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Cutting Edge Pre-Int Unit 3

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Work in pairs and discuss.

. On weekdays ls your routine the sarne or different every day?
. n what ways ls yo!r roLrtine dlffefent at the weekend?
. Do you flnd lt easy to sleep d!rlng the day?
How often doyou do it?
. Do you ever sleep on pubtic transpoft (e.9. b!s, train, plane)?
Why / Why not?

Look at the verb phrases betow. Write the time(s) of day when it
usuaLly happens foryou by each phrase. (This may happen at
severaL different times of the day.)
'I fatl asleep. 7 I go to bed.
2 have a nap. 8 lget up.
3 Vly alarr. clock goes off. 9 lhave a bath/shower.
4 I feelenergetic. 10 | relax at home
5 | feeliired. 11 lfinishschool/work.
6 | have a clp of tea/coffee 12 lwake up.
and sornethlng to eat.

3 Work in groups. Find someone who:

.,. gets up at the same t me as you. Gabrie/a
1 usually fee[s energetic ]n the rnornlng.
2 goes to bed after 11 p.rn.
3 has a cup of tea in the rnorrlng.
4 usually has a nap in the afternoon.
5 has a shower before he/she goes to be(
6 wakes up without an alarrn clock.
7 has sonrethlng to eat after 9 p.m.
'[ep eq1 SurrnP luql o] eruP aABrI
aJ€ sur"sJo 'sre,Msup rnor aredlrlol pup srled ul)rol :
1.uop ar* 1eq1 slq8noql
'sledaals 1loqs PUe sradaals
Suol uaaMt.q sarua-rar p l!et.rodLur erP e-taql I
iiiilrill .l{ir ljillr:r i rt )iiLi\ r1.ti1ll 'sio8euaat ueql rroLLl daels sa qe€ I
.iii.r| ) ti ril lillt,j,)tjrr ,)!r irrir ,0nluer q16 L aql
ur p p {aqt ueqt ssal de8ls aldoad's^ePeMoN 9
',esdr€ls 8uol, are sldoad lo luorrad l6 s
'qofauo ueLll eroLu sPq a^o)O rC v
'ouo a^eq l,uop flPnsn trep aq13u rnp par l qaal ua11o aq5
e a{lt deats deq} f€s ot{rr aldoed 'elPl p.q 0103 t,us.oP aqs z
',(ep &.^i
eur t aLups aqt te dn sta8 a^o)o puuaqrn rc L
'{.rt,ir)it,nliij,ir,r,.riJ,rt '(l)oqelro (l)enrr are
:ll ]l ij
stuoLuote$ oqt Jlaprrap pue ule8e lxal aql PeaU
.':r l i rr L r , l l iriri ir i..l
r.li llir' l lli l r
l,radeels 8uol, e ro,radrals uoqs, e uallaq sl q)rq,^
ssnrsrc ll))rnb xol aqt peer pup srled ul}oy'
'splo-.rEo^_o.wrl euoceq
lt? o1r't 'deols q8nouo lnoqlll[ re.lt ro8 rot oo LerJo vo | . o' o- d"" '
.srnoq Jo raqLLrnu De|ed aqt s lurql no,{ oP lPqM .
,d""lse 3J ltP, La oord
a^eq .ra^a no{ oc ,d..lse llel ot no^ sdlaq leq^ .
;Llrt^^ aer;eslP flaralduro) 2dn elem o1 noX sdleq
noK op qlrqy' no^ ol lup^alar lsoLrl sql are )ulql teq^\ 2dn a)pM no^ uaq^^ 1ee; {1ensn no{ op mog .
no{ q)!qM apDec sspnb aqr peer pue srled u1>FoL1 p 'ssn)slP Pue sred ul)rol PL
'sdnor8 u!sJaMsue rno,( aredurol Sullsarelut PUU
no^ txat oqt u! uollprurorurlo serald oMt eulllaPun F 3u11eads puP Burpea1
'" 1q3 !
olEd rolaurrseq ua^e . qrE€ tno! " .
ro snoq u€l daaF I€tno.r oqa atdoad - oMl lnoqe sleql
6qs puE Aleqrrol lroM
-,$ad€e s 6!ot, de aa+'lsP4uoc ul ' nurueajp al|l r aq+
:1o s:ear
sree !61euue$oro Al . uonad.Ser.^e
'qonoua IUsr rsnl lq6Lu e snoq ino]
or[ !o n6.r sr€dde aqs1i.. a,]r
ro oaqr AuoroJ olde€Ls'sn ]o Fou ro1
' ^t,e
ou,usuopuor,tetunsteruap YIJ.V.?- :'
-sredaaF loqs de e do.d ]o lu.srad e
peq oqls,a.r6LllnE ooi req l€ srnoq lq6e qroa a,iofo iQ lep
lnoqe^uo sdao
€iE sradoaF
p. r€orede si eulaq.n 'I ourzue PuV
u F uauo roqs puE's6!ql
'peou sn jo Fou l€qr d.€ s ,o srnoq ]qbF
op or €u r aou luo.rao 0z-4 | €^Eq no^
ro !a es aq1 ueql ssol q.nu uo Eoeq
- oot s€6sru€^pe raqro s€it )€oe€ s uoqs ^
e^r uec oqa uosoo e-,rad€aF lorls,P
E 6ua€ puuope!\ pue ! urtof
s,oqs €sn*eq aul srql te dn q€6 .qS
sredooF uotts
'ouAep opplogt.pn!.u^p6uuo)
lq6 Lpru ro]lE p€q ol saob €qs 1.e1
snouel eltur tnFsac.ns pls crreoFuo
rPql a^arLaq atdo.d d@ls are oqa €tdo.d
u - u€}iq paq ur SIEM e^Pnsn
ale .Io)o ro $l( 'srod@ls uoqs ue,,\I
^uet! .sor| alorouqeqs puv 0t:8llun u6oo
,snoq u€lpeeu I Fcd^l oste so6euoof
'€t[ ro $]e€a e€l Fr+ aql u e $noq '!t euuoqon sles, uE nea aql rsnj s,}l llsaop E!.p Fq -,4|E€ lroa
^ep esnPceq pu s,t puv )ad€aF
sleF aqs^re6rns
€! or dn de€ s $ad.aF 6uot Fa66Lq 'lr uo poo6 F€, sleap tpue'daoF qcnu
oql ae sorq€g^€ql paa! F^ou tnq olturcu eLI uL^ree peq es,€qs osnec€q puqI pepnpu
f$noq lel ro] loaF apo6o
rsou qr6 | €ql u! 1q6 | .!]co e jo ro eo uo4sLPUal€0I6q]
lq6ru rE elE snep pq pus spua)aaa u e Oe:t lP I€P
€qr erot€q lcEiul)'lq6rue orou uaqM pasftrns ua+o de €tdoed, isuossol tua^o dn sreb o^oto Pluaq.n lclsruao
arelqll€eq sI qolrl/h
"" ro sffi,ffiffiLBl,ffiT.gi, ry;fLwwffi,
6eem€l'dww, ffiwmmy1,
Grammar focus 1 PRACTICE
sfiou{d, s&oll{dn ?
1 a Read the list of things some other peopLe do during

Read the web pag€ and

their study time. D€cide which ofthem you shoutd/
answ€rthe questions.
shouldn't do.
1 Why is Alice asking for advice?
. send text messages to your friends
2 What advice do people give her?
. listen to loud music
. make a list of things to do
. find somewhere quiet to study
. watch TV
starl work as earLy as possibLe
take breaks sometimes
Helpl I have some important
use soclal-networking sites
exams next week and I'm
studying 12 hours a day. The
problem is -.. it's dltflcult to b Work in pairs and compare your ideas.
concentrate! what should I do?
Thank you t Alice
c 6d g.t Listen and check your answers.

You rloJld 'nd a s-Ldy bLdoy - som.o re who

is "tuo\ rg fo. rl_e same eldm. lt s usuat y -o'e
fun when you have someone to ialk io about
your siudies. Why don't you rcvise iogeiher and I Listen aglin. Notice the pronunciation of sholld and
then test each other? \rll l
2 Practise saying th€ sentences.
You shouldr't sludy for so many hours 12
roL s c day <loomrchlT4
',rorhirgnon srop
for an hour and then have a break. Then work 2a Work in pahs. Read about the situations below and
tor anoiher hour and have anoiher break .,, and discuss what each peffon should and shouLdn't do.
so onl And yo,r shorld gr\,a yoLrsF a rewdro dr

Yor "ioJid maka a revi<ion t.metab e ano nrahE

sure you inc ude lois of variety. You shou d
stad with a difficu i sublecr, then do an eas er My boyfriend Chrls recently slarted a new iob.
subjeci- And you shouldnt aiways revise tn the The money is good, but he works very long
same place. Why don't you start at your desk hours - someiimes lat€ at night. We never go
and then move to a dLfferent ioom? oul anymore. He always says he's ioo tired
and at the weekend, he lust stays at home and
watches DVDS. What should lclo?
from Carla
2 Read the three pieces of advice above again.
Undedine four examples ofsrolrldand two
examptes of srouldn't.

I'm not sure what to do about my daughter. She is

'l Choosethecorect answer to .omplere the rules. 17and shespends every evening on thecomputer
1 W€ useshorldwhen ittr /isIt a good ideato do -on social-netwo*ing sites. She doesn'tstudy
enough and shegoesto bed re€tty late. t'm worried
2 We useilouldrtwhen it,i /isrtagood ideato do aboul her exams. I need someadvlcel
from Oliver
\Ne use shouldlshouldn'tto give or ask for advice.
Yau shauld find a stutty buddy'.
Yau shouLdn t study far so nany houR. Write a similar short paragraph describing a situation
you want advice for.
we.an also give advice tike this:
Why dan't you get up earLier? c Wo* in pairs and swapyour papers. Look at what
your partner has written and w{ite a reply.
Z]oU / zqot
s,^$r!) alll no{ plno/\ 'ssnrslp pue u! )rol1
srno] aql uo au.rol oqM srorlsl^ Jo sad& 3
preaq/uaas seq stsoqS leel J
'sJe^\sup Jno^a,redLUo, pue srled u!Yoi q qolaql roj paau no^ sstlllenb
^lsrl) leuoead g
L qolaqt roj Paou no( suolle)$rlenb P
qol aqt ro, reel^ no^ saqlop ,
]e)rPur.radns aql ot oB rnol slunoAeJ s,F$ll) q
ralncuro) e lP )roM qeods flsi) leqt s€Sen8Lrq P
'u]'d L L raue lno 'uaqlJeaq
Bulua^a eql ul!o^^els no^rapro aql u!lnoqe qlet^tt!) s8ulqt aqtraqurnu
roj leaLu P )oor puE ,rel^lelul aql ro ued puoras aql ol uaFll E € 0 0l €
^lrurPj,(r! qleLu0 puas
Surua^s aqt ul^pnts
2Ul).ro^ eqs seoP solll, ro {1r qrrqy' z
lSP})Perq uMo e)PL!
aqols,^$rr) srleqy' L
urErl ro snq oql
^ur qllel
'suolFanb aql raMsue Pue /!'\e!^l6lu!
'ola eq Luop )o o] e^eq
as el!r/\ 'nox rol oqt jo Ued $r!j aql ol uarslt qol raq moqe
?ue)'ue, qll/v\ s6lu€ lPtrlrou
^epaql peet eL qlMAo!^.r61ulue ol uelslt orSuroB are nolz ^rsr!)
E 0 0l z
e oqe )u!q_I MoFq sell!^tpe Jo rsll
Z.(lp ro lMol
:l)UJVud rno{ ul a^Eq no{ op srnot pePrn3 uarallp lPlt7\ r
zsslll) ulslnol
p.prnB raqlo ro srnol lsoqB uo ButoS a)ll no^ oC .
's.ru.rus .ql tu/es €slrrerd pue ulptp ua$n q aql uo su€ooeq )iull.l1
eq no^ op leql u l! sl oroqy' 211 s!rnor ro Puu leq,4 .
u4t ota eq )o Jnrv ola
r(ps DFeds s.oo sarua&as rnot or ueFlt s € ez 'suol$enb eql
'{,pa (9
q ssnrslP Pueji$od aql le )ool s.rleo u!)lol\ L
'sDuau.s €qr 3uf!s .spErd pue uleS! u.rqt
inutD\l t,uo to luev uet'[ra\l ue)
biE.ds qr!€ saoc s.ruotu.s rnol or u€$!1t'€ e! qoI lPnsnun $Y
^es Ul
ol alqP lou are notrreqrsuea
'^rpssar.u 1ou sr SutqFuos leq1 sueaul
'turL0auos op or.lqe ue no^ leqr sueour
'fieso)3u sr tu tql.uos leql suEaur
'o1.^eq l,uop to
ot a^eq 'l,uet 'uet yttw t ol.q sou.1u.s .qr aFtduof, z
'L as!rJ.x.u!saru€ as .qr rp ulp;p loot aor ar?qluop
ro oJ 3^Pq J,usr'!sr saouol qra €qllo tlrol rPqm L
'sla/v\sue lno^
))aqr orlgl aSed uo € € ldlDs olPnele)ool mql q
iIP te Burq ueaas-no^ t
'qsluPds PUP qrueij )eads | €
rsllsl-,&ots PooS e oq nol z
'suolt€rullpnb ler)ads a^eq - no^ L
^ue - 'oTa^eq \uoP
JO01e eq'LUA'Ue.qllM' Sa)UaltlOS aqlslapLUO) eL -
a4 a^eq 'o1. a^eq '\ueJ ue) "
z sn)o, retlluieJD

Decide on the best iob

Preparation \ i:,\i.\\if\1,

Work in pairs. Think of ajob, but do nottelLyour

partner what it is. Take turns to describe the job by
sayingwh6t you can/can't do, and whatyou have to
/ don't have to do. Can your partner guess which job
you are describing?

2a Which ofthejobs you tatked 6bout in exercise l

would you Like / woutdn'tyou tike? Why?

Work in groups and compare your ideas.

0 0 3.6 Listen to the four people in the photos taLking

about themselves and make notes about each
percon's interests and skiLts.

t | 3.7 Listen to two students rrying to decide on

the bestjob for one ofthe people in the photos.
Answer the questions.
'l Which percon
are they talking about?
What job do they agree on?
What reasons do they give?
1 Match the pictures with the words in the box.

.ccountant dodof plumber nanny cook Listen again and tick the phrases you hear in the
t6nstator judge taxidriver Useful [anguage box.

Work in pairs and read the sentences. Which

job(s) do you think each one refers to?
'| vo <onet Tes l'a\e (o\^orl a ltgrIirll-r.oo. NametAnnie
Age: 17
2 You can make a lot of money doingthisjob From: New Zealand
3 This job can be dangefous.
4 rou l'd\e ro stLd\ lo a.olgtTetoao..lisjoo.
5 You can work at horne in thisjob.
scie,\ce subieett
6 You have to be very patient to do thlsjob.
7 You can fea[[y heLp people in rhisjob. mvtrc
8 You have to be good at languages to do
9 You don't have to wear a uniform.
10 You have to be very good with peopte to do

'uosrad qlea
,oj qol$aq aq] uo
oar8e pue sdnorB ullroi t
;^qy' zuoysd q)ea ro, qollsaq aql
uo aarBe olllnl!}}!p ro lrpu!] nox plc ssn)slc q
'arnslou u,
'os )! L{ l,!oP
'.nr1s,rE!L q PUE e 33Pn3uel lnJasn <
'aar8e s.l
:)tutql no^ oP leqn 'uoeod l'|)ea roj qol$eq aql ssnrslp pue rlpd u!}o,r eE
1a.r3e no^ oc
tu!a€r3?s!p puP Bu!a.r;v q
e aBen8uel lnlesn <
(r]l:a poo8 s,.qs/aq) sa)t a'ls/3!t ssnEraq
($fpurnotrorrop) e eq ptnoqs.qviq sdpqFd
'poau no^ seserqd/spro/v\ ,(ue ro; raqceal rno,(
poo8 s aq ]l/orts/aq o! 'suralqoi ;uhps so)tLl3qsFH )sv sirlorPjno^roj suospar aqt tnoqe selou a)jeh Z
- 1,uPr eqt.q 3sn€raq
($tpFup{/l3^ME poo8 E .q | aqteq )urql r,uop 'seepl u^\o rnoxJo )iulril puP
1P pooB s,.qvaq Bz aBed uo sqol sqt ]e )ool ue) no^ uosrod qree ro,
3snPr.q (r.qre3vrolrop) € 3q pFoqs aqvaq )! qr sqofalqrssod aarqlro o^$ u,$op allrv\'tsrll uosJed
suosear 3u!^!3 pue seap!rno^ Bulreduor e qlea roj qol$eq eql uo eppap otBuloB are nol L
3u14ead5 1se1
Find out first View
Work in pairs and discuss. Which 3a You are going to watch a vjdeo about nightworkers on
towns/cities in your country have an the London Underground. Beforeyou watch, checkyou
underground railway? How often do understand the meaning of the words/phrases in the
you travel on it? gLossary below.

Discuss. How much do you know peopLe who travelto and from work
about the Iondon Underground? Big Ben a famols ctock tower in London
Try to answerthe questions below the tinre of the day when the sun rises
'l How old is the London a long passage underthe grounn
LJnderground? the river that runs thfough Lonion
What ao peop[e call it?
How many lines/stations does ]t
have? O Watch the video with the sound off. Numberthe
What is rush hour'? What time things in the gtossary in the orderyou see them.
does thls happen in the morning/
What is the busiest station on the Read the text from the video beLow. Then watch again and
London llnderground? complete the gaps with the numbers in the box.

Co ontine to check your answers or

1 a.m. 20,000 300 m 4million 6:14
six and a hatfthousand 7 a'clock 7:15

Search: London Underground / Thls is the London Undergrouni. r_ people use the
London rush hoLtr / London Underground every day and , peopte work on it.
Underground busiest station It's r_ in the evening - fush hour. A rnillion tired
Londoners go home. Blt when rush ho!rs finlshes, a
UndergroLnd workers start their nlghtt work.
B)' _ e.elrl_i.gr(q-et A! areloo. ,Lperv,sor
Dave closes the Underground station. ^ He's here alone here
all night untll6_ in the rnorning. At Blackho|se Road
)tat or a lea-r o'-t rr"l Lled-e-s go ro v orl ll e) -lean
7- of tunrelevery night. At Regent s Pafk station,
englneers change a broken rai[. t's 3 ln the morning.
The London Underground starts again. No ore thinks about
the people who work at night on the Underground ... but
their work is important.
'sea pl rno^ ored Luor puP rled ur)lloy' q
'su er] !o Sulll€^eil
ol s.snq uo SuLlla^ert ralird I
'slsrnol roJ lou aa4 aq
plnoqs t-rodsuerl )llqnd llp tpql )urql I
'r3P {Lu Jo asneraq
!odsuP.rl rLlqnd rol I uop I
/{l6ra^ un/looqrs {Lu ot atnL!urol
'^l r/uMot,{Lu uL rnoq qsn-r e s ereql
{LLr uL 5nq la^erl oldo.d tsoN
'^t ^q
J/u,\,\ol ur ruilsAs
^Lr.r P sr aroql
+rodsuert rllqnd pooS
's^ep tsou lodsuert r
lqnd asn I I l
'noxrol anrl oJe leql sauo
eqt )r[ /\^olsq slueurale]s aql lP )ool e5
/v\a!^ PuoA
should , shouldnl can, can't, have tg, don't have tg

'| can,can't
| + ; l/You/He/5he/We[hey lhoutd start now.
: - I /You/He/she/w€/They shouldn't (= should not) start now

, ? should l/you/he/she/we/thev stdrr ios?

+ l/Yo!/re/sheAve/-hey .:.i
- l/You/ie/SheAVe/ | hey cant {=.mrc rpsf E.glisi.
. We use ihould to say that something is a good idea or the rlght
thing io do. We use rhorldrt to say that something is not a
? Can l/you/he/s.e/we/rhey speak E.glie?
good idea ornotthe rightthingto do. We use ca, and carttotatk aboutdifferent kinds ofpossibitity.
You shoutd buy a new alam .Lack. . ability
vou shoul&'t leave your bag apehoh abus. sue can dancequite weLl, butshecan't sin7.
. srould is not asstrong as have ro.
wehavetoga nowotwe Ltbe late (= it is necessary to go)
we should ga naw at we LL be ltredromorrcw (= this is a canwegohone now?
good idea)
. Thefoms beLow are often used for giving advjce; 2 have to, don't have to
Whydonlyouche.kthe p ce anthe interhet?
Trydinkinghot nilk belorc gaing ta bed.
l/You,^te/They have to go now.

He/She/lt has to go now

I'mniji_cii l/You^de/They don t have to go now
1 Compt€te the sentences with one word only.
He/she/lt do€lnt hdve to go now
1 don't you ask that man for direciions?
2 puttinga liitte satt in the water it'tltaste Do l/you/we/they have to go now?

Does hekhe/jt hdve to go now?

3 You worry so much.l'm sure €verythingwitlbe OK.
4 lgotothe haidreser's or not? Whatdoyou think? , We use rayeto if something i5 necessary.
5 You _8oto bed ea y befoe an exam. We have to be at the airpon by 6 o clo.k.
6 don't you telt him how you feel? . Have ro is very similarto rirsl.
7 You at the children. lt frighteisthem. Wemustgorow. (= it's necessary)
8 -_ joiniig a $'r. t:. good way to get e:ercise. We have ro90,ow. (= it's necessaryJ
. Weusedortraveto if itisnotnecessarytodosomething
2 Conptete the tlp! for runners with it oufd or srorldrt and a we doh thar.toweat a uhifam at myhews.haal. \= it isnt
verb in thebox. '
goforarun start see try eat take buy do
Running:Top Tips for Beginners lo and murt are similar, butdonthavefo
Have is notthe same
1 First of alt, if you are over 45 you yourdoctorto
checkthat running is OK foryou. vau nustn t take any photograplrs. (= you can't, it's prchibited)
2 Then you a good pair oftrainers, check thattheyte Yau don't have to take any photographj. (= you can, bui itt
comfortable and giveyou good support.
You to dotoo much atihe beginning Star! with
ten minutes' running, then walk a little andthen run again.
You _ running without doing some warm-up
exerckes to stretch your l€gs.
5 Whenyou fin6h you some cool-down ere.crrer.
5 At the beginning, you _ €very day. Have a breakevery
second orthid day to glveyour legs time to relax.
You :mnediatelv before you go lor a run. wait at

8 You some waier with you especialty if itl hot.

P l--1 r-
;oB olrueM nofaraqM no^$^!p otl^\.uo.uos 0l
s)uuP no^satues PUe sqeu oq^^auoauos
1 _---- E
:slunorre lPDueuu qlw pue sdsa) orlMouoaLlot
I ----d
;sl.Iol puesedrd l3l€a sredsr otl^\.uo.uos
: L e nof u3qM nofsdtaq oqMauoauros
:usrPltqr ]31}E s)ooloqM auoaurot ^-
on tlea 01
. -Br- 1
auoq reYeP 01
:s3rF lsunol lnoqe no^ sll31 oqa .u6uros
deu e a^eq 01
I --p re. ol Su LjFUot
;rt1o31 rno^ rarJe qool or.1/1\ suoauos € or
Ple 35ljor/e4lo lnr e a^Eq
l) FAoqs/qleq e i^Eq or
:Nsners e u! poo] $leur oqM auoauios z
:$3en8uel qlta qio \ oqM.uoauos L
'sqoJ€{r €relduor or $41q aqr PPP Pue suo$!u!l.P .Lll
pe.l €
i^rGH sp/.\ l roopuaqrrl) oqrpauado Ple elErsu/r^op luoa -.)trd aqltolu.rrad 5l arrd nl3q1
pue dn 106 / iuaar I srelsuMop asou e Preaq r rq froPio (^€d)-.,.M $q aurn|ad aa4 (133)-a ^luo 3,\ :v
z ! fluo seM ftuappns dr / rno, 3toM t iq3ru or]l ro alppru
l t.un|ad 3a{ (1.3/ a^^)-', :€
aql ut daatsp ru.r! uoos rpue*B:t.qlto paurn1.
rrl/ 'dloq roJ.u {)se) ^ue no^ lrEr no^ !.qM
'3ulruor! 3q1u!poP,o l rol )rotr urrpte,tu los r'poq ol saun,]ad iqilnoqe 3!tq .ra^a (aoq)-6 noi :v
rueA / ro4 u3ql pue ]aaoqs e ,PPu / pe+ I Poq o1 o3 sauntad.qr
^yF uo Ie/sP
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IE to saui€u a']1 Mou) l,Lrop .snetraq P3uroM
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rq3tu ;ru Peq L
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'sr.asuE tr.Io, .ql €sooq) z (3uLrq) , no^ro €tra13ler rno ut no^ :v
aqrunl (e^Pq / ara',]'\ :a
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3 zu.o- Jn e (rP.$ ')- PJv :s
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'u d Ot |r!n
uodos,rt Butua^a € ul)iro^ 01.lqe.r?no^ 0t
uaq ursSop^rerqt.ql
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'Mou slo)r4 aql rol
1)trtvud I ol no,( ,o, ,qessa)€u sl 1l I
'o1 luEM rof iof uq 'a ^ed
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q t
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z 1)tr)vud

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