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Assignment 1

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Emmanuel Abelarde III (FY) Legates September 4, 2020

Prof. Rev. Fr. Rey Villanoy Sapiential Books

Questions for Introduction to Wisdom Literature

1. Trace the origin of Wisdom Literature of the Bible as the result of a kind of
movement among ancient Oriental People. How did this develop towards the
official Catholic list of Canonical books, also known as Sapiential Books?
 The wisdom literature of the Bible is the fruit of a movement among ancient
oriental people to gather, preserve and express, usually in aphoristic style,
the results of human experience as an aid toward understanding and
solving the problems of life. In Israel especially, the movement concerned
itself with such basic and vital problems as man’s origin and destiny, his
quest for happiness, the problem of suffering, of good and evil, in human
conduct, of death, and the state beyond the grave. From oral tradition, these
formulations found their way into the historical books of the Old Testament
in the shape of proverbs, odes, chants, epigrams, and also into those psalms
intended for instruction.
 The wisdom books have certain characteristics which set them apart from the
other books of the Bible. First, these books are almost entirely written in
Hebrew. Second, they are not historically oriented (except for the Book of
Psalms, there are few historical citations). Third, these books deal with issues
which are of universal concern to mankind (from the dawn of history
human minds have grappled with such issues as suffering, love, and the
brevity and meaning of human life). Fourth, is the direct divine speeches. As
a rule the writers are speaking for man to God rather than the reverse which
is the essential characteristic of the prophetic books. Lastly, in treating these
difficult topics these books exhibit boldness and honesty. As to why these
books were collected and preserved as part of the Israelite sacred literature,
little knowledge exists. One can only speculate.
 Canonization of the books of the Old Testament can be explained in
relationship to the ancient treaty components and concomitants. In that
period a ceremony of ratification followed the acceptance of any treaty or
covenant. The Book of Psalms is in reality an amplification of the covenant
confirmation response described.
 The wisdom books of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon were
preserved and collected because wisdom was regarded as a gift of God and
because these books at least three of the have connections with Solomon.
 The wisdom literature has at least some points of correspondence with the
foundational books. First, they begin with the fear of God. Thus the way of
wisdom is the way of the covenant which Israel received as a gift from
Yahweh at Mt. Sinai. Israel manifested wisdom by keeping the covenant.
Second, the wisdom books translated covenant stipulations into maxims
and instructions which regulate conduct in different areas of life. Third, the
wisdom books are concerned about explaining the covenant sanctions
(penalties) which are set forth. Fourth, the wisdom books are concerned
about the transmission of laws to successive generations. Lastly, both the
Law of Moses and the wisdom books emphasize wholehearted obedience
to the Lord.

2. While there is an agreement among biblical scholars that there are 7 wisdom books,
Lawrence Bondt initially listed only 7. Why is this so?
 According to Bondt there were 5 books which he labelled as the book of
wisdom namely; Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes (or in Hebrew Qoheleth),
Ecclesiasticus (in Hebrew Jesus ben Sira or Sirach) and the Wisdom of
Solomon. Because for boadt these are the only five books that are consistent
focus on the intellectual reflection about life’s problem, the quest for universal
truth, the rules of life and the nature of created reality before God.

3. Expound and comment on the 6 common characteristics of Wisdom books according

To Bondt.
 According to Lawrence Boadt there are 6 common characteristics of
wisdom books. Such are:
 A minimum of interest in the great acts of divine salvation proclaimed
by the Torah and the prophets.
o There is just a narrow interest in the acts or in the undertakings of
the divine salvation that had proclaimed by the prophets and the
Torah or the Law. This shows that the, wisdom books doesn’t really
focus its interest and insight in the revelation of the Divine
 Like interest in Israel as a nation or in its history.
o The wisdom books focus its interest in Israel as a nation and in its
history. In this book the main interest is the chosen nation known
as Israel.
 A questioning attitude the problems of life. Why there is suffering,
inequality and death, and why the wicked just prosper.
o One of the inquiries in the problems of life is why there is suffering,
inequality and death and why the wicked just prosper. This
question rises as the experiences of human on how good people
sometimes suffer in issues of life and why is that the evil or the
wicked ones made some success.
 A search for how to master life and understand how humans should
behave before God.
o It is also gives us insight on how to become an master of life or how
you act and how you cope of and how you use your life in
goodness and in the will of God it also gives us on how we should
act or behave when we are in the presence or we are
communicating with God.
 A great interest in the universal human experiences that all people and
not just believers in Yahweh.
o This has also a great human universal experience or human
experience that people around the world could share not just
believers of Yahweh or just Christians but all people around the
 A joy in the contemplation of creation and God as Creator.
o It also gives on what joy we fell as a creation of God in the presence
of our Creator and how praise him as our heavenly ruler as our
4. Discuss the content of Wisdom Books according To their kinds (NJBC)
 The Book of Job is an artistic dialogue skilfully handling the problem of
suffering though only from the standpoint of temporal life. Book of Job is
concerned about the issue of justice in the world. The Book of Job, like
several other Old Testament books, takes its title from the name of the
principal character around whom the narrative revolves. The name Job
has been traced by some which means “to be an enemy.” Those who
accept this analysis suggest that the biblical name means either opponent
of Yahweh, or one whom Yahweh has treated as an enemy. Others trace
the name to an Arabic root which suggests the meaning “one who
repents.” Job’s steadfastness during suffering as a model for Christians.
Job as a real person who lived in the past and who suffered.
 The Book of Proverbs is a collection of sentences or practical norms for
moral conduct. Practical wisdom is represented by the Book of Proverbs.
It is an anthology of dialectic poetry forming part of the Sapiential
literature of the Old Testament. Its primary purpose is to teach wisdom.
Proverbs itself testifies to multiple authors, although the bulk of the
material was composed by Israel’s wisest king, Solomon.
 Book of Ecclesiastes examines a wide range of human experience only to
conclude that all things are vanity except the fear of the Lord and
observance of his commandments and that God requites man in his own
good time. It’s concerned with the purpose and value of human life. While
admitting the existence of the divine plan. It refers to one who addresses
the assembly of citizens.
 Book of Sirach gathers and presents the fruits of past experience. The
book contains numerous maximus formulated with care, grouped by
affinity and dealing with the variety of subjects such as individual, family
and the community in their relationship with one another and God.
 Book of Wisdom which sees for the just man seeking happiness the full
hope of immortality. The book was written about a hundred years before
the coming of Christ.
 Psalms, the majority of which are devotional lyrics. The Book of Psalms is
the largest book in the Bible. Although a variety of hymns from Egypt and
Mesopotamia have been preserved, no comparable collection of songs
from biblical times has come to light.
 Song of Songs, a nuptial hymn, these books belong to the general class of
wisdom or didactic literature, strictly so called because their chief purpose
is instruction. Song of Songs also has been classified as wisdom literature,
at least by some scholars.

The anxiety in the Book of Job over reconciling God’s justice and wisdom with
the suffering of the innocent is relieved by the account of the Crucified and Risen
Redeemer in the Gospel. By fulfilling all that the Psalms foretold concerning him, Jesus
makes the Psalter his prayer book and that of the Church for all time. The love of God
for the chosen people which underlies the Song of Songs is perfected in the union of
Christ with his Church. The personification of the wisdom of Proverbs, Wisdom and
Sirach shines forth in resplendent reality in the Word who was with God, and who was
God, and who became incarnate to among us

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