A Major Step For A Pipeline: Crossing The Serra Do Mar State Park in Brazil
A Major Step For A Pipeline: Crossing The Serra Do Mar State Park in Brazil
A Major Step For A Pipeline: Crossing The Serra Do Mar State Park in Brazil
A major step for a pipeline: crossing the Serra do Mar State Park in
Philipp Elsner, Babendererde Engineers, Germany
From 2008 to 2011 the state-owned company Petrobras installed a major gas
pipeline from a newly constructed refinery directly at the southeast coast of Brazil
over roughly 95 km to an inland connection point with the existing major gas
distribution network. The refinery produced natural gas from a recently developed
field 180 km off the coastline.
In order to build the pipeline major logistical and technical challenges had to be
overcome. A literately major step was the crossing of the Serra do Mar State Park, a
5 km wide mountainside quickly rising from sea-level to over 800 m and protecting
the last remains of the Atlantic Rain Forest in that region. In order to cross the park a
6,2 m diameter tunnel had to be drilled under it with a Hard-Rock Tunnel Boring
Machine (TBM). At the end of the tunnel 550 m deep shafts had to be drilled to
connect the tunnel with the surface.
Due to a very strict time schedule and delays in the tunnel excavation the installation
of the pipeline into the tunnel finally had to start parallel to the tunnel excavation.
This was only possible because the pipeline was welded outside of the tunnel portal
and then consecutively pushed into the 3% rising tunnel over the full distance of
5.000 m.
But also the surface pipeline installation had problems to overcome. Heavy rain falls,
related flooding’s and muddy ground sometimes made it impossible to use any heavy
machinery. In order to avoid those negative effects the longest tent in the world was
erected along a critical part of the surface pipeline.
This paper describes the construction works of this pipeline project on land,
especially around the critical section of the Serra do Mar Mountains.
1. Introduction
From 2008 to 2011 the gas field “Mexilhão” 180 km off the southeast coast of Brazil
was connected to the major transport net of the country and significantly cut the gas
imports from other countries to Brazil. The works on land included the construction
of a new refinery close to the coastal town of Caraguatatuba in the state of São
Paulo and a 95 km long 28” pipeline from the refinery to the connection point with the
A special challenge was posed on the construction teams of the pipeline due to
topography and environmental restrains of this region. The coastline between Rio de
Janeiro and São Paulo is often very narrow, in some places less than a kilometre.
Behind that strip the landmass rises within a few kilometres by 800 m and forms a
giant “step” until it continues in a hilly landscape inland. As a consequence the
clouds coming in from the sea often release a lot of rain along the mountainsides
colliding with this large, natural seawall.
Under these conditions a special fauna developed over the past thousands of years,
the so-called Atlantic Rain Forrest. Due to massive clearing the Atlantic Rain Forrest
had been reduced to about 2% of its original size until the remains in that region
finally were turned into a nature protection area, called the “Serra do Mare” State
Park. The strip of the state park just above the new refinery is 5 km wide and
construction works or entry with any kind of machinery was strictly prohibited.
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As the park extends all along the coast there was no way around. The only way
possible for the pipeline to cross the state park was to tunnel under it.
Figure 2 – Aerial photo of the construction side around the Serra do Mar
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In the following chapters the article will mainly focus on the tunnel construction and
pipeline installation within the tunnel. In addition to that also some complications of
the pipeline installation on the farm land at the foot of the mountains and of the first
kilometres on top of the mountains will be described.
The knowledge about the geology along the tunnel was rather limited. The rock was
mainly gneiss. Based on a surface inspection several milonitic shear zone and
several diabase dykes could be expected. But a closer inspection of potential critical
points along the tunnel by borings was impossible because it was forbidden to bring
the necessary equipment to the nature protection area.
As consequence of the topography and the environmental restrains the excavation
was only possible from the lower end of the tunnel. Parallel excavations from the top
side or from intermediate access points were impossible. Therefore it was decided
that a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), the first ever in hard rock in Brazil, should
excavate the tunnel and due to the limited information about the geology it was
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specified that the type should be a Double-Shield TBM. This type of TBM protects
the crew inside the machine from the rock completely. When the rock has sufficient
strength this machine fixes its position in the rock by gripping to it by the extension of
very strong hydraulic jacks installed perpendicular to the axis of the machine while
the cutter head at the front is moved forward and excavates the rock. In the same
time a circular lining made of precast concrete elements is installed at the back of the
TBM, but still within the shield. In case the rock mass does not offer enough
resistance to the gripping, the machine can still move by pushing itself forward from
the installed lining in the back. But then the lining installation and the excavation are
two consecutive steps and the overall advance rate reduces significantly.
Figure 4 – Schematic drawing of the double shield tunnel boring machine (TBM)
In the final design it was agreed between the client and the contractor that the lining
of the TBM tunnel would have an inner diameter of 5,4 m and a thickness of 25 cm.
The excavation diameter of the TBM was 6,16 m. The void between the outside of
the lining and the rock was to be filled with pea-gravel which was pumped into the
gap parallel to the construction. The complete support of the TBM for the transport
out of the excavated rock and transport in of the lining segments, the pea-gravel and
all other supplies was planned with trains.
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provided the bearing for the pipeline but also the ability to move the pipeline through
the tunnel.
But because of the dismantling of the TBM at the end of the tunnel excavation all
works regarding the pipeline installation had to wait until the TBM was out of the
tunnel as the size of the dismantled TBM parts to be transported were expected to be
so large that they would require the complete tunnel cross section.
Parallel to the TBM assembly the excavation of the tunnel by the conventional
method started. The idea was to ease the start of the TBM by cutting a starter tunnel
through the top layers of the rock, which was weathered to various degrees, until at
least a class IV rock, according to the rock mass rating system by Bieniawski, had
been found. After 270 m of excavation such rock was finally discovered. A starter
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box was prepared at the end of the conventional tunnel and the TBM was moved in
after that. In November 2009 the TBM finally started the excavation process.
The logistic problem of the support installation was that it could not be executed
parallel to the tunnel excavation because in that time a supply train for the TBM was
passing the tunnel every 30 minutes. The compromise was that the support
installation was done during the maintenance phase of the TBM, which happened
once every 24 hours and normally lasted at least four hours. Of course the
disadvantage was that the TBM was cut off from any heavy supply during the
maintenance which required a thorough planning of the TBM crew to not lose any
On the top of each pipe support a roller bearing with an electric motor was installed.
Those motors were operated from a control centre at the tunnel entrance.
During the installation it had to be taken care of that the roller bearings were installed
on a straight line. Although the tunnel alignment had been planned as a straight line,
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the excavation in reality always deviates up to several centimetres around the design
axis. Tolerances from the lining installation come on top of that. The installed tunnel
ring, in this case made of six individual segments, can deviate from the theoretical
position as well as the perfect circular shape. Therefore the final position of the roller
bearing had to be verified for each support prior to installation and corrective
measures were necessary whenever the bearing would have ended up outside the
acceptable tolerances.
Using this method 1,5 km of pipeline could be installed parallel to the excavation of
the tunnel. After that distance an intermediate train station inside the tunnel, where
outbound and inbound trains could pass each other in this otherwise single tracked
tunnel, stopped the further progress of the pipeline. But the installation of the
supports was continued even beyond the position of the train station.
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blast from the TBM tunnel to reach the first two pilot drills. Once found they were
connected with the 28” pipeline inside the tunnel and on the surface.
Meanwhile the third pilot drill was started from the surface and successfully reached
to the required depth. Also the subsequent reaming drill succeeded this time.
Once the 28” pipeline had finally been installed in the bore hole the third cross
passage at the end of the tunnel was built. But because the pipeline was already
under operation blasting was not allowed anymore. Thus the rock had to be
excavated by hand using core drills and afterwards hydraulic splitting to break the
rock. As soon as the foot of the vertical pipe had been found, it was integrated into
the major pipeline at both ends and the refinery could go into full production.
Figure 11 – Final cross drift for the connection to find the vertical 28” pipe
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Figure 12 – 3,3 km long tent from the air and from the ground
Shaft site
For the ease of installation and to limit the amount of necessary material the tent was
inflated by compressed air from the inside. At both ends air locks allowed the
entrance of machinery and more points allowed the access or exit for the workers in
case of an emergency. The weather in 2010 proved that the tent construction had
been a wise decision (it rained a lot) and the pipeline on the surface was finished in
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7. Summary
From 2008 until 2011 a new gas field off the southeast cost of Brazil was connected
with the country’s major network. 180 km of pipeline in the sea, a new refinery and
95 km of pipeline on land had to be constructed. The biggest challenge for the
pipeline construction was the crossing of the Serra do Mar State Park, a nature
protection area. A 5 km long tunnel had to be built, using a hard rock tunnel boring
machine for the first time ever in Brazil. At the end of the tunnel over 500 m deep
shafts were necessary for the connection to the surface. In the tunnel an innovative
installation method was chosen by the contractor. He pushed the pipeline into the
tunnel from the portal over the complete length. The pipeline installation even had to
be started while the tunnel was still under construction.