0 Termosens
0 Termosens
0 Termosens
Background: Limited data are available on the dimensional stability and surface roughness of ThermoSens, which is a
material used in denture processing. This study aimed to measure the vertical teeth changes and surface roughness
of ThermoSens dentures prepared using three different investment materials.
Materials and methods: For the dimensional changes test, 30 complete maxillary dentures were prepared using
different investment methods: group I, dental stone; group II, silicone putty; and group III, a mixture of dental stone and
plaster (ratio, 1:1; n = 10 for each group). Eight screws where inserted, four for each side of the denture: two were
attached to the buccal surface of the canine and first molar, and the other two were attached in the flange areas of
the canine and first molar in line with the previously mentioned screws. Measurements were made using a micrometer
microscope in the wax stage before flasking and in the deflasking stage. The above investment techniques were also
used to prepare samples for a surface roughness test (n = 10 per group). These samples were prepared according to
the specifications of the American Dental Association. Data were examined using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
the least significant difference (LSD) test.
Results: One-way ANOVA and LSD revealed that dimensional changes significantly differed among all groups, except
that the vertical teeth changes on the left side did not differ between groups I and II for both the canine and molar
regions. Surface roughness was significantly higher in group I than in group II, and in group III than in group II.
Conclusion: The use of putty silicone for investing ThermoSens complete dentures reduced dimensional changes and
resulted in dentures with a better fit. Surface roughness could be reduced by the addition of a putty silicone layer over
the denture before the addition of the second investment layer during denture processing.
Keywords: Investment material, dimensional changes, surface roughness, ThermoSens. (J Bagh Coll Dentistry 2015;
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J Bagh College Dentistry Vol. 27(3), September 2015 The effect of different
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J Bagh College Dentistry Vol. 27(3), September 2015 The effect of different
Dimensional changes
The means, standard deviations, standard error,
and minimum and maximum values of the
dimensional measurements in all groups are shown
in Table 1. One-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) revealed significant differences (P <
0.05) in all measurements among all groups
Figure 3: Reference point measurements. (Tables 2 and 3). Both canine and molar region
measurements in group III significantly differed
Ten dentures were processed for each of the three from those in groups I and II (Tables 4 and 5). The
groups in the study: data for the right canine and molar regions, but not
Group I: conventional investment (dental stone) the left regions, significantly differed between
Group II: silicone putty (VertexTM putty) used on groups I and II.
the outer surface of the denture Roughness test
Group III: dental stone mixed with plaster of The mean, standard deviation, and minimum and
Paris (ratio, 1:1) maximum values of surface roughness for groups
I, II and III are presented in Table 6. The mean
Processing of the ThermoSens denture base roughness value was higher in group I (dental stone
material and vertical measurements investment, 1.53 µm) than in group II (silicone
After wax elimination from the denture, we used putty, 1.31 µm). The highest mean roughness value
an injection machine (VertexTM ThermoJect 22) to was observed in group III (mixture of dental stone
inject ThermoSens capsules (Vertex ThermoSens, and plaster of Paris, 1.61 µm).
capsule size XL) into a flask, which was then One-way ANOVA table (Table 7) with the least
allowed to cool to room temperature. Once cooled, significant difference (LSD) test showed that
the flask was opened, and the denture was attached surface roughness was significantly influenced by
to the base of a surveyor, so that the reference the material used in denture processing (P < 0.05).
points could be observed under a microscope. The Significant differences were found between groups
distance between the following reference points I and II (P < 0.012) and groups II and III (P <
was measured: (a) right canine–right screws, (b) 0.001), but not between groups I and III (P <
right molar–right screws, (c) left canine–left 0.362); (Table 8).
screws and (d) left molar–left screws (Fig. 4). DISCUSSION
The dimensional characteristics of processed
denture bases are affected by many factors, such as
the type of acrylic, type of investment material,
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J Bagh College Dentistry Vol. 27(3), September 2015 The effect of different
method of resin introduction and temperature used duplicating materials produce better dimensional
to activate the polymerization process.(15) stability, which is affected by the type of
In this in vitro study, all laboratory dentures were investment method used.
measured in the wax stage and deflasking stage to Tables 3 and 5 show the differences in mean values
determine the effect of polymerization shrinkage of of the dimensional measurements between the
the ThermoSens resin and the effects of investment experimental groups. The differences in molar and
materials on denture dimensions. canine measurements between groups I and III, and
Changes in teeth vertical measurements of groups II and III were highly significant for both
complete dentures the left and right sides. This could be attributable
Group II showed less shrinkage in the dimensions to the effect of stress relaxation due to thermal
than did groups I and III. Table 1 show the effects contraction and polymerization contraction of
of different investment methods on the putty silicone, which is mainly caused by the cross-
polymerization of ThermoSens. The lowest mean linking and rearrangement of bonds within and
difference was observed in group II (silicone between polymer chains.(21,22)
putty), while the highest was observed in group III The molar and canine measurements on the right,
(mixture of plaster and stone). These results may but not those on the left, significantly differed
be attributable to the type of investment material between groups I and II. These findings may be
and its effect on the amount of stress relaxation. attributed to the investment material used, i.e., type
The harder the investment material, the more III dental stone, which has a setting expansion of
difficult is the deflasking procedure, which results 0.15%–0.25%. (21) Once the investment material is
in additional stress within the resin that is set, the mold expands only slightly, as the effect of
subsequently released. This explains why the least the setting expansion of gypsum is reduced by
amount of shrinkage was detected in the group-II confining it within the flask.(23) The expansion of
samples. Silicone putty has a high tear resistance the gypsum mold exceeds the polymerization
(15) and can therefore be deflasked without
shrinkage of putty silicone, leading to the
difficulty by using a scalpel to cut the putty and expansion of the measured distances. The non-
liberate the sample. In comparison, groups I and significant differences could be attributed to the
III, which involved gypsum investment, showed erratic release of internal stress induced during the
more shrinkage, as the deflasking procedure was deflasking procedure. The magnitude of
the most difficult. These results are inconsistent dimensional change depends on the conditions of
with those reported in some studies,(16–18) but agree molding, the shape of the mold and the direction of
with those reported by Duke et al.(19) These measurement.
differences could be attributed to the use of Surface roughness
different denture base materials and measurement The ThermoSens denture base material is more
methods in different studies. flexible than the commonly used PMMA.
In group II, the right and left vertical distances in However, the material polish-ability has not been
the molar region were similar. This finding could examined thoroughly. The surface roughness
be attributed to the less shrinkage of the resin, as (Table 6) was lowest (1.31 μm) in group II and
silicone showed better dimensional stability than highest in group III (1.61 μm); the roughness in
did dental stone, which expanded after processing. group I was 1.53 μm. These results indicated that
In the canine region, the distances differed between the type of investment material affected the
the right and left sides. This may be due to the roughness of the polishing surface of the dentures.
position of the cast and denture within the flask, as However, the roughness of the surface of the
stated by Wolfaardt et al.(20) Alternatively, it could ThermoSens material before polishing
be attributable to the position in the injection significantly differ between groups I and II (Table
machine. The above results are inconsistent with 8), and this may be due to the use of diffrenet
those reported by Abd,(16) who found greater investment materials (type III dental stone and
differences in the molar areas. silicone putty). The non-significant difference
The differences in the vertical dimensions in the between groups I and III (Table 8) also may be
canine and molar areas between the stages of attributable to the use of different investment
waxing and processing were highly significant on materials (stone vs. mixture of dental plaster and
both the right and left sides (Tables 2,3,4 and 5). stone). The addition of plaster, which shows more
These results may be attributable to the amount of dimensional changes and a more porous surface,
polymerization shrinkage, thermal contraction of affected the surface roughness. Our findings were
the resin and mold, and the stress released during consistent with other studies(24–28) that have found
deflasking. These findings agree with those of that the average roughness of unpolished
Abd,(16) who reported that polyvinyl siloxane polyamide is 1.111 ± 0.178 µm. It is difficult to
Restorative Dentistry 4
J Bagh College Dentistry Vol. 27(3), September 2015 The effect of different
directly compare roughness values with other practice. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc 1999. pp.
studies because of differences in methodology 113.
14. Keenan PLT, Radford DR, and Clark RKF:
including; polishing methods, apparatus used for
Dimensional change in complete denture fabricated by
measuring surface roughness and material types injection molding and microwave processing. J
used. Prosthet Dent 2003;89(1):37-44.
Groups II and III showed highly significant 15. Anusavice KJ. Phillip’s science of dental materials. 11th
differences in surface roughness (Table 8), edition. St.Louis: W.B. Saunders, 2008, pp. 145, 233,
possibly due to physical properties differences of 234, 246, 247, 257, 258, 722, 737.
16. Abd S R. Tooth movement in maxillary complete
the investment material used during processing and
dentures fabricated with fluid resin polymer using
the use of the injection procedure and overheating. different investment materials.MSc.thesis in Prosthetic
The injection molding temperature, pressure and department, University of Baghdad, College of
cooling rate must be standardized for optimal Dentistry,2012.
denture-surface roughness 17. Grant AA and Atkinson HF: Comparison between
In conclusion, the use of silicone putty on the outer dimensional accuracy of denture produced with pour-
type resin and with heat-processed materials. J Prosthet
surface of complete dentures before the investment
Dent 1971; 26 (3): 296-301.
of the second layer will reduce the dimensional 18. Antonopoulos A N: dimensional and occlusal changes
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19. Duke BS, Field H, Olson JW, et al. A laboratory study
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أعدت هذه الدراسة بهدف قياس التغيرات العمودية الحاصلة باألسنان وخشونة.مادة الثرموسنس تستخدم في تجهيز أطقم األسنان الكاملة
ووجد إن استخدام معجون السيليكون كمادة.سطح الثرموسنس المستخدم في تجهيز أطقم األسنان باستخدام ثالث مواد غامسه مختلفة
وبذلك يمكن تخفيض.غامسه للثرموسنس المستخدم في تجهيز أطقم األسنان الكاملة خفضت التغييرات األبعاد وقللت من خشونة األسطح
.خشونة السطح من خالل إضافة طبقة المعجون سيليكون على األسنان قبل إضافة الطبقة الغامسه الثانية خالل تجهيز الطقم
Table 1: Descriptive statistics in all groups included in the vertical change in the measurements.
Mean Std.
Groups N Minimum Maximum
(mm) Deviation
Group I 10 0.28 0.133 0.17 0.50
Molar Group II 10 0.14 0.063 0.05 0.20
Group III 10 0.59 0.066 0.50 0.65
Group I 10 0.25 0.092 0.14 0.35
Molar Group II 10 0.14 0.066 0.08 0.25
Group III 10 0.55 0.111 0.40 0.70
Group I 10 0.23 0.075 0.15 0.35
Right Group II 10 0.14 0.041 0.10 0.20
Group III 10 0.53 0.057 0.45 0.60
Group I 10 0.20 0.095 0.10 0.30
Canine Group II 10 0.16 0.041 0.10 0.20
Group III 10 0.52 0.103 0.35 0.60
Table 3: LSD multiple comparisons test of dimensional changes in the canine region.
Mean Difference Sig.
Group I-Group II 0.090 S
Right Side Group I-Group III -0.300 HS
Group II-Group III -0.390 HS
Mean Difference Sig.
Group I-Group II 0.048 NS
Left Side Group I-Group III -0.312 HS
Group II-Group III -0.360 HS
Restorative Dentistry 6
J Bagh College Dentistry Vol. 27(3), September 2015 The effect of different
Table 5: LSD multiple comparisons test of dimensional changes in the molar region.
Mean Difference Sig.
Group I-Group II 0.144 S
Right side Group I-Group III -0.310 HS
Group II-Group III -0.454 HS
Mean Difference Sig.
Group I-Group II 0.116 NS
Left side Group I-Group III -0.294 HS
Group II-Group III -0.410 HS
Table 6: Mean surface roughness (µm), standard deviation, standard error of mean, and
minimum and maximum values in all groups.
Group I Group II Group III
N 10 10 10
Mean (µm) 1.53 1.31 1.61
Std. Deviation 0.22 0.19 0.278
Minimum 1.04 1.02 1.005
Maximum 1.89 1.74 2.008
Sum of
Df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 0.731 2 0.365
Within Groups 2.285 27 0.084 HS
Total 3.016 29
Table 8: LSD multiple comparisons test of surface roughness among all groups.
Mean Difference Sig.
Group I-group II 0.2224 S
Group I-group III -0.0785 NS
Group II-group III -0.3009 HS
Restorative Dentistry 7