9269 - Review Paper
9269 - Review Paper
9269 - Review Paper
Vivek Chand CU, * Sam Joseph VG, ** Jinu George, *** Mini K John, † Anand S, ††
Mali G Nair †††
* Post Graduate Student, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Government Dental College, Trivandrum, Karnataka,
Kerala, India
** Professor & Head, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Government Dental College, Trivandrum, Karnataka,
Kerala, India
*** Senior Resident, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Government Dental College, Trivandrum, Karnataka,
Kerala, India
† Assistant Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Government Dental College, Trivandrum, Karnataka,
Kerala, India
†† Post Graduate Student, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Government Dental College, Trivandrum,
Karnataka, Kerala, India
††† Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Government Dental College, Trivandrum, Karnataka, Kerala,
ABSTRACT The concept of regaining the vitality of dental
When maintenance of tooth in a vital condition pulp as a potential treatment option has astounded
is no longer possible, the traditional treatment the endodontic community.[2] Since then, for teeth
philosophy advocates endodontic treatment to identified to have a favorable response to the new
retain it in a functional state. A paradigm shift treatment, there has been a paradigm shift from
of this thinking occurred with routine root canal therapy to vital pulp therapy,
revascularization/regenerative procedures. initiating an era of pulp
Dental pulp is a specialized tissue organized in revascularization/regeneration. The tissues of
an order spatial arrangement and regenerating interest in regenerative endodontics include
it is somewhat exigent. With advancements in dentin, pulp, cementum and periodontal tissues.[3]
molecular science and tissue engineering, the The new tissue formed has been described
approach is becoming being refined with variably as pulp-like, dentine-like or cementum-
higher success rates. This review article will like and the literature is replete with various
detail some of the methods of regeneration methodologies of achieving this outcome. The
and the challenges to achieve success in these message from these sources often is ambiguous -
procedures. does regeneration or revascularization of the pulp
KEYWORDS: Pulp regeneration; actually takes place? This article reviews the
revascularization; pulp stem cells; tissue literature on the various approaches to achieve
pulpal regeneration and the challenges to achieve
engineering; scaffolds; pulp vitality
success in the treatment.
Dental pulp is a unique and self repairing tissue
Advances in molecular biology and stem cell
composed of fibroblasts, progenitor cells,
technology have resulted in the emergence of
vascular cells, nerve cells and immune cells. Like
regeneration as a new treatment modality in
any other injured tissue in the body, pulp also
medical science. Regenerative medicine is
mounts an initial defense response in an attempt
described as a process of replacing, engineering
to remove the infection and favor wound
or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to
healing.[4] A layer of odontoblast cells line the
restore or establish normal function.[1] A quarter
pulp chamber in a spatial order which maintains
century after its inception, several treatment
the dentine formation equilibrium as long as pulp
procedures which earlier focused on replacement
is vital. Any assault to the pulp causes disruption
with artificial structures have been substituted
of this balance. In revascularization procedure, a
with regenerative procedures.
blood clot is intentionally created to form a
scaffold on which regeneration can occur, to a with the ability to alter the physical and chemical
great extent in the identical manner as any natural properties. They are polymers that provide a
wound healing in our body.[5] Normally, this has physicochemical and biological three-dimensional
been adopted in teeth with immature/open apices microenvironment for the cells to grow and
in which cellular responses are likely to be most differentiate, promoting cell adhesion and
favorable and can lead to root growth and apical migration.[11,12] Scaffolds can be natural (collagen,
closure. The ‘regenerated’ pulp tissue may not glycosaminoglycans), synthetic
closely resemble its physiological counterpart, (polycaprolactone, polyglycolic acid, polylactic
however. The use of triple antibiotic paste and acid) or mineral (hydroxyapatite, calcium
restorative materials that provide the best coronal phosphate).
seal in these revascularization procedures are Growth Factors
based on the contemporary methods to suppress Growth factors are extracellularly secreted
infectious/inflammatory events.[6] proteins/signals that bind to receptors on the cell
important. and signals morphogenesis /organogenesis during
TRILOGY OF REGENERATION epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. They
The concept of tissue engineering was introduced regulate the specialization of stem cells to the
by Charles Vacanti and Robert Langer (1993) as desirable cell type and mediates key cellular
an inter- disciplinary field that applies the events in tissue regeneration including cell
principles of engineering and life sciences proliferation, differentiation, chemotaxis and
towards the development of biological substitutes matrix synthesis.[13,14] Common growth factors are
that restore, maintain, or improve tissue bone morphogenic protein (BMP), fibroblast
function.[7] These approaches to repair and growth factior I or II (FGF), insulin like growth
regenerate depend on the basic principle of tissue factor I or II (IGF), colony stimulating growth
engineering; i.e. the interaction of a factor (CSF), epidermal growth factor (EGF),
scaffold/matrix with cells and signaling interleukin IL1-13, transforming growth factor-
molecules, albeit in the guise of natural wound alpha, beta (TGF α & β), vascular endothelial
healing events.[8] growth factor (VEGF), platelet derived growth
Stem Cells factor (PGDF) and nerve growth factor (NGF).
A stem cell is one that continuously divides and REGENERATIVE APPROACHES IN
produces progeny cells and can differentiate into ENDODONTICS
various other types of cells or tissues.[9] They are The various regenerative approaches tried over
categorized according to the lineage of these years have met with limited success. It
development as embryonic stem cells (foetal appears to be a promising option nevertheless, as
stem cells) and post-natal (adult) stem cells.[10] the techniques to achieve regeneration continue to
Oral stems cells come under the post natal stem improve. While revascularization is well
cell category and includes: documented and is easy to perform and less
Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), expensive, other methods are still in various
Stem cells of the apical papilla (SCAP), experimental stages.
Inflammatory periapical progenitor cells Root Canal Revascularization
(iPAPCs), Revascularization of pulp can be defined as
Periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs), growth of undifferentiated stems cells of
Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous periapical region into the empty sterile/disinfected
teeth (SHED), root canal space.[15] Research on revascularization
Dental follicle stem cells (DFSCs) commenced in the 1950’s and 60’s. Initially,
Scaffolds (Extra Cellular Matrix) researchers focused on methods to renovate the
The cells have to be seeded into an artificial ischemic pulp to vital pulp. The concept of guided
structure capable of supporting three dimensional tissue regeneration (GTR) was introduced by Dr.
tissue formations. In mid 1980’s, Dr Joseph Nygaard-Ostby (1961). Ostby and Hjortdal were
Vacanti and Robert Langer designed scaffolds the forerunners in the field of pulp
that were fabricated synthetically in laboratory revascularization whose first attempts in necrotic
tooth were unsuccessful.[16] Ostby demonstrated
technique in endodontics. Once successful, this difficult to remove from the root canal and causes
technique could be a landmark development in discoloration of the crown portion over a period
the field of regenerative endodontics.[12] of time. Calcium hydroxide has deleterious effect
Bioengineered tooth like weakening the root dentin,[21] with a potential
The current philosophy in tissue engineering is for fracture.
developing/regenerating a whole new organ. This Removal of smear layer
concept can be made possible by two approaches Even though there is minimal instrumentation of
- seeding the tooth germ cells in a biodegradable the root canal in regenerative procedure, there is
tooth shaped scaffold or recreating the tooth germ limited smear layer formation. This prevents stem
from detached mesenchymal and epithelial cells from adhering on to root canal walls,
cells.[34] In the first method, a mixture of cells is contributing to failure of treatment. A 17%
introduced into a scaffold of desired shape. The solution of EDTA as final rinse in the root canal
scaffolds used are made of polyglycolate (PGA) will aid in removal of smear layer as well as
and poly-L-lactate-co-glycolate (PLGA) and enhance the attachment of the stem cells by
collagen sponge are preferred. In the other providing a better surface on the root dentin for
method, multi-cellular assembly and self- their survival. Other chemicals used for this
reorganization of each mesenchymal and purpose are doxycycline, citric acid and MTAD.
epithelial cell is achieved first. Then, reciprocal Developing an ordered functional pulp tissue
interactions between epithelial and mesenchymal Developing a functional tissue is still a problem
cell layers initiate organogenesis that regulates in regeneration. Despite best efforts to recreate
differentiation and morphogenesis. lost tissue, the type of tissue is still unknown. The
CHALLENGES IN REGENERATIVE development of the normal harmony and spatial
ENDODONTICS arrangement of dentin pulp complex is still in
Disinfection of root canal research. The 3D cell printing will be a possible
Removal of smear layer solution in the near future, but the problem with
Developing an ordered functional pulp this technology is the difficulty in exact
tissue placement and positioning inside root canal. Only
Appropriate coronal seal by achieving such a balanced spatial oriented cell
Appropriate method to measure the lineage in the root canal through regeneration can
clinical outcome this method be deemed successful.
Disinfection of root canal Appropriate coronal seal
One of the biggest challenges encountered in A leakage-free coronal restoration is mandatory
endodontics is inadequate disinfection of infected in regenerative endodontics as well as in
root canals. Reduction of microbial level is subsequent restorative procedures. The material
crucial for the success in both regenerative that provides such seal should be biocompatible,
endodontics as well as routine endodontic have to maintain cell viability of the regenerated
procedures. Since instrumentation in regenerative pulp, should minimize microleakage and provide
procedure should be minimal, disinfection by adequate adhesion to the overlaying restorative
chemical means is recommended in the form of material.[36] The materials under consideration are
irrigants and medicaments. NaOCl is the most calcium silicate based cements like mineral
widely recommended irrigant (concentration ≤ trioxide aggregate (MTA) and biodentine.
1.5%) . 17 % EDTA is another chemical agent Appropriate method to measuring the clinical
that is recommended in regeneration procedure outcome
as it helps in the dissolution and release of Ethical issues prevent histological analysis of the
impregnated growth factors in root dentin during implanted regenerative cells. Noninvasive tests
dentinogenesis.[35] These growth factors enhance such as laser doppler blood flowmetry, pulse
the stem cell survival and its proliferation. EDTA oximetry and lack of clinical signs or symptoms
is also useful in reversing the detrimental effect of and radiographic signs like completion of root
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