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Instruction Manual Enardo Series 950 Pressure Vacuum Relief Valve Series 7 Flame Arrestor en Us 166422

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Instruction Manual 850 and 950 Series

May 2016

850 and 950 Series Pressure/Vacuum Relief

Valve (ATEX Approved)


Model 850 Model 950

Figure 1. 850 and 950 Series Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve

North America Only

Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................... 3
Specifications............................................................... 2
Product Identification and Marking............................... 4
Principle of Operation................................................... 5
Installation.................................................................... 8 Model 850
Maintenance............................................................... 10
Adjustments................................................................ 14
Valve Repair............................................................... 15

! Warning

Failure to follow these instructions or

to properly install and maintain this
equipment could result in an explosion,
fire and/or chemical contamination
causing property damage and personal
Model 950
injury or death.
Figure 2. 850 and 950 Series
with Smart Wireless option

850 and 950 Series
The Specifications section on this page provides specifications for the 850 and 950 Series pressure/vacuum relief
valve. Specification is stamped on the nameplate attached to the relief valve. Refer to Product Identification and
Marking section for the nameplate details.

Available Construction Construction Materials

  See Figures 3 and 4   Housing: A  luminum, Ductile iron, Stainless steel or
Inlet Connection Sizes Carbon steel
  2 through 12 in. / 50 through 300 mm   Seat / Pallet: P olyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) or
316 Stainless steel
Pressure Ranges(1)(2)
  Pallet Seal: Buna-N, FEP Teflon® or Viton®
  0.5 to 32.0 oz./sq. in.
  Hardware: Z  inc-plated Carbon steel or
  1.0 to 55.0 in. w.c.
Stainless steel
  2.0 to 138 mbar
  Weights: Z inc-plated Carbon steel, Stainless steel
  5.0 to 1375 mm w.c. or Lead
Vacuum Pressure Ranges(1)(2)   Gaskets: Buna-N, Teflon® or Viton®
  0.5 to 32.0 oz./sq. in. Certification
  1.0 to 55.0 in. w.c.
  EN 13463-1: 2001
  2.0 to 138 mbar
  EN 13463-5: 2003
  5.0 to 1375 mm w.c.

North America Only

1. The pressure limits in this Instruction Manual and any applicable standard or code limitation should not be exceeded.
2. Pressure or vacuum setting has an increment of 0.5 oz./sq. in., 0.5 in. w.c. or 2.2 mbar.

850 - X - / -

Inlet Outlet Housing Pallet and Seat Pallet Seal Pressure Vacuum Options
Connection Connection Material Ring Material Material Settings Settings
Size Size 1 = Aluminum 1 = Advanced 1 = FEP Teflon® z = oz./sq. in. z = oz./sq. in. O   = No Options
(2 thru 12 in.) (3 thru 14 in.) 2 = Ductile Iron Composite- 2 = Buna-N n = in. w.c. n = in. w.c. A   = Special Coating
(up to 10 x Polyphenylene 3 = Viton® mm = mm w.c. mm = mm w.c. B   = Stainless steel Weights
12 in.) Sulfide (PPS) 4 = Other mb = mbar mb = mbar C   = Optional Weight
4 = Stainless 2 = 316 Stainless Material
steel steel D   = Optional Hardware
5 = Carbon steel 3 = Other E = Optional Gasket
G =S  team Jacket or Trace
J   = Other
WP   = Smart Wireless
Pressure Monitoring
WV   = S  mart Wireless
Vacuum Monitoring
WPV = S  mart Wireless
Pressure and
Vacuum Monitoring
Model 850 Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve Model Number

950 - - - / -

Inlet Housing Pallet and Seat Pallet Seal Pressure Vacuum Options
Connection Material Ring Material Material Settings Settings
Size 1 = Aluminum 1 = Advanced 1 = FEP Teflon® z = oz./sq. in. z = oz./sq. in. O   = No Options
(2 thru 12 in.) 2=D  uctile Iron Composite- 2 = Buna-N n = in. w.c. n = in. w.c. A   = Special Coating
(up to 10 in.) Polyphenylene 3 = Viton® mm = mm w.c. mm = mm w.c. B   = Stainless steel Weights
4=S  tainless Sulfide (PPS) 4 = Other mb = mbar mb = mbar C   = Optional Weight
steel 2 = 316 Stainless Material
5=C  arbon steel steel D   = Optional Hardware
3 = Other E = Optional Gasket
G =S  team Jacket or Trace
J   = Other
WP   = S mart Wireless
Pressure Monitoring
WV   = Smart Wireless
Vacuum Monitoring
WPV = S  mart Wireless
Pressure and
Vacuum Monitoring
Model 950 Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve Model Number

Figure 3. Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve Model Number

Teflon and Viton are marks owned by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.
® ®

850 and 950 Series

Model 850 Model 850/MVC Model 851

Model 950 Model 951 Model 952

North America Only

Model 952/MVC Model 953

Figure 4. 850 and 950 Series Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve Available Models

Enardo pressure/vacuum relief valve must Introduction

be installed, operated and maintained
in accordance with federal, state and Scope of the Manual
local codes, rules and regulations,
and Emerson Process Management This Instruction Manual provides instructions
Regulator Technologies Tulsa, LLC for installation, maintenance and parts ordering
(Emerson™) instructions. information for the 850 and 950 Series pressure/
vacuum relief valve (PVRV).
Failure to correct trouble could result in
a hazardous condition. Call a qualified
service person to service the unit.
Product Description
Installation, operation and maintenance
procedures performed by unqualified 850 and 950 Series
person may result in improper adjustment The 850 and 950 Series pressure/vacuum relief
and unsafe operation. Either condition valves provide protection against positive or vacuum
may result in equipment damage or overpressure and prevent air intake and evaporative
personal injury. Only a qualified person losses of product while helping to contain odorous and
shall install or service the pressure/ potentially explosive vapors.
vacuum relief valve.

850 and 950 Series
The 850 Series provides pressure and vacuum relief in addressed as soon as possible. But how will you
applications that require hazardous vapors to be piped know if this has occurred? Monitoring the open/
away rather than released into the atmosphere. closed position of the backup PVRV can provide quick
identification of this issue, for either the pressure or
The 950 Series valve provides pressure and vacuum vacuum side. Under normal conditions, the backup
relief for normal venting requirements while maintaining PVRV remains closed. If the backup PVRV is open,
a safe internal working pressure to prevent the routine this points to either the primary PVRV not functioning
expulsion of waste gas to the atmosphere. as expected or a separate pressure control problem
• Model 850: Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve — in the tank system that is causing both PVRV’s to
Pipe-Away be open. Ideally, the wireless monitoring of both
primary and backup devices is preferred in order to
• Model 850/MVC: Marine Vapor Control System gain the most insight. Further troubleshooting can
Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve. This product is fitted then be performed and the problem can be detected
with spark screens on the inlet and outlet ports in and addressed.
accordance with 33 CFR Part 154
Example #2 – Tank Blanketing
• Model 851: Top Mount Pressure or Side Mount
Vacuum Relief Valve — Pipe-Away Tank blanketing is sometimes used in order to inert
the vapor space in a tank for added safety. A tank
• Model 950: Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve — blanketing regulator controls the inflow of nitrogen
Vent-to-Atmosphere or another blanketing gas by responding to a low
• Model 951: Pressure Relief Valve — pressure set point. In this scenario, a PVRV (vacuum
Vent-to-Atmosphere side) generally acts as a backup to the blanketing

North America Only

regulator. If the blanketing system fails for some
• Model 952: Top Mount Vacuum Relief Valve — reason, the PVRV automatically takes over, as its
End-of-Line set point is slightly higher than that of the regulator.
But once again, how is one to know that this has
• Model 952/MVC: Marine Vapor Control System occurred? A wireless-monitored PVRV would indicate
Vacuum Relief Valve that the vacuum side is open. Under normal operation,
• Model 953: Side Mount Vacuum Relief Valve it should be closed.
Example #3 – Emergency Vent
Smart Wireless Monitoring Option
A storage tank’s emergency vent should remain
The Smart Wireless Monitoring Option is available closed, except in abnormal conditions. If an
with PVRV Models 850 (Pipe-away) and 950 emergency vent is also remotely monitored, and found
(Vent-to-atmosphere). This option allows the remote to be open, then there may be a pressure control issue
sensing and “OPEN/CLOSED” value transmission somewhere in the system. In this scenario, the PVRV
of the open or closed status of the pressure vent, should also be open. If it is not, it could be part of the
the vacuum vent or both. Use Option Code WP for issue. Again, a wireless-monitored PVRV can readily
pressure vent monitoring, Option Code WV for vacuum provide this information.
vent monitoring or WPV for the monitoring of both at
the end of the model string. Knowing whether a PVRV
is open or closed can enable immediate response Product Identification and Marking
to prevent problems related to safety, emissions and
quality of the tank contents. Hazardous Locations
The following are a few specific examples of how this Enardo pressure/vacuum relief valves are available
added visibility can help prevent problems: with outer housings of carbon steel, stainless steel or
Example #1 – Redundant PVRV’s aluminum, as indicated in Figure 5.

Redundant PVRV’s are commonly used for added Nameplate

safety. If the primary PVRV fails closed or partially-
closed, then the backup PVRV automatically takes A nameplate is attached to the valve and contains the
over. This is achieved by establishing a pressure set following information:
point that is slightly higher for the backup device. In
• Model Number – Ex. VALVE, 950-8-10X
this way, if the primary PVRV fails, the tank remains
protected. But redundancy is lost and should be • Conn. Flange Size and Rating – Ex. 4 in.

850 and 950 Series

Outer housing of stainless steel,

carbon steel or coated aluminum

Outer housing of uncoated aluminum

Figure 5. Product Identification and Marking

Pressure Flow Vacuum Flow

Figure 6. Pressure and Vacuum Flow

North America Only

• Serial Number It is important to know that relieving vapors near the
• Tag Number (Optional) set pressure in a continuous manner may cause the
• Notified Body Number – Ex. 0575 pallet to flutter or oscillate inside the valve chamber.
• Cat. No. (Category Number) – This is common to products of this type. Operating the
Ex. II 1 G c T6 or II 2 G c T6 valve with flutter or oscillation may cause premature
valve damage or wear over time. Enardo pressure/
• Year – Ex. 08
vacuum relief valve flow charts and sizing program
• Cert. No. (Certificate Number) – Ex. 19407 results designate the “flutter zone” to assist with correct
• Pressure valve sizing. Contact your local Sales Office with any
- Setting – Ex. Z4.0 questions or additional assistance.
- Flow Rate SCFH (Air) – Ex. 00000
• Vacuum Smart Wireless Monitoring Operation
- Setting – Ex. Z0.5 The Smart Wireless Monitored PVRV design consists
- Flow Rate SCFH (Air) – Ex. 00000 of the PVRV, proximity sensors and a wireless
transmitter. The built-in proximity sensors detect the
Principle of Operation open or closed position of the valve stem and send
these signals to the transmitter. These signals received
850 and 950 Series by the transmitter can then be sent to a control room
via a WirelessHART Gateway.
The 850 and 950 Series pressure/vacuum relief valves
maintain a tight seal until system pressure or vacuum WirelessHART is a wireless sensor networking
exceeds the set pressure of the valve. Set pressure technology that is based on the Highway Addressable
is determined by stacking a series of weights onto the Remote Transducer (HART) protocol. It was developed
valve pallet unless the pressure and vacuum set points as a multi-vendor, interoperable wireless standard for
have been specified for the minimum settings. When process field device networks. It is the most widely
overpressure occurs, the weighted pallet lifts, breaking used standard today and, for this reason, the PVRV
the seal between the seat and pallet. This allows described herein was designed to integrate within it.
vapors to pass through the valve orifice and relieve As long as the wireless gateway is WirelessHART,
pressure buildup. The valve reseals upon relief and it will receive the signal from the device. The
remains sealed. WirelessHART gateway will then send the information
to a control room which makes use of any number of
software integration packages.

850 and 950 Series













North America Only

Model 850 Pipe-Away Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve












Model 950 vent-to-Atmosphere Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve

Figure 7. Models 850 and 950 Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve Assembly

850 and 950 Series




North America Only

Figure 8. Model 850 with Smart Wireless Option






Figure 9. Model 950 with Smart Wireless Option

850 and 950 Series
Installation stems and seals. Be careful not to damage the
pallet seal surface.
850 and 950 Series

! Warning
Make sure line is free of hazardous vapors
before installing or servicing the valve.
1. Loosen fasteners on top of the valve and remove
the lid, hood or guide.

3. Reinsert uncovered valve pallets back into the

unit. Make sure that the lower stem on the pallet is

North America Only

centered into the valve seat. If the pallet appears
to be off-center to the valve chamber, or if there
is difficulty positioning the lid or guide, carefully
inspect the pallet to ensure it is inserted properly.

Cardboards 4. Remove any protective flange covers.

Remove cardboard from pallet stems Note
For more detail on using weights
to adjust the pallet setting, read the
Adjustments section.

Remove cardboard from pallet stems

All product configurations use similar
packing methods. 5. Reinstall pressure and/or vacuum pallet assemblies
into their respective openings. Install the setting
2. Remove valve pallets from the unit. Separate the
weights (if required) by engaging the hole in the
protective cardboard coverings from the pallet
weight on the appropriate pallet assembly stem.

850 and 950 Series
5.1. The weights are marked with their pressure transmitter. If this is the case, re-apply thread
equivalents and are shipped outside of the valve sealant to mitigate any leakage of the sensor/
chamber. Verify that the appropriate weights are lid interface.
being installed to provide the specified pressure
and/or vacuum setting. Refer to the nameplate ! Warning
data to verify the specified factory settings.
5.2. To adjust valve settings higher than minimum, Do not thread wireless sensor too far
use the weights to increase the pressure setting. into lid. Sensor may contact pallet
Weights are packed separately within the unit stem and prevent valve from opening
shipping package and are labelled “PRESSURE” properly. This condition may result in
and/or “VACUUM”. If weights are shipped with equipment damage or personal injury.
the unit, they should be installed onto the pallets
in the valve chamber in which they are labelled.
Gently slide the weights onto the pallet stem and
down on top of the valve pallet.
Make sure that the pallet assembly stem
positively engages the stem guide hole in
the hood or cover. Each pallet assembly
must be free to move upwards, with the
Figure 10. Model 850, Installation of Weights
pallet stem travelling into the stem guide.

North America Only

3. For the Model 950 PVRVs containing hoods, the
6. Replace the covers and/or hood.
sensor is located at a proper distance away from
eplace wing nuts or nuts and tighten to secure
7. R the stem by using a sleeve, bracket and set screw.
covers/hoods in position. The sensor is held within the sleeve using two
jam nuts. Fasten the sleeve to the hood using a
8. Attach the valve to the appropriate mating bracket. Using a set screw, mate the bracket and
flange using appropriate flange gasket which is sleeve to ensure that the sensor is in the proper
compatible with process conditions (customer location and cannot be adjusted. When installing
provided). To ensure proper function, install the weights, lift the hood and sensor/bracket/sleeve off
valve to a level surface, not greater than 1° off the vent rods as one. Remove the sensor/bracket/
horizontal so the pallet will move vertically. Valves sleeve from the hood and install the weights.
that are tilted during usage may suffer premature Reverse the process to reassemble the hood
damage or wear. and sensor.

Smart Wireless Monitoring

Units with Smart Wireless are shipped as self-contained
and already connected. The only connection required is
installation of the transmitter battery which is intrinsically
safe and does not require a hot-work permit.
1. Install valves with the Smart Wireless monitoring
option in a similar manner to the standard PVRVs
with a few differences. Remove any cardboard or
other packaging from the inner chambers. Remove
the lid(s) and/or hood to allow insertion of the
appropriate weights during installation.
2. Remove any lid with the sensing equipment
threaded into it as a single unit. The sensor should
remain engaged with the lid during this process.
Position all sensors within 0.100 in. of the pallet
stem. Maintain this critical distance. If the sensor
location within a lid is altered, re-test the unit
to ensure proper functioning of the sensor and Figure 11. Model 950, Installation of Weights

850 and 950 Series
850 and 950 Series

! Warning
Make sure line is free of hazardous vapors
before installing or servicing the valve.
Observe all applicable safety
requirements. Only qualified and trained
personnel shall perform maintenance
functions in hazardous locations.
Valves should be removed from the
location having a potentially explosive
atmosphere and taken to a safe location
for repair and maintenance.
2. Remove any valve pallets and weights from the
For preventive maintenance of the Enardo pressure/ unit. Keep in mind that these will be reinstalled,
vacuum relief valve, refer to the following instructions. so keep track of the chamber from which they
were removed.

North America Only

1. Loosen the fasteners on top of the valve and 3. Inspect the pallets for any damage or buildup that
remove the lid, hood or guide. may affect its sealing characteristics or its ability
to move properly inside the valve. If necessary,
gently clean the pallet and seal with a suitable
solvent and nonabrasive cloth.

850 and 950 Series

4. Clear away any buildup on the weights or on 6. If the valve has a lid, clean any buildup that may
the housing. exist in or around the guide hole located in the
center of the part.

North America Only

5. Inspect the valve seats installed in the unit. The
sealing surfaces should be smooth and free of
nicks or buildup. Check the guides for anything 7. If the valve is fitted with a screen of some type,
that may keep the valve pallet from moving clear away any blockage that may impede
properly inside the valve. If necessary, gently proper flow.
clean the seats with a suitable solvent and
nonabrasive cloth.

850 and 950 Series

North America Only

Figure 12. Weights on Pallet

850 and 950 Series

8. Reinstall valve pallets and weights into their proper 10. Replace any lid, hood or guide that was previously
chambers. Make sure the lower stem on the removed and fasten securely. When tightening
pallet is centered into the valve seat. If the pallet down lids, make sure the O-ring in each lid has full
appears to be off-center to the valve chamber, or contact with the sealing surface.
if there is difficulty positioning the lid or guide, the

North America Only

pallet may be inserted improperly.

Remove ring using a flat-bladed screwdriver

11. For seat removal, see Figure 7 for the valve

configuration drawings. The valve seats are
9. Reinstall weights onto their appropriate installed in machined bores in both the upper
valve pallets. body (pressure) and in the lower body (vacuum)
and are fitted with O-ring seals. Remove the
upper body seat by removing the upper body

850 and 950 Series
Table 1. Valve Maintenance

Part Replacement

Simple replacement. Provided with gasket repair kit along with other gaskets. The pallet
Pallet Seals seals are fragile and should be handled carefully to avoid damage. They must never be
folded or creased. Never use abrasive cleaners on a pallet seal.

Drop-in replacement. Requires removal of lid and replacement of gasket. Again, care must
Pallet Assemblies
be taken not to damage the seals.

Body Gaskets Requires disassembly. Provided with gasket repair kit

Seats Requires gasket to be replaced as well.

Requires removal of lid and replacement of O-ring on Model 850 Pipe-Away valves. The
customer must be careful to install the proper weights in the right location.

casting (Model 850) or the Vent Hood assembly The overall ATEX rating for all Wireless Models 850
(Model 950). Then remove the seat from the bore. and 950 valves are listed below:
The lower seat (vacuum) is retained by a Spirolox®
retaining ring. Remove this ring with a flat-bladed
screwdriver as shown above. Zone 0: II 1 G c T5

12. For seat replacement, the seats are installed in Ex ia IIC T5 Ga

the reverse order of the removal. Make sure the
bores are clean and that the O-ring seals are not
damaged. If necessary, use a light lubricant in
replacing seats.

North America Only

Zone 1: I 2 G c T5

Smart Wireless Monitoring Maintenace Ex ia IIC T5 Gb

1. Maintain Wireless Models 850 and 950 PVRVs

in the same way as all standard Models 850 and Adjustments
950 PVRVs. Clean the pallet and seat sealing
surfaces, remove any buildup of residues on the The Enardo pressure/vacuum relief valves have wide
weights and ensure any screens are not blocked. range of pressure and vacuum settings in units of
ounces per square inch (oz./sq. in.) or inches of water
2. Take certain precautions when cleaning the column (in. w.c.) as indicated in the specification
transmitter. The surface resistivity of the antenna section of this instruction manual. Standard Enardo
assembly when the optional transmitter is installed valve pallets assemblies are marked with a minimum
is greater than 1 GΩ. To avoid electrostatic charge equivalent pressure value in the specified units.
build-up, it must not be rubbed or cleaned with Installed alone has minimum settings of 1/2 oz./sq. in.
solvents or dry cloth. or 1 in. w.c. The pallets are calibrated by the seal
support located on the bottom side of the pallet. The
pallet’s setting of 1/2 oz./sq. in. or 1 in. w.c. is etched

Spirolox® is a mark owned by Smalley Steel Ring Company.

850 and 950 Series
into the support. When a valve requires a setting higher Valve Repair
than the 1/2 oz./sq. in. or 1 in. w.c. standard pallet
setting, use weights to increase the pallet’s setting up to
! Warning
the required setting.
Additional calibration weights are marked with their Make sure line is free of hazardous
equivalent pressure value and should be added as vapors before installing or servicing
necessary to achieve the specified setting. the valve.

Enardo weights also come in units of ounces per square Observe all applicable safety
inch (oz./sq. in.) or inches of water column (in. w.c.). requirements. Only qualified and trained
The individual setting of each weight is either etched personnel shall perform maintenance
or imprinted into the weight. Emerson offers several functions in hazardous locations.
different sizes of pressure/vacuum relief valves. To All replacement parts must be provided
ensure that the right weight is placed on the right pallet, by Emerson™.
take note that the weights and pallets that go together
will have the same outside diameter. Standard Enardo Remove the valve from the tank before attempting any
weights allow the user to stack in increments of repairs beyond pallet assembly and weight maintenance
1/2 oz./sq. in. or 1/2 in. w.c. as described on Maintenance section.

Pressure/vacuum relief valve is shipped with Most repairs will consist of replacing pallet seals, lid
prepackaged weight kits to set the valve pressure gaskets and in some cases, the body gaskets. The seats
properly. The package labelled “pressure” is for the are also replaceable if the need arises. These repairs are
relatively simple and can normally be handled by plant

North America Only

pallet in the pressure chamber, while the package
labelled “vacuum” is for the pallet in the vacuum maintenance personnel using common hand tools.
chamber. All weights in these packages should be
Most valve maintenance can be performed by the
installed. If one or neither of these packages is included
customer or by a valve repair facility. See Table 1 for the
with your order, then they are not needed.
proper maintenance of the relief valve parts.
If the pressure and vacuum weights are mixed together,
In most cases, it is not necessary to return the valves to
sort and reorganize the weights.
the factory. If the valve needs to be tested and certified
When installing weights for the Enardo pressure/ at a specified pressure and/or vacuum, return it to the
vacuum relief valve, check the required settings on the factory or send it to a qualified valve repair facility that is
tag attached to the valve. Add weights to the pallet to capable of performing the necessary tests in accordance
achieve the required setting. If the relief valve’s setting with API Bulletin 2521 recommendations.
is 6 oz./sq. in., add weights with the total setting of
Contact your local Sales Office with any questions or
5-1/2 oz./sq. in. to the valve since the pallet’s setting
additional assistance needed for repairing your valve.
alone is 1/2 oz./sq. in. Hence, the valve pressure setting
is the sum of the settings of the pallet and the weights.
The relief pressure or vacuum setting is equal to the
sum of the pallet assembly and individual calibration
weight equivalent pressure value.

850 and 950 Series

North America Only

Emerson Process Management
Regulator Technologies Tulsa, LLC

9932 East 58th Street

Tulsa, OK 74146-6411

Tel: +1 918 662 6161

Fax: +1 918 662 0004

For further information visit www.enardo.com

The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their prospective owners. Enardo is a mark owned by Regulator Technologies Tulsa, LLC,
a business of Emerson Process Management.
The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or
guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such
products at any time without notice.
Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies Tulsa, LLC does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use
and maintenance of any Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies Tulsa, LLC product remains solely with the purchaser.

©Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies Tulsa, LLC, 2015, 2016, Rev. F; All Rights Reserved

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