Scope of Poultry Waste Utilization: D.Thyagarajan, M.Barathi, R.Sakthivadivu
Scope of Poultry Waste Utilization: D.Thyagarajan, M.Barathi, R.Sakthivadivu
Scope of Poultry Waste Utilization: D.Thyagarajan, M.Barathi, R.Sakthivadivu
e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN: 2319-2372. Volume 6, Issue 5 (Nov. - Dec. 2013), PP 29-35
Abstract: Poultry farming wastes containing excreta, bedding material, waste feed, dead birds, broken eggs,
feathers and offal could emerge into major environmental pollutants. Proven technology and disposal methods
are necessary to mitigate their threat on the environment. The major wastes like poultry feathers, offal and litter
have different field applications. Poultry feathers being rich sources of keratin proteins and amino acids, can be
converted into valuable products such as feather meal, bio diesel, biodegradable plastic and fertilizer. Poultry
offal contains certain nutrients and can be used as a dried poultry manure and fertilizer or as an organic raw
material for methane production. The remaining waste could be disposed off possibly by incineration or by
burial and controlled landfills. Poultry manure is also useful as fertilizer, methane and to produce electricity.
This review discusses in detail about the scope for utilization of various poultry wastes. Poultry waste
generation is enormous. However, cost effective technologies are yet to be identified to recycle the waste to
useful products.
Key words: poultry waste, feather meal, offal, litter
I. Introduction
Poultry waste includes a mixture of faecal and urinary excreta (manure), bedding material or litter (e.g.
wood shavings or straw), waste feed, dead birds, broken eggs packing material and feathers removed from
poultry houses. It also includes waste from cage, conveyer belt and water flushing systems (Kelleher et al.
2002).The method of disposal of poultry waste play a major role in controlling and eradication of infectious
diseases. Inadequate approach and carelessness of this essential aspect of production process in poultry, will
lead to constant threat of disease ailments on poultry farms. This results in direct losses in the form of mortality
and reduced productivity. Therefore, early disposal of wastes with efficient method is an important poultry
waste management tool for raising healthy and profitable poultry farming activity.
It is mandatory to concentrate on the following poultry farm waste products which are
mainly responsible for the environmental pollution:
1. Poultry feather
2. Poultry offal
3. Poultry litter/manure
Poultry Feather
1.1 Composition
Chicken feathers contain nutrients approximately 91% protein (keratin), 1% lipids, and 8% water. The
amino acid sequence of a chicken feather is exactly same as that of other feathers and also has a great deal in
common with reptilian keratins from claws. The amino acid sequence is mainly composed of cystine, glutamine,
proline and serine. However almost histidine, lysine, tryptophan, glutamic acid and glycine are absent. Serine
(16%) is the most abundant amino acid in chicken feathers (Kannappan and Bharathi, 2012)
Keratins are insoluble proteins present in feathers, wool, hooves, scales, hair, nails (hard keratins) and
also in stratum corneum (soft keratins). These specific proteins which belong to the scleroprotein groups are
compounds that are highly resistant to physical, chemical and biological actions. Mechanical stability and high
resistance to proteolytic degradation of keratin is due to the presence of disulfide bonds, hydrogen bonds, salt
linkages and cross linkages. 29 | Page
Scope of Poultry Waste Utilization
Tyrosine 1.00
Leucine 2.62
Isoleucine 3.32
Valine 1.61
Cystine 8.85
Alanine 3.44
Phenylalanine 0.86
Methionine 1.02
Proline 12.0
Aspargine 4.00
Chicken feather fiber basically consists of α- helical and some β- sheet conformations. Its outer quill is
almost entirely made up of β- sheet conformations and few α- helical conformations. Hard β- sheet keratins have
higher cystine content than soft α- helix keratins and thus a much greater presence of disulphide (S-S) bonds that
link adjacent keratin proteins. The presence of strong covalent bonds stabilize the three-dimensional protein
structure and are very difficult to break (Kannappan and Bharathi, 2012).
1.2 Utilization:
1.2.1 Feather meal:
Feathers are also converted to feather meal with usage as animal feed, organic fertilizers and feed
supplements, as it is made up of >90% protein and are rich in hydrophobic amino acids like cystine, arginine
and threonine. One of the most common methods of feather meal production is hydrothermal process where
feathers are digested under high pressure at high temperature. However, hydrothermal treatment leads to
destruction of essential amino acids like methionine, lysine, tyrosine, tryptophan that accounts to poor
digestibility and low nutritional value (Ekta and Rani, 2012). 30 | Page
Scope of Poultry Waste Utilization
1.2.7 Fertilizer
A slow release nitrogen fertilizer is developed from poultry feathers. In this attempt, the structure of
keratin fibres are modified by steam hydrolysis for 12 weeks to break disulphide bonds, enzymatic hydrolysis by
Bacillus licheniformis to break polypeptide bonds and steam hydrolysis (autoclaving) to improve mineralisation
followed by cross linking of protein by formaldehyde reaction to minimize excess mineralisation (Jong-Myung
Choi and Paul V. Nelson, 1996).
2.2 Microflora
Poultry by-products and wastes contain several 100 different species of micro-organisms in
contaminated feather, feet, intestinal contents, and processing equipments, including harmful pathogens such as
Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus sp., and Clostridium sp. Finnish meat products contain considerably lower
pathogen levels (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 2000). For example, in 1997, positive Salmonella
samples in broiler and turkey meat in slaughtered flock and meat from cutting plants rated between 0.6% and
3.1%, respectively (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 2000). In comparison, in the US, about 30% of
chicken products were contaminated with live Salmonella, and 60–80% of chickens were contaminated with
Campylobacter, many strains of which are resistant to common antibiotics.
2.3 Residues
Birds also accumulate various heavy metals, drugs, and other chemicals added in their feed for
nutritional and pharmaceutical purposes. Veterinary drugs and other chemical contaminants are also present in
poultry in different concentrations; e.g., zinc and copper concentrations in poultry feeds in England and Wales
range from 28–4030 to 5–234 mg/kg TS, respectively. However zinc and copper concentrations in poultry
manure are ca. 400 and ca. 80 mg/kg TS, respectively (Nicholson et al., 1999). Poultry litter in Israel showed to
contain varying levels of testosterone (up to 700 ng/g) and oestrogen (up to 500 ng/g), which can interfere with
reproductive function (Shore et al., 1993).
2.4 Utilization
2.4.1 Incineration
Incineration refers to technologies of thermal destruction, apparently among the most effective methods
for destroying potentially infectious agents (Ritter and Chinside, 1995). Air-dried poultry litter is an established
combustible solid fuel with a gross calorific value of about 13.5 GJ per tonne, about half that of coal. But
materials having a high moisture content have little or no energy value. In incineration, the air emission, process
conditions, and the disposal of solid and liquid residues need to be strictly controlled. 31 | Page
Scope of Poultry Waste Utilization
2.4.3 Rendering
Rendering refers to different heating applications to remove fat from meat (Swan, 1992). Rendering at
133°C for a minimum of 20 min at 3 bars or an alternative heat treatment is required for high-risk materials
used for animal feed or as an intermediate product for the manufacture of organic fertiliser or other derived
products. Rendering produces meat-bone-meal, which can be used in animal feed or as fertiliser or further
processed via anaerobic digestion or composting. In addition, rendering produces fat, which may be used for
animal feed, in chemical industry products, or burned as fuel.
Slaughterhouse by-products are preserved with formic acid as it has good source of proteins and
vitamins and are used as animal feed (Pulsa, 1996). As one among the biggest fur animal producers in the
world, Finland uses an annual 370 million kg of fur animal feed, more than half of which are by-products from
the meat and fish industry (Pulsa, 1996). Legislation, however, has become stringent about the use of slaughter
by-products for animal feed to reduce the risk of disease transmission via the feed and the food chain.
2.4.4 Composting
Composting is an aerobic biological process to degrade organic material. It is a common method to
treat poultry slaughterhouse wastes, grease trap residues, manure, litter, and sometimes also feather. Composting
reduces pathogens, and the resulting compost can be used as soil conditioner or fertiliser. However, wastes
having high moisture with low fibre content need higher amounts of moisture-sorbing and structural support to
compost well (Tritt and Schuchardt, 1992). 32 | Page
Scope of Poultry Waste Utilization
and manure predominantly have carbon (C), nitrogen(N), Phosphorous (P) and water and chlorine (Cl), Calcium
(Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na), Manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and arsenic (As).
Poultry manure contains solid dry matter of about 150 g/ kg (Kelleher et al. 2002).
3.5 Combustion
Direct combustion of poultry litter has the potential to provide both space heating of poultry houses.
Modern systems have efficient combustion facilities with sophisticated gas cleanup, which produce energy and
lower the waste to an inert residue. The calorific value of poultry litter decreases with increasing moisture
content, air dried samples having a typical value of 13.5 GJ/ton, which is about half that of coal. Poultry litter
has a low ash fusion temperature. This ash fusion can cause problems when using a conventional grate
combustion system. Parameters such as combustion temperature, air mixture and moisture content must be held
within optimal specifications for the efficient running of a combustion facility and vary for combustion design.
The process produces an ash residue, which retains most of the phosphate and potash present in the fresh litter.
The original nitrogen concentration is variable and loss to the atmosphere on combustion as NOx is not 33 | Page
Scope of Poultry Waste Utilization
considered a problem (Dagnall, 1993). The ash is stable, sterile, easier to handle and transport and more
marketable as an organic fertiliser than conventional poultry litter.
3.6 Vermicomposting
The vermicomposting potential of P. ceylanensis on the organic substrate, turkey litter in combination
with cow dung (1:1, w/w), results in the production of nutrient-rich vermicompost. The soil nutrients and
microbial population are higher in vermicompost which can be used as a fertilizer (Jayakumar et al, 2011).
V. Conclusion
Poultry waste is one of the major pollutants if not properly disposed. Poultry feathers can be treated
chemically or biologically with microbes to improve the nutritive value of feather wastes which can be used as
animal feed. They can also be biologically converted into feed supplements, biodiesel, and biodegradable plastic
and organic fertilizer.
The offals are utilized by various methods like rendering, incineration, burial, controlled land filling,
composting and anaerobic digestion. Rendering produces meat-bone meal which may be used as animal feed or
fertilizer. Composting reduces pathogens. The compost is used as soil conditioner or fertilizer.
Poultry litter contains carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, and sodium,
manganese, ferrous, copper and arsenic. It is used as a very good source of fertilizer. Methane gas produced
from poultry litter is converted into electricity using a patented technology.
Altogether, poultry wastes can be effectively utilized if properly treated to reduce the ill effects and a
range of value added products like fertilizer, biodiesel, animal feed, electricity, bone meal and biodegradable
plastic can be produced.
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