Remedial Law Reviewer Atty Tranquil
Remedial Law Reviewer Atty Tranquil
Remedial Law Reviewer Atty Tranquil
Rule 121-5 – NT/MR/Appeals How does it reach the CA on petition for review?
o If the original case was filed in the MTC.
Is there a record of appeal on criminal cases? o MTC RTC CA
o No. What about civil cases?
Is there ordinary appeal (notice of appeal)? o Found in Rule 42.
o Yes. o Still MTC RTC CA
Criminal: Review by the Supreme Court, if the penalty is not
Ordinary appeal punished by death, life, or reclusion perpetua: from where should
it come from?
Criminal: X was charged with acts of lasciviousness (within MTC o From the CA or the SB only
jurisdiction). MTC renders judgment. Who reviews it? o Use Rule 45, whether civil or criminal. Again, the general rule
o RTC, through notice of appeal filed with the MTC. (RULE 122) is that you cannot go up to the SC except through petition for
o Compare/contrast with Civil: review on certiorari.
MTC RTC, through notice of appeal. (RULE 40) o In civil, from where can you come from?
Or MTC RTC, through record of appeal (not RTC, CA, SB, CTA en banc, etc.
available in criminal cases) RTC, penalty is death, based on the law (although it cannot be
What is the procedure in the RTC for criminal cases, when acting implemented). How do you appeal?
as appellate court? o There is automatic review to the Court of Appeals, even in the
o Parties submit their memoranda (Rule 122, Sec 9) absence of a notice of appeal.
o Compare/contrast with Civil: o The case is with the CA. What can the CA do?
Same. Parties submit memoranda. If it finds for death again, it can render judgment but
Criminal: Court of original jurisdiction is the RTC, and he was not enter it.
convicted for homicide. Appeal? o What happens after?
o Go to the Court of Appeals, through Notice of appeal filed with The CA will certify the case to the SC.
the RTC. The penalty is life/RP. Is it covered by automatic review?
o Compare/contrast with RTC in civil action: o No. You need notice of appeal. CA
o The Court of Appeals found in favor of life/RP. Can it o Yes, even if the amount was not specified. What is required is
render and enter a decision? that the object of the search be described with particularity.
Yes. Quantity is not required.
o How do you appeal this? The police officer was armed with a search warrant. But before
This is the singular instance where you file a NOTICE implement or enforcing it, on plain view, he saw illegal firearms.
OF APPEAL with the Court of Appeals. Can there be a valid search?
Can there be a valid judgment even if the judge who rendered the o Yes. Plain view exception applies, even if there is a search
judgment was not the same one who heard the case? warrant.
o Yes. Where could you apply for a search warrant?
Logrida v. P: Rule 122, Sec. 11 provides: even if an accused did not o You apply to the court, following the rule on territoriality.
appeal when there are multiple accused, and there is a favorable Can it be possible to apply in a court outside of the place where
judgment, it could benefit the non-appealing accused. the crime was committed?
o However, in this case, the accused invoking this provision o Yes, for compelling reasons.
actually filed an appeal, but it was dismissed due to a o What can be a compelling reason?
technicality. It‟s a question of fact, but an example is when he is a
When is as appeal deemed to be abandoned? public officer of that locality and there is doubt that a
o When the accused jumps bail, escapes, or fails to file an search warrant can be properly applied for.
appellant‟s brief. Is application for a search warrant a criminal action?
Counsel-de-officio: o No. It is a special judicial process.
o The general rule is the accused is given the choice to retain a Can it become one?
counsel de parte (of his choice) o No. You need an information because the application for a
o If he cannot afford one, the court appoints a counsel de officio search warrant will not evolve into an information.
o One can be appointed during arraignment, or for the rest of the Where do you file for quashal of search warrant?
trial. o In the court wherein it was applied for if there is no case yet
o Can a counsel de officio be named in the Court of o If there is a case, in the court where the case is pending
Appeals? Who determined probable cause for search warrants?
Yes, when the accused signed his own appeal. Also, o The judge. Not the prosecutor.
when he was not assisted by counsel. o Wherelse is probable cause required, apart from
o Can the SC appoint a counsel de officio for the accused? application for search warrant?
Yes, the SC can, but this is not provided for in the Preliminary investigation
rules. Rule 113, warrantless arrest (personal knowledge that
crime has been committed)
Rule 126 – Searches and seizures Warrant of arrest
Search and seizure
The search warrant said “an undetermined amount of shabu.” The
o What is required for the judge to do?
original case was for marijuana. Will this be enough for the police
Personal examination and determination by the judge
officers to conduct a search?
of the complainant/applicant and witnesses.
It does not involve mere submission of affidavits.
Give an example of a search based on a warrant, where the place o The inventory must be made at the scene of the crime. (For
is described with particularity. normal crimes, it can be done in court or police station or
o Ex. if it‟s an apartment, you give the number of the apartment. wherever.)
o What if it’s a stretch of apartments, and what was o The person must make a physical science report to track the
indicated is apartment B, but what was searched was chain of custody.
apartment C. Was there a valid search? What is the rule as to search and arrest?
No. o The general rule is that the arrest must come before the search
o But was the search warrant valid? and seizure.
Yes. The search warrant can be valid, but the o Or, the search and seizure must be contemporaneous to
implemented was invalid. arrest.
o There were illegal items seized from apartment C. How If you apply for a search warrant in QC, can it be applied outside of
can you prevent these goods from being used in a the territorial jurisdiction?
criminal trial? o If it‟s a violation of the DDL, IP code, illegal possession of
Motion to suppress. firearms, illegal gambling, heinous crimes, AML, violation of
o Differentiate motion to quash from motion to suppress. tariff and customs code.
Motion to quash is before implementation of the o You have to apply before an executive judge before the City of
search warrant. Manila or Quezon City. This will be effective anywhere in the
Motion to suppress is after implement and before Philippines.
presentation in court. Re: Seizure of fake goods (ex. fake Adidas) – What is the role of
What if there is no way to describe with particularity the place, esp. the private party?
when it is a province? o The private party can submit documents and pleadings to
o It‟s possible to say “kilometer 30.” But this can‟t apply for cities support the application of the NBI.
or municipalities. The place of manufacture of the fake goods is in Cavite, and place
To whom must a search warrant be served? of sale is in San Juan. Where do you apply?
o The lawful occupant. o Either place.
o In the absence of the lawful occupant?
To a relative. Rule 127 – Provisional remedies
o In the absence of the occupant or relative?
To two witnesses of sufficient age and discretion What is the general rule?
residing in that locality. o Provisional remedies in civil procedure are applicable to
When the items are seized, to whom must the receipt be given? criminal procedure.
o To the lawful occupant or relative What about replevin?
o If there are two witnesses, the receipt will be left in the o Does not apply because it can only be filed before an answer,
premises where they were seized but in a criminal case, there is no answer.
What is the duty of the officer after the search? What are the grounds?
o He should present an inventory of the items. Failure to submit o 1. The accused is about to abscond or depart with intent to
inventory makes him liable for contempt. defraud
Dangerous Drugs Law: what are the special rules? o 2. Claim for money or property that has been embezzled with
abuse of trust (estafa)
o 3. Accused resides outside
o 4. Accused has concealed/removed/disposed his property
PART III: EVIDENCE When the witness was able to perceive the matter
being testified upon
o Can circumstantial evidence be the basis for conviction?
When did the Rules on Evidence take effect? Yes. As long as there is more than one circumstance
o July 1, 1989 and each is proven.
What is evidence? o Can circumstantial evidence be basis for identification?
o Evidence is the means, sanctioned by the Rules, of Yes.
ascertaining in a judicial proceeding the truth respecting a What is positive evidence?
matter of fact. o Evidence that proves something happened. (“I saw him stab
Not all concepts of evidence will require presentation of evidence. person X”) or (“I did not see him stab person X”)
What are there? What is negative evidence?
o Ex. Judicial notice o Evidence where the witness was there, but he did not perceive
o Ex. Judicial admissions anything. (“I was there in the scene, but I did not notice
When you’re required to present evidence, there are three kinds: anything happen.”)
o 1. Object What is primary evidence?
o 2. Documentary o Best available evidence to establish the fact in issue
o 3. Testimonial o What is an example of primary evidence?
Whether it’s object, documentary or testimonial, what is required? Best Evidence Rule
o They have to pass the test of admissibility (Rule 128, Sec. 3) The secondary evidence here is photocopy, recital of
When is evidence admissible? the contents, or testimony as to its contents.
o When it is relevant and competent What is weightier, physical evidence or testimonial evidence?
o What is relevant? o Physical evidence.
Has direct relation to the fact in issue Note: exceptions to the hearsay rule are not absolute. They can be
o What is competent? contested or impugned.
Not excluded by the rules on evidence o How do you destroy the exception?
o What are not competent – give examples Destroy the requisites.
Those excluded by the Best Evidence Rule “Ex. „was it audible?‟ „was he aware that he was going
Those seized without valid warrant and without a valid to die?‟”
exception Is there primary evidence in object evidence?
Those violating the Parol Evidence Rule (contents in o Yes. If you want to present a car, present the actual itself.
the written document are presumed to be the o What is the secondary evidence?
repository of all the matters agreed upon by the A car of the same model, same type, etc. which will
parties) aid the court in understanding the object involved.
Differentiate direct from circumstantial evidence. Is there primary evidence in testimonial evidence?
o Direct: prove a matter without need for inference or o Yes. A person who had personal knowledge.
presumption o What is the secondary evidence?
o Circumstantial: facts, from which the existence of another fact Hearsay. N.B. but note that the codal does not
may be inferred as a necessary or probable consequence expressly tag hearsay as secondary evidence
o When is testimonial evidence direct evidence? although it is. When asked in the bar what secondary
evidence is, give the answer for documentary Rule 130, sec. 26/27: compromise rules are not the
evidence to be sure. same in civil and criminal cases
What is prima facie evidence? Character evidence: there is also difference in civil
o That which suffices to prove a fact, until contradicted by other and criminal cases
evidence Two witness rule in treason
o But can it establish a conviction? What is relevancy?
[not answered] o Has relation to fact in issue as to induce belief in its existence
o What is the difference between prima facie evidence and or non-existence
disputable presumption? What about collateral facts?
Prima facie evidence arises from a fact that would o General rule, not relevant
sufficiently create a reasonable belief that an act o EXCEPT, when the collateral matters establish probability or
alleged has arisen improbability of the fact in issue
Disputable presumption arises from Rule 131 o Give an example.
N.B. they are the same in such that these In rape, the accused can point to the character of the
can be controverted supposed victim to prove that there is probability that
What is conclusive presumption? the intercourse was consensual.
o It cannot be controverted N.B. You can only use character evidence if there is a
o But can you attack a fact that leads to a conclusive character trait involved in the offense charged.
Yes. Judicial notice
o Give an example of a conclusive presumption.
Tenant cannot deny the title of his landlord When is it mandatory?
Distinguish between preponderance of evidence and proof BRD: o 1. States – existence, territorial extent, political history, forms
o Preponderance – Court determines superior weight of of government, symbols of nationality
evidence; for civil cases o 2. Law of nations, admiralty, maritime courts of the world, and
o Proof BRD – Moral certainty, conviction will arise from an their seals
unprejudiced mind; for criminal cases o 3. Political constitution and history of the Philippines, official
acts of legislative, executive, judicial departments of
Are the rules of evidence uniformly applied in all our courts?
o Yes.
o 4. Laws of nature, measure of time, geographical divisions
o Trade disputes in DTI?
Why are these mandatory?
o NLRC exercising QJ functions? o Because they have already been established. They cannot be
No. You don‟t need best evidence available here disputed anymore.
(can use photocopies, that‟s fine) o No need to introduce evidence anymore.
o What does “except if otherwise provided by law”? Can the court take judicial notice of rentals?
If otherwise provided, then the uniform application will o No. The court cannot take judicial notice of factual matters.
not extend to that. Is the court bound to take judicial notice of municipal orders?
Ex. Agrarian cases o The court is obliged to take judicial notice of law, but not
o What about memorandum circulars issued by There was an insurance recovery claim, dated September 2009. It
departments? was not alleged in the claim that the loss happened on the day
No. The court is not expected to take notice of these Ondoy struck Manila. Can the other party request the court to take
less important matters. judicial notice (or can the court motu propio take judicial notice) of
What is covered by discretionary judicial notice? this fact?
o 1. Matters of public knowledge o Yes.
Examples: Judicial admissions:
Ex. death of Corazon Aquino o Statement made as to a fact in issue made in a pleading
o 2. Capable of unquestionable demonstration o Do you need proof as to judicial admissions?
What is this? No.
If repeated in a regular manner, it will o When is there a judicial admission?
establish that fact. When there is a pending proceeding
Examples: o What are covered?
Mathematical computation 1. Statements in pleadings (ex. complaint or answer)
Statistics 2. Statements made during testimonial presentation
Effects of poison, etc. 3. Depositions or other documents
Do surveys fall under this? 4. Pre-trial
No, because methods change, samples 5. Documents submitted in court
change, etc. o Can they be withdrawn?
o 3. Ought to be known to judges due to their judicial function Yes, when –
Can a judge take judicial notice of proceedings There was no intent to make such an
pending in other courts? admission
No. Or there was palpable mistake
He‟s not bound to know all the cases filed.
Rule 130
What about pending cases in his own sala?
N.B. The rules on admissibility are applicable to object, documentary,
Unless he takes the consent of the parties. and testimonial evidence alike.
When can there be taking of judicial notice?
What is object evidence?
o During trial – on any matter and with hearing
o Those addressed to the senses of the court
o After trial and before judgment – same, but only on matters
An object is presented so that the court can perceive it.
decisive of a material issue in a case
What if it is immobilized ex. real property or personal properties
o After appeal – same, but only on matters decisive of a material
issue in a case
o Ocular inspection
Can every matter be subject of judicial notice?
Is a photograph object evidence?
o Yes, during the hearing.
o [not answered]
o You are not limited to the enumerations provided in law.
Do you need the photographer to identify the picture?
What is the need for a hearing?
o Yes.
o Propriety of taking judicial notice
o Or a person who can attest to its exactness and accuracy.
o What must be proved? o When the subject of inquiry is the contents of a document, no
That it is an accurate representation of what evidence is admissible other than the original document itself
happened. o What if all you want to establish is the existence of a
As to production and circumstances under which they document, do you need to present the original?
were produced. No. Because it‟s not the contents of the document
Prove who operated the camera, the ability of the that are in issue. You can present a copy.
camera to capture the scene, etc. N.B. However in practice, try to always present the
o Prove all these first before going into the contents of the original.
photograph. o What is the original?
What about videos? 1. The one the contents of which are the subject of
o Similarly, lay down the basis, before presenting the contents inquiry
What is a paraffin test? Is the copy made an original just because
o See definition the contents thereof are the subject of
o Are the results conclusive? inquiry?
No. It‟s not 100% reliable. o No. You still have to go to the
Is a lie detector test 100% reliable? original.
o No. You can cheat it. Do you need to authenticate an original
What is demonstrative evidence? document even if it appears to be an
o Evidence that adds to or explains. original?
o Maps, charts, graphs, etc. o Yes, even if it appears to be an
o Is it the same as demonstration? original.
No. Demonstration is when you ask for a re- 2. Document is in two or more copies executed at or
enactment or display of how an act was done or re: about the same time with identical contents
facts. Usual example is carbon copies
Computers that shoot straight through to the
Documentary evidence Xerox machine, and then sign all
Or printing 5 copies of the same document,
If Blitz had a tattoo saying “I love Jojo” is this documentary and then sign all
evidence? What if I print and sign one, then make
o Yes. my secretary produce four copies?
If Blitz wrote on a shirt, saying “Good luck!” is this documentary o The four copies are not originals
evidence? I executed a document by 8 counterparts
o Yes. (ex. bills in set), signed four here in
Why are these documentary evidence? Manila on Feb. 28 and shipped four to HK,
o It can be in any material, as long as it is a writing or inscription. which were signed on Mar. 1. Are they all
o What about text mesage? original, even if executed in different
Yes. dates?
It is ephemeral evidence o Yes, they can be regarded as
What is the Best Evidence Rule? originals.
o N.B. You have to stipulate in the Agreement containing the basic
contract (“execution by terms
counterparts”) that even if not o Ex. A demand letter
executed on or about the same o Must it be a verbatim copy or is
time, they are all originals. paraphrasing fine?
3. Entry is repeated in the regular course of business, Verbatim copy
one copied from another at or near the time of the 3. Testimony of a witness
transaction Must it be in this order?
N.B. this refers to “entry” not “execution,” but Yes. Follow this order.
you do not sign the books o 2. Original is in the adverse party‟s custody or control
o Does “execution” in number 2 include formalities like What are the requisites?
notarization and affixing signature? 1. Document exists
It depends on what form is required from the contract. 2. There is reasonable notice to produce it
What are the exceptions to the Best Evidence Rule? given to the other party
o 1. The original has been lost, destroyed, or cannot be 3. There is failure to produce
produced in court Does this lead to presentation secondary
Not through the fault or bad faith of the offeror evidence?
Must there be exercise of diligence? Yes
Yes, the offeror must attempt to procure the o 3. Original constitutes voluminous documents
original Requisites?
In cases of loss or destruction, can you present 1. Prove voluminous nature of the
secondary evidence? documents, which cannot be examined in
Yes. You need to lay the basis first. court without great loss of time
What do you need to do? 2. Provide access to the other party to the
o 1. Prove that the document exists original documents
and it was duly executed What must be proved by these documents?
o 2. Prove cause of unavailability The fact sought to be established must be
The actual presentation of secondary the general result of the whole
evidence will only come after laying the What if the voluminous documents are financial
basis. documents for the past 20 years, and the fact
What are the types of secondary evidence that sought to proved is the profit/gain for this period?
you can present? You can present a summary because you
1. Copy of the document are proving the general result of a whole.
2. Recital of its contents in an authentic What do you need to present?
document You just need to present a summary of the
o Ex. Secretary‟s certificate, in case documents
of loss of the minutes When do you need to present the original?
o Ex. There is a mother contract, and
there is a Memorandum of
When the contents thereof are the subject of Y thought it was the
the inquiry – no matter how voluminous they property in Cavite.
are. Give an example.
o 4. Original which is in the custody of a public officer or o Contract of sale of property. X
recorded in a public office thought it was Batangas, Y thought
Can you present the original? it was Batangas. But it was actually
No, because it‟s in the custody of that officer in Cavite.
or office. Give an example of imperfection in the written
What do you present? agreement?
A certified true copy given by the public The provision says that the offended party
officer in custody thereof. must pay damages, when it fact, the offender
Give an example. must pay.
NSO Birth Certificate. Another: X and Y entered into a contract of
What is the Parole Evidence Rule? sale of property, over a Batangas property.
o When the contents of a document are reduced to writing, it is But the technical specifications provided
considered as containing all the terms agreed upon – as were those of the Cavite property.
between the parties and their successors in interest. o 2. The failure of the written agreement to express the true
o No other evidence of such terms can be presented. intent and agreement of the parties
What are the exceptions? Give an example.
o 1. Intrinsic ambiguity, mistake, or imperfection in the written X approached Y, asking for money for tuition
agreement fee of his son. X said he intended to
Must it be ambiguous on its face? mortgage his property. Y asked him to sign
No. The ambiguity must be intrinsic. a document, but that contract provided for an
Give an example. absolute sale.
In a will, the testator said “I give half my o 3. Validity of the written agreement is at issue
property to my son Buboy.” When the will Can a contract void on its face be made valid by
was being probated, it turns out there were presentation of extraneous evidence?
two sons with the nickname Buboy. No. This provision does not contemplate
What mistake is contemplated? contracts that are by nature void, to make
Mistake of fact, and the mistake was mutual them legal.
What do you do with the contract? o 4. Existence of other terms agreed to by the parties/their
o Reform. successors-in-interest after execution of the written agreement
o When do you not reform? Give an example.
When there was no There is an original contract and it was
meeting of the minds. amended from a 20-year agreement to a 10-
Example, X thought it was year agreement
the property in Batangas,
Testimonial evidence
Who can become witnesses? To what type of cases does it apply to?
o Those who can perceive, and in perceiving, can make their “Criminal and non-criminal proceedings”
perceptions known to others What is a comfort object/person?
o Two steps: One that puts the child at ease, like a doll or
1. Perceiving a pillow
2. Making known this perception to others Can you ask leading questions to a child?
How can you make your perception known to another? YES.
o You must be able to communicate it What is the special requirement?
o Can a deaf-mute testify? A blind person? o Give notice to the other party
Yes, as long as they can communicate. o And the judge must approve it first
Who are disqualified? Can you use live-link TV?
o 1. Those whose mental condition, at the time of presentation, Yes, so the child will not be able to see the
is such that they cannot intelligently make known their accused.
perception to others Ex. The child is in another room from the
X perceived. Then X became insane. Then X had judge/accused, etc.
a lucid interval during presentation of witness. Who is a facilitator?
Can X testify? Appointed by the court to ask the questions
Yes. The requirement is during his/her to the child as to not pressure/harass the
presentation. child
What is the presumption? Can depositions be taken?
That a witness is of sound mind. Yes.
What is the exception? How are the documents in these proceedings
o He was publicly known as insane or treated?
committed in a mental institution. Considered confidential, not open to the
o 2. Children whose mental maturity makes them incapable of public
perceiving the facts and relating them truthfully o 3. DQ by marriage (sec. 22)
Under the Child Witness Rule (CWR), who What is prohibited here? What does it cover?
determines the competency of the child to testify? Any testimony, for or against the spouse,
The judge, who conducts a competency during marriage
examination What matters are covered?
Is competency dictated by the age of the All matters
child? Even confidential matters?
o No. Mental maturity dictates, even o Yes.
prior to the Child Witness Rule. o After dissolution of the marriage, it
Who is a child witness under the CWR? can fall under sec. 24 (privileged
Accused communication)
Victim What are exempted?
Witness 1. Civil case between the parties
o Does this extend to ascendants o What does it cover?
and descendants? Any advice or communication in the course of or in
No. view to professional employment
2. Criminal case of one spouse against the o Differentiate in the course of and in view to?
other In the course of – already retained
o Does this extend to ascendants In view to – preparatory
and descendants? o X asked advice from Atty. Y, asking what the requirements
Yes. are to form a corporation. Is this covered by the privilege?
Does it survive even after termination of the No.
marriage? o X said that he had problems with his corporation, giving
No. The DQ only lasts during marriage. particular details, names of incorporators, reasons,
Are these DQs waivable? details, and what are the requirements. Is this covered?
Yes. Yes, even if you are not eventually retained.
o 4. “Dead man‟s statute” o Does it recognize agency?
What is the DMS? Yes. The privilege extends to secretary, clerk, or
Party/assignors of parties/beneficiaries stenographer.
cannot testify as to matters of fact occurring o Can it be waived?
before the death or insanity of the other party Yes.
What must be the nature of the action? o Note: if the relationship of the lawyer with the person is a
Claim against the estate of the deceased business relationship, you cannot invoke the privilege.
person or a person of unsound mind C. Doctor-patient
What about documentary evidence that will prove o Can you invoke this privilege in a criminal case?
the claim? No, even if it would blacken your reputation. The
Not covered by DMS. This prohibition only privilege only covers civil cases.
extends to oral testimony. o Who is covered?
o 5. Privileged communication: Person must be a doctor of medicine, surgeon, or
See below obstetrician
A. Marital privilege What if he is an optometrist?
o If a third party chanced upon the conversation, is it No, because he/she is not a doctor of
covered by the privilege? medicine
No, the third party is not covered. What if he is an ophthalmologist?
o Is there agency is privileged communication (Ex. H and W Covered
were talking and H told a third party that the matter being What about neurologist?
discussed is disclosed)? Covered
No, it doesn‟t extend to third parties. What about psychologist?
o Does attorney-client extend to third parties? No, he must pursue further studies to be a
Yes, it can extend to the secretary, stenographer, or doctor
clerk. What about psychiatrist?
B. Attorney-client Covered
What is the key? Yes. It should be done by the court, after application.
You must be a doctor of medicine. E. Executive privilege
Who is an obstetrician? o See Neri case.
For pregnancy o Is this waivable?
Alternative medicine practitioners and Yes, by the president.
iridologists? F. Secrecy of bank deposits
No. G. Non-disclosre of trade secrets
o What are the requisites? H. Non-disclosure of who you voted for
1. Civil case I. Newsman‟s privilege
2. Person is authorized to practice medicine, surgery, o As to sources
or obstetrics J. Informer‟s privilege
3. Acquired information in his professional capacity for o As to identity
him to be able to give treatment or advice o You don‟t need to bring to the stand an informer
4. Disclosure of the information would tend to blacken K. Filial privilege
the patient‟s reputation o What is this?
The privilege is only significant if you talk Nobody may be compelled to testify against a direct
about a pending case ascendant or descendant
C. Priest-Penitent o Is this waivable?
o A protestant religion does not require confession through Yes.
a priest. If a protestant approaches her pastor and asks In a criminal case, no de no descendant may be compelled to testify
for a confession and discloses information in the course against parents and grandparents, except:
thereof, can the pastor invoke the privilege? o When the testimony is indispensable in a crime against the
No. It should be enjoined by the religious institution to descendant or by one parent against the other
which he/she belongs.
Just like a Catholic confessing to a nun – not covered Admissions and confessions
by the privilege.
o What if a group requires a public confession before a What is section 26?
crowd? o The act, declaration, or confession of a relevant fact may be
Not covered by the privilege. given in evidence against him
o If “confession” was to simply ask for guidance from a What is the rule on a third party?
minister, is it covered? o As a general rule, the statement of a third party cannot be used
No. against you, except when it falls under the exceptions
o Should the penitent be a member of that religious What are exceptions?
institution to which the priest belongs to? o 1. Co-agent or partner
No. The priest will not ask anyway. o 2. Co-conspirator
D. State Secrets o 3. Privies
o Who is the subject of the privilege? What are the requisites for admission of co-partner or agent?
The public office, as regards State secrets o N.B. these are more or less the same requisites in a
o Is this waivable? conspiracy
o 1. The admission should have been made during the existence Yes, these can be compromised.
of the relationship o Is extending offer for medical assistance to the victim an
o 2. Done within the scope of the authority implied admission?
Ex. if agent, it must be covered by the agency No.
o 3. Common interest o The JDR rule in criminal cases allows compromise where
o 4. The relationship is established by other evidence other than (the court here in mediation offers compromise)?
the admission Libel
Ex. Special power of attorney, articles of partnership, Theft
etc. Estafa
Admissions of a co-conspirator – requisites? BP 22
o 1. Act/declaration relates to the conspiracy Criminal negligence
This is common design o What is covered by the compromise?
o 2. During the conspiracy itself Only the civil liability
o 3. The conspiracy is established by independent evidence But in practice, once you compromise the civil liability,
Admission of privies – requisites? usually the prosecution is no longer interested
o 1. Privity between the parties, where one derives title from the What is admission by silence?
other o X was making statements in the radio against Y, a public
o 2. Declaration made the when the privy held the property official. If Y does not react to the radio caller, is this an
o 3. It must have been made as to title over the property admission by silence?
o Give an example: No. See requisite #1 below.
X sold land to Y. While X holds the title to the o What are the requisites?
property, he made statements as regards his title to 1. Statement made in your presence or within your
the land. When Y holds the land, the statements observation
made by X can be used against her. 2. Fact would have naturally called for a reaction if not
Do admissions of these third parties extend to court cases? Ex. Y true
testified against X on the witness stand that it was X who was in 3. To deny is proper under the circumstances
conspiracy with him. Ex. there were armed 5 men who were
o No, these rules do not extend to cases already in court, speaking ill about X – his silence may simply
because there is an opportunity to cross examine. mean that he is being prudent
Is an offer of compromise admissible in evidence?
o In civil cases, an offer of compromise is not an implied Previous conduct as evidence
admission of liability – it cannot be admitted as evidence
Mr. X and his group robbed BPI in Makati. X and his group were
o In criminal cases, it is treated as an implied admission of
also suspected of robbing BPI in Intramuros. He was caught, and
o What is the exception for criminal cases? a case was filed against him. If there is a separate criminal case
involving the robbery in BPI Intramuros, can the facts surrounding
When the law allows for compromise
the Makati BPI robbery be appreciated?
Ex. criminal negligence
o No, not to establish a different robbery. But you can use it to
establish any of the exceptions outlined below.
o What about tax violations with penal sanctions?
o Ex. The manner in which the robbery was conducted is the o 5. Common reputation
same, showing a system. o 6. Part of res gestae
Ms. Y married Mr. A. She obtained insurance. A died. She married o 7. Entries in the course of business
B. She obtained insurance. B died. She married C. She obtained o 8. Entries in official records
insurance. C almost died due to poisoning. Are the previous o 9. Commercial lists, and the like
deaths admissible? o 10. Learned treatises
o Yes, but only to establish intent. o 11. Prior testimony
What is the general rule as to prior conduct?
o Generally not admissible. Declarations Reputation Entries
o What are the exceptions? Dying declaration As to pedigree Course of business
Declaration against Common reputation Official record
To establish intent, knowledge, identity, plan, system,
scheme, habit, custom, or usage, and the like.
Declaration about Commercial lists
What is the rule on unaccepted offer? pedigree
o An offer in writing to pay a sum of money or deliver a written Res gestae Learned treatises
instrument/personal property, if rejected without valid cause, is
equivalent to actual production and tender
Dying declaration
Hearsay rule and exceptions o Requisites
1. The dying person is under the consciousness of his
What is the hearsay rule? impending death
o A witness may only testify as to matters within his personal 2. Declaration relates to the facts/circumstances
knowledge pertaining to the death
What is independent relevant statement? 3. He should eventually die
o When the statement is the fact of issue, or when the statement 4. The recipient of the information should be
is circumstantial evidence of the facts in issue. competent to testify
o During Erap impeachment, his former Secretary Espiritu o Does this extend to civil cases?
was placed on the stand and was asked about matters he Yes.
conversed about with Estrada. He started talking, and As long as it pertains to the circumstances regarding
there was an objection that is was hearsay. Is it hearsay? his death.
No, it‟s not hearsay. The conversation actually o There is a dying person on the floor and he calls X. He
happened and he can testify as to the conversation told X to tell his wife to handle his bank account, tell his
and what happened. children to manage the properties, etc. Is this the proper
But as to the truthfulness of these statements, they subject of a dying declaration?
have to be established separately. No. It does not cover circumstances re: his death.
What are the exceptions? o What if he doesn’t die?
o 1. Dying declaration It becomes part of res gestae
o 2. Declaration against interest o What if the dying declarant made an ante-mortem
o 3. Act or declaration about pedigree statement, in writing, be presented in evidence?
o 4. Family reputation or tradition regarding pedigree Yes, because this exception covers memoranda.
Declaration against interest A member of the family by marriage or consanguinity.
o Requisites? This is unlike declaration about pedigree.
1. The person is dead/unavailable o What else?
2. Made statement against his interest Family bibles, charts, rings, engravings, etc.
3. Would not have made that statement had it not Common reputation
been true o What are covered?
o Extends to declaration against pecuniary interest, proprietary 1. Public knowledge of more than 30 years
interest, criminal acts, etc. This has a partner provision in documentary
o Why is this reliable? evidence (“ancient documents”)
Because by human nature, nobody will make a Give an example of public knowledge of
prejudicial statement against himself more than 30 years.
Act or declaration about pedigree o There is a marker in the barangay
o Requisites? disclosing information on the
1. The person is dead/unavailable founding of the barangay.
2. Made by a person related by birth or marriage o Sometimes it can border on history,
3. Declaration was made prior to the controversy which will then become subject to
So there is no motive to falsify judicial notice
4. The relationship between the declarant and the 2. Reputation about marriage
person whose pedigree is in question is shown by How do you develop a reputation re:
independent evidence marriage?
o Must the witness be related to the declarant? o When people perceive them to be
No. He need not be. married. Ex. living in one house,
But the relationship should be between the declarant with children, etc. Even if this is not
and the person whose pedigree is in question true.
Family reputation or tradition regarding pedigree 3. Reputation as to moral character
o Requisites? Entries made in the regular course of business
1. There is controversy re: pedigree of any member of o Requisites?
the family 1. The person is dead/unavailable
2. Reputation or tradition existed prior to the 2. Made the entry in a position to know the facts, in
controversy professional capacity
3. Witness testifying must be a member of the family 3. Entries made at or near the time of transaction
of that person, by consanguinity or affinity 4. Done in the regular course of business
Or proved by family bibles, rings, etc. o Who is ideally the person testifying?
o What is reputation? The one who actually made the entries. This
How other people perceive one to be. exception only applies if he/she is dead or unable to
o Can reputation be wrong? testify.
Yes. o Who will then testify on his/her behalf if this occurs?
This is different from character – who one really is Person who is also in a position to know the facts
o Who will testify? Entries in official records
o Requisites? 2. Bring in an expert witness to testify that the writer is
1. Made by public officer or person enjoined by law to an expert in his profession
make entry Testimony/deposition of a witness
2. Made in performance of duty o Requisites?
3. Had sufficient knowledge of the facts, personally or 1. Witness is dead/unable to testify
through official information 2. Identity of parties
o Does the official have to be dead/unavailable? 3. Identity of issues
No. 4. Opportunity to cross-examine prior case
o How do you use this provision? Res gestae
Secure a certified true copy, then you identify it and o What are the kinds of res gestae?
present it in court A. Spontaneous statements
When do you present the original only? B. Verbal acts
If there is issue as to its genuineness o Requisites of spontaneous statements?
o Reason behind this provision? 1. Startling occurrence
As to not waste the time of the public official 2. Spontaneous statements
Commercial lists 3. Relating to the circumstances of the occurrence
o Requisites? o What is to be testified on?
1. Contained in published compilation His spontaneous statement
2. Generally relied upon by these persons o Why is this reliable?
3. Statements are matters of interest to these persons No time to fabricate
engaged in the occupation After 24 hours, is it still a startling occurrence?
o Why can you use this listing? Depends on how startled the person still is.
It is used by the members of the profession and it is If he was able to go out malling already, etc.,
relied upon then there was time to fabricate.
o How do you use this? o What are verbal acts?
Just present the commercial list, no need to present Statements made contemporaneous to an equivocal
the writer act and characterizing it
o Give examples Give an example of an equivocal act.
SCRA (which is not an official publication, but used X handed a wad of cash to Y. This can
and relied upon) mean anything.
Buy and Sell paper NO. Because it is used, but Give an example of a contemporaneous act
not reliable. characterizing the equivocal act.
Stock Market listings “I am lending this to you.”
Learned treatises NOTE: If Y testified, it‟s not hearsay because it was
o Covers history, science, law, and the arts ONLY told to him personally. If a third person who
o So it won‟t cover billiards, or whatever overheard it testified, this is when the exception
o How do you present? applies.
1. Court takes judicial notice that the writer is an
expert recognized in his profession Opinion rule
What is the opinion rule? How does character apply for criminal cases?
o It means that only an expert can give an opinion. An ordinary o Can the prosecution present the bad character of the
witness cannot normally give an opinion. accused?
What can an expert testify on? No.
o Skill, knowledge, expertise, or training What is the exception?
Is an academic degree required? On rebuttal
o No. Just the special skill, knowledge, expertise, or training. This comes in after defendant completes his
Unless, of course, the knowledge or skill requires an academic presentation of evidence, and is left to the
degree. discretion of the court
There are two kinds of experts: What about surrebutal?
o 1. Expert with personal knowledge of the facts o If there is rebuttal, the court will give
Ex. medico-legal officer who examined a dead body surrebutal
o 2. Expert with no personal knowledge, only hypothetical facts o Can the accused present his good character?
Can an ordinary witness give an opinion? Yes, if there is a character trait involved in the offense
o General rule: no. charged
o Exceptions: o What about the victim?
1. Handwriting of which he has sufficient familiarity You can present the good or bad moral character to
2. Identity of which he has adequate knowledge establish in any reasonable degree the
Not required to know the name, probability/improbability of the offense charged
relationships, etc. Just as long as you can Usually applied in rape cases
sufficiently identify the person. What about civil cases?
3. Mental sanity of person with whom you are o There is no distinction. As long as there is an issue of
acquainted with character in a case, you can present character evidence.
4. Impressions on emotion, behavior, condition, Can a witness’ good or bad character be presented?
appearance o General rule: NO.
Character evidence: o Exception: when the witness‟ character has been
o Make sure you distinguish civil and criminal cases impeached/impugned
o When is it applicable?
Only when there is a character trait in the offense Burden of proof and presumptions
Ex. for murder/homicide – violence Distinguish burden of proof from burden of evidence?
Ex. for estafa – honesty o Burden of proof sticks with the party from the beginning until
Ex. for rape – sexual perversity of accused the end.
For victim, chastity Ex. Breach of contract for damages – burden starts
o What offenses have no character traits? with the plaintiff and ends with the plaintiff
Those covered by special laws; o Burden of evidence shifts
Ex. BP 22 What is the difference between conclusive and disputable
Ex. illegal possession of firearms presumptions?
o Conclusive presumptions cannot be rebutted
What are the conclusive presumptions? What if the child is born after 300 days after
o 1. Estoppel in pais dissolution of the marriage?
This is regular estoppel There is no presumption
Requisties: Whoever alleges legitimacy or illegitimacy
1. Representation must prove it
2. Lack of knowledge in the other party o 5. Absence
3. Reliance What does absence for 7 years establish?
Similar estoppel: Death, for all purposes EXCEPT succession
Estoppel by silence When does succession open?
Estoppel as to question of jurisdiction o After 10 years
o 2. Estoppel by deed What if the person is over 75-years old?
What does “deed” mean? After 5 years is enough to establish death
It means a written document WhaPert are the “exceptional circumstances” that
This has a very limited application: only covers a establish death in a shorter period?
landlord-tenant relationship 1. Vessel or aircraft goes missing and he
Upon signing the deed, it is a recognition of the was not heard of for 4 years
landlord‟s title. You can only challenge it after. 2. Person took part in armed hostilities and
What are common examples of disputable presumptions? missing for 4 years
o 1. Presumption of innocence 3. Person under danger of death in other
When does this arise? circumstances and is missing for 4 years
1. Only when charged of an offense What is the rule for marriage?
2. And one is an accused in that case Can contract subsequent marriage after
o 2. Presumption of regularity absence for 4 years
When does this arise? What if the spouse disappeared under
1. You are a public officer exceptional circumstances?
2. Performing is official function o 2 years of absence is enough
o 3. When a court renders a decision: Is declaration of presumptive death of the
It acted within its jurisdiction spouse to contract subsequent marriage
It passed upon all questions a special proceeding?
o 4. On filiation o No.
When a child is born within 300 hundred days of o This is a summary procedure under
termination of the first marriage AND before 180 days the Family Code
after the solemnization of the second marriage it is o 6. Survivorship for those who died due to calamity, wreck,
considered to be conceived from the first marriage battle, or conflagration
When a child is born within 300 hundred days of Follow what rule?
termination of the first marriage AND after 180 days Strength and age of the sexes
after solemnization of the second marriage it is For what purpose can this be used?
considered to be conceived from the second marriage ANY purpose except succession
Allowed for: o 2. Reputation of the witness for honesty/truth/integrity of the
Insurance witness is bad
Survivorship agreements o What matters can be raised, in general?
In general, only those raised in direct
Conduct of proceedings in the courts What is re-direct examination?
o Allow a witness to explain matters raised in cross-examination
What is required before witnesses testify? What is re-cross examination?
o Place the witness under oath or affirmation o To examine matters raised in re-direct
o Oath – imploring divine guidance Are leading questions allowed?
o Affirmation – for those who don‟t believe in God o As a rule, not allowed in direct examination.
Whose duty is it to receive evidence? o When else can you ask leading questions?
o The judge 1. Cross examination
Can delegate to the clerk of court in certain instances 2. On preliminary matters
o How is it recorded? Ex. “Mr. X, you said a while ago you were an
1. By stenographer employee of the petitioner corporation. Are
2. By stenotype you an employee?”
3. By any other means of recording found suitable by 3. Witness is ignorant, child of tender years, feeble-
the court minded, or deaf-mute
What questions can you NOT ask to witnesses? And there is some difficulty to get direct and
o Immaterial, irrelevant, impertinent questions intelligible answers
o Questions that expose him to criminal liability – violates right 4. Unwilling or hostile witness
against self-incrimination N.B. There must be a court declaration to
What if it’s only exposing him to civil liability?
make a person a hostile witness
You can ask the question Who is a hostile witness?
But not if it exposes him to criminal penalty o Adverse interest
o Degrading or humiliating questions o Unjustified reluctance to testify
What is direct examination? o Misled the party into calling him
o Examination-in-chief of the prosecution 5. Adverse witness – adverse party or
o What is examination-in-chief? officer/director/managing agent of juridical person
One that establishes what the prosecution seeks to who is an adverse party
prove What are the two kinds of memorandum?
Evidence-in-chief is what your witness will testify on in o 1. Present recollection revived
direct examination. So if you have eight witnesses, o 2. Past recollection recorded
you have eight evidences-in-chief o When do these apply?
What is cross examination? In both cases he knew, he was in charge, or he
o 1. Test the accuracy and truthfulness of witness‟ testimony prepared it. That‟s why he can testify. So even if
o 2. To elicit all information from the witness there is no independent recollection, he can testify.
What are the two ways to impeach the witness? o What is the purpose?
o 1. Prior inconsistent statement To refresh his memory
o What is the evidence? 2. Evidence of genuineness of the
If the witness has independent recollection, then the signature/handwriting of the maker
testimony is the evidence. What is an ancient document – requisites?
If he has no independent recollection, the o 1. Document existing for at least 30 years
memorandum itself is the evidence. But it must be o 2. Unblemished
taken with caution. o 3. In the custody of one who must be with possession over it
What is alteration?
Authentication of documents o When there is one, you have to account for it
1. There is consent
N.B. Whether public or private, the document must be authenticated.
2. There is knowledge
What are the kinds of public documents? 3. Did not change the meaning
o 1. Acts of sovereign authority Can you impugn judicial records?
o 2. Documents duly acknowledged before a notary public o Yes.
except wills o How?
Not just notarized, but must be acknowledged 1. Want of jurisdiction
o 3. Private documents recorded in a public office 2. Collusion
Ex. affidavit of adverse claim in a R.O.D. 3. Fraud
What are private documents?
o All other documents not falling under the prior three Offer of evidence
How do you authenticate acts of sovereign authority?
o Certified true copy or official publication What is the rule on formal offer?
o If it is from a foreign country? o Evidence must be offered, or else the court will not consider it
Certification from foreign service officer as evidence
How do you authenticate a duly acknowledged document before a When is it made?
Notary Public? o After the documents as marked, and all the witnesses are
o Certificate of acknowledgement of the document itself presented
o If by chance, your copy is lost, where do you go? Is offer of testimonial evidence the same?
You could get a certified true copy from the RTC who o It‟s not, because it‟s made before you present the witness
commissioned him to notarize documents (he submits What is a continuing objection?
the books to the RTC) o Objection of the same character after the grant or denial of the
How do you authenticate private documents recorded in a public same objection
office? o A one-time statement covering objections of the same
o Can be proved by original record or a certified true copy character
o Can there be a certificate of no record? o Does it have to be ruled upon by the court?
Yes. No.
How do you authenticate a private document? What is proffer of evidence?
o Genuineness of the handwriting o This is tender of excluded evidence
1. By anyone who saw the document executed or o So for instance an excluded witness can still be presented
written through an affidavit showing her qualifications and the
substance of her testimony – so it can be considered on
Change of name
Family home