Al-Ghazali: The Alchemy of Happiness
Al-Ghazali: The Alchemy of Happiness
Al-Ghazali: The Alchemy of Happiness
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (1058-1111 A.D.) was not only one of the great Islamic
philosophers, he is also considered to be, after the Prophet Muhammad, the foremost
authority on Islamic theology and jurisprudence. What most people don’t know,
however, is that al-Ghazali wrote extensively on the topic of happiness. Indeed, his
monumental Revival of the Religious Sciences, which runs over 6000 pages and 4 volumes,
was reprised as a shorter text in Persian, labeled the Alchemy of Happiness. In this we see
some of his core ideas: that happiness consists in the transformation of the self, and that
this transformation consists in the realization that one is primarily a spiritual
being. The ultimate ecstasy, al-Ghazali contends, is not found in any physical thing, but
rather lies in discovering through personal experience one’s identity with the Ultimate
One of al-Ghazali’s nicknames is “The Proof of Islam,” and he is called that not only
because of the sagacity of his writings, but because of the quality of the life he lived. He
was appointed Professor of Theology at the University of Baghdad at the tender age of
thirty-three. But for the next five years he was gripped in a spiritual crisis, trying to find
a rational foundation for Islam’s basic principles as outlined in the Qu’ran. He finally
concluded that there was no rational way to refute skeptical doubt, but that there was
another way to discover truth, one hinted at by the prophet Muhammad and the sages
within the Sufi tradition, the mystical side of Islam. This way was that of immediate
experience, an inward discovery that depends not on logic but on intuition and
imagination. The prophets of all times are the ones who have experienced this reality
based on transforming themselves away from a self-centered to a God-centered
Armed with this new insight, al-Ghazali left Baghdad and all of his material possessions
(except some books which were later stolen by thieves, a sign that he had to also leave
those behind), as well as his cozy position at the University. He went to Syria to live
with Sufi monks and to adopt a lifestyle that was solely based on discovering the real
truth about the self and one’s relation to God. Then he went on the pilgrimage to Mecca,
where he became convinced that he had been appointed to be the next great reformer of
the faith. His task was to transform Islam, away from the mere adherence to rules, to
the inward mystery of a live encounter with God. This would prove the key secret to
happiness, one that would satisfy the very purpose for which Man is created.
The most striking claim that al-Ghazali makes about the prophets is that they are the
happiest people, for they have achieved the ultimate goal of human existence. Al-
Ghazali writes that every person is born with a “knowing pain in the soul” resulting
from a disconnection from the Ultimate Reality. The tragic condition of Man is that our
eyes have been so distracted by physical things and pleasure, that we have lost the
ability to see the unseen. This is why people are so unhappy: they are trying to relieve
this pain in the soul by recourse to physical pleasure. But physical pleasure cannot
relieve a pain that is essentially spiritual. The only answer to our condition is a pleasure
which comes not from the body but from self-knowledge.
Happiness comes from Self-Knowledge, the knowledge that we have a heart or spirit
that is originally perfect but has become obscured by passions and desires.
Happiness depends on our faculties: if we exercise our higher faculties (like Reason,
Imagination), we will be happier than if we exercise our lower ones (mere physical
There are examples in history of truly happy people, and they were “prophets”—
people who have attained a perfect union with Ultimate Reality
We are happy to the degree to which we can emulate these prophets
We are all born with a “knowing pain in the soul,” which causes us to seek
happiness, but most of us seek substitute pleasures deriving from the body which
cannot resolve a pain that is essentially spiritual.
Al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid. The Alchemy of Happiness. Trans. And ed. Claud Field and Elton
I. Daniel. London: M.E. Sharpe, 1991.
A Brief Introduction to Islamic Philosophy. Blackwell: 2007.