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JAAP-3953; No. of Pages 6 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis

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Increased charcoal yield and production of lighter oils from the slow
pyrolysis of biomass
Scott H. Russell a,∗ , Juan Luis Turrion-Gomez b , Will Meredith a , Paul Langston a ,
Colin E. Snape a
The Centre for Doctoral Training in Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies, The University of Nottingham, The Energy Technologies Building, Jubilee Campus,
Triumph Road, Nottingham NG7 2TU, United Kingdom
CPL Industries Ltd, Immingham DN40 2QR, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In an effort to reduce CO2 emissions from solid fuels, a considerable amount of research is going into
Received 28 September 2016 how improve the manufacturing processes and product properties of the products from pyrolysis. One
Received in revised form 6 December 2016 aspect that is often overlooked is the production of charcoal for cooking and soil remediation, which is
Accepted 27 January 2017
an inefficient conversion process. There is considerable interest into using additives to increase charcoal
Available online xxx
yields, and based on the observation from fast pyrolysis work that certain catalyst tar cracking pathways
can deposit considerable amounts of coke on the surface of the catalyst, there is a potential application
to slow pyrolysis processes producing charcoal. Alumino-silicate catalysts have been shown to have a
Slow pyrolysis
relatively high tendency to do this. This work hypothesises that this catalysation can be applied to slow
Clay minerals pyrolysis, with low cost alumino-silicate minerals, specially bentonite clay, which has been added to pine
Catalyst pyrolysis in concentrations up to 60%wt (against input biomass) at temperatures 300–700 ◦ C.
Charcoal This study has shown that the use of bentonite clay minerals can be beneficial to the process, as there
Oil is an increase in the charcoal yield from biomass, whilst the proximate analysis of the charcoal shows
little change from levels expected from biomass only pyrolysis. The conversion of oil to charcoal was
more effective at high temperatures due to higher levels of oil cracking. At 700 ◦ C with 60% clay loading,
charcoal yield increased 16%wt (dry ash free basis) was seen, while at the same time 19% extra gas was
produced at the expense of 35% of the oil from raw pine pyrolysis. This indicates fuel properties of the
charcoal are predictable, and changes in yield considerable. At the same time, the abundance of lower
molecular weight oils is increased (relative to 4-methyl phenol). It is though that pyrolysis oil reacts with
the clay, causing the heavier tars to disproportionate into charcoal and gas.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction oil and solid fuel, as well as gas which can be utilised for electricity,
where as many other systems (hydro, solar, wind, tidal etc.) can
Production of heating fuels to compete with conventional fos- only directly produce electricity.
sil fuels (gas, oil and coal) has become a priority for countries One technology that can utilise these biomass types is pyrolysis.
following the Paris Climate Change Agreement that sets out lim- This has been used with several levels of technological intensity to
its on the targeted global temperature rise. For fulfilment of this produce charcoal for soil amendment and cooking to oil and fine
agreement, energy sources and feedstocks are going to need to be chemicals for centuries [2,3]. Charcoal use is still widely employed
better utilised, one of these being abundant agricultural wastes and today for domestic cooking, as it is a more consistent, cleaner burn-
residues [1]. In the context of Europe, if used correctly, agricultural ing product with higher energy density than raw biomass. There is
wastes and forestry residue can offer a sustainable solution to part also a reduction in smoke output due to the increased fixed carbon
of the future fuel scenarios, crucially having the ability to provide content [4–6]. Cha et al. [7] have reviewed more modern uses of
charcoal, which range from soil amendment for increased fertility
and carbon sequestration to replacement of fossil fuel absorbents.
These areas outline that charcoal production is important, but
∗ Corresponding author. conversion efficiency of biomass processes are quite low due to
E-mail address: scott.russell@nottingham.ac.uk (S.H. Russell). the reaction thermodynamics [8]. Greater recovery of biomass as
0165-2370/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: S.H. Russell, et al., Increased charcoal yield and production of lighter oils from the slow pyrolysis of
biomass, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaap.2017.01.028
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JAAP-3953; No. of Pages 6 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 S.H. Russell et al. / Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

charcoal could lower the cost of production for these applications this is being considered as extra char yield, as it is assumed that
which is the purpose of this study. this will behave as charcoal.
Many studies have investigated how to increase this conversion Rutkowski [30] and Solak and Rutkowski [31] have looked into
through modifying the process conditions and with use of additive applying these effects to fast pyrolysis of plastic wastes with several
in the pyrolysis, particularly through the use of alkaline/alkali earth types of clay mineral (montmorillonite and bentonite) under fast
metals, transition metal oxides and alumino silicates such as zeolite pyrolysis conditions. They found oil quality was improved but yield
and clay minerals. was reduced, as oil was cracked into gas and coke which fouled
Generally, the most important process condition to modify in the catalyst. High coke deposits were observed, especially using
order to increase the charcoal yield is to lower peak pyrolysis bentonite. From these studies, it appears that bentonite could be
temperature [9] because lower levels of volatile compounds are promising for the purposes of this work on biomass.
released as gas and tar. Increases in charcoal yield can also be made Some groups have already looked at applying these concepts to
by controlling the heating rate – decreasing heating rates mean that slow pyrolysis. For example Veses et al. [16], Gerçel [32] showed
there is a longer residence time of volatile compounds in the fixed that slow pyrolysis systems can be modified in a similar way using
carbon structure, so more of these volatiles are fixed and retained the mineral sepiolite, which can mimic the properties of basic tran-
[10,11]. Pre-drying of the biomass so that moisture removal does sition metal oxides, while other studies have showed that atomic
not strip volatile matter and increasing the vapour phase residence earth metal addition can also applied to slow pyrolysis [16,33].
time to allow for more secondary tar conversion to charcoal [3] Gerçel [32] also showed findings that agreed with Rutkowski [30]
are also well known techniques to increase charcoal yield. Aside that sepiolite lowers the yield of charcoal, so it could be expected
from temperature however, the most promising operating condi- that the effects using bentonite may translate to slow pyrolysis
tions to increase charcoal yield are to increase operational pressure as well. Bentonite was looked at by Veses et al. [19], who stud-
[3,12] and increase the particle size [13]. The issue with these sys- ied the effects of it at 450 ◦ C. This study provides evidence that
tems is that they require good process control and high capital cost with pinewood liquid yield is reduced and tar cracking reactions
equipment, and cannot be retrofitted to current production systems are happening, but have not characterised the results over a tem-
cheaply. Large biomass particles also generally require the use of perature range or catalyst concentration as they have done with
virgin wood stocks, rather than chips or pellets which can utilise sepiolite.
waste. The aim of this work is to see the effect that the addition clay
Heating rate and residence time are also broken into two char- mineral bentonite has on the extent of tar disproportionation into
acteristic types of pyrolysis; fast pyrolysis systems (residence lower molecular weight oils, coke and gas as well as providing
time = 10–20 s, high heating rate [14]), or slow pyrolysis (residence composition data on the oils obtained and showing how the com-
time = 5–30 min, low heating rate [14]) has a great effect on the position simplifies with increasing clay concentration from slow
yield outcomes. Slow pyrolysis is conventionally used to produce pyrolysis of pinewood. This will be done over a temperature range
charcoal and has been the basis of this study, however, much liter- from 400 to 700 ◦ C and clay mineral concentrations of up to 60%wt
ature exists on additive fast pyrolysis. (compared to input biomass), a much greater range than presented
Fast pyrolysis systems generally exist to produce gas and oil in Veses et al. [19]. Pinewood has been chosen for its abundance
from biomass, however the pyrolysis process produces gas and in European and American forests and its widely studied nature. It
oil with relatively poor quality compared with conventional fos- was hypothesised that the higher addition of clay mineral would
sil fuels [2], with considerable refining required to improve these produce higher charcoal yields due to the solid acid catalyst nature
products [15]. In situ catalysation has been extensively studied of the material; with the added benefit of better quality gas and
using: impregnated or raw zeolites or similar low cost alumino- lower molecular weight chemicals.
silicate materials clay minerals; increasing the level of natural
atomic earth metals (generally acidic, e.g. K, Ca) or adding gen-
erally basic transition metal oxides (e.g. MgO) [16–21]. These are 2. Materials and methods
added to the pyrolysis reactor with the aim of cracking heavy
oils in the oil, reducing the amount of oxygenation present in 2.1. Materials
the resulting oil, or changing the resulting pyrolysis product mix-
ture. Each of these systems impact the pyrolysis in a different Pinewood chips, sourced from a commercial supplier for home
way; minerals and zeolites generally involve reactions in the gas boilers in the UK (Forest Fuels), were ground to pass through a 3 mm
phase, between the de-volatised compounds and the catalyst; screen. Proximate analysis moisture (ASTM D2016), volatile matter
while atomic earth metal addition can be of great effect to chang- (ASTM E872-82) and ash (ASTM D1102-84) of this biomass shows
ing how the lignin and cellulose interact and decompose. The it has the composition volatiles = 86.1%wt, dry; ash = 0.6%wt, dry;
issue with metal addition to the pyrolysis is that it limits the use moisture = 15.2% as received (ar).
of the final charcoal potentially due to remaining toxicity from The clay used for these experiments was laboratory grade pow-
the metals. Therefore, this study will investigate mineral cataly- dered clay (Fullers Earth – Sigma Aldrich, montmorillonite clay with
sis. similar structure and functionality to bentonite clays mentioned
Alumino-silicate minerals and zeolites that have a high con- above, able to pass through a 0.149 mm mesh). 10 g of these com-
centration of Lewis acid sites, relatively high surface area and ponents were mixed in a beaker in proportions from 0 to 100%wt
mesopores and have been identified in the literature as increas- clay, so extent of clay chemical moisture loss at the experiment
ing cracking [22–27]. These cracking reactions are a wide mixture temperature could be observed. This mixture was then transferred
of dehydration reactions which break down and decarboxylate the to a quartz retort tube and placed in a horizontal tube furnace (HTF),
ring structures present in the oils [28]. Studies have shown that and setup as a Gray-King assay, as shown in Fig. 1. This is has been
zeolites can produce higher concentration of valuable aromatic developed as a method to characterise coal [34], but has been used
compounds than non-catalytic runs too opening up the potential of here to get a simple carbonisation of the biomass, mimicking many
investigation of specialty chemical refining from the process [29]. If ‘low tech’ carbonisation plants where there is no nitrogen or inert
the decomposition products are not small enough to be released as gas inlet.
gas, then fouling of the catalyst can occur as the fragments recom- A control experiment has also been performed using sand to
bine and deposit on the surface as coke. In the case of this study, determine if effects seen are due to clay/liquid reactions or simply a

Please cite this article in press as: S.H. Russell, et al., Increased charcoal yield and production of lighter oils from the slow pyrolysis of
biomass, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaap.2017.01.028
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S.H. Russell et al. / Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

temperatures. Gas yield was calculated by difference. Characteri-

sation on the liquid products was only carried out on one set of
experiments, but several repeats of the yield experiment have been

2.3. Charcoal characterisation

Charcoal and clay were not separated, but were mixed and
ground in a pestle and mortar until a fine powder. The mixture
was then subject to proximate analysis as described above. Sam-
ples of raw clay were also subject to pyrolysis, and the proximate
Fig. 1. Setup of Gray King pyrolysis assay. Biomass and clay are loaded into the analysis of this performed which allowed calculation of the dry ash
quartz retort tube and heated with the horizontal furnace. free volatiles content of the pinewood charcoal.

physical blocking of biomass pores. Sand (generic kiln dried paving 2.4. Liquid characterisation
sand), clay and pinewood mixtures were made to match the equiv-
alent clay to pinewood mixtures in the main study. To do this, a 10 g Samples of the liquid were used for two analysis types:
mixture using 4 g of pinewood was made and the concentration of
sand and clay varied to match the mixture requirements. • Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis for
composition determination. Approximately 0.5 ml of sample was
2.2. Pyrolysis system removed and used for this analysis.
• Dean-Stark titration to determine water content. Remaining sam-
Gray-King pyrolysis occurred in a sealed quartz tube inside the ple was mixed with toluene and titrated until water collection
HTF. No carrier or sweep gas was used. Gas and liquid products volume was stable.
escaped due to natural flow from a side arm into a round bot-
tom flask in an ice water bath. Liquid products were collected by 2.4.1. GC–MS analysis
condensation in a round bottom flask in an ice bath, while non Oil samples were weighed into a sample tube and diluted with
condensable fractions were collected a gas bag. dichloromethane. GC–MS in full scan mode (m/z 40–450) was per-
The HTF was pre-heated to 250 ◦ C to prevent effects on uncon- formed on the samples with a Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph,
trolled heating due to the furnace setup, then the biomass sample interfaced to a Varian 1200 mass spectrometer (EI mode, 70 eV).
was introduced and heated to peak temperatures of 400, 500 and Separation was made using a ZB-1701 fused silica capillary column
700 ◦ C at a heating rate of 20 ◦ C/min. Dwell time at the peak tem- (60 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 mm thickness), with helium as the car-
perature was 1 h. The sand/clay/pinewood experiment was only rier gas, and an oven programme of 50 ◦ C (hold for 2 min) to 300 ◦ C
carried out at 500 ◦ C only. (hold for 33 min) at 5 ◦ C/min. GC–MS output covers the range up to
The charcoal was left to cool in the furnace until below number of carbon atoms (NC) 35.
300 ◦ C, when the quartz tube was removed for natural cooling. The chromatograms where then split into heavy and light frac-
Pyrolytic liquid (oil and water mixture) and charcoal collected tions based on the retention time of 4 methyl phenol (boiling point
were weighted for yield, then characterised. Product yields was 201 ◦ C, molecular weight 108.13 g/mol, approximately NC-13). The
calculated on a dry clay and ash free basis, taking into account relative peak area before and after this compound was then com-
the chemical moisture lost from the clay at the various heating pared to get a qualitative measure of oil cracking.

2A.400 2B.500 2C.700

60 60 60

50 50 50
Dry ash free yield (wt.%)
Dry ash free yield (wt%)
Dry ash free yield (wt%)

40 40 40

30 30 30

20 20 20

10 10 10

0 0 0
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Concentration clay (wt.%) Concentration clay (wt.%) Concentration clay (wt.%
Gas Pyrolytic water + oil Solid
Clay/Sand - Charcoal Yield

Fig. 2. Gas, solid and liquid phase yields of pine wood at 400 ◦ C (A), 500 ◦ C (B), 700 ◦ C with 6 concentrations of clay (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 60 %wt). Gas yield is calculated by

Please cite this article in press as: S.H. Russell, et al., Increased charcoal yield and production of lighter oils from the slow pyrolysis of
biomass, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaap.2017.01.028
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JAAP-3953; No. of Pages 6 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 S.H. Russell et al. / Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

3A. 400ºC 3B. 500°C 3C. 700°C

60 60 70

50 60

Yield (wt.%)

Yield (wt.%)
Yield (wt.%)

30 30
20 20 20

10 10 10

0 0 0
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Concentration clay (wt.%) Concentration clay (wt.%) Concentration clay(wt.%)

Total Liquid Oil Pyrolytic Water

Fig. 3. Changes in oil/pyrolytic water breakdown of liquid phase produced during pyrolysis at 400 ◦ C (A), 500 ◦ C (B) and 700 ◦ C (C).

4A.400 4B.500 4C.700

30 30 30
Change in yield reletive to no clay experiment (wt.%)

Change in yield reletive to no clay experiment (wt.%)

Change in yield reletive to no clay experiment (wt%)

20 20 20

10 10 10

0 0 0
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
-10 -10 -10

-20 -20 -20

-30 -30 -30

-40 -40 -40

Concentration clay (wt.%) Concentration clay (wt.%)
Concentration clay (wt.%)
Gas Pyrolytic water + oil Solid Clay/Sand - Charcoal Yield

Fig. 4. Change in product yields relative to no catalyst pyrolysis, dry ash free basis, at 400 ◦ C (A), 500 ◦ C (B) and 700 ◦ C (C).

3. Results and discussion the charcoal yield in a system using sand, i.e. extra inert material,
as well as the clay. This shows that there is a little difference in
3.1. Changes in the system mass balance with clay addition the level of extra charcoal production when sand is added to the
system, indicating secondary char formation due to pore blocking
Figs. 2 and 3 present the pyrolysis yield breakdown on a dry or physical oil interaction with solid particles is relatively low. This
(relative to raw) biomass ash free, clay free basis (as clay provides observation provides evidence that the reaction presented is an
mostly ash, this is referred to as dry ash free basis (DAF)). These effect of the solid acid catalyst properties of the clay. The absolute
two figures show a reduction in oil yield, which causes an increase extent of the oil conversion to extra charcoal may be influenced
in charcoal and gas yield, although at 700 ◦ C there is some water by factors not studied as part of this set of experiments aiming to
loss which could be due to favoured gas phase reactions utilising determine the fundamental concept that clay catalyst can be used
the water, under steam reforming pathways [35]. Parallels with the in context. The main factor that could effect this is volatile residence
1:6 weight ratio (16.7 wt%) bentonite 450 ◦ C experiment by Veses time post pyrolysis (which is relatively high in the case of Gray-King
et al. [19] can be seen by interpolating between the 400 and 500 ◦ C pyrolysis where no sweep gas is used), and contact of volatiles with
experiments in this study, indicating some agreement between the the clay and charcoal post volatilisation. At lower temperatures, the
works. conversion of oil to charcoal is favoured, while at higher temper-
Plotting these charts to show the difference in yield with ature the conversion to gas is preferred. Due to the nature of the
non-catalysed pyrolysis (Fig. 4), highlights how these changes in clay mineral and findings from literature, it is speculated that these
conversion preference are occurring and shows that the main driver results are showing catalytic cracking of the liquid into the char-
for the reaction to change is temperature. Figs. 2B and 4B compare coal and gas products, which is expected to become more efficient

Please cite this article in press as: S.H. Russell, et al., Increased charcoal yield and production of lighter oils from the slow pyrolysis of
biomass, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaap.2017.01.028
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JAAP-3953; No. of Pages 6 ARTICLE IN PRESS
S.H. Russell et al. / Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

25 Light Oils Heavy Oils

Volatile content, dry ash free basis

4 6 9 11 13 18
1 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 1415 16 17 19 20
20 A
400ºC 500oC
500ºC No Clay


5 500oC

Relave abundance
30% Clay
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Concentration clay (wt.%)
Fig. 5. Volatile content of charcoal produced by pyrolysis, dry ash free basis. 60% Clay

at higher temperatures as gas phase cracking become more dom-

inant [19,35]. There may be some evidence in the data that low
concentrations of clay experience some inactivation due to block-
Relave retenon me
Light Oils Heavy Oils
ing of active site by charcoal condensation on the clay surface, but 4 6 9 13

further experiments are required to determine the full extent of the B 1 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 14 19

clay’s activity.
60% Clay
3.2. Changes in product streams quality

3.2.1. Effect of clay addition on charcoal quality

As the clay and charcoal were not separated, the effect the clay
has on the charcoal quality was estimated by determining if there 500oC
were any differences between the calculated volatiles content and 60% Clay
Relave abundance

the content measured experimentally (Fig. 5) by subtracting the

volatiles from the clay. As can be seen, there are no adverse effects,
i.e., significant change in volatiles, from the addition of clay to the
experiments. Therefore it is assumed that charcoal quality is not
60% Clay
affected by clay addition.

3.2.2. Effect of clay addition on oil composition

Fig. 6A presents the GC-MS analysis of the liquid stream for 0, Relave retenon me
30% and 60% clay concentration experiments at 500 ◦ C, to highlight
Fig. 6. Total ion chromatograms from the GC–MS of oils from pyrolysis: Plot A:
the oil composition changes with clay concentration and Fig. 6B
Constant temperature, 500 ◦ C increasing clay concentration, 0–60 wt% and Plot
shows the temperature effects from 500–700 ◦ C, at 60% clay con- B: Constant clay concentration, 60 wt%, and increasing temperature 500–700 ◦ C.
centration. Fig. 7 breaks these streams down into heavy and light Arrows above the chart are indicating heavy and light oil fractions. Peak assign-
fractions, and shows that there is a significant cracking effect as ments: (1) furfural, (2) 2 methyl cyclopent-1-one, (3) 1,2 cyclopentadiene, (4) 5
light fraction increases from approximately 50% to around 80% of methyl furan carboxaldehyde, (5) 2-furanone, (6) 5 methyl furanone, (7) 2 hydroxy
3 methyl 2 cyclopent-1-one, (8) phenol, (9) 2 methoxy phenol, (10) 2 methyl phe-
the total oils in the sample. From these plots, it can be seen there is
nol, (11) 3 methyl phenol, (12) 4 methyl phenol, (13) 2 methoxy 4 methyl phenol,
considerable effect on the composition of the oil via the addition of (14) 4 ethyl 2 methoxy phenol, (15) dianhydro glucopyranose, (16) eugenol, (17) 2
clay. Fig. 7 also indicates that there is some increase in the cracking methoxy 4 propenyl phenol, (18) vanillin, (19) hydroxy methoxy phenol 2 ethanone,
effect by increasing temperature, as expected [9,22] from previ- (20) hydroxy methoxy phenol 2 propanone.
ous studies but in terms of the relative cracking effect, increasing
temperature only increases the total amount of oil cracked.
These observations, with the loss of oil and gain in charcoal are
evidence that there is a temperature and clay dependent cracking
Mass Fracon of light Oil (wt%)

reaction occurring. This is causing the breakdown of heavy oils from
the biomass pyrolysis and having the effect of improving the oil, 60

potentially drastically lowering the cost of refining before sale or

increasing heating value. More charcoal is also produced, which No Clay
it is assumed could either be burnt off to regenerate the clay, or 20 30% Clay
utilised as the clay/charcoal mixture in some manner, but future 60% Clay
work would be needed to see the effect this would have on the 400 500 600 700
heat content of the clay/charcoal, and determine the effects on the Temperature (°C)
quality of the gas produced. Studies are also required to look into
the effects of recycling the clay to see if there are any issues with its Fig. 7. Effect of clay concentration and temperature on fraction of light oils produced
by pyrolysis. Distinction between heavy and light oil based on retention time above
re-use following combustion of the resulting clay; and to see what
that of 4-methyl phenol; BP of 201 ◦ C, molecular weight, 108.13 g/mol.
specific chemicals or fuels can be extracted from the resulting oil.

Please cite this article in press as: S.H. Russell, et al., Increased charcoal yield and production of lighter oils from the slow pyrolysis of
biomass, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaap.2017.01.028
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6 S.H. Russell et al. / Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: S.H. Russell, et al., Increased charcoal yield and production of lighter oils from the slow pyrolysis of
biomass, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaap.2017.01.028

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