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By Rob Maraby

Published By Rob Maraby Publishing

58 Corning Road
North York, Ontario
M2J 2M1 Canada

Legal Notices

The training and nutritional advice presented in this book are based on the training,
personal experience, and research of the author. Because everyone is physically different,
the author and the publisher urge you to consult a health physician or professional before
you embark or use any suggestions contained in this book.

Not all exercises or diets are suitable for everyone. The publisher does not advocate the
use of any particular diet and exercise program, but firmly believes that the information
presented in this book works.

Because of the inherent risks involved in undertaking any physical or nutritional

program, the author and the publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects or
consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, or

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 1

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited
techniques taught or suggested in this book. Please do not use this book if you are
unwilling to assume this risk.

If for any reason you should feel any discomfort or pain when you exercise, please do not
continue. The instructions and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitute for
medical counseling.

Consult your physician before you embark on the program. It is a sign of true wisdom
and not cowardice, to seek a second or third opinion
This publication should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.

© 2001 by Rob Maraby

For mail orders, write Rob Maraby Publishing, 58 Corning Road, North York, Ontario
M2J 2M1, Canada
All rights reserved. The text of this publication, or any part thereof, may not be
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written consent from the publisher.

FastMuscles program: ISBN 0-9730480-0-X

Maximum Muscle Mass in Minimum Time: ISBN 0-9730480-1-8
Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: ISBN 0-9730480-2-6
How you can Lose 30 lbs of Body Fat Watching TV: ISBN 0-9730480-3-4

Publishers Note:

There may be typos in these manual and other errors of a grammatical nature.
When I write, I write as I speak and in a straightforward, non-technical way. I am often
very excited as I write, but I don’t have a degree in English, so I ask you to bear with my
literary style. You might find it unconventional and maybe annoying. But if it is realistic
and cutting edge information you are looking for, this manual will give it to you.

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 2

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited
Building Massive Forearms

Would you like to add 1-2 inches on your forearms in just 4-8 weeks? Would you likw to
build a strong grip that can shatter bones.I bet you would. And I know deep inside you
are skeptical and frustrated. I know the feeling because I was there not so long ago. I
mean how many times have we read the headline on a magazine that went “Get Huge
Forearms in just one day” only to be disappointed with the results. But today you are
going to learn a tried and tested method that can truly deliver on its promise, a sure shot
way to get your Forearms muscles to sizzle with new muscle growth. And, just to add to
the fantastic promise of this revolutionary manual, this course will also develop the rest
of the body. That is right! When you use this system exactly as specified you will
develop a fully developed muscular body-without exception!

To get your forearms to grow fast you need specific reoccurring training stimuli. The
forearms are used every time you move your arms and indeed your entire upper body.
They perform all day long without complaint. So to get them to grow you are going to
need to attach a permanent stress on them. Applying “training shocks” as recommended
by other programs is not the answer to permanent muscle growth in the forearms. You
can attest to this fact yourself, with your personal experience with all the other “get big
forearms” programs you may have tried in the past to little or no effect.

It is time to uncap the true growth potential that lies dormant within your body, it is just
waiting there ready to be released once you us the right keys

The forearms are used to support us everyday. Using them all day is like performing
1000’s of low intensity repetitions. That is why some people say that high reps for the
forearms are a waste of time. This is untrue to say the least, the major difference between
the two is the fact that one is low weight and low intensity; the other is high intensity and
high overload.

Remember that if you want to get huge (as a whole) you have to build a solid foundation
in your legs, back and chest first, having a huge upper body and indeed forearms (without
proportionally developed legs)is not only funny looking –It limits further development of
the upper body.

Your bodybuilding success is directly tied into your leg development. In fact the speed at
which you add mass is directly related to the speed in which you train and build your
legs. So if you want big arms make sure that you train legs with a fury, it is that simple.

Forearm work is hard –indeed that is why most people tend to ignore training it all
together. But the person who can learn how to love to train forearms will be miles ahead
of the person who chooses to train it on a whim. So what is the magic answer to
phenomenal forearm growth?

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 3

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited
It is permanent Stress-which we deliver through a proprietary new training technology

Let me explain what permanent stress is with a story. I remember the first time I
stumbled across this theory, back when I was too young and foolish to grasp what it was,
but it was right under my very nose. I lived for years in a poor West African country and
there used to be water rationing. The water supply was turned on for just 2 hours a day
and at 2 am in the morning. To get your supply of water, you would have to get up at 2
am and walk down 4 flights of stairs and then back up again. So each day without fail I
would get up stroll down a steep flight of stairs, carry two 80lb buckets upstairs and
repeat it for 15 to 20 times. After a month of doing this, my body begun to change. In fact
in the first 3 weeks alone, I had put on 1.5 inches on my biceps and another 2 inches on
my legs. With no other form of exercise included in the equation, I noticed that my biceps
literally built “a tennis ball” peak, even though I only carried the heavy buckets.

Recalling back now I realize that I always lifted the buckets with my palms facing
forward (as a biceps curl) and that although I never curled the weight as with a biceps
curl, the stress was sufficient enough and recurring enough for long periods of time to
cause an abnormal increase in muscle mass.
Can you see what caused my abnormal growth? Here are just a few points I observed
about the whole thing:

Points I discovered

1. Heavy weights were used

2.Long duration of holding the weight (20 minutes)
3. Did it on a daily basis
4. Ample rest periods allowed for recovery to take place
5. Cycling of intensities and training stress

Back then I did not realize it, but that awful experience held some very important
bodybuilding theories that would literally change my life and my body at an accelerated
pace . The experience inspired me to get into bodybuilding and when I got home it begun
with a life long obsession with the iron. My first few years of training were everything
but productive. The moment I begun using those routines I found in the magazines the
faster I drowned myself in a sea of overtraining.

It was only 15 years later that I rediscovered the secrets of rapid Forearm growth. I called
the theory, PERMANENCE TRAINING and as you will soon see, it represents a
breakthrough in the development of massive forearm and overall body size and strength.

What is permanence training? It is applying a high intensity overload to a

muscle during a sufficient length of time and with sufficient volume to
threaten the body’s survival mechanism, which in turn leads to a sudden

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 4

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited
and expected transformation in muscle size and strength.

This sort of training etches deep into the central nervous system of the body, the very
trigger of awesome muscle growth; It also taps deep into muscle fibers that would have
remained untapped with conventional training methods. It also uses holistic training to
stimulate maximally all parts of a muscle size , allowing for 70-90% more growth in your
forearms than a conventional routine could ever hope to deliver!

The Massive Forearms Program also makes use of partial repetitions which allow
maximum overload while reducing the build up of lactic acid, thus allowing super fast
muscle recovery and then fast muscle growth.

Permanence training has been verified by many independent scientists. Many of them ,
like Dr Sola et al. (38) in 1973. who attached a heavy weight to a chickens wing, and a
day later found a 16% increase in size, discovered it unknowingly. Granted that the
subject of his research was hyperplasia but in the process he stumbled across what I call
Permanence Training which is the abnormal adaptation of muscles under specific
*Sola, O. M., D. L. Christensen, and A. W. Martin. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of adult chicken anterior latissimus dorsi muscles
following stretch with and without denervation. Exp. Neurol. 41: 76-100, 1973

The system has also been tested by regular folks like you- guys who want to get forearms
that speak their own language and you can see testimony of this at the back of this book
or on the massive forearms site. It is now your turn. I want you to take a before photo of
your forearms before you begin this system and then in 18 weeks send me the after photo.
If I use it, I will reward you-there is more information at the end of this book! So you
have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So let’s begin.

Overtraining The Forearms?

First I want to debunk a myth about overtraining and the forearms. I will make a bold
statement: “There is no such thing as overtraining –only under eating and under
training.” What we term as overtraining is a poor excuse not to work hard and perform
all the workouts needed to get the results.’ Chronic overtraining is another phenomenon
that usually occurs when you perform too many sets / workouts without any rest periods
for recovery. Under eating is the major cause of chronic overtraining.

Too many bodybuilders think that they eat enough to warrant enough muscle and size
increases. They fail to understand that by stimulating the body with high intensity
workouts, you are asking the body to change and grow large, and in order for the body to
do this, it requires the use of raw materials needed for that construction to take place. Just
as you would not expect contractors to build a skyscraper using material meant for a 2-
story bungalow, you should not expect your body to get large if you are consuming a tiny
500 calories above your basal metabolic rate.*(BMR-defined in the nutritional section

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 5

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To make exceptional gains you should be consuming at least twice your BMR. For most,
this is a daunting task, especially when you are consuming clean sources of protein and
carbohydrates. That is why in this course I recommend the use of supplements, most
specifically MCT oils to help you consume the massive calories needed for fast muscle

Understand that without massive calories you will not get big forearms. It just will not
happen (certainly not if you wish to get huge forearms). In general you need to gain 10lbs
of muscle for every inch of lean muscle you wish to gain. This means you are going to
have to build a massive body as well. The good news about leg development is that it
tends to have an indirect muscle building effect on the rest of the body! This means if you
did nothing but this leg program, you could expect 10-30 lbs of muscle proportionately
and strategically placed all over your body!

So look at this course as a total bodybuilding program with special emphasis on the

The Reason Why The Massive Forearm System Works

The reason why the massive forearms program works is that you are inevitably putting
the forearms through an unaccustomed stress and furthermore you are maintaining
that stress for prolonged periods of time. Add to this the fact that the muscle is worked
in its full range of motion as well as it’s strongest range of motion, which leads to
maximum stimulation of all available muscle fibers, as well as the direct stimulation of
the Central Nervous System (which incidentally is the system purported to give the green
light to awesome growth). Most programs fail to stimulate the CNS and that is why they
have poor track records!

Here is a story that will clarify it further. You may have heard of Milos of Crotona and
his calf. Milos would carry his calf to town every day like clock work and as the calf
grew into a full blown 600 pound cow, so did Milos. There are many principles involved
here. The first is the “progressive overload principle” which means that Milos’s body
adapts as the load increases ever so slightly. The other principle is “ high intensity
overload” where the weight of the cow alone ensured that the intensity was brutally high.
But the often-overlooked reason for Milo’s growth I believe is permanent and
recurring stress. Milo’s carried his cow every day and for relatively long periods of time
(45-2 hours) walking to town and back! This you would expect would be overtraining-but
it isn’t –in fact it is far from it!

In fact this is the only way to train-why? Well when we do this-carry the cow on a daily
basis- we are building functional strength and muscle mass. We are telling the body
“this stress is going to be here for a long time, so you better adapt (survive) or die” a

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 6

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited
conventional program, does not do this. The sporadic overload given to the body in a
conventional workout system, gets a “yawn of a response from the body”, the body has
no reason to develop to hulking proportions! The only people who will get hulking
huge are those genetic freaks-guys who would grow regardless of the stress applied.

Let me explain. We all have lifted heavy weights and still have not seen any impressive
gains. We have used high intensity training and failed. We have all tried high volume
training and still failed But we have not done what Milos did: carry the cow for a
prolonged period of time on a frequent basis!

Here is the paradox about PERMANENCE TRAINING…

It violates the laws of overtraining-which essentially states that the human body can only
be subjected to stress so much before it loses size and strength and falls into an
overtrained state. Here is what I mean, if I asked you to train 2-3 hours a day, 6-7 days a
week, you would likely over train and make very little gains but if I told you to train 10
minutes a workout 14 workouts a day, you would not over train-in fact that is a broad
overview of PERMANENCE training…

Why does this happen?

It is because the body during a workout elevates testosterone levels and this elevate
testosterone can only be sustained for a period of 30 minutes, after which it
plummets and leads to catabolism and sooner or later over training. With
PERMANENCE training, you stimulate testosterone levels to sky high levels and
stop working out when it is at its highest peak-then you rest a few hours and repeat
the process-this essentially keeps testosterone elevated through out the day-
eliminating overtraining and allowing maximum anabolism in your body-which
leads top fast muscle growth.

Let me ask you a simple question. If I told you to carry a 400lbs barbell over a 4 flights
of stairs, do you have any doubts in your mind that your thighs and body would be
anything but ordinary? Granted most people cannot carry 400lbs over thousands of steps
but if you could what would the results look like? “Huge” to say the least. And how
about if you did this 2-6 times a day? 7 days a week? Do you think you will have small
legs? Not likely! The legs would have to “super adapt” to cope with that kind of stress-
after all it is a day-to-day stress that cannot be ignored!

Similarly if I asked you to wear a 200lbs suit the whole day do you think your body will
change? Absolutely. In all cases the weight is heavy enough to create an adaptation
response. But at the same time the fact that you are carrying the weight for a long period
of time sends the body into an alarm stage where the body produces abnormal growth to
counteract the abnormal stress.

And for the fourth principle I can also safely assume that Milos was a big eater and that
his diet served his massive mass and strength growth needs as well.

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 7

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In summary we have:

¾ Progressive overload
¾ High intensity training
¾ Permanent and recurring stress
¾ Massive calories
¾ Cycling of intensity
¾ Adequate rest between workouts

In Permanent Stress Training(PST)® the body is faced with an immediate objective

which is to SURVIVE. Everything else is secondary. When permanent training is
performed two things can happen.

1. The body adapts to the stress immediately…

2. If nutrition is not sufficient, the body can self–destruct or become weak thereby
preventing any load from being placed on it. The stress is thus eliminated.

In this manual I am going to show you how to get the first choice all the time and
eliminate the second, because as you may verify, it is extremely easy to get stuck in a
training plateau, and we are not going to allow this to happen, not on my watch.
Having said that here is the core of the massive forearms program.

1. Permanence Training
2. Holistic Training
3. High Calorie Intake
4. Varying Intensity, Volume And Density.
5. Periodization
6. Use Of Compound Exercises.
7. Maximize Recovery

Abnormal levels of muscle growth are indeed possible within a relatively short period of
time and don’t believe for a second the publicized notion that you cannot gain 10lbs in
just 3 weeks or you cannot gain an inch in 2-3 weeks. Remember if you believe it is not
possible, you will make that statement a reality.

In fact, if you do things the right way you should see a progressive increase in size and
strength with each and every workout. Such a progression should be the norm. Stagnant
growth and the dreaded plateau occur because training time and recovery cycles are not
factored into the training plan before hand. You don’t have to worry about that in this
program , it has all been factored in for you.

What Makes Muscles Grow

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 8

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited
The ATP deficiency theory:-Following high intensity sets there is depletion of ATP, as
well the protein content of the worked muscles is often exhausted. As the body /muscles
recover between workouts, the protein levels will exceed the initial level, which will
result in the expansion and increase in the size of muscle fibers. That is why a protein
rich diet is essential for the bodybuilder.

This means that to get the muscles to grow we need to tax the ATP/CP supplies in our
muscles for maximum size and strength increases. Low reps with maximum loads in the
rep range of 1-7 allow sufficient rest between sets to negate the depletion of ATP/CP
stores. The long rest periods between sets with maximum loads (85-90% of 1MR) will
increase strength and power but not necessarily size.

Such conditions ensure that the depletion of ATP/CP stores and protein content of the
muscles is too small to stimulate protein metabolism, which results in muscle

Maximum loads and low reps will result in the stimulation of the nervous system
adaptation and increase capacity to use and recruit the fats twitch fibers, this is nervous
system training, power training and using maximum loads with partial repetitions affect
the CNS and improve strength gains.
The point is , for maximum growth stimulation you need to tax all aspects of a muscle
cell and the 3 energy systems of the body!

The Principles Behind The Massive Growth Forearm Building System


Workout Density: Defined as performing the same or greater workload at a shorter period
of time, or using heavier weights in a shorter period of time. This is done for you already
in the program, as sets increase as rest decreases. If you can perform 2 sets in 2 minutes
in one workout and on the next workout you perform 3 sets in 2 minutes with the same
weights you have increased your workout density and intensity.


Intensity is defined as generating the most amount of stress on a body part or muscle in
the shortest period of time. It is essential that you take all sets you perform to full positive
failure. Let’s use this simple analogy to explain. If I told you to take a broomstick and
perform just 10 reps, 19 times a day 2 sets each, would you gain any muscle mass to
show off? No! You would not!

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 9

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited
But if asked you to lift 90% of your maximum weight and take all sets to failure, 19 times
a day, 2 sets a workout, do you have any doubt that you would grow? Absolutely you
would grow!

Yet, despite this obvious fact, there are many experts out there who propagate the “don’t
train to failure” myth. The reason why these programs may work in the short run is
because of the placebo effect, which states that your body will respond to any stimulus if
that stimulus is an unaccustomed one. It essentially means that the intensity is high
enough to threaten the survival mechanism of the body. But after it gets used to it, gains
will come to an abrupt halt.

Intensity can be increased by:

¾ Increasing weights used during a workout.

¾ Increasing the number of sets (this, of course, is bound by conditions.)
¾ Performing more reps with the same weight than the previous week.
¾ Giving it all you’ve got mentally.
¾ Lowering rest between sets.
¾ Lowering rest between reps.
¾ Going past the pain zone.
¾ Taking all sets to full positive failure (which is 100 percent intensity.)

Intensity needs to be cycled to prevent chronic overtraining and you will soon find
out how we cycle our intensity. Think of it as a dial. We crank the dial until we reach
our body’s threshold. Then, before any damage such as chronic overtraining or
muscle atrophy occurs we suddenly reduce the intensity of our workouts. By reducing
the intensity, we keep the body in a constant anabolic state. Many other programs will
tell you to hit the anabolic state without any “active rest periods.” These same
programs have no concept or idea of how to pull back on intensity and volume, and
therefore they invariably lead to an overtrained state. The problem with the
overtrained state is that once you fall into it, you can’t get out of it unless you take an
extended layoff.

Therefore, the key is taking the intensity to the limit and pulling back just before we
hit overtraining. It is very important to emphasize this again and again, so you don’t
over train and lose valuable training time in the future. The area just before chronic
overtraining is known as the Super Adaptation Zone(SAZ), where frequency and
permanence of stress is high.


Volume can be defined as the actual amount of work performed and it is derived from the
following components:

• The time taken to perform the set

• The total amount of weights lifted

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 10

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• The total amount of exercises used
• The total number of sets, reps and weights used
Prolonging the length of a workout.
Increasing the number of workouts in a day.
Extending the range of motion.

More sets and reps are not necessarily good for your mass gains. If you get gains from 5
sets you will not necessarily get more gains with 6 or 10 sets. The volume you perform
has to be gradually increased with the intensity and fortunately for you, this is done for
you in this manual-so there is no guesswork involved here. There is another immutable
(unbreakable) law and that is; the higher the volume, the lower the intensity. You may
want to challenge this law, but you would be foolish to do so, because on a subconscious
level, the survival mechanism of the body ensures that you hold back on the intensity
when it knows you are going to be performing a long voluminous workout. Remember
intensity and not volume is what is responsible for fast muscle adaptation responses.

Sets should never exceed 5 per exercise and the number of exercises performed for a
specific body part should not exceed 2 for optimal gains to occur. Training this way we
keep our workouts short and within the testosterone and GH boosting range of 45

Volume training.

Why is volume training essential? Volume training is essential because the goal of your
workouts is to exhaust your forearm muscles and recruit the maximum amount of muscle
fibers necessary for super adaptation to occur. The depletion of glycogen and ATP/CP
stores stimulates protein syntheses and muscle adaptation as well as GH and testosterone
With each failing and exhausted muscle fiber, there is an additional muscle fiber to
support the load. This means we should try to perform the greatest amount of reps /sets
possible with the chosen weights and take all sets to full momentary muscular failure.
Only volume training can make this happen.

The other reason we need volume training is that the key to complete and fast muscular
development, requires the stimulation of all components of a cell. Obviously one set can’t
do that, but at the same time, perform to many sets and you run into an overtrained state.
So there is a definite balance to be achieved

What Is A Microcycle?

A microcycle is defined as a weekly training session, made up of 7 days of the week. Not
all the sessions in a micro cycle are the same; a micro cycle will contain varying
intensity, volume and density training sessions. The microcycle will also have low,
medium and high intensity sessions which will allow for maximum strength and size
increases while eliminating the chances of a plateau or overtraining. Intensity in a

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 11

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited
microcycle usually starts at the low end and builds up to maximum intensity and then
slowly falls down in intensity again to allow for regeneration , optimal muscle recovery
and growth. The low intensity training days allows for maximum active recovery
(explained below). A microcycle will always have an uploading day which is a full day
of rest, allowing the trained muscles a chance to undergo full recovery and regeneration
before the next training session arises.

There should always be a low intensity day after every high intensity day. If a high
intensity set is followed by a medium intensity set, the cumulative fatigue generated from
the high intensity workout makes the medium intensity day a high intensity day.

Fortunately this is done for you in this program so all you have to do is follow the step-
by-step routine that you will find in later chapters.

What Is A Microcycle?

A microcycle is defined as a weekly training session, made up of 7 days of the week. Not
all the sessions in a micro cycle are the same; a micro cycle will contain varying
intensity, volume and density training sessions. The microcycle will also have low,
medium and high intensity sessions which will allow for maximum strength and size
increases while eliminating the chances of a plateau or overtraining. Intensity in a
microcycle usually starts at the low end and builds up to maximum intensity and then
slowly falls down in intensity again to allow for regeneration , optimal muscle recovery
and growth. The low intensity training days allows for maximum active recovery
(explained below). A microcycle will always have an uploading day which is a full day
of rest, allowing the trained muscles a chance to undergo full recovery and regeneration
before the next training session arises.

There should always be a low intensity day after every high intensity day. If a high
intensity set is followed by a medium intensity set, the cumulative fatigue generated from
the high intensity workout makes the medium intensity day a high intensity day.

Fortunately this is done for you in this program so all you have to do is follow the step-
by-step routine that you will find in later chapters.

What Is A Macrocycle?

A macrocycle on the other hand is a set of micro-cycles that usually runs between 3-6
weeks. Each macrocycle is thus a collection of microcycle each of which varies in
intensity, volume, workout density and overload. Macrocycles also have low intensity,
medium intensity and high intensity phases and they usually follow a step up approach to
intensity. In other words intensity climbs up from a low intensity macrocycle, to a
medium intensity macrocycle followed by a high intensity macrocycle.

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 12

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Specificity (Said)

Scientists have repeatedly confirmed that all physiological outcomes and benefits of
training are specific to the activity performed. In other words, the body responds
according to the specific demands placed on it. You cannot perform low reps with
heavy weights, and expect to stimulate the aerobic system of the body, and you
cannot perform high repetitions and light weights and expect to build up the power
generating system of the muscles.

Training in the 8-12 rep range tends to affect only the anaerobic energy system of
the body whereas training for endurance with reps in the 20-30 rep range affects the
recruitment of only the slow twitch fibers and the aerobic energy system. Training
for strength and size develops both the slow twitch and fast twitch fibers while
increasing the ability of the muscle to apply strength.

Exercise selection also works with the specificity principle. It is imperative to use multi-
joint exercises, like the bench press and squats, and avoid the isolation single joint
exercises because these exercises affect stabilizer muscles. Referring to the principle of
specificity, we also see it is essential to train the muscles in the same metabolic manner
for which they were designed.

To summarize, the principle of specificity involves metabolic and training plans of

attack. You must understand that the principle of specificity basically says you get what
you pay for. If you use a specific rep range and exercise, you will get a specific outcome
related to the muscle trained and the energy system used. Simple, isn’t it?

The following example is a good way of remembering how specificity works. If you
lifted a baby calf every day, as the cow grows, so will you. It doesn’t matter that the cow
will weigh 600 pounds in the end. All that matters is that you are carrying the cow (which
is a form of specific overload). This specific exercise and overload leads to specific
results: a massive body.

Specificity-a summary

You get what you ask for. If you want size train for size, if you want endurance, train
for endurance, if you want both strength and endurance train for strength and endurance.
The body adapts according to the specific stress imposed. This is known as SAID, which
means the Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands theory. If you want a big front
thighs and huge hamstrings , do what is necessary to achieve those ends. The great part of
this law is that it is multi task, in that you can train for both strength and size increases if
you know what you are doing. Specificity requires that we use very distinct rep ranges
and rep speeds, so that we can stimulate each component of a muscle cell for maximum
growth to occur.

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Understand that if all you did was low reps one month and high reps the other months,
you would get mediocre results at best ,and this is because all parts of a muscle cell have
to be stressed on a permanent and recurring basis and that is why they are trained a
minimum of every 3 days in this course.

The Importance Of Training To Failure

In building muscle mass and allowing maximum muscle hypertrophy the level of
hypertrophy is directly related to the amount of tension applied to a muscle. Tension is
defined as the force /output generate or the intensity generated. High intensity training or
training to failure is what stimulates muscle growth and not the number of sets or the
number of exercise used.

Over 90% of all bodybuilders stop a set shy of failure (maximum intensity)and some will
try to compensate for this lack of intensity by performing more sets. However this is not
sufficient to stimulate muscle mass. More sets are not the answered. Intensity is best and
essential to stimulating muscle growth.

Understand that the higher the intensity, the greater the tension placed on the muscle and
the greater the muscle stimulation and growth.

Adding additional sets will lengthen the recovery process without stimulating new
muscle mass so for those of you who like to train long but not hard be advised that such a
training methodology will lead to zero increase in muscle mass and strength. Having said
that muscle mass increases can take place in two ways:

1. A increase in muscle size that is the direct result of increased fluid within the
2. An enlargement of the contractile elements within the body.

The two may occur simultaneously and indeed one may occur rather than the other. If
the first occurs, then the enlargement is due to a shift in body /muscle fluid which
allows strength gains that don’t normally come with an enlargement of the trained
What does this mean? It means strength gains or lack of strength gains are not
necessarily correlated with increased muscle size.

Next maximum hypertrophy of the muscle can only occur is we use high overloads
(one that the body is not accustomed to) and taking each set to the point of full
muscular failure to induce maximum tension and growth simulation within the
muscle of the forearms.

The goal of our weight training is thus to use high overload to contract our forearm
muscles to full (temporary) exhaustion which means that every set should be taken to
the point where completing another repetition is impossible despite you greatest
effort-this action recruits the maximum amount of muscle fibers since as you progress

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into the set, the more and more muscle fibers are called into replace the fatigued
muscle fibers to handle the load.

If you stop shy of failure, you will not have stimulated muscle hypertrophy and that is
because the first few reps do not cause enough muscle fiber recruitment and fatigue to
cause muscle stimulation. This cumulative exhaustion of each set taken to failure
causes the stimulation of anabolic chemicals and protein synthesis which ultimately
leads to enlargement of the muscle.

CNS Training(Central Nervous System) Training

Strength gains are the results of applying maximum tension to the muscles and this is
thus related to the type of training used by the bodybuilder. To activate the CNS, loads in
the 110%-140% rep range are needed. The CNS acts as the stimulus for strength gains
and in fact it is purported by science to give the green light to muscle growth. Under
normal day activities and when we use loads in the 30-70% range the CNS tends to
inhibit the activation of the motor units needed for muscle contraction and thus maximum
growth stimulation.

When we use loads that exceed our 1MR (or are close to 100% of our 1MR)the inhibition
of the CNS is removed albeit temporarily and all the motor units needed for maximum
muscle contraction and then stimulation are used . This inhibition effect of the CNS also
occurs when we are put in an emergency “life or death’ situation e.g. that’s how mothers
can lift a turnover car with her kids in it-hidden strength becomes evident. With the
removal of the inhibition of the CNS.

This elimination of the reduction of the CNS allows abnormal increases in strength and
allows abnormal increases in strength and size stimulation.

The CNS has been purported to give the green light to muscle hypertrophy to occur and
this signal for maximum hypertrophy only occurs if the muscles full contractile potential
is challenged.

Anything less than this “maximum load” and the CNS fails into a inhibition state and
prevents the growth of more and new muscle mass. Thus CNS training can be viewed as
the strength and size foundation building tool. By building and stimulating the CNS we
allow easier muscle growth stimulation of the other methods
Your rate of growth in your Forearms and your body as a whole is directly related to your
strength levels and your strength levels is directly tied the strength of your ligaments,
tendons, joints and central nervous system
The question is “how do we go about training these small but important parts?”

We strengthen the support system of the forearm muscles by using weights that are
above our maximum (1MR) using partial repetitions. This exercise directly targets the
CNS, the ligaments, tendons and joint system. Look at it this way, you would not think of
building a skyscraper without a foundation that is solid and built on 5-6 stories of

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concrete and steel, similarly you should not try to build big Forearms if you do not have
the necessary foundation via a strong CNS system , ligament and tendons. CNS training
is achieved through the use of partial repetitions and training at the strongest range of
motion of an exercise
This training routine below includes CNS training sessions that will activate and
stimulate your CNS so that you can build the necessary neuromuscular pathways for the
more intense training that will follow. It will also help prevent injury, as well you will
begin to grow at previously unheard off rates.


CNS Sessions required 1-3 times a week

Weight requirement 140-150% of youth IMR

The Law Of Repetition And What It Says About Training Frequency

In a typical shoulder building workout, lifters often train their shoulders 1-2 times a week
at the most and the training doctrine of “less is more” is preached with fury. This indeed
tends to work for a few genetically gifted athletes and especially those individuals who
are not accustomed to any form of intense training (I.e. beginners). However, such
infrequent shoulder training is not likely to deliver the stimulus needed for massive
shoulder growth- certainly not on a long term basis!

And here is why

The reason why this infrequent training system falls short of delivering maximum and
consistent muscle stimulation is because it ignores the law of repetition, which states that
a muscle will get bigger and stronger in direct proportion to how often and how intensely
it is trained. Please note that: this law parallels my law of PERMANENCE training.

The more training sessions you can get in without overtraining, the better and bigger the
results. The law of repetition ties in with the workings of homeostasis, super
compensation and adaptation in the muscles.

We can better understand the workings of the law of repetition by recalling the definition
of the microcycle. I pointed out earlier that a microcycle is defined as a training program
with alternating levels of low, medium and high intensity training sessions.

In order to get a noticeable training effect and in order to stimulate the muscles
adequately, frequent and adequate forearm training sessions need to be administered.

Repetition of multiple forearm training workout is needed to develop both the bimotor
abilities and the neuromuscular pathways of the muscles of the forearms. Without the
development of these two components the forearms cannot function at a maximum
training capacity. In other words you will not be able to deliver the necessary
overload/intensity stimulus needed to allow maximum growth and adaptation to occur.

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The best size, strength, endurance, power and muscularity gains are made when the
forearms are trained every other day. In fact even better gains can be made if they are
trained on a daily basis provided intensity is alternated between low, medium and high
intensity sessions. As such, training the forearms a minimum of three times a week is
ideal provided each training day targets a different energy system and muscle fiber type.

For instance training the forearms in the 1-4 rep range on Monday uses the lactic acid
/anaerobic system. So if we trained the forearms again on a Wednesday and used reps in
the 30-40 rep range, we would be working the aerobic/ oxygen system, thus allowing full
recovery to take place in the muscle fibers and energy system stimulated by the low
repetition training session. Thus there needs to be a proper cycling of intensity and use of
energy systems.

Regeneration days classified as low intensity days and uploading days (days of passive
rest) are needed in between or at the end of high intensity training sessions. Also by
alternating between antagonistic and agonistic body parts we can improve recovery
significantly. So by training front thighs one day and hamstrings the next, we can speed
up recovery of the forearms and accelerate muscle growth.

A trained and recovering muscle like the front thighs will recover faster and gain full
functional ability faster if the hamstring muscles are trained the following day.In other
words, by training another body part with a low intensity training session, we reduce the
time taken for full recovery of the trained muscle to occur.

This can be explained by the compensatory effect that physical exercise has on the
fatigued centers of the CNS. Focusing on another center enhances the recovery of
previously excited nervous center (caused by the Forearms training). Aerobics can also
be used as a form of active recovery provided it is of a low intensity and of 10-20 minute

Small infrequent workouts that don’t exceed 30 minutes done on a daily basis are enough
to stimulate mass without overtaxing the recovery system and thus putting the forearms
into an overtrained state. But the cumulative effects of frequent workouts are sufficient
enough to deplete ATP/CP stores allowing for overcompensation and adaptation to occur.

You Got To Train Holistically If You Ever Hope To Get Massive Forearms

Holistic training

In one microcycle you will be training all components of a muscle cell . This means
various repetition speeds and ranges will be used. You will also vary intensity, density
and volume of workouts in an attempt to stimulate all aspects of a muscle cell, allowing
us to build the endurance, size, strength and vascularity of the forearms we seek. This is
one important factor that other programs do not factor in and that is why they produce

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mediocre results. Varying workouts and rep ranges is termed holistic training and it has
been factored in the program for you already.

Adaptation to any form of training occurs with the systematic application and repetition
of exercise. This adaptation is a direct result of the specific demand placed on the body
by the specific training stimuli given or exercises performed.

Furthermore this specific exercise applied stimulus and activity is dependent on the
volume, intensity, density and frequency of training.

Adaptation to exercise will only occur when the training forces the body to adapt to a
stress it is not accustomed too. If the stress applied is not sufficient to challenge the body
beyond what it experienced in the past training session, no adaptation or variable change
will occur.

On the other hand, if the stress is too high or is applied with too much force and duration
then injury and over training is likely to result, this essentially means that frequent and
intense training sessions are beneficial and conducive to the growth of muscle
mass(hypertrophy) as opposed to long , intense workouts

The time needed for rapid muscle and systematic adaptation depends on the difficulty of
the movement. In bodybuilding and especially in forearm building workouts, there are
only a given number of exercises one can perform for muscle mass and strength
stimulation. This essentially means that less training is needed for neuromuscular and
functional adaptation to occur (which means you can recover faster with more frequent
training sessions).

Bodybuilding using high intensity workouts results in adaptation and an increase in the
cross sectional area of the forearm muscles (hypertrophy)

Scientist have also discovered that we can alter and convert one type of fiber to another
with the right holistic training approach. This essentially means we can take muscle fibers
like the fast twitch fibers (which are conductive to endurance training but have less
capacity to enlarge) and convert them into slow twitch fibers (which have a greater
tendency to enlarge) if we apply the necessary training stimulus.

The forearm muscles will adapt in direct proportion to the kind and type of training
stimulus attached to the muscles.

High volume work with lower intensity does not produce adaptation in muscles because
it does not threaten the muscles threshold capacity necessary for adaptation.
On the other hand high volume work with the right frequency and high intensity if used
for a prolonged period of time without cycling low and medium intensity workouts will
result in an overtrained state, muscle atrophy and regression.

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The stress applied to the muscles and, more specifically, to the forearms, has to be
periodically and progressively increased to encourage continued and progressive
adaptation. If their training stress is not reduced periodically then the body will hit a
stagnation state and if this stress is continually applied, it will eventually lead to muscle
atrophy and decrease in performance and functional ability.
If a low intensity form of training is used for longer than 4-6 days, muscle detraining is
likely to occur and the body is likely to lose all the gains it made using the high intensity
phases. Rest days without training will also lead to detraining effect if the length of
absence from training exceeds 6–7 days.

The conversion of muscle overcompensation refers to the direct relationship between

training stress and adaptation.

How a Muscle Adapts

A high intensity training stress disrupts the homeostatic state of the body by disrupting
and using muscle glycogen supplies. This depletion of the energy source translates into
muscle and systematic fatigue which results in the production of waste products like
lactic acid which, in turn, temporarily reduces the training and functional ability of the
muscles to contract.

After training, there is energy glycogen replenishment and the body moves slowly and
progressively above its former homeostatic stage allowing the muscles to have enough
reserves to meet the same stress should it be repeated in the near future.

If the time between training sessions is too long, this adaptation and overcompensation of
energy sources will erode, leading to a phase of low gains and muscle atrophy where
eventually all the gains made in the training session will taper off and move into the
homeostatic state that prevailed before training begun.

Overcompensation results from the increase in energy storage, which leads to an increase
in the size of the muscles together with an increase in the functional ability of the
This essentially means that, to make maximum gains, a greater stress via high intensity
overload needs to be applied at the optimal time (during the overcompensation stage). A
loss of muscle size and functional ability will occur. So frequent training sessions are
necessary for progressive and continued muscle growth.

The recovery period needed for regeneration, recovery and overcompensation is usally 24
hours; this time varies depending on the type of energy source and system used. For
instance, if we use reps in the 40-60 reps range and have a 45 second rest between sets,
we are using the lactic acid system and then the aerobic energy system, and with this
system use we need only a 6-7 hour recovery period for full recovery and
overcompensation (provided high intensity is applied and high calories are consumed to
foster recuperation).

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On the other hand if we use the anaerobic system as in strength and power training,
recovery and overcompensation could take as much as 36 hours.

The rate of growth and adaptation increases when the bodybuilder is exposed to frequent
bodybuilding sessions, provided the session is short and adequate nutrition and rest are
allowed to facilitate complete recovery. Long intervals between training sessions will
lead to stagnation and an erosion of muscle size, and functional and workload capacity in
the long run.

This however does not mean that we can use a high intensity training stress repeatedly
with every workout, without cycling it with low intensity workouts. Performing high
intensity workouts without low intensity workouts will lead to chronic overtraining and
systematic and muscular fatigue.

To facilitate constant size and strength increases, intensity has to be increased but only if
these high intensity training sessions are alternated with low intensity and medium
intensity workouts.

Put another way, in other words high intensity workouts have to be alternated with low
intensity workouts. This alternation between low and high intensity workouts leads to a
persistent and progressive increase is muscle size and strength and also eliminates the
possibility of over training. This also means that a greater training stimulus has to be
attached with every high intensity workout during the overcompensation cycle

As such, for growth to be continuous and consistent after each and every workout, a
greater load and intensity level needs to be applied on the trained muscles while it is
undergoing an overcompensation phase and not after, as too long a wait before
performing another workout will lead to muscle atrophy

The Power Of Progressive Overload

The principle of progressive overload has its roots in ancient Greek mythology. Milos of
Crotona, a wrestling champion, decided to develop his strength and size by lifting and
carrying a baby calf over a given distance each day. As the calf grew so did Milos.
Thanks to the principle of progressive overload Milos ruled supreme as the strongest man
on the planet.
Using present day examples, I noticed that even Ronnie Coleman does something similar
with a barbell on his back. He does lunges across a parking lot and nobody has better
glutes and legs than Coleman. That is a form of permanence training.

Improvements in forearm size are a direct result of the amount and intensity of the
overload applied. Intensity and overload have to be progressively applied if growth is to
take place. This is an immutable law that governs muscle growth, provided of course that
sufficient high calories are taken in to support the growth process.

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Other training programs for the forearms tend to follow a static progression in overload,
where the same overload is used day in day out. And where occasionally and randomly
intensity is applied via “shock” principles using high intensity training principles like
negatives and forced reps.

Static progression training methodology will lead to an initial gain in mass and strength
but will be followed by a quick deterioration of muscle mass gains. The body builder will
then hit a plateau and this gives way to muscle atrophy.

A constant progressive increase in overload and intensity is needed for abnormal levels of
muscle growth to occur. This however does not mean that no low intensity training is
cycled with the high intensity training sets.

The overload principle can be defined broadly as follows :

“Muscle size and strength will only increase if the muscles and the CNS work at
maximum effort with greater overloads that are above the previously applied overload
and intensity.”

To allow maximum growth via the overload principal, we need:

1. Maximum muscle contractions via high intensity training where all sets are taken
to failure.
2. The muscle has to be taken to temporary exhaustion even on light days.
3. Every high overload/high intensity phase should be followed by low to medium
intensity sets
4. Direct size and strength gains are a result of permanent and recurring stress
(overload) and intensity.
5. Training intensity and overload must increase in direct proportion to the amount
of size and strength you desire, and it must also increase in line with the natural
recovery ability of your body!

This essentially means that muscle size gains are not linear or ever increasing. In theory
they should be, but in reality they are limited by the bodies recovery and metabolic
threshold, which does not get bigger or better with more training.

Thus a gradual increase of intensity, volume and density followed by a period of active
rest and inactive rest is needed for maximum growth to occur.

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Active Rest And The Unloading Phase

Here is a complete 1-2 days of rest that follows a brutally intense training session. This is
what I term as uploading. It is a time used to allow the body to regenerate and allow all
the gains made during the previous macro cycle to manifest itself . This is achieved
through a complete halt in workouts. There is at least one unloading day in every micro
cycle (week) and in some 3-4.
Active rest on the other hand, allows uploading as well, but it is accomplished by a
reduction in intensity, volume and density and frequency of training. The need for this
active rest and uploading phase comes about due to the fact that the CNS system can take
9 times more time to recover from a high intensity training session than the skeletal
muscles themselves.
The uploading period should not as a general rule exceed four days. Three is the optimal
amount of time. The uploading phase begins a week prior to the layoff period of 2-3 days
and in this week training intensity, volume and density are reduced. High intensity
training days should never exceed 2 days as a rule during a week and should also be
placed at the middle of the week

This active rest period allows the growth stimulated in prior accumulative workouts to
manifest itself. This allows the body to adapt to the new training intensity, density and
volume and to adapt and get bigger and stronger to be able to handle that level of stress
should it occur again.

Think of the process of gaining mass like a sonic boom. If a F16 fighter pane flying faster
than the speed of sound were to pass you by you may see it in the sky, but you would
hear no sound (the stress and the overload is the F16) and the uploading effect is the
“sonic boom’ that follows soon after. The sonic boom is where the gains you have
stimulated in past workouts actually come into being. Most other programs do not
provide the necessary time for uploading to begin.

If there is no active rest or uploading time allowed, the body will eventually shut down
and use a reverse tactic of actually getting weaker, forcing muscle atrophy and a
significant strength decrease.


INTENSITY 200 Series1
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29

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NOTE how in week 1 intensity, volume and density are at their lowest, in week 2, they
increase, week 3-4 they increase even further, week 5 it peaks, drops down in week 6
(active rest), in between each week there are uploading days (1-3 days of rest) and on
week 8 it begins at a much higher level of intensity, density and volume level.


Homeostasis is defined as a state of equilibrium. The body whether trained or untrained is

in a constant state of equilibrium at any given time, irrespective of whether adaptation
and regeneration take place or not. This is what we call homeostasis.

Here is how it works: before you actually begin any program, your body is in a state of
stableness, also known as homeostasis. When an unaccustomed stress is applied to the
body, glycogen supplies and ATP/CP stores are exhausted and a general stage of fatigue
is created in the muscle group trained. This temporary situation causes the body to lose
strength albeit temporarily and to the ordinary bodybuilder this is interpreted as a bad
thing. The unknowing bodybuilder at this stage usually interprets this as overtraining and
so he backs down...continuous training and abundant nutrition will diminish this state and
send gains soaring. In order for the gains to completely manifest and to maximize gains,
an active and inactive rest period needs to follow the high intensity stress training period.
This also allows full recovery and allows the necessary rest period to ensure full muscular

For continuous growth to occur without overtraining “Your workouts must continually
challenge your present level of adaptation and you should not allow more than a 96 hour
period of inactive rest period to elapse between workouts”

The 3 Energy Systems Of The Body

All physical activity requires the use of energy and energy is primarily defined and
derived from the foods we consume. This energy from food is converted to ATP
(Adenosine Triphosphate) which is stored in muscle cells.

The energy needed for bodybuilders and high intensity muscle contractions is obtained
from the conversion of ATP to ADP + P (Adenosine Diphosphate +phosphate). Since
there is a limited supply of ATP its stores have to be replenished constantly.

The ATP supplies can be replenished by the 3 major energy systems of the body
1. The ATP-CP system
2. The Aerobic System or oxygen system
3. The lactic acid system

The ATP-CP system and the lactic acid system can replenish ATP stores without the
presence of OXYGEN and are thus anaerobic systems.

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The ATP/ CP System

Since there is a limited amount of ATP in muscle cells the depletion of this energy source
occurs at a rapid rate when the muscles carry heavy loads. When this happens, creatine
phosphate (CP) in the muscle cells is broken down to its components, creatine (C) and
phosphate (P).

This process releases a burst of energy which is used to rebuild ADP+P into ATP, which
is again transformed into ADP+P, which causes the massive release of energy used and
needed for muscle contraction. This transformation of CP into C+P is not the prime
releaser of energy; rather this energy is used to rebuild ADP+P into ATP.

Due to the limited supply of CP, the energy created by this system is limited to the first
10-12 seconds of an exercise movement. Which means that exercises that use a heavy
/high intensity overload and in which sets are short will make use of this energy system.

Once exercise is halted, restoration and replenishment occurs. Scientists have established
that in 30 seconds the muscles can recover 70-75% of their stores and in 120-180 seconds
energy supplies are usually fully restored.

The Lactic Acid Energy System

For intense exercises that take longer than 45 seconds to perform, energy is again
provided by ATP/CP stores but after the 20-second limit, it begins to use lactic acid as an
energy system.

The lactic acid system works by breaking down glycogen stores in muscle cells as well as
in the liver, which releases energy to resynthesize new ATP from ADP+P. Since the
energy generating process is performed in the absence of oxygen, a by product called
lactic acid is produced. An interesting fact to note about this energy system is that lactic
acid build up causes muscle fatigue, which stops muscle contraction.

Once exercise is halted, restoration and replenishment occurs. Scientists have established
that it takes 2-3 hours to replenish 40-50% of glucose stores, and it takes 24 hours for a
full restoration. Again to reduce lactic acid build up, a light aerobic session performed
after a workout will cause you to sweat which gets rid of the lactic acid build up in the
blood and accelerates up muscle recovery.

Aerobic System

The aerobic system also produces the energy need to resynthesis ATP from ADP+P but it
usually takes 60-80 seconds to begin that process. Other conditions needed for this
energy system to begin resysnthesis is that the heart rate has to be increased sufficiently
to allow oxygen to be transported to the muscle cells where it is used as an element that
allows the breakdown of glycogen. Because of the presence of oxygen, there is no lactic
acid build up and thus the exercise can be performed for a considerable length of time.

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The aerobic system usually comes into play after 2-3 minutes of continuous activity.
Anything longer than 2 hours and the body will begin to break down muscle protein for
use as an energy source.

The Mechanics Of Muscle Growth Reversal Or Under training The Muscles

Because of homeostasis the body will atrophy its abnormal size if similar or greater stress
is not applied to the body on a recurring and permanent basis and that is why active rest is

The routines given in this manual follow a micro and macrocycle, where intensity,
density and volume are gradually increased and then decreased. This is done to prevent
stagnation and a plateau.

Adhere to the program as is, because, as you get stronger and bigger, the body adapts to
the level of intensity applied. Thus using the same intensity, volume and workout density
will have the body give you a yawn of a reaction and your body will hit a stagnation

Following the18 week macro cycle to the “T” will ensure massive gains, as each micro
cycle builds on top of the other, piling on the gains in the forearms like a dump truck
dumping a load of concrete.

Under Training The Forearms

Muscle mass gains will only accumulate if an adequate and progressive load is applied
on a consistent basis. When training is stopped, there is a huge disturbance in the
biological homeostatic state of the muscle cells and vital body organs. This results in a
decrease in the athlete’s physiological workload and overall performance.

In this time, depending on the length of lack of training, there will be strength loss and
muscle degradation will begin to occur. This usually occurs after 48 hours.

Due to homeostasis when the muscles are not being used, the body stops building protein
and this leads to muscle breakdown and muscle atrophy., Thus some of the gains made
during your previous training sessions are nullified and there is protein and muscle
degradation in the existing muscle fibers.

Testosterone levels are also known to plummet during this period ,which degrades the
anabolic environment needed to allow muscle adaptation and growth.
This process of muscle loss will usually occur between 2-3 weeks of cessation of
training. However the good news is that the loss of muscle mass size, testosterone and
strength can be easily reversed when training resumes, in fact it has been proven that
muscle takes twice as fast to rebuild when training resumes.

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Understanding Muscle Soreness

Muscle soreness usually occurs when a bodybuilder uses a heavy load and trains
intensely for a long period of time without allowing adequate time for recovery. Muscle
soreness also occurs when a beginner (or indeed advanced bodybuilder after a long
layoff) is exposed to high intensity training/overload training without complete recovery
and adaptation taking place between training sessions.

Whenever muscle soreness takes place you want to change the intensity of the next
training session to a low intensity workout. For instance if you train the forearms with a
high intensity/overload workouts and you experience soreness, you might want to switch
to a low intensity workout or active rest training session.

Muscle soreness can be caused by direct heavy loads placed on the muscle. This occurs
especially with negative training. Negative training places greater tension / force on the
muscle than positive repetitions.

The damage is related to the damage of muscle fibers that have been transmitted by the
training session. This is a temporary effect and the muscles usually return to normal. If
the same stress is applied, further trauma will occur making the soreness worse. Soreness
can be recognized as an aching pain. A certain amount of stiffness is usually experienced.

Soreness occurs as a result of the degradation of protein components of the muscle.

Soreness does not mean that you should halt training. It means you should switch to a
lower intensity set. Fortunately active rest periods are in place for you in the manual so
you need not worry.

Soreness can be reduced or prevented by applying various techniques

• Apply varying levels of intensity/ density/volume and overload.

• Take vitamin C and Calcium with every meal.
• Take aspirin before and after a workout to thin the blood and allow for faster
circulation.* Please consult your doctor first.
• Consume high calories to provide all the nutrients needed for fast muscle
• Use all the recuperation techniques discussed in this manual.
• Use a 10-15 minute aerobic session after a workout as an active recovery

Change Exercises After Every Microcycle

Another important principle to bear in mind is this; every time you repeat the same
exercise or routine, the body becomes more and more accustomed to that specific stress
and thus workouts will become more unproductive if the same exercises are used. That is
why we recommend that you change exercises every 1 or 2 micro cycles.

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What Happens Once I Get The Body I Want ? Will I Have To Train Forever?

If you wish to maintain mass without the use of daily workouts please have a look at the
Fast Muscles program, at http://www.fastmuscles.com , it shows you how to workout just
once every 2 weeks for super gains or just to maintain the mass you already have without
the long daily workouts..

The Principle Of Training Variety

Because the forearms training routines below can be very demanding and requires lots of
work and because volume, intensity, workout density and overload are progressively
increasing and the same exercises are used, training variety has to be imposed. Otherwise
the forearms are likely to hit a physical plateau and if that persists you are likely to over

Thus, to prevent this stagnation, we cycle our workouts and change exercises on a
microcycle basis, preferably every two weeks. Variety in training can improve strength
gains and muscle adaptation responses.

Varity in training can be created by:

• Varying negative training with positive training and CNS training

• Varying the overload, from light to medium to heavy
• Varying the speed of repetitions and the rep ranges
• Varying sets, reps and rest between sets
• Using different exercises every microcycle.

Training To The Verge Of Overtraining?

You will note in the routines below, that we are really just taking the forearms close to
an overtrained state, and this is because tests have revealed that the best results can be
obtained close to an overtrained state. That is why before week 4 of the program, we will
gradually increase intensity and decrease rest periods between sets and exercises.
Maximizing the intensity at week 4 and then slowly dropping the intensity, density and
volume to a period of active rest, allows for fast and abnormal growth to take place.

And to allow uninterrupted muscle growth we have to add variety into the program,
constantly changing exercises, varying intensity, and volume and workout density.
Nutrition has to be kept high as well, to provide for the loss in expended energy.

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To Get Big Forearms You Need To Develop The Core Of The Body

You may wonder why in an forearm specialization program we have you training chest,
legs and back . This is because you cannot get big forearms without building up the rest
of your body. For instance if you did nothing but forearms you may gain .5 to 1 inch on
your forearms but after that your gains in the forearms department will stagnate. To gain
an inch on your forearms you need to gain approximately 10lbs of muscle and to do that
you need to build the larger body parts, namely the chest. legs and the back. Doing so,
induces an indirect effect, where hormones and natural chemicals in the body saturate the
whole body including the chest with androgens which get the chest growing at an
accelerated pace. The survival mechanism of the body will not allow you to have
abnormal forearm development, where only your forearms are huge without a
corresponding huge body. So squat hard, train the back like there is no tomorrow and
your forearms will grow and mushroom in size- and that is a guarantee in itself!

Some Key Principles To Massive Forearm Development

The Number Of Reps And The Speed Of Repetitions

In general the higher the load, the lower the number of repetitions and the slower the
speed of executing those repetitions. For the development of strength the number of
repetitions should be in the 8-12 rep range. The percentage range (of your 1MR) of these
repetitions is 85-140%.
For power development the number of repetitions is between 1-4, and reps are performed
For endurance development the number of repetitions requires repetitions in the 30-40
reps range and the percentage level of 1MR is 30-50%.

Also, the rep ranges between endurance of a short duration (15-20) and long duration
(30-40) needs to be exaggerated if proper effects are to be observed. So long duration
endurance should be in the 40-60 reps range, lower endurance training should be in the 5-
20 rep range.

For maximum training effects, the speed of a rep has to be considered. For the reps in the
1-10 rep ranges speed has to be performed explosively , even though the motion may
appear slow. In reality maximum force and speed are used to perform these rep ranges
effectively, but an onlooker would term your movement slow. This is the only way of
recruiting all the motor units necessary to lift the resistance. Fast twitch fibers are
activated only when the load is heavy and the rep speed is fast. Slow twitch fibers on the
other hand require rhythmic repetitions, where the reps are performed in a slow
controlled manner with little or no rest between repetitions. To the onlooker your reps
should appear controlled and at a medium speed…

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Training for Speed Speed appears to be
Muscle hypertrophy Explosively Slow
Max strength Explosively Slow
Power Explosively Fast
Endurance Rhythmic Medium speed

Number Of Sets To Be Performed

A set can be defined as the total number of repetitions performed followed by a rest
period. The number of sets performed is ultimately determined by the number of
exercises performed.

In general as the number of exercises increases the number of sets has to decrease. Why?
Because we have limited energy reserves. Fact is, due to the limited energy we have, we
don’t have the energy and work potential to perform many exercises and repetitions with
high number of sets.

If such a scenario occurs, the strength training session is turned into endurance /aerobic
session as intensity plummets with every additional set added.

The number of sets is also determined by the purpose of the strength training session.
Endurance trainings sessions depend less on sets than the number of repetitions, where as
power/ strength sets (reps in the 1-12 rep ranges) require more sets for maximum training
effect and growth stimulation.

The number of sets also depends on the:

1. Experience of the bodybuilder
2. The number of body parts trained per session
3. The phase of training

The more experienced the athlete the more intensity and stress his body can adapt to, so
the more intensity and stress he can tolerate.
The less the amount of exercises, the more sets you can perform per body part.
Lastly the phase of training is important for example if you are new to bodybuilding. The
beginning effects of training are termed the anatomical adaptation stage, in which more
exercises are needed to properly stress efficiently all the muscles. The number of sets per
exercise is less.

However, as we shift phases to more advanced levels the more we specialize and thus the
fewer exercises we use and the more set we use.

Rest Between Sets

Energy stores in the muscle/body are key components when it comes to building muscle
mass and strength levels. In any given energy system depending on the intensity/ load

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and the length of the training session, strength training tends to tax ATP/CP stores and /or
deplete such states, both leading to specific but different training effects. The length of
the rest interval between sets depends on a multiple of factors.

¾ The type of strength trying to be developed

¾ The load used
¾ The speed of the rep
¾ The number of muscles involved
¾ The experience of the bodybuilder
¾ The weight and strength of the bodybuilder

Starting from the sixth point, more rest between sets is need for the heavier bodybuilders.
Since they carry more muscle mass they tend to take a longer time to recover than
thinner and less heavy bodybuilders.

Chart Of Rest Interval

Load of 1 MR Speed of reps Rest between Goal

Negative reps 120-140% Slow controlled 120-180 sec Stimulates max
Strength 65-80% Explosively 120-150 sec Improve
building strength and
Power building 80-100% Explosively 60-90 sec Improve power

Endurance 30-50% Rhythmic 30-60 sec Improve

training endurance

Rest between sets allows the replenishment of ATP/CP stores. The right rest between sets
also minimizes the accumulation of lactic acid build up, as the shorter the rest interval,
the faster the lactic acid build up and the greater the muscles fatigue.

A 30 -45 seconds rest interval between sets allows for 50-60% of ATP/ CP
A 60-90 seconds rest interval between sets is not sufficient to allow for complete ATP/CP
restoration especially when reps are high.
A 120-180 seconds rest interval between sets allows for complete ATP/CP restoration
and is ideal for strength / power training, when maximum loads are used.

After the performance of multiple sets and the temporary exhaustion of the muscles are
accomplished, a 120- 180 rest interval between sets is not sufficient to replenish the
ATP/CP and glycogen stores. The required time for complete ATP/CP and glycogen
restoration in this multiple set scenario is 24-48 hours.

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Rest Between Sessions-Frequency Of Training

Rest between training sessions is dependent on:

1. The recovery ability of the bodybuilder

2. The energy sources used by the training phase

The more advanced or conditioned the bodybuilder the faster his or her recovery system
will be as a general rule.

Next, the energy source used during a training session is crucial. If a bodybuilder is using
the same energy source (say glycogen) and system on a consistent and daily basis then
there should be a 48 hour break between training sessions of the same body part to allow
for complete muscle glycogen restoration. If, on the other hand, different energy systems
are being used, one after the other, there need only be a 24 hour break between training
sessions, and that is sufficient for full glycogen restoration and energy system recovery.

A diet high in calories and in quality protein and carbohydrates tends to speed up this
energy system recovery process and is essential for muscle overcompensation to occur.

Optimal Rep Ranges (ORR)

The amazing Optimal Rep Ranges (ORR) repetition technology gives you up to 50%
more gains from every rep you perform and here is why:

The number of repetitions is important because all sets are taken to full positive failure.
Repetition ranges affect the androgens our bodies produce as well as the type and
components of muscle cells. They can be divided in four categories:

8 to 12 reps build muscle size and strength gain and are performed explosively.
4 to 8 reps build power. Reps in this range are performed explosively as well.
15-20 reps build muscle (short) endurance. These are performed rhythmically.
30-40 reps build muscle (long) endurance. These are performed rhythmically.
40-50 reps done as partials with heavy weights stimulate the CNS and maximum
and are at a slow continuous tension speed with no rest.
Negative reps will elongate the muscle and build strength in all aspects of a

The Importance Of Good Form

Good form is very important in developing big forearms, because it ensures that the
trained muscle group is stimulated sufficiently to enable muscle growth to take place. It
aligns the muscle contractile curves at the right line of pull, which increases the

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effectiveness of the exercise. Full range of motion is also important here –especially
when we train within your maximum repetition range. Good form allows maximum
motor activation; full range of motion allows flexibility and elongates your forearm
muscles, allowing you to pack on more mass on your forearms in the long run. This
however does not mean that you will not benefit from partial repetitions.

Types Of Reps To Perform

Each rep range affects a different component of a muscle cell. Below you will find the
exact details.

Explosive reps: With the explosive rep, the speed should be slow and controlled. You’ll
want the rep to be slow enough to eliminate momentum and to ensure proper form yet
explosive enough to allow you to use maximum weights. Here’s how you can perform it
by using the bench press :

Take the bar of the rack of a squat rack and place it high on your neck . now with good
form slowly lower the weight, once you get to within 2-3 inches of your butt touching
your heels you use enough force to explode or drive the weights up –make sure this force
absolutely excludes momentum.
Lower the weight and return again to the start position
Explode up again, ensuring your form is perfect, and there should be no momentum.
Focus on exploding the weights upward like a rocket from a launch pad. Think of the
rocket whenever you are performing fast reps. It will help give you a visual
interpretation. This is an example of explosive training.

Firing as many motor fibers as possible is your goal, and to do this, you need to train
explosively. This means you must accelerate the weights without breaking form or using
momentum. This form of training, especially when done with heavy weights, recruits the
highest amount of cell myofibrilization.

Rhythmic reps: With rhythmic reps, you’ll use 60-75 percent of your IMR. Let’s use the
bicep curl as an example. You won’t rest at the top or at the bottom of the movement.
Instead, repetitions are performed with rhythm but not explosively. Movement is
controlled and tension is continuous whereas with explosive training, tension goes off at
the beginning of the reps (just before launch) without momentum.

Continuous Reps: Continuous reps are similar to rhythmic reps except they are
performed at a much slower pace. As with the rhythmic repetitions, no bouncing or jerks
are allowed. Repetitions should be continuous, and there should be no rest at the top or
bottom of the movement.

The Importance Of Training To Failure

In building muscle mass and allowing maximum muscle hypertrophy the level of
hypertrophy is directly related to the amount of tension applied to a muscle. Tension is

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defined as the force /output generated or the intensity generated. High intensity training
or training to failure is what stimulates muscle growth and not the number of sets or the
number of exercise used.

Over 90% of all bodybuilders stop a set shy of failure (maximum intensity) and some will
try to compensate for this lack of intensity by performing more sets. However this is not
sufficient to stimulate muscle mass. More sets are not the answer. Intensity is best and
essential to stimulating muscle growth.

Understand that the higher the intensity, the greater the tension placed on the muscle and
the greater the muscle stimulation and growth.

Adding additional sets will lengthen the recovery process without stimulating new
muscle mass. So for those of you who like to train long but not hard be advised that such
a training methodology will lead to no increase in muscle mass and strength. Having said
that, muscle mass increases can take place in two ways:

3. A increase in muscle size that is the direct result of increased fluid within the
4. An enlargement of the contractile elements within the body.

The two may occur simultaneously and indeed one may occur rather than the other. If
the first occurs, then the enlargement is due to a shift in body /muscle fluid which
allows strength gains that don’t normally come with an enlargement of the forearm
What does this mean? It means strength gains or lack of strength gains are not
necessarily correlated with increased muscle size.

Next maximum hypertrophy of the forearm muscles can only occur if we use high
overloads (one that the body is not accustomed to) and taking each set to the point of
full muscular failure to induce maximum tension and growth simulation with the
forearm muscles.

The goal of our forearm training is thus to use high overload to contract our forearm
muscles to full (temporary) exhaustion which means that every set should be taken to
the point where completing another repetition is impossible despite your greatest
effort-this action recruits the maximum amount of muscle fibers since as you progress
into the set, the more and more muscle fibers are called in to replace the fatigued
muscle fibers to handle the load.

If you stop shy of failure, you will not have stimulated muscle hypertrophy and that is
because the first few reps do not bring about enough muscle fiber recruitment and
fatigue to cause muscle stimulation. This cumulative exhaustion of each set taken to
failure causes the stimulation of anabolic chemicals and protein synthesis which
ultimately leads to enlargement of the muscle.

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There are other important factors that are responsible for muscle size increases and
these are:

Multiple sets are needed to exhaust the muscle fibers as well as to deplete and exhaust
ATP/CP and glycogen supplies in the muscle.

One set is not enough for this muscle fiber recruitment system that is essential for
fatiguing a muscle and stimulating muscle mass. Because the major driving force of
muscle hypertrophy is the cumulative effect of muscle exhaustion over a the total number
of prescribed sets performed and not just one exhausting set.

Shorter rest periods between sets increases muscle stimulation by depleting ATP/CP
stores. Less rest between sets means the muscles don’t have enough time to restore
ATP/CP stores. This causes the body to adapt and enlarge in size by increasing the
energy carrying capacity of the muscles. Think of it as a flood of water coming through a
small 4 inch pipe. If we increase the pipe to 10 inches there will be greater and easier

While on the subject of training to failure and muscle enlargement, I should point out that
all sets are taken to failure, even on light days, where repetitions can range from 15-60
reps. Light training does not mean using a light weight and going through the motions
without reaching failure, rather it means training holistically by stressing muscle fibers
and energy systems not targeted by the previous workout. For instance you may have had
a heavy day on Thursday in which you trained the slow twitch fibers and used the
anaerobic energy system. On Friday you have a “light workout” in which you use reps in
the 30-40 range thereby taxing the fast twitch fibers and the aerobic energy system.


Recovery is your body’s ability to repair and build muscle through a series of chemical
reactions. Your body is constantly making changes on the chemical and biological level.
However, as with all things, there is a limit to the amount of chemical reactions that can
occur to facilitate growth. Once your requirements exceed this limit, you will hit a
plateau and quickly slide into an overtrained state where muscle atrophy results.
Therefore, logic dictates that we keep workouts short, intense and infrequent, allowing
for maximum recovery to take place in the shortest period of time possible.

Confusion about muscle recovery is common. However, it would be a lot easier to

understand if we refer back to the discussion on homeostasis and survival. Remember,
the body’s only purpose is to survive, and recovery is an essential part of this “survival
mechanism of the body.” Its capabilities have been underrated by a large margin in that
the body will recover only as fast as it deems is necessary to recover. In other words, if
you give your body reasons to accelerate recovery, it will. However, the only way to give
your body ample reason to accelerate recovery is to threaten the survival mechanism by

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increasing intensity and overload to the body’s threshold and then pulling back before
permanent damage and chronic overtraining occurs.

Studies by prominent scientists show that after 72 hours of inactivity, a muscle begins to
atrophy. Why? It’s simple. “The body has no reason to maintain that muscle mass if there
is no recurring threat to its existence.” That is why it is essential to train a body part a
minimum of twice a week. I often hear the cries about overtraining. Let’s be honest. You
will only over train if you are not well rested and if your calories are at less than optimal

Muscle Recovery

Remember that ATP/CP stores in the muscle are restored in minutes not hours. The
exhausted liver glycogen levels take 36-48 hours to replenish fully. Thus heavy training
workouts should not be performed more than 3 times a week(a microcycle) and usually
such high intensity sessions are performed in the later parts of the week after a medium
and low intensity remaining session. Also there needs to be low intensity days after every
high intensity session, even if the high intensity session may last 3-6 days. This is known
as active rest training

If you do not have any active rest sessions after a high overload training session, the
cumulative effects of all the training depletes the energy stores of the muscles/body and
creates a catabolic phase where contractile protein is broken down and muscle size
reduction occurs. In short you begin to over train and lose muscle mass and strength.

Why Resting More Than 72 Hours Will Stop Your Progress Dead In The Water

Scientist have proven for decades now that 48-72 hours is all that is needed to allow full
muscle recovery and protein synthesis and overcompensation which implies that muscles
have to be trained again. Training every 5-6 days as proposed by high intensity training
will lead to a decrease in muscle response for adaptation and result in greater muscle
soreness and potential injury when training is resumed. Soreness is no measure of muscle
recovery and should not be used by the athlete to mean a lack of recovery. If you
consume a high level of calories, equal to at least twice the BMR, and take recuperative
measures, recovery is even faster and muscle gains are even more consistent.

The Aerobic Factor And How It Can Help Build Muscle

Aerobics have been known by many to burn body fat and stimulate the metabolism, but it
can actually create a optimal condition for muscle growth. It does this by increasing
cardiovascular density. Cardiovascular density defines how many blood vessels are in the
body and their respective sizes.

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Since aerobics pumps oxygen into the circulatory system, it increases the cardiovascular
capacity of the circulatory system. This allows more blood and oxygen to supply
nutrients to muscle cells for quick muscle growth. Likewise, a greater number of blood
vessels ensure that waste from muscle cells area taken away, allowing for faster muscle
recovery and adaptation.

Active Recovery

Refers to the removal of lactic acid in the affected area using light aerobic sessions. You
should always follow your heavy workouts with a 10-20 low intensity aerobic session.
Scientist have proven that 70% of all lactic acid waste is removed if you follow your
workout with a light aerobic workout

What If You Have To Perform Multiple Training Sessions? What Do We Do With


If you have 2 workouts a day, you may perform two 10 minute sessions of aerobics and
if you have 2 or more training sessions, you should perform a maximum of two aerobic
sessions in between workouts. You should never exceed two thirty minute aerobic
sessions a day if your goal is to build lean muscle mass. As this is a forearm building
workout system and not a fat burning one you should perform a 10 minute aerobic
session after each training session.

Partials Revisited-Why It Is A “Missing Link” In The Growth Equation

Research indicates that for a muscle to be stimulated and then to adapt, it needs to be
fatigued. More precisely, it has to undergo what is termed Fatigue Induced Disruption
of muscle cells. You have to apply growth-producing disruption, and this can be achieved
effectively with only full range repetitions, not just partials. This is not to say that partials
will not get you huge. In fact, I personally have had my best gains when I performed only
partials for six months. You have to use logic and understand there is no possible way
you will not gain mass hoisting 100 percent more than your IMR. Logic dictates that you
will blow up in size, and results from the trenches prove this to be true.

Because of their mechanical nature, partials will recruit fewer units of motor per unit
time. Therefore, fewer actual muscle cells allow the muscle fibers to contract at a slower
pace than they could have done. This inevitably ensures that ATP SUPPLIES ARE NOT
EXHAUSTED. The ATP exhaustion is essential for muscle growth stimulation because it
is an important part of Fatigue Induced Disruption of the muscle cells. It is also the
weakest range of motion where the most fibers are recruited.

Partials are essential, nevertheless, because according to the Specific Adaptation to

Imposed Demands (SAID) theory, partials stimulate a specific portion of muscle cells
and the central nervous system(which give the green light to muscle growth) which leads

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to specific adaptations that would not have been otherwise experienced. Partials are also
essential because they affect the CNS and allow muscle hypertrophy to occur. The CNS
is stimulated only if a muscle’s full contractile potential is tasked. Thus, without the use
of maximum weights and intensity, there will be no muscle stimulation and no
extraordinary growth.

Using the SAID principle, we see that we need not only stimulate muscles with full range
repetitions for full muscle growth to occur, but stress must be applied to all the
components of a muscle cell, the central nervous system and the body’s strength capacity.

Just as you would not build a house without a solid foundation, you would not want to
stimulate growth in only half a cell’s potential. That, of course, is why we use measures
to stimulate all the muscle cells’ components as well as the strength and CNS capacity of
the body

It’s important to understand that the body has only one reason to adapt, and that is to
“SURVIVE.” Muscle growth is a tool for survival. It is an attempt by the body to prevent
the stress from occurring again. It is, in fact, “allowing the body to live another day.”

Full repetitions recruit as many motor fibers as possible, subjecting muscle fibers to a
condition that causes Fatigue Induced Disruption.

When it comes to increasing the thickness, density and size of your deltoids nothing
comes close to partials. Partials allow you to use far more overload and apply more
intensity-which translates to stronger and deeper muscle stimulation, stronger tendons
and ligaments, nothing will boost your size faster than partials

Why Partials and Full repetitions

In truth, muscles need to be fatigued of their glycogen supplies for metabolic and
anabolic processes to be activated. Therefore, heavy weights and high reps are necessary,
and full range repetitions are also needed to reach complete muscular failure.

Understand that the body sends a flood of blood to feed and clean out lactic acid build up
from muscle cells, which, in turn, signals muscles to expand and grow to accommodate
the stress in the future should it be presented again. This is why heavy weights are
essential because the heavier the load, the greater the muscle disruption and the possible
muscle growth. We use one set to send an overload signal and another set to deplete
glycogen stores and send growth producing blood to the muscles to allow for fast muscle
recovery and growth.

Furthermore, all research indicates that heavy weights are a must for fast muscle growth.
Low reps do not allow necessary mind and muscle connection, and they do not fatigue a
muscle. This, of course, translates to slow muscle growth, which is why heavy weights
and high reps are used (via partials).

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The pump should not be sought after as advocated in conventional workout programs.

We have told for years that the pump is the answer to muscle growth. However, this is
simply not true. The pump merely occurs when your body can’t take the waste away from
the muscles or when the rate of waste production is higher than waste removal, which
causes the veins to swell giving you the pumped feeling!

The Power Rack and partials

Also you need the POWER rack with safety pins because this protects your body should
the weight come crushing down. It will hit the pins and not the body. It is very important
that you use strict form. We can’t stress this enough. Because the poundage is immense ,
you cant afford to stress the wrong muscles and cause injury.

How to perform partials

In this exercise, you start with the bar resting on a rack behind your neck. With the aid of
a partner lift the bar overhead behind your neck. Your elbows should be out and parallel
to the bar and your repetitions should be continuous, never locking out and never resting
at the bottom. Your shoulders should always be parallel to the bar with your palms facing

Remember that you have to take it to absolute failure using good form. And use the
power rack and its safety pins for support.

Using the Seated behind the neck press as an example for performing partials

Place the safety pins a few inches above full extension. Now rack the weights with 140%
of your 1MR .now just as in a regular seated behind the neck shoulder press, press the

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weight from the safety pins to full lock out and repeat. Those few inches of movement is
what makes up the exercise

Use a Smith Machine where possible, it allows you to on lifting the weight and not
balancing your body and the weights. Also you want to lower the weights without
touching the safety pins. Spring right back up without using momentum. Do as many reps
as possible until the weight comes crushing down on the pins

You will use this format

You will use this format

30 reps Rest pause 30 seconds

20 reps rest pause 35 seconds
10 reps rest pause 35 seconds
05 reps rest pause 40 sounds

Again the reps used here are for

example only , you should use the
appropriate weights to get the
prescribed rep ranges.

I could go on about the mechanics of performing the movements but I will just list the
strongest range of motion for specific exercises you might use

• Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows • The first 3 inches of the

stretch movement(bottom
part of movement
• Chest • The first few inches from full
lock out
• Shoulders • The first few inches below
lock out
• Triceps • The first few inches below
lock out
• Biceps • The first few inches below
lock out
• Calves • The first few inches below
lock out.

The next component of this system is rest pauses….

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Rest Pause

Here Is How You Perform Rest Pause Reps Or CNS Training

Rest-Pause (RPT) - Rest-Pause is a way of overloading a muscle using the maximum

amount of weight possible over a high number of repetitions. As you know by now, the
greater the overload, the greater the muscle stimulation. The key concept is that you can
recuperate about 50 percent of your muscle strength and endurance with a 10-30 second
rest period between repetitions or sets. In conventional heavy lifting, you can only
perform a rep or two with your maximum weight. Rest-Pause eliminates this limitation.
Rest pauses allow you to apply both intensity and volume during the same workout, it
does this by allowing you to use a weight that you would normally be able to perform 4-5
reps with and perform 16-24 reps with, that translates to a higher overload and intensity
applied to the muscles, because you are essentially performing more reps and applying
more overload in a set period of time. The mini-rest pauses allow the muscles to recover
temporally, during this 15-30 second break, lactic acid is removed, the nervous system is
rejunivated and mentally you are more gear4ed up to performing more repetitions with
greater intensity-thus allowing you to apply greater overload to the muscles. You can use
this same rest pause for high reps sets, like the 100 rep sets and you can combine hem
with partials as well! It is perhaps the greatest discovery in bodybuilding!

Think of the rest pause as numerous maximum repetitions making up one set, rest pause
require you to do a prescribed number of reps, and then take 15 seconds of rest between
reps, after rest pausing do another max set of repetitions, then take another 25 second
break, and repeat until you reach your target number of repetitions. Stick with rest pauses
and partials and I promise the result in increases muscle mass, size , strength and muscle
density will stun you.

How To Use The Rest Pause Principle To Increase The Size Of Your Forearms

Here is how you do it:

Lets say you are performing forearms on a heavy day; you will pick a weight that is 85%
of your maximum repetition. This should normally give you 5-6 reps. Now use that
weight for 3 reps and rack the weight, rest 15 seconds and do another 3, rest another 15
seconds and perform another 3 seconds. Obviously, you may not be able to get 3 reps on
your last attempt, but try anyways! That is a cycle-you actually doubled the number of
reps you could have performed had you performed a straight set. You thus did more
work, stressed the muscles on a deeper level and have thus stimulated more muscle mass
than normal.
Expect the weights to get heavier as you proceed through the 2nd and 3rd cycle, in this
case you can drop the weights in between rest sessions. -That is, reduce the weights to get
the necessary targeted rep range.

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Exercise Rest Reps
Forearm curls 15 3
15 3
15 3

When you look at the routine box below, you will see rest periods indicated as 60, 90 or
120 seconds. This applies to all rest between sets, when it comes to the rest pause system,
this recommended rest period applies only after you have finished a rest pause cycle (that
is 3-4 mini-rest pauses) see x factor to compare wording

Other principles used in this massive forearm program

Drop Sets (DS)

Drop sets are another high-intensity technique. In normal drop sets, you start with a
weight say that gives you three to ten repetitions on the bench press (used an as example),
then when you reach failure, your partner removes (drops) 10 percent of the weights and
you can go for as many drops as you wish. Thus, you should use smaller plates to enable
you to strip the weights off.

With a partner you should go to failure with every set in the drop set but without a
partner here’s what I recommend to intensify the set: first use an Olympic bar and slam
25 pound plates on each side and then add weight as desired. So if your maximum is 185
pounds, here’s how you’ll break it down: two 25 pound plates and two 45 pound plates,
bench press and go to 90 percent failure, say three repetitions, until you can’t anymore
Then rack the weight, maintain form and concentration, strip the 45 pounds and bench
again. But this time go to positive failure until you can no longer move the bar. Don’t
worry, it isn’t dangerous. This is why we use lightweights on the last drop set, so that if
failure should occur at mid-repetition you will be safe.

You need only one set of this and you’ll experience rapid muscular growth. Since the
weight is light at the last drop set, you’ll get high repetitions. These high repetitions will
pump fresh blood to your muscles, cleaning up the lactic acid build up. This allows you
to stimulate muscle as well as saturate the muscle cells with nutritious blood.

The Continuous Tension Principle (CT)

The Continuous Tension Principle goes hand in hand with the “feel slow principle.” With
the continuous tension principle, you don’t let a muscle relax during a set of an exercise.

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You do this by never locking out or resting at the bottom of a movement. For example,
using the bench press (incline). When you press “full out” to the “lock out” position your
chest muscles relax for a few seconds. When you bring it down to the bottom of the
movement and it touches your chest, you rest momentarily.

However, done in continuous tension style, you don’t “lock out.” You stop short of the
“lock out” position and repeat the motion and don’t allow the bar to rest on your chest.
This way the muscles are blasted continuously to the maximum.

Burns (B)

Burns are mini-repetitions. These cover less than a few inches of movement. They are
done after positive muscular failure has been reached. The movement is usually done fast
and with rhythm. The pain is excruciating but the results are spectacular. To perform
burns, for example on the Preacher Curl, perform the set to positive failure. Once you
reach failure, start from the contracted position and lower the bar a few inches and back
up again. This is done with controlled acceleration. You can also do it from the bottom
position as well. Because burns cover very little distance, you should be able to do 20 to
30 of them after positive failure.

Rest Between Sessions-Frequency Of Training

Rest between training sessions is dependent on:

• The recovery ability of the bodybuilder

• The energy sources used by the training phase

The more advanced or conditioned the bodybuilder the faster his or her recovery system
will be as a general rule.

Next, the energy source used during a training session is crucial. If a bodybuilder is using
the same energy source (say glycogen) and system on a consistent and daily basis then
there should be a 48 hour break between training, sessions of the same body part to allow
for complete muscle glycogen restoration.

If, on the other hand, different energy systems are being used, one after the other, there
need only be a 24 hour break between training sessions, and that is sufficient for full
glycogen restoration and energy system recovery.

A diet high in calories and in quality protein and carbohydrates tends to speed up this
energy system recovery process and is essential for muscle overcompensation to occur.

Frequency principle

Now, we come to the Frequency Principle. The Frequency Principle states that training
workouts should be optimally spaced to allow muscle tissue growth to occur (via the

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uploading principle), to allow nutritional replenishment and to permit all biochemical
resynthesis to take place. It also allows mental and physiological recovery, which permits
the application of constant high intensity.

Daily workouts can be detrimental if the same resistance and the same rep range and
intensity are used unless alternate muscle groups are worked on.(common with magazine
workouts) On the other hand, under-training occurs when more than 72 hours of rest
passes without training. We use frequent and intermittent stress to avoid overtraining, as
well as to alternate between body parts and change the rep ranges to allow fast
adaptation. This all helps to prevent overtraining.

Duration of workouts

Workouts should not exceed 45 minutes. The optimal time frame for a workout is 30
minutes. However, this may not be possible for a beginner because a beginner does not
have the developed neuromuscular pathways that the intermediate and advanced
bodybuilder has. This deficiency will disappear over time.

Make it a point to stay within the forty five-minute training zone. Science has proven that
after 45 minutes, testosterone levels plummet, and this is detrimental to fast muscle
growth. The body creates a catabolic environment after 45 minutes, and this is something
we want to avoid no matter what. If you find yourself exceeding the 45 limit say by 15
minutes it is ok, as you progress through the system you will be doing your workouts in
less time. Do not cut down on the actual sets prescribed. This is not a conventional
routine and nothing is left to chance. If you cut down on the sets you are not getting the
maximum effect from the program

Why train the forearms?

When it comes to most sports –the forearms are truly the king of your strength and indeed
success at the gym and in your chosen sport. You have all heard the claim
“You are only as strong as your weakest link” No where are these words truer than with
the forearms, and that is because a weak set of forearms and wrist will limit your success
at any sport or gym. You can be strong but if you lack the grip and wrist strength to hold
those weights, you’re tennis racket, your javelin rod, and your sword. your weapon…you
are as good as gone.

Forearms anatomy

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1. 2 3 4.

To develop inhuman strength and size in your wrist and forearms you need to train all
muscles of the forearms and before we can do this you need to know how the forearms
and the wrist move

1. The brachioradialis
2. The extensor carpiulnaris
3. flexor carpi
4. The flexordig superficialis

Forearms and the wrist can be grouped as follows: wrist flexion, wrist extension,
forearm supination and pronation. And no forearm workout is complete without
working and building finger strength –which can be broken down into finger flexion and
finger extension. Finger extension and flexion are essential for grip power-and grip
power can be categorized into 3 kinds, namely: crushing, supporting and pinch grip

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Types Of Grip Strength:

• Crushing grip strength: an example of this is giving a hand shake or crushing a

beer can

• Supporting grips strength: the ability to grab something heavy and hold it for a
long period of time-requires grip endurance
• Pinch grip strength: this refers to grabbing an object using your thumb on one
side and your fingers on the other side. This strength is based on the strength of
the thumb

Any good forearm program targets and stimulates all aspects of the muscle that control
the muscles for finger flexion and extension, there is the wrist curl for wrist flexion and
wrist extension for wrist extension, there is the gripper for finger flexion and extension,
pinch plates for pinch grip. All these movements will be explained and used in this

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The Forearm Muscles

Forearms muscles tend to work together in unison. This is great news because by using
the right exercises we can achieve synergy –where the sum of the parts is greater than the
whole-plus workouts will be compact and short with greater ability to get sufficient rest
for recovery, an additional benefit is that with the right exercises, you would be in and
out of the gym before you buddies are finished warming up.

Movement Muscle affected

Wrist curls Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Flexor Carpi Radialis
Wrist extension Extensor Carpi Ulnaris, Extensor Carpi
Wrist abduction Flexor Carpi Radialis, Extensor Carpi
Wrist adduction Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Extensor Carpi
Forearm Pronation Pronator Teres, Pronator Quadratus
Forearm Supination Supinator
Finger Flexion Flexor Digitorum
Finger Extension Extensor Digitorum
Elbow Flexion Brachioradialis

There is one muscle in the forearm that is usually indirectly trained in a forearm workout
but never stimulated directly during regular forearm training, it is the brachioradialis-in
this system we will directly target this muscle to allow for maximum growth stimulation
in the forearm muscles.

Sequence Of Workouts

The Brachioradialis and the forearm extensors are interdependent on one another, that is
you can’t exercise the forearm extensors without affecting the Brachioradialis. However
you can exercise the Brachioradialis separately without involving the forearm extenors.

This simply means that if we train the Brachioradialis first, we limit the amount of stress
you can apply to the wrist extension muscles hence robbing them of the much needed
growth stimulation...so we always follow Brachioradialis work last after all other
forearm exercises has been completed, this is a simple but very important point to

The Same Goes For The Fingers

Finger flexion and finger extension also need to be considered when designing a forearm
routine-this is because if you work on the fingers before forearms or the Brachioradialis

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you will end up with a less than efficient workout.

So here is the workout sequence: wrist extension / flexion, followed by Brachioradialis

and then finger flexion/extension. The weakest link are the fingers which are worked on
at the end of the workout!

Finger flexion are affected anytime you grip anything or hold anything, if you train them
first you will tire them and never have the strength to take your forearm workouts to the
next level

Muscles Of The Forearms//Forearms Anatomy

As you may have noticed from the picture above, the forearms as small as they are , are
made up of a large and diverse number of muscles; -all of them have different actions and
it is therefore absolutely essential that we factor this into our training

The main exercises for forearms are wrist extensions (where the back of your hands come
toward your forearms) and wrist curls (palm coming towards your forearms) wrist. Both
wrist extensions and curls work a great bulk of the forearm muscles

For wrist curls the following muscles are engaged-- The Flexor Carpi Radialis, The
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris And The Palmaris Longus. -These muscles originate form the
Medial Epicondyle of the humerus and run down just past the wrist

Wrist extensions work the Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus, The Extensor Carpi Brevis
And The Extensor Carpi Ulnaris, which all originate from the Lateral Epicondyle of the
Humerus and insert into the Metacarpals.

The Agonist- Antagonist Relationship Of The Forearms

When you train the muscles of the forearms affected by wrist flexion (agonist part), the
antagonist part (wrist extension) of the forearm muscles act as a stabilizer muscle and
vice versa. When we super set the two main exercises or follow one immediately after the
other we literally force blood into the forearms muscles, allowing a greater recovery and
growth stimulation! That is why it is important to train the wrist flexors and the wrist
extensors in the same workout and not on separate workout days!

How to build huge forearms

Why do you need wrist strength and forearms strength before size? It is rather simple,
you see if you build strength the size will follow automatically!

Every sport involves the use of the wrist and the forearms in some level, even in sports
where there is no apparent use of the forearms or wrist (such as soccer or sprinting), they
are needed, as you never know when you might fall and injure yourself. Any other sport
that involves the upper body also involves the use of the wrist and the forearms. Golfing,

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baseball, basketball require super strong wrists and forearms. And sports that require a
super strong grip such as bodybuilding, power lifting, rock climbing and wrestling also
require strong wrists and forearms. And every day functions also require the use of strong
wrist and forearms. Example opening a jar! (How many men’s confidence level has been
shattered by their failure to open a jar for a hot lady?

Forearm Training

We all know the scenario well enough. We hate how scrawny our forearms look, some of
us have decent biceps and triceps, but the lack of forearm development just blows our
gains out of the water. Long skinny forearms. We try endless sets of hammer curls and
wrist curls but we get nothing .

The forearms are one of the most difficult muscles to build. Simply either you have it or
you don’t. They are involved in almost every exercise of the upper body and even when
you squat or perform leg press you are still gripping the bar or bars for support. Simply
put, the forearms muscles work constantly. Any time you flex your elbows or wrists you
are involving the forearms.

You need strong forearms if you ever hope to build a decent upper body; strong forearms
allow you to train with heavy weights for chin-ups, pull-downs. In these exercises the
forearms are essentially the weak link in the movement. If you have weak forearms you
cannot go beyond failure or take a set to full positive failure.

As with any other body part you are limited by your genes . Simply put if you have long
forearms, you essentially have lots of room to build muscle . You have genetic potential .
On the other hand if you have short muscle bellies on your forearms you are more limited
by how large you can build them. However by using the following the routines in this
manual we can stimulate wide increases in muscle mass regardless of how lousy your
genes are:

Understand that the forearms are very similar to the calves , they are essentially
composed of red muscle fibers and ligaments . As such they require three things to grow:

1. Stimulation of the central nervous system with partials and power range reps
2. Holistic training with rest pauses and lightweights
3. Good form

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Meeting The Demands Of Forearm Training

Forearm Demand #1-You Need Heavy Weights And High Repetitions To Make Your
Forearms Grow

If you are currently using 50 pounds for your wrist curl exercise (don’t expect much
change) , you will need close to 85-170 % more weight to make those pipes grow like
weeds. You might say easier said than done! And you know it will be next to impossible
to use those kinds of weights if you follow a conventional "weight gain" program and it
will take you years(assuming you are moderately successful in stimulating muscle mass)
to reach that level.

But that is where this program comes in. Using a revolutionary technology that I am
about to show you, the massive forearms program not only allows you to use the heavy
weights you need, it also allows you to use them for high reps. Furthermore it subjects the
forearms to a threat which literally forces the muscles to grow. When muscles are faced
with a threat to their survival they must respond! They really have no choice!

Forearm Demand #2-Train To Absolute Positive Failure.

Many hard gainers have trouble going to positive failure let alone absolute positive
failure , and who would not? Carrying 50 pounds is scary and painful enough, let alone
taking 150 pounds to the point where completing another repetition is impossible. There
are two obstructions here; Fear and mental inhibition. Fear limits you and your
progress-that is why a partner and a power rack is essential for your success- for it
eliminates the fear that keeps you from generating the effort needed to attain massive
forearms. The massive forearms Program gives you a step-by-step procedure that will
show you how to go to failure on your sets. The forearms like the calves generate too
much lactic acid and you have to learn to be a masochist if you want great forearms.

The mental inhibition is what stops you from giving it your utmost. How many times
have you thought that you gave your sets of wrist curls all you had, but you knew deep
inside that you did not?(too much pain) You deceive yourself and you are rewarded with
mediocre forearms as a result. With forearms you can always give one more repetition,
no matter how fatigued you are. That is because mentally you are holding a lot back-Due
to fear and negative programming.

Massive forearms Demand #3-Use Good form

Failure to use good form is another reason people fail to get the results they deserve ,
they bounce, they jerk and use all sorts of methods to cheat and end a set early-to pretend
that they are strong and have reached positive failure. Good form ensures that all the
stress is sent to the targeted muscles. It is just like shooting a rifle , use the scope and you
will hit your target. Shoot without the scope and you will most likely miss your target.

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Massive Forearms Demand #4- Volume Training Mixed With High Intensity Training

Extremely heavy weights and high reps. Combine intensity with volume training via rest
pauses and you will have stimulated awesome muscle growth in the forearms.

Heavy Weights Are Needed To Stimulate These Muscles.

You need lots of weights to make the forearms grow- a tremendous amount. Forearm
muscles are like calves and they are used every day without complaint. Therefore only
extreme heavy weights can make them grow to a significant degree. But you must
balance this increase in weights with the right volume and frequency of workouts to
allow full recuperation and muscle growth to occur.

Forearm size is based on genetics this is true more than any body part and because they
tend to grow slower than most body parts. You have to concentrate on them when
specializing to get the most effect for your effort. Forearms are probably the most painful
muscles to train and the reason you may lack forearm development is simply because you
do not train them hard enough…. if you are like most you either don’t train them at all or
you train them half-heartedly.

The Major Exercises For Huge Forearms

When it comes to train forearms more training is not necessarily better, in fact with
forearms “more is less” in that, a few carefully chosen exercises performed multiple
times during the day will yield breathtaking results every time. There are 3 essential
movements we want to incorporate in every forearm workout

a. One in which you curl a weight with your knuckles pointing up (squarely hitting
Brachioradialis and the Dorsalflexative muscles),
b. The second with your knuckles pointing to the sides (hitting Bicep Brachii And
c. And the third in which you hold a weight and flex your wrist so that the palm
approaches your forearm (hitting the Palmarflexative muscles).

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Forearm flexors Forearm brachioradialis Pinch grip Finger flexors
extensors and extensors
Barbell wrist Reverse wrist Hammer curls Pinch two 25- grippers
curls curl with 45-pound
barbell Olympics
Dumbbell one Dumbbell Reverse barbell Carry a 45lbs Finger curls
arm wrist curl reverse grip curls plate by the hub
Behind the Reverse
back wrist curls preacher bench
barbell curls
Wrist roller Wrist roller

A good example of the first exercise is the Dumbbell One Arm Writs Curl

Dumbbell One Arm Writs Curl

This is a variation of the barbell writs curl described above-the only difference is that you
are using dumbbells instead of a barbell

Execution: grab a dumbbell and sit on a bench (where the hips are higher than x) lean
forward and place your forearm on your thigh so that writs and weights in the extended
position are over your knees…with palms facing upward towards your face, use your free
hand to stabilize the elbow of the engaged hand .now bend the wrist lower the weights by
letting the dumbbells roll down (your fingers have to open slightly to allow the weight to
roll down out of your palm. Tighten your fist again and curl the weights up as high as you
can before

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Use The Wrist Roller…

Not just any wrist roller though, the best kind is one that is long enough to sit on the pins
support of a power rack. This is so because for most, the deltoids and the arms tend to get
some of the stress that should be directed to the forearms. You should set the power rack
pins high so that you can get a full range of motion. Trust me if you wrist roll using this
technique and variation you are going to develop some pretty scary looking forearms.
The key here is weight and range of motion. Also you must make sure you roll in both
directions to ensure complete development of both the antagonist and antagonist forearm

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Hammer Curl.

For the next set of muscles on the forearms –namely the Brachioradialis, we can use
The Hammer CurlAgain take tow dumbbells as you would to perform standing
dumbbell curls. But rather than using a standard curl grip, make sure your thumbs are
facing upward as you curl. Hold the contraction for a count of two and repeat . See
picture below!

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Reverse Standing Barbell Curls

This exercise is a forearm extensor builder, a biceps builder and a brachioradialis builder.

Execution: This is exactly the same as the standing barbell curl...except you grab a bar
with an over hand grip (knuckles facing you) let the bar hang with full stretched arms; the
bar will be hitting your thighs. Curl the bar upward with a curling motion of the wrist.
Bring the bar up to chin level. At the top of the movement the bar should be just under
the chin. Squeeze the biceps as hard as you can in this position and lower the weights
down slowly back done to the staring position.

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Reverse Preacher Bench Barbell Curls

This exercise is a forearm extensor builder, a biceps builder and a brachioradialis builder.

Execution Position your self on preacher bench .now grab a barbell with an overhand
grip. Keep your handgrip about shoulder width apart. Extend your arms full and then lift
the weight by curling the bar upward starting with a curling motion of the wrist. Bring the
bar close under your chin. Repeat the movement!

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Behind The Back Wrist Curls or Barbell Forearm Rolls

Load up a barbell on a barbell rack. Now back up to the bar and grab it and lift it of the
bar and hold the bar down at arms length behind your back. Your hands spacing should
be shoulder width apart and your palms should point away from your back. Now open
your fingers.let the bar roll out from your palm ever so slightly. Then close your fingers
and curl the weight back up towards the ceiling. Flex your forearms hard at the top of the

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Reverse Grip Wrist Curls

**. (The weights used in the descriptions below are for descriptive purposes only)
Reverse Grip Wrist Curls -This develops the outside of the forearm muscles

Grab a barbell –load it with 70 percent of you 1MR. Keep you hands about 9 inches
apart, put your forearms on top of your thighs so that they remain parallel to the floor and
that you wrist and hands are free and unconstrained. now lift the bar using forearm
strength , lift the bar as high as possible. Keeping the forearms firmly in place. Now
lower only half to one inch and get as many reps as you can. You may need a spotter to
help you get the weight to the fully contracted position as the beginning of he movement
houses the weakest range of motion



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Dumbbell Reverse Grip Curls

This is exactly the same as the barbell reverse grip curl...except you sit down and use an
over hand grip with one dumbbell at a time just like the one arm wrist curl. The only
difference is that your palms face down(over hand grip)and you curl the weights up so
that your knuckles move up

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Barbell Wrist Curls

**The description that follows is an example of a CNS training set using partials
Barbell Wrist Curls -This exercise is used to develop the inside of the forearms.
Garb a heavy barbell with 70-200 percent of your 1MR. Take a hold of the barbell with
an underhand grip and sit on a bench. Keep your hands close together. Straddle a bench
with your forearms resting on the bench but with your wrist and hands hanging over the
bench. Your elbows and wrist should be the same distance apart. You may want to lock
your knees on your elbows to give them more stability and top prevents cheating. Grasp
the bar hard and curl the weight up, contract the forearms and lift the weight as high as
possible without letting your forearms lose their stable position. You should lower it
down only half to one inch and quickly curl it back up. Perform as many repetitions as

When you have completed as many repetitions as possible, rest pause 15 seconds and
repeat the movement, the goal is to perform as many repetitions to positive failure as
possible. See “How To Use The Rest Pause Principle To Increase The Size Of Your
Forearms Dramatically” on page 42 for more information on how to perform a rest
pause. Make sure your partner is there with you all the way. Without a spotter you will
injure yourself. Let me stress this again, you should perform each rest pause set to the

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point where you cannot, despite your greatest effort move the weight. In fact, the weight
should come crushing down due to inability of the muscles to control or lift the weight.
(Make sure your partner or some safety mechanism (like a power rack) is available to
stop the decline of the weight and to prevent injury)

If you use the 30 minute workout alternative system (for the multiple daily workouts).
The same principles apply as above; Use the same concepts and the same high intensity
principles. Do not lower the weights (as in perform drop sets). Bear in mind that, because
you have less time between mini-workouts, you can expect your rest pause sets to
decline. In fact on the very last mini-workout, you might not even be able to perform a
straight partial set.

Repeat the workout above every hour for 10-12 hours or if you can’t afford the time.
Repeat the workout every 30 minutes for 4-5 hours. Expect your numbers to decrease as
described below.

Here is an example of how your rest pause repetitions and sets may register as you
progress through the set.


30 repetitions Rest Pause 15 seconds

20 repetitions Rest Pause 15 seconds
10 repetitions Rest Pause 15 seconds
07 repetitions Rest Pause 15 seconds
02 repetitions Rest Pause 15 seconds


10 repetitions Rest Pause 15 seconds

05 repetitions Rest Pause 15 seconds
03 repetitions Rest Pause 15 seconds

Note that the rest pause sets have dropped from 5 to 3, furthermore repetitions have also
decreased. But weight remains the same all through the daily workout.

There are a few tricks when it comes to performing forearm exercises. Many of which
differ dramatically from those usually depicted in magazines.
Please note that you need to use the same weights on each and every mini workout. You
will see a decrease in strength and thus the number of repetitions AFTER EACH mini-
workout but you must retain your resolve to try to give your utmost.
There are times you may find that your reps may go slightly higher in the middle of the
workout and then drop sharply. This is natural –and it occurs mainly due to increases in
motivation and adrenaline.

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Tricks For Effective Forearm Training

o Your thumbs should always be underneath the bar not wrapped around the bar.
This allows you to place the strength of your thumbs to help you generate more
force on the exercise-you get more out of the exercise as you push harder

o You need only perform the wrist curls partially. That is there is no need to roll the
weight off your fingers and roll them back up as you curl the weights up. Only
the top to middle parts of the movement are essential-this tip applies only to CNS
training days, on non CNS training days make sure to use proper form and long or
full range of motion

o When performing the forearm wrist and reverse writs curls your hips should be
lower than the forearms, if you use a regular bench you will not achieve this
effect- an adjustable Decline bench can be used or a cushioned board for the
forearms, are healthy alternatives

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o Use your knees to secure your forearms, so that only the forearms do the work


Start by training your forearms and wrist 3 times a week and then slowly build up to the
stage where we will be perform multiple workouts during the day.

Remember because the forearms and the wrist are used 1000’s of times during the day,
they have abnormal recovery abilities, so they can take more and they need more to grow

So train your grip at least three times a week...the key is not doing too much work on
them, rather the key to rapid growth is to do them short and yet in multiple sessions
spaced through out the day!

I have included a whole new section for building grip strength? Why have I done
this…well grip strength is essential when it comes to hoisting big weights needed for
chest, back, triceps an back and just about any upper body movement performed on a
daily basis like opening a jar

And if you are into any sport or into bodybuilding: grip strength is absolutely essential

And here is a fact that most people don’t know: the strength of your forearms is directly
related to the size of your forearms. If you have really strong forearms, there is no way
you will have small forearms, it just won’t happen

There are several types of grip strength-they all require different training and there is one
common underlying comment amongst them all and that is for them to work, you have to
stick with the progressive training! You have to increase training volume, intensity and
density if you wish to increase strength and muscle size!

Here are the types of grip strength

• Crushing grip strength: an example of this is giving a hand shake or crushing a

beer can

• Supporting grips strength: the ability to grab something heavy and hold it for a
long period of time-requires grip endurance

• Pinch grip strength: this refers to grabbing an object using your thumb on one
side and your fingers on the other side. This strength is based on the strength of
the thumb.

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Training Your Crushing Grip:

How to build your supporting grip

Support grip is different than a standard grip because there is a lot of endurance with the
supporting grip. The best way to build supporting grip is to use a thick bar. The extra
thickness of the bar makes it challenging but quickly develops the both supporting and
crushing grip strength

By a thick bar, I am referring to a bar with thickness of 2 inches or slightly more, a great
place to get such a bar is at IronMind.com or FractionalPlates.com for a variety of thick
bars and thick dumbbell handles. I recommend the Apollon’s axle. Or you can make your
own if you have the know how to wield one together!

How do you use it?

Simply use it for all upper body exercises like back and bicep training-(i.e., all pulling
movements)-that is rather than use a regular bar, use a 2 inch bar to help build your
supporting grip. So where it says back, legs, shoulders, chest and arms in the routine
below make sure you use a 2-inch thick bar when performing exercises for these body

Another way to build supporting grip strength is to simply carry heavy dumbbells, you
simply pick up the heaviest dumbbells and start walking, you do this until you cant hold
the dumbbells any longer. Make sure the dumbbell is heavy enough or else you will be
walking up and down for a long time.

Training Your Pinch Grip:

A pinch grip requires lots of thumb strength

And it is quite difficult to strengthen the thumbs while doing other grip works because
the other fingers are brought into play. The best way known to train your pinch strength
is to grab two 45-pound Olympics weights. Place our thumb on one side and your other
fingers on the other and lift the weights up. You can make this progressive by increasing
the number of weights lifted and hold it for as long as possible

Another variation of this exercise is to lift the 45 lb plate by the center hub of the plate,
that is you grab the center hub with your fingers and attempt to lift it, once you do lift it,
you hold it up for as long as possible

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For pinch grip, here is how it will go in the routine. When you see Pinch Grip (3) Here is
exactly what it means: Pinch grip does not follow the modes of training like the rest of
the muscles, there is no rest pause, partials or regular training, pinch grip makes use of
overload and time-not repetitions.

Start with two 45lbs plates, lift it by placing your thumb on one side and your other
fingers on the other and lift the weights up, you must try to hold this weight for 180
seconds. You must increase weights so that 180 second can barely be achieved for
instance if you find you can lift the two 45lbs plates with one hand for more than 180
seconds. Now do this for 3 sets and hence the pinch grip (3). See the picture below to
learn how to perfrom this exercise!

Exercise Weights Time

Pinch Grab two 45lb plates 90lbs 180
135lbs 100
135lbs 60

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How To Building A Bone Crushing Grip

Supporting grip strength

Supporting Grip strength and indeed all grip strengths are functional strength! This means
you are going to have to train your grip strength using “real life exercises” to increase
your grip. For instance if you want more pinch strength you must pinch up heavy weights
and if you want supporting strength –you must lift and grip heavy weights

Holding a heavy object for a long period of time will strengthen your grip. At the gym
you can load a barbell on a power rack pin and dead lift a weight that is really heavy then
grip and hold the weight for as long as you can. Use a timer and test how long you can
hold the weight with a tight grip. That is supporting drip strength! Note how I have not
included specific exercises for supporting grip strength, I feel there is no need- because
you will be working back, shoulders, chest and all you have to do is make a concentrated
effort to tightening your grip to build supporting grip strength. Here is an example:

Try holding heavy dumbbells as in with a shrug or a dead lift -but in this case your goal is
not to shrug or dead lift but to hold the weight as long as you can with a tight grip-this is
what I term as functional training. Remember that you cannot let the weight sit on your
hands; you have to grip it strongly. Every week add weights or see your time go up. If
your timing does not go up, it simply means you are using too much weight and you

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should drop the weight. You need not time your grip strength when working back or
chest! But make an effort to grip the bar tightly!

Grippers…A Golden Treasure Of Forearm Strength And Size

If you say you‘ve tried using grippers and that they did not work, for you…I would call
you a lair. A partial lair and that is because this exercise will never fail to deliver results.
I.e. only if you use them consistently. Not any gripper will do however! You need a
specially designed one that you can get at http://heavygrips.com.

The latter is better because it has several levels for resistance (namely progressive
overload). There are 5 different grippers available and they come in pressure numbers
signifying strength levels, these are:

Heavy Grip 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300.

Most people can’t even get past the 150 mark. The number indicates the pound of
pressure needed to close these grippers

How To Use Grippers-Training Frequency And Volume

Grippers follow the same progression as indicated in the routine; I will take all 3
scenarios to explain how you should use them.

Lets start with CNS training and partials, for partials training you want to use the highest
pressure gripper you can marginal close, for most this is 150 or 200 and do as many
partials as follows: These reps will be partial reps –which means you don’t have to close
them and they can move within a distance of an inch or two! Obviously the distance
becomes less as you the fingers fatigue

You may be able to get 40-50 partials to failure m, if this does not happen rest pause until
you get the indicated range of reps in the routine. If the chart says 50 reps and you were
only able to get 25 partials, rest pause another 15 seconds and perform as many reps as
you can to positive failure.

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Here is how it would look like:

Exercise Rest Reps

Gripper 25
12 15
12 10

When it comes to rest pause sets, here is how it would go

Exercise Rest Reps

Gripper 12 3
12 3
12 3

You take a weight that gives you 7-9 reps and you perform 3 reps (not to failure), rest 12
seconds and do another 3, you do this until you do 6 cycles. Rest pause sets are full reps
not partials. Grippers are indicated on the routine chart below as Finger flexors and
extensors (3)

For a regular gripper set,(Noted as “Regular” in the routines above) you pick up a
gripper that gives you close to the prescribed number of reps indicated on the chart, for
instanced if it says on the chart gripper (3) and rep range is indicated as 1-7 reps, then
you pick one of the grippers that you can normally perform 1-8 reps with and perform
that set.

Finger Curls

If you don’t have a gripper use the one thumb dumbbell curl. Grab a 10 lb dumbbell and
sit done on a chair with a tablein front of you. Now place your thumb at the edge of a
table, so that you thumb initially is parallel with the table top (the rest of your fingers
should hang down –beneath thumb or table level. Now place the 10lb dumbbell (using
your free arm) on the fingers of the thumb supported hand…and curl the weight using
thumb to support you as your curl with your 4 fingers…the thumb supports the weight
and the other 4 fingers curl the weight!

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Note in the picture, that individual is using a handle holder as a support structure for the
thumb; you can also use the edge of a table or any stable pointed edge that will not
obstruct the range of motion. Also the thumb should stay stable and motionless! (As best
as you can)

Can I Substitute Exercises?

Forearm flexors Forearm brachioradialis Pinch grip Finger flexors

extensors and extensors
Barbell wrist Reverse wrist Hammer curls Pinch two 25- grippers
curls curl with 45-pound
barbell Olympics
Dumbbell one Dumbbell Reverse barbell Carry a 45lbs Finger curls
arm writs curl reverse grip curls plate by the hub
Behind the Reverse
back wrist curls preacher bench
barbell curls
Wrist roller Wrist roller

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The preceding exercises and the first exercises indicated on the chart above deliver
maximum muscle stimulation in the shortest period of time, thereby allowing muscle
growth to occur….For instance the best forearm flexor exercise is the barbell wrist curl,
and the best finger flexor and extensor exercise is the gripper before the finger curls. If
for any reason you cannot perform any of the first exercises on the chart , use the
secondary ones!

The same goes for all other muscles of the forearms! For finger extensors and flexors
there is not much substitute, there is the dumbbell finger curl and squeezing a stress ball,
but nothing compares to the gripper. For pinch strength lifting pinching the hub of a 45lb
plate is a less convenient alternative.

Note : Where it says Forearms Ext (3). It means you can pick any exercise from the
Forearms Ext section and perform that chosen exercise for 3 sets-this does not include

Here are a few substitutes for the other body parts used in this course::

Recommended Substitute
Incline Barbell Press Incline/flat/ decline Dumbbell Presses

Weighted dips
Recommended Substitute
Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows Reverse grip Chin Ups
Heavy dumbbell rows (0ne arm)
T-bar row
Squat Leg Press

Behind the neck press Lateral side raises/ Upright rows

Set Extenders For The Forearms

Here is a method of exhausting the endurance capacity of the forearms even further when
you are done squeezing out full repetitions, you can totally exhaust the muscles by using
half reps and quarter reps until the weight won’t budge

Intensity Extenders For The Forearms

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All sets must be taken to failure and occasionally you might want to extend the set
past the point of full muscular failure. The concepts described and listed below will
extend a set past failure for you. Use them sparingly!

The following techniques have been developed to help you “overload” the muscles. The
techniques are highly effective and will generate the results you desire provided you
apply the fundamentals of volume, intensity, frequency and rest described elsewhere in
this manual.

If you are new to bodybuilding, I urge you not to use any of these set extenders until you
are 6 weeks into the course. As a beginner you need to first master the basic exercises
before you try jumping into the more advanced and vigorous routines. You need to know
now how to perform the exercises correctly before you can apply these techniques

Forced Repetitions (F)

Forced repetitions are used at the end of a set, when you can no longer lift the weights. A
partner helps you to complete the last few impossible repetitions, by reducing the weight
by a fractional amount to allow you to complete the set. The prime objective here is for
your partner to provide the right amount of assistance that will enable you to complete
the repetition, nothing more.

Negative Repetitions (F)

This technique is used in the “lowering” part of an exercise or the “stretching part.” A
partner helps you lift the weight up to the start position (positive), then you lower the
weights very slowly using your own strength - trying to resist gravity and the weights
decent. It has been proven that this phase of lifting is our strongest phase. You can lift
50 percent more in the negative phase than in the positive phase. It is, however, very
taxing on the recovery system and should be used sparingly, with caution and always
with a spotter.

Forced Negative Repetitions (F)

This is a negative repetition with additional resistance provided by your partner. It is a

forced repetition in reverse. Here your partner is trying to apply enough resistance to
make the negative phase more intense. It is absolutely essential that you resist this extra
resistance by trying to halt its descent. The advantage to this technique is that it provides
more resistance to the negative phase and makes it easier to get the weight back to the
start position. You can therefore do more repetitions with this technique


Burns are mini-repetitions. These cover less than a few inches of movement. They are

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done after positive muscular failure has been reached. The movement is usually done fast
and with rhythm. The pain is excruciating but the results are spectacular. To perform
burns, for example on the Preacher Curl, perform the set to positive failure. Once you
reach failure, start from the contracted position and lower the bar a few inches and back
up again. This is done with controlled acceleration. You can also do it from the bottom
position as well. Because burns cover very little distance, you should be able to do 20 to
30 of them after positive failure.

Activity While Resting

To increase muscle recovery between sets, massages and light exercises movement such
as walking around and shaking the trained muscle is highly recommended. Stretching is
also recommended. The heavy loads used in a forearm workout tend to increase the
myostromin in the muscle which tends to make the muscles stiff . Light stretching
facilitates a faster recover of the muscles

Specific warm-up

This means performing light repetitions on the same equipment to be used during training
with light loads. Using a light load allows greater preparation for the muscles to respond
to the exercises that will be soon performed.
The right weights to use for a specific warm-up as a % of your maximum repetition is
between 30-50%. You should take this warm-up to failure. 8-12 rep should be performed
in a slow and controlled manner.

How To Determine Your Maximum Repetition As Used In This Course

Matt Brzycki devised the following formula and it is rather ingenious.

Pick a weight you think you can do nine repetitions with and no more. In other words,
with the weight you choose, the ninth repetition should be impossible to perform to
failure. Next, take that weight and divide it by the following 1.0278-.0278X.
Replace the “x” with the number of repetitions you performed.

For instance, let’s say you can perform 300 pounds for six repetitions then your 1 MR is
300/(1.0278-.0278(6)), 352 is your 1 MR. This equation is ONLY good if the number of
repetitions is below 9 reps. Higher numbers will be inaccurate. Nevertheless, it gives us
something with which to work.

Here Is How A Training Day Might Look Like

7.00 Wake up, take 3 amino acids and MCT oil

7.30 1st workout
8.15 Massage and hot and cold shower
8.30 Meal 1
10.30 Meal 2(snack), 3 amino acids and MCT oil

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12.00-1.00 Rest or Work
1:00 Second Workout
2.00 Meal 3
2.00-2.30 Rest
4.00 Meal 4
4.00-6.0 Rest
6.00-6.45 Workout 3
7.00 Meal 5
7.00-10.00 Meal 6
11.00 Sleep

A day of complete rest is essential to prevent cumulative muscle fatigue and thus
overtraining after a week of high intensity workout. This rest day usually falls on a
Sunday in the routines above.

Routine Breakdown

Week 1

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Chest (2) Legs(3) Chest(3)
part Back (2) Shoulders(3) Back(3)
Forearms Arms(3) Legs(3)
flexors (3) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (3) flexors (3)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(3) extensors extensors
Branchialis (3) (3)
(3) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (3) (3)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(3) extensors extensors
Pinch(3) (3) (3)
Rest 150 sec 150 sec 150 sec
Sets 3 3 3
mode Rest pause CNS partials regular
reps 15 40-70 8-12
failure positive positive positive

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Week 2

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Chest (2) Legs(2) Chest(2)
part Back (2) Shoulders(2) Back(2)
Forearms Arms(2) Legs(2)
flexors (4) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (4) flexors (4)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(4) extensors extensors
Branchialis (4) (4)
(4) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (4) (4)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(4) extensors extensors
Pinch(4) (4) (4)
Rest 90 sec 90 sec 90 sec
Sets 4 4 4
mode Rest pause CNS partials regular
reps 1-7 40-70 8-12
failure positive positive positive

Week 3

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Chest (2) Legs(2) Chest(2)
part Back (2) Shoulders(2) Back(2)
Forearms Arms(2) Legs(2)
flexors (4) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (4) flexors (4)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(4) extensors extensors
Branchialis (4) (4)
(4) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (4) (4)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(4) extensors extensors
Pinch(4) (4) (4)
Rest 60 sec 60 sec 60 sec
Sets 4 4 4
mode Rest pause CNS partials regular
reps 10-12 40-70 8-12
failure positive positive positive

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Week 4

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Chest (2) Legs(2) Chest(2)
part Back (2) Shoulders(2) Back(2)
Forearms Arms(2) Legs(2)
flexors (2) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (2) flexors (2)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(2) extensors extensors
Branchialis (2) (2)
(2) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (2) (2)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(2) extensors extensors
Pinch(2) (2) (2)
Rest 120 sec 120 sec 120 sec
Sets 2 2 2
mode Rest pause CNS partials regular
reps 10-12 40-70 8-12
failure positive positive positive

Week 5 am

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Chest (2) Legs(2) Chest(2)
part Forearms Arms(2) Legs(2)
flexors (2) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (2) flexors (2)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(2) extensors extensors
Branchialis (2) (2)
(2) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (2) (2)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(2) extensors extensors
Pinch(2) (2) (2)
Rest 120 sec 120 sec 120 sec
Sets 2 2 2
mode Rest pause CNS regular
reps 10-12 40-70 8-12

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failure positive positive positive

Week 5 pm

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Back (2) Shoulders(2) Back(2)
part Forearms Arms(2) Legs(2)
flexors (2) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (2) flexors (2)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(2) extensors extensors
Branchialis (2) (2)
(2) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (2) (2)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(2) extensors extensors
Pinch(2) (2) (2)
Rest 120 sec 120 sec 120 sec
Sets 2 2 2
mode Rest pause CNS partials regular
reps 10-12 40-70 8-12
failure positive positive positive

Week 6 am

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Chest (3) Legs(3) Chest(3)
part Forearms Arms(3) Legs(3)
flexors (3) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (3) flexors (3)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(3) extensors extensors
Branchialis (3) (3)
(3) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (3) (3)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(3) extensors extensors
Pinch(3) (3) (3)
Rest 130 sec 130 sec 130 sec
Sets 3 3 3
mode Rest pause CNS regular

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reps 10-12 40-70 8-12
failure positive positive positive

Week 6 pm

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Back (2) Shoulders(2) Back(2)
part Forearms Arms(2) Legs(2)
flexors (2) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (2) flexors (2)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(2) extensors extensors
Branchialis (2) (2)
(2) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (2) (2)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(2) extensors extensors
Pinch(2) (2) (2)
Rest 60 sec 60 sec 60 sec
Sets 2 2 2
mode Rest pause CNS partials regular
reps 1-7 40-70 15-20
failure positive positive positive

Week 7 am

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Chest (3) Legs(3) Chest(3)
part Forearms Arms(3) Legs(3)
flexors (3) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (3) flexors (3)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(3) extensors extensors
Branchialis (3) (3)
(3) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (3) (3)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(3) extensors extensors
Pinch(3) (3) (3)
Rest 130 sec 130 sec 130 sec
Sets 3 3 3
mode Rest pause CNS regular

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reps 10-12 40-70 8-12
failure positive positive positive

Week 7 pm-afternoon

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Back (2) Shoulders(2) Back(2)
part Forearms Arms(2) Legs(2)
flexors (2) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (2) flexors (2)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(2) extensors extensors
Branchialis (2) (2)
(2) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (2) (2)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(2) extensors extensors
Pinch(2) (2) (2)
Rest 60 sec 60 sec 60 sec
Sets 2 2 2
mode Rest pause CNS partials regular
reps 1-7 40-70 15-20
failure positive positive positive

Week 7 evening

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Back (2) Shoulders(2) Back(2)
part Forearms Arms(2) Legs(2)
flexors (2) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (2) flexors (2)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(2) extensors extensors
Branchialis (2) (2)
(2) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (2) (2)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(2) extensors extensors
Pinch(2) (2) (2)
Rest 45 sec 45 sec 45 sec
Sets 2 2 2
mode Rest pause CNS partials regular

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reps 1-7 40-70 15-20
failure positive positive positive

Week 8 am

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Chest (3) Legs(3) Chest(3)
part Forearms Arms(3) Legs(3)
flexors (3) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (3) flexors (3)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(3) extensors extensors
Branchialis (3) (3)
(3) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (3) (3)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(3) extensors extensors
Pinch(3) (3) (3)
Rest 90 sec 90 sec 90 sec
Sets 3 3 3
mode Rest pause CNS regular
reps 10-12 40-70 8-12
failure positive positive positive

Week 7 pm-afternoon

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Back (4) Shoulders(4) Back(4)
part Forearms Arms(4) Legs(4)
flexors (4) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (4) flexors (4)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(4) extensors extensors
Branchialis (4) (4)
(4) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (4) (4)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(4) extensors extensors
Pinch(4) (4) (4)
Rest 60 sec 60 sec 60 sec
Sets 4 4 4

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mode Rest pause CNS partials regular
reps 1-7 40-70 15-40
failure positive positive positive

Week 7 evening

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun

Body Back (4) Shoulders(4) Back(4)
part Forearms Arms(4) Legs(4)
flexors (4) Forearms Forearms
Forearm flexors (4) flexors (4)
extensors Forearm Forearm
(4) extensors extensors
Branchialis (4) (4)
(4) Branchialis Branchialis
Finger (4) (4)
flexors and Finger Finger
extensors flexors and flexors and
(4) extensors extensors
Pinch(4) (4) (4)
Rest 45 sec 45 sec 45 sec
Sets 4 4 4
mode Rest pause CNS partials regular
reps 1-7 40-70 15-20
failure positive positive positive

Tips for the routine

¾ Consume more calories than your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)-you don’t have to
have 5-8 meals a day if you don’t want to, but total calories should be 300-400
calories above BMR on a daily basis.

¾ Note: Where it says Forearms Ext (3). It means you can pick any exercise from
the Forearms Ext section and perform that chosen exercise for 3 sets-this does not
include warm-ups.

¾ Note how I have not included specific exercises for supporting grip strength, I feel
there is no need- because you will be working back, shoulders, chest and all you
have to do is make a concentrated effort to tightening your grip to build
supporting grip strength, see pg 56 for more information.

¾ Where it says finger extensors you pick a finger extensor exerci9se and perform 3
sets of it, finger extensors and flexors are the same

¾ Fingers extensors and flexors also fall under crushing strength

with grip strength you can either increase weights or time used to carry a weight,

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here is how to do it

¾ Using a thick bar for the other upper body parts stimulates supporting grip

¾ Use proper form-failure to execute forearm exercises correctly and in a strict

fashion. Understand that the more you isolate the forearms and force the to work
without help from the forearms and arms the faster they will grow

¾ Where it says back, legs, shoulders, chest and arms make sure you use a 2-inch
thick bar when performing exercises for these body parts-this builds supporting
grip strength. If you can’t do this simply make a focused effort to tighten your
grip on the bar when performing these exercises.

¾ When you are not using partials as indicated in the program-use long range of
motion in your movements. You need to lower the weights as low as possible to
get maximum stretch and then curling all the way up for a full contraction of the

¾ Here is something you should throw out if you do want a great looking pair of
forearms with plenty of strength to spare. And that is throw away your straps.
Your forearms are unlikely to reach their full potential if you use straps. The size
of your forearms is directly reacted to the strength of your grip. So increasing
your grip is possibly the fastest way to increase your forearms size this is why
wrist curls and wrist extensions in on themselves will not build the size and strength you

¾ It is better to use a heavy weight and fail with a weak grip when performing upper
body exercises, than it is to use an even heavy weight with straps! Take this point
with heed because it alone can give you size beyond your wildest dreams

¾ You should apply strong massage on the forearms in between mini-workouts to

prevent acute soreness and possible injury. Stretching your forearms will also help
alleviate soreness.

¾ You must train to absolute positive failure each and every set. This is crucial and
it is hard to achieve with forearms because of the lactic acid produced as a self
defense mechanism. You must ignore the burn and perform as many repetitions as
humanly possible.

¾ Make it a point to increase reps and / or weights every workout. Increase weights
on a weekly basis-this means you want to increase the weights used on a weekly

¾ Use emotional music when you workout, this is music that elicits some strong
emotional response to your mind, stimulating adrenaline. I encourage you to use

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music that reminds you of a love you wanted but never had or a long lost love.
See the Mind n’ Muscle Book for full details.

¾ Make sure you flex your forearms in between sets and use light stretching to
help the recovery and then growth process!

¾ Where it says Forearms Ext (3). it means you can pick any exercise from the
Forearms Ext section and perform that chosen exercise for 3 sets-this does not
include warm-ups. E.g. you can pick the front plate raise on workout and perform
3 sets or you can use the military press-note that laterals are isolation exercises
and presses are compound, but they both work the forearms just as well.

¾ When you look at the routine box above, you will see rest periods indicated as 60,
90 or 120 seconds. This applies to all rest between sets, when it comes to the rest
pause system, this recommended rest period applies only after you have finished a
rest pause cycle (that is 3-4 mini-rest pauses)

¾ Where it says rest pause/ training –understand that there are 6 mini-sets(rest
pauses) in a set, so when you see (3) under the sets category, it means you are
performing 18 mini sets. This is important so keep a note of it!

¾ Between a set of min sets you will rest according to the allocated rest period for
that workout weeks, for instance if under sets it says 3 and under rest it says 120
seconds, it means, you rest 120 seconds between rest pauses sets (which are made
of 6 mini sets per rest pause / CNS set) When it says power CNS here is what it
means, it means pick a weight that gives you 1-7 reps and perform 4 reps with it,
rest 12 seconds and perform another 4 reps, rest another 4 reps and perform
another repetition

¾ Expect reps to go down as the muscle fatigues, when this happens simply
reduce the weights to get the needed rep range!

¾ Form is crucial. Target the muscle not the weight.

¾ You must mentally give it all. This is the most difficult thing to do, because your
body is going to be exhausted the whole day during and after these mini-sets.

¾ Use mental visualization to physic yourself up for the sets.

What If I Cant Take The Whole Day Off To Train?

I realize that the above hourly workouts an be inconvenience for most of you reading this,
especially if you have a 9 to 5 job , so here is how you can adjust it to suit your needs.

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Our research indicates that the following routines can be used to obtain similar results
but be warned that they are not as effective as the “workout all day” workouts. Hourly
workouts seem to send out a more threatening message to the body’s survival mechanism
–to adapt to the stress and adapt by getting larger.
Here are the alternatives –they follow the same principles as the 3 daily workouts
depicted above.

One workout done every half hour for 1-2 hours.

One workout an hour every hour for 3 hours.
One workouts every two hours for 6 hours.

Obviously the more rest between workouts the better! That is why the whole day version
is best!

What is after the massive forearms program?

If you wish to continue the program after the 8-week line, you simply take a week off
training and commence from week 1 of the Massive Forearm Program again, making
sure to increase weights between workouts, everything else remains the same.

What If I Made No Gains?

If you don’t see a rep increases or a weight increase after each workout do the following:
1) Increase rest day’s between workouts, take an additional day of rest between workout
days rather than the prescribed one.

E.g. day 1 and day 3, you note that there are no strength increases, if so simply add a day
of rest or two in between the two workout days.

2) Check intensity level- Are you taking each set to the point of absolute positive failure,
without abusing forced reps?

3) Are you consuming enough calories to sustain the growth you have stimulated?
Remember that there are 600 calories in a pound of muscle, if you stimulated 3-5 pounds
of muscle a week, you would need 600*5= 3000 calories above BMR. That is 430
calories a day above BMR. Bare in mind that as you get bigger and weigh more, you
require more calories to sustain your development. If you weighed 200 pounds in phase 1
and weighed 220 in phase 2, your BMR is different. Have you compensated and added
more calories to ensure continued growth?

4) Are you performing too many recreational sporting activities or aerobics, these eat into
your recovery system and take away valuable units of energy best used for recovery and
muscle growth

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How to Warm Up

¾ You need to perform 1-2 sets to get a sufficient warm-up in the forearm muscles;
you need not perform more than that. This is not indicated on the chart above-but
you should perform a warm-up before your true set.

¾ Warm-up using a weight that is 40-50% of your maximum on the first set for 7-10
reps and then on the second warm-up set use 60-70% of your maximum for 4-5

Consistency with forearms training

The most important element in developing massive forearms is consistency. If you

perform this routine 3 times a week x 12 weeks –you can’t but develop massive forearms.
Understand that most people fail because they are just not consistent, for this program to
work you need synergy, that is the all the parts need to be performed in other for the goal
is to be achieved. Failure to follow this system as is, will lead to a reduction in the
effectiveness of the program. Please send your photo for a prize, if you do one day on and
one day off your forearms will be less than developed.

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This chapter marks the end of your weak skinny body and represent the beginning of the
transformation that is about to take place-a metamorphism of a rock hard body that you
have only until now been dreaming about-you will begin to feel revitalized, energized
and get so huge you are going to need a new wardrobe to accommodate your new body
Listen, what I am going to do is make this promise: if you follow the nutritional plan as
outlined below and not gain 10-20lbs in a 6 weeks period, I want you to send my back the
manual and I will refund every penny of the purchase price-but if you gain the weight as
promised, which you will, I will pay you $250 if you send me your before and after photo
with a testimonial and if I use the photo I will send to you via express postal check for
$250 –as a thank you note for succeeding-your photo will serve as an inspiration to the
other skinny folks who are desperately looking for change—so you really cannot lose

The Need For 100% Commitment In You’re Training And Diet

You have to believe in your self-you have to belief in your God given ability to put on the
lean muscle mass you want to put on. If you do not believe that you will get big, you will
not. That is why it is important to set a realistic goal and commit yourself into achieving
your goal no matter what.

The best way to get committed is to draw yourself up a plan and put your self in a
positioning front of others that will force you to be committed.

For one, announcing to an enemy of yours or to someone who looks highly upon you is a
sure way to get yourself committed. Telling someone that you will be 30lbs pounds
heavier by the end of the second month and not delivering on this promise is the most
embarrassing thing anyone can do-especially when you are in competition with the other.

Next you want to draw up a plan(after reading this section) and go to the supermarket and
buy all the ingredients you need. Then cook all the meals you need for the next 2-3 days,
that way you have committed yourself into the plan because you will not waste food and
money, for instance I buy my groceries on a weekly basis based on what my meal plan
says can have. Then I prepare what I can-and carry it along with me. That way there is no
excuse for me to not sticking to the plan.

How To Use Science To Get Huge

The answer to the old age question of “how do we build muscle and lose fat at the same
time can be found here-the solution to this is based on training holistically with heavy
weights and high reps, as well as providing all the calories and protein needed for muscle

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Understand that your body and its metabolism have a positive and negative side. The
positive side is anabolism and the negative is catabolic. Anabolism occurs when the body
breaks up nutrients from foods and uses it efficiently to build lean muscle tissue.

Whereas catabolism is the extreme opposite-it is the breakdown of muscle tissue to serve
the energy needs of the body-obviously we want to be in an anabolic state –not catabolic
and thankfully there are proven and scientific ways to solve this problem. To understand
anabolism and catabolism we need to understand “what happe3nd to food when we
consume it”

Here Is What Happens When We Consume Foods…

The food we consumed is broken down into nutrients-such as amino acids, glucose and
vitamins/minerals and used for every day vital functioning and muscle repair etc. Any
extra or excess calories not needed by the body is usually excreted or stored as body fat.

Now here is the fact, if you consume more nutrients that what is needed to serve the
growth process and every day functions-you will get fat
Understand that the calories is what is paramount to muscle growth but not all calories
are created equal-issues such as nutrient density have to be taken into consideration. For
example ,200 calories from candy will have a different effect on the body compared to
200 calories from a clean food source like brown rice.

And that is because clean food sources contain macronutrients such as protein and
carbohydrates that are not easily converted into body fat-these macronutrients need
calories to be digested and the body will have a rough time digesting them with the sole
purpose of storing them as body fat. Calories from candy on the other hand are sugar and
fat laden and thus are readily deposited as body fat. Fat and simple sugars require less
energy to be broken down and deposited as body fat.

Here are the steps to train your metabolism to build lean muscle mass and lose body fat

¾ Increase calories gradually –we will determine your BMR and steadily increase
calories to 10,000-12,000 levels-trust me you are going to love how you body

¾ Consume clean foods high in starchy unrefined carbohydrates and fibrous

carbohydrates-I will show you what to eat, how to eat and the foods to ignore in
just a few short moments

If you consume clean calories with the right amount of macronutrients and
micronutrients, the body will encourage the development of lean muscle mass and the
elimination of body fat.

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So the question becomes “how many calories should I consume to gain mass’ To gain
quality lean muscle mass you need to know your body type and your body fat percentage.
Once that is done you need to determine the correct ratio of macronutrients and in what
ratios you need to consume these macronutrients.

To allow muscle growth to take place at an accelerated pace, we need to consume high
quality proteins which are derived from animal sources such as lean red and white meats
and whey protein, vegetable proteins in on themselves do not provide all the needed
amino acids needed for fats muscle growth to occur. In general you need a minimum of 1
grams of protein per pound of lean bodyweight, 1.5-1.7 tend to be good guidelines in
terms of the amount of protein needed.

Carbohydrates that need to be emphasized are carbohydrates with the more

complex/lower glycemic type such as rice and oatmeal. Simple sugars and high glycemic
drinks can be consumed after a workout to replenish used up glycogen but otherwise they
should be used sparingly.
Fats are perhaps the most misunderstood macronutrient -indeed some fats actually help in
the weight gain process and do not increase cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids are great
examples which can be found in flax seed oil.

Diet and training are very important parts of the program which also includes training
intensity, overload, rest and training volume.

All the components of this program depend on each other for success; indeed all factors
have to be in sync for maximum anabolic response to occur. Fortunately this is all done
for you.

While training intensity and overload as depicted in this manual will stimulate the
necessary anabolic response for muscle growth, growth will not take place until adequate
nutrition is in place.

Protein in the diet in itself is responsible for muscle growth since it provides the amino
acids and the RNA needed for muscle repair and growth. A diet high in protein is thus
essential if you hope to pack on noticeable muscle size.

Understanding The Calorie

To gain mass you have understand the Calorie" which is a Measurement of energy. To
gain mass, you need to consume more calories than you burn, it is that simple. There is
nothing to it all. The tricky part is actually following a consistent plan and I believe I
have made that plan easy for you to follow below so read on... trust me, if you have tried
all the weight gain plans out there and failed miserably, I am going to show you some
simple tricks that will blow the lids of any plateau you may be experiencing.

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Before I go on I want to point out that, anyone reading this, who cannot gain weight is
doing two things wrong. First they are not training hard enough to warrant a size and
strength increase and second is; you are not eating enough. Many tell me that they eat a
lot already and when I ask them to list the foods they eat, I soon realize that they are
eating far less than they think.

Please remember folks.” garbage in -garbage out" if you go about eating just about
anything you can find, you will get big but you will also get fat.

Understand that a calorie is a calorie when it comes to measurement, but when it comes
to the type and quality of calories, there is a huge difference. There is stuff likes Nutrient
density (how much nutrients are packed into a single calorie) and then there is Calorie
density, the correct ratio of protein, carbohydrates and fats from all macronutrients. But
as complicated as all this sounds, it is really simple once you follow the plans and rules I
will outline for you.

There are a great many factors involved when it comes to designing an appropriate mass-
gaining plan, but a good place to start is measuring the percentage of body fat you have.
The reason we need to determine your body fat level is to allow us to choose an
appropriate “mass gain” calorie level for you, and to do that we need to know how to
calculate your BMR/LBMR.

Determining Your BMR/LBMR



Here is an accurate way of determining your BMR


1*LBS/2.2 * 24

The equation above determines your BMR using total bodyweight, which includes body
fat, bones, water and non-metabolically active tissue. Since the average person reading
this is skinny with very low body fat levels, we can safely negate the fact that it includes
inactive or metabolically inactive Tissues. If you are an endomorph(DISCUSSED
BELOW) and have quite a bit of body fat, there Here is the calculation you should be

LBMR Calculation

The calculation above uses total bodyweight, which is a combination(that is your LBMR)
you will need to first you need to use the skin caliper, the scale and the tape measure to
determine your body fat percentage levels. Which will be explained in a section below.

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Lets assume that you determine that you have a 20% level of body fat, this is what you
would do.

Take your bodyweight in pounds from the scale.(E.g. 240lbs.) Now with a 20% body fat
percentage level it means that you have the following body composition. You have
192lbs of lean mass (which includes bones etc) and 48 lbs of fat. This is because 20 % of
240 is 192lbs. Of your 240lbs of bodyweights, 48 lbs is fat. To determine the amount of
fat you should be aiming to lose here is what you should do:

Let’s say you determine that for a male your body fat levels should be 10%, thus you take
your lean bodyweight and multiply it by 110%, thus you have 192 * 1.10, the gives you
211.2lbs. You now take this new figure and multiply it by 10% and you get 21.12 pounds
of body fat. Then take this figure and minus it from the first body fat figure of 48 lbs,
which gives you 26.88 pounds of fat to lose.
Your starting BMR is thus 1*192/2.2*24 = 2094.72.


the body through the centuries of evolution-adapt very quickly to a harsh or unexpected
stimuli. Thus any diet or training stress that is different than what it is accustomed too ,
stimulates an immediate response from the body, simply put the body changes quite
rapidly, and contrary to popular belief building ,muscle and strength does not take
months or years to occur. You should use common sense and agree with me, if muscle
took that long to adapt we would have been dead centuries ago, back in the days of the
caveman, the environment changed quite rapidly and the human body had to adapt or else
perish. The good news is that you will see immediate and dramatic training effects when
you follow this system.

There has always been a big debate on the effects of protein in the muscle building
process; there is no doubt that you need more protein to grow. But protein in on itself
will not get your muscles growing, what is responsible for fast muscle growth is the
total number of calories consumed-

The total number of calories consumed has a greater effect on nitrogen balance of the
body which is directly associated with rapid muscle growth. A high protein low calorie
diet may spur muscle loss, but it will not build outstanding or even noticeable muscle size
and strength, certainly not the kind of size you seek!

What about gaining fat on a high calorie diet?

By continuously cycling calories between periods of low and high calorie days we can
minimize the deposit of body fat... in fact when you follow the recommendation of this
program you will gain mass, while you body fat levels remain stable or even drop. The
rate at which this happens will depend on how hard you train, your diet, your genes and a
host of other factors that cannot be effectively measured or accounted for.

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The Benefits Of A High Calorie Diet

When we go on a high calorie diet two things two tend to occur:

1.) It shocks the system and force sit to produce IGF-1, testosterone and insulin.

2.) The effect of the high calorie stage include increased size and strength, a better
and longer lasting pump and you get that fullness that makes you feel big and

3.) Here is what high calorie diets do- overfeeding overloads the muscle cells with
glycogen, protein and fats; this causes the muscle cell to stretch. this stretch can
be helped with training by using the above mentioned and discussed CNS and
holistic training methods espoused above- This will however only happen if the
cells fully loaded with macronutrients , your blood filled with natural anabolic
hormones such as

4.) Some of the mass gains will be cell volumization caused by the storage of
macronutrients –you will store protein as muscle tissue, carbohydrates as
glycogen, fat as triglcerol in adipose tissue, all of these macronutrients will
synergistically cause an increase in muscle size.

Remember :For a gain weight diet and supplement to be effective, a great demand
for it has to be first created through high intensity workouts that break down the
muscles for rebuilding purposes. This essentially means how much fat and how
much muscle you gain will depend on how hard you train or stick to the training
plan. Taking a weight gain shake three times a day in between meals and just
before bed is enough to send your mass gains spiraling to the sky! It is that easy
and simple! The question is how consistent are you? Consistency is key once all
the elements have been put together.

So the question now becomes how do I eat without getting fat?

Use a shake, now listen I am going to assume that you consume 3 meals a day and that
with these three meals your bodyweight fluctuates between 1-3 lbs, in other words your
bodyweight is stable. Now the best and the easiest way to gain bodyweight is to take in
1000-3000 additional calories a day. 3000 calories is a lot of food especially if the
sources are clean. It is infinitely easier to drink 3000 calories than it is to eat it. That is
why I designed the shakes below!

Here Is A Fact That Most Bodybuilders Ignore

…and in fact it is the reason why your gains come to a standstill… SEE you have to
adjust the potency of your calorie intake to match your increase in size. If you start with 3
servings of massive growth –which will give you 3000 calories and you are taking in 3

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meals of 3000 calories that brings you to a level of 6000 calories, this might be sufficient
to allow you to gain 5-10lbs of muscle, but once you gain those 5-10lbs of muscle your
BMR no longer remains the same, so you will have to consume even more servings to get
larger and larger. In fact, for more you will reach a stage when you may be consuming up
to 10,000 calories and at that stage you will be really huge and leans as well!
So just keep hat in mind, increase calories, as you get bigger! If you fail to do this you
will hit a plateau!

The best way to increase calories whiles keeping protein, carbohydrates percentages
intact is to increase your servings of the shake plan giving

How To Determine When To Increase Calories To Gain Even More Weight...

Increasing calories should be gradual; in essence you are training your Metabolism to
adapt to the increased food intake. Understand that the more food you eat the faster your
metabolism will become, But like any part of the body, YOUR metabolism has to be
trained and it has to adapt to the excess amount of food on a timely and gradual basis,
otherwise you will gain fat at an accelerated pace. (The exception to this rule is if you use
the Maximum Nutrient dieting combination with the Zig Zag diet discussed later) Having
said that, it should be logical to understand this.

The bigger you get, the more calories you will need For basic and vital bodily
function. In other words, the bigger you become The higher your BMR, and hence you
will have to adjust calories as you gain weight to compensate for this increase in BMR.

Use This Bench Mark

The general rule is to consume enough calories so that you are gaining 1-3 lbs of
muscle a week; you do this by increasing calories by 500-700 a day (depending on
your body type).

Understand that for every 5lb gain you make up and above your calculated bodyweight,
you must increase calories above BMR, for instance if you weight 200lbs At 10% body
fat level, your BMR is 4000 plus an additional 700 to support growth. If you gain 5lbs,
you now have a BMR of 4100, and thus you new weight gains need is now 4700 calories
which means you will have to adjust your calories to meet this new demand.

To gain mass you need to consume more calories than you burn, it is that simple. More
specifically You need to consume 500-800 calories above BMR/LBMR to make
consistent and noticeable changes in muscle mass. You will notice that I said 300-500
calories. I do this for a few reasons, for one, those with a 15-20% body fat level will gain
extra fat with a 800 calorie increase, so for people like that I recommend a gradual calorie
increase to make sure that all gains are muscle mass and not fat. For those with a 7-14%
body fat level, I recommend a 700 calorie increase above BMR, because they can afford
the extra fat that my arise. Thus if you are an endomorph and you have reached a

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mesomorph level, increase calories by 200-300 above BMR since this will ensure that
you do not pile on too much body fat.

Why Do You Say Increase Calories By 500-800 Calories On A Weekly And Daily

what I mean, is that you determine your BMR and you increase calories by 300 –500 a
day until you are gaining at a rate of 1-3 lbs of muscle a week. I use the term weekly and
daily together because some people may not be able to handle 500 calorie increment s on
a daily basis and so to accommodate them I recommend daily and weekly.
Also as you gain weight your calorie requirements are likely to increase, so it is a
dynamic process with calories ever increasing until you reach your ideal bodyweight

I urge anyone who weighs 100-140lbs to start with a minimum of 3500 calories, which is
120 times 20 =2400+1000 calories to allow for maximum growth. This calorie level will
benefit anyone in the 100-140lbs areas. This is the minimum level you should begin with
and then you should start increasing calories from there until you are gaining 1-3 lbs of
muscle a week. Now granted, at that bodyweight you may have very little body fat, so we
can safely use this BMR calculation, which is bodyweight in pounds multiplied by 20.
From client feedback I have discovered that individuals who are ectomorph will always
gain well at 3400-calorie level, especially if they weight between 120-150lbs

Why Frequent Meals(6 Meals A Day)?

It is essential to prevent the excess deposit of body fat. One of the side effects of gaining
mass is that you will inevitably gain some body fat. This is a given and don’t despair
because it helps the mass building process. That is why in this program I have provided
you with three body types...meso, endo and ectomorph. If you find yourself gaining too
much fat you can determine what you should do by looking at the 3 body types And the
diet plans and training suggestions that go with each of them.

However that is why frequent meals are necessary, consuming 1000 plus calories A meal
-as is common with the 3 meals a day plan increases the chances of storing body fat. That
is why it is essential to consume 6-7 meals a day, as 3000 calories Divided by 6 meals is
only 500 calories a meal -which minimizes the deposit of body fat Whiles allowing for
maximum nutrient saturation in the blood. Small frequent meals allows for maximum
mass building because it controls insulin levels. Whiles a large surge of insulin is
undesirable, a slow steady increase is good and allows The amino acids and nutrients in
the blood stream to be absorbed at a faster rate. Frequent small meals allow that to
happen. Unlike muscle glycogen, amino acids cannot be stored and are available only for
a couple of hours after a given meal. By consuming a meal every 2-3 hours you allow a
steady insulin and amino acid level in the blood stream. Small meals also prevent the
breakdown of muscle protein-that is used in famine situations, in periods where muscle

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glycogen is low, the body uses Muscle protein as an alternative energy source, destroying
precious muscle you worked so hard to build. Frequent meals prevents this "famine
mode" From happening.

Meal Frequency...

If you consume 3 meals a day you are depriving the body of all the necessary nutrients it
could be getting. Don’t get me wrong, you can consume three meals a day and still pack
on mass, but it is not the best way to do it.

The More Food You Eat The Leaner You Get...

Picture a furnace in a steam ship, the more coal that is shoved into the furnace The faster
the machine will run. Your body and its metabolism are the same way, you can train your
Body to burn 5000-10,000 calories a day, the body adapts to this amount of calories by
burning more calories, increasing your metabolism in the process. Remember that
digestion requires energy, So that more you eat the faster your metabolism becomes –
your goal is to consume 8000-10,000 in a short period of time!

When Should I Have My Last Meal?

If you are a mesomorph or an ectomorph you can have your last meal an hour before
bedtime. I personally have consumed calories at 3 am in the morning without gaining fat.
An ectomorph or mesomorph should not have many problems eating late into the night.
If for any reason you train late at night you should have a huge protein meal before you
go to bed and then continue with your plan as normal the next day. Nothing ever
changes-you have to be consistent with meal plans and training, if you ever get off track
just continue as normal the next meal or day.

What If Sickness Or An Emergency Causes Me To Disrupt My Diet And Training

Stick to the diet (for non workout days) as diligently as possible; consume enough
calories equal to your BMR no more. When you are able to continue where you left off
by increasing calories if an ectomorph and mesomorph or decreasing calories if an

The Insulin Dilemma

When we consume simple carbohydrates such as sugar and fruits, your insulin level
skyrockets and when this happens, the fat in the blood gets shoved into muscle/fat cells,
increasing the rate of deposit of body fat. To avoid this, we combine foods and we
especially avoid the consumption of fruits juices unless it is consumed first thing in the
morning after an 8-hour fast and an empty stomach. The other exceptions are with

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Another window of opportunity for ingesting simple sugars like fruits is 30 -45 minutes
before and after a workout (SEE MEAL PLANS ABOVE ), this is true because the
body’s primary function during and after a workout is to replenish wasted glycogen
stores and not fat storage. So the deposit of body fat is minimized at worst. EATING
FRUITS WITH your meal also helps, but it tends to hamper the digestive process and
should be avoided.

Insulin primarily pushes glycogen (a simple sugar found in sweets, fruit juices and
refined sugars) into muscle cells and fat usually comes along for the ride. Once the body
deposits these sugars and fat into cells, the insulin levels drops down to normal levels.
The release of insulin can cause the roller coaster effect, this happens when you consume
a fruit or simple sugar and you get a surge of energy followed by a drop in energy-you
feel flat and lethargic.

Here Is How We Can Get Over The Insulin Dilemma

1.)Consume all fruit and fruit juices in the morning on an empty stomach Or after a 4-
hour fast ands when you do consume it, wait another 45 minutes before consuming
another meal.
2.)At all other times combine your complex carbohydrates with your simple
carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are more complex molecules than simple sugars,
and thus take a longer time to break down. 3.)Combining the two allows a slow and
gradual release of energy without the "roller coaster effect"

4.)Consume fruits before and after a workout(see meal plans on workout days), the
window of opportunity is 30minutes Before and after a workout. Don’t combine meals
with this "Fruit meal" This should never be done on a non-workout day, once consumed
wait an hour before you consume another scheduled meal

Weight Gain Shakes

In your quest to gaining solid mass and weight, you might decide to drink your calories
rather than eat them. Blending food into a shake is much easily consumed and digested
than actually eating the meal.
Below you will find a list of the most famous high calorie foods that are normally used to
make shakes with. But there is nothing stopping you from adding your won ingredients-
just make sure you stay away from Candy and non-nutritious foods.

The shakes below are all home made; you don’t have to spend a dime on supplements.
But for those who do want to purchase supplements I have also given you some Recipes
based on 50-gram protein shakes. You can pretty much anything into a blender... Also
most any kind of food can be blended and drunk. Below you will find all the ingredients
normally used in a shake. I have seen a few clients of mine who actually blend chicken
breasts. I don’t do this because of the taste. But it shows you what is possible. Generally
it is far easier to drink calories than it is to eat the same number of calories.

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This is a knock em-sock em weight gain diet. There are several amounts of ingredients
for making your own shakes below. Each of the simple ingredients are cheap ingredients
that you can get from any super market-each one giving you quality protein,
carbohydrates, fats and calories. You can make a shake, which can be used as a meal
replacement if you don’t have the time or patience to cook. Just try to stick to the
allocated ratio of macronutrients. A few of these shakes spread throughout the day will
give you all the protein, carbohydrates and fats you need for accelerated muscle growth.

Also note that we combine macronutrients with these shakes. Why?

Because eating carbohydrates by themselves causes a quick rise in insulin and blood
sugar levels; these are not good for your health because they promote fat storage and
other diseases. By combining macronutrients, you keep a steady source of energy and
nutrient flow whiles at the same time controlling your blood sugar levels and insulin

So how do we create shakes in line with our required ratios?

Lets say meal 4 has a 60% protein and 40% carbohydrates ratio.
Here is how we can get a great shake; lets assume that for this shake we have a 500
leeway in calories. Here is how I would do it to satisfy a 60 protein and 40 carbohydrates.

Breaking it down we have 350 calories from protein (500 .6 =300/4=75) or 75 grams of
protein we also need 200 calories of carbohydrates (500*.4=200/4=50 grams) or 50
grams of carbohydrates

Here Is The Breakdown

I cup non-fat milk, 8 grams protein, 0.2 fat, 12 grams carbohydrates, and 83 calories
2 cup Egg substitute, liquid, 64 grams. 16 fat, 3.2 carbohydrates, 410 cal
I banana 121 calories, 2.4 protein, 31 grams of carburets
Total protein 74.4, 46.2 carbohydrates and 16.4 grams fat. Which gives 604 calories in
total. Percentage wise that translates to 54% protein, 11% fat, 35% carbs. How did I do


SO 74.4 + 46.2+16.4 =137.01
Now take total fat grams which is 16.4 grams and multiply by a 100 =1640
Then divide 1640/137.01(total grams)= 11%



SO 74.4 + 46.2+16.4 =137.01
Now take the total grams for carbohydrates which is 46.2 and multiply it by a 100 =4620

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Then divide 4620/137.01(total grams)= 35%

And you thought math was useless

I want you to note that you will hardly ever get anything perfect. The calories and
macronutrient ratios are likely to be off, but the point is we use it as a guideline to
achieve the right calories needed for muscle mass gains.

Here is another recipe using

100 grams of light ice cream, which gives us 167 calories, 4 grams of protein, 2.0 grams
off at and 31 grams of carbohydrates.
1 cups of skim milk 83 calories, 8 protein, and 12 grams carbohydrates
1 cups skim milk powder, 43 grams of protein, 434 calories, and 63 carbohydrates.
4 egg whites, 14 proteins, 0.8 carbohydrates, 0.2 fat, and 68 calories.
Total calories: 752, carbohydrates 106.8, protein 69, that is 60% carbohydrates and 25%
protein 15% fat.

Non-workout shakes...
There are peanut shakes below

2 cups skim milk, calories 166, protein 16.4 grams, carbohydrates 24, and fat 0.2 grams.
2 table spoons of Peanut butter, smooth style, without salt, 189 calories, 8 protein, 16
fats, and 6.1 carbohydrates.

1 large banana, 121 calories, protein 1.4, carbohydrates 31 grams, fat 0.4 grams.

I00 grams light ice cream, 167 calories, 31 grams carbohydrates, 4.3 grams protein, and
2.8 fat grams.
Total 643 calories, 30.1 protein, 61 carbohydrates, and 19 fat, this is 50% protein, 20 %
fat and 30% carbohydrates.

HERE ARE SOME most FAMOUS INGREDIENTS that can be used in a shake. To
find their calorie value look at appendix A or if unavailable in appendix A, use the
CD-ROM that came with the manual or got: peanut butter, chocolate milk, ice cream
fruits like raisins, coconut milk, banana, strawberry, peanuts
, Cashew nuts.
Protein fat carbohydrates
Apple 58 0,2 0,6 14,5
Apricot 51 1,0 0,2 12,8
Banana 85 1,2 0,9 12,9
Blueberries 59 0,7 0,8 12,0
Blackberries 58 1,2 0,9 12,9
Cherries(sweet) 70 1,3 0,3 14,3
Grapefruit 41 0,5 0,3 16,4
Grapes 67 0,6 0,3 17,3

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Lemon 27 1,1 0,3 8,2
Lime 28 0,7 1,1 13,1
Mango 66 0,7 0,4 16,8
Nectarine 64 0,6 0,0 17,1
Nuts(cashew) 561 17,2 45,7 29,3
Nuts(chestnuts) 194 2,9 1,5 42
Nuts(hazel) 634 12,6 62,4 16,7
Nuts(Peanuts) 620 28,4 44,7 21,4
Nuts (walnuts) 651 14,8 64,0 15,8
Papaya 39 0,6 0,1 10,0
Peach 38 0,6 0,1 9,7
Pear 61 0,7 0,4 20,1
Pineapple 52 0,4 0,2 13.7
Plums 75 0,8 0,2 19,7
Raisins 289 2,5 0,2 77,4
Peanut butter 593 25 51 19
Light ice cream 167 4.2 2.5 31.2
Egg 150 12,7 9,4 2,7
Egg yolk 348 16,0 30,6 0,6
Egg white 51 10,9 0,0 0,8
Dry nonfat Milk 362 36 .07 51.9
Double cream 392 2,2 40,0 2,3
Ice-cream (12%) 225 4,3 12,7 21,6
Milk 60 3,4 3,0 4,2
Milk (skimmed) 35 3,4 0,1 4,7
Dry nonfat Milk 362 36 .07 51.9

Fats You Can Use In Your Shakes

Provision (100g) Energy (Kcal) Protein Fat Carbohydrate

CANOLA OIL 884 0 100 0

HAZELNUT 884 0,0 100,0 0,0
PEANUT OIL 884 0,0 100,0 0,0
FLAXSEED OIL 884 0, 100,0 0,
CHOCOLATE SYRUP 279 2.2 1.1 65.1

Below you will find an example of a high carbohydrate shake you can make yourself
after a workout. It contains both complex and simple carbohydrates plus protein to allow
for quickly supply of glycogen and amino acids needed for growth.

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Strawberry Smoothie

I cup Strawberries, frozen, unsweetened, 1 gram protein, 20 grams Carbohydrates, o.2

grams fat
8 ounces Yogurt, fruit, low fat, 11 grams protein, 42 carbohydrates, 3 grams fat
1/2 cup. Pineapple juice
I cup Wheat germ, crude
Use a high-speed blender and blend until smooth! Total calories approximately 220,
protein 13, carbohydrates 20

Banana quencher

Here is another carbohydrate shake

1-cup orange juice

1-cup pineapple juice
1-cup dry skim milk
a banana
crushed ice

Blend until smooth and drink up!

Banana weight gainer

Dry milk powder

3 cups skim milk

2 cups egg white substitutes

2 large bananas

1 cup crushed ice

Chocolate shake

3 cups skim milk 270

2 cups ice milk

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2 cups egg white substitute

2 tablespoons peanut butter

2 tablespoons honey

I cup milk powder

Here is a heavy ponder and it truly packs a wallop, it provides well over 100 grams of
protein, x amount of high quality carbohydrates and enough calories to make it a
worthwhile drink. Drinking one or two of these a day combined with 4 good meals, with
adequate training, rest and recuperation is enough to pack on so much weight on your
body-that not even your own mother will recognize your in a 10 week period.

4 cups skim milk 280

2 cups dry milk
2 cups egg whites substitute
1 tablespoon peanut butter
I large banana
1 scoop of ice cream…

Wow! That is a winner!

Note that there are 4 basic ingredients used for all shakes, these are egg whites, dry milk,
skim milk and ice milk .You need these at the least so you might as well go to your
grocery and get a good supply. The rest of the ingredients are more calorie dense items
and can be added according to your preference and macronutrient ratio requirement. You
will note that shakes usually fall within the 60-40 ratio. But you can manipulate the
ingredients using the nutrient database above.

I encourage you to spend the time to figure out a shake that is suited to your required
macronutrient ratio and calorie needs. Once you find the right ratio and the right shake
and you wish to increase calories because you are getting bigger (larger BMR), all you
then have to do is add the same percentage of each ingredient. This will ensure you do
not disrupt the macronutrient ratio.

Shake plans with protein

I recommend N-large and interactive mammoth 2200 weight gainer. (GO TO MY SITE
FOR THE CHEAPEST SOURCE) Interactive is a Canadian company that has a great
product at a ¼-3/4 of the price of regular “brand name” weight gainers

Here is a simple plan

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1 cup soy milk
4 egg whites
4 scoops of interactive or n large
1 tablespoon peanut butte
I large banana
1 cup crushed ice…

This gives you 1498 calories

Blend until smooth


Gaining weight is simple science. It is a no -brainier, and apart from the fact that most
people do not know how to train right, the other big factor that explains their failure is the
apparent inconsistency that these individuals apply to their diet and training.

It is as simple as that. 99.95 of the individual out there simply don’t have the needed
information--they have tainted versions of the truth--and fact remains, if you had this
knowledge in its true and pure form--you would no longer hope for results, for it would
be certain.

As plugging in numbers in an equation--you will always get the desired results.

Consistency is key here-as a business man I don’t have the time to figure out a cooking
plan so all I use is the BIG MASS shakes, I make 4 of these and I drink them in addition
to my 3 meals which I figure out using the same principles I just taught you. to ensure
success I make 4 shakes in the morning and keep them in a thermos flask. I keep this in
my car- I drink 4 of these shakes a day-when I used this simple plan, I was consuming in
excess of 6000 calories and I grew like crazy. The moral of the story is to you need to be
consistent with your nutrition and training
Tips to ensure consistency
Pre-pack meals and shakes the night before to ensure that you stick to the plan
and avoid any unexpected circumstances-like being late for work etc
Go shopping and buy the food you need to prepare your meals-spending money
makes you stick to the plan, as most individuals will not waste money!
Carry a food journal and make a note of everything you consume –so that you can
figure the food composition later at home.

The Busy Mans/Woman’s Way To Massive Without The Inconvenience Associated With
Cooking Extra Meals.

Below I am going to show you simple way to get all the protein, carbohydrates and fats
you need for maximum growth. This plan involves no actual cooking save the normal
three meals a day you have. It involves you going to the supermarket or your nearest
convenience store grabbing a few easy-to-eat –items and presto you will have all the

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nutrition you need to pile on the mass. Listen, this is an easy plan, but it does require
consistency, you cannot hope to follow a plan half assed and expect decent results. On
the other hand if you follow the plan day after day week after week, I can guarantee you
that in 3 weeks you will have gained 10-15 lbs of solid mass.
Please listen to me and in fact write this down…
consistent with your workouts or your eating habits, nothing will work for you.

First let’s begin by determining your calorie needs. Flip to the page 98 of this book “How
To determine your BMR” and determine your BMR This is an essential part of the
growth equation as we need to create a positive nitrogen and calorie balance in your body
to ensure quick muscle growth.

Here is the gist of it all; when it comes to nutrition it is a no brainier. It does not really
matter how many carbohydrates, protein or fats you eat, the single most important factor
is total number of calories. To build muscle you need to consume more calories than you
burn. Indeed you need to consume 300-800 calories a day up and above what you
normally burn during a day(Your BMR) and you must continue increasing calories until
you are gaining muscle at a rate of 1-3 pounds a week.. How do you do that? The
previous section showed you an articulate method of doing so but below I am gong to
show you an even simpler way

To Gain Lean Muscle Mass And Gain Weight, Whiles At The Same Time Losing Body
Fat---You Have To Consume More Calories That Is Why I Ask You To Start At The
3500 Calorie Level If You Are 110-150lbs.

I assume that you goal is to gain muscle mass, and I also assume that most of you would
like That weight gain to be muscle...I know there are a lot of you who really don’t care
either or! They are simply tired of getting looked upon as a pole. Well this program is
geared towards putting on lean muscle mass and to that we need to consume Massive
amounts of calories...I have said it many times...YOU NEED TO EAT BIG AND TRAIN
BIG TO GET BIG...I know there are many who say, "if you eat big you will get big --but
it will be fat". Indeed I believe that to be True only if you are using the wrong routine. If
you use a conventional Program and "eat big" you will get big, but you will be big and
fat. If you use the right training program (as we provide) you will not put on much fat and
since most of you are skinny, Putting on a touch of fat should not be too much of a

And how do we get those calories? Eat what you normally eat a then throw in some high
calorie protein shakes and you are set. It is that simple! When it comes to nutrition, I am
going to keep it simple. Listen, many books come with sample diets and theories but how
often do we follow them?

We follow them for a week or two and then our progress comes to a grinding halt.
IN SHORT, they are no practical, what you need is a simple way to change your lifestyle,
to change your body.

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But first lets discuss a key food that is not even know to the majority of bodybuilders…it

Soy Milk...
God's Or Natures Gift To The Skinny Man...

In bodybuilding there is nothing new under the sky. But at the same token there is plenty
hidden from the naked eye. Techniques lost from the World of bodybuilding.

Lets cut through the hype. Today is the age of quickness and high tech development.
Many think that bodybuilding has to follow this trend. And there us the belief that if
something is not new or high tech with massive hype then it is unworthy. Remember that
what Is claimed as new is often some glamorized version of the "same old " technology.
For when it comes To eating quality meals there is truly nothing new under the sky...

Soy milk can be found in any food store...it cost $2.89 for a liter and Each serving packs
a healthy 157 calories...6 serving of this a day Is enough to give you all the weight gain
power you need...Soymilk has only 4.3 grams of fat a serving, 6.89 grams of protein, 23
grams of carbohydrates and most don’t contain any glucose or fructose. It is natural.
Furthermore it packs on all the vitamins and minerals you need. Vitamin B12, D, A, Zinc
and Calcium just to name a handful.

You should drink 2 quarts of this stuff a day or more depending on your BMR and calorie
needs! Don’t worry about body fat, if you train the way I recommend, you will not gain
body fat.
In addition to drinking soymilk, you want to eat your 3 basic meals. Now as basic meals I
healthy means, if you are eating McDonalds three times a day, well you are not in that
It must be healthy stuff try to stick with clean basic foods like, meats, grain, vegetables,
Remember this is a lifestyle -So try to clean up your diet.

you may ask? Why soy? Well soy is a vegetable source of protein, it is Fairly low in
sugars and it sits well in the stomach-which is a must. When You drink milk(what most
people drink), you may find that you get gas, feel bloated and gain body fat.
Well milk is like diesel in a sports car, it just does not get the job done...
All the same, if that is all you have and you don’t get these symptoms, by all means use It
and substitute it one for one with the soy. In the meal plans below E.g. where I say one
cup of soy milk, substitute it with One-cup milk. You can also use the flavored soymilks.
I used to hate the stuff, Now I cant live without it and it is responsible for the last 10lbs I
gained last month.

You may ask “doesn’t this soy plan disrupt my protein, carbohydrate and fat ratio-
as described in the previous section?”

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And the answer to that is “yes it does affect the balance.” But what we are trying to
achieve here is to supply the body with all the needed nutrients and calories needed for
growth. We can stick close to the 60-30-10 Marco nutrient ratios if we stick with the
prescribed ratios with the 3 allocated meals.

Sample Diet Plans

Meal 1.by consuming your regular 3 meals and adding another 3 shakes
You have all the calories you need. And if you consume 2 meals on a regular basis
We can bring it up to 5 meals with this formula.
This is enough to flood your system with enough protein and carbohydrates
Your body needs to grow

Meal 1 6 ounces oatmeal. (Flavored), 2 bananas, I glass of soy milk

Meal 2 soy shake or just soy milk

Meal 3 2 chicken breast with 2 buns, salad and milk

Meal 4 soy shake or just soy milk

Meal 5 spaghetti and meatballs

Meal 6 soy shake or just soy milk

That is it. See how simple it is? If you cannot follow this. There is No hope for you. And
if you don’t gain weight on this Program there is also no hope for you. This section
contains step-by-step plans for you to follow. Which is designed to provide all the
calories As well as the nutrition you need. It is very simple to use and it is broken down
into food categories.

If your any reason you stray off the regular menu, say by missing a meal, I suggest that
Extend the "eating day" by fitting in that meal. For instance you may miss breakfast, well
in that
Case you should have two meals before lunch, even if it means extending or delaying
lunch and all other snacks and meals that follow. I can’t stress this enough: It is important
to remain consistent. If you just follow this plan half-heartedly, you will get half-
heartedly as well. Picture this Plan as a sure way to get the body you want. And you will!

Are There Any Alternatives To The Soymilk Or Shakes?

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You can make soy shakes using the “weight gain shake section” above. If for any reason
you don’t like plain soy milk try the flavored ones, if you still can’t stand soy milk use
regular 2% milk-most people cannot digest the milk , so expect some tummy upsets ,
whereas with soy you will never find any digestive disturbances. Remember it does not
matter how well the nutrient source or how good the supplements you use, if you are not
digesting it – it is an epic waste. If you would like to use rice milk or any other suitable
substitute go ahead, just note the calories and nutrient compositions on the label and enter
it in your food journal.

How About If I Don’t Have A Blender?

Use regular soymilk or 2% milk and drink it every 2 hours, you will have to work the
number of servings based on the number of calories needed to accelerate growth. This
could mean that you will have to drink soymilk or regular milk every 2 hours Including
ingesting some with regular meals. And your serving size will eventually increase-so that
you could be drinking 1 liter a meal. You can also increase calories by consuming more
calories in the 3 meals Note that serving size will vary between producers of soymilk, the
food label remains the most accurate measure of the number of calories, crabs and protein
present in the milk. So take your time and look it up and make a note of it in your journal

Here is a summary of it all....

Basically you have your 3 meals a day, and you add in shakes...to adjust calories. As you
grow stronger and bigger you add more food and /or shakes at lunch, dinner or breakfast
Or alternatively you may add another shake at the end of the night. Below are actual
examples you can use for each food category Choose one and manipulate it as you see fit
to suit your needs

Rest And Sleep /Recovery

You need to make sure that your muscle recovers the greatest amount of recovery aid to
increase the chance of muscle growth, because without recovery there is no growth. I will
explain a few ways to accomplish that now
1. Get plenty of sleep. You should get 7-8 hours a day, anything more than that will make
you sluggish.

2. Take powernaps to jump start the recovery process, power naps range from 15-30
minute naps you can take in lunch and coffee breaks, it has been proven to increase the
production of GH. Here is how to do it: lie in a cool place, visualize and doze off for 15-
30 minutes

3. Massage the affected area 10 minutes before you actually train them, use an anlgestic
balm. Do not make it a harsh massage, it should be gentle and hard enough to increase

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blood flow to the area. Aim for the areas between the forearm and the biceps on top of
the elbow

5. Ice the area, get a small towel, ice it and apply it as a massage to the area to be trained.
This sends the body part into a state of shock, forcing blood to the area to prevent any
damage. Never place the ice on the area to the point where you are uncomfortable.

6. Take a swim after the workout, make it no longer than 5 minutes of active swimming.
The rest of the time spent in the pool should be relaxation, such as underwater breathing
(holding your breath underwater) and body floatation. Swimming increases body
temperature gets lactic acid zapped away from all muscles and allows super fast muscle

7. Hit the sauna. After a workout for 10-15 minutes make sure you keep yourself
hydrated. Drink 2 glasses of water before and after the session. You can massage the area
while in the sauna, but no other physical activity should be performed in the sauna.

8. Take the most powerful legal drug for super recovery...aspirin and vitamin C. Five
hundred milligrams of vitamin C and 2 aspirin tablets 30 minutes before a workout will
increase muscle recovery and thus growth. Don’t overuse aspirin, as the body builds
immunity towards it if used on a daily basis. Use it for those tough workout days.

9. Take an aspirin. Aspirin reduces the release and concentration of thromboxane of the
body, which increases blood thickness, inhibits blood circulation and slows down
localized muscle recovery. Take an aspirin 20 minute before your workout. This helps
flush waste from your muscles, reduces local tissue swelling and inflammation

10. Elevate your leg to improve blood circulation to the upper body. Standing on your
feet on a daily basis causes unnecessary swelling of the legs. By raising your legs after a
workout, you send blood from your lower body to your upper body enhancing muscle
recovery of the upper body. You should do this for 10-20 minute shots, lie on your back,
listen to classical music, visualize your dreams and goals, place your calves on a sofa as
you lie on the floor, or lie on the bed and place your feet on the wall…

Another way to increase recovery is to take 500-1000mg of vitamin c with your aspirin
before workout


Use the absolute best and free “super anabolic supplement" known to man - WATER.
Let’s face it; you can't drink too much water. The worst-case scenario is that you will
have frequent trips to the washroom. But that is a bonus when you understand that it is
merely eliminating waste products from your system, removing toxins that could stop the
growth process and harm the liver and kidney. These frequent trips to the washroom will

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stop after a week, as the body adjusts to the level of water; I recommend you stick to
consuming at least 128 ounces (one gallon) of water a day. And if you workout in hot
weather you should double or triple this amount.

This is important because 70% of your body mass is made out of water and thirst itself is
not a good gauge of the amount of water you need. Lack of water leads to a drastic drop
in performance and size gains. Eat lots of watermelon throughout the day. It is the best
fruit to consume when you really want to hydrate and cleanse yourself. That cleans out
your system and completely hydrates you.

Another tip:

Use a protein carbohydrate mix drink before your workout and during it. Gatorade mixed
with a few vitamin C tablets and 3-4 amino acid tablets is all you need to spare muscle
growth and allow full muscular development.

Understand that for your body to really function optimally, the cells of the body need to
be hydrated. Even if your goal is to lose weight or body fat you should never cut off
water consumption. And here is why:

The less water you consume, the more water your body will hold, it is the “survival
mechanism of the body: because it senses a drought, it saves all the water it currently has
allowing fluid retention.

A lack of water causes constipation. With a lack of water the body extracts its water from
the lower bowls and intestines, hardening your stool. finally a lack of water reduces
muscle recovery and fat loss, since waste can not be effectively removed.

To ensure you carry enough water and consume it, use a thermos flask where you can sip
on it through the day, you will develop the habit of drinking water all day.
Keep the water ice cold, this allows you to thoroughly enjoy it and will ensure you are

Why 6 Meals

The body sees starvation rather quickly –it will not hesitate in a moments notice to switch
into starvation mode or famine mode and this is because years of “starvation ” present in
our past has mad the body “evolution” into a survival mechanism. If you eat a few large
meals it adapts to the “famine” that it foresees –so you store body fat. In an effort to lose
weight, don’t decrease calories-increase it, but gradually reduce your intake of starchy
carbohydrates. Te body cannot breakdown all the nutrients and calories in a large meal
and it either excretes them to stores them as body fat.
Frequent meals allow for easier digestion and assimilation of calories and nutrients and
complete utilization.

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Consume a small meal every 3 hours as food generally takes 3 hours to digest per meal.
Do not snack between this 3-hour periods, it disrupts the digestion process that may be
taking place.

And if you are a beginner or a youngster between the ages of 14-16 and you have the
bodybuilding bug bite you –I have specified exactly how to configure the workouts to
suit your needs. Your get detailed illustrations as well as detailed descriptions of how to
perform an exercise. Nothing is left to chance

Is Using Heavy Weights Okay For The Beginner?

Heavy weights are relative –I may use 100lbs for bench press and to me that is heavy –t
you it may be as light as a feather. The effort that the beginner puts towards any weight
or any exercise is far less than an advanced bodybuilder-this is true even if they happen to
use the same weights-this is because the advanced bodybuilder has more developed
neuromuscular pathways and thus a more efficient muscle.
The beginner will have less developed neurological muscle pathways in his muscle and
less intensity is generated even in situation where the weights are the same.
Heavy training for the beginner and for all trainees alike is advanced because it builds
muscle density and thickness, which gives the body that hard dense look that is the
hallmark of a great bodybuilder.

There is more reasons why the beginner can safely use heavy weights, for one the
beginner does not have the quality muscle contractions his motor pathways have not been
developed to allow for maximum and efficient muscle contraction-this means that the
amount of force generated is far less for a beginner than it is for the advanced
bodybuilder. The point is that the beginner is unable to apply quality overload on the
central nervous system and the body as a whole-but with time this will improve and so
will the gains.

The beginner should thus train heavy always-he or she need not start light except for a
warm-up set or two-use lightweights also to learn form-but that is it.
The inability to generate the same intensity as an advanced athlete will act as a safety
mechanism if there is a need for one, which will prevent any injury from occurring.
Heavy training will improve strength, tendon strength and power.
So if you are 14- 16 years of age use heavy weights and follow the course as outlined just
don’t expect an over abundant level of muscle growth –since you have not yet developed
the necessary foundation and your testosterone levels are not at the level needed for
muscle growth. When you do reach maturity you will grow twice as fast as you would
have –had you not started the program


Be prepared for massive results when you use this program, because the gains you will
make will put you in the lime light, girls are going to be attracted to you, men are going

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 115

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited
to respect and fear you and you will make a lo of “friends”…you will stand unique and as
a man of muscles- your body will be above the masses and will be something people
want to touch and know more about!
After a short while using this massive forearms program, people will be unable to get
their eyes off your big massive forearms muscles. Huge forearms are truly scary , they
tell on-lookers to back off. To have respect and when you shake a man's hand, he feels
the strength transfer to his body. And when you hold a ladies hands she feels the raw
strength , that primal energy that women so desire.. With built forearms you can wear
short sleeved shirts, Lets face it : huge chunks of meat on arms with snake veins that run
from elbow to fingers leave onlooker breathless

I am certain that there is no way you will not gain the mass you want with this
program…only if you follow it, if you really want that massive body, all ask is you give
it a try…stick with it rain or shine and give it at least weeks of consistent use and I
promise you will grow so fast, you will easily gain 1, 2 even 4 inches on your forearms
and add another 10,20 or even 30 pounds of muscle all over your body-all in a couple of
months…right now commit yourself, go to the supermarket and buy 12 liters of milk, get
that gym membership, purchase some thermos flasks to carry your shakes in, skip that
social event to make a workout or buy that home gym. Just be consistent for the next 6
weeks. DO IT NOW! Right now, put the manual down and go do it!

8 weeks is not a very long time, 8 weeks and you will be the biggest and strongest
amongst friends and acquaintances alike! Don’t forget you’re before and after photos-you
may win $2000 in 8 weeks


I would love to hear back from you! Please send me your before and after photos with a
testimonial, or a simple testimonial on the effectiveness of the program would be nice
Your photo and testimonial will serve as an inspiration to others who desperately want to
gain weight. In return for your testimonial I will send you a free report special calf
building report”- a $40 value! Please send it to mindnmuscle@rogers.com

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 116

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited

The Massive Growth corporation is committed to your success. We would like you
to paste a before photo of yourself below. Make sure that you face the camera.

Before Picture Goes Here After Picture Goes Here

Once you have completed the program, please submit your before and after photo and
your testimonial (optional) to:

Rob Maraby
58 Corning Rd
North York
M2J 2M1

You’re before photo should be taken just before you start the program and your after
photo should be taken as soon as you are done with the program

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 117

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited
Here are some tips to get the best photos
• Make sure you wearing the same clothing for your before and after photos
• For males, boxers or form fitting shorts are fine
• For women, a two piece bikini is preferred. Please note that the more you cover
your self up, the less we can see your progress
• Do not cut out your legs from the photo or wear long shorts to hide them
• Take photos outside either in the morning or early evening , as this provides for
the best lighting effects
• Indicate your measurements and bodyweight for both before and after photos.
• Take your photo using a blank background, this increases clarity
• Please submit your photos as 3 by 5 or 4 by 6 formats
• Stand with your arms by your sides for your before photo, you may pose for your
after photo if you wish but keep the same basic position as the before photo
• Photos submitted become the property of massive growth corporation and will not
be returned. By submitting your photos you give us the exclusive right to use
them to promote the effectiveness of the program even if you are not selected as a
winner for the prize.
• Please feel free to give us your testimonial-describing how the program made you
feel what it did for your body and your life and why you liked the program!
Make it short and concise and don’t be afraid to use emotion

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 118

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited

Massive growth Technologies ™ http://www.massiveforearms.com/ ©2001-2005 Rob Maraby 119

The Fastest Way To Build Forearms of steel! All rights reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited

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