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Chapter 10

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1. The drawing shows three identical springs hanging from the ceiling. Nothing is attached
to the first spring, whereas a 4.50-N block hangs from the second spring. A block of unknown
weight hangs from the third spring. From the drawing, determine (a) the spring constant (in

and (b) the weight of the block hanging from the third spring. 

1. In a room that is 2.44 m high, a spring (unstrained length = 0.30 m) hangs from the
ceiling. A board whose length is 1.98 m is attached to the free end of the spring. The board hangs
straight down, so that its 1.98-m length is perpendicular to the floor. The weight of the board
(104 N) stretches the spring so that the lower end of the board just extends to, but does not touch,
the floor. What is the spring constant of the spring? 

1. A spring lies on a horizontal table, and the left end of the spring is attached to a wall. The
other end is connected to a box. The box is pulled to the right, stretching the spring. Static
friction exists between the box and the table, so when the spring is stretched only by a small
amount and the box is released, the box does not move. The mass of the box is 0.80 kg, and the
spring has a spring constant of 59 N/m. The coefficient of static friction between the box and the
table on which it rests is μs = 0.74. How far can the spring be stretched from its unstrained
position without the box moving when it is released? 

1. To measure the static friction coefficient between a 1.6-kg block and a vertical wall, the
setup shown in the drawing is used. A spring (spring constant = 510 N/m) is attached to the
block. Someone pushes on the end of the spring in a direction perpendicular to the wall until the
block does not slip downward. The spring is compressed by 0.039 m. What is the coefficient of
static friction? 
1. When responding to sound, the human eardrum vibrates about its equilibrium position.
Suppose an eardrum is vibrating with an amplitude of 6.3 ξ 10-7 m and a maximum speed of 2.9
x10−3 m/s. (a) What is the frequency (in Hz) of the eardrum’s vibration? 
(b) What is the maximum acceleration of the eardrum? 

1. The fan blades on a jet engine make one thousand revolutions in a time of 50.0 ms (this is
milliseconds). Determine (a) the period (in seconds) 
and (b) the frequency (in Hz) of the rotational motion. 
(c) What is the angular frequency of the blades? 

1. A block of mass m = 0.750 kg is fastened to an unstrained horizontal spring whose spring
constant is k = 82.0 N/m. The block is given a displacement of +0.120 m, where the + sign
indicates that the displacement is along the +x axis, and then released from rest. (a) What is the
force (magnitude and direction) that the spring exerts on the block just before the block is
(b) Find the angular frequency ω of the resulting oscillatory motion.
(c) What is the maximum speed of the block? 
(d) Determine the magnitude of the maximum acceleration of the block. 

1. An 0.80-kg object is attached to one end of a spring, as in Figure 10.5, and the system is
set into simple harmonic motion. The displacement x of the object as a function of time is shown
in the drawing. With the aid of these data, determine (a) the amplitude A of the
(b) the angular frequency 

(c) the spring constant k 

(d) the speed of the object at t = 1.0 s 

and (e) the magnitude of the object’s acceleration at t = 1.0 s. 

1. The drawing shows three situations in which a block is attached to a spring. The position
labeled “0 m” represents the unstrained position of the spring. The block is moved from an initial
position x0 to a final position xf, the magnitude of the displacement being denoted by the
symbol s. Suppose the spring has a spring constant of k = 46.0 N/m. Using the data provided in
the drawing, determine the total work done by the restoring force of the spring for each situation.
Total work for part (a) 
total work for part (b) 
total work for part (c) 

1. A spring is hung from the ceiling. A 0.450-kg block is then attached to the free end of the
spring. When released from rest, the block drops 0.150 m before momentarily coming to rest,
after which it moves back upward. (a) What is the spring constant of the spring? 
(b) Find the angular frequency of the block’s vibrations. 

1. A 3.2-kg block is hanging stationary from the end of a vertical spring that is attached to
the ceiling. The elastic potential energy of this spring-block system is 1.8 J. What is the elastic
potential energy of the system when the 3.2-kg block is replaced by a 5.0-kg

1. In preparation for shooting a ball in a pinball machine, a spring (k = 675 N/m) is
compressed by 0.0650 m relative to its unstrained length. The ball (m = 0.0585 kg) is at rest
against the spring at point A. When the spring is released, the ball slides (without rolling). It
leaves the spring and arrives at point B, which is 0.300 m higher than point A. Ignore friction,
and find the ball’s speed at point B. 
1. An 86.0-kg climber is scaling the vertical wall of a mountain. His safety rope is made of
nylon that, when stretched, behaves like a spring with a spring constant of 1.20 ξ103 N/m. He
accidentally slips and falls freely for 0.750 m before the rope runs out of slack. How much is the
rope stretched when it breaks his fall and momentarily brings him to rest? 

1. A simple pendulum is made from a 0.65-m-long string and a small ball attached to its
free end. The ball is pulled to one side through a small angle and then released from rest. After
the ball is released, how much time elapses before it attains its greatest speed? 

1. Astronauts on a distant planet set up a simple pendulum of length 1.2 m. The pendulum
executes simple harmonic motion and makes 100 complete vibrations in 280 s. What is the
magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity on this planet? 

1. The length of a simple pendulum is 0.79 m and the mass of the particle (the “bob”) at the
end of the cable is 0.24 kg. The pendulum is pulled away from its equilibrium position by an
angle of 8.50 degrees and released from rest. Assume that friction can be neglected and that the
resulting oscillatory motion is simple harmonic motion. (a) What is the angular frequency of the
(b) Using the position of the bob at its lowest point as the reference level, determine the total
mechanical energy of the pendulum as it swings back and forth.
(c) What is the bob’s speed as it passes through the lowest point of the swing? 

1. Two physical pendulums (not simple pendulums) are made from meter sticks that are
suspended from the ceiling at one end. The sticks are uniform and are identical in all respects,
except that one is made of wood (mass = 0.17 kg) and the other of metal (mass = 0.85 kg). They
are set into oscillation and execute simple harmonic motion. Determine the period of (a) the
wood pendulum
and (b) the metal pendulum. 

1. A tow truck is pulling a car out of a ditch by means of a steel cable that is 9.1 m long and
has a radius of 0.50 cm. When the car just begins to move, the tension in the cable is 890 N. How
much has the cable stretched? 
1. Two stretched cables both experience the same stress. The first cable has a radius of
3.5x10−3 m and is subject to a stretching force of 270 N. The radius of the second cable is
5.1x10−3 m. Determine the stretching force acting on the second cable. 

1. When subjected to a force of compression, the length of a bone decreases by 2.7 x10−5 m.
When this same bone is subjected to a tensile force of the same magnitude, by how much does it

1. A 59-kg water skier is being pulled by a nylon tow rope that is attached to a boat. The
unstretched length of the rope is 12 m, and its cross-sectional area is 2.0 x 10−5 m2. As the skier
moves, a resistive force (due to the water) of magnitude 130 N acts on her; this force is directed
opposite to her motion. What is the change in the length of the rope when the skier has an
acceleration whose magnitude is 0.85 m/s2? 
1. The drawing shows a 160-kg crate hanging from the end of a steel bar. The length of the
bar is 0.10 m, and its cross-sectional area is 3.2 ξ 10−4 m2. Neglect the weight of the bar itself and
determine (a) the shear stress on the bar 

and (b) the vertical deflection  Y of the right end of the bar. 

1. A copper cube, 0.30 m on a side, is subjected to two shearing forces, each of which has a

magnitude F = 6.0 ξ106 N (see the drawing). Find the angle   (in degrees), which is one
measure of how the shape of the block has been altered by shear deformation. 
1. A copper cylinder and a brass cylinder are stacked end to end, as in the drawing. Each
cylinder has a radius of 0.25 cm. A compressive force of F = 6500 N is applied to the right end
of the brass cylinder. Find the amount by which the length of the stack decreases. 

1. A piece of mohair taken from an Angora goat has a radius of 31 ξ10−6 m. What is the
least number of identical pieces of mohair needed to suspend a 75-kg person, so the strain
experienced by each piece is less than 0.010? Assume that the tension is the same in all the


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