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2017 Identification Manual Maps English

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Identification Manual of Commercial Medicinal and Aromatic

Plants of Nepal

Book · June 2017


17 2,987

2 authors, including:

Dipesh Pyakurel
University of Copenhagen


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Identification Manual of
Commercial Medicinal and
Aromatic Plants of Nepal

Nepal Herbs and Herbal Products Association (NEHHPA)


Identification Manual of Commercial Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Nepal

Publisher: Nepal Herbs and Herbal Products Association (NEHHPA)

Supported by: Implementing the NTIS in the sector of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
(IN-MAPS) project financed by the Enhanced Integrated Framework EIF) with additional
financial support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
Development (BMZ) and the Government of Nepal.

© All Rights reserved to the Publisher.

Published date (English Version): April, 2017

Published: 500 copies

Writer and Editor: Khilendra Gurung and Dipesh Pyakurel

Assistance Editor: Dr. Suresh Kumar Ghimire and Bhesh Raj Oli
Layout & Design: Sudarshan Singh, Mount Design Works, Putalisadak, Kathmandu
Cover Pictures: Khilendra Gurung

Front Cover Pictures (anti-clockwise from top left):

Sunpati (Rhododendron anthopogon)
Padamchaal (Rheum australe)
Satuwa (Paris polyphylla)
Rithha (Sapindus mukorossi)
Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina)
Khiraula, Ban Lasun (Lilium nepalense)

Back Cover Picture:

Himalayan Poppy (Meconopsis horridula)

ISBN: 978-9937-2-5369-7

Price: NPR 400 (Institutional)

NPR 300 (Individual)
US $ 10 (Abroad)

Citation: Gurung, K. and Pyakurel, D. 2017. Identification Manual of Commercial

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Nepal. Nepal Herbs and Herbal Products Association
(NEHHPA). Teku, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) have been used since ancient times for healthcare and it has
been estimated that about 80% population in developing countries still rely on medicinal plants for their
healthcare. But with rising global demand, people engaged in collection and trade are getting significant
economic returns. Collection and trade of medicinal plants is still the major source of income for majority
of Nepalese population residing in rural hilly and mountainous regions. These medicinal plants are
transported from source to Tarai and Kathmandu for export in crude form.

In doing so, lots of actors and facilitating and regulating agencies are engaged in trade. It can be understood
that traders find it easy to identify MAPs but it may be difficult for regulatory authorities like District
Forest Office Personnel, Custom Officers, Plant Quarantine Officers etc to identify these traded medicinal
plants. Sensing the importance of reference book that helps to identify the most traded medicinal plants,
NEHHPA, with the support of GIZ WTO/EIF-SP published "Nepalka Pramukh Jadibuti Ko Chinari"
in August 2012. The book was highly praised from all stakeholders and as a result, NEHHPA reprinted
the same book in 2015. This book is the English translated version of Nepalese one to meet the demand of
international readers and to international trade. This book will be a useful tool of communication between
the national and international traders to explain and identify the products. This book can be used by MAPs
traders, manufacturers, producers, government officials working in the district forest office and department
of plant resources, international boarder, airport, quarantine office, custom office, researchers, students
along with the individual having interest in MAPs, investors etc.

NEHHPA has agreement with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
to carry out the activities of "Implementing the NTIS in the sector of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
(IN-MAPS)" project which is financed by the Enhanced Integrated Framework with additional financial
support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the
Government of Nepal. We would like to thank the IN-MAPS project for providing financial and technical
support of both Nepali and English version. Similarly, we would like to thank both authors Mr. Khilendra
Gurung and Mr. Dipesh Pyakurel for preparing such informative and useful piece of work. We would like
to thank Associate Professor Dr. Suresh Kumar Ghimire from Tribhuvan University and Mr. Bhesh Raj Oli
from BARDAN for editing the book in Nepali version and Mr. Arjun Chapagain for translating the book
in English version. We acknowledge Under-secretary Mr. Sagar Kumar Rimal from Ministry of Forest and
Soil Conservation (MoFSC). Similarly, we would like to thank Mr. Sudarshan Singh of Mount Design
Works, Ms. Kanchan Bhandari IN-MAPS Project coordinator and Mr. Yubraj Subedi NEHHPA secretary
for their tireless contribution.

Let’s us promote the use of natural herbs and herbal products for healthy living. Let’s protect the nature.

Mr. Govinda Ghimre Mr. Kalyan Gauli

President National Programme Manager
Nepal Herbs and Herbal Products IN-MAPS Programame
Association GIZ

Part I: Introduction 1
Part II: Introduction of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 11
Amala (Phyllanthus emblica) 12
Ashuro (Justicia adhatoda) 13
Aswagandha (Withania somnifera) 14
Atis (Delphinium himalayai) 15
Bajradanti (Potentilla fulgens) 16
Barro (Terminalia bellirica) 17
Bel (Aegle marmelos) 18
Bhojo (Acorus calamus) 19
Bhojpatrako Bokra (Betula utilis) 20
Bhutkesh (Selinum wallichianum) 21
Bish (Aconitum spicatum) 22
Bishfej (Polypodium vulgare) 23
Chamomile Flower (Matricaria chamomilla) 24
Chiraito (Swertia chirayita) 25
Chiuri (Diploknema butyracea) 26
Chutro (Berberis asiatica, B. aristata) 27
Dalechuk, Bhuichuk (Hippophae salicifolia, H. tibetana) 28
Dhasingre (Gaultheria fragrantissima) 29
Dhayero (Woodfordia fruticosa) 30
Dhupi (Juniperus indica) 31
Gamdol (Brachycorythis obcordata) 32
Ghodtapre (Centella asiatica) 33
Githha, vyakur (Dioscorea bulbifera, D. deltoidea) 34
Guchhi Chyau (Morchella conica, M. esculenta) 35
Gurjo (Tinospora sinensis) 36
Harro (Terminalia chebula) 37
Jangali sayapatri (Tagetes minuta) 38
Jatamansi (Nardostachys grandiflora) 39
Jethimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 40
Jhayau (Parmelia nepalensis) 41
Jimbu (Allium wallichii) 42
Kachur (Curcuma zedoaria) 43
Kakarsingi (Pistacia chinensis subsp. integerrima) 44
Kakoli (Fritillaria cirrhosa) 45
Kalo Musli (Curculigo orchioides) 46
Kaulo (Persea odoratissima) 47
Kutki (Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora) 48
Laghupatra (Podophyllum hexandrum) 49
Lalgedi, Ratogedi (Abrus precatorius) 50
Lauthsalla (Taxus wallichiana) 51
Majitho (Rubia manjith) 52
Nagbeli (Lycopodium clavatum) 53
Neem (Azadirachta indica) 54
Nirmansi, Nirbishi, Nilobish (Delphinium denudatum) 55
Okhar (Juglans regia) 56
Padamchaal (Rheum australe) 57
Pakhanved (Bergenia ciliata) 58
Panchaunle (Dactylorhiza hatagirea) 59
Pipla (Piper longum) 60
Ritha (Sapindus mukorossi) 61
Rudrakshya (Elaeocarpus sphaericus) 62
Saldhup (Shorea robusta) 63
Salla Simta (Tsuga dumosa) 64
Sarpagandha, Chandmaruwa (Rauvolfia serpentina) 65
Satavari, Kurilo (Asparagus racemosus) 66
Satuwa (Paris polyphylla) 67
Seto Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) 68
Sikakai (Acacia rugata) 69
Siltimur (Lindera neesiana) 70
Simalkoful (Bombax ceiba) 71
Somlata (Ephedra gerardiana) 72
Sugandhkokila (Cinnamomum glaucescens) 73
Sugandhwal, Samayo (Valeriana jatamansii) 74
Sunpati (Rhododendron anthopogon) 75
Tejpat, Dalchini (Cinnamomum tamala) 76
Timur (Zanthoxylum armatum) 77
Tukiful (Taraxacum officinale) 78
Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) 79
Yarsagumba (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) 80
References 81
Part 1: Introduction

Areas with availability of high valued medicinal plants Photo: Khilendra Gurung


Nepal is rich in floral diversity because of high altitudinal variation, diverse geography
and presence of different climatic zones. Nepal's unique position in the center of
the Himalaya makes it the assemblage point of six floristic provinces namely Sino-
Japanese, Central Asiatic, Irano-Turranean, Sudano-Zambian, Indian and Southeast
Asiatic (TISC 2002). It has been estimated that there are more than 7000 species of
flowering and about 4000 species of non-flowering plants (MoFSC 2002, MoFSC
2014). Out of the total plants recorded from Nepal, about 1500-1800 species are
being used by local communities to treat various ailments, and more than 100
plants/ plant parts are annually traded in and from Nepal as Medicinal and Aromatic
Plants. Medicinal plants are defined as plants and mushrooms traded to produce
pharmaceuticals, dietary supplement products, natural health products, cosmetics
and other personal care products, and culinary products (definition adopted from
Medicinal Plants Specialist Group, 2007).

Most of the people residing in hilly and Himalayan regions of Nepal rely on medicinal
plants for their livelihood support because of remoteness, inadequate land for
agriculture and limited livelihood diversification opportunities. As a result, 10-100%
of the population are engaged in collection and trade of MAPs and the trade contribute
up to 50% of the total annual family income (Olsen and Larsen 2003). Studies reveal
that about 7000 to 27000 tons of medicinal plants are annually collected and traded
from Nepal. The total export value is expected to be about US$ 60 million. Most of the
collected medicinal plants are exported to India and China in raw form. But with the
expansion of road network and technological advancement in recent years, processing
was initiated for some medicinal plants, notably the essential oil yielding plants. In
FY 2015/016, 36.8 tons of essential oils worth US$2.6 million was exported from
Nepal (TEPC data) from 21 species of wild and cultivated medicinal and aromatic
plants. Thus medicinal plants is becoming the major exporting commodity of Nepal.

The trade is supporting the livelihood of hundreds and thousands of Nepalese

communities in one hand but it is also posing threat to their survival. Premature
and overharvesting are the major threats for most of high altitude medicinal plants.
Medicinal plants of herbs life form are harvested by uprooting the whole plant before
seed dispersal. In response to the threat, government of Nepal with its own act/ policy/
legislation and as per the signatory of different conventions, kept the following plants
under different categories.

Table: Protected and Threatened plant species of Nepal

Nepali Threat Category

SN Plant Species Family
Abies spectabilis Ban raw
1 Pinaceae tfln;kq
(D. Don) Mirb. export
Acacia catechu
2 Leguminosae Vfo/ T
(L.F.) Willd.
3 balangrense Ranunculaceae ljif EN
Aconitum bisma
4 (Buch.-Ham.) Ranunculaceae ljif DD
Aconitum ferox
5 Ranunculaceae ;]tf] ljif DD T
Wall. ex Serige
6 Ranunculaceae ljif T
gammiei Stapf
7 laciniatum Ranunculaceae ljif T
(Bruhl) Stapf
8 spicatum (Bruhl) Ranunculaceae ljif V T
Allium hypsistum
9 Liliaceae lhDa' V
10 przewalskianum Liliaceae lhDa' V
Alstonia neriifolia
11 Apocynaceae EN R
Alstonia scholaris
12 Apocynaceae 5ltjg V R
(L.) R.Br.
Arisaema costatum
13 (Wall.) Mart. Ex Araceae ;k{sf] ds} LC
benthamii (Wall.
14 Boraginaceae dxf/+uL V
ex G.Don)

15 Liliaceae ;t'jf V
racemosus Willd.
Bark of Juglans Complete
16 Juglandaceae cf]v/sf] af]qmf
regia L. ban
Bergenia ciliata
17 Saxifragaceae kfvgj]b T
(Haw.) Sternb
18 monosperma Leguminosae knf; V EN
(Lam.) Kuntze
Ban raw
19 glaucescens (Nees) Lauraceae ;'uGwsf]lsnf
ef;fsf, e'ts]
20 megacalyx Papavaraceae EN
21 unilocularis Capparaceae l;KnLsfg EN R
22 Creopegia spp. Apocynaceae II
23 Hypoxidaceae sfnf] d';nL V
orchioides Gaertn.
24 Cyathea spp. Cyatheaceae ?v pGo" II
25 Cycas spp. Cycadaceae snjn II
26 hatagirea Orchidaceae kfFrcf}+n EN II
(D.Don) Soo.
Dalbergia latifolia
27 Leguminosae ;lt;fn V
28 Ranunculaceae clt; V
himalayai Munz
29 Dioscoreaceae Eofs'/ EN T II
deltoidea Wall.
30 heterophyllum Ranunculaceae clt; V R
31 Elaeocarpaceae ?b|fIf V
(Gaertn.) K.

32 intermedia Gnetaceae ;f]dntf EN
Schrenk & Meyer
macraei (Lindl.)
33 Orchidaceae lhjGtL V
P.F. Hunt &
Fritillaria cirrhosa
34 Liliaceae sfsf]nL V
Gloriosa superba s]a/L, clUg
35 Liliaceae EN
Linn. lzvf
36 montanum Gnetaceae ef]6 nx/f III
Heracleum lallii
37 Umbelliferae EN
Jurinea dolomiaea
38 Compositae w'kh8L NT
Ban raw
39 Lichen spp. ‰ofp
Lilium nepalense
40 Liliaceae lv/f}n] DD
41 bicolor (Wall. ex Boraginaceae dxf/+uL DD
G.Don) A.DC.
Maharanga emodi
42 Boraginaceae dxf/+uL DD K
(Wall.) A.DC.
Meconopsis dhwojii
43 Papavaraceae NT
G. Taylor ex Hay
Meconopsis regia
44 Papavaraceae Sof;/ III
G. Taylor
45 Magnoliaceae rfFk CR EN
champaca Linn.
Nardostachys Ban raw
46 Valerianaceae h6fd;L V V II
grandiflora DC. export
47 scrophulariiflora Scrophulariaceaae s'6\sL V harvest
(Pennell) Hong
48 turpethum (L.) Convolvulaceae lg;f]y EN

49 Orchid family Orchidaceae ;'guef kl/jf/ II
50 Bigoniaceae 66]nf] EN
indicum (L.) Kurz
51 Orchidaceae EN II
porrectus Lindl.
Paeonia emodi
52 Paeoniaceae rGb| V
Panax pseudo-
53 Araliaceae dug V
ginseng Wall.
54 insigne (Wall. ex Orchidaceae I
Lindl.) Pfitz.
55 venustum (Wall. Orchidaceae I
ex Sims) Pfitz.
Paris polyphylla
56 Liliaceae ;t'jf V V
Piper longum
57 Piperaceae ;t'jf V
Pistacia chinensis
Bunge subsp.
58 Anacardiaceae sfs/l;ËL R
integerrima (J.L.
Stewart) Rech.f.
59 neriifolius D. Podocarpaceae u'G;L III
60 Berberidaceae nw'kq V V II
hexandrum Royle
Pongamia pinnata sf/]uL / s/
61 Leguminosae DD K
(L.) Pierre Gh
62 Leguminosae ljho;fn CR
marsupium Roxb
;k{uGwf, Ban raw
63 serpentina (L.) Apocynaceae CR EN II
rfFbd?jf export
Benth. ex Kurz
Rheum australe
64 Polygonaceae kbdrfn V V
65 moorcroftianum Polygonaceae kbdrfn NT

Rheum nobile
66 Hook.f. & Polygonaceae 7'nf] kbdrfn V R
Rubia manjith
67 Rubiaceea Dflh7f] V
Roxb. ex Fleming
68 Gentianaceae efn] lr/fOtf] EN
Buch.-Ham. ex
Swertia chirayita
69 (Roxb. ex Gentianaceae lr/fOtf] V V
Fleming) Karsten
70 multicaulis Gentianaceae ;df{u'? DD
71 hodgsonii Hook. Magnoliaceae jg rfFk III
F. & Thomson
Taxus walllichiana Ban raw
72 Taxaceae nf]}7 ;Nnf EN II
Zucc. export
73 Tetracentraceae III
sinense Oliv.
Tinospora sinensis
74 Menispermaceae Uf'hf{] V
(Lour.) Merr.
Valeriana Ban raw
75 Valerianaceae ;'uGwjfn V
jatamansii Jones export

CAMP: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan

IUCN: International Union for Nature Conservation-IUCN Red List

CITIES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

GoN: Government of Nepal

Complete ban: Ban for collection, use, trade, transportation and export
Ban raw export: Banned for export outside the country without processing
Conditional harvest: Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora has been incorporated in the protection list of
GoN category 1. The wild harvest and sale is allowed only after the taxonomic identification and confirmation of
the species as Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora by DPR, and then the final approval of DoF after its inventory and
identification of its total natural and harvestable stock in the wild.

CR = Critically endangered, DD = Data deficient, EN = Endangered, K = Insufficiently Known, NT = Nearly

threatened, V = Vulnerable, R = Rare and T = Threatened

Cultivation and domestication has been initiated for few decades in Nepal. Tejpat, Rittha,
Timur, Chiraito and Kurilo are the major domesticated medicinal plants that shares
substantial quantity of export from Nepal. Likewise, cultivation of essential oil yielding
plants such as Mentha, Chamomile etc has been initiated in lower regions of Nepal. There
are still other plants that have tremendous potentiality for income. Herbs and NTFPs
Coordination Committee (HNCC) of GoN has compiled a list of 30 species of medicinal
plants for research and development.

SN Botanical Name Common Name

1 Aconitum heterophyllum Attis
2 Aconitum spicatum Bish
3 Acorus calamus Bojho
4 Asparagus racemosus Kurilo/ Satavari
5 Azadirachta indica Neem
6 Bergenia ciliata Pakhanved
7 Cinnamomum glaucescens Sugandha kokila
8 Cinnamomum tamala Tejpat
9 Ophiocordyceps sinensis Yarsagumba
10 Dactylorhiza hatagirea Panch aaule
11 Dioscorea deltoidea Vyakur
12 Gaultheria fragrantissima Dhasingre, Patpate
13 Juglans regia Okhar
14 Morchella conica Guchi Chyau
15 Nardostachys grandiflora Jatamansi
16 Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora Kutki
17 Lichens Jhyau
18 Phyllanthus emblica Amala
19 Piper longum Pipla
20 Podophyllum hexandrum Laghu patra
21 Rauvolfia serpentina Sarpagandha
22 Rheum australe Padamchal

23 Rubia manjith Majitho
24 Sapindus mukorossi Rittha
25 Swertia chirayita Chiraito, Tite
26 Tagetes minuta Jangali Sayapatri
27 Taxus wallichiana Lauth Salla
28 Tinospora sinensis Gurjo
29 Valeriana jatamansii Sugandhawal, Samayo
30 Zanthoxylum armatum Timur

Objective of this book

There are several reference materials about medicinal plants published by government,
individual researchers, non-government organizations etc. Most of these reference material
focused on general description of plants with or without pictures. But there are very limited
publications that describes the traded part with pictures. Thus to fulfill this gap, the Nepalese
version of "Nepalka pramukh jadibutiharuko chinari" was published in 2012 and was
reprinted in 2016. With high demand from non-Nepalese readers, the book has been
translated in English language. Description of few species were added in this English version.
This book is expected to be helpful to forest and custom officials in the identification of
medicinal plants by viewing the traded part. Likewise this English version will be helpful
to scholars, researchers, entrepreneurs, investors and organizations working or interested in
medicinal plants sector.

The following section gives detail information on habit, habitat, and description of plant and
traded part of 69 medicinal plants, along with pictures.

Part II:
Introduction of Medicinal and
Aromatic Plants

English Name:
Emblic Myrobolan, Gooseberry

Scientific Name:
Phyllanthus emblica L.


Medium sized deciduous tree reaching upto
15 m. Leaves simple, linear-oblong blunt,
entire, hairless, small petioled, arranged in
two ranks on slender branchlets, light green, Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
resembling pinnate leaves; 1 to 1.5 cm long
and 0.2 to 0.3 cm wide with distinct midrib. Part used in Trade:
Flowers minute, greenish yellow. Fruit

Availability: General description on traded part:

Naturally distributed from 150 to 1600 m Raw fruit is green in color. Dried fruit light
throughout Nepal. Also found in sloppy brown to black in color, wrinkled, slight sour,
areas and forests near roads. bitter. Both raw and processed Amala are in
Harvesting Time:
September to November Uses:
Fruit is sour in taste and contains maximum
amount of vitamin C. Amala is used to
preserve the food materials. It is also used
for digestion, Anemia, Jaundice etc. Fresh
fruit is used to cure urine related diseases
and dry fruit for Diarrhea and Dysentery.
Fruit powder is also used as anti-dandruff.
In Ayurvedic medicine, it is used in
manufacturing Chyawanprash and Trifala.
Fresh fruit is eaten raw or by making pickles.

Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized Amala
in cultivation and conservation.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Malabar Nut

Scientific Name:
Justicia adhatoda L.


Strong-smelling, deciduous shrub growing
up to 3 m tall in height. Petiole covered by
slightly yellow colored smooth bark. Leaves
opposite, stalked, 7 to 19 cm long, 4 to 6
cm width, elliptic to lanceolate, acuminate, Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
entire, soft and highly scented. Flowers
Harvesting Time:
sessile, white with tiny red spots having two
Leaves are harvested throughout the year.
lip shaped petals. Flowers from December
Flowers from July to October.
to April.
Part used in Trade:
Leaves along with petiole and Flower.
Distributed from 600 to 1600 m in open
areas and on uncultivated land and edges of
Description of traded part:
cultivated land throughout Nepal.
Leaves along with petiole is thinner, inner
part slightly white- brown, outer part brown
with few vertical veins. Dried leaves are
thinner, slightly green in color and scented.

All the parts of Malabur Nut are useful.
Leaves are used as medicine in Expectorant
and also used as medicine for Asthma and
Bronchitis. Leaves are taken along with
boiled water during cough and fever. Leaves
are also used as green manure to increase
production of rice, potato and maize. Its use
helps to increase yield in potato and decrease
risk from pests. Leaves also have insecticidal

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Winter Cherry

Scientific Name:
Withania somnifera Dunal


Evergreen shrub growing approximately
1.5 m tall in height with straight branches.
Whole plant is covered by white hairs.
Leaves small petioled or sessile, lower part
covered by many white hairs, leaf margins Photo: Khilendra Gurung
straight. Flower light yellow-green in color.

Availability: Part used in Trade:

Naturally distributed in some parts of India Root is used in trade. It is not available in
and Mediterranean region. In Nepal, it can Natural forests of Nepal, so in large quantity
be cultivated in tropical region. roots are imported from India.

Harvesting Time: General description on traded part:

September to November. Raw fresh root smells like that of horse and
named so. Petiole is minute, woody in nature,
30 to 45 cm long, thickened like finger,
strong, externally rough and internally white
in color. Bark is thinner and light yellow in

Root is used in the treatment of impotency,
sexual stimulant, weakness, gout and
sleeplessness, fever and swelling of body.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:

Scientific Name:
Delphinium himalayai Munz


Erect perennial herb about 1 m high. Leaves
petioled, circular, five-lobed, hairy, lobes
dentate. Flowers bluish in long, one-sided
spikes. Flowers in July - August.
Photo: Khilendra Gurung
Distributed from 2000 to 4000 m on open
General description on traded part:
slopes, endemic to Western and Central
Root is bitter in taste. Its diameter is about
1-1.5 cm tapering towards end, less branches,
small roots emerging from rhizome and bark
Harvesting Time:
is brown in color.
October to December
Part used in Trade:
Juice of the root is given in cases of cough
and colds. An infusion of the root is put
in wounds in the hooves of cattle to expel
worms or kill germs.

Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized Attis
in cultivation and conservation. CAMP

Photo: DPR
English Name:
Cinquefoil, Silver Leaf
Scientific Name:
Potentilla fulgens Wall. ex Hook.
Perennial herb growing up to 30 cm in
height. Leaves compound, small petiole;
leaflets numeous, 4 cm long and 1.5 cm
wide, alternately small and large diminishing
in size from the uppermost downward,
dentate, silky tomentose beneath. Tip of stalk
of flower yellow in color. Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Distributed from 1800 to 3500 m in open
ground and pastures throughout Nepal.

Harvesting Time: Description of traded part:

October to December. Root at first are light rose in color and later
brown in color, around 1 cm in radius, bitter
Part used in Trade: in taste and destitute of flavor.
Commercially used in the preparation of
toothpaste. It is also used as medicine in
the treatment of stomach pain and during

Photo: DPR 1995

English Name:
Belleric Myrobolan

Scientific Name:
Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.
Deciduous tree about 30 to 40 m high. Bark
dark rough, wood somewhat yellow. Leaves
long petioled, alternate, 10 to 25 cm long,
5 to 14 wide, mostly at the end of branches,
elliptic to ovate, leathery, entire, base narrowed
and unequal. Flowers sessile, yellowish, Photo: Khilendra Gurung
in axillary slender spikes, odor offensive.
Flowers from October to November. Fruits
from November to February. Part used in Trade:
Fruit and Seed.
Distributed from 3000 to 1100 m in Eastern Description of traded part:
and Central Nepal. Common in Shorea Fruit is about 1.3 to 2 cm in radius, spindle
robusta forests. shaped, divided unclearly into 5 ridges,
brown in color and slightly hairy externally.
Harvesting Time: Fruit contain minute seeds. Fruit tastes
December to March. slightly sweet and bitter. Fruit carp is slightly
rough in comparison to Terminalia chebula.

Fruit is used as digestive, strengthening teeth
and prevention in gum bleeding. Fruit is used
in the preparation of medicine for fever and
seed for bronchitis. One night water swollen
fruit is advantageous for eye infection.

Other Uses:
Dust of dried fruit carp of Barro mixed with
boiled water is useful in cough, Asthma,
constipation etc. It is also useful during
diarrhea, respiratory trouble and headache.

Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

English Name:
Bel Fruit Tree, Wood Apple

Scientific Name:
Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Corr
Deciduous, thorny, medium-sized tree
about 8 to 15 m high growing in cultivated
lands and forests. Bark brown, lobed, scaly. Photo: Khilendra Gurung
Leaves petioled, alternate, trifoliate, leaflets
ovate to lancolate, 4 to 6 cm long, oval, Part used in Trade:
dentate, aromatic. Flower greenish white in Fruit
subterminal panicles, scented. Flowers from Description of traded part:
April to June and fruits next year from AprilFresh fruit is acerbic, bitter, and sour. Fruit
to July. is very hard, like coconut, spindle shaped,
Availability: green in raw and little rough purple in color
Distributed up to 1100 m throughout when ripen. Flesh of the fruit is yellow in
Nepal. However, common in Chure and color and taste is sweet-sour tasty.
bottom of South Chure, Doon areas and in Uses:
lower belt of hilly districts at Mid-Western Pulp of ripe fruit is eaten fresh or mixed with
Development Region of Nepal. water to prepare juice which is very healthy.
Harvesting Time: In Nepal, daughters of Newar community
August to September. are traditionally first married to fruit of wood
apple. Juice prepared from leaves are used
as medicine for curing stomach troubles,
diabetes, diuretic and insecticides. Fruit is
also beneficial in digestive, Diarrhea, cold
and Dysentery. Ripen fruit consumption
cures constipation, neck ache and increases
digestive ability. Flesh of fruit is also used
as gums. Root tastes very sweet and bitter.
Root is beneficial in fever Dysentery and
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photo: Govinda Ghimire

English Name:
Sweet Flag

Scientific Name:
Acorus calamus L.
Perennial aromatic herb about 1 m high,
common in wet land areas. Leaves basal, 40
to 150 cm long, 1 to 3 cm wide, flat, linear,
midrib distinct, margin wavy. Flowers small,
bisexual, yellowish, condensed or cylindrical
Spadix. Flowers from May to June. Fruits Photo: Khilendra Gurung
from August to September.
Availability: Description of traded part:
Distributed from 500 to 2300 m asl in Rhizome is 0.6 to 2 cm in thickness and
marshy and wetland areas. about 1 m long, jointed, hairy and aromatic.
Harvesting Time: Outer part of rhizome is light orange-brown
September to February. while inner part is pinkish white in color. Its
taste is biting and numbing. Root is white
Part used in Trade: and black in color. White rooted Bhojo
Rhizome is found in irrigated or cultivated areas
whereas black rooted Bhojo is found in wild
and better.
It is used as food preservatives in houses as
natural and safe insecticide. Root has valued
medicinal properties. It is also beneficial
during cough, cold and wounds in neck,
Dysentery, fever and toothache. It is also
used as tonic for brain. It is also used in
manufacturing incense. Calamus oil is also
extracted from its roots.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photos: Khilendra Gurung

Bhojpatrako Bokra
English Name:
Himalayan Silver Birch

Scientific Name:
Betula utilis D. Don


Hardwood deciduous tree about 20 m high.
Leaves small petioled, 2 to 12 cm long, 2 to
7 cm wide, oval, acute, irregularly serrate,
base broadly cunneate or rounded, sticky
when young. Inflorescence yellowish, the
male catkins at the top of long shoots, female Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
catkin solitary. Flowers and fruits from July
to October. Part used in Trade:
Distributed from 2700 to 4300 m in natural Description of traded part:
condition throughout Nepal. It is found in Bark easily extractable, thinner, multi
high Himalayan regions at the maximum layered, like paper, with white- yellow
height at Timber line. nodes at the surface. It is lightly red-yellow
in color.
Harvesting Time:
August to November. Uses:
Dust of bark are used in the preparation
of incense. In ancient times, it was used
in writing. Bark is used as energetic and
to cure Fever, Common Cold, Jaundice,
Diuretic and Anthelminthic.

Locally, papery bark is used to shield

materials, lining the roofs of houses,
preserving food materials from insects and
rain. High valued MAPs/NTFPs including
Silajeet is shield in barks of Betula and
traded to Indian cities.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Ragwort/ Milk Parsley

Scientific Name:
Selinum wallichianum (DC.) Raizada &
Saxena; [Synonym Selinum tenuifolium
Wall. ex C.B. Clarke]
Umbelliferae / Apiaceae
Perennial herb about 1. 5 m high. Stem
hollow. Leaves pinnate with much divided
lobes. Flowers white, minute like of
Coriander, densely clustered in compound
Photo: Khilendra Gurung
Distributed from 2500 to 4500 m
throughout Nepal in open and rocky
topography. Description of traded part:
Roots in fresh are light yellow with fine
Harvesting Time: hairs. When dried, it turns into brown
October to November. color, peeled hair like roots, inner part light
yellow-white. It smells almost like that of
Part used in Trade: black cumin.
Roots are used as medicines. It is beneficial
in stomach ache, gastric and fever.

Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

Bish, Nilo Bish
English Name:
Aconite, Nepali Aconite

Scientific Name:
Aconitum spicatum (Briihl) Stapf Aconitum
ferox Wall. ex Ser.
Both species of Aconite i.e. Aconitum spicatum Photo: Khilendra Gurung
and Aconitum ferox are traded from Nepal.
Aconitum ferox: Perennial herb up to 1 Availability:
m high. Leaves petioled, alternate, nearly Aconitum ferox: Distributed from 2100 to
round, palmately lobed, 8 to 15 cm long. 3800 m in Eastern and Central Nepal.
Inflorescence with 10 to 12 dark blue flowers.
Flower blue or violet in receme. Flowers from Aconitum spicatum: Distributed from 1800
September to October. to 4200 m in Eastern, Central and Western
Aconitum spicatum: Perennial erect herb
about 1 to 2 m high with the largest rhizome Harvesting Time:
among Aconite genus. Leaves petioled, October to November.
digitate, three- or five- parted. Flowers is Part used in Trade:
purple in recemes. Inflorescence about 15 Rhizome
to 40 cm long. Flowers from September to
Description of traded part:
Rhizome of Aconitum ferox is about 10 to 20
cm long and 1. 5 to 3 cm in thickness, dark
brown in color. Fine roots arises from the
rhizome. Aconitum spicatum has the largest
rhizome among Aconitum genus.
Rhizome of both species is very poisonous.
Rhizome after some particular process, are
used as medicine in the treatment of animal
bites as anti-poisonous medicine. Rhizome
of Aconitum spicatum is the most poisonous
among Aconitum genus.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.
Photo: Khilendra Gurung
English Name:
Wall Fern

Scientific Name:
Polypodium vulgare L.
Terrestrial or epiphytic fern growing in old
trees. Rhizome modified, broad, creeping
with brown linear scales in the surface. Fronds
30 to 65 cm long, 8 to 15 cm wide, upper
surface smooth, lower surface with few fine
hairs, cut down to the rachis into numerous,
Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
minutely dentate pinnae, pinnae gradually
narrowed toward the base. Lower surface of
leaves contains brown colored reproductive Part used in Trade:
structures called sori. Modified rhizome

Availability: Description of traded part:

Distributed from 1300 to 2700 m in cool, Modified rhizome is brown in color, woody
moist and shady in north facing slopes in nature, surface is covered by numerous
throughout Nepal. brown colored scales. Inner side of woody
part is light brown in color. Dried rhizome
Harvesting Time: is about 0. 5 cm in radius and 3 to 8 cm in
September to October. length.

Rhizome has medicinal properties. Powered
rhizome, mixed with corn flour, is roasted
and about 8 teaspoons of this powder, three
times a day, is given to relieve backaches.
Similarly, it is also used to cure stomach

Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

Chamomile Flower
English Name:
Blue Chamomile, German Chamomile

Scientific Name:
Matricaria chamomilla L.


Annual aromatic herb growing up to 60
to 90 cm tall in height, multi-branched.
Leaves compound; leaflets slightly hairy
with minute lobes. Petiole internally hollow;
externally covered by green colored leaves. Photo: Govinda Ghimire

Part used in Trade:
This plant is exotic to Nepal. In Nepal,
cultivated in lower plains of Tarai from 500
to 1800 m.
Description of traded part:
Radius of Flower is 1.3 to 2.5 cm, outer
Harvesting Time:
sepals are white and inner petals are yellow
Flowers can be harvested three times
in color. Flower has very sweet smell. Smell is
annually. Generally, flowers are harvested
continued even in dry flower.
March onwards.
Valuable essential oil, Chamomile oil is
extracted from its flower. The oil is used in
food materials including drinks, chocolates,
in cosmetics and in soaps and shampoos.
Flower is also used in tea. It has medicinal
value also.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Chiraito, Tite
English Name:
Scientific Name:
Swertia chirayita L.
Biennial to perennial herb growing from
60 to 150 cm tall in height, having only
one main stem above ground surface. Roots
woody or non woody in nature, 0.5 to 1.5
cm in thickness, 5 to 10 cm in length, slightly
brown in color. Leaves opposite, elliptic, Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
entire, tip pointed. Leaves below the stem are
Part used in Trade:
longer than leaves above the stem. Flowers
Whole plant
yellowish or greenish, July-November.
Description of traded part:
The plant is about 60 to 150 cm tall, roots are
Indigenous to temperate Himalayas.
slightly curved, some thickened and brown
Distributed in Eastern and Central Nepal at
in color and leaves are minute. Lower part
1500 to 3000 m in moist areas having more
of stem is like spindle shaped and upper part
humidity and forest openings and private
is quadrangular and lines are clearly seen in
cultivated lands. It is found from east to west
every angle. Whole plant is extremely bitter.
Nepal in around 50 districts.
Harvesting Time:
Though whole plant contains medicinal
November to December.
properties, roots are commonly used in
medicine. It contains medicinal properties for
curing fever, bronchial asthma liver disorders,
Also used as anthelminthic, expectorant,
Antiperiodic, hypoglycemic, laxative, etc.
Due to bitterness in Chiraito, it is used as
alternative source in beer industries. Studies
show its use in protection of liver related
disease. For the treatment of Malaria, pieces
of leaves and stem are chewed or its boiled
water is drunk.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photos: Dipesh Pyakurel

English Name:
Nepal Butter Tree

Scientific Name:
Diploknema butyracea (Roxb.) H.J. Lam


Deciduous tree growing up to 20 m tall in
height. Leaves petioled, 14 to 30 cm long, 7
to 16 cm broad, raised in clusters from the
tip of the branches, upper surface smooth,
lower leaf surface hairy. Flower yellow, Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
stalked, raised in clusters from the tip of
the branches. Flowers from November to
February. Fruits from March to July. Part used in Trade:
Fruit, Seed and Ghee.
Distribution is scattered from 300 to 1500 Description of traded part:
m in Nepal. Seed swollen in center and slightly tapers
towards end. Fruit carp light yellow, brown
Harvesting Time: in color, broken in few places and white part
July to August. or ghee is seen from broken part. Ghee is
whitish yellow in color.

Fruit, leaves, seed and bark are useful. It is
used in the preparation of soap, oil, candles
and ghee. Its bark is used as poison in fishing
and leaves are used to prepare local plates
called "doona tapari" in which rice and curry
are served.

Photos: Govinda Ghimire

English Name:
Scientific Name:
Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC.; Berberis
aristata DC.
In Nepal, 32 species and more than 8
varieties of Berberis are found. Berberis
asiatica and Berberis aristata are major two
Berberis aristata
traded species of Berberis. In Notification
(Gazette) of Government of Nepal, Barberry Photo: Khilendra Gurung
is indicated as Berberis spp. At local level, in
many places (Mahonia napaulensis) is also in cluster, 1.5 to 9 cm long, 0.5 to 2 cm
known as Barberry. broad, ovate, with trifid spines, entire or
spinous dentate, smooth, base tapering.
Berberis asiatica: Spiny shrub about 3 m Flower stalked, yellow, in drooping racemes.
high. Leaves small petioled, raised in cluster, Fruit ovoid, blue - black when ripe. Flowers
2 to 7 cm long, 0.5 to 2 cm broad, ovate, March-June. Fruits July-November.
leathery, margins coarsely spinous, venation
netted. Flower stalked, yellow. Fruit fleshy Availability:
or pulpy, blue–black when ripe. Flowers Berberis asiatica is distributed from 1800 to
March-May. Fruits June-July. 3000 m and Berberis aristata is distributed
from 600 to 2500 m throughout Nepal.
Berberis aristata: Also Spiny shrub about
3 m high. Leaves short petioled, raised Harvesting Time:
October to December.
Part used in Trade:
Bark and root
Description of traded part:
Bark and root scentless. Outer part slightly
brown in color, lobed and inner part is
yellow in color.
Fruit, leaves, bark and roots have medicinal
properties. Especially Bark and root are used
to extract natural yellow dye. Juice of bark is
boiled and filtered for use as drops in cases of
Berberis asiatica inflammation of the eye.
Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

Dalechuk, Bhuichuk
English Name:
Scientific Name:
Hippophae salicifolia D. Don; Hippophae
tibetana Schlecht.
Two species of Hippophae are found in
Nepal, Hippophae salicifolia and Hippophae Hippophae tibetana
tibetana. Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

Hippophae salicifolia: Spiny deciduous Availability:

shrub or tree about 5 m high. Leaves petioled, H. salicifolia: Distributed from 2000 to 3700
oblong to lanceolate, stellately pubescent m in western and Mid-western Development
above. It is dioecious with separate male and regions of Nepal, common on riverbanks, silt
female plants. Male flowers yellow-brown, mud brought by river and open areas after
produced in clusters before leaves arise. landslides.
Female flowers solitary, produced along with H. tibetana: Distributed in eastern and
the leaves. central Nepal from 3300 to 4500 m on rocky
areas and sandy ground.
Hippophae tibetana: Dwarf, thorny, Harvesting Time:
deciduous shrub about 10 to 50 cm high and September to November.
spread with branches. Branches tip turned
to long, pointed thorn. Leaves small petiole, Part used in Trade:
alternate or opposite, linear lanceolate, Fruit
somewhat leathery, densely clothed with Description of traded part:
silvery brown scales on both surfaces. Fruits of H. salicifolia and H. tibetana are
Flowers yellow in axillary clusters, appearing fleshy and orange red after matured. Ripe
in the new leaves. fruit are extremely sour in taste and has
maximum amount of Vitamin C.
Fruits are used to prepare tasty healthy drinks.
Juice are sold in Hilly and Himalayan tourist
areas. Seed contains high quality of essential
oil which has medicinal properties used to
prevent skin wrinkling, swelling, antibiotics,
for relaxation and help to manufacture new
tissues. Regular use of essential oil also has
skin protection property so used as materials
Hippophae salicifolia for cosmetic materials and sun cream.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Dhasingre, Patpate
English Name:

Scientific Name:
Gaultheria fragrantissima Wallich


Shrub about 3 m high. Leaves petioled, 3 to
13. 5 cm long, 1. 5 to 5 cm wide, oblong
to lanceolate, acuminate, serrate, leathery,
bright green. Flowers whitish, fragrant. Fruit
purplish blue when ripe. Plant flowers in
October and the seeds ripe in November. Source: Dipesh Pyakurel

Harvesting Time:
Distributed from 1200 to 2700 m
The plant is harvested when flowers in
throughout Nepal on rocky hillsides in
october and dried for later use.
forest areas.
Part used in Trade:

Description of traded part:

Wintergreen oil is extracted by steam
distillation of the leaves and twigs.
Wintergreen oil is fluidy liquid, pinkish or
water white in colour and strongly aromatic
with sweet-woody odor.

Winter green oil is very toxic and diluted oil is
used as a food flavoring, treating or relieving
pain for muscular or skeletal problems. It
also promotes healthy respiratory function.

Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Source: Dipesh Pyakurel

English Name:
Fire-flame Bush

Scientific Name:
Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz.


Spreading perennial shrub about 3 m,
sometimes up to 7 m high with drooping
branches. Bark is rough red in color, thinner
and easily extractable. Leaves are sessile, 5
to 12 cm long, 1 to 3 cm width, opposite, Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
sometimes whorls of three, oblong to
lanceolate, acuminate, entire, upper surface
dark green and lower surface velvety, with Harvesting Time:
black dots. Flowers short stalked, scarlet, in April to May.
few-flowered axillary cymes.
Part used in Trade:
Availability: Dried flower.
Naturally distributed from 200 to 1500 m in
dry and open places throughout Nepal. Description of traded part:
Flower is crimson or red in color, having small
petiole, like tube with sweet smell. Leaves
and petiole pieces are mixed with flower.

Flower yield a red dye. Flower, boiled in water,
are taken in case of profuse menstruation,
indigestion, Dysentery, bleeding from nose
and mouth, Diarrhea etc.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Black Juniper
Scientific Name:
Juniperus indica Bertol
Four species of Juniperus namely J. indica,
J. recurva, J. squamata and J. communis
are found in Nepal. But, in terms of trade,
Photo: Khilendra Gurung
black juniper i.e. Juniperus indica is common
Part used in Trade:
J. indica: Woody shrub or small tree about Leaf, Fruit and upper part of petiole.
0.5-2 m high, with largely horizontal
Description of traded part:
branching. Leaves dark grey-green,
As mentioned, the structure of leaves are the
dimorphic, with adult plants mostly scale-
major basis of identification. When leaves
like, sometimes needle-like on shaded shoots,
are rubbed in hand, sweet aromatic nature is
decussate or sometimes in whorls of 3, closely
distinct. Dry leaves are greenish brown. Leaves
appressed, 1-3 mm long; while young plants
in trade are mixed with petioles having thicker
mostly needle-like leaves, borne in whorls of
scales and black fruit.
3, 5-8 mm long.
Local people of the Himalayan region also use
Distributed from 3000 to 4600 m in on open
to gift dried leaves of Juniper to their relatives
and rocky alpine slopes in drier areas. Above
in Kathmandu or abroad. In medicine, leaves
4000 m asl, Juniper remains as shrub whereas
of Juniper are used to increase Appetite,
below 4000 m asl Juniper are tall trees.
cure Stomachache, killing microorganisms
Harvesting Time: of stomach, controlling Dysentery, Piles,
Leaves throughout the year; Fruits July to bronchitis etc. Fruit is used for sex stimulant,
August. curing Asthma, old bronchitis, lever and bone
marrow related diseases. To flavor alcoholic
drinks, fruits of juniper and essential oil are
highly useful. Essential oil is commercially used
in the preparation of costly cosmetic materials
like soap, rum sprays, pesticides and other
Conservation Status:
Conservation status of Juniper in national level
is unknown.

Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

Gamdol, Kaladana
English Name:

Scientific Name:
Brachycorythis obcordata (Lindl.) Summerh.


Annual terrestrial orchid growing up to 20
cm tall. Leaves 2 to 5 cm long and 0.8 to
1.8 cm broad, without petiole, lanceolate,
distinct mid rib, slightly rough green in color.
Flower slightly blue-pink in color, small Photo: Khilendra Gurung
stalked, arising from in between petiole and
leaf base around 1 cm in diameter. Flowers Harvesting Time:
from August to October. September to November

Availability: Part used in Trade:

Distributed from 1000 to 2000 m. Abundant Pseudo bulb, Rhizome
in Hilly Sal and broad leaved forest mixed
area. Description of traded part:
Each plant has two rhizomes and 0.8 to 1.4
cm in shape. It is hard like stone, swollen at
middle and tapering at both ends and slightly
brown in color.

Rhizome is used as expectorant, astringent,
and as energy tonic.

Conservation Status:
All Orchids under CITIES Appendix II.

Photos: Khilendra Gurung

Dipesh Pyakurel

Ghodtapre, Brahmi
English Name:
Water Pennywort

Scientific Name:
Centella asiatica (L.) Urban.
Synonym: Hydrocotyle asiatica


Evergreen herb. Minute roots arising from
each nodes. Leaves small 1 to 1. 5 cm long,
1.3 cm broad, kidney shaped. Flowers
minute, red-white in color. Distributed Photo: Flickr
more in grazing areas.

Availability: Part used in Trade:

Found in open and moisturized places Whole plant
distributed from 500 to 2800 m, especially
in edges of cultivated lands and drainage. Description of traded part:
Slightly bitter, acerbic and sweet in taste.
Harvesting Time: Thinner branches and dried green leaves
Throughout the year. are intermixed in dry plants. Leaves are
as described above but little small due to
dryness. Red white flowers are also present in
the tip of petioles.

Whole plant is being used in medicine. Leaves
are used in curing Stomach disturbances,
Epilepsy, Neural disease, purification of
blood and Fever. Leaves are also used as tonic
and strengthen memory power.

Conservation Status:
Its status is sAttisfactory in Nepal.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Githha, Vyakur
English Name:
Potato Yam, Wild Yam

Scientific Name:
Dioscorea bulbifera L. Dioscorea deltoidea
Wall. ex Griseb


Out of 13 species of Dioscorea found in
Nepal, Dioscorea bulbifera and Dioscorea
deltoidea are commercially used in trade.
Both species are biennial climbers. Leaves Photo: Khilendra Gurung
petioled, arising only from nodes, heart
shaped, leaf tip pointed and distinct leaf
veins. Flower arises from nodes in clusters,
green-yellow in color. Uses:
Tuber is edible. Githa has a medicinal
Availability: properties so possess commercial value. Both
Both species distributed from 150 to 2000 tuber and fruit are edible. It is the source
m, especially in Chure and Mahabharat for Diosgenin which is used to manufacture
ranges of Nepal. hormone producing medicine.

Harvesting Time: Conservation Status:

December to February. Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
cultivation and conservation. Dioscorea
Part used in Trade: deltoidea falls under Appendix II in CITIES.

Description of traded part:

Tuber is thickened, yam like brown in color,
small roots emerging, inner white and outer
part slightly yellow in color and acerbic

Guchhi Chyau
English Name:
Morel Mushroom

Scientific Name:
Morchella conica, M. esculenta Pers.
Though 8 species of Morchella harvested in
Nepal, Morchela conica and M. esculenta is
most common. Its color is roughly black
and soft net like. It is a fungus growing in
organic matter of decayed and rotten plant
parts wood, leaves etc. after monsoon.
Photo: Wikipedia
Distributed from 2000 to 3500 m in Eastern, for a week and then starts rotting and cannot
Central and Western Nepal. Naturally, be harvested. So, its whole part i.e. umbrella
occurs in the areas where Betula utilis, Pinus like part and stem should be harvested from
wallichiana, Rhododendron anthopogon, May to July.
Quercus spp. are found. In Nepal, especially
Morel Mushroom are found in districts of Part used in Trade:
Karnali zone. Whole part above the ground

Harvesting Time: Description of traded part:

Life cycle of Morel Mushroom is maximum It is almost like unopened umbrella in
for a month after its germination. After structure. It is about 2 to 3 cm thickened
fruiting at mature, it is in good condition inner side containing tissues [seems as tied
by threads]. It is brown in color, wrinkled in
umbrella like part. Dried Morel Mushroom is
somewhat black in color and light in weight.
Traditionally, Morel Mushroom is used as
delicious vegetable and energetic medicine.
Its paste is used in burn in Himalayan
districts. In modern uses, it is also used as
delicious vegetable and tonic.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Gurjo, Guduchi
English Name:

Scientific Name:
Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr.


Perennial deciduous climber with rambling
stems, bark smooth, peeling off in papery
pieces, with scattered wart-like lenticels,
bright green underneath the papery bark.
Leaves petiole, heart shaped, venation Photo: Khilendra Gurung
prominent. Flowers yellowish in racemes.
Part used in Trade:
Flowers after leaf fall from June to September
Stem or Petiole.
and Fruits in winter season.
Description of traded part:
A thin, slightly brown or ash like colored
Distributed from 500 to 1100 m in Tarai
layer is present outside the stem and inner
and Mid-Hills area.
part is green. It is slightly bitter, somewhat
acerbic and sweet in taste.
Harvesting Time:
Petiole is harvested especially during
February to April.
Stem contains chemicals like Tinocordifolin
and Tinocordifoliside. Stem is used to treat
Asthma, Cough, Bronchitis, Fever, Diabetes,
Acidity, skin and urine related diseases and
leprosy. It is also used as energetic medicine
and in herbal tea.

Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photo: Govinda Ghimire

English Name:
Chebulic Myrobolan

Scientific Name:
Terminalia chebula Retz.


Deciduous tree about 20 to 30 m high,
2 m thick, young branches covered with
rusty brown hairs. Leaves petioled, opposite
or alternate, 20 cm long, oblong to ovate,
acuminate, entire, smooth. Flowers yellowish,
the odor offensive, in terminal spikes. Flowers Photo: Khilendra Gurung
from September to October. Fruits from
October to February. Harvesting Time:
December to March.
Distributed from 150 to 1100 m in tropical Part used in Trade:
and subtropical forests. Abundant in forests Fruit and Seed.
of Shorea robusta and Terminalia bellirica in
Eastern and Central Nepal. Description of traded part:
Fruit is oval, yellow orange or shiny slightly
brown. It is 2 to 4 cm long and divided into
five angles after dried. When eaten the taste
of fruit is acerbic, somewhat sweet little
sour, and somewhat bitter.

Bark, fruit and seed are used as medicines.
Matured or raw fruits are mainly used in
the leather, garment, dye and Ayurvedic
medical industries. It is also used as the
medicine for skin diseases, leprosy, fever
and heart diseases. It is one of the important
constituents of the triphala of Ayurvedic

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Jangali sayapatri
English Name:
Wild Marigold, Black Mint

Scientific Name:
Tagetes minuta L.


Erect, woody annual herb about 0.5-2 m
high with strongly odorous foliage. Leaves source internet
5-20 cm long, slightly glossy-green, pinnately
compound with 4-6 pairs of pinnae, opposite Harvesting Time:
below and alternate or opposite above, The plant is in flower in October and
leaflets narrowly lanceolate, sharply toothed the seeds ripen in November. The plant is
and 2-4 cm long. Inflorescences scented, harvested when in flower and dried for later
panicle-like, 20-80 narrowly cylindrical use.
flower heads, heads small, surrounded by Part used in Trade:
4-5 fused involucre bracts. Flowers ray and Whole plant
disk, barely extend beyond the phyllaries; ray
flowers 3-5 yellow-orange florets, disk flowers Description of traded part:
10-15 yellow-orange. Tagetes oil is extracted from the leaves, stalks
and flower, picked when the seeds are just
Availability: starting to form. The dried leaves are used
Distributed from 1200 to 2500 m. as an aromatic seasoning for soups and
vegetables. They give an apple like flavor.
Nowadays used as a flavorful beverage, a
medicinal tea, and a condiment since pre-
contact times. Flavorful herbal tea is used
for medicinal benefits such as a remedy for
colds, respiratory inflammations or stomach
problems. Essential oil, called Marigold oil is
used as a flavoring in perfume, tobacco, ice
cream, baked goods, soft drink industry etc.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

source internet
English Name:

Scientific Name:
Nardostachys grandiflora DC.
Perennial herb growing from 10 to 60 cm
high, rootstock out, covered with fibrous
stalks of withered leaves. Basal leaves Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
lanceolate, longitudinally veined, glabrous or
Part used in Trade:
straight hairy, cauline. Leaves arise in cluster
almost from the ground surface in rosette
form. Flower bluish white, June-August. Description of traded part:
Fruits October to November. Rhizome covered by reddish brown fibrous
stalks, about 0.5 to 1 cm thickened and
about 10 to 15 cm long, scented like that
Distributed from 3600 to 5000 m in open,
from animals. After extraction of essential oil
moisturized and dry rocky hillsides, lichen
from Jatamansi, the residue left is called marc
covered rocks, Juniper and Rhododendron
which is more swollen soft having less fibres.
shrublands, grazing areas and forests.
Generally found in all High Himalayan Uses:
districts but especially high in Karnali zone. Rhizome contains medicinal properties to
stimulant heart and respiratory system, to
Harvesting Time:
cure gastric, anemia, urine related diseases and
From October to November after seed
fight against microorganisms. Essential oil
extracted from rhizome is used commercially
in manufacturing cosmetics and perfumes.
Rhizome and essential oil is highly valued
base for preparing hair oil. Similarly, it is also
used as alternative for Valerian used in heart
related disease.
Conservation Status:
Banned to export from Nepal in raw form.
Government of Nepal allows only the export
of essential oil or extract after processing
within Nepal and issuing permission from
Department of Forest. Marc can be also
exported. Jatamansi is kept under Appendix
II in CITIES. IUCN and CAMP threat
status Vulnerable.

Photos: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:

Scientific Name:
Glycyrrhiza glabra L.


Perennial herb growing up to 1 to 2 m
high. Petiole spindle shapes, creeping in the
ground. Leaves compound having 9 to 17
oval yellow colored 2.5 to 5 cm long leaflets.
Flowers are in purple to pale whitish blue Photo: Wikipedia
produced in a loose inflorescence about 15
cm long.
Harvesting Time:
Availability: October to November.
Not found in natural condition in Nepal
and till date its commercial cultivation also Part used in Trade:
not started in Nepal. Imported from India in Root
huge quantity. Though it is cultivated in India
but not of Indian origin. It can cultivated in Part used in Trade:
tropical and sub-tropical regions. Root externally rough, brown having vertical
lines about 1 to 2 cm in thickness; internally
fibrous, woody, yellow. Bark medium
thickness. Tastes sweet, quiet melting and
sweetening when chewed.

In the treatment of common cold, sore
throat, vomiting, acidity, gout, weakness,
joint pain, skin related diseases.

Photos: Khilendra Gurung

Dipesh Pyakurel

English Name:

Scientific Name:
Parmelia nepalensis Tayl.
Before Government of Nepal banned
exporting of lichens without processing,
17 species of lichens used to be traded in
national and international markets. Out
of them, Parmelia nepalensis used to be
harvested and exported most.
Introduction: Photo: Khilendra Gurung
Parmelia nepalensis grows on bark of
Quercus spp., Alnus nepalensis, Berberis sp., Harvesting Time:
Rhododendron sp. and Pinus wallichiana Throughout the year.
trees. It is slight whitish yellow in color. Its
Part used in Trade:
growth rate is very slow.
whole plant
Description of traded part:
Distributed from 1000 to 3000 m
Whole part of lichen is traded. Dried
throughout Nepal in dense forests and
lichens are very light in weight. Its fibers in
pollution free forests. Maximum distribution
upper part are green brown and lower part
is in hilly districts of mid and Far Western
are slightly whiter.
Development Regions.
Extract of lichens are medicinally
important. It is used in the treatment of
Food poisoning, disturbance in menstrual
cycle. Natural color are also extracted
from lichens. Lichens are also used as bio
indicator of air pollution.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has banned export
of lichen without processing it inside the
country. Only its extract can be exported.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Wild Garlic

Scientific Name:
Allium wallichii Kunth.


Bulbous annual herb growing up to 65 cm
high. Leaves like that of garlic, linear, flat,
longer than the main flower stalk, having
garlic like odor when rubbed. Flowers purple,
stalked, in terminal clusters of cyme, August Photo: Khilendra Gurung
to September. Fruits September to October.

Availability: Part used in Trade:

Distributed from 2500 to 4000 m throughout whole plant
Nepal in open grazing lands.
Description of traded part:
Harvesting Time: When dried, it becomes dark brown in color,
October to November very thinner and scented like garlic.

It is used as spice in curry, meat and pickle. Its
rhizome is chewed during altitude sickness.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:

Scientific Name:
Curcuma zedoaria Rosc.


Perennial herb growing up to 40 cm tall.
Leaves radical like turmeric emerging in
cluster from roots, long, mid rib pink colored
and distinct. Flower arises from the ground
surface, initially slightly yellow in color and Photo: Khilendra Gurung
later pink in color.

Availability: Part used in Trade:

Distributed throughout Nepal up to 1000 m Rhizome
in forest and cultivated conditions.
Description of traded part:
Harvesting Time: Rhizome slightly yellow in color, almost the
November to December. size of turmeric and fragrant.

Essential oil is extracted from rhizome.
Locally used to cure common cold and
stomach related diseases.

Photo: DPR 1995

English Name:
Insect Gall in Pistacia

Scientific Name:
Pistacia chinensis subsp. integerrima J.L.


Tree growing up to 18 m tall in height
and 2.7 m in thickness. When its fruit
are wounded by insects, medicinal valued
Pistacia is prepared which is used. Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

Availability: Part used in Trade:

Distributed from 300 to 1500 m in open and Bark of dry fruit
dry areas of western Nepal only. Generally
found in Pine (Pinus roxburghii) forest. Description of traded part:
Empty bark of flower is the main basis of
Harvesting Time: its identification. Fruit bark is brown in
November to December. color and has slight lines like. It has no any
specific scent. Flower is empty and inner part
is slightly yellow in color compared to outer
part of flower. It is up to 2.5 cm in length.

Dust of wounded fruit is used as medicine
in Dysentery, Asthma, against bites of Snake
and Scorpio and killing worms. Flower dust
is also used in respiratory related diseases. Oil
can also be extracted which has medicinal

Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

Kakoli, Ban Lasun
English Name:
Fritillary, Snake's Head Fritillary

Scientific Name:
Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don


Perennial herb growing up to 75 cm. Leaves
linear, lower leaves opposite, upper leaves
whorled, 3 to 5 in number. Flower solitary,
dropping, yellowish with dark purple spots.
Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
Distributed from 3000 to 4500 m along Description of traded part:
with Rhododendron and Juniper bushes and Bulb resembles garlic clove; small and slightly
in open grasslands. brown in color. It has strong and bitter taste.

Harvesting Time: Uses:

September to October. It is used to treat Asthma, Bronchitis and
Traded part:
Bulb Conservation Status:
CAMP Vulnerable. One of the highly
exploited high altitude plant.

Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

Kalo Musli
English Name:
Black Musli

Scientific Name:
Curculigo orchioides Gaertn.


Perennial herb with elongated tuberous
rootstock. Leaves small petioled, radical, 5
to 7 cm long, lanceolate with distinct veins.
Flower arises from the leaf base, slightly
yellow. Photo: showyourplant.com

Distributed from 600 to 1800 m in shadows Description of traded part:
of trees mostly in eastern and central Nepal. Rhizome is almost radish shaped, 5 to 8 roots
emerging from rhizome. Roots 7 to 11 cm
Harvesting Time: long having small branchlets of roots. Its
September to October. inner part is black while outer is white after
Traded part:
Root and Rhizome Uses:
Energetic and used as sex stimulant. Roots
are used in the treatment of Vomiting, Piles,
Jaundice, Asthma, Dysentery, Gonorrhea

Conservation Status:
CAMP Vulnerable

Photo: Khilendra Gurung


Scientific Name:
Persea odoratissima (Nees) Kosterm.


Medium sized tree. Leaves upper surface
shiny green; lower surface seems like covered
with white dusts; 7. 5 to 18 cm long and 3 to
7. 5 cm width, slightly lanceollate, pointed
at the end. Flowers minute, yellow green in Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
Part used in Trade:
Bark of main stem
Distributed from 1000 to 2100 m
throughout Nepal.
Description of traded part:
Bark is traded in small pieces. It is slightly
Harvesting Time:
brownish red in color. Bark is very hard with
September to November
no any significant smell. In FY 2010/2011
Kaulo bark was the highest exported raw
MAPs in term of quantity. Kaulo dust is called
Jiket Powder in market.

Bark is used to manufacture incense. Bark has
sticky nature and when mixed with water it
works as adhesive.

Conservation Status:
Its status is going to be in threat due to
overharvesting for trade.

Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

English Name:

Scientific Name:
Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora (Pennell)
D.Y. Hong


Perennial herb. Rhizomes strong and long,
Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
underground or spread parallelly in the
ground surface, coarsely rooting from nodes.
Petiole short, leaf blade spatulate to ovate, Harvesting Time:
tapering towards leaf base resulting only November to December
to petiole, margin serrate or rarely double Part used in Trade:
serrate. Flower blue-voliet colored, arises Rhizome and root
in the inflorescence raised from clusters of
leaves. Description of traded part:
Rhizomes are 60 cm long, brown in color
Availability: and crystalline in nature. Size of dry Rhizome
Distribution ranges from 3600 to 4800 is around that of small finger with distinct
m especially in north facing, open and nodes. Its pieces are acerbic and little bitter
moistured stony slopes, rocks, shrubs region in taste.
and forests throughout Nepal.
It is used to cure Gastritis, Worms, Bile
related ailments, Expectorant, Fever and
tonic to heart.

Conservation Status:
Wild harvest and trade of kutki is allowed
only after the taxonomic identification and
confirmation of the species as Neopicrorhiza
scrophulariiflora by Department of Plant
Resources, and then the final approval of
Department of Forests after its inventory
and identification of its total natural and
harvestable stock in the wild.

Photos: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Himalayan May Apple

Scientific Name:
Podophyllum hexandrum Royle


Erect, unbranched, sticky, fleshy herb about
60 to 70 cm high. Leaves long petioled,
orbiculate to cordate, deeply three lobed,
lobes obovate, acuminate, serrate. Rhizome
creeping, rooting. Flower white or pinkish,
bowl shaped, solitary terminal. It flowers
Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
from June to July.

Availability: Part used in Trade:

Distributed in high hilly and Himalayan Rhizome and Root
region throughout Nepal from 2400 to
4500 m in slope forests and open areas. Description of traded part:
Root is irregular, like having nodes, 3 to
Harvesting Time: 4 cup like trace seen in upper part. Lower
October to November. part contains many scars. It lightly smells
but little acerbic when eaten.

Root contains chemical called Podophyllin,
used in liver wounds. Recently, it is
discovered that Podophyllin might be used
to prepare medicine that possibly cures

Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation. It also falls
under Appendix II of CITIES.

Photo: Chestofbooks
Lalgedi, Ratogedi
English Name:
Bead Vine, Crab's Eye

Scientific Name:
Abrus precatorius L.


Perennial climber. Leaves small petioled, even
pinnate, leaflets in 10 to 20 pairs, opposite,
about 2 cm long, 0.8 cm wide, minutely
apiculate, margin entire, underside glabrous
or silky. Flowers red, pink or whiter in many
flowered in racemes. Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Distributed up to 1000 m asl throughout Part used in Trade:
Nepal. Common in slight shady areas, it Seed
spreads in other shrubs.
Description of traded part:
Harvesting Time: Easier to identify. Seed is red in color and
September to October. any one part of seed is black in color. Some
corner may contain white color or eye in
place of black.

Seed is bitter and used in energetic, sex
stimulant, purifying blood, cough etc. It is
beneficial for curing eye diseases.

Seed is used to measure very valuable

materials including gold. Generally, 1 seed
equals 1 seed/Lal (100 seed/Lal = 1 Tola).

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Himalayan Yew

Scientific Name:
Taxus wallichiana Zucc.


Evergreen coniferous tree up to 30 m
high. Bark thinner, reddish brown, rough,
exfoliating in irregular papery scale.
Leaves small petioled, linear, flattened,
distichous, acute, shiny dark green above, Photo: Khilendra Gurung
rusty below, narrowed towards base. Cones Harvesting Time:
yellowish, axillary. Seeds olive green, Leaves can only be harvested from tress
surrounded by red and fleshy cup-shaped aril. having more than 20 cm in radius from
February to April.
Distributed from 2300 to 3400 m Part used in Trade:
throughout Nepal but abundant on Western Leaves
Description of traded part:
Leaves are dried, light brown in color, fine
petiole when comes in trade. Sometimes,
dried fruit is also mixed with the leaves.
Leaves contain raw material for Taxol i.e.
10-De Acetyl Baccatin. Taxol is one of the
constituents used to cure Breast and ovary
cancer. Bark is used to color materials that
are needed for holy purposes.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.
It is banned to export without processing it
inside Nepal. It also falls under Appendix II

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:

Scientific Name:
Rubia manjith Roxb. ex Fleming


Trailing herb, stems and branches four-
angled, minutely prickly. Leaves petioled,
ovate to cordate, long-pointed, basall veins
prominent. Flowering in small inflorescence.
Flowers dark red. Fruit globose, succulent.
Flowers from June to November. Fruits
Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Availability: Description of traded part:

Distributed from 1200 to 2700 m Root tastes sweet, somewhat sour and bitter
throughout Nepal. and red in color. Stem is quadrangular,
rough from low to up, woody, fine and quite
Harvesting Time: red in inner part.
October to November.
Part used in Trade: Root contains chemicals called Alizarin and
Root and Stem. Purpurin. Root and stem of madder is used
in the treatment of heart attack, ulcer and
skin related diseases. Its stem and petiole are
used as antidote to Cobra and scorpion bite.
Stem and root are also used to dye wool
used for preparing carpet.

Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Club Moss

Scientific Name:
Lycopodium clavatum L.


Trailing, spore-bearing perennial climber,
usually branching dichotomously. Leaves
many, scaly, crowded, linear, awl shaped.
Spike yellowish, terminal, elongated,
greenish yellow. Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

Part used in Trade:
Distributed from 1200 to 3500 m
Dust of Lycopodium (Spores)
throughout Nepal in damp, shady places,
slope and wasted lands.
Description of traded part:
Spore very fine, slippery; colour of rectified
Harvesting Time:
butter; inflammable.
Pods from October to November. Pod
contains spores within it.
Whole plant is used as medicine in the
treatment of Diuretic and Asthma. The tip
and root of twig is used in the treatment
of Gout, lungs and kidney related diseases.
Twigs also has ornamental value.

Spore is used in the preparation of facial

and body creams. Spores used to be highly
exported from Nepal but due to mixture
exporting is less.

Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

English Name:
Indian Lilac

Scientific Name:
Azadirachta indica A. Jussieu


Evergreen tree about 15 m high. Leaves
crowded near the end of branches, petioled,
odd-pinnate, leaflets sub sessile, sub
opposite, lanceolate, unequally sided, serrate,
acuminate, shiny bright green above. Flowers source internet
white, fragrant, in numerous axillary panicles.

Availability: Part used in Trade:

Distributed from 100 to 900 m throughout Whole Plant
Nepal, fairly common in open places around
villages. Description of traded part:
Bark is brown and vertically fissured. The
Harvesting Time: Neem gives a little yellow fruit that is
Fruits are harvested at the monsoon. edible. It looks like an apricot and also has
a seed with a kernel inside of it.

After seed has been dried in the sun, the
fruits are subjected to a double grinding
through a “rotary crusher” and a “pulveriser”
(disc harrow). The obtained powder is
sifted. For a commercial use, the powder
will be compacted into pellets, more easy to
be used with a sower. These little grains are
then bagged.

The Neem fruit is the ideal fertilizer for the

organic culture.

Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.
source internet

Nirmansi, Nirbishi,
English Name:

Scientific Name:
Delphinium denudatum Wall. Ex Hook. f. &


Annual herb up to 70 cm tall. Lower leaves Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
long petioled, orbiculate, five to nine lobed,
dentate, upper leaves few, short petioled,
deeply three or more lobed, lobes entire or
pinnatifid. Flowers small blue or violet, with
an awl-shaped spur, few in lax racemes.

Availability: Description of traded part:

Highly distributed from 2700 to 4200 m in Roots are acerbic and bitter Roots are rough
open pasturelands of Eastern and Central yellow brown in color.
Harvesting Time: Roots are used as medicine for heat
October to November production, digestive and gastric. Roots of
seedlings are used as medicine for acidity,
Part used in Trade: fever, ulcer and cough. It is also used as anti-
Root poisonous medicine.

English Name:

Scientific Name:
Juglans regia L.


Deciduous tree growing up to 30 m tall. Its
bark is brown in color, straight deep and
lobed. Leaves compound, 5 to 13 leaflets,
small stalked, 6 to 20 cm long, 3 to 7 cm
Photo: Khilendra Gurung
width with straight margins. Flowers from
March to April and Fruits from May to

Availability: Uses:
Naturally distributed from 1200 to 3000 m Bark yield dye. Fruit carp used as Detergent.
throughout Nepal. Local Walnut of Nepal Bark has medicinal value. Fruits are also
are of two types: One with hard and other edible.
with breakable seed coat.
Conservation Status:
Harvesting Time: Government of Nepal has totally banned
Both Fruit and fruit carp of Okhar are collection, transportation, trade and export
harvested during November-December. of bark of stem.

Part used in Trade:

Fruit and bark of stem.

Description of traded part:

Fruit carp is dark brown or slight black in
color, slightly scented. Bark of stem is brown
in color, without any special scent, with long
horizontal lines, about 0.3 cm in diameter.

Amalved, Karaj Chulthi, Chulthi Amilo

English Name:
Himalayan Rhubarb
Scientific Name:
Rheum australe D. Don
7 species of Rheum are found in Nepal but
Rheum australe is only in the trade. Root of
Rheum australe is called Padamchaal and its
stem is called Amalved. Leaf and Leaf petioles
are called Karaj Chulthi or Chulthi Amilo.
Rheum australe: Perennial herb about 1
m high but height recorded up to 3. 5 m.
Photo: Khilendra Gurung
Leaves petioled, up to 1 m in radius, ovate or
orbiculate, obtuse, base rounded or cordate.
Part used in Trade:
Stalk of flower and petiole of leaf red in color.
Rhizome, Petiole of leaf and leaf.
Regeneration from root during monsoon.
Availability: Description of traded part:
Distributed from from 3200 to 4200 m in Rhizome is tight, robust like brown in color,
rock and grasslands of mountain and high with thicker bark. In outer part of roots,
hills throughout Nepal wrinkled rings are seen and in middle parts
of roots round annual rings are seen. Petioles
Harvesting Time: of leaf are lightly yellow in color. It tastes
November to May sour.
Different types of compounds of Anthra
quinine group and plant chemical called
Emodin are found in root and stem.
Rhizome, leaf petioles, leaf and roots are
useful. Rhizome and petioles are used as
medicine for Diarrhea, Gout and Epilepsy.
Leaf and stem are eaten as pickle in raw
or boiled form. Powder of root is used for
cleaning teeth.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Pakhanved, Pasanved,
English Name:
Scientific Name:
Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb.
Perennial herb growing parallelly in the
ground surface about 30 cm high. Leaves
petioled, arising from a common point, 15 to
30 cm long, 5 to 10 cm broad, suborbiculate,
entire fringed with short, stiff hairs. Flowers Photo: Khilendra Gurung
are produced in clusters, pink or white in
color. Flowers from April to June. Fruits from Part used in Trade:
July to August. Underground stem
Availability: Description of traded part:
Distributed from 1600 to 3200 m. Prefers Underground stem is brown, having fine
moisturized area, poor sunlight hilly area, roots, aromatic, around 1 cm in radius.
especially in stones of bottom of mountains. Though stem looks like hard but when
chewed is like soft wood, bitterer. External
Harvesting Time: layer of dried stem is wrinkled.
October to November
Stem contains chemical called Bergenia-
c-glycoside. It is used in the preparation
of medicine for Cancer. Rhizome is used
in the treatment of Dysentery, fever and
kidney diseases. In Ayurvedic system, it
is used as energetic, cough, heart diseases,

Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photos: Khilendra Gurung

Panchaunle, Hatajadi
English Name:
Salep, Marsh Orchid

Scientific Name:
Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. Don) Soo
Terrestrial perennial orchid about 30 to 45
cm high, root tuberous, slightly flattened
and divided into three or five finger-like
lobes. Leaves 5to 30 cm long, 2 to 4 cm
wide, oblanceolate, base sheathing. Flowers Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
spotted rosy purple, including the stout
curved cylindrical spur, narrowly lanceolate,
numerous produced in base of stalk in huge Part used in Trade:
clusters. Rhizome
Description of traded part:
Rhizome is human palm shaped and soft
Distributed from 2800 to 4000 m in open
fleshy, seems similar to fingers of hand
and moisturized grasslands, slope pastures,
divided into 3 to 5 (sometimes 6) lobes. Fresh
marshy areas and open canopy forests in
rhizome weighs about 2.5 gram in average,
north-west, south west or eastern faces.
and about 0.64 gram when air dried.
Abundant from 3800 to 4200 m.
The root is expectorant, astringent,
demulcent, and highly nutritious. Powdered
root is spread over wounds to control
bleeding. A decoction of the root is given in
case of stomach trouble.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has banned its
collection and trade. Whole Orchidaceae
family falls under Appendix II in CITIES.

Photos: Khilendra Gurung

Dipesh Pyakurel

English Name:
Long Pepper

Scientific Name:
Piper longum L.
Two species of Piper i.e. Piper longum and
Piper peepuloides are traded in Nepal but
generally Piper longum is only traded in the
Piper longum: Twining perennial herb,
Photo: Khilendra Gurung
creeping and rooting below, often minutely
tomentose. Leaves petioled, 3-8 cm long, 2-8 Harvesting Time:
cm wide, broadly ovate to cordate, shortly November to January.
acuminate, glabrous, lower leaves long
Part used in Trade:
stalked, upper leaves sessile, clasping the stem
at their base, usually five veined at the base.
Flowers greenish in spikes, July to August. Description of traded part:
Fruits October to January. Ripen inflorescence harvested are dried.
Fruit is dark brown or black in color, 2. 5 to
7 cm long, lanceolate / pointed, green in raw,
Distributed from 200 to 1300 m throughout
dark green when matured and black when
comes in trade. Fruit seems having many
dusts stuck in outer side. It smells very sweet
and aromatic.
Mainly, fruits are used as condiments. Fruit
and leaf are used as hair tonic and to control
malarial fever. Pipla is used as medicine
and anti-poisonous medicine for snake and
wild lizard bites. It is also used in herbal tea.
Roots are used as medicine in the treatment
of fever, energetic, cough and common cold.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Soapnut / Soapberry
Scientific Name:
Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn.
Deciduous tree about 10 to 18 m high.
Bark dark green or brown. Leaves petioled,
pinnate, leaflets short-petioled, alternate or
sub-opposite, lanceolate, entire, smooth,
base oblique. Flowers yellowish or purlish.
Flowers February to May. Fruits October to
February. Photo: Khilendra Gurung
Description of traded part:
Distributed scatter rather than colonial
Fruit around 2 cm round, outer part soft,
from 600 to 1400 m East to West Nepal.
light or dark brown. Bark is wrinkled. Fruit
Abundant in Western Nepal, common with
when becomes old, turns black. Black and
Diploknema butyracea, Pinus roxbugrhii,
hard seed is inside the fruit. When the seed
Woodfordia fruticosa.
is rubbed in cement or stone, it gets very
Harvesting Time: hotter.
November onwards
Part used in Trade: Uses:
Fruit and seed Fruits contain a natural soap called saponin,
which is released when they come into
contact with water. Saponin is highly
important for medicinal properties. It is
used in shampoo, insecticides, soap and
detergent powders. Locally, bark of soapnut
is used as soap and shampoo for bathing,
washing etc. Outer soft part of fruit of
soapnut is used as also poison for fishing. It
is also used as medicine in Cough, Anemia
and Epilepsy.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photos: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Utrasum Bead Tree

Scientific Name:
Elaeocarpus sphericus (Gaertn.) K. Schum.


Medium-sized tree about 20 m high, slender
with spreading canopy, Leaves petioled, 8
to 18 cm long, 2.5 to 6 cm wide, elliptic to
lanceolate, rarely serrulate, glabrous. Flowers
white, elegantly tubercled, generally with five
equidistant grooves. Flowers May to June. Photo: Khilendra Gurung
Fruits August to December.
Part used in Trade:
Availability: Seed
Distributed from 600 to 1500 m especially
in Bhojpur, Sankhasawa and Khotang Description of traded part:
districts of Eastern Nepal. Fruit is sour and somewhat acerbic.
Elaeocarpus is very much wrinkled (1 to 33
Harvesting Time: faces/mouth), light brown in color and very
December to February. hard. Its value varies according to faces of
the seed. Some traders also sale by making
artificial faces of the seeds.

Seed are highly important for religious
purpose. There is high demand of seeds in
countries like Nepal and India. Beads are
also used to make necklace, bracelet and
other jewels.

Fruit, seed and flesh are used as medicine for

producing heat, preparing digestive tablets,
whooping cough, Epilepsy, controlling
pressure, heart and mental related diseases.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung


Scientific Name:
Shorea robusta Gaertn


Subdeciduous tree about 50 m high. Bark
reddish brown, rough with long deep, wide
vertical fissures. Leaves petioled, 10 to 20
cm long, 5 to 13 cm wide, ovate to oblong,
entire, leathery, acuminate, glabrous, upper
surface green, shiny, lower surface slightly Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
rough green. Flowers yellowish in axillary
and terminal panicles. Flowers from April to
May. Fruits around July. Harvesting Time:
October to November.
Distributed from 150 to 1200 m, less Part used in Trade:
in eastern Tarai due to deforestation but Resin
abundant dense forests in western Nepal.
Description of traded part:
It looks like resin, shiny, yellow-brown in
color. It smells like its leaves. Small pieces of
resin are almost transparent.

Resin is used in Diarrhea, urine burns, burn
or teeth ache. In Nepal, its leaves are used
to make local plates called " doona and
tapari", in which rice and curry is served.

Photo: Kashi Nath Adhikari

Salla Simta
English Name:

Scientific Name:
Tsuga dumosa (D. Don) Eichler


Evergreen coniferous tree of pine family
about 40 m high, branches drooping. Leaves
small petioled, about 2 to 3 cm long, linear,
entire, more or less distichous, apex obtuse.
Cones ovoid.
Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
Distributed from 2300 to 3300 m mixed
with Rhododendron and Quercus trees
throughout Nepal.
Description of traded part:
Cone is nut shaped, broad in base and
Harvesting Time:
tapering towards end, light violent in color,
November to December
scaly sporophylls.
Part used in Trade:
It is used as raw material in the preparation
of handicrafts.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Serpentine, Rauwolfia Root

Scientific Name:
Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth.
Evergreen, erect, perennial shrub about 90
cm high, not prefer open sunlight. Leaves
petioled, opposite or three or four leaves
in a whorl, oblong, tapering toward the
stalk. Flowers small, white-pink, scented, in Photo: Khilendra Gurung
clusters at the tip. Bark of stem brown, lobed. Description of traded part:
Availability: Roots are scentless, bitter, yellow-brown, up
Distributed from 100 to 800 m asl from to 40 cm long and up to 2 cm in thickness.
East to West Nepal in forests of Shorea But in trade and export, roots are cut into
robusta, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia pieces of 10-15 cm. Inner part of the root is
bellirica, Terminalia alata, Dalbergia sissoo, white and acerbic when eaten.
Acacia catechu, Adina cordifolia, Holarrhena Uses:
pubescens etc. Roots are used as medicine in the treatment
Harvesting Time: of veins related diseases, sleeplessness and
November to March. controlling pressure. It is believed that
when some part roots are taken by pregnant
Part used in Trade: women, it fastens delivery process. Juice of
Root its root is used in the treatment of Diarrhea
and Dysentery. Juice of leaves are used to
clear webs of the eyes But it should be strictly
not used by patients of cough, Asthma and
ulcer. This plant is source for medicine of
Reserpine and Anti-Hypotensive.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation. Government
of Nepal has banned it to export without
processing it inside Nepal. It falls under
Appendix II of CITIES. IUCN threat
status Endangered and CAMP Critically

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Satavari, Kurilo
English Name:

Scientific Name:
Asparagus racemosus Willd.


Straggling, much branched, slender, thorny,
perennial shrub about 1 to 1. 5 m high.
Leaves petioled, fine, green. Flower small,
stalked, white, fragrant, in racemes.

Availability: Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Distributed in natural condition from 300
to 2200 m in hills from East to West Nepal.
Cultivation also started in many districts of Part used in Trade:
Nepal. Root.

Harvesting Time: Description of traded part:

October to December. Root light yellow, 20 to 30 cm long, tapering
in both ends. Fine fibers are extracted from
mid part of the root leading wrinkled roots.
No any special smell.

Plant is energetic and sex stimulant. Dust
of roots when taken by delivered women, it
increases milk production.

Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel

English Name:
Love Apple

Scientific Name:
Paris polyphylla Smith


Perennial herb about 50 cm high, rhizome
hard, growing elliptically. Leaves petioled, in
a whorl at the top of the stem, 14 to 16 cm
long, 4 to 6 cm wide, lanceolate, long pointed,
dark green. Flowers solitary, yellowish. Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Availability: Part used in Trade:

Distributed from 1900 to 3100 m Rhizome.
throughout Nepal. Prefers damp, shady,
moist and humus rich soil under canopy Description of traded part:
of forest in full shade to partial shade near Bark of rhizome is hard, slightly brown and
streams in north facing slopes. lightly white with ring like symbols. Inner
part of rhizome is white, dissolves as dust
Harvesting Time: when chewed. Small roots are also attached
October to November. in the roots. Usually, rhizome is about 1 cm
in radius and 5 to 8 cm in long.

Rhizome is used to kill worms and as
tincture iodine in cuts or wounds. Rhizome
when boiled in water and eaten, acts as
energetic. It is also used as alternative
medicine for diosgenin. Rhizome is also
used as medicine for Jaundice.

Conservation Status:
Due to high trade in national and
international trade, status of Love apple is
in threat. CAMP Vulnerable.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Seto Musli
English Name:
White Musli

Scientific Name:
Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau &


Annual herb up to 30 cm high under garlic
family. Leaves green-yellow, spindle shaped,
9 to 18 cm long, 1 to 2 cm wide. Flower
white yellow. Inflorescence 20 to 25 flowers
in monsoon, upper part male flowers, lower Photo: Khilendra Gurung
part female flowers. Fruit triangular, black.
Flowers from July to September. Fruits from Tarai and hilly areas of East to West Nepal
October to November. from 300 to 1,400 m.
Harvesting Time:
Availability: January to March
In Nepal, there are 5 species of Chlorophytum.
All these species are harvested in the name Part used in Trade:
of Chlorophytum borivilianum. These species Rhizome
are distributed in the forest of Tarai, inner
Description of traded part:
Rhizome about 15 to 20 long are used in
medicines. Root and rhizome contains
sticky resin, very important in terms of
commercialization. When the rhizome is
dried, it becomes small like Raisin, soft ghee
colored and outer bark is slightly wrinkled.

Roots are used in Diarrhea, Dysentery,
Jaundice and Asthma. It is useful when
taken mixing with sugar and ghee during
respiratory related diseases. Roots are used
as medicine in urine, liver, diabetes, veins
related, joint related, scabies and skin related
problems. It is also used as alternative for
Viagra to develop reproductive power.
Photo: Khilendra Gurung
English Name:
Soap Pod

Scientific Name:
Acacia rugata (Lam.) Voigt


Deciduous tree about 15 high. Stem, petiole
and leaves with fine curved cylindrical thorn,
branches with brown, white spots. Leaves
petioled, bipinnate, pinnae in 6 to 25 pairs,
pinnules in 10 to 30 pairs, linear. Flowers
creamy white in axillary peduncled spikes. Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
Fruits a pod. Flowers from September to Harvesting Time:
October, converted into fruits by October to Matured pods (if possible by hand otherwise
March. cutting petiole of pod or hitting by stick)
are harvested from March to May.
Distributed from 400 to 800 m in tropical Part used in Trade:
climate forests, open places and scattered Pods and seeds.
near streams. Common in inner forests of
cool places, river banks and shady areas in Description of traded part:
Tarai and dun valley of Western and Central Fruit is 7 to 12 cm long and 2 to 3 cm
Nepal. thickened. Dried pods of fruit are wrinkled
like, having 6 to 10 seeds, with cavity
between two seeds. Fruits are matured only
after winter. Pods of fruit are in cluster and
red in color before ripening.

Roots are used as Stimulant and Tonic.
Roots are also used as insecticides. Soap
pod is usually used in the preparation of
shampoo available in the market. Pod
contains Saponin and Tanin, commercially
used, so cultivation of Soap pod seems to be

Photo: S Rajbhandari
English Name:
Siltimur pepper

Scientific Name:
Lindera neesiana (Wall. ex Nees) Kurz


Deciduous tree about 5 m high. Leaves
petioled, 7 to 12 cm long, 1.5 to 5.3 cm wide,
elliptic to lanceolate, caudate to acuminate,
entire, thinly leathery, finely reticulate and
pale below. Petiole shiny green in young, later
brown, less lobed. Flowers scented, green- Photo: Khilendra Gurung
yellow, crowded, in umbels. Flowers March
to April. Fruits May to August. Part used in Trade:
Distributed from 1500 to 2700 m in edges Description of traded part:
of cultivatable lands in Central and Eastern Fruit is initially dark green, red in matured
Nepal. and black colored when dried, wrinkled
like black pepper, equivalent to small pea,
Harvesting Time: highly scented (slightly like lemon).
July to September
It is used as spice. It has medicinal properties.
It is used in Gastric and stomach ache.
Locally, it is used while cooking mushroom.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Simal ko ful
English Name:
Silk Cotton Tree

Scientific Name:
Bombax ceiba L.


Deciduous tree about 40 m high, branched
in all directions. Leaves long petioled,
digitate, leaflets 5 to 7, stalked, 5 to 20 cm
long, 2 to 6 cm wide, lanceolate, cupidate,
entire, smooth, base tapering. Flowers red,
fascicled at or near the end of branches. Main Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
trunk and limb with numerous conical spines
in young but eroded in older. Flowers from Part used in Trade:
February to March. Fruits from April to June. Cotton-like fibrous stuff

Availability: Description of traded part:

Distributed up to 1200 m throughout Nepal Dried flowers are traded for Cotton-like
in open areas. fibrous stuff. Outer part of flower is slightly
hard, rough brown. Inner part of flower is
Harvesting Time: slightly red in color and soft.
Pods from June to July and Cotton-like
fibrous stuff / Floss surrounding the seeds Uses:
from May to June. Cotton-like fibrous stuff is commonly used
for stuffing economically priced pillows,
cushions, quilts and mattresses. Resin, bark,
flower and roots are used as medicine in the
treatment of Dysentery and stomach related
diseases. Its flower and fruits are used as
medicine during snake bite. Roots are used
as Stimulant, Energetic and Aphrodisiac.

The fruit is cooked and eaten and also


Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:

Scientific Name:
Ephedra gerardiana Wall. ex Stapf


Tufted gymnospermous perennial shrub
about 1 m high. Stem much branched,
branches whorled, spreading. Leaves reduced
to two-toothed sheaths. Plants dioecious.
Cones yellowish. Ovule ovoid, surrounded
by persistent bracts. Cones from June to Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
August. Fruits from August to October.

Part used in Trade:
Distributed from 2400 to 4200 m in dry
and slope areas.
Description of traded part:
Harvesting Time:
Stem tastes acerbic . Flower is red and sweet
November to December.
when eaten. Branches while in trade are
green brown in color. Leaves in the nodes
occurs like scales. It does not have any
special smell.

Dry fine branches are used in the treatment
of Sinusitis, Asthma, nose and neck related
diseases, Epilepsy, Diuretic and Allergy.
Modern Medical Science has found it as a
source of chemical called Ephedrine. It also
helps to decrease the blood pressure.

Photos: Khilendra Gurung

DPR 1995

English Name:

Scientific Name:
Cinnamomum glaucescens (Nees) Nand.
In Nepal, also called Sugandhkokila,
Malagedi, Telkaulo, Malagiri etc.
Medium sized evergreen tree about 15 to 20
m high. Leaves petioled, 4-17 cm long, 1. 5 Photo: Pashupati Nath Koirala
cm wide, elliptic to ovate, pointed, entire,
upper surface smooth shiny, lower surface Harvesting Time:
lightly rough. Flowers yellowish. Fruit October to November
globose, green, black when ripe. Flowers
April to May. Fruits September to October. Part used in Trade:
Distributed from 1000 to 2500 m in natural Description of traded part:
condition in the districts of Central and Fruit is black colored and scented. Fully
Western Nepal. Abundant in the districts like dried fruits are wrinkled, marble sized and
Rolpa, Dang, Pyuthan, salyan and Rukum. oval shaped. Seed id brown yellow in color.
Common among Shorea robusta, Pine, Uses:
Diploknema butyracea, Persea sp., Michellia Fruit, bark and wood are useful. Essential
champaca, Schima wallichi, Rhododendron oil are extracted from fruit is used in
forests, in slope, rocky and cool places near production of beauty processing material
river, streams and sources of water. like perfumes, soap etc. Mark or extract left
over after processing essential oil are used
in the preparation of stick incense. Wood is
supposed to be the alternative of medicinal
herb called syasfras found in USA. Locally
in villages, paste of seed is used in the
swelling parts. Seed is used to cure common
cold, worms in the stomach and teeth ache.

Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photo: Pashupati Nath Koirala

Sugandhwal, Samayo
English Name:
Scientific Name:
Valeriana jatamansii Jones
Perennial aromatic herb about 50 cm
high with a thick rootstock. Basal leaves
long petioled, ovate, acuminate, dentate
Photo: Khilendra Gurung
or sinuate, cauline leaves short petioled,
opposite, small. Flowers white or tinged Part used in Trade:
with pink, in terminal corymbs. Ramets Rhizome
numerous, intermixed, in cluster. Rhizome
spread parallel to the ground surface, rooting. Description of traded part:
Rhizome is 2 to 7 cm long, strong, woody
Availability: in nature, unbranched, brown, scented very
Distributed from 1500 to 3600 m usually strongly, smells like animal, possessing fine
in north facing cool forest areas, shrubby roots, spot showing maximum leaf fall.
areas and open places. Abundant from 1500
to 2000 m in north facing cool, shady and Uses:
moist slopes. Occurs in almost all hilly Rhizome and root have medicinal properties
districts from East to West Nepal. Common to relief from pain, heal wound, stimulant,
in forests of Rhododendron, Juglans, Taxus sleepiness, anemia, gastric, digestive,
etc. Dense in Rhododendron and Pine forests expectorant, diuretic and killing germs. In
in Western Nepal. Ayurvedic system, used in the treatment
of mental problem, spinal related diseases,
Harvesting Time: headache, stomach and eye pain, Epilepsy,
November to December Dysentery, high blood pressure related
problems, Gastritis etc.
Essential oil is extracted from the rhizome
and root of Valerian. Essential oil is used
commercially in the manufacture of
perfume, cosmetics or other industrial
materials. Essential oil is also used to
manufacture hair oil, perfume and incense
and in the treatment of spinal related
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:

Scientific Name:
Rhododendron anthopogon D. Don


Evergreen aromatic dwarf shrub about 0.6
to 1 m high. Stem many branches, with
brown scales. Leaves petioled, elliptic to
ovate, obtuse to mucronate, upper surface
slightly scaly, lower surface densely scaly.
Flowers white, pink, light yellow, sometimes Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
red. Fruit a capsule, ovoid, enclosed in the
persistent calyx. Part used in Trade:
Leaves and young petiole
Availability: Description of traded part:
Distributed from 3300 to 5100 m, common Leaves are green brown, dry, scented, lower
in north facing, open and cool stony slope, surface are rusted or covered by golden scaly
rocks, shrub lands and forest. hairs. Dried yellow flower also unusually
mixed with leaves and petioles. Petiole is
Harvesting Time: yellow white, less scented.
October to November.
Leaves and flower are used to cure respiratory
diseases like common cold, cough, Asthma,
bronchitis, etc. Essential oil processed from
its leaves (Anthopogon oil) is used in the
production of expensive cosmetic materials
like perfume, powder etc. Marc or extract
left over after processing leaves are also used
in the production of incense.
Conservation Status:
Abundant available in high Himalayan
region, therefore its status is not threatened.
Harvesting of Anthopogan is also low
pressurized in the high Himalayan areas.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

Tejpat, Dalchini
English Name:
Nepalese Cinnamon, Bay Leaf
Scientific Name:
Cinnamomum tamala (Buch.-Ham.) Nees
& Eberm.
Medium sized evergreen tree about 10 to
15 m high. Barks green at young, brown,
wrinkled when matured. Leaves petioled,
alternate or opposite, shiny above, smooth, Photo: Khilendra Gurung
ovate to oblong, long pointed, three-veined,
entire, glabrous aromatic. Flowers stalked,
October to December and in some places, till
white to yellowish, small arising in the tip of
branches, March to May. Maximum Dalchini
are achieved from Cinnamomum zeylanicum Part used in Trade:
but barks derived from Cinnamomum tamala Leaves and Bark
are also called Dalchini.
Description of traded part:
Dry leaves upper part greenish yellow and lower
Naturally, distributed from 450 to 2000 m
part yellow. Leaf from base to tip three-veined.
throughout Nepal. Abundant in Western
Leaf with petiole are scented.
Nepal. Not indigenous origin of Nepal,
Bark are cut into small pieces in trade. Outer
originated from Sri Lanka. Common in the
part of bark are browner and inner part are
forests of Schima wallichi, Castanopsis indica,
reddish brown in color. The bark is aromatic
Bombax ceiba, Persea sp.
and spicy.
Harvesting Time:
Leaves and bark are used in medicine, spice
and to flavor food materials. Leaves are used in
the treatment of Dysentery, stomachache and
digestion. Drinking bark boiled in water cures
Diarrhea, nausea and stomach disturbances.
Essential oil extracted from leaves are used in
medicine, food and drinking materials. Its
essential oil is used as medicine for toothache.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Nepalese Pepper

Scientific Name:
Zanthoxylum armatum DC.


Spiny shrub or small tree about 3 m high.
Petiole odor. Leaves alternate, slightly
winged, with stipular spine at the base,
odd pinnate, leaflets three to nine with red Photo: Khilendra Gurung
colored thrown. Flowers small, whitish in
loose inflorescence. Fruit spherical, red when
Harvesting Time:
matured, splitting into two valves, 3 to 4
October to December.
mm in fresh, odor.
Part used in Trade:
Availability: Fruit.
Distributed from 1000 to 2500 m in Hilly
regions throughout east to west Nepal in Description of traded part:
natural conditions and edge of cultivated Fruits are small bean shaped, black or brown
land. Abundant in hilly areas of Mid-western colored essential oil scented, with biting and
Nepal. numbing taste. Majority fruits are broken
into two pieces but unseparated. Along with
fruit, sometimes dark brown colored seed is
also present.
Fruits are used for headache, toothache in
Ayurvedic Medicinal System. It is also used
as spice and pesticide. Essential oil extracted
from fruit is used for cosmetic materials,
food materials and medicinal purposes.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Dandelion, Common Dandelion

Scientific Name:
Taraxacum officinale (L.) Weber.


Annual herb about 10 cm high. From its
every part, white milky liquid is secreted.
Leaves all basal, variable in shape, without
petioles, 5 to 20 cm long, irregular lobed
triangular and dentate. Flower heads yellow,
solitary, on a hollow leafless stalk. Flowers Photo: Khilendra Gurung
from March to November.

Distributed from 1000 to 4000 m Part used in Trade:
throughout Nepal. Root

Harvesting Time: Description of traded part:

August to November. Roots are 15 cm long, 1. 5 to 2. 5 cm in
radius, balloon sized. Root when chewed at
first is sweet but later bitter.

Tender leaves are valued as a potherb. Root
contains medicinal properties. Flower is
used in treatment of diuretic, disturbances
in stomach and liver related diseases. Root
are roasted and prepare coffee to create
appetite and relaxation. Root are also used
as energetic.

Photo: DPR 1995

English Name:
(Holy Basil, Sacred Basil)

Scientific Name:
Ocimum sanctum L.


Annual, aromatic herb about 50 to 60 cm
high. Leaves petioled, opposite, 2.5 to 5
cm long, elliptic to oblong, acute at both
ends, margin dentate, both surface hairy,
upper green, lower light white green. Photo: Dipesh Pyakurel
Flower are very small, white or purplish
flowering in 5 to 16 cm long verticillate
inflorescence at the tip of the branch. Part used in Trade:
Cultivated from 400 to 1800 m asl Description of traded part:
throughout Nepal. Dried leaves and petiole are light brown
in color, petioles are small pieced, highly
Harvesting Time: scented. When focused and seen, its stalk is
October to November. quadrangular and hairy.

Leaves are used in Common Cold, Cough,
Fever, Asthma, Headache, Toothache
and Ear pain. To purify blood, activating
digestion process, decreasing sugar level in
blood, treat ringworm, leaves and roots are
used to prepare Tulsi tea. Essential oil is also
extracted from leaves. Tulsi has high religious
belief among Hindu religion followers.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung

English Name:
Winter worm, Caterpillar Fungus
Scientific Name:
Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Berk.) G.H. Sung.
Grows at the Himalayas as a parasite attacking Photo: Khilendra Gurung
a special type of moth of Hepialus genus
(a type of butterfly that can fly in night). 15 to 20 days after stroma maturation, it
Mycelium are developed inside the body of starts getting rotten. Sustainable harvesting
larva which sucks the food from larva. When should be done dividing grasslands into
larva dies, black-brown colored, 5-8 cm long, different parts based on rotational system of
mace shaped, reproductive part emerges out harvesting.
from head of the larva. Part used in Trade:
Availability: Whole plant
Caterpillar Fungus is endemic to the Description of traded part:
Himalayas. It grows in moisturized Lower part of Caterpillar Fungus is golden-
grasslands and open slope lands in cool and yellow in color and larva like. Upper part
dry climate with annual precipitation less emerging from head is light dark in color
than 350 mm. It is distributed in East to and fine. Fungal reproductive part including
West Nepal from 4200 to 5000 m asl in larval part is about 15 cm. When eaten,
high Himalayan grasslands, top of inner larval part tastes like meat and fungal part
valleys and higher Himalayan areas. It is tastes like mushroom.
more dominant in the western Himalayas of
Nepal. Uses:
Caterpillar Fungus is used as medicine
Harvesting Time: for energetic, sex stimulant, strengthen
Reproductive part i.e. stroma when gets memory power and kidney, heart and blood
mature and spores are developed, suitable related diseases. Studies show Caterpillar
harvesting time for Caterpillar Fungus is Fungus has property to balance diseases
from last week of May. If not harvested in and antibodies. Due this properties,
Caterpillar Fungus is believed to be used for
the treatment of blood, heart and kidney
related diseases, Hepatitis, Impotency, old
coughs, swelling respiratory, Asthma, spinal
related problems, Joint aches, even AIDs
and Cancer.
Conservation Status:
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for
Cultivation and Conservation.

Photo: Khilendra Gurung


ANSAB. 2060. Commercially Important Non-Timber Forest Products of Nepal. ANSAB,

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Published By:

Nepal Herbs and Herbal Products Association (NEHHPA)

Shahid Sukra Marga, Teku
Kathmandu, Nepal
T: +977-1-4100207
E: nehhpa1@gmail.com
I: www.nehhpa.org.np

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