Laboratory 3: Load/ Store, Jump & Branch Instructions
Laboratory 3: Load/ Store, Jump & Branch Instructions
Laboratory 3: Load/ Store, Jump & Branch Instructions
Laboratory 3
Load/ Store , Jump & Branch instructions
After this laboratory exercise, you can know how to use load/store, jump and
branch instructions. You can also implement high level programming language
structures such as if-then-else, for-loop and switch-case statements in assembly.
Before starting this laboratory, you should review the textbook and the previous
laboratory exercises.
Sample Code 1
This sample code implements “if-then-else” statement using some fundamental
instructions, such as slt, addi, jump and branch.
if (i<=j)
Read this example carefully and try to clarify the function of each intructions by
adding comments to each instruction. You should draw the algorithm chart for
the if-then-else statement.
#Laboratory Exercise 3, Sample Code 1
slt $t0,$s2,$s1 # j < i ?
bne $t0,$zero,else # …
addi $t1,$t1,1 # …
addi $t3,$zero,1 # …
j endif # …
else: addi $t2,$t2,-1 # …
add $t3,$t3,$t3 # …
Sample Code 2
The following pseudo code shows the implementation of a loop statement that
computes the sum of n elements of array A.
loop: i = i + step;
sum = sum + A[i];
if(i != n) goto loop;
Ha Noi University of Science and Technology
School of Information and Communication Technology
Read and try to understand the following sample code, which implements the
above loop statement in assembly. Given that the index i, the starting address of
A, the element number of A, the step and the sum are stored $s1, $s2, $s3, $s4
and $s5, respectively.
#Laboratory 3, Sample Code 2
loop: add $s1,$s1,$s4 #i=i+step
add $t1,$s1,$s1 #t1=2*s1
add $t1,$t1,$t1 #t1=4*s1
add $t1,$t1,$s2 #t1 store the address of A[i]
lw $t0,0($t1) #load value of A[i] in $t0
add $s5,$s5,$t0 #sum=sum+A[i]
bne $s1,$s3,loop #if i != n, goto loop
Sample Code 3
A switch-case statement is used to change the control flow of program execution
depending on the value of a variable or expression. In the following switch-case
statement, the value of test can be 0, 1, or 2; each value of test corresponds to a
different action.
switch(test) {
case 0:
a=a+1; break;
case 1:
a=a-1; break;
case 2:
b=2*b; break;
Read and try to understand the following sample code, which implements the
above switch/case statement. Assuming that a and b are stored in $s2 and $s3.
#Laboratory Exercise 3, Sample Code 3
test: .word 1
la $s0, test #load the address of test variable
lw $s1, 0($s0) #load the value of test to register $t1
li $t0, 0 #load value for test case
li $t1, 1
li $t2, 2
beq $s1, $t0, case_0
beq $s1, $t1, case_1
beq $s1, $t2, case_2
j default
case_0: addi $s2, $s2, 1 #a=a+1
j continue
case_1: sub $s2, $s2, $t1 #a=a-1
j continue
case_2: add $s3, $s3, $s3 #b=2*b
j continue
Ha Noi University of Science and Technology
School of Information and Communication Technology
Assignment 1
Create a new project to implement the code in Sample Code 1. Initialize the i and
j variables. Run the code on the MARS simulator step by step and observe the
change in the memory and registers.
Assignment 2
Create a new project to implement the code in Sample Code 2. Initialize the i, n,
step, sum variables and the array A. Run the code on the MARS simulator step
by step and observe the change the memory and registers. Test the code for more
Assignment 3
Create a new project to implement the code in Sample Code 3. Run the code on
the MARS simulator step by step and observe the change in the memory and
registers. Change the value of test to check if all the cases of the switch-case
statement work correctly.
Assignment 4
Modify the Assignment 1 so that the condition of the branch is:
a. i <j
b. i >= j
c. i+j <= 0
d. i+j > m+n
Assignment 5
Modify the Assignment 2 so that the condition at the end of the loop is:
a. i < n
b. i <= n
c. sum >= 0
d. A[i] == 0
Assignment 6
Refering to all of the above instructions and statements, implement the following
function in assembly:
- Assuming that we have an array, called A, of n integers (n ≤ 10). Find an
element that has the largest absolute value in array A.
Which registers are affected by a branch instruction?