Thyprelims PPG
Thyprelims PPG
Thyprelims PPG
Three Movements of Spirituality Three Different Kinds of Truth According to St. Thomas of
● Inward Aquinas
○ Identity: Who am I? Truth is the equation of a mind and a thing (Summa
○ Rational/Conscious: Intelligent and Free Theologica)
○ Must know that you are imperfect, discontented 1. Logical Truthfulness (verifying the truth)
and dependent a. If mind conforms to reality
■ If you think that you are close-minded, b. E.g. this is a pen → conforms with my past
you have already isolated yourself knowledge/reality → deduction facts → has ink,
● Fails to be a human being since ballpoint, etc. → true
human beings are naturally c. E.g. This is a water → clear
dependent to one another d. Lowest form of truth
■ If you acknowledge that you are 2. Moral Truthfulness (living out the truth)
discontented, you will know your goal ○ If his words/actions conforms to what is in his
(to be perfect). mind
● To know where you are going ○ Being morally true occurs if the words and the
● What actions can lead me to actions conforms to what is in the mind
that goal? ■ Mind (ideal mind or a mind that follow
● Upward that knows what is right or wrong)
○ Destiny: Why was I created? ● What is in the mind is
○ Created to know, love, and serve God in this life objectively true
and to be happy with him forever in heaven ● Mind is in accordance with
● Outward God’s rules and regulations
○ Relevance: How can I make a difference? and teachings
○ Open and relational: by, with, and for others ○ E.g. In my mind (naawa) → action (drive to
○ E.g. Helping other people, being a good friend, people and give them food individually) = moral
nurse, person truth
■ Hindi lang hanggang sa utak yung
Truth pagtulong, dapat may action
● Veritas in Latin ■ What is in my mind is in conformity with
● Became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ my actions
○ “I am the truth” ■ “Naaawa ako kaya dapat meron akong
● “He is before all things, and in him all things hold gawin.”
together” (Colossians 1:17) 3. Ontological truth (actualizing the truth of who I am, whose
● To be a Christian means to be firmly convinced that there I am, for whom I am)
is no other way there are no other truths but Jesus a. Something is true in so far as it corresponds to
● Theories of Truth the mind of its maker.
○ Correspondence b. Deepening of the truth itself
■ True if automatically factual c. Everything we are doing and everything in our
● Based on what I sense, that is plans should be in accordance with the plan of
the fact. God
● It is possible for it to not be i. Plan of god in human reasoning is for
factual humanity is to be seen
■ Truth is what corresponds ii. Bring salvation to humanity as long as it
■ Is something factual automatically conforms with reality then we are
truthful? following the ontological truth
■ Something is true if it is factual to facts d. E.g. Doing what God would do
■ Weakness: what we know may not be e. E.g. Aiming for perfections
true i. We need to be guided by God esp. in
○ Coherence decision making
■ Truth is what coheres with the rest of
our knowledge
Religion ● All opinions are true and valid, even if they contradict each
● Etymology: other. As such, is a relativist society, there are no
○ According to the Summa Theologica standards, no permanent moral values.
■ Re lego/relegere ● One who is not a relativist is labelled as
■ Religare - “to bind again” FUNDAMENTALIST, or ARROGANT, or INTOLERANT
■ Re eligere - “to choose again” ● Today, having a clear faith based on the Creed of the
• Religion is the virtue where pay due respect to God Church is often labeled as fundamentalism. Whereas
• Not a theological virtue but a moral virtue. relativism, seems the only attitude that can nope with
■ Hence, when we pray to God, it is a thanksgiving. modern times. We are building a dictatorship of relativism
● Highest form of prayer = eucharist that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose
(mass) ultimate goal consists solely of one’s own age and desires.
■ Since we are imperfect, we aim to be perfect by
doing good. Types of Relativism
● Our duty to do good. 1. Descriptive Relativism
• Religion is a moral virtue for ourselves. a. One can observe different moral norms
■ When we pray to God, it is a thanksgiving. 2. Metaethical Relativism
■ God is leading us to our journey a. There are no universal or extra-cultural moral
● Religion is not to suppress us but it is to give thanks bc we truths
are led towards our goal 3. Normative Relativism
○ Wrong: “Lord I am a good person kaya dapat a. We have to “live and let live”
ganito ako.”
○ Correct: “Lord you are the greatest, I thank you.” Two Kinds of Relativism
● Allows us to realize that material things do not matter but 1. Relativism in Faith
no be contented with what we have in life ○ There is no absolute truth
○ Authority is questioned or rejected
Religion vs. Spirituality ○ Personal opinion/belief is exalted
Religion ○ “Echo problems” in social media
● Brings together people of similar beliefs/spirituality ○ Dialogue becomes impossible
● Collective ○ Universal values are forgotten
● It requires a distinctive format or traditional organization ○ Feelings and emotions come and go and are
● Will always have rules and regulations never a strong foundation
○ Not to limit, but to guide us what is true ■ Decide when you are level-headed
■ Opinions are opinions until they are
Spirituality proven factual
● How strong one’s personal relationship with God ○ Some may say that one religion is better than the
● It is personal and individual journey other
● Individual ■ Should be faithful to only one religion
● It does not require a distinctive format or traditional ○ Results of Relativism in Faith
organization ■ Religious indifferentism:
1. One religion is just as good as
Authentic Catholic Spirituality another. Christ is just one
● Sees RELIGION and SPIRITUALITY as intimately linked among many.
rather than opposed to each other. Rules and 2. Attacking on religion
relationships go together without rules and parameters. ■ Cafeteria Catholicism:
A relationship without rules or parameters leads to 1. We are free to just choose
contempt and abuse (E.g. 10 Commandments) which of the Church’s
● Acknowledges that there are REVEALED WAYS by which teachings we will accept as
we connect with God (e.g. Sacraments) true and follow, abandoning
● Believed that SPIRITUALITY is not formed by human beliefs and practices which do
experience alone but by conforming to a MANUAL- The not suit our taste or
Word of GOD preferences.
2. E.g. When the church tell us to
Relativism attend mass every Sunday but
● Relativism is prevalent, everywhere, and a crisis we prefer to pamper ourselves,
● Relativism is dangerous esp. when it comes to morality we forget our responsibility (to
○ E.g. Bagsak na agad di pa nakikita work ng attend mass)
students just because of their face values a. Praying is not enough
● The belief that there are no such things as permanent or to fulfill our
universal truths responsibility
● All truths, whether in matters of doctrine or morality, are according to our
dependent on the individual, on popular opinion, on religion
society, on culture, etc., but never on an objective basis 2. Relativism in Morals
such as the Word of God ○ There is no absolute right and wrong
○ Moral Relativism