Math Grade 5 Outline Book
Math Grade 5 Outline Book
Math Grade 5 Outline Book
EIS recognizes God as our creator and as the ultimate source of
knowledge, wisdom, and truth. We believe, promote, and advance the
holistic and harmonious development of the physical, mental, social, Description of the Course:
and spiritual dimensions of human nature. Grade 5 Mathematics is adapted version of California Core
EIS MISSION STATEMENT Curriculum. It covers number operation in base ten incorporating
algebraic writing and thinking in the use of addition, subtraction,
EIS offers Christi-centered quality global academic programs.
multiplication, and division for whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.
We endeavor to create an internationally competent learning climate
It also covers measurement and data, polygons, parallelogram, median
marked by God’s presence and love, respecting uniqueness and
and mode, and histogram, where geometry operation, values, and
diversity, care, and development of potentials and abilities.
analysis are studied in preparation for Grade 6 Mathematics.
Lesson 9 : Problem solving investigation: Use the four step plan Lesson 7 : Hands on: Distributive property and partial quotients
Chapter 2 Multiply Whole Numbers (Lessons 1- 10) Lesson 8 : Divide three- and four-digit dividends
B. Regular Math
Students who do not meet the above criteria will go for Regular Math
Instructions for taking Tests Rules for Classwork!
Before taking the Test Listen to teacher’s instructions and explanations
Students need to bring their own pad paper Write your name and number when you received the classwork
Students solve the problems on right side of the pad paper Underline the key words, math terms or units
During taking the test Use the strategy which you had learned in the lesson
After teacher passed the question paper, students can start taking Label your answers with units
Keep silence as you take the test Wait teacher to answer your questions
Read the questions carefully Homework Rules
Examine every answer before choosing Plan a daily homework time
Use the strategy that teacher taught Take home everything you’ll need
Recheck your answers Write your name and number on your homework
After taking the test Read and follow all directions
Pass the answer paper to the front Do your work neatly and carefully
Put the question papers between the board for the next class Ask help if you need it but do the work yourself
Students who are in the front line arrange the answer paper Keep your homework in a special place
according to Numerical order Return your homework on time
Submit the answer paper to the teacher
Required Stationery
During test, please do not disturb your friends by asking for these
required stationary. You should have them especially a pen, pencil,
eraser & a correction tape during test.