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THY 4: LIVING THE CHRISTIAN VISION IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD ○ Misguided people seek to attain happiness

HARMONY WITH GOD: through wealth, public office, kingship, celebrity,

and pleasure. yet, these false goods do not even
CALLED TO COMMUNION provide the partial happiness for the sake of
which people pursue them
● Whose happiness is so firmly established that he has no
quarrel from any side with his estate of life? - Boethius
CONTENTS: ● The joys of evil men provide a good example to virtuous
I. Spirituality of Truth vs. Relativist men of how they should judge the kind of happiness they
a. Introduction often see falling to the wicked… Their very wickedness
b. Spirituality of Truth rips apart their conscience - Boethius
c. Religion ● The truth will lead us to happiness
d. Religion vs. Spirituality ○ Boethius (475-535 A.D.)
e. Relativism ■ He made it clear that we are in search of
II. Spirituality of Mercy vs. Throw-away Culture happiness. Therefore, people try to
a. Hedonism pleasure themselves .
b. Egoism ■ Many people are in search of their
c. Consumerism happiness but some are unsuccessful in
d. Throw-away Culture finding it
e. Spirituality of Mercy ■ If we are to gain true happiness, we
f. Culture of Care must look for that thing that makes us
III. Spirituality of Communion vs. Individualism feel discontented.
a. Individualism ■ Human beings are discontented from
b. Spirituality of Communion the start hence we search for progress
c. Dignity, Common Good and Solidarity and happiness
d. Conclusion ● Discontentment will only be
relieved if we find absolute
Introduction ● Spirituality begins with discontent
Our situation today: a POST-TRUTH SOCIETY ○ If I find myself a desire which no experience in
● Authority is questioned or rejected this world can satisfy, the most probable
● Personal opinion/belief is exalted explanation is that I was made for another world
● “Echo chambers” in social media ~ C.S Lewis
● Dialogue becomes impossible ■ The rich are not contented with what
● Veracity replaced by popularity they have and feel a lack of emptiness
○ Kung ano yung uso yung yung gagawin. ● Feeling of discontentment
○ Kung ano yung ginagawa ng karamihan, yun ● These people need truth and
yung susundin. happiness
○ The truth should always be considered ● Discontent is the first necessity of progress
● Universal rules are forgotten ○ First step to happiness (Boethius)
○ Many people will always justify the wrong things ■ Acknowledge that we are discontented
that they are doing and imperfect.
● There is no truth, or at least we have no access to it, only ■ If we consider ourselves as perfect, we
belief …. A CRISIS OF RELATIVISM will have a hard time in acquiring new
ideas in our lives
Spirituality of Truth ■ All our lives we aim to be content and
● Quid est veritas perfect at the end.
○ What is the truth? ● The truth should be a way of life
○ E.g. Pontius Pilate believes that he is the truth ○ Archbishop Gabriele Giordano Cascia: If we
■ He is the truth don’t look for truth, we are guided by other
■ Asks Jesus Christ, “Who are you?” interests, or fears, or the pressure of the crowd,
■ Wants to know the truth because he of the media of power, of self-comfort, and we
knows that he is the truth are not free, we are slaves of pleasure, money,
● Look for what is objectively true power, and riches
● Sometimes, what we believe is the truth even if it’s wrong ■ Leads to downfall
● Boethius first complains about the loss of good fortune ■ Must be in accordance with universal
(Book 1) teachings but also in the word of man
○ Philosophy replies that it is the nature of fortune ○ Must be:
to be fickle ■ Universal - the same at all places at all
○ Moreover, the goods of fortune are not true times
goods ■ Objective - discovered and not made,
● What then are goods? Philosophy begins to answer this not what I think or believe
question by examining five false Gods ■ Transcultural - it is the same for all
○ Everyone seeks happiness: a good so complete people
it leaves nothing more to be desired
● Gustave Flaubert: There is no truth. There is only ■ Is the truth determined by what we
perception know and believe?
○ Many people do not believe in the truth anymore ■ It is true based on my knowledge
since they justify their perceptions to be true ■ E.g. “Based on my past experience, I
know that this is the right way” even
Spirituality though it is not the truth anymore
● In general: it's the awareness that we have a soul, and act ○ Pragmatic
accordingly ■ Truth is what works, or serves our
● In Catholicism: the various ways by we live out baptismal purposes
promises ■ Talks about usefulness
○ Not only our relationship with God ■ Is the truth determined by usefulness?
● In Christianity: It is a life of growing friendship with Christ ■ Same as utilitarianism
leading us to fullness (happiness). ■ If it is useful then it is true

Three Movements of Spirituality Three Different Kinds of Truth According to St. Thomas of
● Inward Aquinas
○ Identity: Who am I? Truth is the equation of a mind and a thing (Summa
○ Rational/Conscious: Intelligent and Free Theologica)
○ Must know that you are imperfect, discontented 1. Logical Truthfulness (verifying the truth)
and dependent a. If mind conforms to reality
■ If you think that you are close-minded, b. E.g. this is a pen → conforms with my past
you have already isolated yourself knowledge/reality → deduction facts → has ink,
● Fails to be a human being since ballpoint, etc. → true
human beings are naturally c. E.g. This is a water → clear
dependent to one another d. Lowest form of truth
■ If you acknowledge that you are 2. Moral Truthfulness (living out the truth)
discontented, you will know your goal ○ If his words/actions conforms to what is in his
(to be perfect). mind
● To know where you are going ○ Being morally true occurs if the words and the
● What actions can lead me to actions conforms to what is in the mind
that goal? ■ Mind (ideal mind or a mind that follow
● Upward that knows what is right or wrong)
○ Destiny: Why was I created? ● What is in the mind is
○ Created to know, love, and serve God in this life objectively true
and to be happy with him forever in heaven ● Mind is in accordance with
● Outward God’s rules and regulations
○ Relevance: How can I make a difference? and teachings
○ Open and relational: by, with, and for others ○ E.g. In my mind (naawa) → action (drive to
○ E.g. Helping other people, being a good friend, people and give them food individually) = moral
nurse, person truth
■ Hindi lang hanggang sa utak yung
Truth pagtulong, dapat may action
● Veritas in Latin ■ What is in my mind is in conformity with
● Became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ my actions
○ “I am the truth” ■ “Naaawa ako kaya dapat meron akong
● “He is before all things, and in him all things hold gawin.”
together” (Colossians 1:17) 3. Ontological truth (actualizing the truth of who I am, whose
● To be a Christian means to be firmly convinced that there I am, for whom I am)
is no other way there are no other truths but Jesus a. Something is true in so far as it corresponds to
● Theories of Truth the mind of its maker.
○ Correspondence b. Deepening of the truth itself
■ True if automatically factual c. Everything we are doing and everything in our
● Based on what I sense, that is plans should be in accordance with the plan of
the fact. God
● It is possible for it to not be i. Plan of god in human reasoning is for
factual humanity is to be seen
■ Truth is what corresponds ii. Bring salvation to humanity as long as it
■ Is something factual automatically conforms with reality then we are
truthful? following the ontological truth
■ Something is true if it is factual to facts d. E.g. Doing what God would do
■ Weakness: what we know may not be e. E.g. Aiming for perfections
true i. We need to be guided by God esp. in
○ Coherence decision making
■ Truth is what coheres with the rest of
our knowledge
Religion ● All opinions are true and valid, even if they contradict each
● Etymology: other. As such, is a relativist society, there are no
○ According to the Summa Theologica standards, no permanent moral values.
■ Re lego/relegere ● One who is not a relativist is labelled as
■ Religare - “to bind again” FUNDAMENTALIST, or ARROGANT, or INTOLERANT
■ Re eligere - “to choose again” ● Today, having a clear faith based on the Creed of the
• Religion is the virtue where pay due respect to God Church is often labeled as fundamentalism. Whereas
• Not a theological virtue but a moral virtue. relativism, seems the only attitude that can nope with
■ Hence, when we pray to God, it is a thanksgiving. modern times. We are building a dictatorship of relativism
● Highest form of prayer = eucharist that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose
(mass) ultimate goal consists solely of one’s own age and desires.
■ Since we are imperfect, we aim to be perfect by
doing good. Types of Relativism
● Our duty to do good. 1. Descriptive Relativism
• Religion is a moral virtue for ourselves. a. One can observe different moral norms
■ When we pray to God, it is a thanksgiving. 2. Metaethical Relativism
■ God is leading us to our journey a. There are no universal or extra-cultural moral
● Religion is not to suppress us but it is to give thanks bc we truths
are led towards our goal 3. Normative Relativism
○ Wrong: “Lord I am a good person kaya dapat a. We have to “live and let live”
ganito ako.”
○ Correct: “Lord you are the greatest, I thank you.” Two Kinds of Relativism
● Allows us to realize that material things do not matter but 1. Relativism in Faith
no be contented with what we have in life ○ There is no absolute truth
○ Authority is questioned or rejected
Religion vs. Spirituality ○ Personal opinion/belief is exalted
Religion ○ “Echo problems” in social media
● Brings together people of similar beliefs/spirituality ○ Dialogue becomes impossible
● Collective ○ Universal values are forgotten
● It requires a distinctive format or traditional organization ○ Feelings and emotions come and go and are
● Will always have rules and regulations never a strong foundation
○ Not to limit, but to guide us what is true ■ Decide when you are level-headed
■ Opinions are opinions until they are
Spirituality proven factual
● How strong one’s personal relationship with God ○ Some may say that one religion is better than the
● It is personal and individual journey other
● Individual ■ Should be faithful to only one religion
● It does not require a distinctive format or traditional ○ Results of Relativism in Faith
organization ■ Religious indifferentism:
1. One religion is just as good as
Authentic Catholic Spirituality another. Christ is just one
● Sees RELIGION and SPIRITUALITY as intimately linked among many.
rather than opposed to each other. Rules and 2. Attacking on religion
relationships go together without rules and parameters. ■ Cafeteria Catholicism:
A relationship without rules or parameters leads to 1. We are free to just choose
contempt and abuse (E.g. 10 Commandments) which of the Church’s
● Acknowledges that there are REVEALED WAYS by which teachings we will accept as
we connect with God (e.g. Sacraments) true and follow, abandoning
● Believed that SPIRITUALITY is not formed by human beliefs and practices which do
experience alone but by conforming to a MANUAL- The not suit our taste or
Word of GOD preferences.
2. E.g. When the church tell us to
Relativism attend mass every Sunday but
● Relativism is prevalent, everywhere, and a crisis we prefer to pamper ourselves,
● Relativism is dangerous esp. when it comes to morality we forget our responsibility (to
○ E.g. Bagsak na agad di pa nakikita work ng attend mass)
students just because of their face values a. Praying is not enough
● The belief that there are no such things as permanent or to fulfill our
universal truths responsibility
● All truths, whether in matters of doctrine or morality, are according to our
dependent on the individual, on popular opinion, on religion
society, on culture, etc., but never on an objective basis 2. Relativism in Morals
such as the Word of God ○ There is no absolute right and wrong
○ Moral Relativism


■ Evangelii Gaudium, 64: while the convenience and material
church insists on the existence of security
objective moral norms which are valid 3. Reason behind the lack of
for everyone. There are those in our sense of mission among
culture who portray this teaching as Christians
unjust, that is, as opposed to basic 4. E.g. Measures everything
human rights. around you only based on your
■ E.g. Death penalty perception
■ E.g. Being born with deformities a. Bc of individualistic
1. According to utilitarianism, a approach ,you lack
person with deformities is not sympathy and
considered as a beneficial tool empathy.
for society b. You will be blinded by
○ Logical consequence of relativism in faith your ego → sense of
○ Morality is just a social construct entitlement, ego and
■ Understands only when we talk about individualism of
what is right and true but there is more people
than that c. As long as you’re not
○ Denying existence of moral absolutes affected, you will not
○ Relativism > indifferentism > loss of morality do anything to help
■ Indifferentism: “I am the measure of all
things” Can we be good without God?
1. Results to loss of morality ● Without God, if I say being truthful is good, I only mean “I
○ Rule of power rather than of reason like being truthful”
■ What is reasonable as long it is not ○ Only an opinion
popular is disregarded ● Without God, if I say stealing is evil, I only mean “I don’t
■ Results in OIC - object, intention, like stealing”
consequence ○ Indirectly, there is still a belief that a higher being
○ Branches of Relativism in Morals exists
■ Utilitarianism and hedonism ○ Aiming for good things brings us closer to God
1. What is useful is good
3. The end justifies the means. Hedonism
4. The beauty of life consists in ● “There is a spirit of hedonism abroad today which attracts
giving oneself to others - St. men into thinking that life is nothing more than the quest
John Paul II, UST Manila, for pleasure and the satisfaction of human passions” -
January 1993 Mater et Magista 235
5. E.g. “Criminal yan, patayin mo ○ Seeking pleasure is not bad bc it is part of our
yan” nature
■ Practical relativism ○ Being satisfied is not bad bc it is part of our
1. Evangelii Gaudium, 80: Acting human passions
as if God did not exist, making ● Greek: hedone (pleasure)
decisions as if the poor did not ○ Its focus is what makes hedonism bad
exist, setting goals as if others ● The doctrine that pleasure (sensual pleasure) is the
did not exist, working as if ultimate goal of life, man’s highest good and greatest
people who have not received happiness
the Gospel did not exist ○ Quest for pleasure
a. Aims to fill our egos ○ Sensual pleasure
b. E.g. “Wala akong ■ If it becomes our way of life and the
pake kung may driving force of existence = problematic
matapakan akong tao, doctrine
as long as nagawa ko ● Devotion to pleasure and self-gratification as a way of life
gusto ko”, “wala ○ Everything that a hedonist does is pleasure-
akong pake kung related
mawawalan sila ng ○ The way that hedonists achieve pleasure and
pera as long as meron self-gratification is different from the way normal
akong pera”, “wala people achieve it = chaos in society
akong pake kung ● This philosophy is more often promoted through
mamatay silang lahat advertisements
basta mamatay lang ○ Today’s marketing provides us with products by
yung isang kaaway saying that these products can give you
ko.” happiness and satisfaction
2. A form of moral relativism that ○ E.g. Advertisements
is self-centered, self-
indulgent, and grounded on
■ They do not show how they ○ Rooted in the perception of every hedonist
manufacture their products or what it is ○ If you are a hedonist, your perception of humans
made of and the environment are destroyed
■ Instead, they show that buying their ■ Environment
product will give you happiness which ● Normally seen as something
makes people drawn to the product → beneficial to our living;
consumerism something that must be taken
● “I am here for one purpose: to get as much out of life as I care of
can. Pain and suffering are evils that must be avoided at ● Hedonists don’t think about
all costs. The main thing in life is to always feel good” the future generations; they
○ To avoid any forms of suffering in life. Even the don’t think about the people
legitimate and heroic suffering. A hedonist wants who would lose their jobs
to have a pleasurable life regardless of how it is because of industrial
achieved advancements; they don’t care
about destroyed seas and
Hedonism and the Human Person mountains
● “This attitude is disastrous. Its evil effects on soul and body ● This invites contemporary society to a serious review of its
are undeniable” - Mater et Magistra 235 lifestyle, which, in many parts of the world, is prone to
○ Its effects are very destructive to the soul and the hedonism and consumerism, regardless of their harmful
body of a human being consequences - Caritas in Veritate 51
● How is hedonism disastrous to the person ○ Reminds us (educated people) to review our
himself/herself? What are the consequences? lifestyle and to wake up the world that we have
○ Hedonism is very problematic in how we fallen to the trap of hedonism and consumerism
understand our whole being ■ Effects:
○ For hedonists, man is the measure of all things → ● People are dying
a person will be egoistic, indifferent, and selfish ● World is dying
(distorted perception of a human being) ○ Ways to harm the environment
■ E.g. Scientists say that if u go to the sea,
Hedonism, the Human Person, and the Environment u will find plastic
● “It is also necessary to reject the total technical dominion ■ E.g. In the PH, there are mines present
over nature, because the natural environment is more everywhere
than raw material to be manipulated at our pleasure”- ○ Most people are blind and deaf to these current
Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate 48 occurrences
○ Only sees the environment as raw material ready ● How is hedonism disastrous to the environment? Give
to be manipulated for pleasure/the benefit of examples of the connection of hedonism and
man consumerism.
■ They cease to see the environment as ○ “If an appreciation of the value of the human
something which is beneficial to the person and of human life is lacking, we will also
future generations, people around the lose interest in others and in the Earth itself” -
sea, to the animals, etc. 1990 World Day of Peace Message, Pope John
● E.g. Animal extinction Paul II
○ They should be ■ Hedonists are egoistic and they don’t
protected bc these care about other people
animals may be of ■ If you are a hedonist, you fail to see the
help to us in the future value of a human person even though
○ Some people kill you have the same characteristics as
them for their greed them (arms, legs, etc.)
and pleasure ● It is possible for you to see the
○ Many people see the environment as a gift from value of the world itself
God ○ “The way humanity treats the environment
■ We can use and manipulate it, not for influences the way it treats itself, and vice versa”
pleasure and greed, but for us to - Caritas in Veritate 51
progress ■ The way you see humanity and the
● Progress = protection with a environment is connected
great output ● If you can’t see it, then it is
● “Today, much harm is done to development precisely as possible that you also don’t see
a result of these distorted notions” - Benedict XVI, Caritas the value of human and plants
in Veritate 48 ● Hence, pag may namatay,
○ Every hedonist has this distorted view of a person gutom, o nadisgrasya,
■ Sees everyone as a hedonist as well hedonists won’t feel sorry for
○ This is why the environment is attacked by us, them because for them, these
people who are entrusted by God to care for the people are passing and
environment indispensable
● Long-term effect of hedonism is not only the destruction ● Reducing nature merely to a collection of contingent data
of the human being but also the environment ends up doing violence to the environment and even
encouraging activity that fails to respect human nature ● “I shop, therefore I am”
itself. - Caritas in Veritate 48 ○ Many people are defined by the things they
○ E.g. Seeing environment (similar to a human acquire and show off to other people
being) as a raw material → much easier to kill ○ Some excessively consume then throw it away
■ “Kasi kriminal siya (not pleasurable) ○ To shop is their identity.
kaya patayin nalang”
○ No wonder why people are indifferent to one Negative Effects of Consumerism
another ● Global inequality (On society)
● Our nature, constituted not only by matter but also by ○ Spending on what is not necessary has made the
spirit, and as such, endowed with transcendent meaning rich richer, and the poor poorer
and aspirations, is also normative for culture. Human ■ Bigger gap between the two
beings interpret and shape the natural environment ○ Money is the competition for you to have the
through culture, which in turn is given direction by the capacity to buy wonderful material things
responsible use of freedom, in accordance with the ○ Sometimes forgotten by the rich bc for them, as
dictates of the moral law. - Caritas in Veritate 48 long as they can consume, life is okay
○ Human beings are part of the culture Therefore, ● Obesity (On individual)
we cannot deny the fact that nature is also part of ○ Having a mentality of buying what I can over
it. buying only what I need
○ E.g. Shops excessively even if we know our
Egoism capacity
● Self-interest in the foundation of morality ■ Di gutom → buys a lot kasi it looks
○ In general, egoism promotes self-interest delicious or bc you are greedy →
○ Always for me, me, me obesity
● Denies that we can be motivated by a concern for others ■ E.g. cravings → buys a lot then throw
○ Hedonism feeds our ego what was not eaten
● This theory claims that everyone always acts to his or her ○ Half of the world is obese, but the other half is
own advantage and that the only reason why a person dying of hunger and thirst.
performs morally good actions is because it serves his or ● Pollution & resource depletion (On the environment)
her own interests ○ Being unmindful that natural resources are finite,
● Psychological Egoism vs. Ethical Egoism and producing much waste, far more than what
○ Psychological Egoism- we “do” act in our own nature can handle
self-interest not because of the interest of the ○ E.g. Raw materials comes from the environment
group and other people ■ When demand is high, production is
■ Denies that we can be motivated by the high. However, the environment is not
concerns of other unlimited.
■ We only see and care for ourselves
■ “I am doing this for my own self- Throw-away Culture
interest.” ● Consumerism and hedonism paved way to throwaway
■ E.g. Other people gustong maging culture
“sipsip” to powerful people to gain ● Mentioned in Laudato Si by Pope Francis
connections ○ Root: Mentality of Hedonism
○ Ethical Egoism - we “should” act in our own self- ● We have created a “throwaway” culture which is now
interest spreading - Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium 53
■ A moral theory that contends all choices ● Ruthlessly consumes, exploits, and discards human life
either involve or should involve self- and our natural resources as one of the root causes
promotion as their sole objective ○ When someone throws his/her cellphone, many
■ Ethical egoists believe that people people will claim it. Those who are in lower
should not be their brother’s keeper, socioeconomic status are more protected.
because people do not completely ○ The poor are more vulnerable and exploited in
understand the true needs of others this system → promotes injustice
● In everything you do, you only ● We live in a world where everything is seen as disposable,
do it for your own benefit temporary or replaceable, and overflowing landfills aren’t
■ A moral theory that contends all choices the only obvious signs
either involve or should involve self- ○ Rooted in hedonism and emerged to
promotion as their sole objective consumerism that created a throwaway culture
■ It's every man for himself in this world ○ This mentality is carried on how we see other
○ They are somehow alike and somehow different human beings
○ Throwaway Culture is now embedded in our
Consumerism minds wherein it has led us to think that
● Due to egoism, consumerism emerged ○ “Broken relationships, forgotten people,
● It is the equation of personal happiness with the purchase abandoned beliefs and dilapidated dreams to
of material possessions and consumption find the far-reaching efforts of the throwaway
○ E.g. Buying new pair of shoes when you still have mentality.”
new one just for pleasure (hedonism) ■ From consumerism (culture that focuses
● Focuses on material things on material things), it has now reached
our minds and become a mentality ■ Might be easy today, but can be
wherein we see people, dreams, etc as problematic in the future
something that are disposable, ○ This is the father and mother of Payatas, Smokey
replaceable, and temporary Mountain, Rodriguez and other dumpsites and
■ Called as person with no heart at all landfills.
● Context: ■ Unsanitary and hazardous to the
○ Garbage everywhere environment
■ Overflowing landfills are not just a sign
but also a warning Indicators of Throw-away Culture
■ Not a symbol of progress ● Wasting of our resources fueled by consumerism and the
■ It is a reminder that throwaway culture is market economy
true and happening ○ As if resources are unlimited
■ Try to stop this mentality ● The practice of senseless contraception and abortion
■ In the future, all the available lands will ○ Aims to disregard a life of a person as if they do
be filled with trash not exist just like any other human being
■ E.g. Wall-e ○ Due to this culture (brought by consumerism and
● People around the world has hedonism), it has created a mentality with a cold
left the earth due to its extreme heart,
state of pollution ■ We cannot feel, empathize and
● In reality, it’s possible for us to sympathize with other people, hence
leave the earth killing is justifiable even if it is senseless
● Putting to waste things that could otherwise be reused for and it is not with a very heavy reason
another purpose ○ Seen as convenience in other countries
● “Today, however, we have to realize that a true ecological ■ Not to save a life or for emergency
approach always becomes a social approach; it must reasons
integrate questions of justice in debates on the ● Abandonment of the elderly and handicapped
environment, so as to hear both the cry of the Earth and ○ Seen as useless
the cry of the poor.” - Pope Francis, Laudato Si ● Exclusion of the poor, exploitation of the weak
○ Why is it always the poor? ○ In every law and decision of the gov’t, they are
■ It is the poor who will always receive the not taken into consideration
effects of global warming and ● Discarding of genuine relationships, of married love and
destruction of the environment first marriage vows
■ It pertains to people whom have no ○ As if marriage is easy and has no meaning
concrete homes ○ You only think about pleasure → cheating
■ The poor will be affected and not the ■ Many will try to justify cheating
■ E.g. Typhoons Spirituality of Mercy
● Typhoon → baha → nasira How to teach the Spirituality of Mercy?
bahay → no chance to ● Responsible Consumption
fish/farm → walang kabuhayan ○ We have to protect God’s gifts so that future
● Due to this culture, people (the poor) are now deemed generations may continue to enjoy them
“useless”, excluded or “thrown-away” ● Culture of Solidarity
○ Antidote for throw-away culture: Mercy ○ Everyone is brother/sister
○ That’s why we must soften our hearts by teaching ○ No one is disposable
people the spirituality of mercy ■ May it be a criminal or not
○ Must teach the Culture of Solidarity in contrast
Consumerism, Wasteful Consumption, Throw-away with the Culture of Individualism and
Mentality Indifference
● “Quickly reduces things to rubbish” - Pope Francis, ● Culture of Encounter
Laudato Si 22 ○ Active concern for the poor, the week and the
○ Thing = everything including human beings vulnerable
● The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more ○ This is done for us to know other people’s
like an immense pile of filth. In many parts of the planet, feelings and to be merciful
the elderly lament that once beautiful landscapes are now ○ We try to address and listen to their cries and
covered with rubbish - Pope Francis, Laudato Si 21 problems
● Our present system of discards management is disposal
and not management. What is Mercy?
○ This is just a hakot/tambak system, also known as ● Mercy is translated from Misericordia (Latin)
the collect and dump system, is not ecological. ○ “Misereri” - to pity
■ Not really a management system ○ “cor” - heart
■ On sweeping under the rug the things ● Is having compassion on someone with all one’s heart; the
that need to be recycled very inmost depth (or core) of one’s being
■ Tinago lang natin sa mga lugar na hindi ○ Is an expression of love
kita ng mga tao ○ To feel pity and have compassion originated
from our heart
○ E.g. Mabigat sa feeling kapag naawa tayo According to the Bible, Mercy is...
○ Is a feeling of compassion that originated in the ● Old Testament (Hebrew)
core of the heart ○ “Chesed”
● God’s Mercy ■ Loving, kindness, steadfast, loyalty,
○ Is the greatest “relative” characteristic of God unfailing love despite unfaithfulness of
○ With relation to all that exists in creation, mercy beloved
is the greatest divine attribute - St. Thomas ○ “Rachamim”
Aquinas ■ Pity, compassion, to forgive when one
■ Bc God does not need anything: has all the right to be angry
absolute, perfect, self-existent; with no ● New Testament (Greek)
one above him and everyone beneath ○ “Eleeos”
him ■ Combines the concept of “chesed” and
■ Even if He doesn't need anything or “rachamim”
anyone, He still created us not by ■ Can be synthesized from misericordia
accident but through love (expression ○ “Splanka”
of mercy). ■ Denotes feeling from the inmost core of
● Love and mercy are a person
synonymous ■ A warm feeling from the heart or a
○ He does us so much good even when he has zero discomfort in the “guts” (pagbaliktad ng
need for us. This is God’s mercy. sikmura)
■ Ano pa bang kulang ng Panginoon?
Pwede naman niya tayong patayin lahat According to the Aquinas (in ST II-II.30.1), Mercy is…
kasi wala naman mawawala sa kaniya. ● Human mercy is grounded in a “defect” in our nature: The
■ Why does God always forgive us? He defect of human vulnerability to suffering
showed us mercy bc he loves us ○ The defect is the ability to suffer in any human
○ Be merciful just as the Father is merciful - Luke misery
6:36 ● Misericordia literally means “having a miserable heart” for
● Some define it as only “forgiving, forgetting, and another person’s misery
continuing on with one’s life” ○ A heart that suffers and feels the suffering of
○ Which is not the real meaning of mercy others
● Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy - ○ Knows what suffering is bc he himself has
Matthew 5:7 experienced it
● The condition for mercy is mercy ● “The compassion in our hearts for another person's
● “Jesus is the face of the father’s mercy” - Pope Francis, misery, a compassion which drives us to do what we can
Misericordiae Vultus to help him."
○ Jesus Christ is the image of mercy ○ That’s why we have 2 aspects of mercy
○ Has eyes different from one another and is ● Three Kinds of Human Misery
looking in separate ways 1. Suffering that goes against our natural appetite
● Video: for existence and life
○ There was forgiveness in Cherry’s part whose ■ E.g. Illness
mother was murdered 2. Suffering that strikes us suddenly and
○ Even though she has accepted the reality and unexpectedly
forgave the murderer, it doesn’t mean that the ■ E.g. Accidents
punishment is forgotten 3. Suffering that strikes a person when he
○ Mercy must always include justice consistently pursues the good, yet he meets only
■ Mercy shows that God loves all of us overpowering evil
■ Justice because God wants us to learn ■ The undeserved suffering of the
from our mistakes. Thus, consequences innocent and the virtuous is the worst
can be given. kind of misery according to Aquinas.

Two Meanings of Mercy/Qualities of God Two Aspects of Mercy

1. God’s Justice 1. Affective Mercy
○ Bc He wants us to learn from our mistakes, hence ■ An emotion: the pity we feel for the plight of
we must always face the consequences another
○ E.g. Student failed to submit w/o valid reason ■ Must be translated to effective mercy
■ Prof can be merciful but doesn’t mean ● If naawa ka lang at wala kang
that the student will not face any ginawa, wala ka talagang awa sa
consequence awa na yun
○ Mercy must be beared with Justice ■ E.g. May nakita nang binaha, naawa ka na.
■ Just as god loved all of us but also ● Dapat may gagawin ka after mo
taught us that in every bad thing that we maawa
do, he will give justice to our actions 2. Effective Mercy
2. God’s Mercy/Forgiveness ■ Something that we do
○ Bc it shows us that He loves all of us ■ A positive action for the good of another


■ Taking steps to relieve the miseries or meet ■ Especially to those people who are in
the needs of others dire need of your help
■ E.g. St. Dominic sold his books in order to ■ Due to the obstacles mentioned below,
feed the hungry even if we know the meaning of mercy,
● He sacrificed something bc he felt we still fail to be merciful
compassion, mercy and love for ■ Sometimes, we would only see empty
others action by people who claim they’re
● Characteristics of the Two Aspects of Mercy merciful
1. Rooted in the right reason ■ We would also see self-righteous
■ The truth about the sufferings of others, people who’d say: “I will be in heaven bc
and what is in fact the objective "good" I go to church.”
for the other whom we seek to help ● But when they meet other
■ Two aspects are grounded with right people mas masahol pa sila sa
reasons and knows what is good and aso.”
what is bad ● Four obstacles are usually
2. Proven in effective action present to these kinds of
■ Helping and not merely sympathizing people that's why we need to
■ Since we know what we feel due to correct them
compassion and mercy to others, we
then look for ways and prove ourselves Four Obstacles to being Merciful
to act upon that feeling 1. Self-centeredness
● "Since man, therefore, has God above him, charity which ○ Being absorbed in our own issues
unites him to God is greater than mercy, which relieves ○ “What’s in it for me?”
the wants of others" (II-II.30.4). 2. Self-pity
● On the other hand, when we consider which of the virtues ○ Preoccupation with our own perceived suffering
should govern our relationships with other human beings, ○ “If they think they have problems, well, I have
then it is clear that mercy directed to our neighbors in problems too.”
need is the supreme virtue in man (II-II.30.4). 3. Pride
○ Thinking we are privileged because we are holier
Is it a sin to be unmerciful? ○ “They probably deserve their sufferings bc of
● Yes, due to the Sin of Commission and Sin of Omission their evil deeds”
○ Sin of Commission 4. Selfishness
○ Sin of Omission ○ Wanting to keep all we have for ourselves
■ If we are not merciful (what TA is ○ “I worked hard for it, it’s all mine.”
promoting; coldness of heart) and we
do not care anymore Towards Contemplation
■ Walang pake ● “For God so loved the world He gave us His only Son…” -
■ If we aren’t able to empathize and John 3:16
sympathize with others, then we have ○ A manifestation of mercy
committed a sin. ○ Humans were too sinful, he gave his son for us to
● Sin will always lead us to have a model being a good person in this evil
eternal fire world
● Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire ● “Creation groans to be saved” - Romans 8:21-22
for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave ○ We need a savior
me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing ○ God gave us his only son, he did not destroy us,
to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I he was merciful, he loved us even though we’re
was naked and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in sinners
prison and you did not look after me. Truly I tell you, you ● The intrinsic dignity of the world (LS 115)
did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for ○ Teaches us to be merciful to other people
me. - Matthew 25:41-43,45 ● The intrinsic value of (non-human creatures) (LS 69,140),
○ The people in hell (acc. to the pic) were not Kinship (LS 92)
murderers or thieves or adulterous. They were ○ Teaches us to be merciful to the environment
merely unmerciful ○ Helps us see the value of every
● The opposite of mercy is indifference person/environment
○ Since mercy can see every value in this world and ○ When we can empathize with the
that everything is interconnected people/environment → we have seen the value
○ The more-common opposite of the love of God - of the people → we can see that everything is
of God’s compassion - is indifference. ”I’m interconnected
satisfied; I lack nothing. I have everything. I’ve ● That everything is connected (LS 70, 79, 117, 120)
assured my palace in this life and next, since I go ○ All of us are linked by unseen bonds, everyone
to Mass every Sunday. I’m a good Christian. but and everything in this world is connected →
leaving the restaurant, I look the other way.” - hence everything must be protected
Pope Francis ● The divine persons are subsistent relations, and the world,
■ Hindi lang tayo naaawa. dapat meron created according to the divine model, is a web of
din tayong gawa. relationships. Creatures tend towards God, (LS 240)
○ Everyone is linked with each other ● Mentions stewardship, but mentions care in so many
■ After all those connections, we will instances
always tend towards perfection, ○ From stewardship we notice a shift to care, hence
towards our ultimate goal, which is not in Laudato Si, it’s not only a question of ethical
pleasure but God. duty-based stewardship, but when we take
● It also entails a loving awareness that we are not care/fulfill our duties as stewards of this world, it
disconnected from the rest of the creatures, but joined in must be virtue-based ethics
a splendid universal communion. As believers, we do not ○ Virtue based ethics
look at the world from without but from within, the value ■ We must take care of this environment,
of every human being, the value of plants and animals, the not only in the level of necessity, not
value of every environment, conscious of the bonds with only in the level of survival which is duty-
which the Father has linked us to all beings (LS 220) based
● “The ultimate purpose of other creatures is not to be ● “We only care for the
found in us. Rather, all creatures are moving forward with environment because it is our
us & through us towards a common point of arrival, which duty; because I am a steward, I
is God… Human beings, endowed with intelligence & am part of this environment,
love, & drawn by the fullness of Christ are called to lead and because I am part of this
all the creatures back to their Creator.” (LS 83) environment I need to survive.”
○ We must see the value of everything and of (Duty-based ethics)
everyone so that we can help each other, ■ Take care of the environment in a virtue-
because we are linked and we are in a based ethics
relationship with each other and everything, ● The Earth has its value, it is
towards a common goal, towards an ultimate given to us to be taken care of,
goal, towards perfection, towards God. that every animal and
everything has a value that
Sawa Vs. Awa (Lr Ocampo) must be respected and taken
care of, not only for survival
Throw-Away-Culture Culture of Mercy (Awa)
and necessity, but because we
love God. Because we love
God we take care of the
Objectification (of things Contemplation
and people)
Consumption Compassion
● Are we in an individualist generation?
Maximization (resources) Care (together with love)
○ The goals that we usually envision are for
ourselves esp. when we talk about our goals and
Disposal Communion
aspirations in life
● Some people would say that we are living in a “me, me,
me” generation
Culture of Care ○ Most dream jobs are focused on self-
● “Culture of Care as an antidote to the double degradation development
brought about by the throwaway culture (EG 193, LS 231, ○ Never rule out our responsibilities to take care of
AL 191) others
● The culture of care is the antidote of throw away culture. ○ We must be a good person in the society
○ Dapat marunong tayo makialam ○ We should never forget our responsibilities to
■ Especially when throw-away culture is the community
promoted ● “Social work is only for the church”
■ Ang pakikialam natin sa ganong bagay ○ Part of the church’s role but is not exclusive from
is to show care, mercy, malasakit other people; should involve people
● Living “The Primacy of Mercy” is living the life in ● E.g Pandemic
accordance with God. (MV 17, MetM 1) ○ What have you done?
● Laudato Si’ mentioned the word “Care” 35 times, while ○ What are your steps to helping other people?
“stewardship” was only mentioned twice. The subtitle of ○ A challenge for all of us
Laudato Si is in fact on “care for our common home”. ● Individualism is the belief that the individual is the primary
From “stewardship” we notice a shift to “care”. Hence, unit of reality and the ultimate standard of value.
there is a shift from duty-based ethics to a virtue-based ● Not necessarily a bad thing for it affirms the Christian
ethics of “care”. doctrine that every human being is unique, irreplaceable,
and must never be used as a means to an end.
Laudato Si
● Focused on the care of our creation, the importance of the ● However, when taken to the extreme, it becomes
environment to our existence as human beings, our faith selfishness and leads to isolation
as Christians, the environments’ role in nurturing our faith, ○ Views clouded with individualism + not seeing
about the Christian teachings that God told us; that we in the bigger picture being a part of the community
this world to take care of it → selfishness & isolation → unique and sees
everyone else as a measure of all things Crisis of Individualism Today
according to Protagoras ● Being dependent upon others is often considered
● If overemphasized = problematic shameful or embarrassing
● People tend to be self-reliant
Traits of Individualistic Cultures ● The rights of individuals tend to take a higher precedence
● Uniqueness ● People often place a greater emphasis on standing out
● Autonomy and being unique than on being part of a whole
● Independence
● Leads to disregard of Common Good
● Self-Sufficiency
● Prevents human beings from developing a sense of
Individualism vs. Collectivism mission and heroism
● All others are rivals
Care Giving Everyone is People are born
● Aim for the middle way
supposed to take into extended
○ Aim for the spirituality of communion that
care of him - or families or class
balances the” We” and the “I”
herself and his or which protect the
■ We must know when we can emphasize
her immediate in exchange for
the uniqueness of every individual, and
family only loyalty
at the same time see the common good
for the community
Communication Speaking one’s Harmony should
○ Being independent among others is shameful
mind is healthy always be
and embarrassing
Spirituality of Communion
Consciousness “I” - “We” -
● Etymology:
consciousness consciousness
○ Gk - coinonia: coming together
○ Coming together
Education Purpose of Purpose of
○ Latin - Communio: sharing in common
education is education is
● Ideal state of fellowship that should exist in the Christian
learning how to learning how to
learn do
○ To be in communion with one another wherein
you are all Christians aiming for the common
Group Identity Right of privacy Stress on
good and to be saved
● Our trinitarian God made us in His image as community,
Language Languages in Languages in for community. The Church is called to build community
which the word “I” which the word “I” in the world.
is indispensable is avoided ○ Catholics welcomes people regardless of
religion bc the AIM of the Catholic church is
Opinion Personal opinion Opinions and COMMUNION
expected: one votes ○ Historically, Catholic church tries to find a
person one vote predetermined dialogue with other Christian
by in-group denomination/Churches
○ CC is greatest when it comes to dialogue with
Others Others classified Others classified other religions
as individuals as in-group or ○ Through apostolic successions, the responsibility
out-group is given to the Pope hence he became the bridge
maker to be in communion with other people
Task Orientation Task prevails over Relationship ○ Jesus Christ is part of a communion wherein ALL
relationship prevails over task will be safe

Transgression Transgression of Transgression of Aspects of Communion

norms leads to norms leads to ● Communion with God
guilt feelings shame feelings ○ We need to be in communion with one another
○ God created us to be originally with Him.
● Both are undesirable extremes. What is the middle way? ○ Human beings are the image and likeness of God
● Everything that is beyond of what is needed is always ○ God is the Father, the Son, The Holy Spirit = The
wrong holy trinity
● Good in a way where individualism promotes uniqueness ■ God is love, joy, good
and dignity of self; collectivism allows us to see bigger ● God wants to show all these to
picture the people whom he created
● Spirituality of Communion (middle way) is promoted to ■ 3 different persons, but 1 God
balance the “We” and “I” ○ OT: God the Father
○ NT: New covenant
○ From the onset, God willed human beings to live
in communion with Him and with one another
■ From the moment of our creation, God ■
The Church is the gathering for
aimed us to be with Him because God is communion
love, holy, and good He wants the ● Church in itself is gathering
others to have these characteristics as ● To listen to the same homily =
well. gathering
■ When we were created, he has been in ○ Not only for
communication with us commonalities but as
○ E.g. Book of Genesis: a thanksgiving to
■ They know how to communicate with GOD
God ● When gathering, you are to
■ God was with them and talked to them strengthen communion with
directly. god
■ God made a suitable partner for Adam ● Communion among Believers
= Eve ○ When we are with one another, we are in
○ Man became the image and likeness of God not communion with God
only through the communion of persons which ○ Being in solidarity with our brothers and sisters
man and woman form right from the beginning. ○ When we are with one another, we are in
Man becomes the image of God not so much in communion with God
the moment of solitude as in the moment of ○ E.g. I pray twice a day but I hate other people and
communion - Pope St. John Paul II I don’t care about them
■ When we are in communion with other ■ Your words are already empty =
fellowman, we are seen to be in problematic
communion with God ○ To have a strong communion with God, we must
■ E.g. You pray every day but you are a be in communion and solidarity with other
bad person to other people people
■ E.g. You go to mass but you shut them ○ In the eyes of God, Jesus Christ is the head, and
off when they ask for help we, the people are the body
○ Sin destroyed communion and led to alienation ■ Our body must be in accordance with
■ Self-alienation → divine alienation → what Jesus Christ has taught us
social alienation ■ Us as people,
■ Destroyed communion → alienation ■ As the body we must work together in
■ Led Adam and Eve to alienation accordance with what Jesus Christ has
○ God’s plan of salvation taught us
■ To gather children scattered by sin ○ Church: Body
■ The church is God’s instrument for ○ Christ: Head
gathering his scattered children, ergo ○ When we are baptized, we became with Him
for restoring communion ● Communion in Life of Christ
■ First, by saving (“calling out)) the ○ Consequently, communion with one another.
Israelites from Egypt and making them ○ Christ as the Bridegroom
his chosen people. ■ In the book of Genesis, marriage was
● In the OT: instituted. Marriage was seen not only
○ The people were as a normal activity but also as a sacred
given chances and communion
○ To be in communion ● Seen through Adam and Eve
with each other to ● Communion with God
strengthen their ■ God’s love is shown through the
communion with God prophets by reminding them to be
○ When we talk about faithful.
communion in Hb, it is ● From moment of creation, God
synonymous with the made many efforts to remind
word qahal (church) us to be faithful
■ Somehow ● However, we keep on
close to the committing sins
church ● It doesn’t discourage him bc he
■ Finally, by calling all men and women to loves us unconditionally
communion in the church of Jesus ● He look for ways to have the
Christ. communion to be instituted
● In the NT: again
○ All of us are called to ■ The Death of Christ on the cross shows
be in communion with the unconditional love of Christ to
God Humanity. A kind of love that is
○ Synonymous with the
expected from both husband and wife
Church - ecclesia (Gk.)
● NT:


○ Death of only ■ Vivifies the Church
begotten son to show ● The indwelling presence of
his unconditional love God
○ Our sin has been ● Shows us that through the
forgiven Church, we can feel God
■ God was waiting for us ● May be felt during mass
● He experienced infidelity ● Holy Spirit is present even if we
● He will not give up on her bride cannot physically go to Church
● Renew relationship through ■ Unifies the Church
covenant ● Unity in diversity, many parts
● Faithfulness must exist working as one
○ Church as Bride of Christ ● Even though we differ in many
■ “... the two shall become one flesh” aspects, church open its door
■ Church and Christ is married for everyone
■ Husband and wife can become one ● Only possible bc of the
flesh guidance of HS
○ The Cross became a symbol of communion ● Work as one/common Goal:
■ During Roman times: symbol of social salvation
sin, fear, death ■ Moves the ministries of the Church:
■ Through the cross he showed his ● Variety of gifts
unconditional love ● Spirit of empathy guided by HS
■ Shows us 2 movements of communion and Church
○ Two Kinds of Communion ● Sacristans
■ Vertical Communion ● Lectors
● Communion with the most holy ● Voluntary works
trinity ■ Charisms
● God and His creation ● Special gifts of the Holy Spirit
● God is up there pouring down given to individuals for the
his blessings and grace to good of others, especially for
humanity the purpose of building the
● He loved us even if we are Church
sinners ● Gifts that draw us to
● He sent the Holy Spirit for us to communion
be guided, and to know what is ● After God’s death on the cross
salvation and be blessed during Pentecost, the Lord still
■ Horizontal Communion guides us every day.
● Communion with all the ● Not through Christ physically,
baptized but through the HS (concept of
○ The members of the Holy Trinity)
Church equally share ● Not exclusively to Theo profs
in: and priests, but for all of us
■ The Divine ○ Holy Communion
Nature ■ Sacrament of Eucharist: example where
■ The Passion we can see the work of Holy Spirit
of Christ: we guiding us
know ■ The act of reception of the Sacrament of
sufferings of the Holy Eucharist
one another. ■ Sacrament: visible sign of an invisible
therefore, we reality
know how to
help ■ Sacrament of our Union with Christ
■ The Same ● Ecclesia: aims to gather people
Faith: being in the name of Jesus Christ
with Christ at ● When we receive the
the end of sacrament, we receive Christ
time ● Our communion with Him is
■ The Same strengthened
Spirit: ● “You are what you eat”
because of ○ When we eat Jesus
baptism, we Christ, we will also be
have the a holy person
guidance of ● E.g. Going to mass
the Holy ○ It is still important
Spirit ○ Being a good person
○ Holy Spirit is not enough, one
has to attend mass ○ Mortal sins: killing
weekly as well ○ If you receive Christ
● Accepting Jesus Christ thru the w/o preparation thru
Eucharist → strengthening our the Sacrament of
communion with God → we Reconciliation, no
are now prepared for a strong spiritual grace/gift will
communion with others thru be given by the Holy
the body and blood of Christ Spirit
■ Sacrament of our Unity with the whole ○ If we want to accept
Church Jesus Christ, we must
■ Holy Communion in the Catholic be in a state of grace
○ In receiving Jesus
Church cannot be administered to
those who are:
Christ, we must be
● Not baptized
holy and prepared
■ Receiving
○ Three kinds:
■ Baptism by the Eucharist
blood: does not
Christians make us holy
who dies in but it
the name of strengthens
faith even if our
they were
not baptized communion
in the Church with God,
(E.g Martyrs) leading to
■ Baptism by holiness
desire/faith: ■ At all times, in all places, there is only
those living One Bread, One Cup
in far-flung
● The body and blood of Christ
areas; they
don’t know ● Communion of Saints
Jesus Christ; ○ The Church is the community of the faithful
they practice If you are a member of the Church, you must do
holiness in the ff:
their own ■ Professing the true Christian faith
ways by ■ Participating in the same Sacraments
doing the ■ Under the government of legitimate
works of
pastors thru apostolic succession
difficult to ■ Especially the one vicar of Christ on
reach by earth, the Roman Pontiff.
priests so ○ The Church is a communion in these holy things
there is no If you are a member of the Church, you must
one to follow the ff:
educate ■ Teachings of the Apostles
them; they ■ Sacraments (visible signs of God)
desire to be ■ Hierarchical Order (Apostolic
saved Succession)
■ Actual
baptism: call
for all people
esp for
people who
knows that
baptized is
the right way
to be a
member of
the Catholic ○ We pray for each other → we are in communion
Church with each other
● Not Catholics ■ Even those with God, in the purgatory,
● Not in state of grace (those in or in the Earth
state of mortal sin)
■ We are all journeying to be saints to be saved us. Communion will eventually be
with God restored
■ Communion in Holy Things, Holy ● We are optimistic that our lives
Persons (given authority by Jesus Christ are bound to be healed
to administer the Sacraments thru despite our sins
apostolic succession) ■ Because God is love, he gives us hope
■ All of us are connected so that we can
be happy and we can achieve salvation The Church of Christ
○ Church Triumphant
■ Saints: already triumphant in heaven ● The Catholic Church
■ Already achieved holiness and ○ Founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, c.33AD and
perfection began its operations in Jerusalem after
■ People here can help and intercede for Pentecost
us ■ Pentecost
○ Church Militant ● Mary and the apostles received
■ Living on Earth and journeyed toward the Holy Spirit
Church Triumphant ● Start of the early Christian
● We are connected to the saints Church
thru our baptism ● Gathering In the name of Christ
● We are yet to achieve holiness ● Holy Spirit is sent by Jesus
■ Our duty is to pray for the Church ○ During the Apostolic era, it was simply referred
Suffering and Church Triumphant
to as “the Church”
■ Can pray for themselves
■ We are not praying for the Church ■ The previous symbol is a fish
Triumphant to help us, but to intercede ■ Shows us that they are fishers of man,
for us giving thanks to Jesus who is the
● When we ask for intercession, fisherman
we are praying to God ■ Apostles preached the gospel all over
■ When we pray, we ask for something the world
from God ○ Later on described as “Catholic” (universal) to
■ We pray for those who are Suffering bc mean “the Church that is everywhere” in contrast
they cannot pray for themselves so that to splinter groups and sects. (St. Ignatius c.107,
they can go to heaven St. Polycarp d.155)
■ E.g. “Sinasamba yung mga santo” ■ Katolika/o: universal
● We do not pray to them, we ■ Being universal means that it aims to be
only ask for their intercession the Church that will be embraced by all
○ Church Suffering ■ Universal in a sense that the message of
■ Still in purgatory salvation is not only exclusive to the
● If you are here, you are being Catholic Church but for all people
prepared to be with God in ■ No wonder why the Catholic Church
heaven aims to have a dialogue with other
● Your sins are cleansed in Churches
purgatory ● Historical Progression of Churches
■ Those in purgatory cannot go to hell
■ They can pray to the Church Triumphant
and Church Militant but they cannot
pray for themselves
■ E.g. Praying for the departed
● We are not sure if they are in
heaven or are in the purgatory
● We hope that if they are in the
purgatory, they can pray for us
to be holy in this world
● We ask for their guidance and ○ Apostolic era: (Early Christianity)
prayers ■ Leaders of the community preached the
● Communion of Churches gospel of God
○ One Church ■ They listened to the teachings firsthand
■ How can we be in communion with our ■ Were able to live with Christ
brothers and sisters (other Churches) ■ Bc of their faith and teachings, early
■ In the Catholic perspective, it is Christians were faithful up to the point
possible to be in communion w/ other of death
religion ● They uphold their faith in Christ
○ The Church today is in a sad state of division ■ Eventually, politics entered →
■ But, we believe that this division is misunderstandings → some didn’t
accept the teachings
bound to be healed because Christ
○ Great Schism apostolic faith is preserved intact through
■ Two major divisions of the Church generations.
● Roman Catholic Church ○ The Bishop of Rome presides in charity over the
○ Head: Pope
universal Church. He is the Chief Bridge Builder
○ Western
○ Despite this division, ■ Leader in the dialogue in bringing the
they still reach out to message on salvation of the churches;
the Eastern Orthodox not only to the Catholic church
○ Assured that the ■ Pope brings salvation and have a
universality is still dialogue with other churches
provided to those ■ Shows great system which divides the
who separated Roman Pontiff and Orthodox Christian
● Orthodox Church ○ The Pope is the perpetual and visible source and
○ Head: Patriarch foundation of the unity both of the bishops and
○ Eastern of the whole company of the faithful. He has full,
○ Reformation supreme, and universal power over the whole
■ Popularized by Martin Luther Church. Cf. CCC 882
■ Other Christian ■ Even though we are different and have
Churches/Denominations (Protestants): misunderstandings, the pope aims to
Restorationism, Anabaptist, be the CBB and spearheads all
Anglicanism, Calvinism, Lutheranism, dialogues to other churches as well
etc. ○ During the time of the early Church, the Bishop
■ Assyrian Church, Oriental Orthodox of Rome acted as arbiter settling contentious
tried to separate since 431/451 issues in the Church.
● Communion with the Roman Pontiff ○ Every bishop in the Catholic Church must be
approved by the pope and receive a papal
○ Roman Pontiff is the Leader of the Catholic
mandate before being ordained to the
church composing of particular churches in episcopacy, and it is the pope who confers on
communion with each other that bishop the authority to govern the diocese
○ Alter Christus to which he has been appointed.
■ Received his authority thru Jesus Christ ○ Papal infallibility means that the Pope cannot
itself, thru the apostolic succession make errors when making an ex cathedra
statement on faith and morals or when he
■ Aims to be in communion and in
proposes a teaching united with all the bishops
dialogue with other Churches esp those of the world.
in Orthodox Churches, ecclesial ■ Papal Infallibility is pope’s special power
communities, etc. ■ Ex cathedra means “from his
○ Led by the Bishops seat/authority as a pope”
■ E.g. Cardinal Tagle is the head of the ■ Pope can also make mistakes bc he is
Archdiocese of Manila - we listen to him not perfect; however he should not
make errors when making ex cathedra
in terms of faith
(faith and morals), hence infallible
○ Pope is the head of the Catholic Church ■ E.g. Human trafficking, EJK, abortion
■ Pope is the symbol of communion (should be well-researched and
■ If the pope dies, all cardinals in the gathered info from bishops in the world)
world will be called to Vatican to elect a ○ The college or body of bishops has no authority
new pope unless united with the Roman Pontiff, Peter’s
■ We have bishops representatives of our successor, as its head. As such, this college has
supreme and full authority over the universal
Catholic Churches; not leaders Church; but this power cannot be exercised
○ The Catholic Church is a communion of without the agreement of the Roman Pontiff.
particular Churches CCC 883
■ Even if the Catholic Church is a very big ● Separated particular Churches
organization, it is in itself a communion ○ Churches presided over by a validly ordained
○ A particular Church is a community of believers bishop, but are not in communion with the
Bishop of Rome.
presided over by a validly ordained bishop.
■ They do not believe in the authority of
(diocese, vicariate apostolic, prefecture the Pope
apostolic) ■ But the Pope/Catholic Church will
○ “Where the bishop is present, there is the always welcome the Orthodox
Catholic Church” – St. Ignatius of Antioch c. 107 Christians and acknowledge their
■ Every bishop/cardinal is a symbol of validity
unity and of a particular Church ■ Catholic Church always welcomes
Orthodox Christians
○ The Bishop’s presence is a guarantee that
■ Catholic vs Orthodox: The Catholic
sacraments are validly administered and the Church believes the pope to be
infallible in matters of doctrine. priesthood, have not preserved the genuine and
Orthodox believers reject the infallibility integral substance of the Eucharistic Mystery,
of the pope and consider their own cannot, according to Catholic doctrine, be called
patriarchs, too, as human and thus "Churches" in the proper sense (Dominus Iesus
subject to error. In this way, they are
similar to Protestants, who also reject 17:2)
any notion of papal primacy. ○ The Church and Non-Catholic Christians
○ Are true Churches "because these Churches, ■ Non-Catholic Christians are those who,
although separated, have true sacraments and though not formally members of the
above all — because of the apostolic succession Catholic Church, have received valid
— the priesthood and the Eucharist, by means of baptism.
which they remain linked to us by very close
● Can still be saved
● Catholic Church will extend its
■ We are very connected with them, what
hand for proper dialogue
separates us from them is that they do
● Unlike our Orthodox
not acknowledge that the Pope is the
Christians, we still
head of the church
acknowledge their existence,
■ Acknowledge Patriarch as the head of
still acknowledge that they are
loved by God
○ “These Churches, which, while not existing in
● Are not called Churches bc
perfect communion with the Catholic Church,
they do not preserve the
remain united to her by means of the closest
genuine and integral
bonds, that is, by apostolic succession and a valid
substance of the eucharistic
Eucharist, and are true particular Churches." –
Dominus Iesus
● Their priest are not validly
■ Popes tried to reconnect with the
Orthodox brothers and sisters, but they
● The Catholic church as a
do not acknowledge the Roman Pontiff
universal church aims to have a
as the head of the church
dialogue with them, aims to
■ Even though we have different
talk to them, aims to work
expressions of masses, In the eyes of the
hand in hand with them, and to
Catholic Church we have that same
at least talk about the salvation
nature in the mass
of God in their own way.
○ "Therefore, these separated Churches and
● Even though the reformation
communities as such...have by no means been
existed in the 16th century that
deprived of significance and importance in the
resulted in different churches,
mystery of salvation. For the spirit of Christ has
doesn't mean na papabayaan
not refrained from using them as means of
na ng Catholic Church yon.
salvation which derive their efficacy from the very
■ The Church solemnly acknowledges
fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the
Catholic Church." IV Unicity and Unity of the that the Holy Spirit is truly active in the
Church, 17 Dominus Iesus, Congregation for the churches and communities separated
Doctrine of the Faith, June 16,2000 from itself. To these other Christian
■ “Outside the Church there is no Churches the Catholic Church is bound
salvation” - false in many ways: through reverence for
■ There is still the possibility of salvation God's word in the Scriptures; through
by God
the fact of baptism; through other
■ We can see that with the dialogue of
Catholics with the our Orthodox sacraments which they recognize.
brothers and sisters ● Although separated from the
■ We are connected by a very special Catholic church, their baptism
bond, their mass is accepted as a valid is valid, it still remains part of
mass by the Catholic Church her in a mysterious way
● Ecclesial Communities ● All of those who receive
○ Christian Communities that function “like baptism belong to the catholic
Churches” but lack valid orders.
● Catholic Church is not
○ Most of these were born out of the sixteenth exclusive
century Reformation movement. ● The Catholic Church through
○ According to Catholic doctrine, these its history in time, finds and
Communities do not enjoy apostolic succession tries many ways to
in the sacrament of Orders, and are, therefore, communicate/dialogue with
deprived of a constitutive element of the Church. Christian denominations and
other Churches.
These ecclesial Communities which, specifically
because of the absence of the sacramental
● Catholic is one of the greatest or culture, because they believe something different to
institutions around the world you, or because of their work or employment situation.
when it comes to dialogue with ● Not an extreme bc it only emphasizes on the uniqueness
other religion of every person in a sense that it will lead to a bigger
● E.g. UST
● Di lahat ng estudyante sa UST picture
is catholic, even if you have a
different religion you are still Common Good
welcome to listen to the word ● When we aim for common good, we do not neglect the
of God, still given chance uniqueness and value of every person
through Theo subjects to hear ● The common good is the complete development of all the
the teachings of Christ in this people of the world.
world bc the aim of the ● The common good is the complete development of all the
Catholic Church is communion people of the world.
● We cannot deny the fact the ● ‘The sum total of conditions of social living, whereby
Catholic Church promotes persons are enabled more fully and readily to achieve
communion through dialogue their own perfection.’ (Pope John XXIII)
● E.g. Musilim brothers in
● Not the “greatest good for the greatest number”
Mindanao are very active in
dialogue (Utilitarianism) but the care for the greatest good of ALL
● This is the teaching of the persons – no one excluded.
church which Jesus has passed ● The principle of common good balances individual rights
down through his apostles with one’s responsibilities for the welfare of society –
● The Pope is the bridgemaker, which in effect promotes and protects the rights and
aims to have a communion dignity of others
with all other people in this
world, just like Jesus Christ
who is part of a communion,
● Show solidarity when aiming for the common good
the holy trinity
● We are responsible for all
● Our trinitarian God made us in
● A sense of responsibility on the part of everyone with
his image as community, for
community. The Church is regard to everyone.
called to build community in ● A particular way of looking at the interconnectedness of
the world even in our diversity people living in different parts of the world that is a feature
● All can be saved, all have the of our contemporary human existence.
chance to be saved. ● Not a feeling of vague compassion or shallow distress at
● The Roman Catholic Church the misfortunes of so many people, both near and far. On
aims to promote the spirituality
of communion, the church in the contrary, it is a firm and persevering determination to
itself is a symbol of commit oneself to the common good; that is to say, to the
communion, the Pope is a good of all and of each individual, because we are all
symbol of that communion by really responsible for all
particular churches.
● The spirituality of communion Conclusion
is a very good solution to the ● Theologically, rooted in Jesus Christ, guided thru Holy
prevalent mentality of Spirit, preached by the holy, universal, Catholic Church
individualism (symbol of communion)
■ All those separated from the Catholic
● Not an overemphasis of collectivism and popularity; aims
Church remain part of her, in a for common good thru solidarity
mysterious way. All those who receive ● Using uniqueness for common good with no exemptions
Christian baptism belong to the and aims for what is best for all while upholding values
Catholic Church and dignity of every human person
● A spirituality of communion means an ability to think of
Dignity, Common Good, and Solidarity our brothers and sisters in faith within the profound unity
The Dignity of the Human Person of the Mystical body, and therefore as “those who are part
● Individuals have an inherent and immeasurable worth and of me.”
dignity ○ We must see everyone as a part of us just like
● All are fundamentally equal before God – same origin, Lord sees everyone as part of His body
same destiny, redeemed by Christ, called to respond to a ■ We are the body and the Church
vocation ● A spirituality of communion implies the ability to see the
● All are radically equal before God - leads us to think no positive in others, to welcome it and prize it as a gift from
less of somebody because they are from a different place God.


● A spirituality of communion means to know how to “make
room” for our brothers and sisters, bearing “each other’s
burdens” and resisting the selfish temptations which
constantly beset us and provoke unhealthy competition,
careerism, distrust and jealousy.
● In a world where there is overemphasis of individualism,
we must apply the SOC that strikes a balance between the
We and I in which we can move forward as one faithful, as
one people aiming to be saved.


THY 4: LIVING THE CHRISTIAN VISION IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD ● “The dialogue of salvation was opened spontaneously on
HARMONY WITH the initiative of God: "He (God) loved us first;" it will be up
to us to take the initiative in extending to men this same
COMMUNITY: CALLED TO dialogue, without waiting to be summoned to it.” (ES no.
○ All of us are called to be saved (promise of God)
DIALOGUE ○ It is our responsibility to convey message of
salvation to other people with different cultures
through the Dialogue of Salvation
CONTENTS: ● The Catholic Church’s document “Dialogue and
I. Dialogue with Culture Proclamation” defines what dialogue is all about. It states:
a. Introduction ○ Firstly, at the purely human level, it means
b. Asia/Philippines: Melting Pot of Different Cultures reciprocal communication, leading to a common
c. Culture as a Way of Life goal or, at a deeper level, to interpersonal
d. Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism communion.
e. Scriptures and the Church ○ Secondly, dialogue can be taken as an attitude of
f. Inculturation and Inculturality respect and friendship, which permeates or
g. Dialogue in a Multicultural World should permeate all those activities constituting
II. Dialogue with Religion the evangelizing mission of the Church. This can
a. Introduction appropriately be called "the spirit of dialogue”
b. Religious Pluralism vs. Religious Relativism ● Where there is no dialogue, misunderstanding, conflict
c. Divine Providence and violence takes place…
d. Different Forms of Dialogue ○ Cultures with different religions will be the
e. Dialogue in a Multi-Religious World source of conflict of chaos
III. Dialogue with the Poor ○ If we aim to be saved, we must not be led thru
a. Introduction extremism.
b. The Poor as Object of Evangelization to being ○ Salvation is the goal
Subject of Evangelization ● Dialogue is recognized as part of the comprehensive
c. Conclusion evangelizing mission of the Church. It is characterized by
reciprocity and mutuality between dialogue partners who
DIALOGUE WITH CULTURE are different from each other.
Introduction ○ Different: shows uniqueness but can live
● Asia harmoniously
○ Comprises of different cultures, beliefs, races ○ In the praxis of mission in the contemporary
that come together times, openness and respect are the desired
○ Different understanding of things to have a dispositions.
dialogue for the common good ■ Dialogue may lead us towards
● ASEAN achieving harmony.
○Govern relation among members of state based ● “The pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature, since
on consultation and consensus it is from the mission of the Son and the mission of the
○ Branches of ASEAN Holy Spirit that she draws her origin, in accordance with
■ Political-security the decree of God the Father.” (AG 2).
■ Economical ○ We are the pilgrim Church = journeying Church
■ Socio-cultural ■ We meet and talk to other people
○ Southeast Asia: region of many cultures ■ When god came down to human
○ 10-member states beings, we must face these people in
○ Full of diversity in terms of culture, politics, social manner of dialogue
progress, and religion ● God the Father of all, has called all men to share in his life
○ Symbol that dialogue can be achieved and love through his son Jesus Christ. The risen Christ and
○ Shows that there is hope in our society his Spirit are active in the world making this love a present
● Dialogue and Religion and growing reality, making all things new. This same love
○ Acknowledging the differences and urges us to dialogue with people of other religions,
transcending to identify it because we have, especially since the Second Vatican
● In what ways do we now experience a “Flattening of the Council, an increasing awareness of the positive role of
World”? other religions in God’s plan of salvation. (FAPA, P198)
● Globalization that results “to an accelerated development ○ The Catholic Church will always promote
through space and time” compresses time, space and dialogue with other religions as well
consciousness of peoples from different parts of the ○ In our reality, there are other religions
world. Logan, Ikubolajeh B. Globalization: The Third ■ Catholic Church isn't the only existing
World State and Poverty Alleviation in the Twenty-First religion in the society
Century (Aldershot Hants, England: Ashgate Publish Ltd.) ■ Christian vs Non-Christian
2002 HC 59.7 .G51 2002 ○ If hatred and chaos from one religion to another
○ Different cultures emerge from day to day will be given emphasis then it will be impossible
○ The world is very small in terms of culture for everyone to live together harmoniously
○ Everything is made accelerated
○ Bc God is love = we are all even with the mission ○ E.g. Subcultures such as Thomasian, Atenista,
to be saved Llasallea culture
○ We must use the love of God as the source of our ■ We see these cultures in a collective
love to other people as well. manner
● How can we live a peaceful life in society? ● The way we eat, sleep, speak, think are some of the ways
○ In Asia, mission and evangelization has to be in which we can trace the existence of culture. Culture,
through the “triple dialogue”, that is, dialogue therefore, is a particular group of people’s way of life. “The
with culture, religion and the poor. (FAPA 222) ways or patterns of life, acquired by learning which
characterize a human community.” (Standaert)
Asia/Philippines: Melting Pot of Different Cultures ● Culture is “a partially conscious and partially unconscious
● Melting pot = different cultures meet and merge with learning experience whereby the older generation invites,
each other induces, and compels the younger generation to adopt
○ E.g. Chinese food, japanese food, korean food, traditional ways of thinking and behaving. Enculturation is
related to fiestas primarily based on the control that the older generation
○ E.g. Architectural designs like Intramuros were exercises over the means of rewarding and punishing
originated in Spain children.” (Harris)
○ E.g. American and Spanish family names ○ There are instances that we are taught,
● PH has undergone so many colonization periods enculturation in a conscious manner.
● PH is closely intertwined with our religion ○ There are also instances that we are constantly
○ E.g. Festivals of Saints motivated by a certain culture
○ How do we convey the message of Christianity = ■ E.g. Filipino Time
salvation to other non-Christians? ● Unconscious enculturation
● “International migrants come from all over the world and ● Already acquired
travel to all parts of the world. As a result, people from ■ E.g. Kids who go to school
different cultures not only are in much closer contact ● Enculturation and conscious
today, oftentimes they are forced to live alongside each enculturation
other.” (Antonio Pernia) ● Culture can be discerned in various levels this is according
○ PH has so many migrants in history to Standaert:
○ Today, transpo is very easy → easier contact with ○ First
each other ■ Through action, such as clothing, or
■ E.g. Transpo was hard before, dorms means of transport.
now exist ○ Second
○ E.g. Having international dorm mates ■ Symbols, such as their myth, rites of
○ In Asia, people live together alongside the passage at birth, puberty, marriage,
diverse religions and cultures. In the Philippines birth, greeting each other. Part of the
just like other Asian countries, ethnic minorities symbol is language which is elementary
and groups are ever present. to culture that when another language
■ PH isn't only a Catholic nation but also is present, another culture is present.
includes other religions such as Islam ○ Third
■ Never forget that ethnic groups are ■ Always changing
existing ■ Cultures do evolve and this is due to
■ When we progress as a society and demographic development, economic
maintain in faith, ethic minorities must laws, climactic changes or human or
always be included technological progress.
● The reality of mega-migration results in multiculturality. ■ E.g. Courting in the PH,
Besides the pull factor such as work opportunity, other ● Before: Harana, Pagbisita,
people migrate because they are forced to (push factor) today’s time
because of poverty and of violence such as wars. These ● Now: Fast dating, zoom
forced migrants are called refugees. meeting
○ E.g. Sir is a refugee bc he is from Mindanao and ○ Fourth
came to manila to study and to work. ■ Within a culture there can be several
● The question that we have to pose is: As Christians what subcultures.
should be our attitude in a multicultural world? ■ Filipino culture has different subcultures
○ What should we do in society? ● Jeje Culture, Gaming Culture

Culture as a Way of Life Enculturation

Culture ● The process by which culture is passed on
● Colere (Latin; vb.) ● “A very long process of growing into the culture to which
○ Such as inhabit, cultivate, protect, honor with he or she belongs” (Standaert p11).
worship. (Agcaracar P35) ● Beliefs, experiences, principles, values and memories are
● “Culture is conceived as the way of life of a social group, shared as a result of common enculturation.
not of an individual as such. It is the way a society copes ○ E.g. When we receive something from parents
with its physical, social, and ideational environment. In such as being a liberalist, etc.
other words, culture is a society’s regularized or ○ We must help or siblings and kids so that they will
standardized design for living.” (Luzbetak 1970: 111) have a good generation
○ Be careful when there are kids around ○ “Culture also includes religion as one of its
elements. Religion is the animating principle of
Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism culture. Culture is like a body, with religion as its
● The Gospel must be inculturated in the people and that soul.
Christ must find a home in the culture of the people. If ○ Teachings of the church: have social harmony
culture is a way of life one has to be slow in one’s ○ Faith to work together and not against each
judgment because culture mirrors the behaviour and other
belief system of a group of peoples or community. ○ E.g. Filipino culture
○ Every culture is unique and special but it doesn't ■ We came from different religious beliefs
mean that they don't have commonality with ■ We must find a harmonious
others commonality
● “Ritual behaviors, religious institutions, and sacred texts ● “The work of evangelization carried out by the church is a
all find their wherewithal in the bailiwick of culture.” continuation of the incarnation, and, therefore,
(Stanley Skreslet P97) Christianity must assume whatever is good in the different
○ This kind of culture, religious culture, is in the races and cultures is compatible with the essential
context of a particular religion message of the gospel”
○ E.g. Pagmamano ● “The spirit sows the “seeds of the word” present in various
■ Cultural in PH, it is also an expression of customs and cultures, preparing them for full maturity in
religious respect, mano sa mga pari, Christ.” (RM 28)
obispo, pastor
■ Not a practice in Vatican Conclusion
● The Gospel, then, has to purify a culture while culture has ● God is present in all of us, God is expressed in so many
to enrich the Gospel. There must be a mutual enrichment cultures
between the Gospel and culture between faith and ● We need guidance and that is where the church comes
culture. in
○ Culture and faith goes hand in hand ○ see the beauty of religion in every culture
○ One has to purify it, the other must enrich it ● E.g. Spanish colonization
○ E.g. Fiesta, enriched and cultural practice ○ Clarified the presence of God
■ We enrich dancing and singing in our ○ Spain was the right vessel for us to see the
faith message of Christianity
● “In order that they may be able to bear more fruitful ● Culture and religion aims for a harmonious society, to
witness to Christ, let them be joined to those men by work hand in hand, all Christians are called to be faithful
esteem and love; let them acknowledge themselves to be by trying to enrich culture with faith and faith with culture
members of the group of men among whom they live; let
them share in cultural and social life by the various Inculturation and Interculturality
undertakings and enterprises of human living; let them be ● Helps us in the new evangelization
familiar with their national and religious traditions; let ○ Bring the gospel of God in any walks of life
them gladly and reverently lay bare the seeds of the Word ● “The theological foundation of inculturation is the
which lie hidden among their fellows. (AG 11) incarnation. The basic argument is that just as Jesus
Christ, the Word of God, became incarnate in a human
Scriptures and the Church culture, in the Jewish milieu, the gospel of Jesus Christ
● The world culture in the general sense refers to all those should be allowed to be inculturated (or incarnated) in the
things which go to the refining and developing of man’s local culture or context (Matt 5:17; Acts 10:34).”
diverse mental and physical endowments. ○ Incarnation: birth of Jesus Christ
○ Especially in the biblical scriptures ■ Expression of inculturation
● He strives to subdue the earth by his knowledge and his ○ God is God but he became man
labor; he humanizes social life both in the family and in the ■ Word became flesh to show us how
whole civic community through the improvement of things should be done, how to be saved
customs and institutions; he expresses through his works thru good works
the great spiritual experiences and aspirations of men ■ Example that humanity can follow the
throughout the ages; he communicates and preserves teachings of Christ while living a happy
them to be an inspiration for the progress of many, even life
all mankind. (GS 53-62) ● In this process of inculturation people receive the Word,
○ Mankind’s challenge: making it the principle of their life, values, attitudes and
■ To progress while not forgetting our aspirations. In this way they become the Body of Christ in
culture this particular time and place—a local church.
■ Always include faith ○ The community discovers a new identity, losing
■ Always have time for culture and faith to nothing of its cultural riches, but integrating
meet them in a new whole and becoming the
● Human and world flourishing is the goal of cultures. Thus, sacrament of God’s liberating love active among
culture not only could cultivate but also can mediate the men…
Christian faith to others. ■ Walang mawawala sa culture
○ Can only be achieved if we have culture and faith ○ Inculturation is not mere adaptation of a
working together readymade Christianity into a given situation, but


rather a creative embodiment of the Word in the be seen in their
local church. gatherings
■ Inculturation ● E.g. Pagmamano
● Enrichment of both culture and ○ Sign of respect
Christianity ○ Culture of Filipinos
● One country is not merely the ○ Manifestation of
bringer of good news Christian respect
● Word of God is already present ○ Pag nagmano sa
in the culture of the people but ibang tao, di lang
they need guidance dahil matanda silal
● Certain ppl must not destroy but also pag priest sila
culture but should use it to or bishop
show the gospel and the word ○ Uniquely Filipino
of God in the context of culture ● “The incarnation of Christian life and of the Christian
where they found the rays of message in a particular cultural context, in such a way that
truth and the seed of the word this experience not only finds expression through
in a particular culture elements proper to the culture in question (this alone
● Merging and enrichment of would be no more than a superficial adaptation) but
culture and the word of God becomes principle that animates, directs and unifies the
● E.g. Spanish culture culture, transforming it and remaking it so as to bring
○ Not God-bringers: about a ‘new creation’. Arrupe
They did not bring ○ When there is an enrichment between culture
God to the PH bc He and the word of God, they are creating a new
was already present in culture wherein there is a meeting of culture and
our particular and Christianity (word of God)
unique culture ○ New creation
○ Guardians only: They ○ Arrupe is a Jesuit
only showed us that ● “Christianity is itself enriched upon entering new cultural
God was already here phases and regions, acquiring surplus meaning in loyalty
○ Filipinos saw the and conformity to its tradition.”
message of God not ○ E.g. African masses
in the perspective of ■ Lasts for 3 hours
Spaniards but in their ■ Singing and dancing are done as a form
own understanding as of expression of faith and thanksgiving
Filipinos ■ Without it, it is not their way of
● E.g. Fiestas, simbang gabi thanksgiving
○ Simbang gabi is ■ Meeting of culture (singing and
unique in the PH dancing) and the message of gospel →
■ Culture and Christianity is closely enrichment → new creation → enriched
intertwined and clear understanding of culture and
■ This is the basic and fundamental Christianity in the context of culture
process of inculturation ● Christianity is itself enriched upon entering new cultural
■ Inculturation is the discovery of the phases and regions, acquiring surplus meaning in loyalty
seeds of the Word which lie hidden in and conformity to its tradition (Shorter P 13)
the given cultures and living traditions. ○ Related to new creation
The mutual exchange of their ● Bishop Joseph Blomjous used the term interculturation in
discoveries among the local churches 1980 “The period of 1960-1980 can be considered as the
will lead to their enrichment as well as main transition period from the traditional Mission to the
that of the universal Church. (FAPA I, new Mission of the future. It has been characterized as the
227-228). period of ‘inculturation’, though the better term would be
● E.g. BECs ‘interculturation’, in order to express that the process of
○ Small communities in inculturation must be lived in partnership and mutuality. It
Mindanao seems that we are now living in the peak of this
○ Weekly prayer movement, the critical phase which demands from us a
meetings real decision for profound and courageous reform. P13
○ Example of ○ Interculturation/interculturality
inculturation ■ Also inculturation
○ Part of Filipino culture ■ Somehow the same but has some
is the love for differences
gatherings ○ What was the mission before compared to the
○ Communities saw that movement of inculturation/interculturation?
in their gatherings, ■ They think that the European power
there is a beauty and brought Christianity to the world
the word of God can


● They tried to have lots of ○ We must be docile and we must always pray to
conquests for political gains God so that He may guide us and
and Christian gains ○ We must see the importance of God
■ When Spain went out to discover lands,
they had 3 Gs Dialogue in a Multicultural World
● God, gold, and glory: ● How can dialogue be possible between cultures today?
important in discovering new ○ We need the triple dialogue: culture, religion,
lands poor
○ 1980: New movement ○ Important for us to continue the mission of Christ
■ They saw that they are not the bringers in this modern era
of God ○ “The Christian doctrine of creation maintains two
■ If God is all-present, bat pa kelangan truths, that creation originates from God and that
dalin si Lord sa kanila? creation is nevertheless other than God.”
● Kung kailangan pa, then He is ■ Two truths that we know as Christians
not God ■ If we acknowledge this, we can see the
■ God is present in all of us but we need value of everyone and we can see the
guidance presence of God in every culture and
● Ppl to open the message in our race around the world
cultures and see the message ■ If not, we will fail to show God’s
of God uniquely in our own presence in all of us
cultural context ● This diversity, nonetheless, should be celebrated as God
● “The incarnation tells us that God is not afraid of using shows his generosity by entering into the different
cultures to communicate with us.” cultures. Cultures, other than Christian culture, in
● “While multiculturality and cross culturality content themselves bear the ray of truth.
themselves with the uniqueness of each culture, ○ When we acknowledge that everyone is created
interculturality goes beyond by putting premium on what and blessed by God, with God, we can see the
is common among people; thus it enhances mutual rays of truth in the different cultures around the
enrichment, appreciation, and collaboration that would world
create new synthesis.” (Agcaracar) ○ If we want to become missionaries and
○ Inculturation: incarnation evangelizers in this new world, we must always
○ Multiculturality and cross culturality see God’s presence in all of us in every culture
■ Sees the uniqueness of each culture ● “Indeed Galilee, lying along the border, was identified
○ Interculturality with rejection insofar as those persons who live in
■ Looking on what is common among ppl borderlands assimilate a multiplicity of racial, cultural, and
living in diff cultures who are the religious influences from “across the border”. Borders are
receivers of the word of God generally regarded as seedbeds of impurity.”
■ Looks beyond the differences ○ Early Christian communities
emphasized in multiculturality ■ Ppl living outside the border =
■ It is only in the matter of emphasis in impure/forgotten by God/not
which this term is different from the preserving one culture
other terms ■ Mixed culture/influenced by other
● “Go to the people, live among them, learn from them, love culture= impure
them. Start with what they know, build on what they have.” ○ This mentality needs to be stopped
○ Our mission as Christians ● The multiculturality of the world because of migration can
○ Mandate of Jesus Christ when the Holy Spirit be an avenue for greater space for evangelization “a
came into the world privileged locus of the new evangelization.” It is in the
○ In colonizing, one should not go there, destroy diversity that we can have dialogue with different cultures.
their culture, and then build a new one ○ As Christians, the challenge is to accept
■ Should be an enrichment only (culture multiculturality and interculturality
and the word of God) → achievement of ■ We must always open our minds and try
evangelization to be optimistic in trying to evangelize
○ As mission and evangelization considers cultures ppl in the beauty of Christianity
Paul VI has this to say “Evangelization loses much ■ We must never forget anyone
of its force and effectiveness if it does not take ■ We must acknowledge that everyone is
into consideration the actual people to whom it gifted by God
is addresses, if it does not use their language, ■ In doing missions, we need to
their signs and symbols, if it does not answer the remember that we are doing it for those
questions they ask, and if it does not have an who are rejected, forgotten, and on the
impact on their concrete life.” EN 63 borders
■ To have an effective mission of ● Not a problem but an avenue
evangelization all over the world for a greater space of
● Successful inculturation demands from those involved in evangelization
the process mature freedom in the Spirit which is ● You will learn from their culture
characterized by docility and trust in His guidance….. pg while they learn from
229 Christianity
■ Challenging in cultures where the ppl ■ You must also do something to spread
are discriminated bc of their ethnicity the word of God through your own
(forgotten and oppressed ethnic understanding.
groups) ○ Talks about Asia in general
■ We must join as one Christian ■ Asia as a home to different religions
community and be an avenue for ■ Beauty and cultural diversity
change and evangelization ■ E.g. UN avenue in PH has an Indian
○ It is hard to start a dialogue between cultures temple
○ Through this avenue, the Christian religion may ● Has different histories
be richer in a sense that the future community will ● Religion
have lots of practices, messages and symbolisms ○ Heart of culture
through different cultures ○ Not a sector of unity and harmony. Talks about
■ A beautiful Christianity violence, difference, and diversity.
■ Shown in every corner of the world ○ Important in building a community
○ 85% are Filipino Catholics
DIALOGUE WITH RELIGION ○ Violence against religion are common around
Introduction the world
● Mega-migration → Multiculturality/Multi Religiosity ● Religious Prejudice/Conflicts
○ Talks about the migration of people to other ○ E.g. India (Hindu vs. Islam)
countries ■ Strong caste system in terms of religion
■ Religiosity is also brought to other ■ Minorities are Christian
countries ■ Majorities are Muslims
■ E.g. May be because of work and ○ E.g. Islams, Christians (INC, Catholicism), etc.
opportunities, war and violence ● Is faith and violence separable?
● Culture and religion ○ In a sense yes, in a sense no
○ Culture would always reflect the religion of ○ Faith aims for love and peach and detaches itself
people innately from violence
○ Closely related ○ Faith and violence, somehow comes hand-in-
○ When one cultures transfers to another place hand
■ It brings religious practices, traditions, ■ They use violence for their faith to be
etc. spread
○ May become a problem if: ■ They use violence in order to convert
■ There is no dialogue people
■ The new religion doesn’t accept the ● E.g. Spanish Conquistadors
existing one ● E.g. Islam vs Catholicism
○ E.g Middle East ● Class Economic Prejudices
■ The way you talk, dress, etc. ○ E.g. Low-class, middle-class, high-class
○ E.g. Chinese people
■ Small china town (Binondo) Religious Pluralism vs Religious Relativism
● They have their own traditions ● “In today’s world, the religious others are in our midst,
● Sometimes intertwines with the studying, living and working among us and with us.”
philippine tradition which ○ E.g. We have friends who are non-catholics
creates a new kind of practice (islam, hinduism, etc.)
and culture ■ Reality of our society that cannot be
■ Philippine and Chinese Culture are denied in our society bc it’s already
intertwined → Filipino-Chinese Culture happening
○ E.g. Mindanao ■ Our approach must be an approach that
■ If there is no dialogue, conflict results promotes dialogue, not an approach
● Interreligious dialogue and proclamation, though not on that shows superiority
the same level, are both authentic elements of the ■ Not an approach to show superiority
Church's evangelizing mission. Both are legitimate and
necessary. They are intimately related, but not Religious Pluralism
interchangeable Pontifical Council for Interreligious ● A philosophical perspective on the world that emphasizes
Dialogue, Dialogue and Proclamation, no. 77. diversity rather than homogeneity, multiplicity rather than
○ Interreligious dialogue: the desire to better know unity, difference rather than sameness
God ● Shows the uniqueness of every religion
○ Proclamation: it is already the action that we ○ Including its beauty
need to do to spread the word of God. ○ E.g. Islam has good conviction to prayer
■ Different in approach, but somehow ○ E.g. Catholic has holy week
seen as the same (not the point) ● Every religion is unique that has pros and cons
○ Interreligious dialogue and proclamation are two ● Pluralism encourages harmony, while still acknowledging
elements that are needed for us to continue our the uniqueness
mission to have dialogue with people ● Religious plurality is therefore present not only in Asia but
■ Must have a desire to better know God all over the world.
thru other religions as well ● Proselytism
○ Aims to convert ■ “Go to the world and preach.” Jesus
○ People of other faiths must be respected and in Christ said.
no way must Christians be fixated on converting ■ Not “Got to the world, only to the
them in their relationship with them Christians”
■ Sometime we forget that conversion ■ Jesus Christ knows that every religion is
isn’t the only choice unique and has seeds of truth
■ Do not convert them, be with them. ■ Religion could be an avenue for
○ We must acknowledge the uniqueness of building bridges that were destroyed
religions, but it should not be used to bring them by violence
down. Instead, we should help others religions, ● Religion could be used for
while staying faithful with our own religion good of the society, for a
harmonious society
Religious Relativism ● In St Paul’s speech to Athens (Acts 17:22- 23) he
● Destroys all the differences announces the Unknown God whom they worship without
● Destroys the uniqueness of everyone knowing and in the following verses he states that God is
● “Lahat ng religions pare-pareho.” near to every person and they are called God’s offspring
○ It is very dangerous (Acts 26-28).
■ “Pare-pareho lang naman tayo na ○ Even though they do not acknowledge God, they
naniniwala sa panginoon, wala naman know an unknown God.
pinagkaiba yan” ○ Even if you don’t believe in Him, there are seeds
■ By saying”pare-pareho”, you destroy that reflect His truth.
their uniqueness and beauty of their ● Not only in Asia that we will find different religions, but
culture and religion that they protect. also in Western countries and that “Christians, Muslims,
■ In reality every religion is unique Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhist rub shoulders on every
● E.g. Being a theologian street.”
○ Loyal to one teaching but is open to other ○ Can live in harmony and respect each other
religions esp in MIndanao ■ E.g. Mindanao
● E.g. Catholic teachers were invited by Taiwanese Monks ● Diverse religions in the same
● When we seek other religion, we forget about the essence street
of our religion ● During ramadan and fiestas,
● If every religion is unique, can we achieve harmony? we share food with each other
○ Religion can be used for harmony
Scriptures and Church’s Teaching on Interreligious ■ E.g. Catholics
Dialogue ● Challenged when they are said
● Jesus commanded his apostles not to go to the to be with other people
Samaritans but instead go to the lost sheep of Israel (Mt. regardless of their differences
105-6). However, there are instances that Jesus was ● The Catholic Church rejects nothing which is true and holy
friendly to non-Jews. in these religions. She looks with sincere respect upon
○ Jesus Christ is an emblem of truth and those ways of conduct and of life, those rules and teaching
Christianity, he still acknowledged other which, though differing in many particulars from what she
religions holds and sets forth, nevertheless often reflect a ray of that
○ He admired the faith of the centurion (Mt 8:10) Truth which enlightens all men. Indeed, she proclaims and
and commended the faith of a Canaanite woman must ever proclaim Christ, "the way, the truth, and the life"
(Mt. 15: 28). (Jn 14:6), in whom men find the fullness of religious life,
■ Centurion is not even a believer of and in whom God has reconciled all things to Himself.
Christ yet Christ was good to him and Vatican II, Nostra Aetate, no. 2.
helped him ○ The catholic church acknowledges the rays of
○ The Good Samaritan’s act differs from that of the truth
priest and the levite (Lk. 10:29 - 37). ■ E.g. Closeness of Islam and Catholicism
○ A Samaritan returned and gave thanks from the ● Believed in abraham (Father of
ten lepers who were healed (Lk. 17:11 - 19). The Faith)
Acts of the Apostles tells us the story of the ● Acknowledges the importance
followers of The Way. of Mary and Jesus
■ If you are a non-Jew/Samaritan → ○ There is no point in destroying other people.
unclean ○ As christians we are challenged to reach out to
■ Jew→ do not talk samaritan other religions
■ Christ is a jew
● Since he knows the truth, He Dialogue and Proclamation, 9.
acts differently. ● Written by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious
● Opened his arms to Jews and Dialogue
gave them a chance ● In the context of religious plurality, dialogue means "all
○ The Apostles are to witness for Christ from positive and constructive interreligious relations with
Jerusalem, Samaria until they reach the ends of individuals and communities of other faiths which are
the earth (Acts 1:8). directed at mutual understanding and enrichment", in
obedience to truth and respect for freedom.
● It includes both witness and the exploration of respective ● It talks about the level of experiences with common goals,
religious convictions. It is in this third sense that the aims
present document uses the term dialogue for one of the ● Sorrows: about jobs, etc.
integral elements of the Church's evangelizing mission.
The Dialogue of Action
Divine Providence ● When people of different faiths work together to act and
● Divine Providence does not deny the help necessary for collaborate for integral development and liberation of
salvation to those who, without blame on their part, have people
not yet arrived at an explicit knowledge of God. Whatever ○ For societal development
good or truth is found amongst them is looked upon by ● Challenges everyone to work hand in hand to promote
the Church as preparation for the Gospel. peace
○ There is always a seed of truth and a ray of truth ● E.g. Shokon was kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf
■ Could lead to gospel message ○ People work in all levels of every faith (Islam, INC,
○ When talks about other religion, it doesn’t mean Christians)
that they are already wrong ○ Collaborated to find the kidnapped priest
● Some there are who, living and dying in this world without ○ In some aspects of our societies, especially in
God, are exposed to final despair. To promote the glory promoting peace and harmony, the dialogue of
of God and procure the salvation of all of these, the action is indeed important
Church, mindful of the command of the Lord: “Preach the ● E.g. Taal Volcano Eruption
Gospel to every creature,” fosters the missions with care ○ Not only Catholics, Muslims and Christians are
and attention. (LG 16) affected
○ We can't say the only Catholics will go to heaven ■ But still, all Filipino in all walks of life
○ Some practice religions faithfully has a chance to work hand in hand to have donation
go to heaven in Catholic context drives
● The Church must be present in these groups through her
children, who dwell among them or who are sent to them. The Dialogue of Theological Exchange
For all Christians, wherever they live, are bound to show ● Those who are specialists deepen each other’s religious
forth, by the example of their lives and by the witness of heritages, and appreciate each other’s religious values
the word, that new man put on at baptism and that power ○ Includes practices
of the Holy Spirit by which they have been strengthened ● E.g Theologians, specialists, religion teachers
at Confirmation. Thus other men, observing their good ○ Talking with other religious leaders (theological
works, can glorify the Father (cf. Matt. ES:16) and can exchange)
perceive more fully the real meaning of human life and the ● A deeper discussion about the practices and traditions in
universal bond of the community of mankind. Theology
○ Ray of truth in Catholicism: “Even through good
works” The Dialogue of Religious Experience
○ E.g. Pope Francis ● Persons rooted in their own religious traditions, share
■ Unites with other church leaders their spiritual riches such as prayer and contemplation,
■ While others are inflicting violence, faith and ways of searching for God.
religious leaders try to unite. They tried ● We all have different experiences in praying and
to have a dialogue. contemplation
● In order that they may be able to bear more fruitful witness ○ Experience can be shared with other ppl
to Christ, let them be joined to those men by esteem and ● Same commonality in spiritual experiences
love; let them acknowledge themselves to be members of ● When we share religious experiences
the group of men among whom they live; let them share ● E.g. Praying to saints
in cultural and social life by the various. undertakings and
enterprises of human living; let them be familiar with their Conclusion
national and religious traditions; let them gladly and ● At every level, you can start a dialogue. There’s no
reverently lay bare the seeds of the Word which lie hidden excuse for us not to have it.
among their fellows. ● Dialogue through theological discussions, religious
○ Interreligious dialogue benefits Christians and experiences, sharing what we have for the good of
Christianity itself the people, and educating people (such as educating
■ Deepens meaning of Christianity for the people for the upcoming elections)
Chirstians to follow
■ Means to find commonality with other Dialogue in a Multi-Religious World
religions ● “Religious pluralism is an undeniable phenomenon of the
Different Forms of Dialogue twenty-first century.”
● According to Dialogue and Proclamation, there are ○ “It is first of all a search for and recognition of the
42 forms presence and activities of the Holy Spirit to be
evangelized, and in this humble and attentive
The Dialogue of Life process of listening, the evangelizers become
● People strive to live their life in harmony and peace with evangelized, and the evangelized become
their neighbors of other faiths sharing with each other as evangelizer.”
friends their joys and sorrows, hopes and dreams. ■ Dialogue with other people


● A symbol of our religion when neighborliness, “involves face to face relationships that go
we dialogue to other people beyond the faceless world of the political, on the one
■ E.g. Class hand, and the intimate and private world of family and
● Evangelizer: Sir friends, on the other hand. In other words we are not
● Evangelized: Students condemned to relating only either as friends or enemies.
○ Challenged to We can also be neighbors.”
dialogue with other ● The Church must move outside where the people need
religions them the most and become, “a church bruised, hurting
○ Be an evangelizer to and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather
other people than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and
■ The aim is not conversion. Evangelizing from clinging to its own security.” Pope Francis, Evangelii
means to educate and enrich Gaudium, no. 49.
Christianity to other religions.
● “Asians have many and diverse ways of life that have Staggering Statistics (2017)
nurtured and sustained them for many millennia in the ● 1 in every 5 children are underweight.
past and for many ages to come. Asians have their own ● 2 in every 5 households have no electricity.
system of meaning, including religion, the core of their ● 1 in every 10 households have no toilet.
way of life.” Javier, Dialogue: Our Mission Today, 27. ● 2 in every 5 households have no access to safe water.
○ Be open to other religions ● 1 in every 8 children are out of school.
○ Culture and religion goes hand in hand ● 1 in every 20 children are child laborers.
■ At the heart of culture, we find religion. ● 1 in every 10 adults are unemployed.
○ If we want a good relationship with other
cultures. we must never forget to dialogue with The Poor as Object of Evangelization to being Subject of
their religion Evangelization
■ We will be a helping and learning from ● The poor are recipients of evangelization
each other ○ They can be a doer of the evangelization
○ From a recipient to the doer of evangelization
Introduction Church Teaching on Poverty
● Poverty remains the crucial challenge facing the region. ● The poor are not only recipients of the Good News but
According to the World Bank, 783 million extremely poor they are also bearers of the Gospel” (CFC no. 1188)
who live below the poverty line of US$1.9 (HK$15) a day, ○ The poor are recipients of evangelization
about 33% live in South Asia and 9% live in East Asia and ■ They can be a doer of the
the Pacific. evangelization
○ We must do something about it ■ From a recipient to the doer of
○ We must not only acknowledge that we are poor evangelization
● Poverty also includes the growing number of urban poor ○ E.g. Talking with the poor
brought about by globalization, urbanization, materialism ■ Act of evangelization
and secularism to mention a few. ■ When you have evangelized the poor,
● “Life for those living in poverty is characterized by ill you also have been evangelized by
health, limited access to clean water and hygienic them through realizations
sanitation, poor quality housing, hunger, illiteracy and ■ Through realization- bc not everyone
premature death. Such material deprivation in has the same privilege as you
developing countries has been the impetus for ● “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has
international efforts to eradicate poverty throughout the anointed me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and
second half of the last century.” recovery of sight to the blind, to set the prisoners free, to
● “Mission will mean a dialogue with Asia’s poor, with its proclaim the year Lord’s favor.” Further, Jesus mentions
local cultures, and with religious traditions. that “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of
○ Our faith in Christ, who became poor and was God to the other town also because that is why I was
always close to the poor and the outcast, is the sent.”Lk 14:43
basis of our concern for the integral ○ Recipients are the poor
development of society’s most neglected ○ Even if Jesus was for the poor and had so many
members.” Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, no. missions for them, He also taught the apostles
186. that you can learn something from the situation
■ The poor are dialogue partners in of the poor (fisherman, tax collectors)
mission for they are, like people of other ■ All of them are sinners, but because of
faith and culture, instruments of the teachings of God to the poor, the
evangelization. evangelization of Jesus Christ, the
■ If we have so many things, we forget to apostles changed, their faith was
be happy, thankful and humble for what strengthened.
we have bc we know that we can have ● “Preferential options for the poor such as the migrants,
more indigenous and tribal people, women and children and
● “Neighborhoods function when people are neither too the defense of human life, health care, education, peace-
close nor too far, not overly involved in each other’s lives making, cancellation of debts, and protection of the
but not indifferent from each other.” Further, this environment.” John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation on
Jesus Christ the Savior and His Mission in Asia Ecclesia in excluding/killing the poor people that needs our
Asia (6 November 1999), no. 32-41. help/guidance/ that needs us in general
○ We must also talk about the: ● The dignity of the human person is the very foundation of
■ Minority and how we see and perceive a moral vision for society.
human life. ○ When we want to build a progressive society, we
■ How we see and perceive human life must always include those who are oppressed
■ Financial status of the society and exploited.
■ Protecting the environment ○ For Paul VI Evangelization is integral liberation,
○ If not given importance, the poor will suffer “For the Church, evangelizing means bringing
○ E.g. During calamities the Good News into all the strata of humanity,
■ The poor suffers the most and not the and through its influence transforming humanity
rich from within and making it new: "Now I am
■ Manifestation of interconnected making the whole of creation new." EN 18
■ Every person who is capable, not in ■ E.g. Vatican
poverty; must do something about ● They opened their doors to the
poverty and must be aware that poor people outside
everything that he or she does affects ● Sponsored all the vaccinations
the lives of poor people of the poor people in the city
○ When you support the destruction of the
environment, you are indirectly killing the poor Conclusion
people. ● “Mission will mean a dialogue with Asia’s poor, with its
○ The poor needs our help local cultures, and with religious traditions.
● “The modern paradigm of mission understands salvation ○ Our faith in Christ, who became poor and was
to include, beside forgiveness of sin and reconciliation always close to the poor and the outcast, is the
with God, liberation from all forms of sociopolitical basis of our concern for the integral
oppression and promotion of economic well-being.” development of society’s most neglected
Phan, In Our Tongues, 20. members.” Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, no.
○ When we evangelize, evangelize with something 186.
concrete ○ The poor are dialogue partners in mission for
■ Always evangelize with something, they are, like people of other faith and culture,
bring food, clothes, objects that may instruments of evangelization.
help poor people ■ If we have so many things, we forget to
○ Di lang puro salita, dapat may gawa. Hindi be happy, thankful and humble for what
pwedeng sabihin na “magdasal lang kayo” we have bc we know that we can have
■ Paano makadadasal pag gutom? O kaya more
pag walang uuwian? Or walang ● “Neighborhoods function when people are neither too
trabaho? close nor too far, not overly involved in each other’s lives
■ It is not enough for us to pray bc a but not indifferent from each other.” Further, this
person that is hungry thinks about food neighborliness, “involves face to face relationships that go
only beyond the faceless world of the political, on the one
○ E.g. Pandemic hand, and the intimate and private world of family and
● “Mission must show redemption to be an option, both friends, on the other hand. In other words we are not
historically and collectively and in the personal lives of condemned to relating only either as friends or enemies.
individuals.” Paulo Suess, “Missio Dei and the Project of We can also be neighbors.”
Jesus: The poor and the ‘Other” as Mediators of the ○ It doesn’t mean that we cannot be neighbors with
Kingdom of God and Protagonists of the Churches,” one another
International Review of Mission Vol. XCII no. 367 (2003), ○ We need to protect and have a dialogue with
556. each other
○ Mission must see to it that the ppl will be led to ○ A challenge but it is not impossible
God again ● The Church must move outside where the people need
● Human beings are themselves considered consumer them the most and become, “a church bruised, hurting
goods to be used and then discarded. We have created a and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather
“throw away” culture which is now spreading. It is no than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and
longer simply about exploitation and oppression, but from clinging to its own security.” Pope Francis, Evangelii
something new. Exclusion ultimately has to do with what Gaudium, no. 49.
it means to be a part of the society in which we live; those ○ We are the Church, we are encouraged to go
excluded are no longer society’s underside or its fringes outside,
or its disenfranchised – they are no longer even a part of ■ It's not for us to share, to talk to other pe
it. The excluded are not the “exploited” but the outcast, ople, we need to volunteer safely
the “leftovers”. EG #53 ○ Not enough to share, to talk to other people. We
○ Indirect exploitation: If how we live contributes a must do something (e.g. being a volunteer)
gap with the poor
○ When we spread the culture of throw away This reviewer is mostly lecture-based. Good luck, future
culture that itself is an indirect way of slowly nurses! ⚕♡


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