Motor Vehicle Driving Regulation 2017 English Gdocs
Motor Vehicle Driving Regulation 2017 English Gdocs
Motor Vehicle Driving Regulation 2017 English Gdocs
New Delhi, the 23rd June, 2017
G.S.R.634(E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by section 118 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of
1988), and in supersession of the Rules of the Road Regulations, 1989, except as respects things done or omitted to be
done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby makes the following regulations for the driving of motor
vehicles, namely:-
1. Short title, extent and commencement. – (1) These regulations may be called the Motor Vehicles (Driving)
Regulations, 2017.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
(a) “Act” means the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988);
(b) “carriageway” means the part or parts of a road normally used by vehicular traffic,
whether separated from one another by a dividing strip or a difference of level or not;
(c) “construction zone” means a section of the roadway where the construction activity is in
progress or declared to be undertaken and which may comprise of work space, traffic space or
buffer space;
(d) “heavy vehicle” means a heavy goods vehicle or heavy passenger motor vehicle as defined in
(e) “intersection” means any level crossroad, junction or fork, including the open areas
formed by such crossroads, junctions or forks;
(f) “longitudinal marking” means the road marking which is provided along the movement
of traffic on carriageway;
(g) “major district roads” means the important roads within a district of a State notified as
such by the State Government;
(h) “major road” means the highway, road or street designated as such by any highway
authority or local authority within its jurisdiction;
(i) “national highways” means the highways specified in the Schedule to the National
Highways Act, 1956 or any other highway declared as national highway under sub-section (2) of
section 2 of the said Act;
(j) “parking” means the bringing of a vehicle to a stationary position and causing it to wait
for any purpose other than that of immediately taking up or setting down persons, goods or luggage,
and includes stopping for more than three minutes;
(k) “rider” or “passenger” means a person travelling on a motor vehicle otherwise than as a
driver of that vehicle, whether for hire or reward or otherwise;
(l) “right of way” means the right of a vehicle or any other road user to proceed in a lawful
manner in preference to another vehicle or any other road user approaching under such
circumstances of direction, speed and proximity as to give rise to danger or collision unless one
grants precedence to one over the other;
(m) “road” includes bridges, tunnels, lay-bys, ferry facilities, interchanges, roundabouts,
traffic islands, road dividers, all traffic lanes, acceleration lanes, deceleration lanes, median strips,
overpasses, underpasses, approaches, entrance and exit ramps, toll plazas, and a road under
construction, but does not include any private road;
(n) “road marking” means the lines, patterns, words except road signs which are applied or
attached to the carriageway or kerbs or to objects within or adjacent to the carriageway for
controlling, warning, guiding and informing the road users;
(o) “road user” includes a person driving or travelling on the road in a vehicle or otherwise
and a pedestrian;
(p) “silence zone” means an area or locality notified by the competent authority where the use
of sound signal is prohibited;
(q) “state highways” means the arterial roads of a State notified as such by the State Government;
(r) “stopping” means halting a vehicle for a very short duration out of free will, either to allow
(s) “traffic” includes vehicles of every description and other carriages and conveyances,
pedestrians, processions, ridden or herded animals, and all other forms of road traffic using any road
or highway for the purpose of travel;
(t) “traffic island” means a physical provision and road markings marked on a carriageway,
at or near an intersection to regulate the vehicular traffic;
(u) “traversed marking” means the road marking which is provided across the carriageway.
(1) Any words or expressions used in these regulations, but not defined, shall have the same meaning as
assigned to them in the Act.
3. Duty towards other road users and the general public.- No vehicle shall be driven, stopped or parked on a
road or in a public place in such a manner as is likely to endanger the safety of, or cause inconvenience to, other road
4. Use of roads by vehicles. – (1) Every vehicle or combination of vehicles, while moving on a road, shall have a
Provided that on dual carriageways, the vehicle shall be driven on the left carriageway unless
otherwise directed by the police officer in uniform for the time being on the duty or by appropriate road signs.
(3) Unless road signs or markings indicate otherwise, the driver shall keep the vehicle as far as possible to the left
of the carriageway, and shall allow all traffic, which is proceeding in the opposite direction, to pass on his right side.
(4) The driver shall keep the vehicle to the left while being overtaken and when approaching a bend or a
hill and when his view ahead is restricted.
(5) A heavy vehicle or speed restricted vehicle shall be driven in the left lane on a carriageway with several
lanes in one direction, except when overtaking an obstruction or a slower moving vehicle:
Provided that the driver shall return to the left lane as soon as he is safely past the obstruction or the slower moving
vehicle, as the case may be.
(6) A vehicle shall not be driven on a road declared “One Way”, except in the direction specified by the signage.
(7) No driver shall pull, push or drive a vehicle against the flow of traffic, except when specifically directed
to do so either through a traffic sign erected by an appropriate authority or by a police officer in uniform for the
time being on duty.
(8) The driver shall keep at a safe distance from a reversing vehicle and not move toward it before the
reversing vehicle has completed its backward motion.
(3) The driver shall at all times maintain a good lookout and concentrate on the road and the traffic and
avoid any activity which distracts, or is likely to distract, his attention.
(4) The driver and the riders shall take special care and precautions to ensure the safety of the most
vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, children, the elderly and the differently abled persons.
(5) The driver shall ensure that his vehicle, while moving or when stationary, does not cause any hindrance
or undue inconvenience to other road users or to the occupants of any properties.
(6) The driver shall ensure that his view is not obstructed and his hearing is not impaired by passengers,
animals, the load, equipment in the vehicle or by the condition of the vehicle.
(7) The driver shall ensure that he and the other occupants of the vehicle wears seat belts, if provided in the vehicle.
(8) The driver shall ensure that a child up to twelve years of age is seated in an appropriate child restraint
system, wherever provided.
(9) Wherever provided by or under the law, the rider of a motor cycle, with or without a side car, and the
pillion-rider and occupant of the side car shall wear protective head gear (helmet) or such other safety device as
specified under any law for the time being in force.
(10) The driver shall ensure that loud music is not played in the vehicle.
(11) The driver shall not watch digital motion pictures or videos while driving, except
Provided that the driver shall use a device for route navigation in such a manner as not to distract
his attention from driving.
(12) The driver shall strictly comply with the laws for the time being in force relating to prohibition on
consumption of alcohol and drugs and smoking, and also ensure compliance thereto by the other crew, riders and
passengers, if any.
(13) The driver shall take care of himself and the passengers of the vehicle, when getting into or out of a
vehicle so as to ensure his own safety and the safety of the other staff, the passengers and other road users.
(14) The driver shall not, in any public place, drive a vehicle which, to his knowledge, has a defect, or which
he could have discovered by exercising ordinary care, and on account of which defect the driving of the vehicle is
likely to cause undue danger to the safety of the occupants of the vehicles or other road users.
(15) If a technical defect is discovered in a vehicle while it is being driven, the driver shall take the vehicle
off the road in the quickest possible manner:
Provided that powered two wheelers may be pushed to safety in a situation of discovery of a technical defect during
(16) While riding or driving a motor cycle or a three wheeler, the driver or the rider shall not hold on to or
push any other vehicle.
(17) The driver of a motor cycle or a three wheeler shall at all times hold the handle bar with both hands
except when signalling the manoeuvre as specified in regulation 9.
(18) The driver may take his feet off the pedals or foot rests only if the road conditions so require or safely permit.
6. Lane traffic.- (1) Where any road is marked by lanes for movement of traffic, the driver shall drive within the
lane, and change lanes only after giving a proper signal or road marking or signage.
(2) Where any lane is marked specially for a class of vehicles, a vehicle of that class shall drive in that lane only.
(3) Where a lane has been marked for a specified class of vehicles or for a special purpose, no other
vehicle of any other class shall be driven in that lane.
(4) Where a road is divided by a longitudinal yellow or white solid line, the driver, proceeding in the same
direction and trying to overtake another vehicle ahead, shall not cross the said yellow or white solid line.
(5) While approaching inter-sections, where turning lanes are marked with a single solid line, the driver shall
ensure that the vehicle remains in the lane meant for the direction of manoeuvre.
(6) The driver shall not drive on or over a single or double longitudinal solid line, or on a painted
traffic island except in case of obstructions on the road.
(7) On a road having a single broken line along with a solid line, the driver of the vehicle driving on the left
of broken line may cross the broken line in order to overtake, but shall return to his lane after completing the
manoeuvre, observing the safety precautions specified in regulation 12.
7. Right of way.- (1) Where a “STOP” sign is displayed on a road, the driver facing the sign shall-
(a) stop before crossing the transverse “STOP” line preceding the “STOP” sign;
(b) in case a “STOP” line is not marked, or is marked but is not visible, stop immediately before “STOP”
(c) give way to traffic on the major road; and
(d) enter the major road only when the way ahead is clear.
(3) Where a “Give Way” sign is displayed on the road, supplemented by a single or double broken transverse
“Give Way” road marking, the driver shall slowdown, give way to traffic on the road he is approaching, and
proceed cautiously.
(4) If there is no pedestrian crossing marked before the “Give Way” sign or “STOP” sign, the driver shall give
way to the pedestrians.
(5) the vehicle emerging onto a road from a property bordering thereon shall give way to the motor vehicles and
other traffic already running on that road.
8. Left, right and ‘U’turns.- The driver shall plan well in advance of a turn, move to the appropriate lane of the
road and give signal for the intended turn in the following manner, namely:-
(a) a driver who wishes to turn left shall clearly and in good time indicate his intention to turn left either by
using direction indicator or giving appropriate hand signal;
(b) before turning left, the driver shall, in reasonable time, move to the left most lane or use a slip lane,
where provided;
(c) while driving on a multi-lane road, where direction arrows pointing to the left are marked on the road,
the driver shall use that lane while taking a left turn;
(d) before moving into the left lane, the driver shall keep in view the traffic to his left and behind him, and
change the lane only after giving a left-turn signal;
(e) before turning left, the driver shall give way to cyclists and other slow-moving traffic;
(f) at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, the driver shall give way to the pedestrians before turning left;
(g) a vehicle, which is unable to negotiate a left turn due to large turning radius required for the vehicle from
the extreme left lane, may use the next lane with the driver keeping a watch on the traffic on the left of
the vehicle in the rear view mirror and exercising extreme caution while negotiating the turn.
(a) the driver who wishes to turn right shall clearly and in good time indicate his intention to turn right by
using either the direction indicator or by giving a hand signal;
(b) before turning right, the driver shall in good time move to the right most lane;
(c) while driving on a multi-lane road, where direction arrows pointing to the right are marked on the road,
the driver shall remain in that lane while taking right turn;
(d) before moving into the right lane, the driver shall keep in mind the traffic on his right and behind him,
and change the lane only after giving a right-turn signal;
(e) at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, the driver shall give way to pedestrians.
(i) where such ‘U’ turn is prohibited by a road sign or a traffic signal;
(b) the driver shall not take a ‘U’ turn if there are any blind spots around the vehicle and shall start taking a ‘U’
turn only if it is safe to take a ‘U’ turn, after closely observing the traffic in the opposite direction and
observing the traffic on the sides and behind the vehicle in the side view mirrors and rear view mirror;
(c) the driver shall negotiate the right turn only after giving way to the other road users who have the right of
way, including pedestrians and cyclists;
(d) the driver shall ensure that he has a clear view of approaching traffic and shall not cause undue
inconvenience to the other road users and also ensure safety of other road users;
(e) a large vehicle may take the ‘U’ turn from the left lane only where permitted.
9. Precautions to be taken at intersections.- (1) The vehicle shall invariably slow down when approaching a road
intersection, a road junction, a pedestrian crossing or a road corner, and shall not enter any such intersection, junction or
crossing if it is likely to endanger the safety of other road users moving onto, or already on, such intersection, road
junction, pedestrian crossing or road corner.
(2) At intersections and junctions, vehicles approaching from the right side shall have the right of
way: Provided that this sub-regulation shall not apply,-
(a) when the junction or intersection is being regulated by manual signals by anauthorised person, traffic
lights or mandatory traffic signs; or
(b) when the vehicle is exiting a minor road and entering a major road.
(3) A motor vehicle shall not enter an intersection if the traffic on the intersection has come to a standstill
even if it is on the main road or has a signal to proceed.
10. Precautions to be taken at roundabouts.- (1) While entering a roundabout, traffic already in the roundabout
shall have the right of way.
(2) A motor vehicle approaching a roundabout shall choose the lane relevant to the direction of its further movement.
(3) The driver shall use indicators when changing lanes within the roundabout.
(4) While exiting the roundabout, the driver shall follow the procedure specified in sub-regulation (2) of regulation
11. Indication of signals.- (1) The driver shall clearly indicate his intention to change course, turn left or right and
before making any manoeuvre, using mechanical or electrical devices fitted in the vehicle or by hand signals.
(2) In case a mechanical or electrical device in not fitted in the vehicle for giving signals or, the said
device is provided but not functioning, the driver shall give manual signals as specified below-
(i) to stop, a driver shall raise his right forearm vertically outside of, and to the right of, the vehicle,
palm to the right;
(ii) to turn to the right or to drive to the right-hand side of the road in order to pass another vehicle
or for any other reason, the driver shall extend his right arm in a horizontal position outside of,
and to the right of, his vehicle with the palm of the hand turned to the front;
(iii) to turn to the left or to drive to the left-hand side of the road, the driver shall extend his right arm
and rotate it in an anti-clockwise direction;
(iv) to indicate to the driver of a vehicle behind him that the latter may overtake, the driver shall
extend his right arm and hand horizontally outside of, and to the rightof, the vehicle and shall
swing the arm backward and forward in a semi-circular motion.
12. Traffic control signals.- While approaching a traffic control signal, the vehicle shall slow down and follow
the directions given by the traffic control signals in the following manner, namely:-
(a) a motor vehicle facing the red light of a traffic control signal at an intersection or at a place other than an
intersection, shall stop the vehicle before the stop line preceding the pedestrian crossing;
(b) if the stop line is not marked or, if marked is not visible, the vehicle shall stop before the pedestrian
(c) if there is no marked pedestrian crossing, the vehicle shall stop before the primary traffic signal;
(d) the vehicle shall move with caution after the green traffic signal turns on;
(e) when, at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection, rapid intermittent flashes of red light are
displayed by a traffic control signal, the vehicle facing the signal shall,-
(i) stop before the stop line preceding the pedestrian crossing;
(ii)stop before the pedestrian crossing if the stop line is not marked or, if marked is not visible;
(iii) stop before the primary traffic signal at the intersection if there is no marked pedestrian crossing;
(iv) drive past the signal or across the pedestrian crossingafter giving the right of way to the pedestrians
and the vehicles running at the major road;
(f) notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (a) to (d), a motor vehicle may take a left turn and proceed
further after giving way to the traffic approaching the intersection from its right side and to the
pedestrians and cyclists crossing the intersection on its left side unless a traffic control device or a road
sign prohibits a left turn whenthe red light is on.
(a) when, at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection, a green light is on at a traffic control
signal, a motor vehicle facing the green light shall,-
(i) drive the vehicle into the intersection or pedestrian crossing only if the way ahead is clear;
(ii) move only in the direction indicated by the green directional arrow in case a green directional
arrow signal is also displayed by a traffic control signal;
(iii) give way to any pedestrian, who is within the intersection or at an adjacent pedestrian crossing, and to
any other vehicle which is within the intersection at the time when the green light turns on;
(b) when, at an intersection, rapid intermittent flashes of green arrow signal are displayed by a traffic control
signal, a motor vehicle facing the flashes of the green arrow signal shall turn only in the direction of the
arrow after giving the right of way to pedestrians, cyclists and the vehicles merging in the path which the
driver is approaching.
(a) when, at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection, an amber light is on at a traffic control
signal, the vehicle facing the amber light shall stop before the stop line preceding the pedestrian crossing;
(b) if a stop line is not marked or, if marked is not visible, the vehicle shall stop before the pedestrian
Provided that if there is no marked pedestrian crossing, the vehicle shall stop before the
primary traffic light signal unless it has either crossed the stop line or is so close to the stop line
that abrupt stopping may result in a collision with the following vehicle;
(c) a motor vehicle facing rapid intermittent flashes of amber light from a traffic control signal at an
intersection or at a place other than an intersection shall slow down and may drive into the intersection or
pedestrian crossing with caution after giving way to the pedestrians and vehicles which are already
within the intersection.
13. Manual traffic control. – (1)Where a police officer in uniform or any other authorised person is regulating
the traffic at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection, the driver shall slowdown the vehicle and follow the
directions of the said officer or person.
(2) When a “STOP” signal is shown by the police officer in uniform or any other authorised person, the
driver shall stop the vehicle before the stop line preceding the pedestrian crossing.
(3) In case the stop line is not marked or, if marked is not visible, the driver shall stop the vehicle before
the pedestrian crossing.
(4) In case there is no marked pedestrian crossing, the driver shall stop the vehicle before the approaching
road at the junction.
(5) When a vehicle has stopped in compliance to a “STOP” signal given by the police officer in uniform
or any other authorized person, it shall not move further until a signal to proceed is given by the said
officer or person.
14. Overtaking.- (1) A motor vehicle shall not overtake any other road user unless it is safe and not in violation of
the provisions of the Act or the rules made thereunder or any other law for the time being in force.
(a) the vehicle which is to overtake and the vehicle which is to be overtaken are both driving on a
multi-lane road and the vehicle ahead can be safely overtaken in a marked lane to the left of the
vehicle being overtaken;
(b) the vehicle to be overtaken is either turning right or making a ‘U’ turn from the centre of the
road and is giving a signal to turn and it would be safe to overtake it from the left; or
(c) the vehicle to be overtaken is stationary and it is safe to pass it from the left.
(3) No vehicle shall be overtaken if such overtaking is likely to impede the oncoming traffic.
(4) While overtaking, the vehicle shall be driven at a speed higher than that of the vehicle to be
overtaken, but the speed shall not exceed maximum speed limit specified by or under the Act or the rules
made thereunder.
(c) by crossing the continuous single or double solid longitudinal lane marking dividing the road;
(d) on a bend or corner or at any obstruction of any kind resulting in the road ahead not being
clearly visible;
(f) at a transit location where the road narrows or where lanes on the carriage way are reduced in
(h) on a road where ‘School Zone’ or ‘Hospital Zone’ or ‘Construction Zone’ is indicated by
road signs.
(6) The driver shall use the direction indicators to show his intention to overtake and, after manoeuvring
the overtaking, return to the left side of the road as quickly as possible.
(7) No driver shall give a right turn indicator to signal permission to the following vehicle to overtake him.
(8) Outside built up areas, the driver shall signal his intention to overtake the vehicle ahead of him by
blowing the horn for a very short duration or by headlight flasher signal and may overtake the vehicle after
getting a signal for overtaking from the driver in front or if the way ahead is clear.
(9) If a vehicle is overtaking another vehicle, the driver of the vehicle being overtaken shall not increase
its speed or impede the overtaking vehicle’s safe return to the left lane.
15. Merging in traffic.- (1) A motor vehicle entering a national highway or a state highway or a major district
road shall give way to traffic on the highway or the major district road, as the case may be.
(2) At an intersection of two roads of same category, the driver of the motor vehicle on the right shall
have the right of way.
(3) Wherever applicable, the driver shall use the acceleration for merging lane to build up speed of the
vehicle before merging it in the traffic on the highway or on the major district road.
(4) Before and while merging in the traffic, the driver shall keep a close watch on the traffic through
rear view mirror and side-view mirrors and signal his intention to merge.
(5) The driver shall not attempt to overtake a vehicle or vehicles ahead of him unless he has stayed long
enough in the left-hand lane or the lane in which he had been driving.
16. Speed.- (1) A driver shall drive only at a speed which allows him control of the vehicle at all times, taking into
account the driving conditions, including to the condition of the vehicle and its load, the road, other traffic, visibility
and weather.
(2) The vehicle shall, during fog, rainfall, snowfall, storm or desert winds, be driven at a lower speed
to enable the driver to stop the vehicle within the range of forward vision.
i. at a speed exceeding or less than the maximum or minimum speed limit specified on the signages;
ii. at a speed exceeding the maximum speed limit notified by the competent authority or authorities
for that class of vehicles and for the class of roads on which it is for the time being driven.
(4) No driver shall, without good and sufficient reason, drive so slowly as to impede the normal traffic flow.
(5) No driver shall drive at a speed exceeding twenty-five kilometre per hour or such lower speed as may
be specified on the road signage while passing by a construction site or a school or a hospital, wherever
indicated by signage, or on roads without footpaths and soft shoulders where pedestrians use a part of the
carriageway to walk.
17. Keeping safe distance.- (1)A driver driving behind another vehicle shall keep sufficient distance,
commensurate with the traffic conditions, from the vehicle ahead, so as to be able to stop (pull up) safely if the vehicle
ahead suddenly slows down or stops.
(2) When being followed by another vehicle, not suddenly brake without a compelling reason.
(3)The driver shall during rainfall, snow or storm orice on the road due to severe weather conditions and during other
adverse weather conditions, further increase the distance from the vehicle ahead.
18. Restrictions on driving backwards (in reverse direction).- (1) No driver of a motor vehicle shall drive the
vehicle backwards (in the reverse direction) on a road or in a parking or any other public place:
Provided that the driver shall while driving backwards ensure that the backward movement of the vehicle does not in any
manner endanger the safety of, or cause undue inconvenience to, the other road users and that such
reverse movement is for a distance and duration that may be reasonably necessary to turn around the
(2) No motor vehicle shall be driven on to a public road in the reverse direction.
(3) No motor vehicle shall be driven backwards into a road designated as “ONE WAY”.
19. Level crossings.- (1) Rail-borne vehicles shall have over-riding priority at all unmanned level crossings.
(2) A driver shall slow down when approaching a railway crossing and shall-
(3) At a guarded railway crossing, no motor vehicle shall enter the crossing after the gates or barriers
have been closed or have started to close or when the vehicular traffic is facing red light signal.
(a) a motor vehicle shall enter the crossing only after ensuring that no rolling stock is in sight; and,
(b) the driver of a bus, including a school bus, a goods vehicle, a tractor trolley carrying farm labour
or goods and a vehicle carrying hazardous, flammable or dangerous materials, shall stop at the approach of
the railway crossing and the driver of the vehicle shall cause the attendant or any other person in the vehicle
to walk up to the level crossing to ensure that no rolling stock is approaching from either side, and the
attendant or such other person shall guide the driver across such level crossing:
Provided that where no such attendant or other person is available in the vehicle, the driver of the vehicle shall safely
stop the vehicle on the roadside, a light from the vehicle and walk up to the crossing to see
and ensure that no rolling stock is approaching from either side before starting to cross the
level crossing.
20. Entering a tunnel.- (1) The driver shall switch on the dipped lights before entering a tunnel.
(2) No driver shall overtake, make a U-Turn or drive backwards inside a tunnel.
(3) No driver shall stop or park the vehicle within a tunnel unless absolutely unavoidable and, in such
situation, switch on the hazard warning lights of the vehicle and also place reflective traffic warning triangles
as specified in clause (c) of sub-rule (4) of rule 138 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, at a distance of
twenty meters each from the vehicle in the front of, and behind, the vehicle.
21. Vehicles going uphill to be given precedence.- (1) On mountain roads and steep roads, where the road is not
sufficiently wide to allow the motor vehicles to cross each other freely, the driver travelling downhill shall-
v. on a level crossing;
vi. five meters or less before a traffic light signal or “Give Way” sign or “STOP” sign or if a stationary
vehicle is likely to obstruct these signs from the view of other road users;
(b) on a main road or at a stretch of a road where the notified maximum speed limit is fifty
kilometres per hour or more;
(d) before or after an intersection or a junction up to a distance of fifty meters from the edge of the
intersection or junction;
(f) near a bus stop, at the entrance to an educational institution or a hospital or if it is likely to block
a traffic sign or a fire hydrant;
(g) in a tunnel;
(j) where there is a continuous yellow line installed or painted on the carriageway on the kerb side;
(m) if it is likely obstruct any other vehicle or cause inconvenience to any person;
(o) beyond the specified durationat a place where parking is permitted for a specified duration only;
(p) in a place where parking is permitted for a specified category or categories of vehicles and the
vehicle does not belong to the specified category;
(q) by a driver who is not differently abled in a parking space reserved for vehicles driven by
differently abled drivers;
(r) in a manner other than that specified in the parking bays in a designated parking lot or in such a
manner as to occupy excessive space; and
23. Use of horns and silence zones.- (1) Unnecessary use of horn is prohibited.
(2) As far as may be, the horn shall be sounded only when the driver apprehends danger to himself or to
any other road user.
(3) The driver shall sound the horn when directed by the mandatory sign.
(a) sound the horn continuously or repeatedly or for a duration longer than necessary or in a residential
areas or in a silence zone indicated by a mandatory sign;
(b) make use of a cut-out by which exhaust gases are released other than through the silencer;
(c) fit or use an air horn or a multi-toned horn giving a harsh, shrill, loud or alarming noise except as
provided in sub-rule (3) of rule 119 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules,1989; and
(d) drive a vehicle which creates undue noise or causes an alarming sound when in motion.
24. Mandatory orders.- (1) A police officer in uniform or an authorised officer of the State Government, may
stop a motor vehicle by giving a signal by means of technical device on the vehicle or a signalling disc or a red light for
verifying the certificate of fitness of the vehicle or for collecting required information in respect of the vehicle or the
driver or other occupants the vehicle, and the vehicle owner or driver shall comply with the instructions given by such
(2) Every driver shall obey the directions given by mandatory signages, road markings and signalling
devices operated by an authority competent to do so or by a police officer in uniform or by an authorised
person for the time being on duty.
(3) Notwithstanding any other rule for the time being in force or any order, road sign, marking or traffic
light signal, and without prejudice to the duty of the driver to exercise due care and caution, the driver shall
obey the signals or instructions of a police officer on duty in uniform in regard to movement of the vehicle.
(4) The driver shall obey the verbal directions or signals of a police officer for the time being on duty
with regard to movement of the vehicle, including the directions to stop or reverse the vehicle or to slow down
or to turn back or to move in the specified direction or to keep in such line of traffic as may be specified by the
said police officer.
25. Passing along formations.- (1) While passing along formations such as funeral and other procession or a body of
troops or police contingent on the march, or pack or saddle of animals or cattle, the driver shall reduce the speed of the
vehicle, and pass by the formation slowly and cautiously, leaving adequate space between the formation and the vehicle.
(2) If the formation as described in sub-regulation (1) is crossing, or is about to cross, the road in front of
the vehicle, the driver shall stop the vehicle and allow the formation to cross the road and not drive through the
26. Bar on traffic impairment.- Unless validly permitted by the competent authority under the Act or the rules
made thereunder, no driver shall -
27. Vehicles designated for emergency duties.- (1) The driver of a vehicle designated by the State Government
for emergency services under sub-rule (4) of rule 108 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 including a vehicle
used as ambulance or for fire-fighting or for salvage purposes or a police vehicle, shall operate the multi-toned horn
(siren) and the multi-coloured light with flasher only when the vehicle is responding to an emergency call or an alarm.
(2) An emergency vehicle, while its multi-toned hornand the flasher is on, shall have the right of way
over all the other vehicles.
(3) In a case of utmost emergency like saving a human life, warding off serious damage to health of a
person, prevent commission of a crime or damage to essential services or fight a fire, the driver of the
emergency vehicle with the multi-toned horn and the multi-coloured flasher operating may, with utmost care,
responsibility and caution-
(4) The priority within the emergency vehicles as referred in sub-regulation (1) shall be as follows-
viii. fourth, any other vehicle designated by the State Government as an emergency management
vehicle such as for maintenance of essential public services like water and power supply or
public transport.
(5) When an emergency vehicle, with its multi-toned horn and light flasher on, is overtaking,
approaching or entering the path of any other vehicle, the person driving or riding such other vehicle shall,
unless otherwise directed by a police officer-
(a) yield the right of way to the emergency vehicle, by driving to the left as close as
practicable to the kerb or edge of the roadway in the shortest possible time;
(b) stop, if required, and remain stationary in that position until the emergency vehicle has passed.
(6) The driver shall, unless otherwise directed by the crew of the emergency vehicle, maintain a distance of
at least fifty meters from the emergency vehicle on which multi-toned hornor flasher lights or both are operating.
(7) A road maintenance or public utility maintenance vehicle may be parked on the roadway, if
necessary, after switching on the hazard warning lights and placing a warning device with necessary
information at least fifty meters behind the parked vehicle, and take all other precautions to ensure safety of
other road users.
28. Vehicle breakdown.- In case a vehicle with more than two wheels has broken down at a place where it can be
recognised in time as a stationary obstacle,-
ii. on highways and major roads with fast speed, reflective traffic warning triangles shall be
placed at a distance of fifty meters behind the broken-down vehicle; and
iii. if there is a bend on the road where the vehicle is parked, reflective traffic warning triangles
shall be placed before the bend.
29. Action in case of vehicular accident.- (1) The driver shall maintain absolute cool in case of an accident and
do nothing that may harm the other driver or vehicle involved in the accident or any other person.
i. the driver or drivers, as the case may be, involved in the accident shall alight from the vehicle
and take pictures of the vehicles, the occupants of the vehicles, any pedestrian or any other
person or vehicle, whether motor vehicle or otherwise, and the accident scene, if possible;
ii. the drivers shall pull the vehicles out of the road immediately so that the vehicles are clear of
on coming traffic;
iii. the driver or drivers shall place reflective traffic warning triangles near or around the vehicles
to alert other drivers, and turn on hazard warning lights;
iv. the driver or the riders shall immediately call the police or ambulance or nearest hospital if
anyone has been hurt;
v. The driver shall not leave the scene of an accident, even if it was a minor accident, until
everything has been resolved to everyone's satisfaction.
(a) every person involved in the accident shall check himself and other occupants of the vehicle or
vehicles involved in the accident to see if anyone has been injured;
(b) if someone has been hurt, medical assistance and police shall be called immediately;
(c) once the condition of the driver and the passengers or riders has stabilised, the persons involved
in the accident shall try to take pictures of the persons and vehicles involved in the accident,
including the registration plates of the vehicles and the accident scene;
(d) the driver or drivers involved in the accident shall move the vehicles vehicle off to the side of the
road, if possible, at the earliest;
(e) if it is not possible to move the vehicle or vehicles, the driver or drivers involved in the accident
shall remain in the area of the incident until the police arrives unless the same is not possible due
to injuries sustained in the accident;
(f) the driver and the other occupants shall cooperate with the police authorities in the investigation
of the accident;
(g) if involved in an accident with another vehicle, the drivers shall exchange the following
information with that driver: name, address, phone number, insurance company, policy number,
driving license number and registration number of the vehicle.
(i) once the initial shock wears off and it is apparent that no one has been seriously hurt, tempers
may flare and all persons involved in the accident shall refrain from losing temper or provoking
any other person or persons;
(ii) the driver or any other occupant shall get the other driver's name, address, contact information
and insurance details, and provide the same to him;
(iv) if police has been informed, all persons involved in the accident shall remain at the scene until
the investigators arrive and permit them to leave.
30. Towing a vehicle.- (1) No two-wheeled motor vehicle shall be towed by another vehicle.
(2) The maximum speed while towing a vehicle shall not exceed twenty-five kilometres per hour.
(3) The distance between the towed vehicle and the towing vehicle shall not exceed five meters;
(4) The tow ropes or chains shall be prominently visible to other by road users.
(5) A retro reflective “ON TOW” sign not less than ten centimetres in height and two centimetres in width with
spacing of two centimetres between the letters on white background shall be displayed on the front of the towing
vehicle and at the rear of the vehicle being towed and a driver shall not tow a vehicle at night, in darkness or in
adverse weather conditions unless the hazard warning lights of both vehicles are switched on:
Provided that if the hazard warning lights of the vehicle being towed are not functional, it shall not
be towed unless the hazard warning lights of the towing vehicle are switched on.
31. Vehicle lighting.- (1) The driver shall use the specified lighting devices at nightfall, at night and at dawn and
at other times when visibility is poor:
Provided that the driver of a two-wheeled motor vehicle shall drive with dipped head lights switched on during the
day time also.
(2) The lighting devices of a vehicle shall at all times be kept in good working condition and no lighting
device shall be obscured by any object or dirt.
i. drive the vehicle with parking lights only, unless so directed by a police officer in uniform or
any other authorised person; and
ii. use high beam inappropriately or for long duration or on well-lit roads.
(4) High beam shall be dipped in good time on the approach of an oncoming vehicle or when
driving close behind another vehicle.
(5) The driver shall switch on the fog light headlamps only when visibility is considerably affected
due to fog, dust, storm, rain or snow and only with dipped head lamps.
32. Driving of tractors and goods vehicles.- (1)The driver of a tractor shall not carry, or allow any person to be
carried, on the tractor.
(2) The number of persons in the driver's cabin of a goods carriage shall not be more than the number of
persons specified in the certificate of registration of the vehicle.
33. Lane splitting (lane within a lane).- In urban areas, on roads having a maximum speed limit of forty
kilometres per hour, wherever specifically permitted by road signs, motor cyclists may filter between three and four
wheeled vehicles when the speed difference between the motor cyclists and the other vehicles does not exceed fifteen
kilometres per hour.
34. Restriction to carriage of dangerous substances.- No driver of a public service vehicle shall carry, or allow
any other person to carry, any explosive or highly inflammable or otherwise dangerous substance except the fuel and
lubricants required for the vehicle.
35. Projection of loads.- (1) The driver shall at all times ensure that loads, including load restraints and loading
equipment, in the vehicle are stowed and restrained in such manner that these cannot slip, fall over, roll around, fall off
the vehicle or produce avoidable noise, even in an emergency braking situation or if the vehicle swerves suddenly.
(2) No driver shall drive in any public place a motor vehicle which is loaded in a manner which is
likely to cause danger to any person.
(3) The load or any part thereof, or any other object in the vehicle shall not extend laterally beyond the
sides of the body or to the front or to the rear, or exceed in height or weight the limits specified in the
certificate of registration of the vehicle.
36. Registration plates.- (1) No vehicle shall be driven or parked on a public road without displaying registration
plates as prescribed by the Act and the rules made thereunder.
(2) The registration plates on the front and at the rear of the vehicle shall be clearly visible and legible
and no object whatsoever or dirt shall obstruct clear view of the entire registration place.
(3) No letter, word, figure, picture or symbol other than the registration number shall be displayed or
inscribed or written on the registration plates.
(4) No load or other goods shall be placed on a motor vehicle in such manner as to fully or partly
hide the registration plate.
37. Use of mobile telephones and communication devices.- (1) The driver shall not use any hand held mobile
phone or other communication device.
(2) No trainer or supervisor shall use a mobile phone or other communication device while
training or supervising a learner driver.
38. Production of documents.- (1) The driver of a transport vehicle shall always carry with him the following
documents in original, except for a document that might have been seized by an authorised person or authority, namely:-
(b)certificate of taxation;
(d)certificate of insurance;
(3) The driver of a vehicle transporting hazardous or dangerous goods shall carry documents specified
in rules 132 and133 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
(4) The driver of a non-transport vehicle shall always carry with him-
(a) the driving license and pollution under control certificate; and
Provided that a driver may, if any of the documents has been submitted to or has been seized by
any officer or authority under the Act or the rules made thereunder or any other law for the time being in
force, produce, in lieu of the document, a receipt or other acknowledgement issued by such officer or
authority in respect thereof:
Provided further that where the original certificate of registration or the certificate of insurance
specified in clause (b) of sub-regulation (3) is not available with the driver, the owner or driver shall
produce such documents before the competent authority, which had directed their production, within fifteen
days, if required by that authority.
39. Pedestrian crossings, footpaths and cycle tracks.- (1) While approaching an uncontrolled pedestrian
crossing, the driver shall slowdown, stop and give way to pedestrians, users of invalid carriages and wheelchairs.
(2) If traffic has come to a standstill, the driver shall not drive the vehicle on the pedestrian crossing
if he is unlikely to be able to move further and thereby block the pedestrian crossing.
(3) When any road is provided with a footpath or cycle track, no vehicle shall drive on such footpath
or track, except on the directions of a police officer in uniform or where traffic signs permitting such
movement have been displayed.
40. Knowledge and understanding of road signs, markings, traffic control signals, the Act and the
Rules.-Every driver shall be conversant with and possess adequate knowledge and understanding of the following,
(b) Provisions of the following sections of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, namely:-
(ix) section 134: Duty of a driver in case of an accident and injury to a person;
(x) section 185: Driving by a drunken person or under the influence of drugs;
(xv) section 207: Power to detain vehicles without Certificate of Registration or Permit;
(i) rule 21: Acts which constitute nuisance or danger to the public for disqualifying a person from holding
a driving license;
(iii) rule 136: Driver to report to the police station about accident;
(d) provisions of the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways No. 25035/101/2014-RS, dated the 21 January, 2016 published in the Gazette of India,
Extraordinary, Part-I, Section 1 relating to the protection of good samaritans.
[No. RT-11028/13/2016-MVL]
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