Relating Size and Functionality in Human Social Networks Through Complexity
Relating Size and Functionality in Human Social Networks Through Complexity
Relating Size and Functionality in Human Social Networks Through Complexity
Edited by Douglas S. Massey, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, and approved June 30, 2020 (received for review April 10, 2020)
Extensive empirical evidence suggests that there is a maximal Another way to view the relation between network complexity
number of people with whom an individual can maintain stable and network size is by relating the functionality of the network of
social relationships (the Dunbar number). We argue that this arises interest to its complexity. West (5) established that the more
as a consequence of a natural phase transition in the dynamic self- sophisticated the functionality, the greater the complexity nec-
organization among N individuals within a social system. We pre- essary to support that function. For example, the degree of
sent the calculated size dependence of the scaling properties of complexity necessary to sustain the functionality of a modern city
complex social network models to argue that this collective behav- is, proportionately, significantly greater than that necessary to
ior is an enhanced form of collective intelligence. Direct calculation sustain the functionality of a primitive village. Consequently, we
establishes that the complexity of social networks as measured by interpret the many empirical relations, between functionality and
their scaling behavior is nonmonotonic, peaking around 150, size as being the result of an implicit relation between size and
thereby providing a theoretical basis for the value of the Dunbar complexity, with complexity being manifest through the system’s
number. Thus, we establish a theory-based bridge spanning the
functionality. This subtle, yet ubiquitous, driving of complexity by
gap between sociology and psychology.
size and in turn functionality being driven by complexity, has long
been known from the study of allometry (5): Average network
Dunbar number allometry relation | network calculations | complexity | functionality is typically a noninteger power of average network
size, without an explicit dependence on complexity.
In the recent past it has been argued that biological systems
D unbar hypothesized, on the basis of archeological, evolu-
tionary, and neurophysiological evidence, that 150 is the
limit on the number of people with whom a typical person can
function best when their dynamics are close to criticality (6). This
hypothesis is in keeping with the more general observations of
Anderson (7) regarding the disconnect between microdynamics
maintain stable social relationships (1, 2). We suggest that this is and emergent macrodynamics in complex dynamic systems that
a consequence of internal dynamics producing self-organized
undergo phase transitions. For example, when a liquid is boiled it
criticality within a social network consisting of N people. We becomes a gas and the corresponding volume increases discon-
use two distinct complex network models of social group dy- tinuously as a manifestation of criticality. This universal behavior
namics that lead to phase transitions (3), termed criticality in the is manifest in the scaling behavior of certain system parameters
physics literature, to determine the optimal size of networks and called critical exponents, on which there is now a vast literature.
compare this with the Dunbar number. Such criticality generates
intermittent events, with time intervals between successive events Significance
being independent (renewal) and having an inverse power law
distribution. The inverse power law index in both network
Dunbar hypothesized, on the basis of empirical evidence, that a
models is shown herein by direct calculation to increase rapidly typical individual can have a stable relation with at most 150
in magnitude from 0.5, reach a maximum of ∼0.67, and then other people. We establish that this number results from the
decrease slowly back to 0.5, as the size of the network increases. internal dynamics of a complex network. Two network models
This nonmonotonic dependence of the scaling index on network having phase transitions are used to determine the optimal
size is a signature of complexity (4) and is used to argue that the size for the most efficient information exchange. Such criti-
collective social behavior at criticality supports optimal infor- cality generates intermittent events, with time intervals be-
mation transmission within the group. Consequently, the time to tween successive events being independent (renewal) and
transmit information between generic complex networks is scaling. The scaling index depends nonmonotonically on net-
minimal when both system sizes coincide with the predicted work size and direct calculations show that the index is maxi-
Dunbar number. Thus, the calculations presented herein yield a mum for networks the size of the Dunbar number and provides
theory-predicted value of the maximum group size that closely maximal information exchange efficiency. This result provides
agrees with the empirical Dunbar number, as well as showing a theory-based bridge to span the conceptual gap between
that networks of this size have optimal information transmission psychology and sociology.
properties. These results provide a theory-based bridge that uses
Author contributions: B.J.W. designed research; B.J.W., M.B., R.I.M.D., and P.G. performed
network science model calculations to span the current concep- research; G.F.M., G.C., R.F., and R.I.M.D. analyzed data; G.F.M., G.C., and R.F. did calcula-
tual gap between psychology and sociology. tions; and B.J.W., R.I.M.D., and P.G. wrote the paper.
In order for a group, organization, or living network to The authors declare no competing interest.
maintain its functionality as its size increases, macroscopic dy- This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
namic modes must emerge to replace those that no longer sup- This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
port the system’s evolving purpose as driven by the increase in (CC BY).
complexity. The network’s size and functionality increase and 1
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email:
decrease together as determined by their separate relationships This article contains supporting information online at
to changing complexity, but not in direct proportion to
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one another. First published July 20, 2020.
periments on problem-solving tasks using the social concepts of innovation that the cross-correlation function ought to shift to a positive time delay as
and imitation. These same two concepts are fundamental in the network the network size increases beyond the critical size. The time delay is a
Material and Data Availability. The original sources for all data used herein
have been cited in the main text, SI Appendix, or the cited literature. The
research codes used in the calculations of the figures have been cited and
are available upon request from the University of North Texas authors:
G.F.M., G.C., R.F., and P.G.
We evaluate first the mean field of a DMM network to produce
the signal and Fig. 1 illustrates the results of that analysis. Here
the calculation on the network is done in two different ways. One
way is with every individual interacting with every other indi-
vidual in the network (all-to-all, ATA). The other is that each Fig. 2. Scaling detection of the Dunbar number is obtained by calculating
individual interacts only with its nearest neighbor on a 2D lattice, the nonmonotonic dependence of the scaling index δ on a network of size N,
using the SI model of Vicsek et al. (23).
with periodic boundary conditions (2D-lattice). Both calculations
yield criticality at the appropriate theoretical values of the con-
trol parameter, whose critical values depend on the size of the and SI in Fig. 2, with respect to the nonmonotonic dependence
network. Identifying the calculated value of the time rate of of the scaling index on network size, is remarkable. Most note-
change of the mean field variable with the empirical time series
worthy for our purposes here is that both networks display
ξ(t), we generate the RW and obtain the trajectory X(t) to which
dominant peaks in the vicinity of the Dunbar number, which
we apply the MDEA to obtain the scaling index as a function of
network size (SI Appendix). The resulting scaling parameter δ is given the empirical value of 148.7 from the SBAR is truly
shown in Fig. 1 and varies nonmonotonically with the size of the astonishing.
network. The parameter peaks, achieving a maximum value close Of course, theoretically predicting the Dunbar number does
to δ = 0.67, when N is in the vicinity of the Dunbar number 150. not establish that this size of the network influences the trans-
The scaling index falls quickly to δ = 0.5 to the left of the peak, mission of information, much less that the Dunbar size of a
for N < 150 and more slowly to the same value to the peak’s network optimizes the exchange of information between net-
right, for N > 150. works. We can, however, determine network efficiency from the
The same calculation is carried out using the SI model pro- cross-correlation of the time series for the perturbing network A
posed by Vicsek et al. (23) and the results are displayed in Fig. 2. and the perturbed network B. Fig. 3 shows that the time delay
The qualitative agreement observed between the DMM in Fig. 1 between the driven and the driving networks is extremely small
when N = 150 (the delay time is τ ≈ 0), whereas larger networks
require a finite nonzero time to reorganize and maximize their
correlation. The larger the deviation in network size from the
Dunbar number, the greater the delay in transmitting the in-
formation throughout the perturbed network. This is an evident
signal that the Dunbar effect facilitates the transport of infor-
mation from the individual who first acquires the information to
all of the other individuals in the network.
As the interaction strength (K) between individuals in a net-
work approaches the critical value (KC), the dynamics of indi-
viduals change from virtually independent behavior (K < KC) to
highly organized behavior at the critical point (K = KC). The two-
time correlation function changes from a rapid exponential re-
laxation of perturbations when the interaction strength is sub-
critical (K < KC), to a much slower inverse power law relaxation
of perturbations at criticality (K = KC), and then returns to the
rapid exponential relaxation when the interaction strength
becomes supercritical (K > KC). The substantially slower relax-
ation perturbations at criticality entails long-range correlations,
whose persistence facilitates the information transfer at criti-
cality. The measure of this persistence is manifest in the degree
Fig. 1. Scaling detection of the Dunbar number is obtained by calculating
to which the scaling index δ exceeds 0.5, but note that even at δ =
the nonmonotonic dependence of the scaling index δ on a network of size N.
The two calculation are depicted using a DMM (3): The red circles with an 0.5 (the value obtained in an unbiased RW process), the network
index is μ = 1.5, denoting that the network is still at criticality (SI
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