Doc1 Image To World
Doc1 Image To World
Doc1 Image To World
Q2) The Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 was called_ NEET 20191
Earth Summit (Rio Summit}-1992, called upon all nations to take appropriate measuresfor conservation of biodiversity and sustainable utilisation of its benefits
Answer• (b)
Q2) The Earth Summ it held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 was called [NEET 2019]
c) to assess thr eat posed to nat ive species by invasive weed species
d) for imm ediate st eps to discontinue use of CFCs that were damaging th e ozone layer
Earth Summit (Rio Summit)-1992, called upon all nations to take appropriate measures for conservation of biodiversity and sustainableutilisation of its benefits
Answe r : (bl
Q3) Which of the followingprotocols did aim for reducing emissionof chlorofluorocarbonsinto the atmosphere? [NEET 2019]
b) Kyoto Protocol J
c) Gothenburg Proto col J
d) Geneva Protoco l J
n-he Montreal Protocol sets binding progressive phase out obligations for developed and developing countries for all the
major zone depleting substances, including chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halons and less damaging transitional chemicals
lA.nswer • (d)
Q4) Identify the correct pair representing the causative agent of typhoid fever and the confirmatory test for typhoid. [NEET
Salmonella typhi is the causative agent. Confirmatory test = WidaI test, it's based on antigen antibody reaction. Answe r • (d)
Q5) Which of these following methods is the most suitable for disposal of nuclear waste? [NEET 2019]
d) Bury the waste within rocks deep below the Earth's surfa ce
Storage of nuclear waste should be done in suitably shielded containers and buried within rocks deep below the earth's
Answer• (d)
6) World Ozone Day is celebrated on [NEET 2018]
a) 16 th September J
b) 21 st Apr il
c) 5th June
d) 22 nd Apr il )
a) S0 2 J
b) CO2
c) CO J
d) 0 3 J
Primary pollutants include ammonia, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide_
Answer : (d)
8) In stratosphere, which of the following elements acts as a catalyst in degradation of ozone and release of molecu lar oxygen
c) Carbon )
d) Oxy gen )
Answer: (b)
pr evio us next
Q9) Match the items given in Column I with those in Column II and select the correct option given below :
Column I Column II
v\nswe r • (a)
Q10) Montreal protocol was signed in 1987 for control of .. [NEE T 2020]
b) Disposal of e- wast es )
0 11) Most importantcausative pollutant of water that changes its pH is....[A.M.U. 1998]
a) Plastic J
b) Glass junk J
c ) I ron junk J
d) Detergents J
odegradable which does not cause changein pH. Whereas detergents releasedfromthe domestic sewage,as well as the industrial effluents, result in the increasing the inorganicmin
previous J
0 12)Match the columns ......[Kerala2005]
a. DD T i. CO, CO2
d ground-level ozone primary pollutantsinclude nitrogen oxides,particularlynitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and volatlie organic compounds.The relevant econdary pollu
ds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released
erethey mix and react with water, oxygen, and other hemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain.
tsand greenhousegases collect in the atmosphere
urface l-6.ns wer• (d)
Q13) Aerosols having carbon and fluorine compounds are chiefly released by _ [A.M.U. 1997]
a) Re fine ries
b) Aut o mo biles )
c) Ind us t ries J
d) Jets J
Refineries, automobiles and industries release the oxides of carbon, sulphur and nitrogen.
The propellants used for jet engine release the halogenated paraffin compounds called fluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons. Answer• (d)
a) Excess of TDS
b) Excess of ch lo ri des
of nitrate in drinking water is unsafe for human health and fatal for infants. It reacts with haemoglobin and forms nonunctional melhaemoglobin that impairs oxygen transport. This is called blue baby sy
e r • (d)
l c) Pollut ed air )
d) Pollut ed soil )
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from your lungs _
2) exposure to substances that irritate the lungs, such as tobacco smoke, dust, fumes, vapors, and air pollution
3) genetic
factors Answer:
Q16) Pollution caused by persistent pesticides is more hazardous to_______[Har. P.M.T 2007]
a) Herbivo res
b) Producers
d) Top carnivores J
Biomagnification, also known as lbioamp li fication or biological magnification, is any concentration of a toxin, such as pesticides,
Since persistant pesticides magnify in higher level of food chain_ It is m ore hazardous in top carnivores_
Answer : (d)
a) Bones J
b) Brain J
c) Fatt y tiss ue )
d) S kin )
Chlorinated hydrocarbons are not soluble in water. T hey tend to combine with the adipose or the fatfy tissues in the body of
v\nswer • (c)
a) Pasteur effect )
b) Bl ackman e ff ec t )
c) Emerson effec t )
d) Green-house effect )
lf empe rature of earth's surface increases because of green house gases such as carbon
a) Pro ducer
b) Polluter )
c) Consumer
d) Deco m p oser )
onsume the organic food prepared by he producer and will also make an equilibrium in the environment by being a part of the nutrient cycle. A decomposer will breakdown the dead org anic from the d
a) Pollen grains )
d) Aut om ob iles J
Hydroelectric power is the cleanest form of energy. It does not emit any pollutants. lA.utom obiles and industries emit pollutants like oxide of nitrogen, sulphur and carbon.
Pollen grain are not pollutant but are known allergens and when inhaled by person can result in difficulty in breath ing.
BOD is a measure of the amount of oxygen requi red lo remove waste organic maller from waler in the process of
decomposition by aerobic bacteria (those bacteria that live only in an environment containing oxyge n). BOD is used, often in
Answer• (b)
c) Biotic factors J
d) Phy siographic fact ors )
v\nswe r • (c)
Q23) UV radiations bring about [ Ha r P.MT 1994]
a) Skin cancer )
b) Mo uth cancer J
c) Lung cancer J
d) Liver cancer )
skin, damage to skin cells and various types o1i skin cancers. In human eye, cornea absorbs UV-B radiation, and a high dose of UV-B causes inflammation of cornea, called snow-blindness, ta
a) Wheat field )
b) Paddy field J
c) Cott on field )
d) Groundnut field J
Trad itional llice production globally accounts for about 1.5% of greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to all aviation emissions.
Its somce is methane, created by mganic matter decomposing underwater in flooded paddies
Answer• (bl
Q26) Select the correct statementabout particulate matter [ A.1.1.M.S. 2012]
or less in diameter (PM 2 5) are responsible for causing the greatest harm to human health. These fine particulates can be inhaled deep into the lungs and can ause breathing and respira
c) Photodynamic action )
d) Des tru ction of hydrogen bonds bet ween complem entary DNA St rands
ary DNA strands. This results in thymine base pairs next o each other in genetic sequences to bond together into pyrimidine dimers, a disruption in the strand, which reproduotive enzymes
Q16) Pollution caused by persistent pesticides is more hazardous to _ [Har. P.M.T. 2007]
a) Herbivores )
b) Pro ducers
• (d)
a) Bones
b) Brain )
c) Fatty bissue
d) Skin )
Chlorinated hydrocarbons are not soluble in water. They tend to combine with the adipose or the fatty tissues in the body of
ns wer : (c)
0 18)Increase in atmospherictemperaturedue to carbon dioxide is ....[JK C.M.E.E. 2008)
a) Pasteur effect J
b) Blackm an effect J
c ) Emerso n effect J
d) G r ee n - h o u se e ff e ct J
IO correct l
The greenhouseeffect is a natural process that warms the Earth'ssurface.
Answer • (d)
19) For clean environment, which one is non essential [ W B. 2012] a)
Pro ducer J
b) Polluter J
c) Consumer
d) Deco m p ose r )
brium in the environment by being a part of the nutrient cycle. A decomposer will breakdown the dead organic from the dead bodies of producer and consumer. Sn, these are required in a functional ec
previous next
a) Pollen grains )
Hydroelectric power is the cleanest form of energy. It does not emit any pollutants. utomobiles and industries emit pollutants like oxide of nitrogen, sulphur and carbon.
Pollen grain are not pollutant but are known allergens and when inhaled by person can result in difficulty in breathing _
n swer • (b)
Q21) BOD is measure of _ _ _ [CBSE_ 2012]
waste organic matter from water in the process of decomposition by aerobic bacteria (those bacteria that live on ly in an environmen t containing oxygen)_ 1800 is used, often in wastewater-treatment
c) Biot ic fact or s
ors HIDE
Answer• (c)
a) Leav es J
b) Ro ot s )
c)St em J
d) F lo wers J
L ea ves are stomata via which gas exchange as well as transpiration occurs, henoe air pollution mostly affects leaves _
swer : (a}
28) In domestic sewage, suspended solids, colloidal and dissolved materials constitute........[AM.U. 2012]
a) 10% J
b) 5 .6 % j
c) 2.7% J
d) 0 . 1 % j
mere 0.1 per cent impurities make domestic sewage unfit for human use
nswer• (d)
Q29) Green -house gases are
b) Transparent t o both sol ar radiat io ns and long- wave radiat ions fr om eart h
c) Abso rbers of sol ar radiation s for warm ing the atm osphere of eart h
olar radiation do not worm atmosphere directly while reac hing earth, radiation makes surface of the earth hot, which radiates
he outgoing long wavelength radiation emitted by the Earth is partially to totally absorbed by the greenhouse gases of water
apor (H20 ), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (IN20), and tropospheric ozone (03) Answer• (a)
b) Pro per dispo sal of organic wa st es, se wage and industr ial eff uent s
c) Broader roads and shift ing of factor ies out of the residential ar eas
swer : (d}
Q31) A hyper metal accumulator is _ _ [ Odisha 2004]
a) Daucus carota )
b) Nicotia na t abacum )
c) Arabidop is
d) Thlaspi goesingensis )
entrations of metals, absorbing these metals through their roots, and concentrating extremely high levels of metals in their tissues. These hyperac cumulationgenes (HA genes) are found in
a) a - 3, b - 4 , c - 2, d - 1
b) a - 1, b - 4 , c - 2, d - 3 J
c) a - 4 , b - 3, c - 2, d - 1
d) a - 2, b - 3, c - 4 , d - 1 )
nswer : (c)
Q33) MIC and Chernobyl tragedies occurred at..........[C.B.S.E. 1996)
he Bhopal gas tragedy, was a gas leak incident in India, considered the world's worst industrial disaster. It occurred in
December 1984 at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Over 500,000 people
ere exposed to methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas and other chemicals. The Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic nuclear
ccident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. An explosion and fire released
large uantities of radioactiveparticles into the atmosphere, which spread over much of the western USSR and Europe
nswer • (c)
a) Japan J
b) Russia J
c) Ch i n a
d) Korea J
11amata City in Kumamoto prefed ure, Japan in 1956. It was caused by the release f methylmercury in the industrial wastewater (point source pollution) from the Chisso Corporation's chem
Carbon dioxide(CO2), methane (CH4), chlorofluo rocarbons (CFCs) and N2O are green house gases
nswer : (a}
Q36) What are oorreot? _ _ _ l[K erala 2009]
a) a, b
b) a, c )
c) b, c
d) c, d j
nae, gammaxene, Gammallin and sometimes incorrectly called benzene hexachloride (BHC), is an organochlorine chemical. Lindane is a persistent organic pollutant: it is relative ly long-livedin t
_ produced directly by human activities
d from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carlbon monoxide as tram a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories_
uce brown air or reddish-brownhaze_
Q37) Which pigment protects plants from uv damage? [Pb P_M.T 1997]1
a) Chlorop hyll J
b) Xa nth ophyll )
c) Caro tenoids )
d) Phycocya nin J
he carotenoids are the antioxidants which are present as the pigments in the plant oells_ The antioxidants scavenge the effect f the oxygen radicals and protect the cell from UV damage
nswer : (c)
Q38) High BOD indicates _ _ _ [WB_ 2007]
c ) L ess sewage
Q39) Fertilizers adcied to fresh water will cause [A LLMN _s_ 2002]
a) Death of plant s J
b) Decrease in fish populat ion )
swer : (d}
a) S m ok e ash J
b) Aut o m o b il e e x ha us t s J
c ) Ae ro pl a n es
nswer : (d}
a)Oce ans
b) Rive rs J
c ) Ponds )
d) Fo res t s )
he Earth's oceans contain a large amount of CO2 in the form of bicarbonate and carbonate ions- much more than the amount in the atmosphere_ The bicarbo
nswer : (a}
_ a) South Africa J
b) Brazil )
c) Argentina
d) Sweden J
d Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, South Africa, August 26 - September 4, 2002} was an unprecedented opportunity tto strengthen the role of health in sustainable dev
a) Brain
b) Heart J
c) Teeth )
d) Ki dney )
ost commonly in drinking-water, can cause fluorosis which affects the teeth and bones. Moderate mounts lead to dental effectts, lbut long-termingestion of large amounts can lead to poten
Q45) Green house effect is due to the accumulation of _ [ DP MT 2001]
a) 2, 4 -D J
b) 2, 4, 5 - T J
c) DDT J
d) PAN
swer : (c)
Ozone acts as a shield absorbing ultraviol,et radiation from the sun_ Ozone hole enhances UV reaching earth. UV radiation of
avelengths shorter than UV-B, are almost completely absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, given that the ozone layer is intact
But, IJV-B damages DNA and mutation may occur_ It causes aging of skin, damage to skin cells and various types o1i s kin
ncers_ I n h uma n eye, cornea absorbs UV-B radiation, and a high dose of UV-B causes inflammation of cornea, called
blindness, cataract, etc. Such exposure may permanently damage the cornea.
a) Bry ophyt es )
c) Gym nosperm s
d) Pteridophyt es J
E11t roph ication is when a body of water becomes overly enriched with minerals and nutrients which induce e:Kessive growth of
lgae. This process may result in oxygen depletion of the water body_ One example is an "algal lolo om" or great increase of
nswer : (lb}
a) Detergent s
b) Pesticides )
c) Industrial wast es J
d) Am m onia J
Major water pollutants are pathogen, domestic waste, industrial waste and plastics. Most abundant waler pollutant is industrial aste.
nswe r : (c)
c) Foo d crops
d) None J
Plants form the base of the food level for all organisms. They requ ire atmosp heric gases for photosynthesis Thus any change in the atmosphere due to pollution is first observed in plants
nswer : (lb}
d) Liquid or solid )
_ Aerosols can be natural or nthropogenic. Examples of natural aerosols are fog, mist, dust, forest exudates and geyser steam_ Examples of anthropogenic erosols are particulate air pollut
Q53) In an area where DDT has been used extensively, bird population declined because _ _ [ C.B.S.E. 2012]
a) Sulphur dioxide
c) Lead vapour J
d) Se wag e J
plastics, polythene, bags, insecticides, pesticides, mercury, lead, arsenic, metal articles like aluminum cans, synthetic Ibres, glass objects, iron products and silver foils are non-biodegradable pol
: (c)
Q55) Ozone layer o1i upp er atmosphere is being destroyed by _ [ C.P.MT 2005]
b) S02 J
hlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) dischargedin the lower part of atmosphere move upward and reach stratosphere. In stratosphere,
UV rays act on them releasing Cl atoms. Cl degrades ozone releasing molecular oxygen, with these atoms acting merely as talysts; Cl atoms are not consumed in the
nswer : (a}
Q56) A chemical used in refrigerators and air conditioners and is a source of Cl- _ [Guj .GE T. 2007]
a) Benzene
b) CH4 J
c) Benzopy rene
d) Freon J
nown as freons are used as coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. CFCs discharged in the lower part of atmosphere move upward and reach stratosphere. In stratosphere, UV rays act
n lar oxyg,en, with these atoms acting merely as catalysts; Cl atoms are not consumed in the
nswer : (d}
a) SO2 J
b) CO2 J
c) CO
Q58) Chief air pollutant which is likely to deplete ozone layer...........[Har PM.T 2001]
a) Sulphur dioxide
b) Carbon dioxide )
c) Carbon monoxide
swer : (d}
Q59) Which is coned ascending arrangement of BOD of sewage(S), distillery effluent(DE), paper mill effluentt( PE) and sugar
-Minamatadisease, is a neurological syndrome caused oy severe mercury poisoning. Symptoms include ataxia, numbness in the hands and feet, g1eneral muscle wealkne ss, narrowing of th
REASON: The depletion of stratospheric ozone layer has resulted in ultraviolet radiations reaching earth
AI.M.S 2005
a) Both Asse rt io n and Reas on are t ru e and Reas on is th e correct exp lanat ion of Asse rt ion
b) The Asse rt ion and Reaso n are t ru e but Reaso n is n ot correct explanation of Assert ion
Due to increase in rnncentration of greenhouse gases, global atmosphere is warming_ Assertion is true.
Ozone laye r in stratosphere acts as shield that protect earth's surface from UV radia tion . Depletion in ozone layer resulted in UV radiation reaching the earth_ Rea
Reason is not correot explanation to assertion as UV radiation reaching earth's surface is not resulting in global warming
swer : (lb}
Q62) Enzymatic fillers are used for remov ing _ [Guj C_E_T 2008]
d) Lead
Hydrocarbon Removal 1iilters are designed to remove hydrocarbons and sediment contaminants 1irom groundwater
ccumulation in bunded areas, out1ialls or as part of any pollution preventative drainage solution on your site, where
nswer : (c)
Q63) In Indian city like Delhi major air pollutant is..........[A.1.1.M.S. 2008)
a) SPM J
b) SO x J
c ) NOx J
d) CO )
ducing residential emission from solid fuels combustion and enforcing new emission tandards for power sector can lower PM2.5 levels. The implementation of emission standards fo
Q64) Consider statements a - c about pollution
(a) To contro l air pollutio n all Delhi buses were asked to run on unleaded petrol by the end of 2002
(b) Electrostatic precipitator can remove 99% of particulate matter from thermal power plant exhaust
(c) It is possible to estimateamount of organic matter in sewage water by measuringBOD. of the above statements
a) b and c correct )
b) a alo n e co rr e ct )
c) ) b alo n e co rr e ct )
d) c a lo n e co rr e ct )
ompressed naturalgas (CNG) All he buses of Delhi were converted to run on CNG by the end of 2002 buses were asked to run on unleadedpetrol by the end of 002
om a thermal power plant. It has electrode wires that are maintained at several thousand volts, which produce a corona that releases electrons. These lectronsattach to dust partic
ust particles. The velocity of air between the plates must be low enough to allow the dust to fall.
BOD is a measure of the amount of oxygen required to remove waste organic matter from water in the process of
ecomposition by aerobic bacteria. BOD is used,often in wastewater-treatment plants, as an indexof the degree of
nswer • (a)
Q65) Ozone layer o1i stratosphere requires protection from indiscriminate use of _ _ _ [A M.U. 1999]
nitrous oxides which can destroy ozone significant quantity being highly reactive Aerosols may be referred to the spray cans that release chlorofluorocarbons which cause the breakdow
a) CO2 )
b) CFC
c) S 0 2 J
d) CH4 J
part of atmosphere move upward and reach stratosphere_ In stratosphere, UV rays act on them releasing Cl atoms. Cl degrades ozone releasing molecular oxygen, with these atoms acting m
a) Air J
b) Soil J
c) Noise
d) Water )
Green Muffler is a technique of r,educing noise pollution by planting 4-6 rows around the populated areas or noisy places like
long roadsides, industrial areas, societies near highways, etc. so that dense trees reduce noise pollution as they filter out the
nswer : (c)
Q68) One green house gas contributes 14% to total global warming and another contributes 6% , these are respectively
a) NO2, CO2 )
b) CFC, N2 O )
d) CFC , CO2 )
Carbon dioxide contributes 60% to global warming. Methane contributes 20% to global warming_
CFC contributes 14% to global warming.
N20 contributes 6% to global warming. swer : (lb}
Q69) Correct order of biomagnification of DDT in an aquatic food chain is..........Kerala 2012
a) Water - 0.003 ppm, zooplankton - 0.5 ppm, small fish - 0.04 ppm, large fish - 2 ppm, fish eating birds -
25 ppm
b) Water - 0.003 ppm, zooplankton - 0.4 ppm, small fish - 0.5ppm, large fish - 2 ppm, fish eating birds - 25 ppm
c) Water - 0.003 ppm, fish eating birds - 25 ppm, zooplankton - 0.5 ppm, small fish - 0.04 ppm, large fish -
2.5 ppm
d) Water - 0.003 ppm large fish - 0.04 ppm, small fish - 0.5 ppm, zooplankton - 2 ppm, fish eating birds - 25
c ]
(a, )
nswer • (b)
Q70) Most harmful type of environmental pollutants are [Odisha 2009]
Non-biodegradable pollutant persist in environment for long time and has adverse effects for many years
swer : (d}
Q71) In acid rain, sulphur dioxide acid accounts for [ Odisha 2005]
a) 100%
b) 30% )
c) 50%
d) 70% j
ulfur dioxide (SO2), which forms sulphuric acid_ The remaining 30% or o oomes from various nitrogen oxides (mostly NO2 and NO3, which has collectedly called NOx) _ There are also a sm
a) 100 ppm )
b) 24 0 ppm )
c) 380 ppm )
d) 52 0 ppm )
of April 2019, the average monthly level of CO2 in Earth's atmosphere exceeded 413 parts per million.
Q73) Intensity of sound in no mal conversation is [C_BSE_ 2001]
a) 1 0 - 20 dB )
b) 30 - 60 dB )
c) 70 - 90 dB
d) 1 2 0 - 1 5 0 dB )
dB, normal conversation is about 60 dB, and a mottorcycle engine running is about 95 dB_ Noise above 70 dB over a prolonged period of time may start to damag1e your hearing_ Loud n
a) IR radiat ions
b) Blue radiation s J
c) UV radiations J
d) Oth er radiations J
formed by the action o1i UV rays on molecular oxygen, and also degraded into molecular oxygen in he stratosphere_ There should be a balance between production and degradation of o
Q75) Disease aggravated by pollution is ...[ Har .P.M.T. 200 1)
a) Scurvy )
b) Rheum at ism J
c) Haem ophilia J
d) Bro nchit is )
Exposure to air pollution has many substantial adverse effeots on human health. Subjects with chronic respiratory diseases uch as chronic obstructive pulmonary dis
nswe r : (d}
a) Plasm olysis
ome of the effects of pollution include leaf damage, slower growth, root damage, and inability to photosynthesizeproperly Chlorophyll is important for photosy nthesis
nswer : (d}
Q77) Which one of the following dissolvesmore rapidly in blood haemoglobin than oxygen? [M_P_P_MT 1992]
a) Ozo ne J
b) Nitrou s oxide )
c) Sulphur dioxide
d) Carbon monoxide )
Carbon dioxide has 200 times more affinity to haemoglobin than oxygIen
swer : (d}
Q78) ASSER TION: Suspended particulate matter is an important pollutant released by diesel vehicles
AJ.L MS 2005
a) Both Asse rt ion and Reas on are t ru e and Reas on is th e correct exp lanat ion of Asse rt ion
b) The Asse rt ion and Reaso n are t ru e but Reaso n is n ot correct explanation of Assert ion
vehicles_ Particulate matter includes dust, smoke, soot, pollen and soil particles_
are fitted into utomobiles for reducing emissionof poisonous gases_ As the exhaust passes through the catalytic converter, unburnt hydrocarbons are converted into carbon dioxide and wat
Q79) ASSERTION: Methane component of green house gases contributing to global warming is about 20%
REASON: Introduction of multipoint fuel injection engines in automobiles have decreased methane content in exhausts
AJ.LMS 2005
a) Both Asse rt io n and Reas on are t ru e and Reas on is th e correct exp lanat ion of Asse rt ion
b) The Asse rt ion and Reaso n are t ru e but Reaso n is n ot correct explanation of Assert ion
sertion is correct because methane contributes 20% to global warming other green house gases like carbon dioxide, CFC N20 contributes 60%, t 4% and 6% to globa
Efficient engine such as multipoint fuel injection engine can reduce the unburnt hydrocarbon in auto-emissions. It has reduced methane in exhaust Reason is correc
Reason is not explanation to assertion as both the statement are not related to each other. even though multipoint fuel injection ngines reduces methane con
nswe r : (lb}
a) Air J
b) Wat er J
c) Soil
d) Nost oc )
hich have been chemically altered into further noxious compounds by xposure to sunlight The main components of photochemical smog are nitrogen oxides, Volatile Organic Compounds (VO
a) Pri ma ry c o n s u m e rs
b) Se conda ry co ns umers )
c) Produce rs
d) Deco mpo se rs J
Biomagnification refers to increase in concentration of the toxicant at successive trophic levels. Secondary oonsumers comes a1 h i ghest position in trophic leve
nswer : (lb}
a) 18 0 dB
b) 1 4 0 d B )
c) 1 0 0 dB
d) 80 dB )
0 dB, normal conversation is about 60 dB, and a motorcycle engine running is about 95 dB. Noise above 80 dB over a prolonged period of time may start to damag1e your hearing. Loud n
Q84) A lake near a villag e suffered heavy mortality of fish within a span of few days, the possible reasons are
C.B.S.E. 2008
a) a, b J
b) a, c J
c) b, c
d) c, d )
lake near a village suftiered heavy mortality o1i fishes within a few days, because lots of urea and phosphate fertilizer were used in the crops in the vicinity and th
nd aquatic animals die_
n swer : (a}
a) Phyt oplankt on J
b) Sea birds J
c) Crab J
d) Eel J
he concentration of DDT is increased at successive trophic levels; say if it starts at 0.003 ppb (ppb = parts per billion) in water, it can ultimately reach 25 ppm (pp
nswer : (lb}
Q86) Which is not properly matched? erala 2008
a) Formaldehyd e - carcinogenic )
a) Biodegradable pollutant
b) Nondegerdab le pollutant J
c) Not a pollut ant
d) An antibiotic )
DDT persistsin environment It remains in active form for 22-25 years thus, it is non-biodegradable pollutant
swer : (lb}
a) Hg J
b) Pb )
c) As
d) Cd
ai-itai disease was the name given to the mass cadmium poisoning of Toyama Prefec ture, Japan, starting around 1912 _ The erm "itai-ilai disease" was coined
nswer : (d}
a) 4 - 6 µm/ 1 00 ml
b) 1 0 µg/ 1 0 0 ml )
c) 20 µg/ 1 00 ml
d) 30 µg/ 1 0 0 ml )
5 µ1g 111 0() mL Inc rease to 70 µg /100 ml is generally associated with linical symptoms_ Hence, a level of 301'Jg/100ml is considered alanming_ The chief sources of Pb to water are
Q90) Acid rains are produced by [ JKC.M.EE 2008 J
a) Sm og J
b) Acid rain
d) Both A and B
Pollutants that have been emitted from all sources in a region and have had lime to mix, diffuse from their peak concentration,
nd undergo physical, chemical, and photochemical reactions is called regional pollution. Example of regional air pollution are
n swer : (d}
Q92) ASSERTION: Algal bloom occur in nutrient poor water
REASON: Algal blooms make water unfit for human consumption bUI! cause enormous growth of nish
AJ.LMS 2011
a) Both Asse rt io n and Reason are tru e and Reaso n is th e corr ect exp lanat ion of Asse rt ion
b) The Asse rt ion and Reaso n ar e tru e but Reaso n is not corr ect explanat ion of Assert ion
Presence of large amounts of nutrients in waters also causes excessive growth of plan!ctonic (free-floating) algae, called an
lgal bloom which imparts a distinct colour to the water bodies_ Algal blooms cause deterioration of the water quality and fish
mortality_ Some bloom-formingi algae are extremely toxic to human beings and animals_
swer : (d}
Q93) Heat that radiates back from greenhouse gases causes [T amil Nadu 2001]
which again comes to Earth's surface, thus heating it up once ag ain_ This cycle is repeated many a times _ They are respons ible for the greenhouse effect Increase in the level of greenhou
Q94) Which will not cause atmospheric pollution [Har P_MT 2002]
a) S02 J
b) CO
c) CO2
Hydrogen does not cause pollution_ H ydroge n is considered as clean energy.
swer : (d}
Q95) Continuous sewage flow into a stream would lead to _ _ _ [ EA M.C.ET 1996]
b) Algal bloom )
d) I ncrease in t em pera t ur e J
croorganism Micro-organisms involved in biodegradation of organic matter in the receiving water body consume a lot of oxygen, and as a result there is a sharp decline in dissolved oxygen d
Q96) In vehicles , catalytic converter are used to [AI.I.M.S. 20111 ]
a) I n creases m ileage J
b) Conv ert CO2 t o carbonat es
Catalytic converters., h aving expensive metals namely platinum-palladium and rhodium as the catalysts, are fitted into
utomobiles for reducing emission of poisonous gases. As the exhaust passes through the cattalyttic con verter, unburnt
hydrocarbons are converted into carbon dioxide and water, and carbon monoxide and nitric oxide are changed to carbon
nswe r : (d}
is a green house gas. Incr,ease in concen tration of carbon dioxide and other green house gases in atmosphere leads to increase in temperature of earth's surface. This phenomenon is called
Q98) The photochemical smog is formed by
d) Sol ar ra diat ions up on nitro gen oxides and hy dro carb ons J
lutants that are formed when nitrogen ox.ides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react to sunlight, creating a brown haze above cities. It tends to occur more often in summer, because
Q99) Formation of nonfunctional methaemoglobin causes blue baby syndrome, this is due to _ [ Kerala 2007]
m polluted drinking water form compounds in the body that change haemoglobin to methemoglolbin , decreasing the bility of blood to carry oxygen. This condition is referred to as blue bab
1. One of the most important aspects of the design of a Green Building is the
implementation of low impact, renewable and sustainable energy sources. Which of the
following is not an ideal energy source for a Green Building?
Natural gas
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Question Title
3. What types of features can be incorporated to make a building ‘green’?
Question Title
4. While Green Buildings have many benefits to the environment, they are a more costly
investment than traditionally constructed buildings.
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Recycled plastic
Wooden piers
Earth bags
All of the above
None of the above
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8. Which flooring option would be the most eco-friendly and have the lowest environmental
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9. In Ontario’s climate, which alternative material for building walls would be most
suitable for energy efficiency, low environmental impact and insulation?
Straw bale
Used car tires
All of the above
None of the above
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10. How can you reduce the water consumption in a green building? Select all correct
a. the space that occurs when the values (personal and cultural) or attitudes of an
individual do not correlate to his or her actions
b. the space that diminishes when the values (personal and cultural) or attitudes of
an individual mirror his or her actions
c. the opportunity cost of lost value when making decisions
Answer: A
Answer: A
3. In the Fourth Pillar Model (Giddings et al., 2002), which of the following refers to the
fourth pillar in sustainable development?
a. technological
b. social
c. cultural
Answer: C
4. Which is TRUE?
a. Ecological modernization is a school of thought in the social sciences that argues that the
economy benefits from moves towards environmentalism.
b. Ecological modernization is a school of thought in which ecologists argue for cleaner
air and thus less air pollution.
c. Ecological modernization is a school of thought in engineering that argues that the
societal benefits of cleaner fuel are greater than the cost of introducing such
Answer: A
5. The primary driver behind many ecological and even societal threats is .
a. out-of-control politicians
b. human population growth
c. CO2 emissions
Answer: B
Answer: B
Answer: A
8. Anti-consumerism is .
Answer: C
Answer: B
a. It is the consumption of goods for non-functional purposes and the associated significant
pressure to consume those goods exerted by the modern, capitalist society, as those
goods shape one's identity.
b. It is the official name for what is colloquially known as Black Friday.
c. Hypermarkets first instigated the notion of hyper-consumption.