Chapter 4 Turbidity, Conductivity, Light Penetration and Phytoplankton Growth
Chapter 4 Turbidity, Conductivity, Light Penetration and Phytoplankton Growth
Chapter 4 Turbidity, Conductivity, Light Penetration and Phytoplankton Growth
4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
Chapter 4 Turbidity, conductivity, light penetration and
phytoplankton growth
4.1 Introduction
Turbidity in the Darling River is generally high with a median value at Bourke of 101 nephelometric
turbidity units (NTU) for the period 1964 to 1991 (Table 2.1; Bek & Robinson 1991). The turbidity is
due to suspended particulate and colloidal matter and is extremely variable, with recorded values
ranging from 15 NTU to over 2000 NTU. Most of the transported material in the Darling River is
fine suspended sediment, generally silts and clays, with some 80-95% being less than 2 µm in size
(Woodyer 1978), resulting in high levels of light scattering (Oliver 1990). The fine particles can
remain in suspension for prolonged periods even at very low flow rates, considerably reducing the
penetration of light into the water column.
This study was designed to test the hypothesis that reduced light penetration due to high turbidity
resulted in light-limitation of phytoplankton growth in the Darling River, and that periods of increased
phytoplankton production were associated with improving light conditions when particles settled out
and turbidity declined. This chapter addresses the underwater light conditions in Bourke Weir Pool,
identifies the conditions leading to reductions in turbidity, and assesses the effect of turbidity on the
growth of phytoplankton.
Phytoplankton capture light energy and transform it into chemical energy through the processes of
photosynthesis, where dissolved carbon dioxide is converted into complex sugars. Of the total
amount of carbon (C) fixed in photosynthesis, some is incorporated into cell structures and can be
directly observed as cell growth, and some is used in the process of respiration where complex sugars
are broken down into carbon dioxide to provide the cell with energy. The nett amount of carbon
accumulating as cell growth is the difference between the carbon taken up in photosynthesis and that
released in respiration. As photosynthesis occurs only in the light, while respiration occurs both in
the light and the dark, the accumulation of carbon will depend on the time the phytoplankton spends
in the light and in the dark. If carbon is accumulated in excess of growth requirements in the light, a
certain amount can be stored and used as an energy supply during periods of darkness when
photosynthesis cannot occur.
The depth in the water column to which light penetrates is determined by the extent to which it is
absorbed and scattered by dissolved compounds and suspended particles contained within the water
(Kirk 1983; Oliver 1990; Kirk & Oliver 1995). In general, light intensity declines exponentially with
depth as described by the Beer-Lambert Equation:
Iz = Io e-kz (4.1)
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
where Iz is the light intensity at a depth z metres below the surface, Io is the immediate sub-surface
light intensity, and k is the rate of attenuation of the downwelling light usually referred to as the
vertical attenuation coefficient. The maximum depth of the light zone suitable for phytoplankton
photosynthesis is designated the euphotic depth (zeu), and is estimated as the depth where light energy
is reduced to 1% of the intensity immediately below the water surface. The depth of the euphotic
zone can be calculated from a re-arrangement of Equation (4.1):
zeu = ln 100/k = 4.6052/k (4.2)
Although measurements of light penetration indicate the clarity of the water, they do not by
themselves indicate the availability of light for phytoplankton growth as this will also depend on the
residence time of the phytoplankton in the well lit surface layers.
In a water column undergoing turbulent mixing, where phytoplankton cells are moved around by the
fluid motion, the irradiance encountered by the cells will be a function of the ratio between the
euphotic depth (zeu) and the depth of mixing (zmix). If zeu equals zmix (ie. zeu/zmix = 1) then the cells are
constantly illuminated and photosynthesis is continuous during the daylight period. If the mixing
depth is greater than the depth of the light zone then the phytoplankton spend a proportion of their
daylight period in the dark where photosynthesis cannot occur but respiration continues. As the
zeu/zmix ratio further decreases, the proportion of time that the cells spend in the light is reduced until
eventually nett growth cannot occur because respiratory carbon use equals or exceeds the carbon
supply from photosynthesis.
Using current techniques it is difficult to regularly and routinely monitor rates of photosynthesis and
respiration in the field, and so direct measurements of the effects of changing zeu/zmix ratios on
phytoplankton carbon accumulation and respiratory loss are not feasible. However, identification of
critical values for zeu/zmix that indicate whether light conditions are suitable for nett phytoplankton
production is a useful means of assessing the role of light in stimulating algal growth. Talling (1971)
calculated critical values for the zeu/zmix ratio based on equations describing daily rates of
photosynthesis and respiration summed (or integrated) over the depth of mixing. Summation over the
mixing depth gives a measure of the carbon fixed per unit surface area of the water column. The
analysis involves a number of approximations and simplifications that reduce the reliability of the
critical values estimated for the zeu/zmix ratio, but it provides a starting point for assessing the
suitability of in situ light conditions for phytoplankton growth. A brief description of the analysis
follows in order to highlight the assumptions and to identify the measurements required if the
precision of these estimates is to be improved in the future.
A number of models have been developed to calculate the daily rate of photosynthesis integrated over
the depth of light penetration (ΣΣP), but that proposed by Talling (1957a) will be used here. The
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
form of the equation is slightly modified from the original to account for modern improvements in the
measurement of underwater light penetration.
Here ΣΣP is the carbon fixed under unit surface area per day (mg C m-2 d-1), and b is the chlorophyll-a
concentration which provides an estimate of the algal concentration (mg chla m-3). PM is the
maximum chlorophyll-a specific rate of photosynthesis that the algae can achieve when light is
saturating photosynthesis (mg C mg chlorophyll-a-1 h-1), while k is the vertical attenuation coefficient
for photosynthetically active radiation (m-1). T is the length of the daylight period (hours), Ií o the
mean daily irradiance just below the water surface (µmoles photons m-2 s-1), and Ik is the light
intensity below which photosynthesis becomes increasingly light limited (µmoles photons m-2 s-1).
The daily respiration rate integrated over the mixing depth and expressed as a rate per unit of surface
area is given by the equation:
ΣΣR = 24 b R zmix (4.4)
where ΣΣR is the carbon respired under unit surface area per day (mg C m-2 d-1), R is the chlorophyll-
a specific rate of respiration (mg C mg chlorophyll-a-1 h-1) and b and zmix have been previously
The column compensation point is defined as the mixing depth that results in the daily integral
photosynthesis balancing the daily integral respiration so that carbon does not accumulate:
ΣΣP = ΣΣR (4.5)
Using this equation and replacing k with the equivalent ln 100/ zeu (Equation 4.2) gives the ratio of the
euphotic depth (zeu) to mixing depth (zmix) that results in daily photosynthesis balancing daily
This equation can be simplified by assuming that the respiration rate R is constant and equivalent to
0.1PM (Reynolds 1984, p137) and that the function ln (Ií o / 0.5Ik) is equal to a mean value of 2.75
(Reynolds 1984, p153) to give:
zeu/zmix = 4.02/T (4.7)
If the day length T is 12 hours, then at the column compensation point zeu/zmix has a value of 0.33. A
respiration rate of 0.1PM is relatively high and an average value of 0.07 may be more appropriate
(Reynolds 1984), reducing the critical zeu/zm ratio for column compensation point to 0.23.
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
Data on the function ln(Ií o/0.5Ik) has come mainly from lakes of the northern hemisphere. Two years
of fortnightly phytoplankton production measurements on a temperate Australian reservoir, Mt Bold
Reservoir in South Australia, yielded values of between 1 and 3.5 with a mean of 2.35 (Oliver 1982).
Using this mean value and an R/PM ratio of 0.1 or 0.07 gives critical zeu/zmix ratios for column
compensation point of 0.27 and 0.39 respectively. Rather than selecting a single critical value for the
zeu/zmix ratio from these values, a range of 0.2 to 0.35 was used to indicate the onset of light limitation
due to mixing.
The dependency of phytoplankton population changes on the zeu/zmix ratio was used to assess the
likelihood that high turbidities in the Darling River resulted in light limitation of phytoplankton
production, and to indicate if increased growth, particularly of cyanobacteria, was related to
improvements in the light regime.
4.2 The vertical extent of light penetration
Measurements of light penetration were made at various river sites in the Bourke region during the
nine intensive field trips, but with an emphasis on the Bourke Weir Pool. Light intensities were
measured using submersible quantum sensors (Lambda Instruments Co.) sensitive to
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700 nm). An array of three PAR sensors were in a
horizontal plane and used to measure depth profiles, while a deck sensor monitored changes in
incident irradiance. These simultaneous measurements enable inherent optical characteristics such as
absorption and scattering coefficients to be estimated from the apparent optical properties measured in
the field (Kirk 1981a & b; 1983; Oliver 1990, Kirk & Oliver 1995).
The vertical attenuation coefficient (k) was estimated by linear regression from the measurements of
downwelling irradiance using a logarithmic transformation of Equation (4.1):
The vertical attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance (k) differed markedly between
sampling periods ranging from a minimum of 1.2 m-1 up to 34 m-1, corresponding to euphotic depths
of 3.8m and 0.14m respectively (Table 4.1).
4.3 Comparisons of light attenuation and turbidity
Measurements of light profiles were restricted to nine field trips, a paucity of cover that could not
provide sufficient detail to assess the impact of changing light conditions on phytoplankton growth.
To extend the applicability of the light measurements the vertical attenuation coefficients were
compared with turbidity data that was collected simultaneously (Table 4.1). Turbidity is the only
variable pertaining to the optical characteristics of the river that is measured in the Riverwatch
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
monitoring program. The strategy was to relate the vertical attenuation coefficient to turbidity so that
the turbidity data could be re-interpreted in terms of light penetration.
Table 4.1 Vertical attenuation coefficients compared with turbidity data at four locations.
Site Name Sample Date Kd Turbidity
(m-1) (NTU)
Turee 3/12/93 4.2 60
Turee 14/10/94 1.2 14
Turee 11/02/94 4.5 51
Turee 5/06/94 10.9 290
Rose isle 4/12/93 3.6 60
Rose isle 13/10/94 1.9 32
Rose isle 12/02/94 6.0 130
Rose isle 8/06/94 12.7 320
Bourke gauge 12/10/94 4.0 50
Bourke gauge 10/02/94 2.8 41
Bourke gauge 20/06/95 10.4 285
Bourke gauge 3/06/94 14.2 330
Bourke gauge 4/12/93 3.5 60
Bourke gauge 7/11/95 2.35 53
Weir 19a (800m d/s) 21/06/95 33.91 790
Weir 19a (800m d/s) 7/11/95 1.18 53
Turbidity differed markedly between periods but was found to be linearly related to the vertical
attenuation coefficient (Figure 4.1) according to the relationship:
k = 0.04 Turbidity + 0.73 (4.9)
(r2 = 0.98, standard error of the slope = 0.001 and standard error of the constant = 0.36). This
expression was substituted for k in Equation (4.2) and estimates of zeu for Bourke Weir Pool
calculated from the regular turbidity measurements recorded in the ëRiverwatchí monitoring program
(Figure 4.2).
Calculation of the zeu/zmix ratio requires estimates of both the euphotic depth (zeu) and the depth of
mixing (zmix). Direct measurements of the mixing depth were not made and so it was estimated as the
maximum depth of the weir pool (zm). The depth of the Bourke Weir Pool was measured at several
sites and related back to the regular measurements of river height determined from a water level gauge
board. In this report the maximum depth of the pool is estimated as 0.9 metres greater than the
surface layer height indicated by the gauge.
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
Vertical attenuation (m -1)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Turbidity (NTU)
Figure 4.1 Linear regression between the vertical attenuation coefficient for downwelling
irradiance and turbidity for sites on the Darling River.
maximum depth (m)
Euphotic depth and
Figure 4.2 The depth of the weir pool at Bourke ( ) and the estimated euphotic depth
calculated from turbidity measurements ( ).
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
Calculating the ratio of zeu/zmix using the maximum depth (zm) as an estimate of the mixing depth is
not ideal. However, in view of the diurnal convective mixing that occurs regularly, even during the
summer when daytime thermal stratification is intense (Figure 3.5), the assumption that zm
approximates zmix may be reasonable if not always correct. Unfortunately, without actual
measurements of the mixing depth this assumption is necessary to estimate the column compensation
point for cell growth.
The calculated zeu/zm ratio changed considerably over time (Figure. 4.3), but for 50% of the 44 month
study period it was less than 0.2, the minimum value of the critical range set for the zeu/zm ratio,
indicating that light limitation was likely. For extended periods the ratio was significantly less than
0.1 and the phytoplankton were probably severely light-limited at these times. The zeu/zm ratio
exceeded 0.35 indicating light was sufficient for phytoplankton growth for a total time of only ca. 14
months. The longest continuous periods during which the zeu/zm ratio indicated a suitable light
climate for algal growth occurred during three months in September to November 1992, three months
in May to July 1993 and three months in August to October 1995 (Figure 4.3).
1000000 0
Cyanobacteria (cells mL )
Discharge (ML d )
100 1
4.4 Correlating changes in the underwater light climate with the occurrence of
The ëRiverwatchí monitoring data on algal composition shows that large peaks in phytoplankton
biomass were due to blooms of cyanobacteria (Figure 4.4). The data in Figure 4.4 extends to low
concentrations of cells and indicates that there is generally a background level of several hundred to
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
nearly a thousand cells of algae per millilitre at most times. Concentrations of cyanobacteria above
100 cells mL-1 are depicted in Figure 4.3 for comparison with changes in the zeu/zm ratio. It is
apparent that significant increases in cyanobacterial numbers were always associated with periods of
increased water clarity where the zeu/zm ratio exceeded the critical range of 0.2 - 0.35. However the
converse was not true and improvements in the light climate did not always result in large increases in
cyanobacterial numbers. This is demonstrated by the September-October period of 1995, when an
extended period of high zeu/zm values did not result in large increases in phytoplankton biomass,
although the concentration of cyanobacteria did increase briefly to ca. 400 cells mL-1.
Algae (Cells ml )
Figure 4.4 Time series of the total concentration of phytoplankton ( ) and the concentration of
cyanobacteria (columns).
In general the depth of the weir pool was maintained at a constant level over much of the study period
(Figure 4.2) so that differences in the zeu/zm ratio were due mainly to changes in zeu brought about by
fluctuations in turbidity. Turbidity usually increased in response to increased flow although the
extent of the turbidity rise was not a direct function of flow rate. This is evident in the ëRiverwatchí
data for the period June through to December 1993, when a large flow in November 1993 resulted in
less of an increase in turbidity than a smaller flow in August and September 1993 (Figure 4.5). It is
likely that these differences are due to changes in the source of the inflowing water (Chapter 2).
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
Turbidity (NTU)
Discharge (ML d )
10 10
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Figure 4.5 Temporal variation in turbidity ( ) and discharge (columns) in the weir pool at
The rate of decline in turbidity when flow diminished was also significantly different between
periods. During two months of low flows in June and July 1994 turbidity remained at ca. 350 NTU,
while between June and September 1995 turbidity declined immediately as flow reduced, falling from
over 1000 NTU to less than 30 NTU in two months (Figure 4.5).
4.5 Cause of turbidity reduction
Analysis of the Riverwatch data for the Bourke Weir Pool indicated that conductivity increased at
times of low river flow and declined as flow rate increased (Bek et al. 1994; Mitrovic et al. 1995). A
comparison of the variations in conductivity and turbidity indicated that they were inversely related to
each other with conductivities in excess of ca. 350 µS cm-1 to 400 µS cm-1 causing turbidity to decline
significantly (Figure 4.6a). This is not unexpected since it is well known that the concentration of
divalent ions such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ are very effective in coagulating colloidal particles (Chapter 8).
A plot of turbidity against conductivity indicated a strong inverse relationship between the two
variables (Figure 4.6b) making it apparent that conductivity plays a major role in controlling the
turbidity of the river.
The levels of conductivity and turbidity at which water clarity would be sufficient to stimulate
phytoplankton growth were estimated by setting a conservative value of 0.2 for the zeu/zm ratio and
calculating from this the relevant euphotic depth for particular values of zm. If the mean depth of the
weir pool is taken as 5m (Figure 4.2) then the zeu/zm ratio will equal 0.2 when zeu is 1.0 metre deep.
From Equation (4.2) it is calculated that this occurs when the vertical attenuation coefficient (k)
equals 4.6. Substituting this value of k into Equation (4.9) gives a turbidity of ca. 100 NTU as the
level at which light becomes limiting. From Figure 4.6b this turbidity level corresponds to a
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
Conductivity ( µS cm )
Turbidity (NTU)
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Figure 4.6a Time series of turbidity ( ) and conductivity ( ) in the weir pool at Bourke.
Turbidity (NTU)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Electrical Conductivity (µS cm )
Figure 4.6b Scatterplot showing the relationship between turbidity and conductivity at Bourke Weir
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
conductivity of 200 µS cm-1 to 400 µS cm-1 with a mean of ca. 300 µS cm-1.
4.6 Discussion
The magnitude of the vertical attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance (k) is a function of
the absorption and scattering of light by material suspended and dissolved in the water. Because
turbidity is a measure of scattering, and light scattering is only one of the factors influencing light
penetration (Kirk 1983), the vertical attenuation coefficient is not usually expected to be a simple
function of turbidity. However, when the scattering coefficient is large compared to the absorption
coefficient (ca. >20) as in the Darling River (Oliver 1990), then the component of the vertical
attenuation coefficient due to absorption remains relatively constant and scattering accounts for most
of the variation in light attenuation (Kirk 1983). In this case the vertical attenuation coefficient is
closely correlated with turbidity (Figure 4.1) and the relationship can be used to estimate vertical
attenuation coefficients and the extent of light penetration from turbidity measurements. This finding
considerably enhances the usefulness of the turbidity measurements obtained in the routine
ëRiverwatchí monitoring program, which can now be used to assess the suitability of the
environmental light conditions for supporting algal growth. The impact of the high turbidity in the
Darling River on light penetration is illustrated by the conversion of turbidity measurements to
estimates of the euphotic depth (Figure 4.2). For extensive periods of time the euphotic depth was
significantly less than 1 metre and only on a few occasions exceeded 2.5 metres, or half the depth of
the weir pool.
In assessing the effect of reduced light penetration on phytoplankton growth the depth of the euphotic
zone was compared with the maximum depth of the weir pool rather than a measure of the actual
mixing depth. This approximation was made because the information required to estimate the mixing
depth was not available for times other than the short period when a thermistor chain was installed in
the Bourke Weir Pool (Chapter 3). The assumption that the mixing depth is equivalent to the
maximum depth of the water column may be reasonable for much of the time as diurnal mixing,
caused by overnight convective cooling, appears to be a regular feature in the weir pool, even during
the height of summer (Figure 3.5). In particular, when discharge is around 1000 ML d-1 to 2000 ML
d-1, diurnal mixing extends throughout the depth of the water column (Figure 3.5c). Two assumptions
are contained within this approach. The first is that the mixing periods are relatively frequent
compared to the growth rate of the cells so the zeu/zm ratio correctly estimates the relative time spent
by the cells in the light and in the dark during the daylight period. The second assumption is that any
independent vertical movement of the cells resulting from either cell motility, or their floating and
sinking characteristics, is small relative to their movement by the water.
The fastest in-situ growth rate for cyanobacteria in the weir pool was of the order of a doubling every
1.7 days. If mixing occurs nightly, then the phytoplankton community is vertically mixed at least
once during a cell division period, just prior to the daytime. In this situation the zeu/zm ratio provides a
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
reasonable estimate of the relative proportion of the population that is within the euphotic zone,
provided that independent vertical movement by the cells is minimal. If the cells sink rapidly between
mixing episodes then the proportion of the community in the euphotic zone will be over-estimated by
the zeu/zm ratio and the critical values of the ratio indicating column compensaton point will be
conservative estimates. Conversely, if cells float or swim rapidly towards the surface then the zeu/zm
ratio will underestimate the proportion of the community in the euphotic zone and the critical values
for the column compensation point will be over-estimated.
The major bloom-forming cyanobacterium in the Darling River is Anabaena circinalis, which was
generally observed to occur in single filaments during the study period. Maximum flotation rates for
this organism are likely to be around 1 metre per day (Reynolds, Oliver & Walsby 1987), although
this is increased significantly if filaments entangle to form larger conglomerates. In the case of single
filaments of Anabaena floating up at a rate of 1 metre per day, the effect of flotation would be to
decrease zmix by ca. 0.25 metres on average over the day-light period when temperature stratification
reduced vertical mixing. This would alter the critical zeu/zm ratio by only about ca. 5%.
Despite the many assumptions made in setting the critical values of zeu/zm, significant increases in
concentrations of cyanobacteria were always associated with values of the ratio equal to or greater
than the critical range 0.2 to 0.35 (Figure 4.3). The significance of light availability is demonstrated
particularly by the period April to October 1994 when, despite several months of low or zero
discharge, growth of cyanobacteria was not observed until the critical range of zeu/zm was surpassed in
late October (Figure 4.3). However, a significant improvement in the zeu/zm ratio for a period of
several months in August to October 1995 did not lead to a large biomass increase of cyanobacteria,
although a small concentration increase did occur. The population had been at extremely low
concentrations prior to this period and perhaps the inoculum was insufficient to enable a significant
biomass to form in the time. Similarly, in May - June 1993 an improvement in the zeu/zm ratio
triggered a response in the cyanobacteria which increased to over 2000 cells mL-1, but this was a
relatively small response compared to other times (Figure 4.3). However, during this period,
discharge increased to between 400 ML d-1 and 800 ML d-1 which is sufficient to reduce the
cyanobacterial population to levels of a few thousand cells per millilitre (Figure 3.2). This example
further demonstrates that the formation of cyanobacterial blooms is dependent on a number of
interacting factors.
During periods of reduced water flow intrusions of saline groundwater increase the conductivity of
the Darling River (Williams 1992; 1993). It is apparent from Figures 4.6a and b that increases in
conductivity have a significant affect on turbidity, and experiments have indicated that this is due to
enhanced coagulation and precipitation of the suspended particulate matter (Chapter 8).
The rate of increase in conductivity was not constant during periods of zero discharge. In the six
month period from May 1994 to October 1994 (167 days) flow rate was virtually zero and
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
conductivity increased from 220 to 453 at an average rate of 1.4 units per day, while turbidity
declined from 350 NTU to 80 NTU (Figure 4.6a). In contrast, over the three month period from early
June 1995 to early September 1995 (91 days), conductivity increased from 129 µS cm-1 to 791 µS cm-1
at an average rate of 7.3 units per day, while turbidity declined from 1300 NTU to 22 NTU(Figure
4.6a). The depth of the weir pool was similar at both times and the water level was below the level of
the weir wall so that discharge was zero, but water supply for the local community was met by
continued inflows. Consequently, it is possible that differences in turbidity and conductivity between
the two periods could have been due to changes in the tributaries replenishing the water supply
(Figure 2.5). However it seems unlikely that changes in tributary source could cause the five-fold
increase in the rate of conductivity rise. As differences in the rate of change of conductivity and
turbidity have important implications for the development of algal blooms it would be useful to
reliably identify the reasons for the different conductivity responses within the Bourke Weir Pool.
Critical values of turbidity and conductivity that marked the shift between light-limited and light-
sufficient conditions were estimated using the value of zeu necessary for the zeu/zm ratio to equal 0.2.
The calculations were based on relationships derived between conductivity and turbidity (Figure 4.6b)
and the vertical light attenuation and turbidity (Figure 4.1). These calculations indicate that
phytoplankton are likely to be light limited when turbidities are greater than ca. 100 NTU, and that
turbidity will be reduced below this level when conductivities increase over ca. 350 µS cm-1. A
similar level of turbidity was found to impact on the cell densities of Aulacoseira granulata in weir
pools on the Murray River below the confluence of the Darling River (Hˆ tzel & Croome 1996),
suggesting that light limitation may also be important in controlling the growth of phytoplankton at
these sites.
4.7 Key points
• Turbidity in the Darling River is generally high with a median value of 101 NTU.
• Values for the ratio of the euphotic depth to the mixing depth (zeu/zmix) that indicated a shift from
light limitation to light sufficiency were estimated as being between 0.2 and 0.35. Ratios less
than 0.2 indicated light limitation while ratios greater than 0.35 indicated light sufficiency.
• It was shown that turbidity is linearly related to the vertical light attenuation coefficient enabling
the depth of light penetration to be estimated from turbidity measurements. This greatly enhanced
the value of the turbidity monitoring data.
• The mixing depth was not measured directly but estimated as the depth of the weir pool (zm).
Although not ideal, the estimate is reasonable as the weir pool undergoes diurnal convective
cooling which generally mixes the entire water column.
Chapter 4 Light penetration and phytoplankton growth
• During the period of the 44 month study, the zeu/zm ratio indicated that light was limiting for at
least 50% of the time and was adequate for 32% of the time.
• The presence of significant cyanobacteria populations was always associated with periods of
adequate light. However, periods of adequate light did not always stimulate cyanobacterial
blooms, indicating that other environmental factors also play a part in regulating growth of
• Conductivity increased at times of low flow in the river, presumably due to inflows of saline
• Turbidity and conductivity were inversely related with conductivities in excess of 350 µS cm-1 to
400 µS cm-1 causing turbidities to decline significantly. This relationship indicates that
conductivity plays a major role in controlling the turbidity of the Darling River.
• It was estimated for the weir pool at Bourke that light became limiting when turbidity exceeded
about 100 NTU and that turbidity fell below this level when conductivity increased above 350 µS