B1900d Limitations
B1900d Limitations
B1900d Limitations
1. Below 1000 rpm 2000lbs 21. Max Baggage Weights Closet - 250 lbs
Torque is limited to: Hanger - 100 lbs
Forward - 1000 lbs
2. Cruise Climb/Max 3750 ft-lbs
Aft - 630 lbs
Cruise Torque
3. Engine Anti Ice must in temps below +5C or below when Floor Loading - 100lbs/ft2
be on flight free of visible moisture cannot
22. Max Cabin Differential 5.1 psi
be assured.
23. Max Cont. Torque 3750 ft-lbs
4. Engine Exhaust Do not operate the engines with the
heating of cabin props feathered expect during 24. Max Crosswind 25kt
windows and external power starts and propeller
25. Max Fuel Imbalance 200 lbs
airframe. feather checks, except that the props
may be operated in feather at 26. Max Landing Weight 16,765 lbs
temperatures no to exceed 5C for a 27. Max Main Tank 1,621 lbs
max of 3min for purposes of
28. MAX OAT ISA + 37C
airframe deicing.
Do not conduct static ops in ground 29. Max Ramp Weight 17230 lbs
fine when the OAT exceeds 38C. 30. Max Tailwind 10kt
Do not back the airplane using
reverse thrust. 31. Max Takeoff Weight 17,120 lbs
5. External Power 300 amps continuously 32. Max Usable Fuel 4,484 lbs
Limitations 1000 amps momentarily 33. Max Zero Fuel Weight STC - 15,700 lbs
6. Flight Load Factor 0 - +3/-1.2G 15,165 lbs
Limits 17/35 - +2/0G 34. Min Airspeed for Sustained 160 KIAS
7. Fuel Quantity Yellow 0-363 lbs - NO TAKEOFF level flight in icing
ARC conditions.
8. Generator Limits 0-75% - 65% N1 35. A min oil temp of ____ is 55C
75% - 100% - 72% N1 recommended for fuel
heater operation at takeoff
9. GPWS and FLAPS . power.
cannot be mel'd
together. 36. Min Temp for Deice Boot -40C
10. Gyro Suction Gauge 4.3 - 5.9 in Hg
37. N1 Idle 65%
11. ITT Cruise 760 C
Climb/Cruise/Reverse 38. N1 Max Cont/Cruise 104%
12. ITT Idle 750 C
39. N1 Takeoff 104% 5min
13. ITT Max Cont. 780 C
40. Oil Pressure Idle 60 psi
14. ITT Start 1000 C 5 sec
41. Oil Pressure less than 60 unsafe and requires one of the
15. ITT Takeoff 800 C 5 min - REDLINE psi is following:
16. ITT Transient 870 C 20sec 1. engine shut down.
2. landing at the the nearest
17. Landing Gear Cycles max 3 consecutive cycles. allowing
suitable airport using the
2min in-between. 5min between
minimum power required to
each additional cycle.
sustain flight.
18. Max Airspeed for 223 KIAS
effective windshield
Anti Ice
19. Max Altitude 25,000ft
20. Max Aux Tank 621 lbs
42. Oil Pressure less than undesirable - to be tolerated only 56. Prop Limitations Max Prop Overspeed - 1870 -
90psi is for the completion of the flight, and 20sec
the only at a reduced power setting Prop May be rigged to allow max
not exceeding 2000lbs torque. Crew rpm of 1735.
should record oil psi, torque, time Red min limit - 400-950rpm, 1250 -
which the engine was operated 1395rpm(ground limits only)
below 90 psi and the information Green - 950 - 1250, 1395 - 1700rpm
should be noted in the mx writeup. Red - 1700rpm
Prop Deice Ammeter - 26-32amps
43. Oil Pressure Max 90 - 135 psi
Sustained prop overspeeds of
1700rpm indicate failure of primary
44. Oil Pressure Starting 0-200psi governor. Flight may be continued
45. Oil Pressure Takeoff 90-135 psi 5min at prop speeds up to 1802rpm
provided torque is limited to
46. Oil Pressure Transient 40-200 psi 20sec max
3538ft-lbs. Sustained prop
47. Oil Specifications Exxon or BP 2380 overspeed above 1802=fail of both
Max 4qt low on dipstick prop governors.
Max consumption - 1qt/10hr
48. Oil Temperature Idle -40C - 110C Autofeather must be operable for
all flights.
49. Oil Temperature limits temperatures of up to 110C are Autofeather must be armed to T/O,
are -40C-105C permitted for a max of 10min Climb, Aproach, and Landing.
57. Prop Rpm Cruise 1550 GLA (1700)
50. Oil Temperature Max 10-105C Climb/Cruise
Climb/Cruise/Reverse 58. Prop Rpm Idle 950 rpm
51. Oil Temperature -40C min 59. Prop Rpm Max 1650 rpm
Starting Reverse
52. Oil Temperature 10-110C 60. Prop Rpm Takeoff 1700 rpm 5min
Takeoff 61. Prop Rpm Transient 1870 rpm - 20sec max
53. Oil Temperature -40-110C 1735 rpm - 5 min max
Transient 62. Reduced Power Not Contaminated
54. operation of 10C. Takeoffs Flap must be 17
propeller deice is Use of prop deice above 10C may Not First Flight of the Day
limited to one cycle damage to prop. 63. Starter Limitations Battery Start - 23 volt min
per prop with temps Ext. Power - 20 volt min
above: Gen Load - 50% max
55. Pneumatic Pressure 17.5 psi - 20 psi Green Starter Duty Cycle - 20 on, 30off,
Gauge Redline - 20 psi 20 on, 60 off, 20 on, 5min off.
Cont. motoring of starter 5min off
64. Sustained operations takeoff and landing.
with flaps extended
prohibited except for:
65. Sustained propeller 1802 rpm provided torque is limited
overspeeds of faster to 3538 ft-lbs. Sustained propeller
than 1700rpm indicate overspends above 1802 rpm
failure of the primary indicate failure of both the primary
governor. Flight May and secondary governor.
be continued at
propeller overspeeds
up to:
66. Takeoff Torque 3950 ft-lbs 5min
67. Torque limits apply within a range of: 1000-1700rpm
68. Transient Torque 5000 ft-lbs 5 Sec
69. Va 178 KIAS
70. Vb - Turbulent Penetration speed 170 kt
71. Vfe 188 - 17 Flaps
154 - 35 Flaps
72. Vle 180 KIAS
73. Vlo 180 KIAS
74. Vmca 0/17 Flaps - 92 KIAS
75. Vmo SL - 13,200 - 248
13,200 - 25,000 - 248 - 195
.46 Mach
76. Vs 101
77. Vso 84 KIAs
78. Vsse 105 KIAS
79. Vx 122 kt
80. Vy 138kt
decrease by 2kt per 5000ft
81. When operating in very hot weather, high oil temperates may cause propeller rpm 1640 rpm is acceptable provided oil
droop. Rpm Droop during takeoff roll to no lower then: temps are at or above 85C (GLA).
82. With torque below 3000lbs, min oil pressure = 85psi and normal temps of 60-70C