese commander, Mengki, returned without ships
or men, his face branded like a thief's. Another ex-
pedition was defeated, with a loss of three thousand
men, and the Great Khan's death put an end to further
schemes of conquest. Marco Polo, windbound for
five months on Sumatra, then Odoric, and the Arab
Ibn Batuta, who visited Java in the fourteenth cen-
tury, continued to celebrate the riches and splendor of
this empire, and invite its conquest, until Arab priests
and traders began its overthrow. Its princes were
conquered, its splendid capitals destroyed, and with
the conversion of the people to Mohammedanism the
shrines were deserted, soon overgrown, and became
hillocks of vegetation. The waringen-tree's fibrous
roots, penetrating the crevices of stones that were
upto here," touching his waist, " and there are many,
sures ;
as an empty survival of the form of the earliest
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From Sir Stamford Kaffles'a History of Java."
Vide "Six Semaines a Java," par Desire de Charnay ("Le
Tour du Monde," volume for 1880).
the two native states of Middle Java, the
Vorstenlanden, or "Lands of the Princes,"
were last to be brought under Dutch rule,
Djokjakarta and Soerakarta are the cap-
itals and head centers of native suprem-
danese call themselves the " sons of the soil," and the
" the
Javanese stranger people." The glories of the
Hindu empire are declared by the magnificent ruins
so lately uncovered, but the splendor of the Moham-
medan empire barely survives in name in the strangely
interesting city of the susunhan set in the midst of the
plain of Solo— a plain which M. Desire de Charnay
described as "a paradise which nothing on earth can
equal, and neither pen, brush, nor photography can
faithfully reproduce."
At this Solo, second city of the island in size, one
truly reaches the heart of native Java— the Java of
the Javanese— more nearly than elsewhere; but Is-
lam's old empire is there narrowed down to a kraton,
or palace inclosure, a mile square, where the present
susunhan, or object of adoration, lives as a restrained
pensioner of the Dutch government, the mere shadow
of those splendid potentates, his ancestors.
The old susunhans were descended from the Moor-
men or Arab pirates who harried the coast for a cen-
tury before they destroyed the splendid Hindu capital
of Majapahit, near the modern Soerabaya. They
followed that act of vandalism with the conquest of
Pajajaran, the western empire, or Sundanese end of
the island ;
and religious conversion always went with
conquest by the followers of the prophet. There was
perpetual domestic war in the Mohammedan empire,
which by no means held the unresisting allegiance of
the Javanese at any time, and the Hindu princes of
Middle Java were never really conquered by them or
the Dutch. The Java war of the last century between
the Mohammedan emperor, the Dutch, and the rebel-
lious native prince, Manko Boeni, lasted for thirteen
looking on a garden ;
and in this small world, where
every one knows every one, his habitat and all his
affairs, the new-comers were given a silent, earnest
attention that would have checked any appetites save
those engendered by our archaeological afternoon at
Brambanam. When beefsteak was served with a sauce
of pineapple mashed with potato,
and the succeeding
beet salad was followed by fried fish, and that by a
sweet pudding flooded with a mixture of melted choc-
olate and freshly ground cocoanut, we were oblivious
to all staresand whispers and open comments in Dutch,
which these colonials take it for granted no alien un-
derstands or can even have clue to through its likeness
to German. While we rocked on the great white por-
tico we could see and hear that Solo's lizards were as
foreign ways, and the local color is all one could -wish.
There are drives of great beauty about the town, with
far views of those two lovely symmetrical peaks, Mer-
api and Merbaboe, on one side, and of the massive
Mount Lawu on the other. The temple ruins at Suku,
at the foot of Mount Lawu, twenty-six miles southeast
of Solo, are the most puzzling to archaeologists, least
known and visited of all such remains in Java. They
are of severeform and massive construction, without
traces ofany carved ornament, and the solid pylons,
truncated pyramids, and great obelisks, standing on
successive platforms or terraces, bear such surprising
resemblance to the monuments of ancient Egypt and
Central America that speculation is offered a wide
range and free field. The images found there are
ruder than any other island sculptures, and every-
thing points to these strange temples having been the
shrines of an earlier, simpler faith than any now ob-
served or of which there is any record. These Suku
temples were discovered in 1814 by Major Johnson,
the British officer residing at the native court of Solo.
They were then unknown to the natives there were
1 "
Le Tour du Monde," " Six Semaines a Java," par M. Desire
de Charnay, volume for 1880.
modern Soerabaya.
Pajajaran, capital of the western empire, was near the
modern Batavia.
and when this " regent of the world" and " vicegerent
of the Almighty," as his titles translate, goes abroad
in state procession, the spectacle is worth going far to
[S the
lines of the topeng-players are al-
and the Tjilatjap fever" is a distinguished specialty of
the region that surpasses all the deadly forms of fever
After the sun fell the air grew heavier and hotter—
tions of Java, and the Vrouw van Hork and her excel-
lent Dutch housekeeping are famed from Anjer Head
to Banjoewangi. All the colonial types were repre-
sented at the long table d'hote, and every language of
Europe was heard. There were always nice neighbors
at table, able and anxious to talk English, and the
Very well. That 's just what we want to find. Be
sure you tell us as soon as you step on one or see it
But, after pushing and tearing our way through
bamboo-grass and bushes to the first ridge, we saw
only other and farther ridges to be surmounted, with
great ravines and stony hollows between. "We took
such view of the cloudy plains and ranges to north-
ward and southward as we could, seeing everywhere
the murky, blue, misty horizon of the rainy season,
and nowhere the silver sea-levels, nor the lines of per-
petual surf that fringe the Indian Ocean. sawWe
again the mosaic of rice-fields and dry fields covering
the Garoet plain and looking down upon the foot of
spectacular phenomena.
The Royal Society of Great Britain appointed a
"Krakatoa Committee," composed of thirteen of its
most eminent geologists, meteorologists, seismists, and
specialists in such lines, to collect data concerning this
most remarkable eruption of the century, and its re-
volume of 475 pages, edited by G. J.
port, a quarto
Symons, and published in London in 1888, embodies
the result of their inquiries.
M. Rene" Breon's report to the French Minister of
Public Instruction was published by his government,
and he contributed papers to "La Nature," in the
April and May numbers for the year 1885. Mr. H. O.
Forbes, the naturalist, was in Batavia in the first weeks
of Krakatau's activity, and the record of his excursion
to the island and his observations was read to the
1 The
Eoyal Society gives an estimate of seventeen miles
as the height of this great column of smoke.
beautiful sunset effects observed all over the world for several
months afterward. The amount of solid matter ejected has been
computed at over four and a quarter cubic miles.
Such a convulsion has naturally greatly altered the features
of the surrounding sea and islands. The northern portion of
Krakatau has completely disappeared, and several banks and
shoals have been formed between it and Bezee Island, render-
ing the passage between almost impracticable. It has not other-
wise affected the navigation of Sunda Strait, and its activity has
now ceased (1889). . . .
by fishermen. . . .
The village was on the east side opposite Little Tamarind Island,
but the volcanic eruption smothered the island with mud and
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